#im thinking maybe a skull replica headdress
trickstarbrave · 5 years
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*chanting* loki skirt! loki skirt! loki skirt! 
my funccino ragnarok skirt (and shirt but listen its fine) is here! 
no i dont know how to style this. no it doesnt match the rest of my wardrobe. yes it is tacky as all hell
fuck you. its my god. on a skirt. im ascending. i can wear a big expensive poofy skirt and no one can say anything bc its for religion. shut up /s
in all seriousness im in awe at the emotion and im loving the details. if i took pics of all we’d be here all day. sigyn holding the bowl for loki is my favorite part 💖💖💖 i need to find a way to wear this skirt and style it LOL but first i need a proper petticoat for it. and figure out why the waist band looks so bulky and makes my waist look like. super awkward???? why. maybe shapewear and a proper a-line petticoat will solve this
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