#im thinking about the one scene where he turns into the cartoon wolf
sillyvampirestan · 1 year
kinda forgot how much i absolutely love this movie but this poster goes snakefuckingly hard for no reason
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im never going to get over that sickass yellow suit + the hat. the tie too???? like holy shit will wood? idc that hes doing the nice guy pose, hes the only one (jerma might be a close second) that is good at that pose. the way that the m in jim carreys name is the same as the one in the mask. THE LIGHTING TOO .
uh anyway this concludes my rant about why this poster fucks Wayyyy too hard. I Will Never Stop Talking About This Movie I Love It Too Much
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hoodieimp · 2 years
BatDR Reaction/Liveblogging Part 2! (Feat. I Just Remembered How Bad I Am At Video Games)
ayy first audio log! I like how you can actually take them with you now instead of having to Stand there to listen
RIP Joey you will not be missed
oh boy Butcher Gang poster, immediately makes me think of that scene in Chapter 3 w the jumpscaFUCK
oh god he actually has 3D intestines hanging out now…and his arm stump has a bone sticking out of it..
(Ngl I’m kinda sad that they got rid of Piper’s plunger leg…the metal pegleg is cool n all but personally I feel like having that bit of silliness in his design actually Adds to the creep factor?? Like it reminds you that these guys are supposed to be cartoon villains, they’re meant to be “evil” in a harmless n goofy way, not mindlessly trying to rip you apart…but I digress)
Once again, BIG fan of how you can go back and view all of your collectibles in the menu, this is a massive boon for my ADHD ass who wants to know All The Lore but usually has to resort to the Wiki for transcripts n stuff
Am I tripping or does this layout feel familiar…?
Bird?? There’s actual animals in here now too?
ok that slow mo moment was actually sick as hell
sir brush your damn TEETH, I can smell your halitosis clear through the screen
I don’t trust like that, there’s only one way in n out of this room, where is he hiding–
Gotta say the animations look a tad Off somehow but still IT’S MY GAL
“I have a wolf” ma’am I’m pretty sure that’s your husband 
These toons sure do love their offscreen teleportation huh
Holy WOW this place is an absolute MAZE, this little back hallway just keeps Going--
Oh Audrey...😭
Shrine? Bendy shrine?? Ah nvm it's just Willie Boy
ngl I totally thought Barley was opening that door to attack me and my dumb ass immediately did a 180 and jumped right back down the ledge to get away jklfgjdf–
Oooh upgrade time
God I hate this corridor, what’s with the Ambience and all the weird organic-looking strings(?) hanging everywhere–
I want to see my little boy~~OH GOD NEVER MIND NO I DON’T
I’ve never heard of ami bourguignonne before but now I really wanna try it
Joey you cheap bastard lmao
Mmm trash can snacks
[Two hour break for dinner + (sparingly) watching letsplays bc I had No Idea where to go next n didn't realize that there's an open gate at the end of the room]
Oh NOW Audrey starts doing the Protagonist Monologue to herself jddkhxd
YUP CALLED IT, we gotta loot that guy's corpse for the Gent pipe (still not sure if they'll turn out to be Porter though)
Oh I see. They’re in the ceilings.
Oh god I hate stealth in horror games
Time to crouchwalk Literally Everywhere
Is this guy…a health inspector who got inked? and he thinks he’s still doing his job?
*cue me mixing up the Jump and Sprint buttons in my panic and unintentionally LEAPING over the counter*
welp I’m dead
……….so That’s what those Linker(?) pipe things are for. Grand.
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Characters for a story im doing
Christopher “Chrisper” Matthews Age: 22 (chp 1), 24(chp 2) Eye Color: Brown (Chp 1), (Greyish-brown, Chp 2) Hair color: Brunette, crew cut, greyish brown (Chp 2) Identifying feature (Beginning comics): Rectangular glasses, sapphire stud on right ear Cause of death: Freezing, taken off life support Spectral Ability: Cryomancy, Emotional Calming Family: Helen Monroe: Half-sister         Joesph Matthews: Little brother         Laura Matthews: Mother         Andrew Matthews: Father Skills: massaging people, fencing, able to write almost anything, only person who can calm Robby down without violence, freezing the school to get out of class. Interests: reading, writing, bass guitar, walking in the dark, smoking, gaming, keep his area clean Background: Fairly neutral and stands by his beliefs, but keeps them to himself before causing a scene, caring to all that aren’t assholes to him, and ready to help his friends when they need it. While in chapter one he is normally happy on the outside, but deep down has loneliness building up from failed dates until meeting the man of his dreams at pride. An asshole with a heart of gold, many see him as any other dick, but when you need a massage or a talking to, he’s your man, seen with a hand of ice in one and a joint in the other; he still can’t get to the level of chill as Paul. Despite being abused emotionally and physically by his father, he still holds his head high. While considered the heir to a major industrial corporation ran by his father, Chris was more of a reclusive creative thinker, jotting down ideas for stories in a journal he kept hidden away, despite what his father wanted, Chris went to university under a liberal studies major focusing on natural and social sciences, hoping to get into social media coordination in conjunction of being a writer. As payback his father forced him to join a frat or risk losing his college tuition as a result, this ultimately led to his untimely death. Confused of what he really wanted, Chris explored dating both genders and always fell flat on his face either from superficial morons or people who confuse lust for love. He comes to love the man of his dreams, brendan a chubby goth who also happens to be a werewolf, they moved in mated and got married, all the while during an ritual for the mateship, chris is turned into a frost wolf and remains to devote his love to his one true love. Despite everything, chris slowly becomes cold and regretful after murdering a werewolf while being jumped after a meeting, leading to his imprisonment, and trial. While detained he was tortured by the guards as a turned werewolf instead of pureblood now scarred and having no lasting look in his eyes, even when gazing in the heart of brendan. Although slowly turns back after being hugged.
Paul Stone Age: 23(Chp 1), 25(Chp 2) Eye Color: Blue Hair color: blonde hair to the neck Identifying feature (beginning comics): Wireless headset on head Cause of Death: Electrocution by speaker Spectral Ability: Technological Transport, Omnipotence Family: Eh doesn’t care to say Skills: Hacking, engineering, singing, expert gamer, arson, canny ability to remain calm in any situation. Interests: gaming, singing, listening to metal, smoking, drinking, going on warpaths, setting the campuses forest on fire. Background: stoner genius, Paul complies with society’s bullshit and tends to stay away from drama by getting high as much as he can. Completing a collection of games from the human world keeps him occupied while learning about gender studies and music production while at AU. Moreover he relies on his RD of the house Reefer to get him the good shit before he’s got to deal with more crap around the house. While knowing everything about everyone, he tends to wait for the perfect moment to pop out and tell someone off for a witty comeback or just film a sex tape with his friends involved with no consent and a measly 10% of the profits. A natural ladies man ready for a polyromantic night in or out of his house tends to go well for him, although many end up falling for another. Being friends with a cryomancer massage therapist helps his stress during finals week, but if he’s pushed over the edge, you’ll be knocking on heaven’s door with his growling voice. Born into a moderately decent home, Paul was drawn to the art of metal at a young age and developed his voice by the time puberty hit; his longtime friends formed a band originally covering popular tracks of the time but soon after making original music on soundcloud got gigs ranging from their hometown to the upper levels of city limits, growing in popularity, only for his dreams being shot down by a bolt of lightning hitting a speaker and ending up being the newest edition to AU. despite knowing everything the only thing paul does know is why helen falls for robby, which baffles him to no end, until he tokes up again.
Robert Esposito Age: 21(Chp 1), 23(Chp 2) Eye color: Green Hair color: Dirty Blonde, cut short Identifying feature (Beginning comics): Naruto headband around forehead Cause of Death: Exhaustion from a 13 day watching spree of Naruto from beginning to end Spectral ability: Can enter any known fantasy world, accumulates a cartoon body Family: repressed so much of his childhood he doesn’t even remember being born. Skills: Filibustering, knowing way too much about anime and manga, sketching and painting, taking a punch, getting a girl out of his league to go out with him. Interests: Reading manga, fighting his roommates on chores, peeking on Chris’s failed romance life, making smart jokes, making his own manga a reality, organizing his dvd collection Background: Not much known in the past of his 6 ft. muscled nerd and his manga collection, he just showed up out of nowhere and was sent to live with Paul to get off Arthurs back about the amount of “flaws” of the afterlife. Going through 4 houses, he finally found someone who could tolerate his filibuster, or at least stoned enough to not care. Although ready to jump into a issue and help as much as he can, he is far more doing harm than good, probably from being doped too much as a kid. Usually buried in his collection of every one piece and Naruto issue known to man, he usually fights Chris on his taste of bad anime like gurren laggan, fate/stay, and Magi. Always ready for an adventure while everyone else wants to smoke and chill with a few games, he’s ready to drag them into any world he chooses, even without consent. Known for his abrasive commentary the housemates have their own way of dealing with Robby’s tirades of ranting, mostly with a hammer to the head or ice to the mouth, either way he’s quiet for an hour. While many find his words confusing, no one can compete with his art style and his attention to details and knowledge of chemistry
Helen Monroe Age: 24(Chp 1), 26(Chp 2) Eye Color: Hazel Hair color: Light brown Identifying Feature (Beginning comics): Black choker with a rose petal Cause of Death: Overdose of Adderall Spectral ability: Magic bag of weapons, can pull them out of thin air for comedic relief Family: Sophia Monroe: Mother         Andrew Matthews: Father Christopher Mathews: Half-brother         Joseph Matthews: Half-brother Skills: Weapon proficiency, singing, fencing, dealing with Robby’s attitude, make people pay for their crap against others. Interests: Singing with the band, cuddling with Robby, listening to Chris’s stories, smoking joints, singing Disney songs with Paul. Background: Born from an affair with Andrew Matthews and a woman he picked up from the bar one night while engaged to Chris’s mother Laura, Helen was born into a bad part of the neighborhood after Matthew viewed her mother as nothing but a druggie and herself a waste of life. She struggled with her mom’s issues but saw the love Lauren gave her working two jobs to make ends meet. She put herself through college thanks to odd jobs in babysitting her bitch of a landlords child and being paid with cash and half their rent taken down as a result. She made it to university where she finally met her half-brother during the first day of orientation, while the two saw their uncanny resemblance from their mutual bastard father, the two found no ill will towards the other, knowing in each other’s eyes that they had it rough.  Struggling with classes led her to purchasing Adderall just to focus on the majority of work piling up, only to later overdose one night while her roommate was away. When in the university she’s placed with Chris and his friends and finally feels like she got a family, a horrible dysfunctional family, but one she loves, and while loves Robby with all her heart, doesn’t stop her from correcting his behavior when he does something stupid. A true badass at heart, even Paul warns never to get on her bad side.Reefer Age: Unknown Eye Color: I don’t know red I think Hair color: Bro I’m a skeleton Cause of death: Something stupid I’m sure Family: All dead Spectral Ability: reap souls, create weed, somehow can be high without getting high Skills: Growing and cultivating weed, reaping through super smash brawl in one hour, smoking a literal farm of weed in a day, pyrotechnics. Interests: Watching the gang grow up, play with the band, smoke weed, go on crazy adventures with Paul, customize his scythe to fit his mood, disobey Arthur's commands. Background: a lovable dealer from god knows where and god knows who, reefer comes from the command of Arthur and acts as the groups guiding force of growth and weed collection. Knowing Paul since he got to AU, considers him to be his little bro and chilliest of anyone on campus, randomly sleeps in the house and allowed to stay, he lurks around cleaning and cooking while everyone does their own thing. His main prerogative is to follow the few rules he keeps close to his few remaining brain cells, being that no more than 3 pets at a time. also provides many gadgets and pieces that result in consequences later on usually in the form of Arthur visiting the house enough times to have a welcome mat saying, hi Arthur sorry don’t care. Generally the calmest RD in the whole campus, but can lose his shit whenever he senses shit going down. 
Brendan Balfour Wolfheart Age: 21(Chp 1), 23(Chp 2) Eye Color: golden brown/ red when turned Hair color: black Nickname: Fluffy butt Cause of death: Illness when an infant Family: Alasdair Wolfheart: Father Veronica Wolfheart: Mother Baltair Wolfheart: Grandfather Alicia Wolfheart: Adoptive younger sister Christopher Matthews Wolfheart: Husband/mateship Helen Monroe: Sister In Law Joseph Matthews: Brother in law Andrew Matthews: Father in law Laura Matthews: Mother in law Spectral Ability: Echolocation Growl Skills: Photography, hunting, cuddling, making chris happy, flaunting his body, tracking people Interests: Getting to see chris naked any chance he gets, cuddling to him every night, making sure paul gets the best angle of his furry ass for the channel, trying to get his dad to stop being so embarrassing, eating (like a lot of food), the only man who can make chris smile like an spaz. Background: Born to a wealthy family of werewolves, brendan is the firstborn son of alasdair and veronica, whom were pleased to shower their pup with acceptance. By the time high school hit, he came out as homosexual but kept it within the family to avoid bullies, like being chubby wasn't bad enough. Not being much of a musical prowess like his father, brendan would focus on film and photography as a hobby always getting the latest equipment, until Azazel got to them. Going to AU began a new chapter of his life and was welcomed into the gay community with open arms, and asses. He was nervous of meeting someone special, until he took western civilization and noticed a certain brown eyed cub sitting next to him who got his attention, but being shy he turned his tail and ran off when he offered to help him study. Only after running to the bathroom and feeling his chest pound did he think otherwise to respond with a yes to the question. Brendan would see him around campus smoking and drinking with his friends and get red faced by his genuine smile and wisecracks. It wasn't until he went to pride with link and was given an invite to Pans wedding that he was given the chance to talk to him, after 15 shots of liquid courage though. After talking and finding their love of art, scifi, fantasy, horror, and mythology, they danced under the spotlight gazing with him making the first move by stepping on his foot, leading him to follow his heart. While normally a shy boy and a little self conscience of his appearance, chris would always reassure him he loved him no matter what, to the point that he was asked to move in with the gang not one month after beginning to date. But was hiding a side of himself, and showed chris his werewolf form with a sexy striptease only for chris to look shocked but ultimately showed who was top dog that very night. It wasn't long before they became mates for life and engaged, with hijinks ensuing including robby kissing his man, flying into a blind rage, trapped in castlevania and falling into a coma, only to see his love in his lap worried. All together this shy boy knows how to come out of his shell but also has a habit of stepping back in when times get too rough.
Alicia Fiona Wolfheart Age: 20(Chp 1), 22(Chp 2) Eye color: Emerald green Hair color: Raven black Cause of death: Stillborn Family: Alasdair Wolfheart: adoptive Father Veronica Wolfheart: adoptive  Mother Baltair Wolfheart: Grandfather Brendan Wolfheart: Adoptive Brother Christopher Wolfheart: brother in law Spectral Ability: Matchmaking Skills: swordplay, event planning, playing piano and guitar, being daddy's little girl, blood draining, matchmaking, spying on paul. Interests: Being with paul, making sure daddy doesn't embarrass the family with his nudity, wrestling her brother, trying to get Robbie to stop being a idiot. Background: oh bet you didn't expect a vampire to be adopted by werewolves, well that just makes you a bigot, now it may be shocking but alasdair and veronica love their badass daughter even if of different blood and race. From an young age alicia ran around crapping on alasdair's car changing into a bat and spooking the neighbors around the islands. Her mastery of swords comes from teaching of veronica and how to cut a bitch who messes with your man, although alicia depends more on sabotage and mental torture. Her affection for paul comes from a odd attraction to him despite not feeling a connection using her skill as a matchmaker. Growing up with brendan was all about chases and seeing his werewolf dick running around the house, truly he grew up to be dad. While developed early, alasdair played overprotective daddy by hunting them and keeping the boys from hurting his baby girl. In high school, she did fall in love, only to be played as a fool and humiliated by the boys saying she was just a rich girl looking to play. After being homeschooled, she discovered her love of music playing guitar and piano and working with her father at the record studio, although only for the summer as she demanded to go to college. Being sent to a werewolf school kinda sucked without brendan, so after meeting paul the first time, she decided to transfer to AU where she would bunk with helen, further cockblocking robby and enjoying every minute. After seeing chris and brendan marry, as well as copious amounts of alcohol and weed, she slept with paul and soon began a nice relationship that would be short lived after not seeing her matchmaking working with the two of them, only to discover her limitations are on herself, while she can see the matches of everyone else. Telling paul her true feelings, even after seeing him marry led her to find happiness with another, a man named hiro who she would meet in the later chapters and help raise a child together. Her father may see her grown up but will tackle pounce at any second to hug and praise her as his little angel.
Alasdair “Romulus” Wolfheart Age: 42(Chp 2), 44(Chp 3) Eye color: Orange Hair color: Reddish Brown Cause of Death: Impaled on Excalibur Family: Veronica Wolfheart: Wife Baltair Wolfheart: Father Brendan Wolfheart: Son Alicia Wolfheart: Adoptive daughter Remus Wolfheart: Older brother Christopher Matthews Wolfheart: Son in law Skills: Music production, tracking, loving his family, giving it to veronica all night long, flaunting his stuff, tearing apart anyone who messes with his daughter, metal music, stoning out with paul and chris, stripping naked in a matter of moments. Interests: Planning weddings, ensuring his children have a bright future, getting belly rubs from his wife, reminding robby to pay for his busted wall. Background: raised to a middle class family of werewolves, alasdair used to go by romulus by his family until college when he met his best friend Arthur, while the two were utterly different, they both saw the good in each other and would hang out around the house as much as possible. Although when the years came to a close at university and a race war was starting, arthur would change his demeanor and go on an all out kill spree against the others that stood in his way. In the chaos romulus lost his love and committed suicide on arthur's sword telling him to live with his choices before dying. As he awoke he was reunited with veronica and his son, who he lost at the age of 1 to illness, now able to grow as a healthy child and start a new life, he gave himself the name alastair to repress his old life and make himself a new man. While in the afterlife he is able to create his own record label. While his personality is optimistic and cheery at least for the first few chapters, he does come with some things in his life he keeps secret, like why he wants to break arthur's neck, why he's protective of his kids and why he never goes to a council meeting. Joining the crusades at the age of 22 way back when really cost him after seeing nothing else of the world after losing the child he and veronica loved most. Only to be reunited later on.
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birdys-dreams · 6 years
Now this was a weird one. So i know ive had fandom-realated dreams in the past but the fact that it was supernatural based? Now thats funky. I remember three scenes in specific the first one was how it goes in every single episode "hey I'm FBI agent_____ and we're here about the weird murder" but Funnily enough I WAS THERE TOO. I dont think i was an FBI agent though, I was just a tag-along. Point is, we entered this huge building. It was an ice-cream related place. I dont remember the name of it but it was huge. It was about 2 floors high and an orange and green color scheme. We walked inside as the business seemed to be closing up for the day.
So this semi-fat police officer dude who's face is blurred out told us about the murder. There seems to be a room within the building like a telephone booth...or yknow a ticket box thing. There's like some sort of pinpoint or remains of the perpetrator because the police guy told us that: "the guy is very unnaturally strong, while it was sitting here it threw someone so hard that it crushed these glass" he proceeds to let us look up and see see a row of semi-unbreakable glass...well broken. It was a high celing-remember that...imagine like 20 feet up. It was also somewhat caved in, in a slanted position. And along the slant was the windows that are broken and seems to be a black shelf-life thing? Kinda like the back of the map compartment In Mortal Engines.
In the dream we never really see the body but we know it's there.
There was this one woman. (Very attractive mind you....she seemed faniliar but i cant pinpoint who it was....i seem to link her with the Indian lady in Mortal Engines..) She was prepping 2 smoothies and when she finsihed she gave it to Dean. Both of them. It was a light neon greenish liquid, it looked really appealing but she??? Gave it to us with both lids on top of each other? Like imagine one of them sat up straight, the other on top of it with the lid "connected" to the other one. I dont know why but thanks pretty lady. Oh the smoothie cup was transparent btw. Thats why i can see the lemon-lime looking ice smoothie.
So we we're sitting there chatting with each other trying to figure out what happened. Theres no convo or topic that i remember other than trying to figure out what it is.
We staked the night there and there was this odd scene where we had a dog(?) That Sam was playing with? Theres a tv playing in the background but Sam and Dean doesnt know about it because its in 3rd perspective. It shows cartoon figures of Sam and Dean and the dog...but it becomes morbid in the end like their eyes get crossed out or smth (cliché I know) but thats where everything goes to hell.
It seems as if we spotted the monster. It was a wolf-like thing. It was gigantic, probably 2 times the size of a human in full stature. One of the brothers looked at it and said "Wolverine" and a battle started. I don't remember the specifics of it but I remember that there was a super bright light, and everyone got to cover, except the dog. There was an explosion of some sort and it seems as if the dog's eyes were burnt out and riddled with ash. The dog's body wasnt burned per say but it's eyes were. The surrounding location of the ice cream shop was riddled with black smears as if made out of bomb residue.
There was a scene where the Wolverine stood up straight showing its humanoid features: black,furry, and a wolf snout. Next, it did the weird charging eyes-shining-light-explosion thingamajig. As Sam and Dean got to cover again.
Another scene consisted of Dean having some sort of blade that looked a lot like the Angel blade (OH IT LOOKED LIKE THE BLADE THE GIRL HAD AT THE BEGINNING OF MORTAL ENGINES) and-like an idiot mind you-ran towards the Wolverine creature and just...tackled it. I don't remember it but just know that Dean won pff.
Seems as if my brain has no concept of consistency because the next "scene" was of all of us in the same booth as the beginning and just chatting. We got 2 sets of the lemon smoothie thing and the same woman came over us. She was really attractive and had a dark skin color. Dean oogled at her and turned back 2 me and as the gay fuck i was I was thinking "god shes pretty i wanna look like her and i wanna date her." Seems like Dean had the same thought too, as he turned back to me and said, "Her? Mine." While laughing and?? We??? Started talking about me getting a tan??? And the I was like "yeah only a tan because if I synthetic my face to her same shade of color thats something called black face and that's racist" (I'm a very light-skinned Hispanic girl and I dont know??? Where that came from??I think its cuz a few days ago i saw a Tumblr post with Ariana Grande blackfacing so asdfghjkl I'm so prpud of dream me for being considerate.) also Sam ruffled my hair cuz?? it seems as if im an honorary Winchester or some shit??? Just know that I'm basically a child to the brothers and they're taking care of me and wow this sounds like some very shitty self-insert fan fiction what the hell. (Why wasn't Castiel there though?? I'm a Castiel fan first and i havent watched Supernatural in an actual long while so wtf)
There's probably a lotnof references to Mortal Engines because yesterday I watched the movie in theaters with my 2 friends: VN and FM. So... :D!!
So yeah thats the end of it all and?? Thats so fucking weird? Because when i woke up I woke up to my brother saying "Castiel dies again haha" but he doesn't??? Watch??? Supernatural??? He just knows a bit bcuz of my comments??? W h a t??
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