#im thinking about that fatgum again
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mintmatcha · 10 months ago
Does your f/o like the strip club yes or no?
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https-milo · 6 months ago
I didn’t see him on your list of characters guide but would you ever do Fatgum for the Instagram series? If not feel free to ignore this! I just love him a lot!
anyways! thanks for the request!!
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Taishiro Toyomitsu(Fat Gum)!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
main m. list / instagram m. list
y/nbakes · 13w
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5.1k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki
y/nbakes new bite-sized pies at the bakery! come on down and let me know how they taste! :D Tagged: sugarcoatbakery
t.amajiki /bmi.fatgum you wanted a new bakery to visit, right? bmi.fatgum t.amajiki wow amajiki! this is great! if only you could speak out like this during work hours, huh? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum you're so mean. this is workplace harassment
bmi.fatgum · 10w
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21.7k likes Liked by t.amajiki, redriot, y/nbakes
bmi.fatgum I've been going to sugarcoatbakery every day for two weeks now, they never miss! The food is so good!
Tagged: y/nbakes
y/nbakes AHH OMG! HELLO?? Thank you so much, Mr. Fat gum! I'm glad you enjoy the food my staff and I make! bmi.fatgum y/nbakes ANYTIME! YOU'RE SO TALENTED! y/nbakes bmi.fatgum you're too sweet :,) <3 bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I should be saying that to you, considering you're the baker! :D y/nbakes bmi.fatgum well, you're the one that eats all my sweets! you inhale everything sweet, sooo YOU are sweet! ^-^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes whatever you say ;)
redriot OH HEY! That's the place you took Amajiki and me to! t.amajiki redriot yeah... I showed it to him and he's obsessed with goin now. only when the owner is working though bmi.fatgum t.amajiki AHAHAH WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN, TAMAKI!? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum I feel your glare through my screen and it's scaring me. I wanna go home.
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: we should do that again buttt without Tamaki and Kirishima!!
y/nbakes: I would love to!! that'd be so fun :D
bmi.fatgum: sooo it's a date? Read 18:26
y/nbakes: SORRY I WAS FREAKING OUT Sent 18:32
bmi.fatgum: of course, I'll pick you up Saturday?
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: making me look big and for what :(
y/nbakes: taiiii you realize you eat my entire inventory during your patrols right ^-^
y/nbakes: no offense, but it is also kind of a part of your quirk!!
y/nbakes: besidesss it makes you strong, right? but I think you're already strong, skinny form or hero form!!
bmi.fatgum: you think im strong?
y/nbakes: well duh! why wouldn't I?
y/nbakes: you're not #58 for no reason, y'know? bmi.fatgum reacted "❤️" to this message
bmi.fatgum: thanks y/n :)
bmi.fatgum: are you interested in going out again?
y/nbakes: 1000000000%!!
y/nbakes: tonight was so fun <3
y/nbakes: thank youuu
bmi.fatgum: anytime! :DD
bmi.fatgum: how about a restaurant this time?
y/nbakes: id love that!
bmi.fatgum: great! I'll pick you up Tuesday night? y/nbakes reacted "❤️" to this message
y/nbakes: sounds perfect :)
y/nbakes · 9w
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6.3k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki, redriot
y/nbakes me and the newly-appointed boyfriend had an amazing dinner <3 (the flowers smelt soooo good!!)
Tagged: bmi.fatgum
bmi.fatgum our past few dates have been so fun, I'm so glad we're together!! <33 y/nbakes bmi.fatgum me too!! I'm super glad you came into my bakery and ate all those apple pies a month ago ^^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I'd do it again 100 times y/nbakes bmi.fatgum for me or the pies? bmi.fatgum y/nbakes both!! 🥰🥰
redriot wow, I dont think i've seen Fat Gum with portions that small y/nbakes redriot don't let the picture fool you!! (he ordered 6 different meals and 2 whole cakes) redriot y/nbakes sounds more like it! 😭😭
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
me after adding variety for the insta posts: 😁😁
how do we feel about the story posts? :P
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kaycode1999 · 3 months ago
From @luffysbestie101
Hii i dont know if your still doing these but i seen your matchup post on my timeline:)
I'd like to ask for a matchup from JJK, MHA or demon slayer
Personality: I'm more on the shy side and kind of anxious but once i get to know someone better i talk more. I tend to look on the positive side of things and try finding the lesson of situations. Im sometimes too empathetic for my own good and sympathize with people who don't deserve it. I like to gift little trinkets to my loved ones. i enjoy my friends being like "this is us" and its two frogs sitting next to each other. Im an INFJT personality type. I do become a little blue, i have bipolar depression and mild agoraphobia.
Pronouns/sexuality: she/her, I'm pansexual and asexual.
Visual info & aesthetics: I'm 5'3 and chubby. I have glasses along shoulder length dark brown hair that has some body to it. I have jewelry that i always wear, rings and silver hoop earrings. I sometimes wear crystal necklaces. I always leave the house with winged eyeliner, mascara and my eyebrows done. Sometimes eye shadow if i have time. I've used foundation before and thinking of picking it back up. I have three comfort hoodies I usually wear but i do branch out with cropped tops or tight shirts if I'm not feeling anxious.
I also love cardigans. I just started to wearing leggings again, i love an oversized shirt to pair with it. i stick to black clothing but i love dark greens and purples. I prefer wearing classic vans or if I'm going on a walk my running shoes.
Hobbies: i really like journaling about finding myself and who i am as a person or media i really like. I also junk journal. I enjoy reading from time to time along with writing short stories. Im learning tarot and about crystals. I really love photography and painting the most. Im into gaming as well my big three are animal crossing, overwatch and Fortnite.
My likes: I do like a good shopping haul, little trinkets and a sweet treat. I love a rainy day while playing animal crossing. Cherry or vanilla scented things are my go to. I'm a cat mom:3 also I love pasta.
My type: someone who is genuinely a decent human being, glasses or if they are taller than me. Those last two aren't a must though.
me as a partner: my love language is acts of service so l enjoy doing tasks for my partner to make things easier.
I enjoy cooking or baking for the ones I love. I also enjoy words of affirmations. These are something l'd prefer in a partner as well.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and I understand if it takes a minute to get to it! This is my first time submitting one of these
I match you with
Takuma Ino
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum
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Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Mitsuri Kanroji
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All of them think it’s adorable you’re on the shy side
All 3 of them understand about your having anxiety
All of them love when you get comfortable around them because they understand it takes time to develop that with others
They truly admire your positive outlook. Not everyone has it and it’s something they find really special about you
I don’t think any of them would think there is such a thing as “ Too empathetic”. Sure, plenty of people don’t deserve sympathy- but the fact that you can still find it in your heart to have that sympathy is something they love and admire about you
They’re not particularly materialistic I don’t think, but if you give them something they love it very much and it will become their prized possession
As much as it makes them sad that you go through it, they will be there for you through your depression and anxiety and help in any way they can. They’re always there to give you words of encouragement through it all
They love taking an interest in your hobbies and will definitely get you supplies for them even if they aren’t able to join you with it
They all love going on shopping trips with you
They all enjoy food and will really eat anything it doesn’t matter what
I can picture rainy days just snuggled together playing video games
They will all always be getting you cherry and vanilla scented things because they know you like it
They all love animals in my opinion so they love your cat
All three of them are good and kind hearted people
They all have busy schedules so they truly appreciate you doing tasks to help them
All three of them love your cooking and are so happy when you cook for them
They all are naturally always giving out words of affirmation
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fatgummybear · 4 years ago
Can I request head cannons of Fatgum, Hawks, Dabi, Todoroki, and Bakugo getting their faces held? I saw it trend all over TikTok and it’s just so cute and relaxing! I think these bois deserve a reassuring gesture like that 🥺
can yall tell how late this is being posted, the tiktok trend i- im so sorry (´ヘ`(
masterlist + rules
How they would react to you holding their face:
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will sink his face into your hands and sit with a goofy smile on his face just basking in all the loving feels
will also rub his cheek against your hand like a lil cat and make happy sighs
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another one to sit with a goofy smile
though he will probably be a bit more talkative than fatgum
saying flattering things, telling you how “its times like these that somehow make me fall in love with you all over again”
being no.2 hero is a tiring task, so he appreciates it when you give him these moments to relax in your presence
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he will tell you to stop while simultaneously sinking into your touch
if you massage his temples while holding him he’ll love you forever
working with the LOV can get stressful and loud yall and them headaches build up
however for your own safety, only hold him when you two are alone, no pulling funny lovey dovey shit in front of the others
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he will stare into your eyes just slowly blinking with a blissful smile on his face
its not often that he gets these loving touches, especially around his face
so when you start, he doesnt want you to stop
picked up a habit of fiddling with your hands whenever he wants you to hold him
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im not gonna lie yall i think he would bite you
yall manga readers remember when he straight up ate deku’s speech bubble D:
when you get more comfortable in your relationship is when he’d let you see him this vulnerable
i could definitely see him falling asleep like this or venting his issues about how he feels responsible for allmight
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ihatebnha · 3 years ago
your post about how many kids the bnha guys would have got me thinking, who do you think is the most likely to have more than the average amount of babies? im talking more than 5 kids btw the absolute breeder kings
LOOOOOOL if you noticed I was giving everyone only like, 2.5 kids... that's my fault baby, I'm an only child so big families intimidate me cuz I don't know how they work asldkfsaldk...
For sure though, I think Denki is a breeder king. Love that guy with 4+ kids, and especially if they're mostly girls. I definitely think he LOVES being a father, as no matter how screamy his house gets... he can always calm it back down again. Total Nick Cannon energy except... only with you!!!
Mirio, too. Don't know what's going on in that guy's head... but we all know he needs a little army following him around one day. Definitely gives you twins at least once, too. Not only was his mind made for kids, but... his balls were, too </3
Fatgum... I can actually see residing right in the middle of things, but... he would NOT complain if you ended up with 5+. He's honestly the perfect guy for it too, since all your children would be literal angels. Even if they weren't, though... he's a great father, so it would work out!!!
And you know I have to say it... INASA!!! Literally... for your own sake, you need to get that man a vasectomy. That's the only way you'll ever get him to stop having children. He agrees to it, happily, of course... but until you say the word, he's gonna keep going. Has boy to girl ratio of 3:1, too.
And finally, honorable mention because it's unlikely... but Deku with a good handful kids, because................. it COULD happen. Would be a complete mess, with his scatterbrain, but... I see it in another life.
(Also I know people like Kiri with a small army, so that guy, too. It's not on purpose w/ him, though... just "happens.")
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loveandfictionforall · 2 years ago
Hello! I would like to ask for a mha match-up. So I'm a 27 year old pansexual (prefer male with big titties 😏) female. I have black straight long hair which gets tangled or get in my way easily (like aizawa), so i always tie my hair into a ponytail or half up half down. My body type is very simple, decent slim. Fun fact about me, i can eat alot and not gain any weight. I don't have that many friends, nor count them as (I guess ._.), not because im a loner or something, but because i never really have the time or energy to. Im an artist, i started drawing when im still a small child, so i guess i draw pretty good :). I like horror movies and stuff, but as a coward, i cant sleep after watching a horror movie, even when its not really scary. I like pop music, but it has like a seductive vibe to it, like doja cat "wine pon you" or something. I guess im not an awkward person and am at the same time, like I can start a conversation ONLY if there's something interesting going on and I have a topic to talk about. Like, when I see a BUG 🐛, I'll think of that one time in elementary school where a bug followed me TWICE (present mic will be TRAUMATISED). But if u know me... get your ears ready (sometimes, i dont really talk at hom), because as soon i have something to talk about, im coming after u faster than iida in his full speed. Anyways 💁‍♀️, im a very confused person, like u tell me to mop the table, i'll be like "which cloth??" 🤨 (because im stupid 😞😞) and u usually have to repeat ur words because i cant hear SHIT BECAUSE OF MY SMALL EARS >:((. Anyways.. i dress randomly at home dress presentable going outside, like a clean shirt with mall pants (aka the only jeans i wear). I have a habit to be very arrogant towards my siblings (two very LAZY chickens), like "im mom's favourite child" or "i did (this) today, what about you? Fart and burp??", like I'm just telling the truth right?.. right?? (I like attention :,D). Anyways, I unconsciously zone out and daydream about my one and only.. SHO-CHAN!~ (aka aizawa >//<), because I don't simp for other characters (expect for Present Mic, bakugou and ME (i self love a lot baby, u should too)). I have a bad habit to constantly cut the side of my nails, like I try to cut REALLY DEEP, idk why but I like the pain ig?? ANDD i have a bad habit to keep saying the word SHIT. I think that's all, hope u find my match soon and I hope its AIZAWA-CHAN!!~~ (I sound and feel like miss joke lmao, also thanks for answering my question ♡)
Well... *Cough*. I would like to say Aizawa and I mean, he can suit you, you ain't wrong but I immediately thought of someone else 🙈
I ship you with FatGum!
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- I think, he is such a supportive man! Loving all your jokes, intently listens to you rambling about bugs and explaning things as clearly as he can so you do not get confused.
- I can totally see him writing you little post-it notes around your home to remind you of things, like "Please drink some water, sweetheart."
- He would watch horror movies with you, just that you can watch them and sleep afterwards because he it is at your side. He does not like them a lot but hey, it is for you.
- He will show your drawing proudly off. Like to Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, maybe even some of the pro heros. He just loves your drawing and pins some of his favorites on his walls at home.
- He would totally love those dinner dates with you where you both try to outeat the other person. The people around you will be in shock, but you two will enjoy yourselves!
When you daydream, he will stop talking, watching you softly for a second and then let you snap out of it. But he lets you take your time, so you do not feel about it. He will go on with his day until you are ready to go again. He is just absolutely chill and has no problem with it whatsoever.
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takamishinko · 4 years ago
Well I didn’t necessarily plan for it to be anything romantic. (Imagine Fatgum’s reaction when he finds out his son is dating the people he’s training to be pro heroes. •_•) So I guess it could be more on the platonic side!
And well for age I guess Y/n could be a little bit younger? Not like a child though because that probably wouldn’t be the best person to bring to hero work even if it’s just a patrol. It doesn’t really matter, though I don’t expect Y/n to be older. :>
kirishima and tamaki reactions to fatgum bringing his adopted son to work headcanons (platonic!)
a/n: i love this concept so much
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"hey guys this is my son, his name is y/n, im taking him on patrol today to show him around." -fatgum
"woah this is your son? nice to meet you little guy what's your name?"
stoked i tell you. absolutely stoked
gimme a sec im just admiring the kiri gif god he's so perfect
but yes he is so happy to meet you
he's more than happy to take care of u if fatgum is busy with smth during patrol
if u ask he'll show off his quirk and tell u all about it
he'll ask you what you do on your free time and stuff
and whether or not you also plan on becoming a pro hero in the future
if you say yes he'll be very excited and tell you about UA and stuff
if you say no he'll still support you
literally as long as u dont plan on becoming a villian he'll support you
ofc you think he's super cool and you ask fatgum to bring you to patrols more often
he'll treat you like a little brother since fatgum is kind of like a parental figure to him
he'll tell you all about his friends at UA like bakugou, sero, and denki and tell u how cool they are
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"hey guys this is my son, his name is y/n, im taking him on patrol today to show him around." -fatgum
stands behind kiri and waits for him to interact with you first
when you guys first meet he won't strike up a conversation
poor tamaki is scared of scaring you with his quirk 😔
"h-hi it's tamaki amajiki, nice to meet you..."
he'll say hi and stuff after kiri but he'll wait for you to say smth first and he'll answer
he doesn't say it to you directly but he's happy you're here
he always thinks it's nice to have new positive people around him to contrast his own personality
not to mention this is his mentor's son so he's super happy about it
once he gathers up the courage he'll offer you some food from his little bags if you're not busy talking to kirishima or fatgum
he's happy you like the food and you ask him what he needs them for
he explains to you how his quirks work and you're super amazed by it
he gets embarrassed and tries to hide himself but you keep asking him questions about his quirk
deep down he's really happy that your so curious about it because it seems to him you care about him and find him interesting :)
same as kirishima he doesn't mind taking care of you if fatgums busy with smth
won't talk as much as kiri tho but he'll buy you foods and stuff and show you around the patrol area
and of course you're like family to him so he'll treat you like one
later kiri tells you that he's the big 3 at UA and he gets embarrassed again as you ask him more questions about how he made it there
this isn't on patrol but since tamaki is pretty smart i think he can help you with schoolwork if you need help with it :)
i hope this isn't too short !
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moririki · 4 years ago
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when partnered with another pro hero, expect them to look out for you and have your back when in danger )
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> pro hero reader, reader falling off a building but not like that, reader thinking they might die for like two seconds in hawks' but they do NOT, fanon hawks(?) kind of im sorry, lazy plot
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> idk remember that tiktok trend around january where someone pretends to fall off a building and then make a swift getaway???? yeah it's just that basically
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-> "hey, get back here!" you ignored the angry voice, sprinting harder as you made your way to the roof of the building while cursing under your breath
-> when you clocked into work this morning, you didn't expect to be infiltrating a villain's headquarters in order to steal some documents to be on the agenda
-> neither did your partner fatgum
-> you shared an incredulous look before being given directions and a debrief
-> since fatgum was a rescue hero, there was an agreement for him to linger behind as backup while you went inside
-> though your quirk was nowhere near suited to this mission, you were still the better option to do so
-> you spoke into your earpiece quickly as you threw open the door to the roof, getting hit with the fierce wind
-> "you better fucking catch me, toyomitsu," you muttered to yourself, clutching the documents to your chest
-> you ran to the edge of the building, sucking in a deep breath as you saw how high up you were
-> but if you were to squint, you could make out the faint yellow blob that was your partner
-> "i'm right here, y/n," he chirped through the earpiece. "well, i'm a few stories down"
-> despite the adrenaline coursing through you, you giggled a little. you were about to respond when the door to the roof banged open again behind you
-> you turned to see several men, with guns, run out and surround you
-> well, it was now or never
-> "you've got nowhere to run, hero," the ringleader snarled
-> you tried to sound confident, racking your brain for any witty one-liner
-> "maybe not run, but..." you trailed off, raising your hand in a mock salute before steeling your nerves and taking a step back off of the ledge
-> you would have laughed at the way the ringleader's eyes looked like they would boggle out of his head, but the horrifying feeling of freefalling invaded your senses
-> maintaining your death grip on the documents you had risked your life to get, you shut your eyes and curled in on yourself as you braced yourself for any impact
-> sure, fatgum said he was here, but the wind rushing through your hair and the way the roof got further and further away wasn't instilling much confidence in you
-> but after those worst moments of your life, you felt your body hit something soft
-> it happened fast, but one moment you were gaining momentum, and the next you were safely engulfed in the familiar warmth of fatgum
-> his arms were wrapped around you, and you sucked in a breath that you didn't realise that you were holding in
-> you didn't move, just letting your heartbeat return to normal and for your senses to come back
-> you vaguely became aware of the way toyomitsu was patting your head in some attempt to comfort you, and you clung to him gladly
-> "right now, you're probably my favourite person in the entire world." you finally let out a breathless laugh, and you heard the comforting rumble of fatgum's in return
-> "well, i'd be a terrible partner if i didn't catch you. i guess i'd feel bad, too." you giggled as he finally set you down on your own feet, though he still stayed close
-> "now, how about we go get something to eat?" he suggested
-> "you read my mind," you beamed at him
-> when you, two young aspiring heroes, had initially been assigned to work as partners there was a great protest
-> both you and the winged hero were adamant about working best on your own, but it was out of your hands
-> so for the past few months, you adapted to having a partner during your hero work
-> the amount of squabbles that the two of you had over which one of you was the sidekick was exhausting
-> with your quirk being accustomed to land and his to air, it was a bit of a mystery as to how you were supposed to work together
-> but you made it work
-> both of you were extremely capable as heroes, and quickly adapted to each others' quirks
-> there was a reason for you both being placed in the top ten, after all
-> but when hawks wasn't taking down villains, he gave no indication of being ranked 2nd in the country
-> "aw, c'mon, y/n, don't tell me you aren't hungry," he complained
-> "keigo, we aren't going to the fried chicken place"
-> the man almost pouted
-> "why not?"
-> "the last time we went there i had to sit and watch you eat them until you were sucking on the bone. i'd rather not have to see that again, ever"
-> hawks opened his mouth, probably to sulk, when you both heard a some screams from around the corner
-> exchanging a quick look, both of you prepared wordlessly and started to approach the scene
-> from what you could see, there was a villain stood outside of a jewellery store, with several civilians scrambling for cover
-> you couldn't see any major damage, but your eyes widened as you saw how one man in a suit was suddenly launched high into the air by the villain
-> "looks like i'll handle that," hawks muttered, quickly taking flight and catching up to the guy
-> you sprang into action too, helping to evacuate the area while the villain's attention was diverted by your partner's flashy wings
-> you had just ushered a woman to safety when you felt the ground slip away from beneath you and start to shrink as you were flung away at an alarming speed
-> well, fuck, you thought. i guess this is it.
-> as you reached the apex of your trajectory, you felt your stomach drop as you began to return back to earth
-> you felt a bit pathetic as you pictured the headlines- "number three hero dies from being thrown too hard, did nothing to prevent fall"
-> but when the slam of concrete never greeted your body, and an arm wrapped around your waist and jerked you swiftly upwards again, you were reminded just why you had been stuck with a partner
-> "geez, was a bank robber too much to handle for the number 3 hero?" you heard hawks' smartass comment, and you glared at him in return
-> "you really left it until the last second, huh?" you poked his shoulder in annoyance, and felt him laugh as he readjusted his grip
-> "maybe if you agree to go to the chicken place after arresting this guy i won't drop you"
-> "deal"
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take a look at the menu - ,, 🍡 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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todosteakettle · 3 years ago
Bakugou’s Accidental Confession
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fem!reader x Katsuki Bakugou
Synopsis: Kirishima and Y/N are hit with a body swap quirk, and Katsuki accidentally confesses to you thinking he’s talking to his friend
A/N: Not proofread whatsoever, absolutely trash writing
H/N = Hero Name
Y/N = Your name
N/N = Nickname
“Red Riot watch out!” You screamed
Kiri was about to get hit by the villain, you didn’t even know what their quirk was! You had to do something.
“H/N!” Red Riot yelled out in reply as he saw her jump in front of them
Everything suddenly went blurry. You had been hit, you realized as you fell into Kirishima’s arms behind you. Unfortunately, your consciousness quickly faded.
You woke up to a very worried Suneater
“Red Riot?? Wake up? Oh-h no Fatgum is going to be so upset with me. I’m so useless I can’t even protect a couple of first years how am I supposed to be a good her-“ you heard Tamaki stammer above you.
“Woah! Amajiki-Sama calm down! It’s ok, I’m feeling jusssst fine, where is Kiri?” You said, barely conscious
The look on his face when you called him Amajiki-Sama was one of pure fear.
Tamaki knew only you would address him with such high regard. You admired him greatly and insisted you be official.
To be honest he thought it was adorable, although he didn’t think he deserved the title you gave him.
Regardless, he had never EVER heard Kirishima be so official with him. It just felt so weird hearing those words come from his red haired friends mouth.
“K-Kiri- Red Rio-ot uhm why are you calling me that?” Tamaki said to you, blushing now thinking about his cute coworker
“Amajiki-Sama I’m not-“ you spoke, suddenly looking to your hands
“KIRISHIMA???” You shrieked
These were Kiri’s hands, this was Kiri’s voice. What the hell happened?
“Uhm- what’s wrong Kirishim-“ Tamaki tried to ask you
“I’M- I’M-“
You were cut off
“Haha! I have boobs!” you heard a familiar voice in front of you say
You then saw a girl sitting on your lap, not just any girl, YOU! You were sitting on your lap, grabbing your chest no less.
“Get your hands off me!” You said to Kirishima, pulling his (your?) hands off your bodies chest
Suneater sat there dumbfounded
“Why would Y/N do something so lewd?” he thought to himself
“Y/N a-are you uhm feeling ok?” He said to Kirishima, crimson red at this point
You felt really scrambled
“Huh?” Tamaki replied
“We totally freaky friday-ed man!” Kirishima said with a giggle
It seems you were both out of it
“I think what Kirish- what- what they are trying to say is that we swapped bodies.”
“Oh- Ok!” Tamaki said in a tone of relief
“Ok?” you questioned
This was not by any means ok?!
“Let’s get you guys back to the agency then!” Tamaki said
“Yeah I think that would be best.” You said, still uneasy hearing Kirishima’s voice come out of the throat you spoke with
Before either of you could even get off the ground Kirishima spoke up
“I feel drunk.” You heard your voice say
“Me too. I think Im going to take a nap” you replied
“Sounds good.” Kirishima said
“N-No! We need to get back to the-“ Tamaki protested onto deaf ears as you both fell asleep on the floor again.
You woke up on a hospital bed. You looked over to see a note on the bedside table.
“Hello Miss L/N! I know you must be confused. If you don’t remember, you and your classmate Kirishima were hit by a villain who’s quirk has the ability to swap the bodies of their victims. Luckily the villian is now in custody! (You can thank Fatgum and Suneater for that) These affects should wear off within 24 hours or so. I have already done all I could to heal you so just rest until tomorrow! - Recovery Girl”
And suddenly you remembered.
You shoved the note into your pocket and layed back down.
Ughhh. This was going to be a long 24 hours.
Bored, you looked at your hands and studied the feeling of Kirishima’s quirk. You attempted to harden and unharden your fingers to little avail. You found a new respect towards Kirishima as you struggled to use his quirk.
Your focus was broken as you heard a loud knock at your door
“Oi! Shitty hair, I’m coming in!” you heard raspy voice say
“Suki?” You replied
“What the fuck did you just call me?!?” He said angrily storming in
That’s when you realized. He didn’t know you weren’t Kirishima. The nickname “Suki” was something only YOU called him, but right now you were Kirishima. You decided that you were going to have some fun with this unfortunate situation and at-least fuck with Katsuki.
“Sorry, Bak-Bakubro” you stammered out
Your tongue felt like sandpaper calling him that
You and Bakugou were really close. Closer than him and Kirishima even. You were apart of the “Bakusquad” He tolerated you more than most. He even let you call him Suki, regardless of the teasing he received from Kaminari regarding the nickname. You trained with him, ate with him, talked with him. You were the only one in the class other than Todoroki that could stand up to him in a fight, and he respected you for it.
“Are you ok dumbass? I heard you and N/N both got pretty fucked up huh?”
“I’m fine! You know me, I’m manly and stuff” You said, poorly trying to imitate Kirishima
“Good then I can kick your ass! She’s still knocked out you dumbfuck. Why didn’t you protect her like you said you would?”
Like I said I would?
“Oh you know Y/N, She can handle herself. I mean she’s way stronger than me how was I going to protect her” You said, talking yourself up trying to ignore the fact he thinks you need ‘protection’
“Yeah I know that dipshit, she’s stronger than ME and she knows it. That’s why I asked you to look after her. Her cocky ass is gonna get herself killed one of these days.”
“Y-you think that I’m- that she’s stronger than you?”
“Tsk. Shut up, never tell her I said that alright.”
You and Suki trained together a lot. You also trained with Todoroki. You were strong and pushed yourself everyday. You knew realistically you were as strong as him but you never thought he would admit that.
“You should uhm tell her that” You said blushing
“Yeah yeah. I don’t want to hear another lecture about how keeping my feelings from her is ‘unmanly’ or whatever.”
“Well I mean it’s not like you’re hiding anything from her, right?” you asked, actually concerned at this point
“Very funny Shitty Hair” he replied with an almost smirk
“I’m serious! What do you uhm think of Y/N” you gulped
What feelings was he hiding? Should you keep pretending to be Kirishima? You were in to deep at this point so why not keep asking questions
“What did your head really get hit that hard? Why are you being so weird about her?”
“Why are you being weird about her? You are the one hiding things! She is your friend, right?” you said, completely on the defense
“Stop saying shes my friend! I hate it when you and dunce face say that shit to me.”
Your heart broke a little
Did he not want to be your friend?
Tears welled in your eyes
“M-maybe you should tell her you don’t want to be friends it’s really mea- or unmanly to act like you like her when you don’t… dude”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Stop fucking with me you know how I feel about her.”
“No I don’t! How do you feel about her? Is she really that terrible and awful you can’t stand her that much?”
He pinned you to the bed
“Say that about her again and I’ll break your face”
You couldn’t help but form a blush on your face
“W-what? I thought you didn’t want to be her friend?”
“Yeah! I want to be her boyfriend dipshit? I already told you I liked her! What the fuck is up with you? Your damn red?”
“Y-you like her?”
“Tsk” he replied, gettung off of your and sitting back down on the chair next to your hospital bed
“Seriously how hard did you hit your head?” he asked
“I must have… temporary amnesia… yeah. But you like Y/N? Like romantically? What do you like about her? Why haven’t you told her?”
You thought outloud
“Are you serious right now? You know I can’t fucking tell her are you stupid?”
“Why not?” you asked
“Tsk” he blushed and turned away
“Oh my god your nervous! She would say yes yknow if you asked her out, or uhm I mean I think she would! How would I know haha” you said scratching your head
He rolled his eyes
“You should practice on me, like what you want to tell her! I have amnesia anyways right, I’ll probably forget this conversation” you said; lying through your teeth
“If I do this will you stop asking about her?”
“Ok whatever”
He took a deep breath and then spoke
“Y/N L/N; you are ok or whatever. Go on a date with me.”
“That was terrible dude?”
“What? That was great!?”
“No it wasn’t! She would think you were being forced. Just- just tell me why you like her in the first place and then we can work with that”
You had to know now.
“Goddam chill. Okok uhm. I like her hair and the way it smells. And I like the way she looks when she’s training, she has a reallly nice ass and she…” he trailed off
You felt blood rush to your face and to your… No.
This is what a boner felt like? Huh, Weird.
“No! I mean like that’s nice or whatever, but like her not just her body.”
“Are you calling me shallow?” he said angrily
“No! I just think she would prefer to hear what you really like about her.”
“Fine. She’s nice, and she’s caring, and she’s string, and she makes me like feel all weird in my stomach. She makes me feel safe and I like it ok! Is that good enough?”
“Suki… that’s so sweet” you cooed, reaching a hand to his cheek
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he yelled slapping your hand away
“Oh sorry!” you said, realizing you weren’t you
“Ok can this conversation be over now?”
“Yeah sure! We can talk ab-“
Before you could finish your sentence another voice filled the room
“Miss L/N! Please take these medications! They should help you sleep a bit and hopefully speed up the residual affects of the body swapping quirk! Mr. Kirishima is still fast asleep in your body.” Said tje nurse assigned to you
“T-thanks!” you replied, knowing Katsuki heard every word
“Suki I-“
“Fuck off. Making fun of me and lying like that. Forget what I said I don’t like you. I can’t believe you let me tell you that knowing that-“ he said before getting cut off
“No, I-I love you too Suki” you said
“I love you too, I have for a while. I am sorry I let you keep talking to me knowing I was decieving uou. I just- Injust liked hearing what you had to say about me I guess…”
“Tsk. It’s… It‘s ok I guess. I mean it worked out right. You like me too?”
“Yes I definitely do” you said with a giggle
“C-can I kiss you?” you asked
“Fuck no! You’re still shitty hair!”
You chuckled, having forgot what you looked like again
“Ah yeah sorry! I forgot. It’s weird to not be in my own body”
“Yeah what’s it like having a dick?” he teased
“I don’t know I haven’t really… investigated it?” you chuckled
“Really? That would be my first instinct if I turned into a chick?”
“Yknow the first thing Kirishima did when we body swapped though was grab my- grab his boobs!” You replied
“Tsk. No fair” He huffed with his arms crossed
“Well… I mean when I get back to my body you can feel them too” you said blushing
“Better get to sleep then” he said with a smirk, covering you with a blanket and kissing your forehead
“Bro what the fuck?” Denki said, just having walked in
“ITS NOT WHAT IT- IM GONNA KILL YOU” Katsuki screamed chasing Kaminari out of your room.
You giggled before going back to sleep, you couldn’t wait to get back to your body
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oligbia · 4 years ago
Hi hii~
Could you do a truth or dare (or 7 minutes in heaven) Eijiro Kirishima short story (maybe nsfw if possible heh), please? 🥺
Keep up the great work!! 💕
Of course you can darling! Im super excited to get any and all requests and im really excited to do this one! Thank you so much for your support, it means the absolute world to me. I haven't written a lot of smut with guys recently, ive been on more of a wlw thing, so im a little rusty hehe. . .
I honestly didn't do a lot of editing on this once it was done, I had it going like "all the way" then realized Kiri wouldn't do that on the first day- anyways it'll make sense. If you want more Kiri stuff I can totally give you more, just let me know :)
7 Minutes In Heaven
Pro Hero!Eijiro KirishimaXReader
NSFW, Minors do not interact
Warnings: Sexual behavior, giving and receiving oral, making out in a closet, mild swearing
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A hero gala was an event like none other.  It was a night were all Japan's hero's and their dotting staff would all assemble to accept awards and receive rankings. It was a night for citizens to see their favorite hero's dressed to the nines and hash out who was truly the best hero on social media.
And, for starter hero's, it's was night to get shit faced, since the likelyhood of them reciving any award was slim anyways.
Pro heroes Red Riot, Pinky, Cellophane, and Chargebolt where no exception to this. They were all still pretty low in the ranks of heroes, especially considering they were all fresh out of UA only a few years ago. The only two UA graduates to jump into the hero world right were no surprise Deku and Dynamite. Deku practically left UA the top hero, entering in at the 5th rank overall. Dynamite took a little work, he still wasn't a fan favorite, but his work was undeniable, he was easily starting in at rank 10.
The formerly-known bakusquad sat comfortably at the back of the gala room, all a little tipsy. They watched as Bakugou was being practically held on a child leash by Best Jeanist, forced to be on best behavior.
Denki watched the room quickly, his shifting glances moving quickly. His eyes landed on your figure somewhere across the way.
"Oh my god, is that Y/N? We haven't seen her since UA!" His voice wasn't at all hushed, people around the table glancing at him with slight disgust.
"Woah, that totally is!" Sero joined in on the ogling. "She's like, totally hot now!"
Kirishima looked your way, practically chocking on his champagne. He let out a few strangled coughs when his eyes landed on your form. The dress you were wearing was long and elegant, showing off your curves and hugging your waist. He was able to see your toned arms and watch as they elegantly moved as you spoke.
Mina poked Kiri's now flushed cheek. "You always had quite the hots for Y/N in UA, huh? And she wasn't even in our class."
Kirishima rolled his eyes. "I didn't 'have the hots for her.' I just thought she was...manly."
Denki and Sero puckered their faces, making kissing sounds, their drunken state throwing them back to a bunch of 14 year olds, rather than the 24 year olds they were now.
Kirishima waved them off, shaking his head. Mina abruptly stood up, waving you over. It was no time before you turned around, your gaze meeting her as you flashed your smile at her.
Kirishima swatted at Mina, trying to pull her back into her seat. "Mina, sit down, you're embarrassing us."
"Oh please, those two are embarrassing. I'm helping."
Kirishima watched as you moved your way to his table smiling softly. "It's great to see you all. I haven't seen you guys since we graduated."
Kirishima wanted to say something, but his tongue was sadly caught in his own mouth.
"Crazy, I know! I see you're doing well as a support gear engineer, that's exciting!" Mina made easy small talk, her foot kicking Kirishima's calf under the table. "You know, Kirishima here has been needing some new support gear!"
You smiled at Kiri, your own face going a little red. He was much older now. His jawline was more defined, his build larger. You couldn't tell from his suit how much stronger he was, but you could tell he was clearly built and taller. His hair had grown out a bit, it neatly tied back into a manbun.
"Oh? Does Fatgum not have someone who can make it for you?"
Kirishima smiled, laughing awkwardly. "He does, or, we do. They just, aren't as good at you."
"You haven't seen my work since UA, it's not l that improved. I still have a lot to learn before I'm good…"
Kirishima shook his head. "Don't say that, you were always super smart and made us amazing gear!" Kirishima blushed at his sudden enthusiasm.
Mina stood up, offering you her seat. "Y/N, would you mind staying here with Kiri for a moment, I think Denki and Sero needed to excuse themselves but are a little, ya'know." Mina made a drinking motion with her hand, elbowing Sero and Denki to follow her lead. The two had been snickering the entire time while simultaneously drooling over you.  
The trio walked off, leaving you alone with Kirishima. Kirishima chuckled softly, lost for words again.
"So, how's the side-kick life?"
Kirishima looked up at you. "It's alright. Fatgum is an amazing hero. He's super manly! And working for him is great too! Especially when he feeds me during patrols!"
You smiled at him, that smile that drives him crazy. "Well, you're definitely in the favor of girls everywhere. Your girlfriend is probably thrilled to have such a stong-"
"I don't have a girlfriend!" Kirishima practically leaped from his seat to assure you that he was indeed single. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain some composure. "I don't have a girlfriend. I am, completely single."
"Oh. I just figured someone as amazing and pretty as yourself would have a girlfriend." You looked down at your fingers, fidgeting with them as a soft blush spread across your face.
"You think I’m pretty?" Kirishima looks over at you, flashing you a small, toothy, grin.
"Is that weird?"
"Not at all! I think it's manly!"
You both laughed awkwardly. You both sit in silence for a moment, an incredibly awkward silence.
Kirishima spoke up first. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
You shook your head no. Kirishima nodded. Muttering a “cool, cool” under his breath.
Shortly thereafter, much to Kirishima’s relief, Mina returned with Denki and Sero. She smiled at you, her gaze warm. “These two are a bit over the edge and about to make a fool of themselves. I think we should go to Kirishima’s place and continue this party there, yea?”
Kirishima groaned. “Why my place? You have your own house, Mina.”
“I know, but yours is so much bigger and it’s closer to the venue.” She winked at Kirishima and glanced at youquickly, dropping hints. Kirishima, a little confused, gave up any sort of bickering he had.
“Fine.” He scratched the back of his neck, smiling at you. “Did you want to come, Y/N?”
You nodded, thanking him for the invitation. Mina threw her hands up excitedly, grabbing Denki and Sero, pulling them out behind her. Kirishima stood up, offering you his arm. You rested your hands on it, allowing him to lead you out of the venue.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Denki called out, laying sprawled out on Kirishima’s living room floor. Sero was laying near him, half asleep. Mina was cast over a chair, her legs dangling over one of the armrests. You were seated comfortably on Kirishima’s couch, wearing a pair of his sweats and hoodies. He had offered you the change of clothes when you came over with the group, wanting to keep you comfortable. To him, seeing you in his clothes was some fantasy of his. The way his clothes hung off your smaller body was adorable and was doing something to him he wasn’t sure he could explain.  
Sero shoots Denki a look. “Isn’t that game for middle schoolers? People our age play, I don’t know, checkers?”
Mina perked up at the mention of the game. She was, of course, the matchmaker of the night, determined to land Kiri a girlfriend out of the girl he spent his entire high school experience crushing on, or, at least, give him a solid one-night stand if you both were willing. “Don’t be such a drag, Sero! It can be fun. We’re 24, not 64.”
Mina spun herself around in the chair, sitting cross legged and facing the group. She looked over at you and Kiri, who was sitting a considerable distance from each other on the couch. “What about it, you two. Are you both down?”
Kirishima shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of Mina and her antics.
“Why not?”
Kirishima’s face shot to face yours, his eyes wide in surprise. “I’m in too, I guess.”
Mina clapped her hands together. “Okie dokie, zappy, you get us started.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
After being a few hours into the game, Denki was officially dumbed out and Sero was asleep on the couch. Mina giggled, looking over at you. “Okay okay Y/N, truth or dare?”
You hummed, thinking. “Truth.”
Mina groaned. “C’mon, pick dare for once!”
You shook your head. “Please, last time I did, you had me eat a spoonful of that random shit Kirishima had in his fridge.”
Kirishima chuckled, “I swear to you, it’s Bakugou’s.”
Mina sighed. “Fine. Back in your UA days, was there ever someone you had a crush on?”
Your face grew red as a blush laid across your cheeks. “What?”
Mina teased you, “A crush! You got to build hero gear for all those classmates and see them in their trained glory. . .you had to have liked someone.”
“I mean, there was someone. But it’s long done, they wouldn’t have liked me anyway and we’re grown up now.”
Mina pouted. “C’mon, Y/N, that isn’t true. You’re so pretty, any guy would have liked you! Who was it?”
You inhaled a deep breath, looking at the ground, Kirishima and Mina’s eyes both peering daggers into you.
Denki, finally coming back to reality, slurred his words together. “It was definitely me, wasn’t it?”
You shook your head. “In your dreams.”
Denki pouted, but Kirishima let out a breath of relief. His chances of knowing you maybe had liked him back at one point was the right amount of reassurance he needed.
You looked at Mina. “If I tell you, you have to swear to me you’ll keep quiet.”
Mina motioned a zipper over her lips. “Sister’s honor.”
You lean over your end of the couch, pressing your face against Mina's ear. You cup your hands, whispering into her ear the name she was waiting for.
And like gears working in clockwork, Mina was working on the ultimate plan to get the two of you alone.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Kirishima, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Hit me with the best you got.” It was well into the early hours of the morning now, the hero gala long over. You still were at Kirishima’s house, playing truth or dare. You were sitting closer to Kirishima now, sharing a blanket over the two of you, legs brushing softly. His hand was constantly inches from yours, the idea of holding it constantly toying in the back of his mind.
“7 Minutes in Heaven with Y/N.”
Both of your jaws practically hit the floor, a deep crimson spreading over both of your cheeks. You looked away from Kirishima, trying to hide your fluster. He placed a gentle hand on your knee, speaking to you softly. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can take you home right now if you want.”
Thoughts spread through your mind, deciding what to do. You liked Kirishima, you had for years now. You did at UA when you worked to design his hero gear, and your affections never wore off, watching him do his job as a hero sidekick only fueling the admiration you had for him.
“I’m okay with it.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The closet in Kirishima’s room smelled like fresh laundry, his calonge, and teen-turned-young-adult pheromones. It was dark, you were hardly able to make out the tall and well-built man in front of you, his muscles and long mane outlined softly. He went to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly, accidentally bumping your smaller form. He rushed out a frantic apology, the blush growing on both of your faces.
“Hey, Y/N, who was it you liked at UA?”
You looked away from him, trying to hide your face. You mumbled softly to yourself some answer he wasn’t able to hear.
“What was that?”
You remained quiet, not budging. Kirishima gulped, swallowing the massive lump of pride that was making his mouth dry. “I guess a closet during a game of truth or dare is a pretty good time to tell you,” Kirishima fumbled over his words a little, grabbing for your free hand. “I always sort of liked you. I mean, I liked you when we were kids at UA. But then we graduated, but, I guess I never really stopped. I’m not sure how manly that is-”
“I like you too.”
“...but you probably like heroes like Midoriya or Bakugou- wait what?” Kirishima stopped his rambling, trying to find your eyes in the dark. He locked onto the faint glimmer of your eyes in the dark. He was always one to think that being manly meant taking a risk from time to time, and he was everything that was manly.
Kirishima pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips to yours. The hand that wasn’t holding yours wandered to cup your face, holding it close to him. You gasped into the kiss, his sudden embrace taking you for a surprise. His lips were surprisingly soft, tasting faintly of cherries and champagne. The kiss was initially gentle, but, feeling your body press flesh against his, Kirishima dipped your head, deepening the kiss.
The hand that was grabbing yours found its way to your waist, tugging you closer to him. You sighed into the kiss, Kirishima’s breath warm against your skin. His tongue gently brushed across your bottom lip, his teeth accidentally grazing yours in his rushed attempt to draw you both even closer.
You pulled away first, looking up at Kirishima with half-lidded eyes, painting slightly. You licked your lips, taking in the remaining taste of his cherry taste. Kirishima let out a husky and shaky breath, still holding your waist. He blinked a few times, realization hitting him over what he had done.
"Oh my God, Y/N, I am so sorry, it isn't manly to not ask for consent first and-"
"Kirishima, it's okay. I agreed to come into this closet with you like we were kids or something."
Kirishima pulled you against him again, hovering his face against your ear. His voice was soft, growing husky with his hushed volume.
"Then, can I kiss you again?"
You nodded softly, anticipation growing.
"Perfect." Kirishima grabbed your face, smashing his lips into yours. Your hands traveled to hang off his neck, gently toying with his long locks. Kirishima gently moved his hand from your waist, letting it rest on your lower back as he pulled you even closer to him. His tongue licked your bottom lip, gently pulling it with his bottom lip. You mewled softly into the kiss, letting his tongue meet yours as it lapped up your mouth.
Needing air, Kirishima pulled off from your kiss, going to press kisses along your jawline and neck. He pressed fast and quick butterfly kisses to your neck, your hands tugging at his hair. He grunted, frustrated with the restraints of his hoodie you were wearing. You gently pushed him off, pulling his hoodie over your head, landing somewhere amongst his closet. Kirishima smiled at your now exposed top, your breasts filling out the bra you were wearing.
"You are absolutely stunning." He caressed your cheek with his thumb. "Can we keep going?"
You nodded, and Kirishima took no time going back to kissing your neck, this time leaving sloppy open kisses, his tongue leaving wet and sloppy marks along your skin. His teeth grazed at your skin ever so slightly, sending shivers up your spine. His teeth grazed over your sensitive spot as you moaned out involuntarily. Your hand quickly shot up to cover your mouth, aware of the fact that people were sitting in Kirishima's living room, possibly hearing you.
Kirishima pulled away, looking at you confused. He gently moved your hand from your mouth. "Why would you want to be quiet? You sounded so pretty?"
Kirishima, without hesitation, nipped at the sensitive part of your neck, desperate to hear you moan again. He kept nipping at your neck, sucking at the skin softly to sooth it. Your little mewls and moans nagging him on and on.
Kaminari looked up from his watch. "Mina it's been forever, go let them out."
Mina, pressed against the door, giggled as she returned back to Kaminari and Sero, who was now awake again.
"No way! Those two are totally going at it. I successfully am the new cupid boys!"
Sero groaned. "Are we going to stay here all night then? I don't want to hear that all night."
Mina shook her head. "No, we'll leave then be."
The trio showed themselves out, but not before Mina could slip a couple pain killers and condoms into your belongings on the way out.
Kirishima's hands dipped to your ass, lifting you up. He held you one handed, his strong arms and large hands being bigger than your small form. You pressed lazy kisses to his neck as he fumbled for the doorknob behind him, trying to open the door to his bedroom.  
After you had kissed up and down his jaw and neck, leaving smears of lipstick from the hero gala, Kirishima was able to get the door open. He threw you gently onto the bed, crawling on top of you. If you hadn’t already realized how massive this man’s form was now, you definitely made the connection when he was looming over you. His chest heaved heavily, the muscles in his arms and under his shirt contracting and rippling. His hair was long, falling into his face.
“Kirishima, what if they’re still here…”
Through heavy breaths, he kissed on your neck again, using the same butterfly kisses as before. “Don’t care.”
You hummed at the pleasant feeling of his soft kisses on your skin and the light tickling of his hair grazing your cheeks. “We should check though… they may be worried.”
Kirishima pulled his head back, looking behind him at the door. “Mina?” He yelled out, waiting for a response. “Nothing. It’s just us baby. Are you okay with that?”
You nodded, giving him permission to keep going. His hands traveled up your waist and sides, landing next to your breasts. His locked his lips to yours, his tongue wasting no time dipping into your mouth. Kirishima moved his hands to gently cup your chest over your bra, squeezing softly. A small moan escaped through your mouth, your breasts becoming sensitive under his touch. Your hands traced over his chest and arms, fingertips taking their time to feel each of his muscles. They found themselves in his hair again, pulling at it gently as you raked your hands through it. A shallow moan left Kirishima's lips as he pulled away from you, gently tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth as he pulled away. He looked at you with lidded eyes, a hunger glistening over his face. He looked at you with that same charming smile he always had, pulling his shirt over his chest. Your eyes widened at the sight of him. He had definitely grown since he was in high school all those years ago. He was built like a greek god, his pecks large and his muscles toned. Your fingertips gently felt up his chest and abdomen, shivers traveling up Kirishima’s spine.
“You’re beautiful, Eijiro.”
“Eijiro? We’re that close already?”
You giggled. “I mean, by the way you grabbed my chest, I would think so.”
Kirishima shook his head, lowering his body back down to yours. He kept himself propped up on his arms, leaving soft kisses along your face and jaw before hovering over your ear. “Well, I would love to do more if you let me.” His teeth nipped at the bottom of your ear.
Kirishima’s hands fumbled with the back of your bra, unhooking it and pulling it off you. His hands held your tender breasts. He placed gentle kisses along your chest, fingers toying softly with your nipples. His thumbs brushed over the sensitive buds, pulling them ever so gently. Soft moans sounded from you, only pushing Kirishima further with his teasing.
He looked at you with a wink and a smirk, before placing a gentle kiss over one of your breasts, sucking on it gently. His tongue worked circles around your nipple, your body squirming slightly under his touch. He tugged at it gently with his teeth, pulling away and giving the other breast the same attention. Your hands pulled at his hair, a grunt sounding out over your breast when you found a sensitive spot on his head.
He pulled up, admiring your form under him. Your face was pink with blush, your hair falling in a mess over his face, your lipstick smudged around your lips. Small bruises were adorning your neck and chest, breasts slick with his spit.
“You are absolutely perfect, sweetheart. The best thing I have ever seen.”
Eijiro moved his hands around the sweatpants you had borrowed, pulling them off your legs. His hands grazed the side of your leg, following up from your ankle to you hips. “So, so beautiful.”
He placed gentle kisses along your inner thighs, gently massaging them with his hands. His face was ever so close to your clothed folds, the teasing leaving you a mess. Kirishima took you by surprise, biting down on your thighs. Your moan was louder than any had been so far, the pain being laced with pleasure. You would definitely be able to see his bite marks and a bruise in the morning.
“You like that, huh? You like when I mark you up, make you all mine?”
You nodded, eyes closing as Kirishima bit down on your other thigh as you moaned out in pleasure. He placed gentle kisses over the new bitemark, lapping at it gently with his tongue.
His fingers hooked over the band of your underwear. “Is it okay if I keep going, sweetheart? Only if you want me to.”
You nodded your head, trying to rub your thighs together to get any sort of friction to aid your growing needs.
“Let me hear you, baby. Can I keep going?”
“God, yes Eijiro, please keep going.”
Kirishima smiled and pulled off your underwear, throwing it aside somewhere. His thumb gently felt along your folds, grazing across your clit. “God, every inch of you is absolute perfection. You're so pretty, baby.
You mewled at his touch, your folds already wet in anticipation. Kirishima dragged his tongue across your folds, lapping gently, teasing you. He was practically purring against you, losing his mind. He had never, ever, thought the girl he liked the most would be so completely unraveled under him. He sucked against your clit, moans and strings of babbled phrases leaving your mouth.
“Stop teasing me, Eijiro. Please, give me more.”
He pulled away, blowing softly against you, the cold air sending you squirming again. “So greedy, sweetheart. I promise I’ll make you feel so good.”
He rolled your clit with the pad of his thumb, moving it in soft circles. Your waist bucked forward under his touch, a growing tension in your stomach. Kirishima gently placed two fingers in you, pumping them out gently. You moaned, the stretch of his large fingers was absolutely unraveling. He pumped them in and out slowly, wanting you to get adjusted the best you could. He watched as you clenched around his digits. His thrusts turned to a scissoring motion as he added a third finger. The new stretch was absolutely mind numbing. He pumped the three fingers in and out of you, barely grazing the spot that needed him most. You bucked forward to him, trying to lower yourself further onto your fingers. Kirishima watched with intention, thrusting his fingers in deeper and faster. He hit the spot you needed, the moan leaving your lips was sinful and the best thing he had ever heard.
“Right there, Eijiro. Please, right there.”
“Is that good, baby? Do you feel good?” Kirishima’s voice was low, a practical growl. You mewled, legs shaking.
“I, I think I’m close.”
"That's okay, you can come when you're ready. I want you to feel good."
Kirishima thrusted his fingers in and out of you, curling them against your g-spot. You felt a knot grow in your stomach, snapping as Kirishima rubbed against your clit. Your body shook as you came, moaning his name.
Kirishima pulled his fingers out gently, locking eyes with you as he licked your juices off his fingers, sucking them slowly and licking them clean. He licked a clean stripe against your folds, sucking any remaining juices from you. You mewled and moaned, sensitive to his touch.
"You taste so good, so perfect, Y/N." Kirishima's face was covered in your slick and sweat, your lipstick still smeared on his neck. His hair was a mess, tangled from where your hands had been tugging at it.
You sat up a little, "Can I take care of that?" You glanced down at the tent that was straining against his pants.
"Only if you want." Kirishima pulled you closer to him, sitting you on his lap at the end of the bed, moving you around with ease. His head rested against your ear, voice low. "I want you to feel good, sweetheart."
You pressed a gentle kiss to his temple, sliding off his lap and sitting on your knees on the ground. You felt the fabriced bulge, watching as Kirishima shivered, eyes never leaving you. You slowly undid his belt, pulling his pants off him, letting them rest at his feet. His erection sprang through his boxers, precum peaking through. You licked a strip over, the fabric growing damp under your touch. Kirishima's grip tightened on the sheets of the bed. You palmed the length, trying to rub it, but it was honestly much to large for one hand to manage. Your mind was putty imagining how much he was packing.
You hooked the band of his boxers around your fingers, pulling them off his legs. Your eyes widened, gawking at the sight of him. He was, large, to say the least. You honestly weren't sure if you could manage him.
"Like what you see, baby?" Kirishima smirked down at you, eyebrows raised.
You nodded, rubbing a circle around his tip with your thumb. Kirishima let out a shaky breath, his composer slowly breaking.
You tried to stroke him up and down, your hand unable to fully wrap around his shaft. You pumped up and down gently, picking up speed slowly. Kirishima threw his head back, mumbling your name under his breath.
You took him into your mouth slowly, tounge swirling around his tip.
"Fuck, Y/N" Kirishima's voice was breathy and full of need.
You bobbed your head up and down his length slowly, trying to take in as much as you could. When you hollowed out your cheeks, taking in enough of him that you hit the back of your throat, Kiri let out one of the most sinful moans you had heard. He was one of the last people you would expect to be so vocal, but if you said it wasn't the hottest thing you've heard, you would be lying.
Kirishima grabbed onto a bunch of your hair, his hand massive against your hair. He pulled you gently up and down his length, guiding you through what felt good.
"Just like that, baby. Good girl."  
You grew faster, stroking the lengths you couldn't reach with your mouth. You felt him twitch in your mouth, his grip on on your head tighter.
"I'm so close, Y/N. Fuck, you're so good. Take me like the pretty girl you are."
You stroked him faster, licking against him as he moved in and out of your face. You watched his face contort as he came in your mouth. You liked your lips, swallowing his load the best you could. You coughed a little, not anticipating so much. Kirishima panted, relieved. His eyes widened, realizing what happened. He looked at you, leftovers come sitting on your face.
"Oh my God, i'm so sorry. Hold on-"
Kirishima pulled a towel out of the closet, cleaning your face off.
"You don't have to apologize. I just hope I did okay?"
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your hairline. "You were perfect. Thank you."
He helped you stand, holding your waist. "If it isn't too much too soon, we can shower and you can maybe sleep over?"
"I would like that, Eijiro."
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years ago
Fatgum As a Dad
This was inspired by a conversation I had on a discord server, we all have daddy issues and want Fatgum to adopt us so here’s all the shit we collected.
There are some serious themes in here, mostly regarding the biological parents of the kid, but it’s vague as possible. If anyone wants me to add a trigger warning please let me know.
It all started when he was a kid, when he learned what an orphanage was. One of the kids in his class mentioned being from one, so when he got home he asked his parents about it. 
“Mom, what’s an orphanage?”
“Well, Taishiro, it’s where children that don’t have parents go. Then people can come and adopt the children. Why do you ask.”
“A kid at school said he’s from one, when d’you think he’s gonna get adopted?”
“He might, not all children get adopted. Some of them stay in the orphanage until they’re adults.”
“Well, honey, life’s not fair. And not everyone gets a happy life. It’s how most villains are made, actually. They were hurt more than everyone else and couldn’t handle it anymore. Not all villains are like that but many are. I think you should stay away from that kid, Taishiro. He might turn out a villain.”
But he didn’t stay away. And he made it his mission to become a pro hero so he could make a ton of money and help as many people as he could. He’d help even villains, keep them from doing something dangerous and inspire hope in them.
Then, he’d adopt any kid who needed a father. All the orphanages and foster programs would be empty. Homeless children off the street and in his house, being fed and clothed. He’d care for each and every one of them, not wanting a single person to feel like they didn’t belong. 
He finds most of his kids at pride parades. He walks around with a shirt that says ‘FREE DAD HUGS’ and a box full of candy. He remembered one of the kids walking up to him slowly.
“Um.. are you Fatgum?” 
“Yes I am!”
“Can I have a hug?”
“Yes you can, Kiddo!” he got down, and the kid put his arms on his stomach (Fatgum’s too big for anyone to fully hug, the dude’s taller than Allmight!) he wrapped his arms around the kid before he heard sniffles. He looked down and saw that the kid was crying.
“M-my parents never hug me like this!” they exclaimed. “They haven’t since I came out. They want to kick me out when I turn thirteen!” 
“Can I have their number? I’m going to... talk to them.”
He ended up taking the kid’s family to court, and since the parents were going to just kick the kid out anyways, they let Fatgum adopt them, but they kept nagging him about how he was ‘going to be raising a little demon.’
“Then call me Lucifer.” he spat right back. Now, that kid’s grown up, has pride flags all around their walls, and doesn’t ever doubt that they’re loved.
Fatgum probably bakes with his kids. Helping them up onto the counter to mix ingredients and play with the dough. If they mess something up or break a glass, it’s fine. He doesn’t yell at them or sigh and shake his head, he just kissed the kid on the forehead and helps them clean up the mess. 
The food always turns out amazing, and Fatgum always tells the kids that. All of his kids are now Gordon Ramsay level chefs and have probably met Gordon Ramsay. 
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No matter what their body type is, Fatgum tells his kids their handsome/beautiful and are model worthy. If anyone comments of one of his kid’s body, whether it be negative or... ‘positive’ in a creepy way, you can expect that they’re getting slammed into the ground. No questions asked.
One of Fatgum’s kids is really good at make-up. Like, really good. So Fatgum did the only thing a rational father would do. 
Ask for a make-up job.
It didn’t end all that well...
“Hold still.. I gotta get the eyeliner on.”
“Gosh, Kiddo it’s making my eyes water.” 
“I know, just hold still... aaaand...... done! Now don’t touch it or it’ll smear!”
“Wow, that looks great! You’re really good at this!”
“Thanks, dad- you smeared it already didn’t you?”
Fatgum: I'm not gonna do it, it just seemed like a good option. 
Fatgum not even two seconds later after seeing a trans kid crying: now carrying said child on his shoulders while his spouse is chuckling in a corner after signing adoption papers I did it.
This man would get his kids almost anything they wanted. Especially kids with ADD/ADHD/Autism/Tourettes/Anxiety who need stim toys.
Kid: chewing on their nails.
Fatgum: here take this stim toy, and this one, you chew this one so that might help-
Kid ends up with more stim toys than they can count.
Fatgum: just doing his job 
The Daddy Issues Gang: Hi dad- oh shit wait- Hi- I- fuck- trauma ensues. crying
Fatgum: grabs the daddy issues gang we're going to the nearest courtroom say hello to your new father its me im the father ok lets go.
Kid: um, dad can I talk to you? 
 Fatgum, turning around quickly: yes? 
 Me: ‘he moved so quick, he's mad at me, I'm gonna get yelled at’ Sorry, sorry! 
Fatgum: uh, no. I'm getting you ice cream and a new stuffed animal no questions asked
He'd just know when something's wrong, and he’d be great at comforting.
His usual style of comfort is to let the kid sit on his stomach and tell him what’s wrong. His body is one giant pillow for his kids to lay on, he can fit at least eight of them if they cuddle in closely.
Once filmed a commercial dressed as the Cool-Aid man, and all of his kids were in the commercial.
Fatgum: Busts down wall  “OH YEAH!”
Director: “And CUT! Okay, try a little more aggressive-”
Fatgum, in tears: “I don’t wanna scare my kids.”
As stated before, if anyone makes his kids feel bad he’s punching them to the ground, but sometimes he’s not in a position where he can do that. Like if a Karen mom ever comes over.
"Linda stop bringing lemon squares if you're going to talk about my son that way because they're just as sour as your attitude."
Fatgum but he slaps the toxic members of your family and tells them to do better or he's taking you.
Then takes you anyway because you prefer him.
Fatgum with a sweater that says ‘mr dad guy on it’
Fatgum definitely watches ATLA, and quotes Uncle Iroh daily. When his kids are minding their own business they suddenly hear
“Leaves from the vine... falling so slow...” 
Fatgum agency cosplayed ATLA characters on Halloween.
Fatgum was Iroh.
Kirishima was Sokka.
Tamaki was either Momo or Appa.
Maybe get a couple others in on it too, Mirio could be Aang and if Kirishima convinces Todoroki to join for a while he’d totally be Zuko.
Fatgum lets his kids squish his face.
Fatgum used to work with a hero who was hard of hearing, so he learned sign language to help them, and he’s got the skill saved in case one of his kids might be deaf.
So one day, Kirishima invites Bakugou on patrol with him, and we all love that headcanon of Bakugou going deaf, so when he gets pissed at something, he starts insulting everyone around him in SL.
Fatgum notices and starts signing back to him.
Hey, now, let’s calm down and not call everyone motherfuckers.
Everyone thinks that they’re doing magic, because they’re making all these shapes with their hands and keep looking offended at each other.
Now, Fatgum tries his gosh darn hardest to keep up with the memes, so when his kids come home with good grades, he says “That’s so pog, Kiddo!”
All of his kids are embarrassed.
In the middle of a battle, he throws Kirishima at a villain and they both scream “YEET!” the villain afterwords forever lives in fear of the word ‘yeet’ because he thinks it’ll result in a human rock being thrown at his face.
Fatgum can’t text very well, because his fingers are just too damn big-
Translation: so his texts look like this
you learn to understand his texts
Someone better get him a large tablet instead of a phone
If he gets married after he adopts the kids, there’s going to be a huge competition over who does the rings and who does the flowers etc.
If any of his kid’s ever bring home a romantic partner, you can bet your ass he’ll be all over them.
“What’s your average grade?”
“E-eighty percent sir!”
“And do you take sports?”
“No sir, I wish to be a biologist.”
“I see, I see...”
“SORRY, KIDDO! I’LL LET THEM GO NOW! I’ve got my fucking eyes on you. Don’t screw this up.”
Hope y’all enjoy this, if y’all want I can write some headcanons for if Fatgum’s kid becomes a villain-
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saiki-kusuhoee · 4 years ago
Hey idk if ur still doing requests or not but could you maybe do one where Tamaki, Fatgum and Todoroki’s relationship with their fem! S/O gets leaked maybe. It’s okay if you don’t want to tho! 🤍🤍🤍
Im sorry! I made it gender neutral by accident, please forgive me!
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Amajiki Tamaki
➤ He’s totally panicking when celebrity gossip overflows into both you and his names all over tea spilling pages and celebrity news. All he’s wondering is; a) How this happened, b) if you knew, and c) How you feel. He’s running his hands through his hair and pacing in his room when you knock on his front door.
➤  He sits you down and talks at a really fast pace about the rumours, and how devastated he is, and +, he’s muttering apologies along with it. It's a bit silly, how he’s reacting, so you try to get him to relax. It's hard for him, though. He would never ever admit it, but he’s quite possessive of you. He’s really scared of some villain targeting you, or stealing you away.
➤ He’s very self conscious about that, and he really thinks that you can do wayyy better than him, and wants you too. But his thoughts are particularly contradicting, as he never wants you to leave him. You’re just so special and you make him feel amazing about himself. His love for you puts him on cloud nine and makes him a much better hero.
➤ He admits why he’s so scared, and it's an eye opener. You hold him and tell him you adore and need him as much as he needs you, and that there's no better than him. You guys cuddle and kiss, and he calms down considerably. You two decide to confirm the rumours
➤ To Amajiki’s surprise, the public loves your guy’s relationship, and it takes a huge load of stress off of him. Everyone loves you two so much that there’s fanart and fanfictions of you two. Some are not so safe for work, unfortunately…
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
➤ When Fat Gum agreed to go on a daytime talk show, he wasn’t expecting to be bombarded with questions about his romantic life. He denied having anyone special, because you had expressed that you didn’t want a public relationship, and he respected that.
➤ But then, they pull up the pictures. The first of which is you walking relatively near him, and you could just be any person, then another with you entering his agency with takoyaki. But the last one was you two at the beach, kissing. (this was probably on the ellen show, y’all)
➤ Taishiro is beet red, and stammering that it's not what it looks like, with the background of the audience laughing, he doesn’t seem so credible. Just like that, your guy’s cover is blown, and it's undeniable.
➤ When the show airs, Taishiro is apologizing profusely. It’s not his fault, and you make sure that he knows that, since he’s talking all of the blame. He feels like he let you down, majorly. You continue to tell him that it's alright, stuff like this happens.
➤ He comes out with a statement to the public, not with words, but with actions. He publicly proposes to you, turning heads and making your heart swell. The flash of cameras and cheer of the surrounding citizens. He loves you, and isn’t afraid to show you off. So, will you accept his proposal?
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➤ Unlike Amajiki and Toyomitsu, Shoto completely forgot that your guy’s relationship was meant to be secret. Like Fat Gum, he goes onto a talk show, and when he’s told how handsome and charming he is by the female host, leading to her making a single slight innuendo, he snaps. “Pardon me, I have an s/o. Their name is y/n and I intend on being loyal.”
➤ The clip of the show goes viral, and everyone is feral over you. After people see your face, He’s got thousands of fans on every social media of his telling him how gorgeous and attractive you are. His replies are all- ‘Yes, I am aware that y/n is stunning. Thank you.’, ‘Yes, I have seen them before.’ and ‘How do you guys know about y/n??’
➤ Wow… I mean- Shoto is a real piece of work, huh? When you ask him why he's being so nonchalant about leaking your guy’s relationship, he didn't see it as a huge deal. Sure, you’ve vaguely suggested keeping it a secret, but it was still weird that your notifications were constantly blown up with people asking for your guy’s relationship details.
➤ Shoto’s justification is- “Baby, We’re going to be forever together, I swear. Someone was bound to find out. I just feel like our love shouldn’t be a secret. And I’m sick of everyone ‘shipping’ me with Bakugou and Midoriya. I love you, not them.” Again, Shoto is a real piece of work, he’s so sweet. <3
➤ As previously mentioned, everyone loves you. He takes you out on fancy dates often, and it's not rare that Endeavor is asked how he feels about you. Bakugou and Midoriya are asked if they are sad as well. Yaoyorozu definitely feels something, but not enough to speak out, she’s married to Jirou, anyways.
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satorugojooo · 4 years ago
Keigo Takami headcannon
Warnings: contains spoilers from the Manga, if you don't want to know what happens don't read it ♡
You were running on the streets together with Tokoyami. There was a huge fight between the league of villains and the pro heroes and UA students. But you didn't cared for that, your mentor, also the man you loved and you appreciated was in danger. You found out in a bad way that Hawks is actually spying on the league. At first when you saw him talking to Dabi, you felt betrayed, the man you saw like your hero was nothing more than a villain. It was horrible, you didn't wanted to talk anymore to him. Tokoyami knew about this too, but he suggested you not to hop to conclusions before knowing the truth. After when his agency told you he might be in danger and that he was actually spying on them you came here as fast as you could.
"Hey be careful! Don't leave me!" said Fatgum but you and Tokoyami already left to a building that was in fire. Your quirk was the element one and a angel quirk, so you could had those angel wings. You quickly grabbed Tokoyami and both of you flew in the building. There was a huge fire and smoke and you saw Dabi next to Hawks. He was very injured.
"Tokoyami get Hawks I'll cover you!" you said and you both ran to them. As dark shadow got Hawks you made a barrier between you and Dabi.
"Well well well who we have here? If these aren't the class 1 a students. Isn't it pathetic? After all he did, after he betrayed your trust, you still risk your life for him..." Dabi said and approached you.
"It was a misunderstanding, I should knew that Hawks wouldn't hang out with people like you" you said as he laughed.
"Oh my and then is this a misunderstanding?" he said and showed a dead body. It looked like Twice.
"Is that-" Tokoyami said and you looked stunned.
"Yeah as you can see your hero killed Twice, Toga had to watch how his friend died... Is this what you call a hero?" said Dabi and came closer to you till it was a distance of some inches.
"I'm sure he had his reason! After all everything you try to do is kill us since we firstet at the camp! How can you judge him after how many people you killed? You disgust me even more!" you said and Hawks coughed.
"To.... Ko...... Yami?" he said weakly.
"Yes Hawks don't worry your safe, Y/N and I came after you." said Tokoyami while Dabi kept looking at you.
"Why are you still on their side Y/N? when you could be on the side that never hurts their friends?" he said and tried to grab your arm.
"NO! Im already on the side that never hurts their friends and I would rather die than be on your side, after everything you've done!" you said and he prepared his fire but you made a barrier again. You felt weaker, you also felt your hands burn since you couldn't use your fire element for long time.
"Tokoyami! I'll make you a rock hill so you can get Hawks out of here safe!" you said and you hit your leg to the ground, feeling a little earthquake after. Tokoyami took Hawks and left quickly.
"Y/N come on!" he said but dabi stopped your way.
"Are we going somewhere?" he said and he hit you with his flames. You went straight on the balcony where was your hill but you were dizzy after the hit he gave you.
"So pathetic you could have everything but now your life is in my hands." Dabi said and you quickly used your air quirk to slide down till you got to Tokoyami.
"Y/N...." said Hawks and looked at you very weak.
"I'm alright now don't worry, we need to get you out now-" you said but you were interrupted by Dabi who jumped after you.
"Alright I had enough of you!" you said and you send rocks after him but he dodged them. You tried to use your water quirk but because of the heat you couldn't, every drop was vaporized. You had no choice but to use your wings. When you got them he smiled.
"So I get to destroy other wings huh?" he said and started his fire but you quickly put your wings as a barrier. You felt them burn and you knew this was your weakness but Tokoyami couldn't help because dark shadow was weak at Dabi's flames. As he went away dabi managed to burn pretty much of your wings. You fell on the ground when Fatgum and Denki came to you.
"Y/N!!" said denki and lifted you in his arms.
"Quickly! Take her where Tokoyami went with Hawks." said Fatgum and Denki left.
After that event, you woke up at the hospital, today was the last day you had to stay there. You put on yourself a casual dress with long sleeves and you went with Tokoyami to visit Hawks.
As you entered his room you saw him resting on the hospital bed.
"Hawks!" you both said since it was the first time you could see him after the fight and he looked at you quickly.
"Tokoyami! Y/N! How are you?" he said and you both went to his bed.
"Better now, dark shadow wasn't harmed at all in the fight." Tokoyami said.
"What about you Y/N?" Hawks said and you smiled a little.
"I'll be fine too, even if dabi managed to burn my wings and he weakened my water element I am good." you said.
"You also burned your wings?" he said with a serious expression.
"It was the only way Hawks... I had to keep him away till Tokoyami could get you safe out of there." you said knowing the lecture you will get.
"You didn't had to do all that for me kids! When will you listen to me when I'll tell you not to get into my job? You did great, and I'm proud of both of you, but you risked your life out there and I wont go easy on you because of that." he said and sighted.
"We are sorry but, when I saw you talking to Dabi some days ago I thought you were actually on his side, it made sense why in each fight with the league you were there and I avoided you as much as I could... I didn't thought that maybe you were spying on them and I felt guilty when your agency told us that you were in danger... I dint wanted things to end like that, not before I could have apologized for what I did... "you said and he looked at you with a soft expression.
"Hey kid don't worry, you couldn't knew if I was really a villain or no, and I took the risks when I accepted this mission. You don't have to apologize, but I do, because I made you think that I don't care about you two, but I can say that your the strongest interns I ever had. And I'm proud oh you two. "he said and opened his arms for you to hug him.
You and Tokoyami hugged him quickly and smiled.
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vs-redemption · 4 years ago
Aaa im so sorry for bothering you! Can uou do my request from before (homeless kid) but now with hawks, shigaraki, and fatgum please? Im so sorry if its any trouble but your writing isFANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
A/N: Phew! Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to make sure I gave you something I was proud of. And don’t worry! You aren’t bothering me. I was actually kind of wishing you’d included Hawks in the first request, and Shigaraki was a fun challenge to write! I really hope these meet your expectations.
A Surprise Meeting (Hawks, Fat Gum, and Shigaraki meet their abused child)
Warning:⚠️Mentions of child abuse and homelessness.⚠️
You can read the same scenario but with Bakugo, Iida, and Aizawa HERE You can read the same scenario but with Todoroki and Dabi HERE
Hawks knew his patience would be put to the test whenever the Hero Commission called him in for a face-to-face meeting. He’d opened up his agency as far away from the head office as possible for the sole purpose of avoiding their overbearing attempts to control not only his career, but his personal life as well. He appreciated everything the Commission had done for him to an extent. After all, he never would’ve ended up as such a successful hero if they hadn’t taken him in as a child and given him intensive training to perfect his quirk. There were a lot of things he’d hated about living under the Commission’s thumb though. Because of that, he really hated whenever he had to go back there.
“Thanks for coming today, Hawks.” The president of the organization herself had come to greet him. He gave her a roguish grin despite the fact he wanted to role his eyes. He hated when they thanked him for obeying when it wasn’t like he had a choice anyway. “There’s someone we’d like you to meet.”
Hawks followed the president as she led him deeper into the facility than he’d been in a long time. His wings twitched behind him as unpleasant memories began to surface in his mind. He felt confused and uncomfortable when he was brought into a small observation room that had a view of one of the commission’s training spaces behind a large two way mirror. “Are you going to explain what this is all about?” Hawks jokes to try and ease his own tension, “Or are you keeping me in suspense on purpose?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” The president’s face remains stoic as she turns away and speaks into an intercom. “Bring her in.” Hawks looks into the training room on the other side of the glass and sees a random agent of the commission step through the door with a tiny little girl following closely behind. She looked to be around two years old. Hawks’ jaw drops in disbelief when he sees the two fluffy wings sprouting from the child’s back. He’d seen other people with wing quirks before, but this kid’s resemblance to him was uncanny. Her hair was darker than his, but the black markings around her golden eyes had his mind reeling.
“Of course we did a DNA test,” the president says flatly. “She’s definitely your child.”
Hawks steps away from the glass and runs a hand over his face, letting the information sink in. The commission had so much influence over his personal life that he’d mostly stayed away from any sort of relationship, knowing that there’d be too much drama over maintaining his image and reputation for him to actually enjoy having that kind of connection with someone. Admittedly, he had bent his own rules and caved into pressure once or twice after graduating the commission’s program. He wasn’t proud of it, but he’d mostly done it out of spite for all the years he’d spent being micromanaged.
“A woman dropped her off a few days ago,” the president’s voice turns sharp. “How could you let this happen?” Hawks wasn’t interested in a lecture at the moment, so he ignores the question in favor of moving closer to the glass and looking at his daughter more intently. She was cleaned up and wearing a standard uniform provided by the commission, but Hawks didn’t miss the painful looking scratches on her face or the raggedy, burned up ends of the feathers on her wings.
“What happened to her?” he asks, surprising even himself at the low tone of his voice.
“The mother admitted to doing most of it,” the president rattles off the information in a clinically detached way. “They’d also been living out on the street for a while as well, so who knows what might’ve happened.” The news was heartbreaking for Hawks. He hadn’t lived in ideal circumstances at that age either, and he wouldn’t wish that sort of life on anyone.
“Your wings didn’t start to grow back until you were a bit older, so we’re assuming it’ll be the same for her,” the president seemed oblivious to the emotional state of the hero standing next to her. “We’ve already started her on a special diet though, and she’ll begin her training regimen at the beginning of next week.”
Hawks wasn’t sure if it was some bird trait related to his quirk or just the knowledge that he was the kid’s father, but some sort of instinct kicked in with such intensity that it washed away any feelings of duty or habits of obedience that had been programmed into his brain.
“You’re not keeping her,” he says fiercely. The president just raises her eyebrows at him.
“The mother left her in our custody,” she states. “You should be thankful that we’re willing to overlook your mistake. With any luck, we’ll be able to groom this girl into a hero just as spectacular as you.”
“If you don’t release her to me, it’ll be you that’s made a mistake,” there was a promise of something terrifying in Hawks’ tone that seemed to finally shake the president’s resolve.
“You really think you’ll be able to be a decent parent?” she asks coldly.
“I won’t let her be robbed of a childhood like I was,” Hawks declares firmly. “If she wants to be a hero, she can make that decision when she’s old enough to do so.” Thankfully, the president decided not to argue any more. Hawks turns back to the window and allows himself to relax a bit. Looking over his daughter again, his heart filled with a love so strong it threatened to overwhelm him. He made a vow to love and protect his little girl so that she had the safest and happiest life possible.
Fat Gum
There was nothing quite like the feeling of walking around the lively streets of Osaka at night. People of all walks of life tended to come out around this time, and the delicious smell of cooking food filled the air. Taishiro Toyomitsu, better known as Fat Gum, could think of no better city to do his hero patrols. The crime rate was a little higher than in other places, but it was worth it for him to have easy access to the yakitori, yakisoba, and okonomiyaki stands that kept his quirk plenty fueled up.
Tonight he was in high spirits as he walked down one of the more famous shopping streets, stuffing his face with incredible snacks, and having friendly encounters with both locals and tourists alike. A couple of young musicians were playing on one of the street corners, so he tossed a few coins into their cup. Everything seemed to be fine basically, other than a few people who’d stumbled out of bars and needed help getting to a taxi. It was one of his more tame patrols, but he wasn’t going to complain about that.
He noticed that he was being followed near the end of the night, when most of the shops and restaurants were starting to close up. The busy streets began to empty as people hurried to catch the last few trains, and only when there were just a handful of people left out sweeping the sidewalks did the figure emerge from the shadows. Fat Gum was surprised to find that his pursuer was a young boy around nine years old with strange, aquamarine colored hair.
“Hey there, kiddo!” he kept a huge grin on his face but still kept his guard up just in case. “Can I help you with anything?” The kid looked to be in pretty rough shape as he gazed up at the BMI hero who towered over him. Fat Gum didn’t like the poor condition of the boy’s clothes, or that he appeared extremely dirty. The most concerning thing of all was how emaciated the boy looked. He could practically see the bones in his arms, and his cheeks were sunken with hunger. He wondered when the poor thing had last eaten a proper meal.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” the kid finally speaks up after a moment. Fat Gum finally noticed that the boy had started shaking like a leaf. He wasn’t sure if the boy was just cold, or if he was actually afraid. He watched as the kid reached into his back pocket and pulled out a tattered old photograph. “By any chance, do you know this woman?” The boy flinches away while holding out the paper for Fat Gum to see.
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, buddy!” the large hero says while taking the photo as non-aggressively as possible. “Let’s just take a quick look at this and… oh.” He recognized the woman staring back at him from the picture. He hadn’t seen her in almost a decade. He’d lost contact with her once she’d broken his heart after a short romantic affair. “Uh,” Fat Gum felt a little awkward, “Is this your mom?” The boy nods his head while keeping his eyes closed. “Then,” Fat Gum chuckles nervously, “am I your dad?”
“Yeah,” the boy mumbles before letting a few tears slip out, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” the need to be a hero for this boy was stronger than his discomfort with the situation. “If anyone should be sorry, it’s me. How could I have not known about this until now?”
“Mom wouldn’t let me tell you,” his voice cracks with emotion. “She said you’d be mad.”
“Well, that’s just silly!” Fat Gum shakes his head in disbelief. “Where is your ma’ now?” The boy finally glances up and meets his eyes. They were the same shape and color as his own.
“She got arrested yesterday,” he admits, sounding embarrassed. “Another hero caught her pickpocketing. She sometimes asked me to help her, but I haven’t been feeling well lately. We don’t have a place to stay either, so we had to find a way to get food.”
Fat Gum hated the thought of that woman not only keeping the existence of his son a secret, but also forcing a young boy to break the law. Perhaps that was why the boy looked so scared. He probably thought he was going to get in trouble too. Fat Gum had other ideas though.
“I’m really sorry that happened to your mom,” he says sincerely, “but she will have to pay for the crimes she committed.”
“I know,” the boy looks back down at his feet.
“But there’s no reason you have to follow in her footsteps,” Fat Gum says cheerfully. “I’m more than willing to take you under my wing. That is, if you don’t mind.” The boy finally allows a tentative smile to grow on his face. He clearly liked the idea.
“Well then, first I think we should get you to a doctor,” Fat Gum reaches down and gently pats the boy’s head. This time, he doesn’t flinch away. “And after that, I’ll make sure you get a decent hot meal! No kid of mine is going to look like skin and bones.” The boy eagerly agrees and allows Fat Gum to scoop him up into his arms. He had a feeling it was going to be a dream come true to finally have the fun and affectionate father he’d always imagined.
People were always going on and on about how hard public servants worked and how important their jobs were. Heroes, police officers, firefighters, health workers… sure, they all had hefty responsibilities, but nobody ever considered the absolute nightmare it was being the leader of the League of Villains. Shigaraki wanted to see someone else try to manage the group of ragtag, lawless, misfits that he’d been left in charge of. It’d be one thing if they were all there to support him and his diabolical plans, but unfortunately a good number of his followers were just hanging around in the hopes of an opportunity to continue the work of the Hero Killer, Stain.
Stain had always been a sore spot with Shigaraki, ever sense the man had shown up at his hideout just to criticize him for not having a clear goal. He’d never admit it out loud, but the jerk might have had a point. At first, he’d just wanted to kill All Might, but that was only because it was what his master, All For One, had wanted. After All For One had been arrested, Shigaraki was sort of left without a guiding hand or a clear path to follow. He still wanted to kill All Might. And he wanted that annoying Midoriya kid dead too. When he really thought about it, Shigaraki just kind of wanted everyone to be dead.
The door to the villain’s hideout clicked open suddenly, making everyone in the bar turn to see who’d arrived. It was just Dabi, trailing in the scent of burnt corpses. Shigaraki clenched his teeth and sighs in annoyance. That ugly fire user was supposed to be out recruiting people to the League, but all he ever did was incinerate any potential members he came across.
“I didn’t know we were running a daycare service now,” Dabi comments lazily while grabbing a stool at the bar and signaling Kurogiri for a drink.
“What are you talking about?” Shigaraki felt the prickling urge to scratch at the flaking skin on his neck, but managed to control himself. Dabi was always trying to get a rise out of him and the worst thing he could do was take the bait.
“Some crusty looking rugrat is hanging around outside,” Dabi shrugs. “You might want to do something about that.” Shigaraki wasn’t sure if the annoying man was messing with him or not, but he sent Twice to check it out just in case. The last thing they needed was a lost child attracting the attention of any heroes. A few minutes later, Twice returned with what looked like a four year old boy trying to claw his way out of his captor’s arms.
“Put me down!” The kid protests before opening his mouth and biting down on Twice’s fingers. The villain drops the kid who lands with a thud on the floor.
“There really was a kid out there!” Twice gestures to the boy dramatically, “He’s completely rabid though! It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”
“You picked the wrong place to run away to,” Shigaraki walks up to the boy feeling irritated. “You should’ve stayed with your mommy and daddy.” The boy glares up at him from the ground and Shigaraki gets a big shock. Aside from the hair color, it was like looking into a mirror. The boy had the same piercing red eyes as him. The skin around those familiar eyes was dry and irritated, just like his own too.
“You ARE my daddy!” The kid blurts out and the atmosphere in the bar gets extremely uncomfortable. Of course, the silence is broken by a snort from Dabi.
“Oh man,” he shakes his head. “I can’t believe someone actually had the stomach to sleep with you.”
“Shut up, Dabi!” Shigaraki tries to swallow down the panic and horror bubbling up inside him, but the persistent itch on his neck seemed to double in intensity over this unexpected news. He gives in, reaching up to scratch at the damaged pale skin below his ear. It had been All For One’s idea for him to have an ‘experience’ with a lady. He’d said it was an important part of becoming an adult, but now Shigaraki could only see it as a huge mistake. A voice drifted through his mind, telling him that it would only take five fingers to make this whole problem go away.
“Where’s your mommy?” Toga skips over happily, unable to resist inserting herself into the situation.
“I don’t know,” the boy was putting on a brave face, but it was clear that he was afraid. “We had to leave our house and sleep outside. Mommy said it was because my dad was a villain, but then she was gone when I woke up.”
The story struck a chord in Shigaraki. He’d been left abandoned without a home as well at a very young age. The last thing he wanted to do was sympathize with the brat though. What he wanted was for the kid to disappear. The idea of a guy like him being a parent was laughable. He was barely an adult himself, and he had enough on his plate right now. A small child was only going to be a burden. His fingers twitched, ready to activate his quick as he continues to look down at the helpless boy at his feet. The conflicting feelings inside him were making the itching flare up terribly. Every inch of skin on Shigaraki’s body felt like it was on fire now.
“You’re just like everyone else, aren’t you?” the boy suddenly slumps forward, the fight going out of him. “You hate me.”
A weird resolve washes over Shigaraki at those words. No. He wasn’t like everyone else. If there was one thing all the member of the League of Villains had in common, it was that they’d all been rejected by friends, family, and even heroes for traits they had little or no control over. This boy was just as much a victim of this crooked society as the rest of them.
“You’re forbidden from ever leaving this building,” Shigaraki states flatly. “And don’t expect anyone here to coddle you or clean up after you. The moment you become a nuisance you’re back out on the street.” The boy nods in understanding while finally pushing himself off the ground. Shigaraki wasn’t sure what he’d just signed up for. The only thing he knew for sure was that his job had just gotten a lot more complicated.
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fruitymimi · 4 years ago
Free Bird 2 - keigo takami x reader
free bird masterlist
keigo’s behavior is becoming  unhealthy & endeavor finally notices
pairing: keigo takami x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of murder, YANDERE HAWKS, cursing, mentions of trauma & abuse
a/n: pls im hesitant on posting this chapter i feel like its so badddd & corny lmao. but next chapter will be present time! i decided this is enough of the flashbacks for now >:)
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To say the least, Endeavor was pissed. Throughout Keigo’s entire life, he’d never developed any feelings towards people his age due to Endeavor and his parents, and that’s the way he wanted it to stay. Enji didn’t want anything or anyone to distract him, that’s why Keigo no longer went to public school, Keigo wasn’t allowed to consume any alternative media, this included TV shows, movies, the poor thing wasn’t even allowed to explore literature, only things Endeavor and the hero commission approved of. 
Not all heroes were in on this, either. This was something that was kept a confidential secret. Had heroes like Eraserhead, Present Mic, Ms. Joke, or Fatgum just name a few, heard about the exploitation within the hero community, they surely would have left without hesitation. As silly as it sounds, Keigo hoped that he would be saved by one of them. That is until he turned 15 and realized that there really was no getting out of his situation.
Keigo even remembers one time when Endeavor was scolding him in the hallway, his eyes were trained to the ground, his hands were shaky and he was picking at his nails, a bad habit he’d developed while with Enji. He didn’t even do anything! He just forgot that their training session started earlier than usual and he accidentally slept in! He didn’t expect Endeavor to be so angry, but apparently, Enji missed an important meeting while waiting for Keigo.
Keigo didn’t know what to say. He just kept his eyes on the ground until he saw a pair of yellow shoes walk past and stop behind Endeavor. Keigo looked up at the tall person behind Enji, his eyes brightening when he saw who it was. It was All Might! Maybe he’d at least get Endeavor to stop yelling at him, he looked so fragile and hurt by his words, it’d take a fool to not notice.
Toshinori made eye contact with Keigo, turning away immediately when he’d realized Keigo’s attention was on him. He clenched his fists, walking away slowly. Keigo’s mouth fell open, his brows furrowing, bottom lip quivering. 
Even the Symbol Of Peace didn’t care…?
Keigo carried this with him for years. He never liked the man, but this was just the icing on the cake. Now he knew, he really only had himself. No one was going to save him. No one was his friend.
It’d been about two weeks since Keigo met Y/N. Keigo never felt happier, he was friends with someone he had feelings for. He could actually consider someone a friend, something he hasn’t had for a long time. Of course, Endeavor always looked at him with a scowl whenever he’d be out with them, but he didn’t care. He was actually living somewhat like a teenage boy, even if he was 19.
Keigo could explain what he was feeling now. He knew that he was in love with Y/N. He knew that he had feelings for them, he wanted to see them as more than a friend. But he didn’t know how to process it. 
He’d find himself watching what they were doing throughout the day, learning their routines and how they were after each training activity. He could almost sense when something was off, he’d instantly be at their side, asking how he could help.
When Y/N would ask him how he knew something was wrong, he’d just shrug and reply with something along the lines of, “Maybe it’s just something special birds can sense” and it would make them smile, Keigo wanted nothing more than to see that look on their face forever.
When in reality, Keigo knew almost everything about them. He learned it all in the short few weeks, all by watching and listening to what they said. He knew what their favorite color was, what time they’d usually fall asleep, what time they’d usually wake up, what their favorite food was. Keigo kept mental notes about everything they did, everything they said. After all, that’s the least he could do as their future husband, right?
Endeavor did notice Keigo’s behavior becoming worse and worse. Keigo would purposefully hurt himself during training to get Y/N’s attention. They’d always run to his side to give him a bandaid or to help him up, Keigo would just be beaming the entire time they unwrapped the bandaid and placed it on his broken skin. 
That wasn’t even the worst part. As time went on, Keigo would become aggressive when other people would flirt with Y/N. Of course Keigo wouldn’t do it in front of anyone else, but Endeavor wasn’t a damn fool. Some random student would flirt with Y/N while they were training in Endeavor’s building, Keigo would notice and his face would get all red, fists would clench, and then somehow the student would end up slipping over a puddle in the hallways, or they would trip over something in the middle of the running track, or worse.
But of course, at the end of the day, Keigo was the one walking Y/N back to her dorm room, putting on a pretty smile to make it seem like he wasn’t planning something terrible. He was so good at covering his tracks as well, Endeavor had to admit. He knew Keigo was using his feathers to harm people who even so much as looked at Y/N in a way he didn’t like.
The day Endeavor knew it had gone too far was when a group of students were following Y/N around the halls, giggling and making jokes about them. It was comments about how their uniform fit their build, obviously making Y/N uncomfortable. 
It didn’t take long for Keigo to notice, and obviously he’d remembered and made mental notes about who it was harassing what was his. Keigo waited until late, late night, running into one of them on his way to the kitchen. The student was holding a glass of water, glancing up at Keigo when he walked in.
“Hey, you know Y/N, right?” Keigo asked, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. He turned on the tap, waiting for their response. 
He heard the student’s glass clink against the table as they put it down. “Mm, yeah. I know them. Why?” The student was oblivious to what the man was planning in front of him.
Keigo hummed, placing his cup on the table. “What do you think about them?” Keigo sat on the barstool at the table, his face blank as he stared at them. 
The student clicked their tongue as they thought. “Well… I think they’re pretty cute. They seem a little easy, don’t you agree? I think I could get with them.” The student giggled, looking down at their glass.
That is until they felt a sharp object at their neck. One of Keigo’s fucking feathers. Their eyes widened as they looked up at him. “Woah… chill out, man. It was a fucking joke.”
Keigo stood up, walking behind them. “Don’t fucking move. I won’t hesitate to do it. Don’t ever speak about Y/N like that again. They’re mine. If you want to live long enough to become a hero, you’d better leave them alone. They’re mine.”
The student swallowed. “Dude, I’m sorry. Just don’t hurt me.” Their voice grew shaky.
“You’ll fucking leave them alone then?”
“Yeah, dude. Just let me go… I promise I won’t talk to them again.” The student said, clenching their eyes shut.
Keigo took in a deep breath, opening his mouth to speak until he heard someone calling his name.
“Keigo! Stop!” Endeavor yelled at him, yanking at the boy’s shoulder. “What the fuck are you doing?! Call off your feathers.” Endeavor cursed. Surprisingly, Endeavor couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew Keigo was going a bit crazy, but he didn’t expect to walk in on him threatening someone’s life. 
Keigo looked up at Endeavor, then back down at the student. He let them go, watching the student almost fall out of their chair trying to get away from him. Keigo turned to Endeavor, crossing his arms.
“I knew what I was do-”
“No. I’ve ignored all of this longer than I should have. You need to take yourself to your dorm, don’t fucking come out until I say you can. This was completely unacceptable. You could have killed that student!”
Keigo blinked. “I wasn’t gonna do it. I just wanted them to leave Y/N alone.” He responded.
Endeavor’s nostrils flared. “Y/N? Are you fucking serious? What you’re doing is crazy. This is not how you show someone that you like them! You need to stop.”
“Marrying someone to breed your children isn’t how you show someone that you like them either.”
Endeavor’s brows raised as he stared at Keigo. “Get out of my face. Do not leave your room until I send for you. Go!” Endeavor pointed down the hall.Endeavor watched him walk away, pressing his lips together. He knew he needed to put an end to this now. He couldn’t just ignore Keigo’s rapidly declining sanity any longer. 
So what did he do? He called All Might and told him that he was sending Y/N somewhere else if he didn’t come and get them. Of course Endeavor wasn’t going to finally sit down and have a talk with Keigo and explain why his behavior was wrong, Endeavor wasn’t his father. Even though the hero commission robed the poor boy of countless life lessons, Endeavor would be damned if he sat down and had a talk with Keigo about his behavior.
“His feather? Like it was a knife?” Toshinori stared at Endeavor in disbelief, walking through the hallways with him. It was the next morning, Endeavor wanted to tell Toshinori the full story before he took Y/N.
Endeavor nodded his head. “Yes. I told you, he’s obsessed with them. I don’t know why, it’s like as time went on, he became more and more possessive. I don’t know why he’s acting like this, either.” Endeavor said, taking a sip of the coffee in front of him.
Toshinori looked up from his cup, brows furrowed. “What do you mean ‘you don’t know why he’s acting like this’? You act like you didn’t take his childhood from him, he was forced into hero work, what did you expect? He doesn’t know how to process his feelings because you’re too prideful to sit down and have a conversation with him or teach him about anything.”
Endeavor scoffed. “I’ve already got kids I have to worry about. I can’t go and act like I’m his father, too.” Endeavor told him, sitting back in his chair.
“You don’t even act as a dad towards them. All I’m saying is, if you don’t get that boy in check, you’re just training a villain. Anything that he does will be pinned on you. Not the hero commission, they’ll snitch faster than you can react.” Toshinori stood up from his seat, “I have somewhere to be in a few hours, I’m going to take Y/N back and let them get settled in before we have to leave.” he said, walking to the door of the conference room.
And with that, Toshinori led Y/N to the car he came in, deciding it was best if they didn’t say anything to Keigo.
But Keigo knew. Keigo knew it was Endeavor’s fault they were getting taken away. Keigo knew that Endeavor had something to do with it. He just got the love of his life taken away from him, all because of Endeavor. Keigo wasn’t going to take any of the blame, either. What he did wasn’t even that serious in his mind!
For the next few days, Keigo barely left his room and Endeavor didn’t bother him about it. Endeavor had to admit, he wouldn’t have taken Y/N away so quickly and coldly had Keigo not made that comment about him breeding his children. It was true, but Endeavor couldn’t handle the truth.
And like that, Endeavor watched Keigo shut himself off again. Everyday he woke up with that same dead expression, going back to how he was before. Going back to the ‘normal’ Keigo. Endeavor was just glad he could finish training him how he’d intended, there was no more distraction.
Still, he never seemed like he was the exact same. Like something sparked inside of him. Endeavor just didn’t know this was only the beginning.
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mypimpademia · 5 years ago
Taishiro (Fatgum) and Keigo (hawks) w a black s/o
Fatgum x black!reader x hawks
TW: Swearing, suggestive
This man knew he was in love with you from the moment he saw you
Expect him to always be admiring you
He just thinks youre so beautiful
And please wear your natural hair around him
Especially in an afro if you can
And for when you have it done, passion twists or dreadlocks
He just really enjoys wild looks
He'll also touch it a lot as long as you let him
Tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you on the daily
Plus kisses on every inch of your body
Please let him do golden hour photo shoots with you🥺
If you dont want to, at least sit by a window for him so he can absolutely worship you
He likes to help you on wash day
He just loves watching your hair go from long, to short, then long again
Buys you all they hair products you need
Always makes sure you're wrapping it or wearing your bonnet before you go to bed
"Did you wrap your hair while I was on patrol last night, gumdrop?"
Believe it or not, hes on of the main ones that gets irked rude and racist comments
They all do, but he definitely gets more mad that some of the others
You were receiving more once you and Taishiro started hanging out to begin with
And when you started dating it only got worse
You mostly ignored them, even if some of them stung, and so did Tai
But you knew more than anyone how mad they actually made them
If he'd been hearing rude and racist comments about you all day and managed to bottle it up, he'll come home and rant while doing things like cooking and picking up around the house
But sometimes, he'll snap at fans
He'll try to keep his words to be less hurtful
But his facial expression and tone could make a grown man cry
"Why is fatgum with a black girl? Did he not think of how his fans would feel? If he really cared, he wouldve had a girl from literally other race."
Since you were out in public surrounded by fans, he'd usually just squeeze your hand and try to wait till you could get home, but today he just wasn't having
"Fans? Youre no fan of mine sayin suff like that about my s/o. Im embarrassed that you left the house in my merch to say things like that about my s/o and her race. You make me, and my fans that are actually good people, look bad."
What he said was sort of in character
But again, his expression and tone were from a whole other person
The girl started crying on the spot, and when the two of you walked passed her and Taishiro mean mugged tf out of her, she ran in the opposite direction
After days like this, he can't even function properly till he gets it out of his system
So he'll mostly pace around and rant, maybe even punch a pillow
Taishiro just really doesn't understand how people could be so hateful to others because their skin is different
And it just makes him want to protect you from the hate of the world even more than he already does
He's probably cried over it more than once because it made him so mad
In cases like this, he pretty much just sits there, stares at a wall, and cries with his brows furrowed together
You try to calm him down and say its not his fault people are like this, and he shouldn't get so worked up over something he can't control
But he just can't help it because he loves you so much and he hates racism and hate speech in general
Summed up, Fatgum loves you
Hes so prideful of you
Literally shows you off every chance he gets
I feel like Keigo has been all over the world so hes seen how black women get treated
So manz had been defending you before yall were even in the talking stage
Of course all of it upsets him, he hates the way people hate on others for things like race and religion
But out of everyone hes the most chill confrontation wise
If he can maintain composure without saying anything, he'll just shoot people this mean ass glare if they say something
If he can't, then he's pretty mild on words too, but they definitely leave a sting on die hard fans
"Really? A black girl? And its her? You could do better. For example: me."
"You? Sorry, wouldn't date you if were the last person on Earth while you're talking about my S/o, and saying racist things like that."
And yet another fangirl running off crying
He really loves your hair
Like almost a little too much
When its natural, he likes to see it with a side parted afro if you can
When you get it done, he likes box braids, goddess braids (cornrows), and dreadlocks
His hands will be in your hair 90% of the time when you cuddle (as long as you let him ofc)
The king of taking golden hour pics
He'll fly you to different places to get a good picture or better lighting, use his feathers to fix your hair or clothes, and fly or even get on the floor to get a better angle
"Just a few more pictures, dove, then we'll be done."
Most likely calls you "golden dove" during golden hour (only if you're okay with it, hes a respectful man)
He literally worships you
Probably spends 2 hours a day just telling you how gorgeous you are
Gives you kisses while he uses his feathers and gives you soft touches
Speaking of his feathers, theyre the perfect tool to cut out old braids with
Like it takes a single second to cut every single braid
Then he'll help you unbraid all of them
And he'll help you wash your hair because like I said, he loves touching your hair
If he travels and has to leave you behind for any reason, he'll bring you back hair products for you to try
When he sees you sleeping without your hair protected, he uses his feathers to wrap it/put your bonnet on for you without waking you up
In conclusion, youre the only god/goddess he'll worship
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