#im telling u guys rvb gets so much more fleshed out when u operate under the assumption that it takes place in the halo universe
tvckerwash · 9 months
man I love watching halo lore videos talking about the differences between bungie canon and 343 canon because it adds a completely new layer of understanding to rvb.
for example; in bungie's halo an ai experiencing rampancy is an ai realizing its sentience and gaining true freewill—aka, they become human.
in 343 canon this is obviously not the case, and an ai experiencing rampancy is degrading into non functionality rather than transcending from the limitations of their original programming.
both forms of rampancy involve the ai "going crazy", but it's so interesting to see how these lore changes are reflected towards the ai's in rvb. with burnie and matt returning I wonder if epsilon's rampancy is going to reflect bungie's lore instead of 343's, and if his degradation in function will instead be attributed to the fact that he's always been an unstable ai fragment whose functionality has always been questionable?
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