#im surprised that i only reread one book this year
hiya-itsamber · 3 days
hi hun!! i kind of want to ask for book recommendations but i have a long list of mine T T so i’ll just ask what was your favorite book that you’ve read this year
hi gorgeous!! truthfully i have been in the biggest reading slump this year - i think i dnf'd more books than i did finish any. i've only read three books so far this year, i think?
i reread the brothers hawthorne early on this year, (are we surprised, no), i finished one of us is back by karen m. mcmanus this morning! (y/a murder mystery, good series i recommend!), and i'm currently in the middle of reading done and dusted by lyla sage - i'm not usually a big romance novel reader and i've never found one i actually like or could finish but so far this one is cute so i'm enjoying it!
as i said i dnf'd many books, but others i just haven't finished yet because i got busy in between and did that thing where i got stuck rereading the same chapter. but i started the lockwood and co series which i REALLY enjoyed, the cruel prince is such a good fantasy i have to give it another shot. i'm midway through crooked kingdom (second book in the six of crows duology, HIGHLY recommend), and i'm planning on reading a good girls guide to murder after i'm done with my current read.
clearly i do enjoy more of the y/a category, which im not sure if you do! but the secret history, the atlas six, the song of achilles and if we were villains are also high up my list, if those perk your interest!
in terms of poetry i havent read much yet this year, but i did reread the waves by virgina woolf which is an all time fav i love going back to.
sorry, i know this is such a long reply and i did end up rambling! but thanks for dropping by bee, i hope i gave you some good recs!!<3
and because i also need some recs, i'm gonna ask what your favs are too!!
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candy8448 · 4 months
So ive recently been writing little bits of almost poetry in my notes app whenever im feeling a strong emotion that needs to be written down
I only have about 3 but ive reread them and i cant help but use my analytical language mind to find out hidden meanings in my own writing, and then i get surprised at myself
And now i wonder
If i was able to find hidden messages in something I wrote and didnt intend to write, do authors of books we study in english really think of these things or not, or could it even be subconcious? 0.0
Oh wait-
I didnt mean to go on a tagent, that was not what i was gonna say when i started typing this
I was gonna ask if you wanted to see some, might not give context but i do kinda like some of it, even if i might cringe at it a few years later
Actuallly i might make one or two of them into a mini comic kinda thing...
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Ahriman Sorcerer 1
The chaos train has no breaks!
Ew it’s the weird space wolves again Why don’t you guys hang out in your fancy coffee shop and maybe you’ll calm down
Annnnd yep time for more cannibalism Meanwhile Ahriman is having a nightmare about being chased by wolves King of infinite space etc
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So the first time I though this was a Magnus fragment in his brain Either that or tzeentch I was wrong but I don’t remember what was up lol
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Is this about his Prospero trauma
Secure meeting place to plan stuff with your minions: your own brain
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Take a shot !!! Ignissssss is hereeee Ignis walks in and all the preps look at him
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Ahhh you know I missed the first time that he thinks that about the sword lol Ignis insults the dude and starts a fight Sanakht shows up to break things up Rip sanakht you were kind of fun
You know I completely missed this first time Ignis: huh somethings up with his aura Sanakht: he noticed he knows he thinks I’m a worm
more ominous foreshadowing kadin cannot remember his home
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uh??? This is Iobel but her first description was blue-eyed redhead. I mean contacts and hair dye are thing but. Odd.
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okay i'm trying to figure out the timeline because there's time travel shenanigans so, it mentioned it was "years ago" that the first ahriman book happened, or at least a specific conversation in it at least from Kadin's POV they ran into Iobel and co just outside Cadia this inquisitor conference is…happening directly after that
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spooky so the chained seer in the middle starts saying a list of names it's all people who are relevant to ahriman and boy it's a surprising list didn't expect to see the remembrancer trio from A Thousand Sons mentioned here also, hi khayon!
yooo that was sick back over to ahriman once again i find the logistics of chaos….lacking press x to doubt that they manage all this today: silvanus taunts the happy fun astraeos. astraeos strangles silvanus. do not taunt happy fun astraeos astraeos, don't strangle the navigator
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okay so we're…roughly 2k years out from the heresy assuming this is referring to the first black crusade
grey knights spooky
next chapter: ahriman commits war crime also see what i mean it kind of jumps from ahriman doing small scale stuff to straight up killing the biosphere of an entire planet just so there will be enough dead plant matter that he can hide surprise tool for later rubricae there it's a huge escalation and it kind of adds to the feeling of being disjunct from the previous book.
okay that's it bursts out of wall like kool aid man i need to chew on some warhammer furniture so
i'm gonna continue rereading ahriman and hopefully get more ignis tonight: ahriman contemplates the nature of light as he is about to commit war crime
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actually, this is kind of cool a) the fact that cinnamon still exists b) the fact that ahriman knows what it smells like i mean the boring answer is probably "they synthesized cinnamon" but i can think about growing cinnamon trees…
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oh! he's hanging out with Carmenta
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im sure this isn't foreshadowing anything bad okay so, are the cable swarming over her clothing then i guess so, Carmenta is the one person he confides in the one thing Ahriman doesn't have, is trust the only person he trusts to tell anything to is Carmenta, the one who betrayed him
IGNIS POV MY BELOVED so Ahriman gave the order but Ignis was the one who figured out how to do it and actually ran the whole thing (killing a planet)
and back over to Astraeos. time for the imperial inquisitors to torture him
okay so over with ahriman and
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squints suspicious at the timeline shenanigans
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TIRED SMILE not a sad smile but its cousin
okay we got a timeline! we are now currently at +2 years of lived time for Ahriman and Carmenta since killing the planet for someone who is supposedly dying, Carmenta doesn't seem to be doing worse than the last time we saw her? it has according to ahriman been "much longer" for the imperium since they killed the planet
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RIP Astraeos
okay more notes: ahriman apparently goes to meetings in his bare feet i sure hope your ship is in better condition than the harrowing's one or you're just asking to give yourself super tetanus huh ignis has hidden depths he's upset because it cost them three TS to kidnap Iobel
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for the record they could absolutely have grabbed Astraeos okay Hemellion POV the king of the world they killed that Ahriman spared and turned into a slave which again was weird.
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oh hey more blindness and light motifs (there have been more i just haven't quoted them)
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you gave me a life i never chose i wanna leave but the world won't let me go what it is and where it stops nobody knows (context: lyrics of Blindness by Metric. Actually that song has some relevance to this story)
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ANOTHER SAD SMILE take a shot ignis and sanakht team up! im sure this will end well (well. ignis will survive. at least.)
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anyways. i love iobel as a foil owo new psyker ranting about the sons of prospero iobel: ??? ack! ack! not the muscles!
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oh, okay, it was only one sentence seeing this, she casually threw aside a large rock also we got another descriptor of ahriman's eyes
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it's really too bad iobel couldn't become a long term opponent but then, well, ahriman is ahriman also hey! eye focus! (his eyes got a few more mentions) i just love all the eye/blindness/light/shadow that suffuses this trilogy
what are they coming together to say, in a story about hubris also, first book had a pretty clear character arc and story arc second book is unclearer since it's mostly outsider POV so, i am trying to pay attention oh another thing, this book is far less visceral than the first, in terms of violence and gore, everything is a lot more detached i guess part of this is probably because Ahriman is also getting more and more detached
ok time for Astraeos to be tortured for realsies this time or not. just the setup. WAIT IM CONNECTING THE DOTS kadin and astraeos' chapter being from a dark world, them doing their training in the dark…im connecting the dots… kadin making his chainsword go vrrr so he's not alone in the dark and quiet
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lmao ignis ignis tells a bunch of warlords that ahriman doesn't care about them
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ignis: i am going to get a good grade in smiling, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve (sanakht, later: i saw ignis smile and it was the most horrifying thing i'd ever seen and considering i'm a tzeentchian who was besties with lucius the eternal, that's a pretty high bar)
time for iobel to remember going to prospero and i said this when reading it original but i love how in wh40k the sins of the past are literally haunting the present like yeah it's ahriman's trauma but it's also a bunch of ghosts that are going to try and kill you not even going to get into characters literally weaponizing their trauma as magic emotion bombs
i'm actually going to use khayon as an example since it's a lot more clear cut in his case he's got ptsd from the burning of prospero, but also his literal trump card is a daemon he summons that was originally born from the albigensian crusade and the death and burning of civilians by the knights who were supposed to be protecting them there's a bit also where Lheor is like "some of us have figurative daemons possessing us and some of us have literal ones, it's really all the same" with respect to Kibre & co being possessed
what i like about it is that whatever else you might say about its metaphysics, the WH40k universe is one where your suffering actually matters it matters in a way that sucks, but it does matter! who knows if you die horribly a daemon might be born from it
;-; astraeos
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light and shadow again
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they took the light away
…this book also gets into ahriman's childhood and guilt complex over his brother. I think.
And hit image limit!
to be continued
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bookcub · 1 year
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
@readingbooksinisrael and @logarithmicpanda tagged me!!
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year.
this is very hard because ive read so so so many good books this year, but since this says best and not favorite so either kindred by octavia butler or spinning silver by naomi novik. expertly crafted, beautifully written, compelling characters. . . i highly recommend both of these books
(im also excluding rereads because then i would be here all day)
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
ive only read a few sequels but they were fantastic. i will go with kingdom of copper and empire of gold by sa chakraborty. i binged this whole series in two weeks. some of the best worldbuilding, and one of the only political fantasies i have gotten invested in. im sad i didnt read it sooner but im delighted i have it in my life now!
3. New release you haven’t read yet
mmmm the witch and the vampire is a queer rapunzel and that could be sooooo fun, i love a queer fairy tale retelling. godkiller also looks very good.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
you would think it would be the new pat rothfuss book but bast is not my fave so im more pumped for the ashfire king by chelsea abdullah. another high fantasy that is very compelling and quite fun!!
5. Biggest disappointment
gotta be legends and lattes by travis baldree, which i heard fantastic things about but my expectations were all wrong. i found it quite boring unfortunately. i expected it to be funnier and for more character depth. i don't think the book is bad i just dont find it very special.
6. Biggest surprise
seven days in june by tia williams
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
MARGARET OWEN!!! little thieves and painted devils were marvelous, and i am absolutely her target audience!! fairy tale retelling with a twist ft an aspec main character??? how could i hate this book?? anyways, shes on my automatic read list and i follow her now! i need to read her earlier duology soon!!
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
vanya from little thieves is my absolute favorite, i adore her, she has a fantasticly distinct voice and filled with such relatable emotions. i am obsessed with her
9. Book that made you cry
i cry a LOT in books. most recently, the magic fish by trung le nguyen and my reread of the lunar chronicles but i cried at a lot of these previously mentioned books.
10. Book that made you happy
the magic fish also made me so happy, i cried with happy tears but also as previously stated, little thieves 🥰🥰🥰
tagging: @druggeddraccus @flyingcrowbar @aliteraryprincess @corvidaedream (no pressure!!)
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fandom get to know me better
was tagged by @nozunhinged AND @jeffsatyr so i had too
3 ships you like:
ok 3 that im into lately
villaineve- they make me turn into the joker <3
aobpuen - like i feel lik if you get it you get it like... i dont have words for them if i think about them too hard i need to bite something
sakuatsu - ride or dies the great fan artists and fic writers of the world have done such wonderful work
the three that im obsessed with currently (like fundamentally changed me
sandray - if you follow me on here you know. literally the last thing i think about before going to sleep and the first thing i think about when i wake up. they were manufactured in a lab to make me periodically lose my mind actually like, id never watched a thai series or heard of them and the only reason i chose to watch only friends was a ray edit someone made right after episode ONE that felt like it was bat signalling me and here i am 7?? months later a fully changed person..... like they will forever be a part of me now i think ill never be the same
vegaspete - similar to sandray in that i watched kinnporsche because of the vegaspete gifsets on the dash and was surprised to find out the series was not about them having bdsm sex in front of the corpse of a hedgehog like i was led to believe, not that i didnt end enjoying kp anyway. they alone would have been enough to make me obsessed but the things people create about them have changed me, thoroughly, like i am unrecognisable to myself after certain fics and fanart....
bokuaka - they are essential to my lore actually, like i dont post about them or engage with them as much as i used to because they are like my eyelashes like they are just a part of me now. bokuaka fanfic was what got me through high school tbh.
First ship ever: idk because ive wrote fic about characters since i was like 8..... actually im gonna be cringe and say chad and ryan from high school musical cause they were real to me when i was in elementary school <3
Last song you heard: good for what by little simz cause it will always get my pumped no matter what
Favorite childhood book: i read like a book a day when i was a kid but i think my favorite was the box car children even tho it traumatized me...
Currently reading: im always in a state of rereading my poetry collection and its recently been claude mckay but i need good novel recs PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME
Currently watching: at the peak of covid fever i started pit babe and im around halfway? thru now, also 23.5 the series as it comes out, and abbott elementary, and tsukutabe, also want to rewatch iwtv 2022... then theres all the shows my mutuals i posting about that i want to watch (im looking at you dead friends forever and moonlight chicken)
Currently consuming: hamantaschen that are supposed to be for tm but there raspberry jam flavored so im celebrating early 🫡
Currently craving: for food: i havent had cheesecake in like 5 years but i think about her everyday. in life: to try to get into the drag scene
ill tag @le-trash-prince @lilleeboi @jenyifer @kitas-cleaning-supplies @luminouschaotic @bokuto-my-beloved
and whoever wants to!!!
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granhairdo · 7 months
5, 18, 27, 33, 74 for the ask game?
5. tell us some funny drunk stories.
oh god do i have many! my weird quirk is thinking its a lovely idea to message people when im drunk. im sure several of my mutuals and irl friends have gotten random drunk messages from me.
my favorite story must go to when i was about 16 or 17 in a foster home. for some reason, my foster mom thought it was a nice idea to have an unlocked liquor cabinet just there, even after knowing i formally had some minor alcohol issues. so one night i snuck some whiskey and one shot turned to two and so on. i ended up ordering a lifesize cardboard cutout of pat sajak from wheel of fortune. already funny, but apparently i never got around to changing the shipping address from the apartment my family moved out of like 2 years ago and is rented by someone else now. well i forget about the order and some poor guy got lifesized pat sajak just show up to his house. scrolling on facebook a month or so later and this guy i didnt know posted something like "what in the world just showed up to my house" with a picture of a lifesized pat sajak cutout. congrats sir.
18. can you drive?
i sure can! i actually didn't get my license until i was 20 tho.
27. what was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
this depends. are we talking rewatches/rereads or are those disqualified.
if rewatches count i obviously have to say out 1 (1971). i rewatched it with a friend and i just... god... every time. idk that film just scratches an itch deep in my soul.
and if we're only counting things ive seen recently, ive got to give it to person (1966). this film went far above my expectations. whole time i was just immersed in it. its not something i would have expected to enjoy so much but the tone and vibe of the film was just perfect.
33. something you're good at?
oh god idk. i guess poetry is kind of my thing. its been an outlet for me since i was really young and i kind of expanded on that into adulthood. a lot of people are surprised i enjoy such a hobby as i am actually dyslexic and neurodivergent in other forms as well. however its a very strong passion of mine. ive been certified in poetry therapy for i believe 6 years now. i don't do it as much as i used to but ive taught one on one and group classes for disabled. neurodivergent, and otherwise struggling kids to learn how to express themselves through poetry. as you can see, im very proud of it.
74. favorite candy?
i love fruity gummy stuff. swedish fish are my BELOVED>
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nyctarian · 7 months
ok questions stolen from This Post
How many books did you read this year? Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones? I am currently at 156 books read out of my GR goal of 80, so I met and surpassed my goal by a lot but i include DNFs and this year i read a Lot of short books, several short poetry collections, more graphic novels than i normally do, etc
Did you DNF anything? Why? What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? Yeah lol. If i get bored if a book if something shitty happens if a book is lame etc etc. I started the year desperate for Any book to catch my interest and wasted a lot of time reading very bad romance books recommended by various instagram reels. basically all of the really dumb ig reels romance books that had bad plots annoying characters and a million fans saying it was SoOoOo SwOoOoOnY is most overhyped to Me.
Did you reread anything? What? Notable rereads includes: keturah and lord death by martine leavitt (fun but cheesy as always), book lovers by emily henry (less enjoyable but still good), and Nimona by N.D. Stevenson (which i reread for the first time since i read it in tumblr webcomic format and for the most part held up even if my recollection of what the story was and how it ended was Not Accurate)
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to? Yeag,. I have So Many books i intended to read but either didnt want to start at the wrong time, couldnt find, or just like. Wanted to But Didnt Want to Read.
Any books that disappointed you? yeah lots. one that was annoyingly disappoint was happy place by emily henry bc shes normally a reliable Fun RomCom Author for me but i just could not get into it at all the whole premise annoyed me the characters were annoying etc etc etc. it was annoying bc i knew the plot didnt interest me at all but i was still giving it a chance bc shes a reliable author but then i hated it. there were a few others that i was excited for bc they sounded thoughtful and weird and then they were just shallow and derivative. OH and bitter medicine by mia tsai! i wanted to like it so much and large chunks of it were reallllly good but the swapping pov was just annoying and the main characters felt inconsistent depending on whether they were the pov or not. and the relationship didnt develop well which was annoying bc i really wanted to like it. the girl who fell beneath the sea by axie oh was one that i was really enjoying until the conclusion and then i was like. Oh Okay Guess That Was The Ending, which was Very Annoying to experience lol. oh also not really disappointing comma bad book but disappointing comma not for me was I'll Go On by Hwang Jungeun which just wasnt the type of story i like wasnt enough like one hundred shadows (which, my enjoyment of that one was the only reason i tried it)
What books do you want to finish before the year is over? i have 29 books on my currently reading and i do Not think im finishing most of them before end of year and there are a bunch on there that should be on my year end best list but im just. not gonna finish. this includes stuff ranging from the idiot by elif batuman, untold day and night by bae suah, open city by teju cole, house of cotton by monica brashears, and like. a lot more lol. Trust by Hernan Diaz is on my year end list and my currently reading.....
Did any books surprise you with how good they were? One Hundred Shadows by Hwang Jungeun Please Please Please read this book everyone hey everyone have i told you how much you should read this book yet hey everyone!!! a few other Surprising Faves this year but that one is my indisputable #1 book of the year. others that were better then i expected include the invoice by jonas karlsson, mona by pola oloixarac, whereabouts by jhumpa lahiri, fever dream by samantha schweblin, and lots more lol i tried to read Good Books this year bc so many fun books were bad and unenjoyable. my only standout Fun Books That My Brain Liked of the year was the Heaven Official's Blessing series by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù
What reading goals do you have for next year? EYE am going to be doing a Lower goal next year even tho i read the most books since i started doing the GR reading challenge but i think im just gonna maintain a baseline goal of 50 books. also i want to clear out my Currently Reading and i want to not have it all cluttered the way it has been for months.
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frecht · 7 months
4 17 and 24 for the book asks! (or just one of those if you want)
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
i discovered a lot of new books that i adored and im going to read the author's next work but a lot of them were debuts so i feel like i can't really say i love the author yet...:( last year was a really good year for me finding new authors so i suppose it comes and goes
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
station eleven by emily st. john mandel!! i found it at the used bookstore and ive been wanting to read it but like only kinda because i was worried it would be too literary in style for me but then i adored it and cried a lot at the end...anything where the heart of it is about the beauty of humanity and human connection will just get me every time.
also i reread the riverman by aaron starmer which i remembered reading in middle school and having no feelings for or against (i somehow convinced myself that there were illustrations and so I Needed to reread it...there were no illustrations) but i ended up reading the whole trilogy and being SOOO obsessed with it for a couple months! if i had to sum it up really quickly it's like a portal fantasy viewed from the outside and it's also kind of about growing up in the way that you've finally left the magic of childhood behind and moved on to the Real World but it turns out the magic was real all along...i do think the characters should have been a little older. like it read like they were 15/16 NOT like they were 12/13 but oh well. they can be 16 in my head
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
im so weird about dnfing in that i don't like to do it but it doesn't count if it's before 100 pages...but also that means i don't log it on goodreads or storygraph so i don't remember them AT ALL....the answer is Maybe
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mercystine · 2 years
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I posted 5,934 times in 2022
108 posts created (2%)
5,826 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,919 of my posts in 2022
#if we were villains - 116 posts
#iwwv - 110 posts
#a little life - 98 posts
#grishaverse - 88 posts
#the poppy war - 74 posts
#six of crows - 42 posts
#tfota - 40 posts
#datvd - 40 posts
#help - 39 posts
#trc - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also i fully expect that to change by the end of the year because there are still at least 3 books i want to read in december that im convi
My Top Posts in 2022:
alistair my ear hurts help
noooooo rip
ALSO OMG KAVYA 👀 are you going to be very upset if i tell you that i've only read the first book in the heroes of olympus series 👉👈
9 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
mid year book freak out tag
thank you for tagging me @gorgxoxus! 💗
best book you've read so far in 2022: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. It is also probably the best book I've EVER read so. yeah :')
best sequel you're read so far in 2022: The Dragon Republic by R.F.Kuang
new release you haven't read yet but want to: I Kissed Shara Wheeler! and also Portrait of a Thief
most anticipated release of the second half of the year: Babel by R.F. Kuang. I will not breathe until I read this book. The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake is also a really anticipated one
biggest disappointment: lmao sooo many, but the biggest one is probably On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
biggest surprise: probably The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon?? I didn't expect to like this book much but oh my god it was so good, it's become one of my favourite SFF books of all time
favorite new author: R.F. Kuang. if she writes it, I will read it
newest fictional crush: Libby Rhodes from The Atlas Six
newest favourite character: Jude St. Francis
book that made you cry: yeah A Little Life which I still cry over 4 months after reading it. but History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera made me tear up a bit! and so did The Burning God by R.F.Kuang. and as someone who doesn't usually cry at books I'm counting it 🤡
book that made you happy: I- genuinely don't remember because I don't really read happy books 😭
the most beautiful book you've read this year: Crier's War by Nina Varela
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books you need to read by the end of the year: I don't really stick to any tbr but some books I'd like to read by the end of the year are The Vanishing Half, The Great Believers, The Danish Girl, The Mask Falling, To Paradise, Mexican Gothic
no pressure tags: @sscrambledmeggss @annamaeharkness @homosandhomies @machine-without-feelings
12 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
romanticprometheus -> rinezha
17 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
happy pride month if we were villains <3
32 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
babe are you going to get over your self-esteem issues or do I have to help you commit murder to show you that I love you
427 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
what are your favorite comics?
as tempted as i am to just say “i’ll give ya three guesses, and the first two don't count,” and leave it at that for the sake of The Funny, lol—
im not gonna let myself keep going on and on and on for too long, or else this post’ll never get made, but this isn't. like. Everything. brain is just scrampled egg rn so these r a little all over the place but. w/e here r the first “favorite” books that’ve come 2 my mind:
(under the cut because i Ramble*) (*let us also proceed knowing that classic spider-man/spider-man in general goes without saying b/c i am Not typing that much.)
- Spider-Man 2099 (1992) big surprise, i know. lay off! it was my first comic! looking back on it, i probably shouldn't have been reading it as, like. a 9-10(??) year old kid. but. y’know. pish-posh. when the chips’re down, sm2099 was what i had during a real rough time that spanned years without letup, and as a result sm2099 has been a Really Important Thing for me ever since. has the relative decade’s worth of Enrichment ultimately also been worth the requisite Nigh-Obsessive Brainrot? 🤷 i’unno. i’m predisposed to say “well, duh, dude, no shit it has been,” so that's that.
- Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man (1995) duh. (in seriousness: fun romp of a one-shot, nd i really like that mig and mj were kinda-friends,., .,,.,)
- Moon Knight (1980) MK v1 was the run that REALLY got me into comic books as something more than just a passive casual interest, back in, uhh-- early-early 2020, i think? it definitely... shows its age in not a great way, at times, but otherwise i can’t help but feel a fond affection for the first volume of MK. (Plus, on the art side of things, it’s really cool to see Bill Sienkiewicz developing his iconic signature style over the course of the run!!!)
- Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place (2020) .......and tbh, every other Immortal Hulk one-shot, as well, but. Threshing Place especially has some just gorgeous art. I can’t stomach visual body horror very well most of the time, but I otherwise really like what I've been able to read of Immortal Hulk.
- Ms. Marvel (2014) genuinely a really good book and also the only Inhumans thing i like (in no small part, im sure, because there is not a lot of Inhumans stuff in it). starting to run out of spoons at this point so i’m just gonna be blunt if u hate kamala khan Fuck You
- Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) unbelievable gwenpool is Good it’s a Good Comic marvel has just been absolutely massacring the character ever since it ended. in 2019 the Defiler leah williams took poor gwennie out behind the barn and basically just shot her in the back of the fucking head. we will probably never see the character in any significant or serious capacity ever again :(
- Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane (1958-1973) culturally important to the medium of superhero comic books As We Know Them Today. also generally batshit insane to an objectively hilarious degree ❤️
+ honorable mention(s): that one green lantern story where hal jordan slipped on a bar of soap and bumped his head so hard he not only  was immediately rendered unconscious but then also fell promptly into a coma.
ALSO Blue Beetle (2006) it's been so long that i barely remember what happens in it but i Do Remember that it was Good. i really need to reread the run sometime soon...
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
going fucking insane over one of my wips because it's for a really small subgroup of a really small fandom of a really small fandom of a really big fandom that everyone fucking hates because people are cancelled like every other week and basically i cant talk about it with anyone without needing to explain like 60 pages worth of story that I wrote PLUS no one wants to talk about me because it's one of the cringiest ships in existence that sounds HORRENDOUSLY heteronormative on paper and like half the fandom calls them siblings even though they have been confirmed multiple times not to be and the other half is like oh the girl would never be in love with the guy because she's in love with the player!! as if being in love with her ideal of the player is healthy for her all and can't change or she can't fall out of love with someone whose interactions were limited to basically just looking at her, clicking through her text and DELETING HER
yeah so is about monipai as in monika from ddlc and senpai from friday fucking night funkin (i know. im sorry) im so down horrendous im on like seventeen doses of copium and counting and there's 11 total monipai works on ao3
one of them is mine and the other ones are either written by a 10 year old (because it's fucking fnf, what sane adult would write unironic fnf fanfiction) or unfinished (because fnf fics get no traction and unless you're fucking insane like me and have 60 pages of pure brainrot there is NOTHING keeping you going for such a nonexistent audience) and oh my god why am i here
the other fandoms ive been in recently are vashwood and shizaya and those are great!! those are normal!! vashwood has been getting boatloads of content that i cant stop looking at/reading and im getting fun ideas for aus and there's so many people in the community rn to interact with
and shizaya is a bit of struggle because the fandom is smaller but there's so much older content to go through/reread that it's fine and my posts about them get some traction and in some places you can actually talk to people who have been in the fandom from the beginning of time and overall it's a good fun time
AND THEN THERE'S MONIPAI. the ONE straight (bi4bi according to me and im always right) ship in fnf that no one likes because they're "sibling coded" for some god forsaken reason (and im usually all for sibling headcanons/prefer them over romantic ones but NOT THIS ONE SENPAI LITERALLY CONFESSED HIS LOVE FOR HER IN THE MOD) and it'll only make sense to people who like DDTO enough to not forget about it after playing like 19832529 other mods and even THEN like half of them ship it in the really cringe heteronormative way that dudebros ship them like GOD FUCKING HELL GET ME OUT OF HERE
ive never been madder about anything ive shipped ever. i LOVE getting comments on my fic and im surprised ive gotten any at all but holy shit
you know that one person who made like 3000 fics for their honeyworks throuple. honey i feel you cuz what the fuck is this
and with my usual ships i can send them to my friends who know what to expect and be like ok so these are the gayasses you're obsessed with this week but with this one. like the very premise is so ridiculous id be laughed out of their dms but this is literally like the most in-depth and serious ive gotten about any of my fanfiction plots ever (there's like themes and callbacks and motifs and everything, thats how you know it's bad). this is probably better written than my book drafts and it makes me SO MAD
ive even considered like. what if i just made them my ocs, since i've developed them so much and the plot is entirely my own creation. that might even be easier but the fic is so heavily based off of canon content that it just wouldntd make SENSE how am i supposed to rewrite all that canon lore when i take them out of it. i cant. im stuck tying them to ddtoverse
back to what i was originally talking about: basically i got this really nice comment on ao3 on my monipai fic and i was smiling really hard and spinning in my chair and i was inspired to try and write again so i update my. oh it's 71 pages. 71 page document to try and update chapter 3 and i end up going to my other ideas and workshopping them and suddenly ive penned down ideas for 4 DIFFERENT CLIMAXES?????????? AND THEY ALL HAVE THEIR PROS AND CONS AND THEY ALL BASICALLY LEAD TO THE SAME ENDNIG AND I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE AND I CANT ASK ANYONE BECAUSE IF THEY'RE INTERESTED ENOUGH TO READ IT I WANT THEM TO READ THE FIC AS IT'S BEING UPDATED BUT NO ONE'S INTERESTED ANYWAY
and trying to ask about which one i should choose while removing all incriminating details (read: monika and senpai's names) is so hard because there's SO much i have to explain as backstory and no one even responds to it anyway so there's no point :sob:
anyway i love monipai and specifically my version of monipai and it's legitmately ruining my life how's your day going
#soro rants#soro rambles#long post#cannot emphasize how much you probably dont want to read this post LMFAO this is literally a mental breakdown#i dont even fucking know dude i CANT TALK ABOUT THEM WITH ANYONE#the only other ship i have that comes close to this level of obscurity is n and colress from pokemon#which might be worse tbf because of the age gap that 10 year old me did not comprehend (i thought they were both 20-ish)#(they are not both ~20ish.) so there's like an actual moral reason to not ship them.#but like. there's only so much i can write about that and ive already published most of it. my brainrot isn't this bad for them#tachigin is also obscure but like. there's a discord server for it with like 7 people and a decently sized ao3 collection#why am i only into straight ships that no one ships wtf#why couldnt i have fixated on like. bf x gf thatd be so much fucking easier cuz literally every mod has them#but noOOO it has to be the fucking obscure ones that even the most heteronormative of dudebros are like 'why would you even consider that'#hell even tabi/agoti has more of a following than this like dawg#ddlc#fnf#monipai#ddlc monika#fnf senpai#btw if that person who commented today reads this: hi i love you#god i try to never rant like this because it's unprofessional and i never read anyone else's rants but like im LOSING IT#i usually keep it in the tags which is really easy to skip over or just dont say it at all guhhh#people who write nothing but rarepairs/oc stuff i have NOTHING but respect for you i snap like a twig at the lack of an audience#please teach me your ways how do you cope. maybe ill start brainstorming with chatgpt#not feeding it prompts to write fanfiction with of course because only whores do that
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narratorstragedy · 2 years
book tag! (don’t remember what it was called)
@tucurui tagged me in this a while back (thank you!!) & i finally got around to doing it :)
amount of books you’ve read so far: 37
best book you’ve read so far in 2022: i absolutely loved when i sing, mountains dance by irene solà. but i also feel compelled to say i very much enjoyed brickmakers by selva almada and borges’ labyrinths
best sequel you’ve read so far in 2022: ummm does the silmarillion count as a sequel? richard iii?
new release you haven’t read yet, but want to: this is only a “new release” in that it’s new in english translation but i saw a film (3000 meters) by victor català in the bookstore and it looks interesting!!
most anticipated release for the second half of the year: OUR SHARE OF NIGHT (the english translation) BY MARIANA ENRÍQUEZ TRANSLATED BY MEGAN MCDOWELL. i have not shut up about this book for over a year & im SOOOO excited for the english release bc i can FINALLY force all my anglophone friends & family members to read it. granted that’s the british release & the us one isn’t until feb 2023 but shhhh let me have this
biggest surprise favorite new author (debut or new to you): i probably have to say irene solà…… i’ve only read the one book by her bc only one or two others have been translated into a language i speak & they’re rly hard to find in the us but i’d definitely like to read more of her!!
newest fictional crush: none
book that made you cry: i was gonna say very many but then i thought about it and honestly. when i sing, mountains dance (i cried a lot at the end of this one) brickmakers, & los detectives salvajes. and my reread of la casa de bernarda alba. my two rereads of it actually.
book that made you happy: honestly i read this romance book called del amor y otras pandemias by & even though it was kind of silly it was fun to read something not at all serious or academic in spanish hshshshhdhd
most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received): my teacher gave me a really nice copy of poeta en nueva york!! or also when i sing mountains dance bc the english edition is soooooo pretty
what books do you need to read by the end of the year: idk i don’t have any specific goals in mind!!
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quitefair · 2 years
Kind of sort of always been thinking about how much Narnia inspired the creation of my Adaars and since nobody really on here knows much about the original story of my Adaars, I feel like it’s a little bit cringe to wax poetic about the inspirations and parallels that I (subconsciously mind you) created for them.
But it is 2022 and I am cringe and also free so I am going to wax poetic about them now.
How my Adaars are paralles to the Pevensies: an essay
So yeah, it may be no surprise to people who know me that I have a very good relationship with my siblings – they’re 5 years younger than me (twins) and most people irl assume that oh that there’s a large age gap, we wouldn’t be like close or anything because of this.
Without going into too much sappy detail -  yeah, we are close. I consider them my best friends. We’re all some form of neurodivergent, and all have our own weird little hyperfixations that quite often overlap.
Which is why when I first watched the original Narnia movies, and then read the books, the idea of four siblings going on this crazy adventure together, them being bound together as kings and queens, then going on to rule a country together as siblings for a long and prosperous period of time was so fucking revolutionary to me. It was like, yeah man, I too would love to go on a wild-ass adventure with my siblings, yeah we’d definitely argue and hate each other and kinda want to kill and betray each other along the way, but in the end it would be us, sticking together and doing our thing.
It also appealed to my aroace self – instead of a singular king and queen (married couple etc), it was like… yeah instead of this weird succession thing that causes a lot of wars (im looking at u game of thrones), it’s like, yeah. All of you are gonna rule together now. Peter is technically High King because he’s the oldest and technically has the most braincells of the lot being like maybe 14? But its made absolutely clear that he relies on the other three for counsel. Edmund is his right hand – very obviously the wisest and Just, knowing evil for what it is, having nearly been swayed to its side. Susan and Lucy too having their own roles to play within the kingdom.
So yeah when I created my Inquisitor it was back in the day when Inquisition first came out. I realized that the backstory for an Adaar was super vague (as is the problem with all the Inquisition origins but that’s another rant), and the only very clear details you get are like – you’re a Vashoth born outside the Qun, the thing your parents escaped from. You’re from the Free Marches. You joined a mercenary group that’s now extra security for some huge meeting at the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
I for one, was fresh from playing Dragon Age 2, fresh from the nuanced, complicated sibling drama that my Hawke and my (templar) Carver went through. I was such a huge fan of that – and wanted to bring some added flavour to Tashak’s character and backstory. Over the years I’ve seen so many people create other OCs and a rich, beautiful backstory for their Inquisitors. It’s such a source of joy and fun and a great worldbuilding exercise for those that are fans of the setting.
At first, I created Karavaad. The excuse was that I wanted to play a male Adaar mage I think, but that slowly evolved into the character he is today. A steady, solid emotional crutch for his incredibly emotionally repressed elder sister. Kind of the opposite of what Carver and Hawke’s relationship was, an actual strong sibling bond.
And then I created the younger two – brash, shit talking Sekhara and innocent, eager to help Vashan. The pattern of sister-brother-sister-brother was subconscious, and only much later did I realise that oh wait… that’s a mirror image of the Pevensies.
And then I reread The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. And then I thought some more about the collective Adaar kids origin story.
And then I had my oh moment.
Tashak, the eldest, having to look after her younger siblings, having to grow up quicker than she would ordinarily, not just because she’s a qunari in a world that hates qunari (that’s again a whole other essay), but also because they lose their parents very early on. Having to be the grown up, to parent the younger ones even while struggling with her own self-worth and grief and other darker thoughts. But she is capable, confident, grows into a sure and steady leader. The High King, the Inquisitor, brave and true and Magnificent.
(The parallels between Peter killing the wolf and Tashak confronting Corypheus alone at Haven are something I’m still trying to figure out myself but it’s there damnit.)
Karavaad being the Mother Hen to Tashak’s Stern Father Figure. Despite being large and imposing in frame, he is a quiet and kind soul. Always found to be listening to the worries of others – and he’s good at that, being his elder sister’s confidante and voice of reason. He is a mage, but specializes in growing things, preferring to spend his time in the Skyhold gardens, tending to the herbs and other plants, than to be cooped up in the mage tower. Most upon meeting him, are surprised at how Gentle he is, both in personality and conduct.
Sekhara, oh Sekhara. She often bears the brunt of the elder two’s scoldings because she is prone to being too much. Bubbling over the edge. Her mind is quick and sharp, her eyes keen, her tongue scathing. Often, she’s the one that starts arguments between them, but when she says something, it’s often true, even when the other three don’t want to admit it. Tashak will often look to her when making difficult decisions, because she can count on her to speak what is true, what is Just.
Vashan, the baby, the youngest, but burning the brightest. The other three often talk over him, thinking him still a child when it comes to decision making. But he has grown now, sure and steady, and despite not being allowed to be involved in the planning and thought process of the Adaars, he still watches. Listens. And when he speaks, he provides insight that none of his elder siblings could have imagined. He sees things others do not. And when it comes to defending those that he loves, he takes what he has seen of how Tashak protects his family, he rises to his own, with his shield and sword and takes on any threat with what can only be called Valiant.
Also, in my fic that is being written and rewritten to infinity, yes Tashak is the bearer of the Anchor and therefore default to be the leader of the Inquisition, I feel it would be fitting for her to only be the High King… that the Adaars are more suited to function as rulers together, as a whole, as a unit. Because where one would provide insight, the other would compound it. When Tashak would be out in the world carrying out what her duties entail, the other three could be working on things within Skyhold, or beyond even on missions of their own to strengthen the Inquisition, with what skills they have.
(This also has been inspired by the image of the ending of the LWW movie, at Cair Paravel with the four thrones, equal sized on the dais for the four kings and queens. Instead of a singular, looming throne in the Skyhold main hall for judgement – again another thing I feel uncomfortable with and could write a whole essay on – there could be just four smaller chairs/thrones, for the four Adaars and perhaps the other advisors as well. Judgements should not be made by one person – in my mind the Inquisition is a democracy, despite having a singular leader, there should be discussion and fair judgement, a governing body unlike any other seen in Thedas)
 I dunno. I just love the idea of the four ‘kings and queens’ of the Inquisition, and the Romantic Fantasy of Narnia infiltrating my thoughts and worldbuilding of the Inquisition.
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sexy-sea-basss · 6 months
10, 13, 15 and 25 💚
Hellooo Jim,
I listened to this episode a few days ago! i try to keep up with it as episodes come out! I’m going to answer like Alie did in the podcast, without cutting or trimming, just whatever comes out.
Ask game based on Ologies Podcast AMA episode
10. Holidays, which are great and which need to go?
Uhh. I don’t really know what holidays there really are besides like thanksgiving, christmas, new years. The US has a few patriotic holidays that i truly don’t care for, so get rid of those (but i still want the paid days off). Thanksgiving— the idea of getting together and eating is fun. The history behind it, get rid of it. trash it. Keep Thanksgiving idea, throw away the history, celebrate the Native American Culture instead.
13. What is a book that you’ve read over and over?
specifically talking about books, not fics-
I’m not a big fan of rereading cause i know what’s coming up, and i get impatient haha I’ve reread Fourth Wing, and Iron Flame just because i felt like i missed a bunch of details. Ooh actually now that i’m typing this, Sierra Simone’s Priest series is one i can read over and over again. Currently, audiobooking Saint at work. MM, slowburn, forbidden love. A gay monk-in-training wearing a chastity cage as “punishment” but it’s actually for kink as he tries to leave his party life behind him (especially his ex) but it all comes back to bite him in the dic- butt. in the butt. Anyways, yes! that series is one that i can re-read (and im slowly working on rereading).
15 What’s your go to type of music if you’re looking for an energy boost?
It honestly depends on the mood and what i’m doing. Let’s say i have to do schoolwork, and it’s late at night, I’ll go with like some Dutch Techno, or techno in general. Sometimes i’ll go with hispanic bangers. Pepas- Farruko is my ultimate hype song or some Bizarrap.
Honestly, sometimes it’s classical music, or like indie. It just depends on the mood. I’m lying in bed, exhausted from work, and to get the energy to type this i’m listening to softcars by yeule, something lowkey and mellow. (10/10 recommend)
25 If you were a mythical creature what would you be?
If i was a mythical creature id be a kraken 🐙 (is this surprising? shouldn’t be haha) or Oni. Oni are a type of yōkai (demon) in japanese folklore. They’re known for superhuman strength and have been associated with having powers such as thunder and lightning. They’re portrayed as having one or more horns growing out of their heads, massive teeth and occasionally a third eye in the center of the forehead. in trying to find a picture of an oni, i came across this article that reads:
Recently, there have been some excellent stories about oni, depicting them as creatures who only want a bit of company.
and, like, that’s so me. i want it be an Oni cause it sounds fun, they cool, get to cause chaos (my favorite thing to do) and i also love japanese culture. Picture below
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yanawildstar · 7 months
It's all about ME, ME, ME!
My fave music
Well for those who still haven't know me, obviously Avril Lavigne is my ultimate no 1 Favourite! I've love her as long as i can remember. She's my IDOL. And I've learned a lot from her.  Im damn proud and happy for her huge comeback this year. She's AMAZING. Let them know she still Rock N Roll!!!  I also do love Taylor Swift. Can't believe She's rules the music world era for years, and she the same age as me. The other music I listen to and really enjoy include Pink, Simple Plan, Billie Ellis, Justin Timberlake, Eminem, the Black Eyed Peas, Jason Derulo, Shawn Mendes. 
My fave book
I  really love Bloom by Estee Lalonde. Been rereading her book so often. Such an inspiring book for me. Always sth that motivate me to do better in life. I also do book from Tanya Burr, Love Tanya, Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, La Candy a novel, series by Lauren Conrad, and also anything by Rainbow Rowell and Sophie Kinsella. Basically, I simply love anything girly, chic flick novels.
My fave two makeup product
Well Honestly I actually only wear this two makeup whenever I'm going out. Simply cant be bothered with the others. First my fave lipgloss,the Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer. Its super cute, and I love the shiny light pink shade. It have shea butter enriches from within. Wearing it sure makes my lips look instantly fuller, with a non-sticky formula that’s super shiny and has an addictive peach-vanilla scent I just can’t get enough of. I loves smoky eye and light lip look. One can never forget my fave signature smoky, kohl-rimmed eyes.So yeah my second fave makeup will be my black eyeliner esp MAC Eye Kohl Eyeliner. Been using this since my early teens! I'd always LOVES those black eyes when I was younger, in fact, I still do now too actually. I still will use whatever I could get my hands on. It was so hard to find a black eyeliner that had pigment. Everything i put on was gray. So It was a lot of smudging with eyeliner. 
My List of The World Hottest Guys:
My HUSBAND! of coz, dhuh!
My Dad!
Adam Levine
Andrew Garfield
Ryan Reynolds
The Yana Diet on how to maintain my body figure!
Lol! Firstly, damn. Im not afraid to eat fast food as often as I can. From McDonald to KFC, to Dominos I always order the largest portion of Fries or Pizza.otherwise, I tend to just want more. Hehe. 
I eat pasta as often as I can too. I cook the best tuna mayo fussili pasta at home. Fast and easy recipe that I come up with one rainy day! My own creations! So telll me again, who says I can't and dunno how to cook? Just because I don't post about my cooking that often over on the internet doesn't mean I can't surprise my hubby by cooking dinner once awhile. Alhamdulliah, my hubby LOVES it. not because he suppose to, but because he genuinely think it really taste marvellous. He often request me to make dem!
I loves eating sushi, esp salmon sashimi. Yums!The combination of fresh fish, rice and seasonings makes sushi a perfect healthy meal, at least for me! 
I do eat as much chocolate as I can. For me, chocolate seems sinful, and therefore they never fails to makes me happy. My favourite will always be Kinder Buneo!
One thing for sure,I NEVER take any diet/Vitamin pills ever. Simply said I don't do drugs.
Generally,I do what I want, eat what I want, whenever I want. Life too short not to enjoy it. 
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moonreadingjournal · 2 years
2-posts-in-1-day special!!!
I also finished reading this other book, just today actually. It’s called The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
🚨 Spoilers ahead!!!! 🚨 you’ve been warned.
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It’s a really good book. My sister read the first three books forever ago (when there were only three out), and just recently we were talking about it and she couldn’t remember the name of the last book so she looked it up. That’s how she found out that this had become a series of 5 books. I was lucky enough to find all of them at Indigo. So she talked me into reading the series. And im glad she did cause it’s real good.
This story, if you look it up, is classified for 9-12. But the story feels anything but. The book itself is written in a way that is east to understand with medium size letters so I see why it’s in the 9-12 section. But the story is still pretty freaking good.
The story follows an orphan called Sage, who along other three orphans, was selected by a nobleman (and a regent of the kingdom) called Conner. They were to be trained and the he would select one to impersonate the kingdom’s long lost second prince, whose ship was attacked by pirates 4 years before the story started. But literally 20 pages in and Conner kills one of the kids that he selected after he was told he would be free to go if he didn’t want to be part of the plan. That was straight out of game of thrones. Although, I guess it was obvious. He couldn’t jeopardize his plan but it was still cold blooded af.
As the story unfolds, you see how Sage is such a cunning, smart, scheming boy. He made Conner choose him, he threw a complete wrench to his plan. He was the best choice to be honest, when they choose him that’s when it’s revealed….Sage was the true prince all along. I already knew it 😂 because my sister told me when she was reading the book forever ago 😂😂 but I was still surprised cause I didn’t know how it was revealed. Or how his life turned out like that.
I recommend the series, it’s really good. Good characters, good development. Amazing plot twist! And who cares if it’s 9-12. Harry Potter and the PJ series are also 9-12 and they are still super good books. I am also one who believes you should read and watch whatever the hell you want, no matter what it is (as long as it’s not something illegal)
Rating: 10/10
Spice: it’s a fucken 9-12 book
I don’t know what I’m reading next. I could reread the Extraordinaries series as the third one is coming out later this month. Or continue the series. Or Book of Night. Or Deal with the Elf King. But who knows? Certainly not me.
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