#im sure they reference this right ?? they have to. im not a rocket scientist
maimedaffair · 7 months
u know , joe killing beck &* candace for cheating &* then subsequently cheating on love like ... 2 (3?) times is just ,,, mm. what a man.
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electrificata · 11 months
Here is what i have been listening 2 lately yes im avoiding something no i dont listen to a lot of """new""" music
"This corrosion" the sisters of mercy - nothing revolutionary here, its a goth (sorry eldritch) classic with the big stupid jim steinman bombast that i love. If you want a good time search "andrew eldritch interview" on youtube, he's a huge bitch its so funny
"My lady of mercy" the last dinner party - a cute fizzy indie pop song that splits open into huge, triumphant stoner rock choruses. Its my understanding this band has weathered "industry plant" rumors despite being like, not. Anyway if industry plants made shit like this id be ok w the concept
"Kybalion" killah priest - my friend sold this wu tang associate to me by saying a) he's into the occult, b) not sure if he's actually any good, c) hes making animal noises on the new album. "Hermes trismegestis of lyrics that specialize in physics and pyramids" literally what else do i have to tell you
"Blood makes noise" suzanne vega - i love when a singer songwriter chick has one hard track on her album and this one sounds urgent and clanging and ominous im having a great time
"You aint no celebrity" jungle - everybodys losing their shit over "back on 74," and rightfully so, but this is the ass shaker on the album, its like an update on all those 2000s sean paul hits i liked before i heard at too many bar mitzvahs (it actually knicks the buzzing theremin from "get busy," which was always better than "temperature")
"Naked eye" luscious jackson - 90s crunchy touchy feely divine feminine radical vulnerability nonsense
"Come together" primal scream - these guys were kind of narrowly revolutionary in the 90s and i dont hear anybody under 40 talk abt them ever but i loooove the early 90s uk "what if classic rock was dance" shit that was happening with them and i guess kind of madchester?
"Obsession" animotion - this is the loud obnoxious goofy 80s pop hit all the other ones want to be. The boy-girl vocals are really fun BONUS the singers fell in love and are still married, go look up a recent performance of this song theyre so old and so horny for each other i love it
"The big sky" kate bush + "chains of love" erasure - two very different 80s pop classics, but i listen to them the same way, and frequently right after each other. I have a theory of art and fiction i call, for the moment, "mythological awareness." I use this to refer to work that knows what old folkloric/mythological/archetypal symbols and narratives and images it evokes. Work that knows that any love story is every love story, every mad scientist is a wizard and a shaman and a hacker as well. Kate is singing about the things we pay attention to as children and forget as adults, the sky is a marvel its easy to forget about because its there every day, but that doeant mean its any less a marvel. This might be the most straightforward u2-ish rock single bush ever put out, but it feels like shes marching at the head of an army of zeppelins and airplanes and rockets powered by the laughter of gods. Andy bell of erasure is singing about a fictionalized pre-aids era of gay utopia like its something that used to be real and can be real again if we all clap our hands. He details a world of "sisters and brothers" open to the pleasures of the world, fucking and loving and worrying about what theyll do for dinner rather than whether they can get into the hospital to watch their loved ones die. And over an unstoppable synthesizer bounce, falsetto floating over clouds of gospel-inflected backing vocals, you believe him. He could be talking about atlantis or hobbitton or erewhon or the greek age of heroes and he knows that, the halcyon past is a myth none of us can get away from, maybe we need to understand it and use it rather than disavow it. I was born years after both of these songs hit, and my parents didnt listen to either of these artists, so they come to me fresh and bright and veiled in the light obscuring mist of morning, for me and no one else (everyone else)
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seokjinsdisciple · 3 years
Riddikulus - sixteen
jungkook x reader, hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au
Warnings: language, bickering, friendly arguing idk
Word Count: 1.9k
i surprisingly do not hate this update, however im sure that will change soon
also its been so long im so sorry
<previous  sixteen  next>
series masterlist
taglist: @nellaphine @elixirguks @softfluffgirl @sensiblebutch, @deolly, @zeharilisharaban, @jungshookmeup, @elliegrace1999tvd, @mybiasforsure, @minsugapie, @betysotelo18, @purpleheartsfortae, @annoyingpessimist
It was with great discomfort that you had admitted to yourself you might like Jungkook. It had taken serious consideration, and this whole week had you going back and forth on whether or not it was true. Simply out of principle you had started to refer to it as your “not-crush”, because it really was bizarre that you had developed these sort of feelings for Jungkook. Granted with the way you ogled him, and how he made your blood boil every chance he got, you guessed it wasn’t too bizarre. 
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why you had been in such a good mood this past week. Honestly, it took Jimin and Yoongi only hours before realizing that your not-crush on Jungkook was making you loopy. 
“You can stop staring at him, ya know,” Jimin nudged you with his elbow, glancing from where you sat with your hands on your chin to an oblivious Jungkook across the classroom. 
“I’m not staring, Minnie,” you scowled, picking your quill back up and starting to take notes again. 
“Now you’re just plain lying,” Jimin laughed, smile dropping as Professor McGonagall shot him a look.
“Shush, will ya?” you shot him a glance, “I’m trying to focus.”
“Yeah, focus on a certain bunny boy with an incredible body, who you have feeeelings for,” Jimin drawled, teasing grin smacked on his smug face. 
“Mr. Park Jimin, care to share your thoughts with the rest of the class?” Professor McGonagall asked, sending another pointed glare at the two of you. 
Jimin smiled sweetly, not even looking at you before saying, “I was just telling the snake princess here that if she wanted to suck Jungkook’s dick so badly she should just ask. I hear he’s desperate for action these days.”
You elbowed Jimin hard on his side, swearing to get back at him as the class erupted into laughter. You elbowed him again when McGonagall took 50 points from Slytherin. You sure as hell didn’t look at Jungkook, though. The feeling of his curious gaze boring into the side of your stubbornly turned head. There was absolutely no way you would look at him, at least not while he stared. 
“He’s staring at you now, you know?”
“I fucking know, Chim. Now, who’s fault is that?”
“You’re welcome.”
“I hate you.”
Thankfully, Jimin left you alone for the rest of the class period, but you figured that had something to do with your lack of wandering eyes and less to do with his kind heart. Bastard. 
It was with a groan that you turned to Tae’s questioning gaze as he slung an arm around your shoulders on the way out of the room. Not noticing the way Jimin pushed past him, hitting his shoulder a little to harshly to be an accident. 
“Say one word and I’ll hit you, Tae.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” he pouted, grin growing on his face as you shot him a glare, “And honestly, getting some answers might be worth getting hit.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you warned, unable to help the uplift of the corners of your mouth. Tae’s box smile having that effect on you. 
“Who’s tempting who?” The familiar voice of Kook rang out from beside you. You hadn’t even noticed him walk up next to you, your desire to hit Tae clouding your astute observational skills. 
“I’m seconds away from giving Taehyung a loving ass kicking.”
“Shouldn’t Jimin be first on that list, sweetheart?”
“Call me sweetheart and you’ll jump right to the top, Kook.”
“I’m surprised I’m not already there,” he grinned, “given our...history.”
“And this seems like my cue to leave,” Tae smiled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes, “Have fun, lovebirds.”
“You’re dead to me Taehyung!” You shouted, debating on whether your quill could hit him from where he had already strode down the hall. You didn’t think it would. 
“So you gonna explain what prompted Jimin to say that in there, or will I have to figure it out myself?”
“I doubt you have the brains to figure it out yourself, Jeon,” you glared at him, hating the way your heart skipped a beat as his nose scrunched with his smile. 
His fingers danced near yours, bumping into them slightly before laughing, “I think I might have a few ideas.”
“I’m shocked you have more than one thought in that head of yours, but it’s too bad you won’t ever know for sure.”
“Oh but I do have some really fun ideas swirling around my head that would help me figure it out.”
You shot him a glare, eyes betraying you and flicking down to where his lips were forming the smirk you knew all too well. Only allowing yourself to look at his pink, slightly wet, extremely attractive, kissable lips for a moment, you took in as much detail as you could. It was funny, how you had known Jungkook for years, seen his face thousands of times before, but never noticed the little things. The things that your not-crush were making you notice now. Staring at his lips for far too long, you met his eyes again. Which, not shockingly, were glinting with mischief. 
“I see you and I share some of the same ideas, princess,” He said, both of you not breaking eye contact with each other. You were lost in thought, drowning in those brown orbs. 
“Just-,” you started, gaze still not leaving his, “shut up and be on time tonight for studying.”
He just grinned again, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you tight against the hardness of his chest. Your heart rate tripled, heat filling your whole body at the slight squeak you had let out. You held your breath as his other hand trapped your chin between his thumb and index finger. You resisted the urge to close your eyes, and as he gently turned your head and you felt his breath in your ear you were glad you hadn’t embarrassed yourself again. 
“You should really watch where you’re going, princess. I wouldn’t want you hurt,” Jungkook whispered into your ear. His breath tickling you as he talked. 
Your eyes met with the gray stone wall at the end of the hallway. It was with a deep frustration towards the brown-haired bunny boy that you let out a huff. But you felt something else, too. The way his body pressed against yours and the way he had said he didn’t want you hurt caused a heat to twist in your lower body. This not-crush was really fucking you up, the heat in your belly causing a much different frustration to spark. You took a deep breath to steady yourself before pushing his arms away.
“If you’re expecting a thank you, you won’t get one,” you said, your voice far too weak to be convincing in the way you wanted it to be. Without looking at him you continued to talk, “I’m serious about being on time tonight, Jeon.”
You walked away from him then. From those temptingly annoying lips and the boy who they belong to. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you heard his laugh echo down the hall, throwing up your middle finger and ignoring the way your stomach flipped as his stupidly cute laugh grew.
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heavy-paper-blog · 5 years
Hunting the Edge of Space
The new age of space exploration begins with the invention of the telescope. It’s the year 1990 and NASA launches the Hubble Space Telescope. What makes this special is that only I it the first of a new telescope technology, but NASA is certain it will unlock the secrets of the cosmos. Over the course of the video it covers three subjects: What matter our universe is composed of, how it came to be, and whether or not our universe is evolving.
Telescopes are important because they take us back in time, and let us know everything we need to know about the universe around us. The most important quality regarding the evolution of telescopes is that every time when decide to look at the universe through a new design of telescope we discover something about our universe. In others words now can see some as stunning as star exploding or observe black holes and all their destruction. We are getting closer to discovering the secrets of the universe. It’s now 2010 and 20 years after the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. Now scientists all around the world are pushing even harder to discover the secrets of the cosmos. 
It important to look back to where it all began. When did the race to discover the secrets of the universe begin? This video covers the 400 years of discoveries made because of the telescope. The importance of the telescope since its invention is that it’s helped us to somewhat understand our origin in the universe. And every time we invent a new telescope we gain the potential to learn something knew from the universe around us. Now that we have much more powerful telescopes such as the Binocular Telescope, it won’t be long until we discover our origins. Standing at a whopping eight stories tall the Binocular telescope is one of the most powerful telescopes on the planet. Brandishing 28 ft. mirrors this telescope can collect light that is a million times fainter than any human eye can detect.
This was all made possible by a mathematician with a goal. In the year 1609 Galileo began building his own version of a device known as the telescope. It was discovered that using a combination of concave and convex lenses held at the right distance had an intense magnifying effect. This discovery sparked the birth of the telescope. This new invention spread all across Europe and when the news reaches Galileo he sees potential in the new invention. After working on the telescope for a while Galileo finally increases the magnification of the telescope to up eight times its original power. Eventually Galileo seeks to make military use of his enhanced version of the telescope. Eventually the Venetian government buys Galileo’s telescope and used his invention for spotting enemy ships long before they could be seen by the naked eye. It wasn’t until Galileo began looking at the sky did everything change.
Before Galileo began using his telescope to view the heavens all that was known was what could be seen with the naked eye. So in contrast all the world knew to exist was the moon, the sun, and billions of stars. Galileo’s fist discovery was that of the moon. Looking at the moon he discovered the moon wasn’t perfect as had been suggested by old cosmology. Instead the moon was riddled with craters and valleys. In conclusion Galileo discovered the moon and Earth weren’t as different as everyone thought. Next Galileo focuses his attention on the planet Jupiter. This leads to the discovery of Jupiter’s satellites. Based on his discoveries Galileo writes and publishes The Starry Messenger listing all of his findings. But this isn’t the end what Galileo will discover next will change the world as we know it. Galileo begins observing Venus and forms the conclusion that Venus revolves around the sun based on Venus’s phases. At the time it was believed that the Earth was the center of the solar system. Galileo challenges not only the Roman Church, but the belief that God put Earth in the very center of all creation. The Roman Church had trouble accepting Galileo’s newfound discovery as it contradicted the interpretation of the bible. 
400 years later with help of the telescope we have discovered things that have dramatically changed the world of astronomy. But one mystery that still continues to elude us is the planet Saturn. A mission named after Giovanni Cassini is investigating Saturn’s rings. The rocket will use Jupiter’s gravitational pull to sling its way towards Jupiter. Reaching speeds of 70,000 miles per hour it will still take the Cassini seven years to reach Saturn. The significance of the Cassini mission is that we discover than the rings of Saturn are not solid but in fact made up of millions of chunks of ice and rock. NASA also concludes that the plumes erupting from Enceladus’s are also the source of Saturn’s rings. 
Back in the 1650’s the race for the most effective telescope begins. The problem with early telescopes was their fuzzy images purely because of the shape of their lenses. The two focal points of light didn’t add up when using the lenses so some of the color made it through and distorted the image. The only way to minimize the color and maximize the output was to use thinner lenses with a much shallower curve. Later Sir Isaac Newton begins studying light and discoveries white light is composed of all of the colors of the rainbow. Newton realizes that lenses act as a prism so he abandons lenses altogether. He instead uses curved mirrors in the lenses place. This rids the telescope of its color problem. Today mirrors are used in essentially all telescopes. The telescopes are made by melting glass blocks at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The result is a 20 ton glass disk is ground to only 100 nanometers thick. 
William Herschel comes along and once again the evolution of telescopes begins. He realizes that a wider aperture will allow him to collect more light. Using an alloy called speculum William makes lenses that will serve as his mirrors. His new telescope allows him to discover a new planet we know as Uranus. Today many astronomers around the world are on a hunt for habitable worlds. NASA launched Kepler for its three year mission to search for other planets. Kepler’s range is only 100,000 stars but NASA remains hopeful for the discovery of exoplanets. William Herschel begins wondering what the shape of our galaxy is and a strip of stars son gives him the answer. William notices that the Milky Way is a band of stars and from this conclusion draws a map of what he perceives the Milky Way to look like. Using the Hershel Space Telescope we’ve discovered a gas and dust that make up the majority of our universe. We now know these objects as nebulae. It is later discovered that these nebulae are actually their own galaxies! We have much more evolving to do before we truly understand the secrets of space. But as the years go on im sure we’ll discover the secrets of the universe.
Reference: https://jgdb.com/essays
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