#im sure theres some very important theory or text that makes this Comepletely wrong but OH WELL
toxooz · 2 years
Hi Taxooz! I’m a huge fan of Wheel-Bitten!
I adore the lore you gave for angels, but I have a question what’s the deal with demons? We’ve already seen one example from the store owner in your comic (I’m sorry I forgot his name), but how do they function in your world’s society? From what I can gather via the dialogue, it sounds like demons live on the fringe of society. Also, is there a difference between fallen angels and demons, or are they the same but with different names?
hmhm gOOD QUESTION i think since Real Angels™ are strictly up in heaven and don't go into the world physically thus not really having any opportunity to turn into a fallen angel ~anymore~ . The only time fallen angels were "fallen angels" is when, assuming in the whole biblical theories n shit, when lucifer got kicked out all the other angels that followed him got kicked out as well thus making them the fallen angels. Since this was like before all time n all that, my theory is it's similar to the whole evolution thing where the fallen angels evolved throughout time and now they're basically all demony now for example the fallen angels are to all the demons now as the pakicetus is to the current whale and all its variations currently- where hell/world is the ocean in this scenario lmfao:
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Like the fallen angels possibly adapted to the separate layers of hell and the conditions of them AND since they can go on the world they possibly adapted to the locations they were in on the earth as well. Plus since the pakicetus didnt Just evolve to be like the whale currently and there’s other types of animals around from evolving differently same goes for the demons hence why they can look so different (also with having other species mixed in since like half of these are half demon):
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SO that being said fallen angels are probably all dead by now and all that is mostly around are just different formed demons WHICH by the way i think that demons can have different life spans depending on what kind of demons they are. The store owner Dante (im still debating on that name solely for the store name pun) probably lived for hundreds of years hence this comment that was quite literal:
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Ramsuse is cursed to live for eternity and i think Cinder is too since he’s been around for 100s of years as well, but Mangule and Ollie may live the typical 90-100 years or maybe a little longer or who knows maybe even shorter and hell there’s probably some demons that only live for like a week or so so yeah their lifespans are all over the place depending on what kind of demon and if they’re half demon what other genes they have in them  🤔 
As far as functioning in society goes i think they’re kinda just like any other monster??? Dante could’ve taken 300 years to establish a good store bc he’s Just A Humble Store Owner or there could’ve been societal issues that contributed to his store not getting bigger by now since when Ramsuse got turned into a demon back in the yeehaw tingy tang cowboy days he was completely outcast and his wife was even deemed insane for trying to tell people her husband got turned into a Horrible Monster sO there were ofc some issues back then but overall today they’re just like everyone else i mean Ollie won the world skateboarding championship and lives in some suburban neighborhood pissing off all the soccer moms (probably deliberately) with all his gothery  so yeah it just depends bUT yeah thats my Wacky theory about how demons work in my universe it may be Omg thats not how any of this works have u even picked up a book in uR LIFE??? but hey i pulled half of it out of my ass admittedly and it seems to work for me so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ THX 4 THE ASK!!
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