#im sure anon was assuming this for my applicable ocs
icecreampizzer · 7 months
Your art is sososo cool! I love your shape language it's just so unique and strong and just yes!!! I did wanna ask- what are your boundaries when it comes to simping over your characters? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a massive simp for some of them and thought about reblogging with silly tags like "they could kill me and I'd thank them" or something similar, but I don't wanna stamp all over your boundaries as a creator or make you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your time, and again, I love your art and I hope this ask isn't too strange-
HI omg thank you so so much for your kind words!! ;u; also, on that note... I generally don't mind them :) ! I'm honestly pretty appreciative that people think about my ocs that way. stuff like "they could kill me etc" and generally silly statements (i want to put them in the microwave, shaking them violently, i am looking respectfully, all the implications of the flushed emoji etc) are all good with me! they make me laugh SDKFJHSD
the only hard no no's as of right now would be sexually explicit statements especially if i dont know you that well. I can't think of any clear examples right now but like. I hope you get what I mean?? temper your horniness basically. good rule of thumb is if it's too much information to share in public...better to not share it :thumbsup:
thanks for asking beforehand! :)
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sweetmarzipan · 5 years
1 - 23 hi im that person - anon
not accepting! @ofkngs​dear god
Which muse(s) is/are your favourite(s)?
I’ve really really enjoyed Seth since creating them; Divali and Selene have special places in my hearts from how long I’ve had them (along with Kitae & Anthea).
Which muse(s) do you wish had more interactions?
Kitae, Kiha, Juno, Haru and Sodapop honestly. Kitae in particular, as the muns he has interactions with are on hiatus at the moment.
Which muse(s) do you currently have most muse for?
Probably Seth, Nari (not up), Cassidy and Haru!
Name a muse you have written in the past. What was your favourite thing about this muse?
I’ve written Heejoon, Selene, Divali, Anthea, Ivon and Kitae before. My particular favorite thing about Heejoon though is how his personality contradicts what his FC looks like. People look at BYG and his comeback concepts and often just assume he’s going to be this hardass dom who’s going to be aggressive and curt. And then I turn him into a gentle giant who feels like he’s far, far too big for his soul. 
Name a muse you wish to write in the future. What’s your favourite thing about this muse?
I’m excited to write Nari honestly. She’s a horror writer who killed her husband and I just wanna sort of.. deal with the paranoia that she has that comes with trying not to get caught. 
How is your multimuse blog organised?
I make sure every muse has their own reply tag for people to find replies easier and I make sure to tag urls so people can find threads between us better. I try to keep general tags like plots, starters and images under a single tag so that people can block a tag if I post too much. Mostly for images – multimuses that have an image tag for each muse that post a lot of photos are ones I often don’t follow, just because I can’t block that many tags and don’t wanna waste my time doing so.
Do you have crossover verses for the muses on your blog?
Uhhh I’m not sure what this means? All of my muses are in the same universe; some just haven’t encountered the supernatural underground that exists. Certain muses are friends, like Dohyun & Kitae, Anthea & Selene, etc.
Which of your muses deserves better?
So many of them tbh. Definitely Cassidy, Ivon, Benji and Kitae though, the most.
Which of your muses do you most identify with? Why?
Probably Kiha. We’re both transmasc and there’s a lot of things that go with it. He’s sort of where I wish my life would end up drifting towards, at least in the comfort he has with his body and having had top surgery.
If you could change the faceclaim for any of you muses, would you do it?
I’m happy with FCs I have for the most part! The Kiha fc change was so much better and honestly feels much better than the face he had before.
Do you have any original characters on your multimuse? If so, tell us something more about them.
All of my muses are OCs, though some of them I do draw in my spare time and a small handful of them will be incorporated into a couple of graphic novels I have in mind in the future. Anthea for example, the diner she runs in the story I plan on putting her in is kind of like the HP room of requirement. It shows up to whoever needs an ear or something hot to eat.
How many muses are you currently writing?
I have 19 listed but will be adding 3 over the coming week or two, so probably gonna try and cap at 22 for awhile.
In how many fandoms are you currently active?
I don’t consider myself part of a fandom. I enjoy kpop and the music and think the people are gorgeous, but I don’t consider myself in any fandom. I’d rather avoid some of the negative associations that claiming to be part of them bring on
What is your favourite fandom to write in? Why?
Don’t write in fandoms, not applicable. I mostly stick to KRP though because it’s what I entered in when I was a teen and is what I started tumblr rp in. It’s familiar hence me staying.
What is a fandom you wish to write in one day?
Don’t write in fandoms, not applicable. 
What is a fandom you used to write in in the past?
KRP, though now I don’t consider myself part of the fandom. I listen to any good music that comes my way but I don’t follow groups or people. On occasion I check the news, but that’s every month or two and when something big happens. 
What is your favourite thing when you decide to add a new muse to your blog/when you decide to make a new blog?
I get excited for the plots I have in my head or writing out the open starters. The potential interactions I can get with them is often what leads me to add a muse idea.
Share an opinion you have about multimuse blogs.
I enjoy them for the variety that can exist and the possibilities that they come with. I do think there is at least a partial right way to do them, if only for organization’s sake. Years ago I had people tell me that they liked my multi but not most other people’s because I was organized with my tags and such while often times other people weren’t. I think organization has become much more prevalent in multis which is great ! and therefore the quality of the blogs and popularity of them have increased substantially.
Does your multimuse blog have a theme? Do the muses on your blog have something in common?
Nope, not really. I tried a themed multi a couple of times over the years but I can never stick to a theme.
What is the story or explanation behind your blog name?
I was thinking of ‘sweet menagerie ’ but the definition of menagerie didn’t fit. So I looked up some M names and found marzipan, which i thought would work. I like it honestly
Share a positive experience about multimuses you’ve had in the past.
The friends I’ve made! Most of my friends have multimuse blogs and some of the better ones I’ve made I’ve written with multiple of their muses before. There’s just so many opportunities and to see people excited about new muses you plan to add feels good, y’know?
List some of your favourite multimuse blogs.
OOF. @oleandercrowns​, @bvgeyman​, @mythvoiced​, @hclywater​, @rcfuscnik​, @nevstcries​, @nobilitylost​, @exhumesouls​, @tenderlovc​ , @2oners​ @lcvewave​ @grimmmer !!
Tag a multimuse blog and write some positivity about them (their blog, their muses, etc.)
@oleandercrowns​ !! A fantastic, exceedingly kind mun with a heart of gold. Deserves all the happiness in the world; I adore them more than I could ever put into words. Their muses are detailed and well thought out with a fascinating makeup. They deserve all the love and respect.
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