#im summer/beach anders one day
11 words in Greek you need to know this summer
Many people get a summer feeling when they hear Greece because of all the sunny pictures of the beaches and white houses out there. So, if you are interested in learning some Greek summer words or if you already learn Greek, here’s a list of my 11 favorite summer words in Greek:
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1. καλοκαίρι: summer That’s what the list is about. Did you notice, καιρός means both weather and time, while καλός means good. So, do you see what they did there?
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2. ήλιος: sun The sun is what makes this time so good. See what I did there? It’ll wake you up in the morning, keep you warm through the day and leave a subtle heat in the nights when you go out and dance.
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3. παραλία: beach When it’s hot outside and you need to cool down in the water, you go to the beach! I love the beach in Greece! Fun fact: There are people walking around with trays filled with sweet pastries, called “λουκουμάδες” and also stuff that tastes like donuts, often filled with jam. They walk around the whole time and scream over the beach so you buy stuff from them. As kids we loved to eat them!
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4. μαγιό swimwear Μαγιό is used for both, swimsuits and swim shorts but to make clear what you mean you should use αντρικό μαγιό for the male swimwear and ολόσωμο μαγιό for the female one. If you want to say bikini you use the same word in Greek, μπικίνι.
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5. αντηλιακό sunscreen Your μαγιό can’t cover all your skin and protect it from the sun, right? So use some αντηλιακό to protect yourself from a sunburn!
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6. παγωτό ice cream You can get it in different kind of flavors and forms, ice cream! If you rather like to eat popsicles you should definitely know this word: παγωτό ξυλάκι.
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7. κοκτέιλ cocktail As you may already see, phonetically it’s the same word. With this cognate, you won’t have a hard time getting some cocktails in a beach bar.
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8. μπάρμπεκιου barbecue Another cognate which can be pretty useful! We love to have big barbecues with our families and close friends, having a lot of food, some drinks and telling each other stories.
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9. μουσική music Music is essential in Greek summers! You can listen to it on the beach, in the stores when you’re looking for new clothes and other stuff, and you’ll find a lot of live events.
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10. πανήγυρη (folk) festival When I talk about μπάρμπεκιου and μουσική, I shouldn’t forget to talk about festivals! In the summer you’ll often find festivals in the villages and cities of Greece. Where people will sit together to have food, drinks and talk to each other. As well as live music and dancing!
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11. κουνούπι mosquito Such a cute sounding word for such an annoying thing! Protect yourself from them with an insect repellent, if you get easily stung.
I hope you liked this list and that you learnt some new words! And let us know if you like this style of blog post, as well! We’d be glad to produce more content like this! We put a lot of time and effort on making the best content for all of you. If you enjoy our posts you can support our project buying us a coffee on our Ko.Fi page or by checking out our Etsy shop. You would make us so happy and keep us motivated to keep going! Thanks! Enjoy your summer!
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11 palabras griegas para el verano
Muchas personas piensan el verano cuando escuchan la palabra “Grecia” por todas las fotos de días soleados, playas y casitas blancas. Así que si estas interesado en aprender algunas palabras griegas para el verano o si ya estas aprendiendo griego, aquí hay una lista de mis palabras veraniegas favoritas.
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1. καλοκαίρι: verano De lo que trata esta lista. Te diste cuenta que καιρός significa ambos clima y tiempo, mientras que καλός significa buen.¿ Ves lo que hicieron ahi?
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2. ήλιος: sol Los días soleados son lo que hacen esta estación tan buena. ¿Ves lo que hice ahí? Te despertará en las mañanas, te mantendrá caliente durante el día y dejará un calorcito sutil en las noches cuando salgas a bailar.
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3. παραλία: playa Cuando hace mucho calor y necesitas refrescarte en el agua, vas a la playa. ¡A mi me encantan las playas griegas. Dato curioso: en las playas hay gente caminando con bandejas de dulces llamados “λουκουμάδες” y tambien algo que sabe a donuts rellenas de mermelada. Caminan por toda la playa gritando cosas y les puedes comprar. ¡Cuando éramos pequeños nos encantaba!
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4. μαγιό trajes de baño Μαγιό se usa tanto para la traje de baño femenino y el masculino pero para diferenciar los puedes decir αντρικό μαγιό para el de chico y ολόσωμο μαγιό para el de chica. Si quieres decir bikini, es la misma palabra en griego, μπικίνι.
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5. αντηλιακό protector solar Tu μαγιό no va a cubrir todo tu cuerpo para protegerlo del sol. Así que usa un poco de αντηλιακό para evitar quemaduras.
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6. παγωτό helado ¡Puedes encontrarlos en distintas formas y sabores! Si prefieres comer paletas deberás conocer esta palabra: παγωτό ξυλάκι.
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7. κοκτέιλ cóctel Como podrás notar, fonéticamente es la misma palabra. Con esta palabra no tendrás problemas pidiendo tragos en el bar de la playa.
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8. μπάρμπεκιου barbacoa / parrillada Otra palabra similar que es bastante útil. Nosotros amamos las barbacoas con nuestros familiares y amigos cercanos. Con mucha comida, algunas bebidas y contando historias.
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9. μουσική música ¡La música es esencial en el verano griego! Puedes escucharla en la playa, en las tiendas si te vas de compras y muchas otras partes. También encontrarás una gran variedad de eventos en vivo.
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10. πανήγυρη festival (tradicional) Cuando hablamos de μπάρμπεκιου y μουσική no deberiamos olvidar hablar de los festivales. En el veranos encontrarás festivales en los pueblos y ciudades griegas. Donde la gente se reúne a comer, beber y hablar. También verás música y bailes en vivo.
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11. κουνούπι mosquito Esta palabra suena muy tierna para significar algo tan fastidioso. Protégete de los insectos con repelente si eres de sangre dulce.
Espero que te haya gustado esta lista y que hayas aprendido algunas palabras. Dinos si te gusta este tipo de blog. Nos encantaría crear más contenido de este estilo para ustedes. Le ponemos muchas ganas y tiempo a este proyecto para crear el mejor contenido para ustedes. Sí disfrutas nuestros posts y quieres apoyar lo que hacemos puedes hacer una donación en nuestra página de Ko.Fi o pasandote por nuestra tienda de Etsy. Nos harías sumamente feliz y nos mantendras motivadas a seguir creando contenido. ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Disfruta de tu verano!
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11 Wörter in Griechisch, die du diesen Sommer kennen solltest
Viele Leute denken sofort an Sommer, wenn sie Griechenland hören, wegen all der sonnigen Bilder von den Stränden und den weißen Häusern. Also, falls daran interessiert bist, einige griechische Sommerwörter zu lernen oder sogar schon Griechisch lernst, habe ich hier eine Liste mit meinen 11 Lieblingswörtern für den Sommer in Griechisch:
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1. καλοκαίρι: Sommer Darüber handelt die Liste. Ist dir aufgefallen, dass καιρός Wetter, sowie auch Zeit bedeutet, während καλός gut bedeutet. Also, fällt dir was auf?
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2. ήλιος: Sonne Die Sonne ist was die Zeit so gut macht. Na, fällt dir was auf? SIe weckt dich am Morgen, hält dich den Tag über warm und hinterlässt eine sanfte Hitze in den Nächten, wenn du ausgehst und tanzt.
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3. παραλία: Strand Wenn es draußen heiß ist und du dich im Wasser abkühlen willst, gehst du zum Strand! Ich liebe die Strände in Griechenland! Lustige Tatsache: Es gibt Leute, die mit Tabletts rumlaufen, gefüllt mit süßem Gebäck, das “λουκουμάδες” heißt und auch mit etwas, das ähnlich schmeckt wie Donuts, oft gefüllt mit Marmelade. Sie laufen die ganze Zeit rum und schreien über den Strand, damit man bei ihnen etwas einkauft. Als Kinder haben wir es geliebt sowas zu essen!
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4. μαγιό Badebekleidung Μαγιό wird für beides genutzt, Badeanzüge und Badeshorts, aber um klarer zu sagen, was du meinst, solltest du αντρικό μαγιό für die männliche Badebekleidung und ολόσωμο μαγιό für die weibliche. Wenn du Bikini sagen möchtest, kannst du genau das gleiche Wort in Griechisch benutzen, μπικίνι.
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5. αντηλιακό Sonnenscreme Deine μαγιό kann nicht deine ganze Haut abdecken und dich vor der Sonne schützen, oder? Also nutze etwas αντηλιακό, um dich vor einem Sonnenbrand zu schützen!
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6. παγωτό ice cream Du bekommst es in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen und Formen, Eis! Falls du lieber Eis am Stiel isst, solltest du definitiv dieses Wort kennen: παγωτό ξυλάκι.
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7. κοκτέιλ Cocktail Wie du vielleicht schon siehst, phonetisch ist es das gleiche Wort. Mit diesem Kognat, wirst du keine hart Zeit haben, um einige Cocktails an der Strandbar zu bekommen.
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8. μπάρμπεκιου Grillparty (Engl.: barbecue) Ein anderer Kognat (im Englischen), der sehr nützlich sein kann. Wir lieben es große Grillparties zu feiern, mit unseren Familien und engen Freunden. Dort haben wir eine Menge an Essen, ein Paar Drinks und erzählen uns gegenseitig Geschichten.
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9. μουσική Musik Musik ist essentiell in griechischen Sommern! Du hörst sie am Strand, in den Läden, wenn du nach neuer Kleidung und anderem Kram schaust, und du wirst viele Live-Events finden.
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10. πανήγυρη (Folks-)Fest Wenn ich über μπάρμπεκιου und μουσική rede, dann sollte ich nicht vergessen über Feste zu reden! Im Sommer wirst du oft Feste in den Dörfern und Städten Griechenlands finden. Dort sitzen die Leute zusammen, um zusammen zu essen, zu trinken und sie reden miteinander. Ebenso wie Live-Musik und Tanzen!
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11. κουνούπι Stechmücke So ein süßes Wort für so ein nerviges Ding! Schütze dich selber vor ihnen, indem du ein Insektenschutzspray verwendest, falls du eher gestochen wirst.
Ich hoffe dir hat die Liste gefallen und, dass du neue Wörter lernen konntest! Und lass es uns wissen, falls dir die Art von Blog-Post gefallen hat! Wir würden uns freuen mehr solchen Inhalt zu produzieren. Wir investieren sehr viel Zeit und Fleiß, um für euch alle den besten Inhalt zu erstellen. Wenn dir unsere Posts gefallen, kannst du unser Projekt unterstützen, indem du uns einen Kaffee auf unserer Ko-Fi Seite kaufst oder, indem du unseren Etsy-Shop besuchst. Du würdest uns sehr glücklich machen und uns weiterhin motivieren dran zu bleiben! Danke! Genieße deinen Sommer!
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Excursions to Macedonia and Kosovo
Ohrid lake was our goal. Its western shore lies in Albania, the eastern one in Macedonia. A great opportunity to visit at least a small piece of the neighboring country...
Well, as we shall find out soon, the whole country is on holidays here right now... This comes along with crowded beaches, one after the other and an omnipresent smell of sunscreen and french fries. Instead of nature we find a lot of those massive hotels, restaurants and unfinished builings along the shore. Lots of tourists always means a lot of traffic as well. As we climb the narrow, curvy, hilly road, tons of cars pass us. It becomes evident that the "weaker road users" are not overwhelmingly respected. We get cut off, pushed off the road, passed with no safety distance at all. This is not fun! We notice a whole lot of foreign license plates: Swiss, German, several Austrian. Macedonians who live and work abroad, spending their holidays at home during summer. A lot of them like big cars - Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Audi. And a lot of them drive fast and careless! We are happy as we leave the hotspots Ohrid and Struga, even though the traffic accompanies us for some more miles along the way. Finally, we are in more rural areas again, where old tractors and horse carts pass us. We wonder what the farmer who stayed at home is thinking, when the cousin, living in Switzerland, is coming for a vacation visit? The road is getting less travelled, through a massive canyon, along a pretty river. Would make a great scenery, if it was not for all that thrash swimming in the water or laying around on its shores. Just too much plastic, everywhere! Last stop in Debar - stocking up on groceries. A friendly man, living in Germany, starts talking to us. What made us end up here? Well, the close border to Albania we have to admit. That´s where we are heading now, again! For sure, Macedonia has a whole lot more to see, this definitely was not the right time at the right place, but a precious experience nevertheless. Maybe we will come again to explore some more of this interesting country!
Another short visit brings us into Kosovo. Also here, we experience an incredibly welcoming and friendly culture! Our way takes us by some market stands, the vendors wave us to stop, give us fruits and ice cold water, accompanied by a smile and a "Welcome in Kosovo!". Some of them have lived in France for a while, so again we pack out our rusted French. Who would have thought that we can use our school-taught French in the ourskirts of a kosovarian city one day? We stop in the city of Prizren. A lively, young, pretty town. Right now there is the "Doku fest" going on, an international film festival. In the evening the alleys, cafés and bars are crammed with people - so much going on here! We enjoy craft beer, great food, coffee and ice cream. Both of us didn't have any idea or imagination about what to expect from this country, but are surprised how modern and hip at least Prizren is! Within the last weeks the political situation got heated up again - Albanians, Serbs - no real agreements in sight so far... Here in this area, the country is amost exclusively inhabitated by Albanians, and one is showing to which ethnical group he or she is belonging to: it is the albanian flag which is hoisted, not the kosovarian one. As we found it in Albania, also here there is intense wedding season going on. Plenty of wedding convoys pass us, decorated cars, music chapels on the back of the truck, and of course, a lot of flags! In Kosovo we enjoy a couple of easy cycling days in flat terrain - although the country is surrounded by high mointains, its inner parts are rather flat. Good for us, as we get some strength back before heading into those Albanian Alps again. They are demanding, but so worth every meter! So we go back into this country we got to know as one of the most friendly, welcoming and beautiful ones, go on a ferry ride on the Komani lake, climb some last mountains, a few last days to rest before we head on into Montenegro.
Zum Ohrid-See wollten wir nun. Das eine Ufer liegt in Albanien, das andere in Mazedonien. Eine gute Gelegenheit also, sich von Albanien aus ein kleines Stück des Nachbarlandes anzusehen, dachten wir! Nun ist es aber so, dass jetzt im Sommer scheinbar das ganze Land dort urlaubt. Dementsprechend voll ist es überall. Ein Strandbad, ein Strandcafé nach dem anderen, ständig Sonnencreme- und Pommes-Frites-Geruch in der Nase. Alles verbaut, riesige Hotels, riesige Restaurants, riesige Bauruinen. Viele Urlauber heißt naturgemäß auch viel Verkehr. Auf enger, hügeliger und kurviger Straße klettern wir im Schneckentempo dahin, an uns ziehen die Autos vorbei. Schnell wird uns klar, in Mazedonien wird auf die "schwächeren Verkehrsteilnehmer" wenig Rücksicht genommen. Wir werden geschnitten, von der Straße gedrängt, angehupt, mehr als riskant überholt. Das macht nun wirklich keinen Spaß! Auffallend ist der hohe Anteil an ausländischen Nummernschildern. Schweizer, Deutsche, ein paar Österreicher sind darunter. Auslandsmazedonier auf Heimaturlaub. Ein großer Teil davon bevorzugt große Autos: Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Audi. Gefahren wird schnell und leider sehr oft rücksichtlos! Ziemlich erleichtert lassen wir die Hotspots Ohrid und Struga hinter uns. Noch einige Kilometer begleiten uns die viel zu vielen, viel zu schnellen Fahrzeuge, aber irgendwann sind wir weit genug davon entfernt um wieder durchatmen zu können. Zurück im ländlichen Gebiet fahren nun statt übermotorisierten Luxuslimousinen wieder alte Traktoren und klapprige Pferdewägen an uns vorüber. Was sich die daheim gebliebenen Bauern wohl denken, wenn der Cousin im Sommer von der Schweiz nach Hause kommt? Die Straße wird ruhig, in einer Schucht geht's weiter. Im Tal ein großer Fluss, sehr schön anzusehen, wäre nicht so viel Müll darin. Wasser und Ufer, beides voll mit Plastik und anderem Dreck. Noch ein letzter Halt in Debar, Lebensmittel aufstocken. Man begegnet uns freundlich, einige der deutschsprechenden Mazedonier reden uns an... Wohin? Woher? Und was uns denn hierher verschlagen hat? Nun, ehrlich gesagt, der nahe gelegene Grenzübergang nach Albanien. Genau da fahren wir jetzt auch hin, noch einmal! Bestimmt hat Mazedonien viel mehr zu bieten als wir gesehen haben! Es war nicht die beste Zeit am besten Ort, doch eine wertvolle Erfahrung war es sehr wohl. Vielleicht kommen wir ein anderes Mal wieder, um mehr dieses ohne Zweifel interessanten Landes zu sehen!
Ein weiterer Kurzausflug, von Albanien aus, führt uns in das Kosovo. Auch hier, so viel Freundlichkeit und eine großartige Willkommenskultur! Der Weg führt uns an Marktständen vorbei. Händler winken uns heran, man schenkt uns Früchte und kaltes Wasser, begleitet von einem "Welcome to Kosovo!" Der Verkäufer lebte einige Zeit in Frankreich, wir versuchen uns wieder in Französisch. Wer hätte gedacht, dass wir unser Schulfranzösisch ausgerechnet in Albanien und Kosovo, ziemlich verstaubt mittlerweile, wieder auspacken? Den ersten Stop legen wir in Prizren ein. Eine lebendige, junge, hübsche Stadt. Gerade findet das "Doku Fest", ein internationales Filmfestival, statt. Abends füllen sich die Gassen, die Bars und Cafés platzen beinahe aus allen Nähten - so viel los! Wir genießen Craft Bier, gutes Essen, Eis und Kaffee. Beide hatten wir keinerlei Ahnung oder Vorstellungen vom Kosovo, und doch überrascht uns diese sehr moderne Stadt! Gerade jetzt ist die politische Stimmung in diesem Land wieder etwas angeheizt. Serben, Albaner - man will sich nicht einig werden. Hier im Süden ist das Land fast ausschließlich von Albanern bewohnt, und man zeigt auch, wohin man sich zugehörig fühlt bzw. wer die Mehrheit stellt. Es wird fast ausschließlich die albanische, nicht die kosovarische Flagge geschwungen, und auch jede Gelegenheit dazu genutzt. Wie in Albanien ist auch hier gerade Hochzeitssaison. Immer wieder überholen uns Kolonnen geschmückter Autos (vornehmlich Mercedes, versteht sich), Musikkapellen auf der Ladefläche, Hupkonzert und alles was dazu gehört. Unter anderem natürlich das Schwingen der albanischen Flagge. Nach den kräfteraubenden Tagen in den albanischen Bergen genießen wir ein paar Kilometer auf ebenem Gelände. Kosovo ist zwar von hohen Gebirgen umgeben, im Inneren aber ziemlich flach. Kurze Verschnaufpause von den albanischen Alpen, die uns alles abverlangen, aber jeden einzelnen Höhenmeter wert sind! Dorthin geht es nach diesem kurzen Ausflug auch bald wieder zurück - eine grandiose Fährfahrt über den Komani-See, eine paar letzte Berge, ein paar letzte Tage zum Ausrasten in dem von uns so lieb gewonnenen Albanien!
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theunemployedrogue · 7 years
Rogue’s Fics Masterlist & FAQ
Due to the limitations of tumblr mobile in regards to custom pages and linking to tags in blog descriptions, I’ve created this post to serve as a (hopefully) mobile-friendly quick ref. This post contains links and descriptions of my fanfiction written for Voltron, Dragon Age II, and Rise of the Guardians. Several fics written for various other fandoms are not included here -- if you wish to find all of my material, please search the “roguefic” tag on my blog. Fair warning that some content/pairings may be potentially triggering.
Please find more information as well as the links/descriptions under the “Read More”.
What fandoms do you currently write for?
As of 2017, I only write for the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom.
What pairings do you write for in the VLD fandom?
I am a multi-shipper and pro-Shaladin (all characters are written as 18+ in my content). Primarily I write for Shance (Shiro/Lance).
What type of content do you typically write?
My content is generally pretty tame. I enjoy writing short, fluffy one-shots the most, though I have written chap fics and explored darker themes as well. I generally do not write a lot of NSFW, though on the occasions I do I will always label it as such.
Do you use content warnings?
Yes. I try to tag anything I think may be potentially triggering or squicky.
What’s your crosstagging policy?
I DO NOT crosstag -- meaning my fics featuring a ship(s) are not tagged with individual character names or gen tags, only the ship name. I do this out of respect for people who do not want to see shippy material when browsing a character’s tag or general fandom tag.
HOWEVER, due to tumblr’s shitty search function I cannot guarantee you won’t run across my material in certain tags. Search picks up words within a post in addition to the tags. 
Do you take fic requests?
I am open to fic requests, though I cannot promise I will respond in a timely manner or at all, unfortunately. My ADHD and work schedule make writing somewhat of a challenging pastime. Also, I never have anon enabled, so you will not be able to submit a request anonymously.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Shiro/Lance (Shance)
Home is Wherever I’m With You (AO3) Rating: PG (will change when final chapter is posted) Type: Multi-chap/WIP Description: It’s been one month since Lance officially started dating Shiro, and he wants to celebrate the occasion. Things have been going great and their friends assure him Shiro is head-over-heels for him...but Lance can’t help but feel a little worried. If Shiro likes him so much, why haven’t they been intimate yet?
Smooth Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Written for Shance Fluff Week prompt “First/Last”. Shiro and Lance meet for the first time. Modern AU.
All of You (AO3) Rating: G Type: One-shot Content warnings: Mention of scars Description: The team takes a day off to relax on a tropical beach planet, but Shiro doesn’t want to join in the fun. Lance suspects something is bothering him and tries to get him to open up, which leads to more than one secret being revealed.
Black & Blue & Red All Over Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Modern AU. When Lance shows up to the gym with a limp and covered in bruises, Shiro assumes the worst (spoiler: It’s nothing bad! Nor anything kinky, surprisingly)
Guess Again Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Keith confronts Lance about something he witnessed during a team mind-melding exercise…too bad he’s got the wrong culprit.
Keith/Lance (Klance)
Alone Again (Naturally) (AO3) Rating: PG Type: Multi-chap/WIP Description: In a world where people rely on auras to identify potential friends and lovers, Keith Kogane is considered a freak. He’s never been able to see another person’s aura, nor has anyone ever seen his. Of course he’d get stuck saving the universe with Lance McClain -- a romance-obsessed boy who has vowed to search the cosmos for the one whose golden aura marks them as his soulmate.
[Follows the canon VLD story with significant tweaks to events and characters. Tags/rating will be updated as needed. This is primarily a slow burn Klance fic, but features several other pairings as well. Please see first chapter notes for full details.]
Dragon Age II
Fenris/Anders (Fenders)
A Belated Lullaby (AO3) Rating: G Type: Multi-chap/WIP Description: After failing to save the life of a young mother, Anders finds himself in a rather inconvenient situation. Fortunately, he's not alone.
Jealous Rating: PG (no actual sex, but sexual references) Type: One-shot Content warnings: Alcohol use, jealousy/possessiveness Description: Insp. by this post: ‘we’ve been fucking with no strings attached but i just saw you go upstairs with another guy and im drunk and following you both upstairs to punch the shit out of him’.
Untitled Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: A short fill written for the following prompt featured on fenders-prompts: Hate!sex’s fluffy cousin: hate!cuddling.  Anders and Fenris may not be each other’s biggest fans, but Anders’s panacea aura does wonders for Fenris’s markings, and Fenris’s lyrium calms down Justice and restores Anders’s strength better than a full night’s sleep. So whenever Fenris has a bad pain day, or Anders is exhausted from healing and Justice won’t let him rest, they cuddle. HATEFULLY.
Point of View Rating: PG Type: One-shot Notes: Also features Merill/Isabela (Merribela) Description: A short fill written for the following prompt featured on fenders-promptsnfills: Anders and Fenris are celebrities (of any type) who have a very public rivalry/feud/mutual hate going on. Tabloids love them, their fans are involved in an epic fandom war, everyone thinks it will one day end in violence…. until the day paparazzi catch them on a date/kissing/having sex/doing something unmistakably couple-y.
3 Fenders Drabbles Rating: PG-13 (NSFW/references to sex, but no explicit sex) Type: Drabbles Description: Written for the following prompts -- ears & neck, foreplay, hair.
WineWords Rating: G Type: One-shot Content warnings: Alcohol consumption Description: Fenris and Anders are in an established relationship. They manage to keep it under wraps until Fenris has a few too many drinks and makes out with Anders at the Hanged Man. Anders wishes he could take a dose of the same liquid courage to deal with his own little secret…
Unfair (AO3) Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Anders pays Fenris a house call and gets an unexpected surprise. 
All That  I Can Give (AO3) Rating: PG Type: One-shot Description: After being in a relationship with Anders for six months, Fenris still isn't ready to tell their friends. Anders tries to reach a compromise. 
Untitled Rating: PG Type: One-shot Description: Anders/Fenris, for the prompt: Imagine your OTP+ chilling out together in the summer. The temperature eventually rises so high that Person A decides to ditch their clothes and wear only their underwear. Person B follows suit. What happens next is up to you.
Flirting With Flowers Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: A short ficlet based on the “Imagine your OTP in a florist/tattoo artist AU” prompt. Featuring tattoo artist Fenris, florist Anders, and piercer Isabela. Fluffy pre-slash. 
Fenris/Anders/Hawke (Fenhanders)
Fair Enough Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Hawke tries to win Anders a prize at the fair, but he’s terrible at games. Fenris isn’t.
Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood
Pitch Black/Jack Frost (Blackice)
Tomb Lilies (AO3) Rating: R/Mature Type: Multi-chap, complete Description: Desperate to save the life of his sister, Jack promises himself as blood slave to a vampire named Pitch Black in exchange for her health. Unbeknownst to Jack, Pitch is an ancient, immensely powerful vampire that has become a threat to his brethren. When Manny, a vampire lord fearful Pitch's uncontrolled power will permanently unravel their society, hires a team of vampire hunters to kill Pitch, Jack has the chance to escape at last...but does he truly want to leave Pitch? Vampire AU, colonial era.
Black Celebration (AO3) Rating: Ranges from G to Mature Type: Collection of one-shots Description: Pitch reaches Jack before the Guardians and takes him on as an apprentice. Feelings develop after Jack begins to desire physical attention after three centuries in Pitch’s company. 
Kozmotis Pitchiner/Jack Frost (Goldenfrost)
Concussion (AO3) Rating: PG Type: One-shot Description: Dr. Kozmotis Pitchiner gets a rather flirty patient. 
The Dismantled Sky (AO3) Rating: R/Mature Type: One-shot Content warnings: Homophobia/homophobic violence, dubcon, implied character death Description: 1945. Kozmotis isn’t where he wants to be when it happens, but there’s a small comfort in having someone to suffer aside him. Originally written for BlackIce Week theme, “Post-Apocalyptic”. 
Until the Clock Strikes Twelve Rating: G Type: One-shot Description: Pitch is stuck in the body and mind of a small child, with no recollection of who he is, until his next birthday. North takes Pitch under the protection of the Guardians, convinced that they can turn his life around if they shower him with love and affection for as long as they can. The only problem is, no one knows Pitch’s birthday, so there’s no telling when he’ll revert back. Jack & Pitch (friendship) centric.
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fabsgoesagain · 3 years
Nashville - O‘ahu - Maui - Seattle
Aloha miteinander!
Ich war dann mal ein paar Tage weg. Kaum geht man Reisen vergisst man ganz und gar den Blog zu bespielen. Aber jetzt habe ich ein wenig Zeit, um euch auf den neusten Stand zu bringen. Für mich ging es am 09 Mai nach Nashville. Hunter, mein Mitspieler aus Florida hat mich mitgenommen. Dort habe ich vier Tage verbracht und unter anderem das Country Music Museum besucht. Das war wahnsinnig sehenswert. Die Geschichte hinter der Entwicklung und den Einflüssen auf die Musik war sehr spannend. Ansonsten ist es ein sehr guter Platz um Live Musik zu genießen. Nach vier Tagen ging es dann zum nächsten Abenteuer. Ab nach Hawaii. Geplant für drei Wochen.
Die Anreise war sehr anstrengend. Nachdem meine Flüge verspätet waren wurde ich umgebucht. Nashville – Salt Lake City – Maui – Oahu. Gesamt sprechen wir von 22 Stunden. Aber rückblickend kann ich sagen, dass es sich mehr als gelohnt hat. Gesamt war ich 14 Tage auf Oahu und 7 Tage auf Maui. Oahu ist mit Honolulu und Waikiki ein wenig belebter als Maui. Die Insel Maui besticht im Vergleich eher mit Ruhe und Natur. Jedoch sollte man die Natur auf Oahu auch nicht missachten. Aber von Beginn an.
Auf Oahu war ich die meiste Zeit im Waikiki Boutique Hostel in direkter Strandnähe untergebracht. Absolut empfehlenswert. Es war gefühlt noch nie leichter Menschen zu treffen. Man schließt in kürzester Zeit so viele Freundschaften. Sehr gut war auch, dass das Hostel eigene Touren angeboten hat. Für 30 Dollar konnte man somit verschiedene Ausflüge machen. Ich hatte zwar auch für 5 Tage einen Roller gemietet, jedoch konnte man damit nicht alle Ecken der Insel so schnell erkunden. Dementsprechend war ich froh mit anderen Bewohnern des Hostels verschiedene Touren zu Wanderungen, Schnorcheln und verschiedenen Stränden als Highlights absolvieren zu können. Dabei wurden auch immer lokale Foodtrucks angesteuert. Hierbei fiel meine Wahl oftmals auf Seafood und das hat sich immer ausgezahlt. Die Makapuu Tightpools und Koko Head waren auf Oahu meine Highlights. Auch Surfen stand öfters auf der Agenda – wie könnte es auch anders sein. Die Abende wurden hierbei meist am Strand oder Pier verbracht. Unser Hostel hatte gut 100 Bewohner und dementsprechend war hier immer einiges los. Sonntags gab es am Queens Beach – nahe Waikiki – eine Feuer Show, die sehr empfehlenswert ist. Man kann also sagen ein Highlight hat das nächste gejagt. Ach ja. Für den FC Honolulu International habe ich ein Spiel gemacht. Mein Uber Fahrer war Spieler für den Verein und hat mich ganz spontan zum Training eingeladen. Dort hat mich der Trainer gefragt, ob ich nicht am Wochenende für sie spielen wolle. Verrückt wie schnell sowas gehen kann.
Eigentlich war nach Oahu mein Plan nach Seattle zu fliegen. Jedoch habe ich mich kurzfristig auf Grund neuer Freundschaften anders entschieden. Nächster Stopp Maui. Wie angesprochen war es dort ruhiger. Das Hostel war kleiner und etwas alternativ angehaucht. Haleakala und der Sonnenuntergang über den Wolken waren einfach unbeschreiblich und womöglich einer der einzigartigsten Ereignisse, deren ich beiwohnen durfte. Auch dieses Hostel hat Touren über die Insel angeboten. Diese waren umsonst. Jedoch hat man den Fahrern, beziehungsweise Führern, immer Trinkgeld gegeben, da sie dafür kein Gehalt bekommen haben. Es hat sich aber auch hier gelohnt, da man tolle Spots sieht, ohne sich ein Auto mieten zu müssen. Autos mieten in der USA ist unbezahlbar. Das liegt daran, dass Vermieter viele Mietwägen in Zeiten von Corona verkauft haben und jetzt die Nachfrage nicht abdecken können. Da wurden teilweise Preise von mehreren hundert Euro am Tag aufgerufen. Wahnsinn. Aber es hat sich wieder gezeigt, dass man mit Geduld meist eine Lösung findet. Auf Maui hatte eine französische Windsurferin ein Auto und uns mehrmals zu verschiedenen Stränden mitgenommen.
Aber nach drei Wochen war es dann doch Zeit, dass nicht ganz so preiswerte Paradies zu verlassen. Hierzu nur so viel. Wer die Chance hat, auf Hawaii zu fliegen, sollte sie nutzen. Für mich war es am ehesten noch mit Neuseeland vergleichbar. Aber es hat definitiv seinen ganz eigenen Charme. Nächster Stopp, Seattle im Staat Washington.
Natürlich könnte man sich vorab schlau machen, wohin man eigentlich fliegt. Aber ich bleib mir da treu und stürze mich einfach direkt ins nächste Abenteuer. Vom Flughafen wurde ich von einer Freundin abgeholt, die ich auf Hawaii kennen lernte und die mich für die kommenden Tage bei sich unterkommen lässt. Diese wohnt aber nicht wie gedacht in Seattle, sondern Whidbey Island. Soll mir recht sein. Die Gegend ist rauer, jedoch grün. Es hat 16 Grad und sieht so aus wie ich mir Kanada vorstelle. Am Wochenende waren wir in Seattle. Tolle Stadt, nicht zu hektisch, kleinere lokale Läden. Alles fühlt sich ein wenig europäisch an. Soll mir recht sein. Amerika macht immer den Eindruck, dass alles groß und größer sein muss. Seattle fällt hier ein wenig aus dem Rahmen. Unter der Woche kümmere ich mich gerade eher um Notwendigkeiten wie arbeiten, E-Mails, Joggen und die weitere Planung des Sommers. Wobei, ich lasse mich eher treiben als zu planen.
Eines steht fest. Anfang Juli geht es auf Puerto Rico, ein amerikanisches Überseegebiet. Wieder eine Gegend die zwar Amerika ist, aber irgendwie dann doch auch nicht.
Liebe Grüße aus dem Staate Washington,
Fabian // Oak Harbor, 11.07.2021
Aloha to each other!
I was then times away for a few days. Hardly goes one travels one forgets completely to play the blog. But now I have a little time to bring you up to date. For me it went on 09 May to Nashville. Hunter, my teammate from Florida took me with him. I spent four days there and visited the Country Music Museum. That was insanely worth seeing. The history behind the development and influences on the music was very exciting. Otherwise it is a very good place to enjoy live music. After four days we went to the next adventure. Off to Hawaii. Planned for three weeks.
The journey was very exhausting. After my flights were delayed I was rebooked. Nashville - Salt Lake City - Maui - Oahu. In total we are talking about 22 hours. But looking back I can say that it was more than worth it. In total I spent 14 days on Oahu and 7 days on Maui. Oahu is a bit busier than Maui with Honolulu and Waikiki. The island of Maui captivates in comparison rather with peace and nature. However, one should not disregard the nature on Oahu either. But from the beginning.
On Oahu I stayed most of the time in the Waikiki Boutique Hostel near the beach. Absolutely recommendable. It has never been easier to meet people. You make so many friends in a very short time. It was also very good that the hostel offered its own tours. For 30 dollars you could make different excursions. I had also rented a scooter for 5 days, but you could not explore all corners of the island so quickly. Accordingly, I was happy with other residents of the hostel various tours to hikes, snorkeling and various beaches as highlights to complete. This was also always local food trucks headed. Here, my choice often fell on seafood and that has always paid off. The Makapuu Tightpools and Koko Head were my highlights on Oahu. Surfing was also often on the agenda - how could it be otherwise. The evenings were spent mostly on the beach or pier. Our hostel had a good 100 residents and accordingly there was always something going on here. On Sundays, there was a fire show at Queens Beach - near Waikiki - which is highly recommended. So you can say one highlight chased the next. Oh yes. For the FC Honolulu International I made a game. My Uber driver was a player for the club and invited me spontaneously to the training. There, the coach asked me if I wanted to play for them on the weekend. It's crazy how fast something like that can happen.
Actually, after Oahu, my plan was to fly to Seattle. However, due to new friendships, I decided otherwise at short notice. Next stop Maui. As mentioned, it was quieter there. The hostel was smaller and a bit alternative. Haleakala and the sunset over the clouds were simply indescribable and possibly one of the most unique events that I was allowed to witness. This hostel also offered tours of the island. These were free of charge. However, one has always given the drivers, or guides, tip, because they have not received a salary. But it was worth it, because you can see great spots without having to rent a car. Renting cars in the USA is priceless. This is because rental companies have sold many rental cars in times of Corona and now can not cover the demand. There were sometimes prices of several hundred euros a day called. Insanity. But it has been shown again that with patience you can usually find a solution. On Maui a French windsurfer had a car and took us several times to different beaches.
But after three weeks it was time to leave the not so cheap paradise. For this only so much. If you have the chance to fly to Hawaii, you should take it. For me, it was most comparable to New Zealand. But it definitely has its own charm. Next stop, Seattle in Washington state.
Of course, you could find out in advance where you're actually flying to. But I stay true to myself and just plunge directly into the next adventure. From the airport I was picked up by a friend who I met in Hawaii and who lets me stay with her for the next few days. This lives but not as thought in Seattle, but Whidbey Island. Shall be right to me. The area is rougher, but green. It has 16 degrees and looks like I imagine Canada. On the weekend we were in Seattle. Great city, not too hectic, smaller local stores. Everything feels a little European. That's fine with me. America always gives the impression that everything has to be big and bigger. Seattle is a little out of the ordinary here. During the week, I tend to take care of necessities like work, emails, jogging and planning for the summer. Whereas, I'm drifting rather than planning.
One thing is for sure. At the beginning of July I'm going to Puerto Rico, an American overseas territory. Again, an area that is America, but then somehow not.
Greetings from Washington State,
Fabian // Oak Harbor, 11.07.2021
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sinasgrossewelt · 6 years
Lang lang ist's her...
...dass ich den letzten Blogeintrag geschrieben habe und seitdem gab es Einiges für uns zu sehen. Damit keine geballte Ladung kommt, werde ich die letzten Tage in mehreren Blogeinträgen chronologisch verarbeiten.
Nachdem wir am vergangenen Wochenende (7./8.7.) nach Moncton zurückgekehrt sind, verbrachten wir zwei weitere Nächte bei Brian und Denis, die uns abends weitere schöne Plätze in der Stadt zeigten. Unter anderem das Hotel, in dem Denis arbeitet und das sich in einem Verbund mit dem Casino und einer großen Konzerthalle befindet. In einer langen Galerie kann man sehen, wer in der Halle schon alles aufgetreten ist, z.B. Alice Cooper, ZZ Top, Paul Anka (...na, Meiky, Pia und Franzi, woher kennen wir den Namen?) Nazareth uuuuund (für Gina) Vance Joy! =D Auf jeden Fall jede Menge Leute, es hingen bestimmt über 100 Bilder an der Wand.
Dann zeigten die beiden uns den „Magnetic Hill“. Bei diesem handelt es sich um eine optische Täuschung, bei der man den Eindruck erhält, rückwärts einen Berg hinaufzufahren, ohne Gas geben zu müssen – quasi wie magnetisch angezogen. Das war total irre und am besten zu sehen, als wir auf der Bergkuppe standen und uns „von unten“ ein Auto entgegenkam und das ganz ohne Rücklichter. ;-) [kleiner Einschub: da wir nach 20 Uhr dort waren, mussten wir nichts bezahlen, ansonsten kostet dieses Phänomen 5$ pro Auto]
Tagsüber genoss Marcel die Automotiv-Show mit all den schicken, alten Autos, während ich vorwiegend las. Den „begrabenen Riesen“, den Heide mir mit auf den Weg gegeben hat, habe ich nun durch. Ich bin mir noch nicht ganz sicher, was ich von dem Ende halten soll... Ich konnte das Buch aber sehr geschmeidig lesen und war am Ausgang der Geschichte sehr interessiert.
Sonntagabend (8.7.) stellten wir uns dann die Frage, wie es weitergehen solle und Denis machte den Vorschlag, seine drei freien Arbeitstage zu nutzen, um in den arkadischen Bereich der Provinz zu reisen, mit ihm als bilingualen Reiseführer dabei. Gesagt, getan. Wir übernachteten in einem privaten Bed&Breakfast in Lamèque und fuhren von dort aus erst einmal zum Strand in Richtung Gulf of St. Lawrence. Nachdem Brian und Marcel dort ausgiebig schwimmen waren, ging es dann noch auf die andere Seite an den Strand, zum Chaleur Bay. Dort konnten wir viele schöne Muschelschalen sammeln, die ich eventuell irgendwie künstlerisch weiterverarbeiten und dann verkaufen möchte. Mal sehen, was daraus wird. ;-)
Der Dienstag (10.7.) drehte sich ausschließlich um das akadische Dorf, das Denis uns zeigen wollte: Das Dorf besteht aus einer Ansammlung an Häusern, die zum Großteil dorthin transportiert wurden, aus verschiedenen Jahrzehnten. All diese Häuser gehörten akadischen Familien und wurden originalgetreu eingerichtet. Im Sommer „leben“ dort Menschen (Angestellte), die nicht nur über die jeweiligen Geschichten der Häuser berichten, sondern auch Arbeiten aus dem damaligen Leben verrichten. So sahen wir zum Beispiel Frauen weben und häkeln, einen Mann mit Wassereimern durchs Dorf laufen oder auch Leute die Gärten und Felder bewirten. Da es zu heiß war, gab es an dem Tag ein Feuer-Verbot, doch ansonsten wird in dem Dorf auch morgens frisches Brot im Holzofen gebacken und andere Gerichte in der Sommerküche zubereitet. Wir verbrachten ca. 5 Stunden dort, schafften es aber dennoch nicht, alles zu sehen. Das Dorf ist auf jeden Fall sehr eindrucksvoll und hat uns sehr gefallen! <3 Außerdem hat es mir ein paar Anregungen für die Zukunft gegeben. =D
Am Tag danach fuhren wir noch zu den Pabineau Falls, die auch sehr schön waren und machten uns dann auf den Rückweg nach Moncton.
Ein ganz altes Eisstadion / old hockey stadium:
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Schwimmen im St. Lawrence Strom / Swiming in the Gulf of St. Lawrence:
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...und danach ab zum Chaleur Bay / ...and afterwards in the Chaleur Bay:
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Sandzeichnungen / Drawing in the sand:
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Mein neues Sommeroutfit: / presenting my new summer outfit:
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The last week was full of adventures and good things to see!
It started with two more nights at Denis and Brian's in Moncton. Marcel und Brian enjoyed the Automotive in Moncton while I took a little time for my own, most of the time reading a book. ;-)
One evening Denis showed us his workplace in a big and well-known hotel in the city and afterwards we visited the „magnetic hill“. When you drive there with a car, it seems as if your car rolls up hill in neutral gear. It's very intersting but I can recommend to come after 8 o'clock, before they charge 5$ per car. ;-)
We enjoyed the time with Brian and Denis and when they offered us to drive to the North together to see the „village acadienne“ we took the chance to be there with a bilingual guide.
On Mondaymorning (July 9th) we started and reached Lamèque in the afternoon. Our host was a nice guy from Quebec. After we checked-in we made a short stop at a friend of the other two who named us two beaches we should visit. As told we went to the first and while Denis and I drew pictures in the sand, Marcel and Brian enjoyed the cool water. The water belonged to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, but we could change to the other side of the island very easy and also spent time on the Chaleur Bay. =)
It was a nice and calm night and we felt fit on the next day so we spent 5 hours in the acadian village. There are a lot of houses in that village which belonged to acadian families and are put together on this special place to show the acadian way of live over more than 200 years. We saw people nitting and spinning, gardening or one who brought water to all of the animals and houses. It was impressiv! =) It was so good and interesting that we couldn't even see everything, because the village closed. We thought about spending a night in the hotel in the village but it was a little too expensive. ;-)
That's why we spent the night in Bathurst and visited the Pabineau Falls on Wednesday (11.7.) before we went back home. The falls are beautiful and it's a very peaceful place. <3
0 notes
ihouseucom · 7 years
60 Seconds with... Anders Ponsaing
#housemusic Danish producer and DJ Anders Ponsaing moved to Ibiza last year to broaden his musical horizons, With his new 'Deep Gravity EP' out on Favouritizm, we stopped by to share a Gin & Tonic and find out how it's going on the white isle. Hi Anders, how are you and what have you been doing since the start of the year? Hi, I'm doing very fine, I'm enjoying the weather here in Ibiza very much.
 Since new year I have been concentrating on producing music, networking with all the cool people here on the island and I have a lot of cool new things on the way. How would you describe yourself musically? Musically I would say I am a very melodic and chord based TechHouse, DeepHouse and Techno producer. I really like when it has some nice dark edge to the track and still having a good groove that makes you happy and want to move.  What came first for you, djing or producing and how did you get into it? That's a good question, I have been producing music since I was 16 years old and I always had a funny look at DJ's because I at that time just thought they only played what ever a producer has made. But when I was 20 year old I met my really good friend Allan Hannibal. He told me that I needed to start DJ'ing as well to get further. He help me by getting me a gig in a nice small Danish bar in Odense called Bar Rar where they played really cool house music. He told me in 1 week advance that I needed to learn how to DJ and find music for 6 hours. And it kind of took off from there! It changed my view on DJing for good. :-) You have a degree in Sound Techniques, how has that helped you and how do you think you have evolved since you first started producing? First of all I think it helped me a lot when I needed to learn to DJ. A mixer wasn't new for me and because it gave me a big basic knowledge about Sounds, Music theory, recording technics and having used compressores in live situations have helped me a lot. I think I haved evolved a lot over the last many years, but only in fine adjustments and now everything I do is just incorporated in my workflow. Describe your studio set up After moving to Ibiza last year I came from a big nice studio in Nyhavn, Copenhagen where I had good expensive studio monitors and a nice controled room. Now I have minimized every down to a small basic setup. and I love it !!
 I'm producing everything now on my Macbook Pro 2013 with Logic Pro, Apollo Twin Duo Soundcard and a small travel Keyboard from Akai. Using a lot of UAD plugins and my favorite synth plugin at the moment is U-he Diva. And to mix, master and produce everything im using my headphones, which is really rare I think. But for me it's perfect. I think my mixes are very good working with them, so check out the danish brand AIAIAI. Tell us about your new 'Deep Gravity EP' on Favouritizm and what to expect musically? The EP is a journey with deep basslines and evolving sounds. Deep Gravity has a deep lead starting from the ground and up. And Black Soda has a very nice melodic top line, but also in the low end, the bass has a nice feature and almost takes over the lead. In terms of favourite artists, is there anyone you would love to work with? On the top of my list, I think Solomun! But I think David August is so cool producer too. I would love to make a track with that guy. 
Also Guy Mantzur, I would love to do a track with him too! What part do you most love about your job, writing or performing and why? I absolutely just love that I can work with music everyday. That I can make my own, be creative and then go out and test it. I love to read the people I'm playing for and take them to places musically. To receive their energy from what I'm playing is almost like a drug. It's amazing !
 I don't think I can choose between producing or DJ'ing the most as for me they go hand in hand. The best feeling is definitely playing your own stuff and see how the track just works.  And what's been your biggest achievement so far? Oh, it depends on how you see achievements. Personally my biggest achievement is that I can compose, record, produce, mix and master everything myself. And that people are telling me my own mix and master is that best one. That makes me feel really proud.
 But the response we received with my remix of  "Don't Tell Me No" is incredible achievement for me! We passed 2 million plays on Youtube and received some big names as Tiësto, Don Diablo, Eva Shaw, Spartaque, Ian Carey and more.  Describe your ideal DJ gig? My ideal gig would be a 2 or 3 hour set playing just before and after sunset outside somewhere packed with people ready to hear house! Probably in Ibiza of course :) I love this place! You now live in Ibiza, where do you play and what have you got lined up for 2017? Last year was my first summer here ever. I didn't know anybody when I arrived and I ended up playing 6 days a week at the place called Avenue Ibiza.
 This year I have some nice events lined up and also a weekly gigs at Me Hotels. This season is gonna be awesome and I can't wait! What's been your worst nightmare / most embarrassing moment in a DJ set? Well, I have actually never really had a bad experiance or bad gig. I can think of one time I have tried to play infront of 400 carpenters in Denmark. Not that I'm saying they don't like good music, but in this case we were just not on the same page music wise :D They only wanted folk music and that was not really what I had. So I struggled with playing Disco and older classics :) 
It worked okay, but it was not really what they wanted. 
I think I'm pretty privileged to not have anything worse than that. What do you like to listen to when you're not in work mode? I really like to expand my music knowledge with new genres and styles. I often listen to more relaxing music, Chillout, Lounge, Jazz and downtempo stuff. But I think I've always got my work head on, even then I'm relaxing and enjoying music. What else should we be looking out for from you in the next couple of months? I have an exciting new remix coming out! I made it for Steen Thottrup again just like "Don't Tell Me No". It is the title track from he's upcoming album "Balearic Bliss". I got the honor of remixing it and I am very satisfied with the result, perfect for beach clubs.
 But I also have a new track on the way. I can't say much about it yet,  but I love playing it out! 'Deep Gravity EP' will be released on Traxsource promo May 8th / Full release May 22nd 2017 on Favouritizm. notification email: [email protected] Images: Soundcloud:  http://dlvr.it/PKnJ0Z
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phantasmiah · 8 years
colossalcon is super close and im super excited
bring it on, ten+ hour drive across three states!! bring it on!!
i am so ready for this waterpark shit
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Hellas I
Athens really caught us...
Initially four booked nights turned into eight very fast. This tranquility, friendliness, the liveliness are too good to just leave it after a couple of days. Until late at night there is so much going on in the streets, everyone seems to be out as soon as the heat of the day vanishes. No matter if Monday or Saturday, there are always crowds of people, all the cafés are full, at four in the morning there are more people in the alleys than in Vienna at midnight. One drinks coffee, chats with friends and neighbors, shares a bottle of beer, which is sipped on out of little tiny glasses. The financial crisis struck Greece pretty hard, everyone we talked to feels it in one way or another and life changed since then for many people. Unemployment is very high, and so are taxes and payments for about everything, while salaries low and even getting lower. A liter of gasoline is up to 1,80 Euros, turning on the heater in winter is not affordable anymore for many. But, despite all those troubles, the Athenians did not lose their joie de vivre - going out, meeting friends, socializing, sitting in one of the aplenty of coffee shops, and having a good time after all. A taxi driver we had a nice lunch break chat with told us: "If I have only ten Euros left in my pocket, and nothing else, I will go out, eat, drink, meet friends, and have a nice evening. Because if I decide to stay at home and worry or cry, this does not help my situation either, and at least I have a good time. What comes tomorrow - we will see tomorrow". We like this attitude! At one point we feel ready to leave Athens and continue our journey. It is sunday, the beaches out of Athens are crowded, and so are the roads. Everyone is obviously going for a swim today. One beach bed after the other, divided only by umbrellas. Where did those empty, long, wide beaches of the Pazific go? But after a couple of hours of cycling, it's getting better, more remote, beautiful scenery. Beaches, bays, blue water, blue sky. Soon we find a perfect camping spot - lonely, shaded, seaview - everything a cyclist´s heart desires! Also, we get introduced to greek hospitality in those first few days: a couple from Warmshowers invites us to their home. We cook, eat and chat until late at night. On top of that, we are welcomed in the summer house of our AirBnB host from Athens. We get to eat tasty and great amounts of greek specialties, go swimming and have nice, long evenings with Gregoris, which last until the early morning hours. The clocks definitely tick differently here! Feeling a little sad, we go on. One part about traveling, you always have to leave at some point. We take a ferry to the island of Evia, which is a lovely piece of earth! Blue sea, impressive mountains, empty roads through canyons and thick, lush forests. Did not expect such greenery! Climbing some quite steep mountains, we travel on lonely backroads, no traffic for hours, nothing to hear but bees, cicadas, birds and the rustling of the trees. We cross pine forests, olive orchards, wonderfully smelling fields of wild thyme. The contrast to the Panamericana could not be greater. After a year of pure adventure this feels so easy and just like holidays right now! Will we miss the toughness and going to our outer limits soon? Well, there sure are some mountain passes and thunderstorms awaiting us in the next couple of months. But for now, we sure enjoy the easyness, and the safe-to-drink, everywhere available and free tap water!
Athen hat uns richtig in seinen Bann gezogen. Aus vier Tagen wurden schnell acht. Die Gemütlichkeit, die Freundlichkeit, die Lebendigkeit dieser Stadt sind einfach zu gut zum Weiterfahren. Bis spät in die Nacht herrscht Leben auf den Straßen, jeder scheint aus zu sein, egal an welchem Tag der Woche. Man trifft sich zum Kaffee, mit Freunden, Nachbarn und Bekannten. Abends und nachts sitzt man ebenfalls lange zusammen, um vier Uhr Früh ist hier mehr los als in Wien um Mitternacht. Man teilt sich eine Flasche Bier, das man aus winzigen Gläschen trinkt. Die Wirtschaftskrise hat Griechenland ziemlich hart getroffen. Jeder, mit dem wir gesprochen haben, bekommt sie direkt zu spüren. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist unglaublich hoch, ebenfalls die Steuern und Abgaben auf einfach alles, und die Löhne sind niedrig. Ein Liter Sprit kostet bis zu 1,80 Euro, aeizen im Winter ist für viele nicht mehr drin. Doch trotz allem, die Athener lassen sich ihre Lebensfreude nicht nehmen: man geht aus, man trinkt Kaffee, man unterhält sich und ist gut drauf, macht das beste draus. Ein Taxifahrer meint zu uns: "Wenn ich nur noch 10 Euro in meiner Tasche habe, geh ich aus, treffe Freunde, esse und trinke. Denn auch wenn ich zuhause bleibe und weine, ändert es nichts an der Situation. Zumindest habe ich einen schönen Abend. Und was dann morgen kommt... man wird sehen!". Uns gefällt diese Einstellung! Irgendwann führen wir uns reif zum Radeln, raus aus der Stadt, es ist Sonntag. Die Strandpromenade ist total voll, alle wollen schwimmen gehen an diesem heißen Tag. Dicht gedrängt Liege and Liege, Schirm an Schirm. Wo sind denn die kilometerlangen, menschenleeren Strände vom Pazifik hin? Doch je weiter weg von Athen, desto ruhiger wird es auch, und eine spektakuläre Bucht reiht sich an die andere. Schnell ist ein fantastischer Zeltplatz gefunden, Blick aufs Meer, Schatten, Einsamkeit. Alles, was das Radlerherz begehrt! Auch dürfen wir gleich mal die griechische Gastfreundschaft kennenlernen. Ein Warmshowers-Paar lädt uns ein, wir kochen, essen und quatschen bis spät in die Nacht. Und als Draufgabe dürfen wir ein paar Tage im Sommerhaus von unserem AirBnB-Vermieter aus Athen verbringen. Wir werden bekocht, die feinsten griechischen Speisen stehen auf dem Tisch, wir gehen schwimmen, und haben ein paar sehr feine Abende mit Gregoris, die jeweils bis in die Morgenstunden andauern. Die Uhren ticken hier sowas von anders! Schweren Herzens trennen wir uns, einer der weniger netten Aspekte des Reisens - immer wieder lieb gewonnene Menschen zu verlassen! Wir nehmen eine Fähre zur Insel Evia, ein wunderbares Stückchen Erde! Blaues Meer wechselt sich ab mit imposanten Bergen, die Straße windet sich durch schattige, dicht bewaldete Schluchten. Wir sind auf kleinen Nebenstraßen unterwegs, klettern einige ziemlich steile Berge hoch, keine Autos für Stunden, man hört nichts außer dem Summen der Bienen, die Zikaden, Vögel und das Rauschen der Bäume. Wir fahren durch Olivenhaine, Pinienwälder, duftende Thymianfelder. Der Kontrast zur Panamericana könnte größer nicht sein. Nach einem Jahr des Abenteuers ist das hier der reinste Urlaub! Werden wir die großen Herausforderungen wohl bald vermissen? Aber es kommen schon noch ein paar Bergpässe und Gewitter auf uns zu in den nächsten Monaten. Jetzt genießen wir erstmal die Leichtigkeit, und vor allem das gute, überall gratis zur Verfügung stehende Leitungswasser!
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ihouseucom · 7 years
60 Seconds with... Anders Ponsaing
#housemusic Danish producer and DJ Anders Ponsaing moved to Ibiza last year to broaden his musical horizons, With his new 'Deep Gravity EP' out on Favouritizm, we stopped by to share a Gin & Tonic and find out how it's going on the white isle. Hi Anders, how are you and what have you been doing since the start of the year? Hi, I'm doing very fine, I'm enjoying the weather here in Ibiza very much.
 Since new year I have been concentrating on producing music, networking with all the cool people here on the island and I have a lot of cool new things on the way. How would you describe yourself musically? Musically I would say I am a very melodic and chord based TechHouse, DeepHouse and Techno producer. I really like when it has some nice dark edge to the track and still having a good groove that makes you happy and want to move.  What came first for you, djing or producing and how did you get into it? That's a good question, I have been producing music since I was 16 years old and I always had a funny look at DJ's because I at that time just thought they only played what ever a producer has made. But when I was 20 year old I met my really good friend Allan Hannibal. He told me that I needed to start DJ'ing as well to get further. He help me by getting me a gig in a nice small Danish bar in Odense called Bar Rar where they played really cool house music. He told me in 1 week advance that I needed to learn how to DJ and find music for 6 hours. And it kind of took off from there! It changed my view on DJing for good. :-) You have a degree in Sound Techniques, how has that helped you and how do you think you have evolved since you first started producing? First of all I think it helped me a lot when I needed to learn to DJ. A mixer wasn't new for me and because it gave me a big basic knowledge about Sounds, Music theory, recording technics and having used compressores in live situations have helped me a lot. I think I haved evolved a lot over the last many years, but only in fine adjustments and now everything I do is just incorporated in my workflow. Describe your studio set up After moving to Ibiza last year I came from a big nice studio in Nyhavn, Copenhagen where I had good expensive studio monitors and a nice controled room. Now I have minimized every down to a small basic setup. and I love it !!
 I'm producing everything now on my Macbook Pro 2013 with Logic Pro, Apollo Twin Duo Soundcard and a small travel Keyboard from Akai. Using a lot of UAD plugins and my favorite synth plugin at the moment is U-he Diva. And to mix, master and produce everything im using my headphones, which is really rare I think. But for me it's perfect. I think my mixes are very good working with them, so check out the danish brand AIAIAI. Tell us about your new 'Deep Gravity EP' on Favouritizm and what to expect musically? The EP is a journey with deep basslines and evolving sounds. Deep Gravity has a deep lead starting from the ground and up. And Black Soda has a very nice melodic top line, but also in the low end, the bass has a nice feature and almost takes over the lead. In terms of favourite artists, is there anyone you would love to work with? On the top of my list, I think Solomun! But I think David August is so cool producer too. I would love to make a track with that guy. 
Also Guy Mantzur, I would love to do a track with him too! What part do you most love about your job, writing or performing and why? I absolutely just love that I can work with music everyday. That I can make my own, be creative and then go out and test it. I love to read the people I'm playing for and take them to places musically. To receive their energy from what I'm playing is almost like a drug. It's amazing !
 I don't think I can choose between producing or DJ'ing the most as for me they go hand in hand. The best feeling is definitely playing your own stuff and see how the track just works.  And what's been your biggest achievement so far? Oh, it depends on how you see achievements. Personally my biggest achievement is that I can compose, record, produce, mix and master everything myself. And that people are telling me my own mix and master is that best one. That makes me feel really proud.
 But the response we received with my remix of  "Don't Tell Me No" is incredible achievement for me! We passed 2 million plays on Youtube and received some big names as Tiësto, Don Diablo, Eva Shaw, Spartaque, Ian Carey and more.  Describe your ideal DJ gig? My ideal gig would be a 2 or 3 hour set playing just before and after sunset outside somewhere packed with people ready to hear house! Probably in Ibiza of course :) I love this place! You now live in Ibiza, where do you play and what have you got lined up for 2017? Last year was my first summer here ever. I didn't know anybody when I arrived and I ended up playing 6 days a week at the place called Avenue Ibiza.
 This year I have some nice events lined up and also a weekly gigs at Me Hotels. This season is gonna be awesome and I can't wait! What's been your worst nightmare / most embarrassing moment in a DJ set? Well, I have actually never really had a bad experiance or bad gig. I can think of one time I have tried to play infront of 400 carpenters in Denmark. Not that I'm saying they don't like good music, but in this case we were just not on the same page music wise :D They only wanted folk music and that was not really what I had. So I struggled with playing Disco and older classics :) 
It worked okay, but it was not really what they wanted. 
I think I'm pretty privileged to not have anything worse than that. What do you like to listen to when you're not in work mode? I really like to expand my music knowledge with new genres and styles. I often listen to more relaxing music, Chillout, Lounge, Jazz and downtempo stuff. But I think I've always got my work head on, even then I'm relaxing and enjoying music. What else should we be looking out for from you in the next couple of months? I have an exciting new remix coming out! I made it for Steen Thottrup again just like "Don't Tell Me No". It is the title track from he's upcoming album "Balearic Bliss". I got the honor of remixing it and I am very satisfied with the result, perfect for beach clubs.
 But I also have a new track on the way. I can't say much about it yet,  but I love playing it out! 'Deep Gravity EP' will be released on Traxsource promo May 8th / Full release May 22nd 2017 on Favouritizm. notification email: [email protected] Images: Soundcloud:  http://dlvr.it/P5mdcj
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