#im still in shambles over surge & kit not even being in the comic at this point YALL REALLY HAD MEEEE FR.
chromaji · 2 years
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oh i really like how this scene looks… shadow & rouge look really nice here, and the nice sunset background… there’s also a slight texture over the characters i think? i like it.
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Also it was funny recognizing this shadow face from that “it must suck teleporting with adhd” “how the FUCK did i end up in nevada” post. i’d been wondering where the images used there was from.
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anyway i like that Shadow at least acknowledged that he, yanno, kinda fucked up a bit there. But really the whole metal virus arc was so “everything is happening so much” that it was like. bro they had to bust out the chaos emeralds & super forms to gaslight gatekeep girlboss their way out of this one hgkgh.
Like as cool as it was to see Super Silver after so long, the arc felt weird once it reached that point where Tails ALMOST had a solution and it just got blown up. Maybe im a lil biased towards Tails but it would’ve been cool to have an “eggman and tails are on an even level— eggman made the virus but tails engineers the cure” moment. A moment for them to be pitted against each other as geniuses even if not throwing hands in mechs. Then again im not sure how they’d spread the hypothetical cure around the world WITHOUT something like the super forms or some machine that would likely take a while to build… ehh, i’m sure some quick solution would’ve been figured out.
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well anyway back to this scene, Shadow says this, which I’m assuming is either him deciding he’s gonna try and look for Sonic because he owes him one, or him saying “I DID owe him one… until he disappeared. Now what?”. Idk, the meaning of this line kinda has me stumped, but the meanings I had in mind could go hand-in-hand. Like… “I owe Sonic, but he’s gone. Should I look for him? He’s capable enough to find his way back, but…” ???
Anyway, the infamous metal virus arc… yeah I liked it well enough, just felt like things were getting a bit too stacked once they introduced the deadly six and needing to get the chaos emeralds instead of my goat Tails being able to do his thing. And you know… Shadow suddenly losing common sense to prove himself as superior to someone who’s already run off in issue 19 like come on now. My brother in christ, are you fr doing this in the middle of a zombie movie? I understand him feeling like he’d be immune to a virus, as he was created to be immune to illnesses n such as the Ultimate Lifeform. That’s one thing. But that whole part coulda been executed better…
And sidenote i really liked that Metal Sonic side-comic as a whole, but especially where he doesn’t get infected by the virus & just… stands there. Like there’s either a lot going on in his mind or he’s too stunned to have any thoughts. I’ve always liked Metal but smth about that side comic is bumping him up.
this kinda turned into a review of the arc I didnt even mean to do that lmao. idk when i’ll pick back up on idw, but im assuming there’s one or two more complete arcs before the current ongoing arc (which i think is at issue 53 at the time of writing this??), and i usually like to read arcs of things once its all released… eh i’ll figure it out
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