#im still getting used to tagging system again so i dont know how properly do things
mac-ann-cheese · 1 month
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First of all, thank you for your love on my other art! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
Secondly, I didn't know that yesterday was apparently THE rusame day (I'm like 7 years in this fandom). The more you know :0
Did this piece in August, last year. You will see more of my crazy backgrounds' mashups...
toxic yuri save me, save me toxic yuri
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cheylouwho · 4 years
irt what one anon just said, and like i kinda hold a diff opinion than you on some of this but not in such an extreme way i’d like fight u on it lmao just Would Like To Discuss/throw in my two cents for consideration, but i feel like framing matters a lot in these arguments about content. most (can’t say all as there are definitely exceptions) people aren’t saying its a direct like ‘see someone in movie kill people -> im gonna kill people now hehe’ influence when people talk about how media effects reality. its more about like why propoganda has been effective, where when you frame things as good/desirable/okay in subtle ways and that normalizes them as ideas. if a narrative is framing something as bad (ie how south park is satire and often shows lots of bad stuff but usually makes an attempt to point at how the bad stuff is Still Bad And Stupid) and just exploring the topic (such as with like. abusive/toxic/problematic ships, i dont think its fair to be like ‘none of that at all!’ bc there are interesting dynamics to explore and analyze that don’t romanticize it, and like thats totally cool!) like i have never had a problem with that. that doesn’t fall under the ‘media effects reality’ the same way because the point of that media isn’t to encourage that behaviour.
But a problem comes in when people romanticize that type of content and perpetuate bad stuff as being okay, and i’m not even saying censorship is the best answer, but if theres gonna be no censorship then there need to be a lot more safeguards to keep content like that away from kids on sites like ao3 which do also host pg content. if it was like an exclusively explicit/adult site then sure go buckwild my dudes, but when they have all ages content it really should be stricter about tagging requirements. because man i have seen so much untagged incest porn come up when looking for pg stuff not related to that AT ALL even with tags filtered (and not even for sp, ive been involved with other fandoms more recently and the one im talking about here is not even an adult-oriented series like sp is), and like I’m an adult who can deal with it but that shit is damaging for kids to be exposed to. like i still support ao3 as a website in general but i absolutely don’t think they’re beyond criticism, ya know?
Ok anon I really do respect and appreciate you come in here very calmly and opening a discussion and I will absolutely love to open a dialogue.
I will agree with you on the first part, yes it’s not black and white in any sense. I’m really fired up so I’m going to the other extreme but I do recognize that it’s not that simple. There absolutely is areas where it does become gray and it’s not as easy to say “all or nothing”. I wouldn’t say fiction Doesnt affect reality because there are aspects that do, but you are right that a lot of the time that statement is taken to the extreme and people completely equate it 1:1. Honestly I believe that as long as no real life person is being hurt and those safeguards are in place (proper tagging and warnings) like go wild. “Romanticizing” is a very opinion based statement too so it really does depend on the person on their interpretation of a work.
Ao3 does have policy about tagging works and using the proper rating system, so that is not a problem with Ao3 themselves but with the people misusing the platform. I agree, works need to be tagged properly or at least using the “chose not to use archive warnings” tag so people know things inside the fic are freegame. Ao3 *does* have the way to keep kids out, in the same way a porn site would- there is the warning about explicit content right before you click into a fic. If you click that button you are either Lying about your age or agreeing that you are okay to seeing the content. (also again my library argument, published books dont have that luxury). I don’t think it’s beyond criticism either and there are improvements being made all the time (again, it’s run by a team of dedicated volunteers) but ultimately calling for something to end that can be really truly avoided by not even looking at the website is the ultimate beef I have. I am all for improving the site and making that content easier to hide, or harder for minors to get into, but ultimately again a kid could go to the library, grab a book and read just about anything. I think in some ways ao3 is *better* in that sense. Not perfect, but something worth protecting.
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what's your list of fav bellarke fan fiction????
im currently bitter bc i basically had this finished but tumblr decided to have a glitch and delete it all. anyway, here’s round 2 
cause i got you, and now that’s all that matters by @marauders-groupie
lana is beautiful and so is this fic. i think my tag for it was just a bunch of exclamation points which basically means that i’ll be in love with it forever and never be able to properly use words when talking about it. 
Clarke gets dirt stuck under her nails, Bellamy always keeps books at hand, they are both a mess but somewhere between throwing tomatoes at each other and hiding, they fall in love.
Or: Bellarke in the countryside.
Prompt: Imagine Bellarke in Modern AU. With Sunday brunches on the back porch and whispered I love yous when no one else is listening.
aphelion by @kindclaws
with the possibility of coming across as too much, let me just say that there are few people who have stolen my heart in the degree that Sara has. That being said, even if I didn’t love her to the moon and back, I would still be able to see beautiful talent, and that is definitely something that my dear friend has. So here’s the short summary of my latest obsession of hers: 
It’s been two years since the spaceship Aphelion mysteriously disappeared, its crew branded by the ARK as traitors to be shot on sight. Jake Griffin was on that ship, and with him, a dangerous secret that could change civilized space forever.
Now, Clarke wants some answers - and revenge, if she can get it. Bellamy wants a bigger ship - specifically, Clarke’s. Wells wants to fix the system his father broke. Octavia wants a little fun. Miller wants everyone to stop making poor life choices. Harper wants to kiss the new girl. And Raven? Well, Raven just wants to blow shit up.
The universe won’t know what’s hit it. (Space pirates AU!)
Sent and Delivered by @clarkescrusade
Listen. I love social media aus, nerdy!Bellamy and thirsty!Clarke. Thankfully this fic has a little of all that. It also has adorable fanboy Jas and that’s also a plus for me. This one has stayed with me since the night i read it, so it’s def up there on my faves list. 
Clarke is pretty sure Bellamy is the hottest lyft driver she’s ever had, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s a pretty great conversationalist, too. When she finds out him and Raven used to work together, it feels natural to become friends. She just never thought they’d get along quite so well, or that their lives would come together so easily, or that she’d fall madly in love with him. But that’s life.
aka: a social media au incorporating text messages, snapchats, tweets, and instagrams that definitely no one asked for.
You’re Cool On The Internet, At Least by @prosciuttoe
Once again, SOCIAL MEDIA AU. They meet on facebook and yeah. this is hella cute. I love it. Also, anything Em writes is magic, so please read this and give her the love and adoration she deserves. 
Look, Clarke will not dwell on this. She will not get flustered just because a possibly cute guy on Facebook apparently shares her views on what constitutes a terrible person.
Ten minutes later, her phone gives a short, irritated buzz; startling her enough that she jumps.
Biting at the inside of her cheek, she allows herself a quick peek.
Friend request from Bellamy Blake.
Clarke has no idea how she manages to develop a crush on a guy who won’t stop fighting everyone on Facebook, but here they are.
(Or: Clarke meets Bellamy on Facebook. They hit it off.)
neither lost nor found by awildthing 
other than social media au, my weakness is modern magic users au. AND THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. 
Bellamy Blake arrives on campus and Clarke’s magic suddenly starts going haywire.
Or, Clarke meets another magic user and teaches him to control his gift–and learns some things along the way.
I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend (i wanna kiss your neck) by @spacexualkids
i love tierney more than i love most people on this god forsaken site. her writing is always like coming home which is way too cheesy even for me. so here. read this summary so i dont become a blubbering mess. 
She finds Bellamy back on that floral couch. They’d moved it into the screened room for the winter, and then back out again once the days grew long and warm. It was becoming another tradition, apparently.
And so was this; him smoking on the sofa, her head on his shoulder, voices low in the early morning while everyone else was asleep and the world felt like it belonged to them, just for the moment.
“Someone had fun,” he teases, flicking at a spot on her neck. Clarke reaches up to feel the tender skin; Glass must have given her a hickey while they were getting carried away.
She flushes, but he’s looking back at the sunrise. “I always have fun,” she reminds him, and he groans.
“Yeah, I remember.”
“This is my favorite part, though,” Clarke says, curling up a little more against him so he’ll put his arm around her for warmth. She’s still kind of drunk, so she’s not sure if she’s making sense, but she trusts that he’ll get it. Bellamy always seems to understand what she means. “Just–us. It’s my favorite.”
Bellamy stubs out his cigarette and leans back against her. “Mine too.”
That’s all I have time for tonight, but I do have a longer one in my drafts that I plan on finishing and publishing soon. 
I will also use this to shamelessly self promo - I’m taking requests for the next two weeks bc HOLIDAYS! no more teaching for me for two weeks and that is glorious. 
so pls send in any and all prompts you want filled by yours truly
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