#im sorry that guy in the bottom right just really looks like dean fucking winchester
thatonegeekygirl · 2 months
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what is dean winchester doing in hot chelle rae’s album cover
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nastybuckybarnes · 5 years
Sick Day
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: you tell a little white lie to escape Avenging for a day, and Bucky finds out. He’s hurt and upset, until he finds out your reason why.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Strong Language, Making Out
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: hi sorry if this is shit. Im tired and I have ideas but idk how to make them good.
Would you mind doing a fic where Bucky finds out you faked a sick day to have a day off away from him and all the avenging to hang out with some old friends (one of them an old flame). A fight ensues but it ends in fluff 
“You okay, (Y/n)? You don’t look too hot,” Steve says upon seeing you walk into the kitchen.
“I feel like shit.” It’s not a total lie, what with your ability to heal or harm with your mind, you’ve given yourself a little illness.
“We’ve got an assignment though. Are you... will you be able to go?” Wanda asks gently. You shake your head, pushing your hair back to try and cool yourself down.
“The last one took a toll on my body I guess. I never get sick and my powers need time to restore.” That’s not a lie either, the last mission was brutal. With nearly everyone having an injury, you almost passed out after healing them.
“Go lie down in bed, Doll. I’ll give you a kiss before we leave.” You look up at Bucky then nod, rubbing your eyes and half-stumbling to your room.
True to his word, Bucky kisses your heated cheeks and forehead before apologizing that he couldn’t stay with you.
Waving off his apologies you let him leave, waiting for half an hour before healing yourself and hopping out of bed.
You dress quickly then leave the compound, excited to finally have a break from the heavy life of Avenging.
(Y/n)! You came!” Dean exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug. You giggle, looking up at him and then his younger brother. “Of course I did! I needed a break from anything anyway. God, it’s so good to see you guys again! I honestly never thought I’d say this, but I missed your stench.” The two men laugh, sharing a look with each other.
“Yeah, you haven't exactly smelt like some roses yourself,” Sam says while wrinkling his nose.
Did you have a history with the brothers? Yes. Dean specifically? Yes. Is that all in the past now? Yes yes yes yes yes.
“So, how about some nice juicy burgers and a couple rounds at the bar? On you, (Y/n). Of course.” You punch the elder Winchester in the arm but agree, getting into the Impala with the two brothers, quickly falling into an old pattern.
“(Y/n)? Doll? You okay in there?” Bucky asks from outside of your door. He knocks a few more times, worry filling him as you don’t answer.
“Doll, I hope you’re decent ‘cause I’m coming in!” He pushes the door open and frowns as he looks around, not seeing you anywhere.
“FRIDAY where’s (Y/n)?”
“Agent (Y/l/n) left the building two hours ago. Her phone indicates she’s at a diner ten minutes from here.” He furrows his brows. “Is she alright?” “Yes, Sir. She seems to be having a good time with two men. Sam and Dean Winchester.”
He frowns at the names and leaves your room, ready to do some research on these two strange men.
“So, is there anyone special in your life now, (Y/n)?” A tipsy Dean asks from across the booth. You roll your eyes but nod. “Yeah. He’s... he’s sweet. I really like him and I mean, we’re kinda getting somewhere. It started when we were sparring. I... I was doing that thing that I do, you know, where I kinda get onto their shoulders and thrust my hips to get them to fall back?” The two men nod, amusement written clear as day on their faces.
“Well I tried that, but he’s so fucking solid that it didn’t do anything and we were just kinda stuck with my fucking cunt right in his face. It was awkward cause we stayed like that for a few moments but then he helped me down and it’s just kinda been flirty since then.” Dean smiles and elbows his younger brother. “(Y/n)’s in love.” You stick your tongue out at them but don’t disagree, warmth filling you as you think about Bucky.
“Well, I think you should go for it. Tell him how much he means to you. How much you care about him. Then pop out a few babies and name ‘em after me.” You throw your napkin at him and laugh, enjoying the break from avenging.
When you get home a few hours later, your stomach drops as you enter your room.
“Did you have a good time with Sam and Dean?” Bucky asks harshly, glaring up at you from the bed.
“Yes. I did,” you reply softly, knowing there’s no point in lying to him. “Dean your ex?” You sigh and set your stuff down. “Yes. Why? Do you have a problem?” He stands up and glares at you. “Yes, I do. You faked being sick! I was so fucking worried about you (Y/n)! I couldn’t fucking believe it when I found you weren’t actually sick. And when I came home and saw you and you weren’t here... fuck I couldn’t believe it. I was panicking. I thought that you were in the hospital o-or that you got caught and taken. Fuck you scared me half to death. But no, you were out with your fucking ex-boyfriend.”
You turn and glare at him. “What’s the fucking big deal?! You’re not my boyfriend Bucky! You’re not my dad and you’re not the boss of me! I can go out with whoever I want to go out with and you can’t fucking stop me!”
He stalks towards you but you stay planted firmly in place.
“I’m not your boyfriend, no. But I thought something was happening between us. I fucking thought...” He scoffs and shakes his head, glaring at you. “I never thought you would stoop so low. You fucking led me on just to be like everyone else.” You glare up at him, grab his throat, then spin around and slam him against the wall with a strength you didn't know you had.
“You absolute oblivious fucking asshole! You wanna know what Dean and I were talking about?! You! How much I fucking like you and how I should make a fucking move! But you’re too fucking stuck in your ‘poor me’ headspace to think that maybe not everyone is out to hurt you! Maybe, just fucking maybe, someone wants to give you a chance and open up to you and love you!”
You’re panting hard and glaring at him as angry tears fill your eyes, only frustrating you further. You let go of him and turn away as the tears drop down your cheeks.
“You of all people should understand what it’s like to need a break from avenging. I thought you’d understand. But you clearly don't, so leave.”
It’s quiet for a few moments, besides your sniffling, and you can’t help the sobs that threaten to overtake your figure.
A cool hand is suddenly on your waist, pulling you back against a warm torso.
“I’m sorry (Y/n). I’m so so sorry.” You can’t contain your tears anymore. You sob softly into yourself, squeezing your eyes shut as he wraps his arms around you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize...” He trails off and presses his lips to the top of your head as you cry out all your frustrations.
“You mean the entire world to me. When I came to check on you and found that you weren’t here... I was so afraid for you. And then I found out you were out with your ex and... I was just so consumed by jealousy that... I wasn’t thinking. And I’m sorry.”
You wipe your nose on your sleeve then turn around, looking up at him. “You hurt my feelings a lot, James.” He cups your cheeks and sighs. “I wish I could take back what I said. I was out of line and I was wrong. Forgive me?” You nod, closing your eyes as he leans down a fraction of an inch.
His warm breath hits your lips and you wait to feel the softness of his lips against yours.
It takes him a moment to build up to courage, but when he does you’re more than grateful.
His lips taste salty, from his own tears, you realize. They’re soft and gentle and slightly chapped. You can’t get enough of it.
Your hands find their way to his hair and you tug gently, gasping as he nips at your bottom lip. One of his hands finds its way to your lower back as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You can’t hold back the high-pitched whimper that leaves you at this, and Bucky chuckles softly, pulling back and looking into your eyes.
“That’s what I should've done instead of getting mad at you,” he whispers softly, his nose bumping against yours. You nod, eyes hooded as you look up at him.
“Yeah. But you didn’t. So I think that means you have to make up for it.” He raises his eyebrows then hoists you up, giving you no choice but to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Oh, I plan to.”
PERMANENT TAGS: @smolbeanbucky  @wildefire  @inumorph  @impalatobakerstreet  @nanna022  @mummy-woves-you  @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland  @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001  @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs
MARVEL: @fallenangelfangirl @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @maladaptive-ninja-returns @cliffordasparagus  @april-14-blog @potteritis
BUCKY: @chuuulip @nerd-without-a-cause @natashasnight 
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Your Type (Dean Imagine)
hi can i please have a dean x reader where the reader is best friends with charlie and she introduces you to sam and dean (she told you about the hunting) and the reader and dean instantly have this connection and he uses some cheesy pick up line to ask her out and its super fluffy thank you sooooooooooo much you are one of the few active supernatural blogs
Dean fic where you aren’t interested in meeting the boys cause youre friends with charlie and are mad at them for ruining her life, but then fall for dean?
I dont know if anyone out there still cares but i recently found the password to this blog that i lost 2 years ago. Im sure none of you are active anymore but heres a dean fic in case anyone is? I started this like 2/3 years ago... 
“Hey Charlie?” You called to your best friend through the hall of her apartment, having just woken up from your room where you had been staying for the past few days. 
“In here!” She shouted back from the living room. You wandered in spotting the clock on the wall noticing how long you had been sleeping for. Charlie was sitting on her couch with her foot up on the coffee table lacing her boots up.
“Headed somewhere?”
“Im off to see Sam and Dean, they called this morning they need help with a case” she answered 
“Oh god not all that monster crap” You replied with dread in your voice. Charlie had got pulled into this insane life by these two boys about a year ago now. As her best friend, she told you everything and you would have thought she was mad if she hadn’t shown you cold hard evidence. You slightly despised these men. Your friend was happy, in a good job, enjoying her life for the first time in a while, then they showed up and took that all away from her forcing her to leave her life behind. 
“Yes, monster crap.” She rolled her eyes at you. “Look, I know you don’t really like the brothers, but honestly they’re like my family. You should come along and meet them, you wont have to do any hunting they’ve got a pretty neat set up and you can kick back for a few days” 
“I’m not sure..”
“They’re also both totally hot and single! Dean is so your type” She teased.
“I don’t like them, i will definitely not be getting with either of them. But ill come along for you.” You agreed hesitantly.
About 45 minutes later, you arrived at your destination. It would be so easy to miss if you weren’t aware of exactly where it is. Charlie got out of the car and gave you a reassuring smile before heading down the steps towards the door. You had expressed your nerves to her about meeting the boys in the car ride down. 
She knocked on the door and was greeted by a tall man with longer hair. A huge smile beamed across his face as he scooped charlie up in a hugged as he greeted her happily. You stood back from the door not really sure how the man would receive you. 
“Sam this is my friend, y/n. I’ve told you guys about her before. She’s been staying with me so i brought her along i hope thats ok.” Charlie explained to Sam as she stepped away from the hug and took a few steps towards you. 
“Yes of course, hey y/n” Sam smiled at you extending his hand for you to shake it. You were kind of taken back. Unless this guy is an incredible manipulative actor, he does not seem like the type of man who would have destroyed Charlie’s life.
Sam invited you all inside where his brother, who must have been Dean, was standing at the bottom of the staircase, who greeted charlie just as happily as his brother did. You took in the surroundings of the Winchesters home, as Charlie explained who you were to the other brother. It was incredible, it was a massive underground building and definitely had Tardis style architecture. You were instantly drawn to the massive world map table that was located in the middle of the room, in front of a library type room. 
Dean said his hellos to you, much less receptive of you than Sam was. You were kind of hoping he’d be just as friendly because Charlie was right, he was your type. You all sat around the table in the library for around an hour, done some quick catching up and some getting to know you before they dove into the case they were working. Charlie needed to help Sam hack into a security system as he just couldn't crack it alone, as the Winchesters needed to break into a facility to steal some weapon to kill some monster or other. You didn’t pay much attention to the details, to be honest you couldn’t as it was all still quite confusing to you. 
“I’ll take Charlie to the site tonight so she can figure out what she needs to break this, and if she can do it we will come back in the early hours and break in. Sound good?” Sam explained his plan to his brother. He nodded in agreement and got up off his seat in sync with Charlie and Sam who started to head off.
“Alright follow me and i’ll put the TV on for you in Sam’s room, food and beer is in the fridge help yourself.” Dean said before he started off in the direction of the hall.
“Umm Dean?” You called, he stopped and turned round. “I don’t mean to be rude, but this place creeps me out a little and I’m not a crazy hunter who’s not afraid of anything, so if you’re not busy would you mind staying with me?” You spoke this half truth, yeah it was true that you didn’t want to be in this place alone, you didn’t know it at all and it was quite uncomfortable to be left in someone’s bedroom. But at the same time, you could help but remember Charlie saying how Dean was single.. and he definitely was your type. 
“Look, i’m going to be honest. I don’t know you, and sometimes I don’t take too kindly to strangers. But Charlie is like a little sister to me and if you’re her friend then i guess i want you to be comfortable.” He started towards the kitchen and you followed him in. “We’ll grab a beer and... get to know each other” he said almost through gritted teeth. Yeah, he was right about not being the most welcoming. 
You sat down at the kitchen table and Dean set down a beer in front of you before he went off down the hall and came back with a cassette player, and stuck in an ACDC tape. You smiled and expressed your love for the band, and once you began talking music, Dean started to relax a bit. You talked for around an hour, and the previously off standish Dean had started laughing and joking. He explained a bit more about hunting and how he met Charlie.
“I’m going to be honest Dean, once you came into Charlie’s life everything got a little but fucked up and I kind of hated you both a bit for it..” You brought the laughter to a halt.
“Believe me, no one hates us more for that than ourselves.” Dean said bowing his head. You regretted bringing this up. He took a swig of his beer after shaking his head a little, clearly this was a hard subject to deal with. The whole time you were hating them for ruining Charlie’s life they were hating themselves 10 times harder, you had never actually considered that they never ever wanted to do that. 
You reached your hand across the table and placed it on top of Dean’s. The many beers you’d put away giving you the confidence to touch this magnificently attractive man in an attempt to comfort him. He brought his eyes to yours suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.
“I didn’t mean to upset you” You started to apologize when he snatched his hand away to fish out his phone that was vibrating in his pocket. 
It was sam explaining Charlie can hack the system with everything they have with them, and Sam is going to go in alone tonight, then they’ll stay in a near by hotel and will be back in the morning.
“Looks like it’s just you and me tonight kid” Dean remarked, finishing off his beer. You smiled to yourself, you’d come to quite like this man and a night of just you and him didn’t sound too bad. 
An hour later you found your self in Dean’s bedroom, however not in the way you had hoped. You were both sitting on the edge of his bed watching Batman. Somehow you ended up on the topic of this film and how long it had been since you both seen it, and it just so happened Dean had the DVD. 
“I’m sorry..” you interrupted the film “I know you like batman but MAN am I rooting for the Joker so hard right now” 
“You’re a horrible person” Dean said sarcastically 
“Oi!” You yelled, gently punching his arm to express your annoyance at his comment. He nudged you back instantly on the shoulder pushing you backwards onto the bed. You yelled out his name with a laugh and pulled him down with you, wrestling around for a minute before he pinned your wrists above your head and the smiles both faded from your faces. He was leaning over you, his eyes searching in yours looking for permission to kiss you. You leaned up slightly and he brought his lips to yours, kissing you passionately before letting go of your wrists to trace his hands over your body. He melted into the kiss as his hands felt every inch of you, sliding up your shirt to feel your breasts over your bra. You grabbed the back of his neck forcing him to sink even deeper into the kiss. He paused and pulled away from your lips, as his hand moved away from under your shirt and lingered on the button of your pants, as he looked into your eyes. You smirked and nodded your head at him before he undid the button and ripped them off you. 
The next morning you were woken at 6am by Dean’s alarm, you groaned as you rolled over to smack it to shut it up. You looked beside you and saw a half awake Dean, who was completely naked under the blankets, with messy bed head and an annoyed look on his face from the screeching alarm. Beer bottles, snack wrappers and a whiskey bottle were littered over the floor. As you sat up your hangover suddenly became apparent to you as you moaned a little before forcing yourself to get out of the bed.
“Mornin” he grumbled as he picked up a pillow and put it over his face and rolled over. You laughed to yourself and got up, throwing on Deans plaid shirt and your underwear. The smile didn’t leave your lips as you put the clothes on, the memories of last night spent with Dean was one of the best you’d had in a long while. 
You left Dean to sleep a bit longer, and walked out of the bedroom making your way to the kitchen to find coffee. You didn’t notice Sam and Charlie sitting down with some breakfast before it was too late, they’d spotted you in the older Winchester’s shirt and no pants. “I told you he was your type” Charlie giggled, erupting laughter from Sam as your face turned red from embarrassment. 
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 7
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will contain smut, violence, language, and torture. If you are triggered by any of this then i suggest you not to read.
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I walked out into the library where sam was sitting at the table researching like always. "Hey sam, what are you up to?"
He looked up at me and smiled, "hey (Y/N), im just looking into all these demon cases around here. Seeing if i can connect them with your ex."
I nodded and sat down across from him at the table. I looked around and asked "wheres dean?"
Sam looked up from his laptop again, "he went to go get lunch."
My eyes widened, "its lunch time?"
"Past it actually. Its almost three in the evening." Sam said not looking up this time. I sat there silent for a moment. Fiddling with my fingers and fidgeting.
"Have you found anything of use about parker?" I asked stuttering out parkers name. I wrapped deans flannel around me as a shiver ran down my spine. Deans sent calmed me down.
Sam sighed and shook his head, "not really, everything is pretty quiet right now. We have the best guys working on this so if he does pop up again. We will nail him." Sam gave me a reassuring smile and i couldnt help but smile back.
Just then the door to the bunker opened and i heard heavy boots coming down the stairs. Dean turned the corner and stopped for a second as he glanced at me. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
"I got lunch. I didnt know what you wanted so i just got you the same as me." He said placing a bag in front of me. My stomach had settled so it actually grumbled as the smell of meat hit my nostrils.
I opened the bag and pulled out a double bacon burger with extra onions. This man knew everything about me it seemed. I loved bacon on burgers. I took a bite not waiting for the brothers to start eating. I moaned as the amazing flavors hit just the right spot.
I opened my eyes and saw sam and dean both watching me, smiling. "Is it good?" Dean asked with a chuckle.
I nodded with a big mouthful of food. I swallowed before i spoke. "I cant remember the last time ive had a burger."
Dean sat down beside me and raised his eyebrows at me. "Seriously?"
I nodded taking a smaller bite this time. "Yeah, i think i ate more dog food than anything when i was with him."
Dean and sam both looked at me with furrowed brows. "What the fuck? He fed you dog food?" Dean said angrily.
I shrugged, "parker had a dog and the only thing he would buy and bring home was dog food. The fridge was bare because he always had his meals away from home. He never would take me out to eat or bring anything home. So when thats the only thing you have then you eat it."
"Son of a bitch." Dean said under his breath.
I nodded and conitued eating. Sam decided to change the subject. "So theres nothing new with any demons around here. Everything is pretty quiet for now."
Dean took a bite of his burger again, not looking at me. "So we just sit and wait for him to show up?"
Sam nodded, "yeah for now. Bobbys working on it too so we will catch him."
Dean nodded. I finished my burger and fries first and stood to take my wrappers to the trash. Dean followed me into the kitchen. When i turned around i bumped right into him.
"Im sorry dean." I said quickly. He just looked down into my eyes with that same look from earlier.
"Whats wrong dean?"
He shook his head, "im sorry you went through what you did. I wanna rip that fuckers head off. Demon or not he has no excuse for treating you the way he did."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"I want you to know youre safe here. No one will raise their hand to you here and you will most defintely not be eating dog food. No one will hurt you anymore." He finished with a kiss to my forehead.
I could feel the gentleness in his touch. For some crazy reason i believed him. He walked away im guessing back to the library where sam was.
I took that time to clean the kitchen. I scrubbed everything the sink, the counter, the cabinets. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked at the clock on the coffee maker. It said it was after eight at night. I didnt realize i had been working that long. I told them i would help out around here so i will.
I finished scrubbing the floor an hour and half later. The kitchen was so clean it sparkled. Sam walked in a few minutes later and i stopped him. "Wait, the floor is still wet. Dont wanna make tracks."
He laughed and shook his head. "I just wanted a bottle of water." He said smiling.
I bent over the chair i was standing on and opened the fridge. I grabbed two bottles one for him and one for me. I tossed it to him and he caught it with ease. Dean appeared behind sam and sam stopped him from going further.
"Floors wet." Sam said
Dean raised and eyebrow, "so?"
"You dont want footprints on a clean floor." I said shyly.
He then smiled at me, "so youre just going to stand there on that chair until it dries?"
"Well i could jump over to you but i dont know if you can catch me." I teased. He raised his eyebrow at me and held his arms open, i leaped forward. Of course he caught me like it was nothing.
I giggled as he twirled me around then set me on the floor. "Thanks, floor should be dry here soon." I said as i push my hair back out of my face. "I think i might go for a run before the night totally sets in. Then ill get me a shower and be out of your hair for the night."
Dean shook his head, "i dont think thats a good idea. Parker or any demon for that matter can be watching. Just waiting for the moment to take you back again."
Sam chimed in, "its ok dean ill go with her. Ill watch her, keep her safe."
Dean and sam continued talking while went changed into a tanktop and some tennis shoes. I fixed my hair up into a high ponytail and walked back to where the boys were. They were still in a discussion about something so i decided to stretch in the library waiting for sam.
After i stretched and warmed up i walked back to the kitchen where sam and dean were. I only found dean sitting at the counter drinking a beer. I touched his shoulder as i took the seat beside him.
"You okay?" I asked as he took another swig of beer.
He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Youre worried about me? I think i should be asking you if youre okay."
I smiled, "of course im worried about you. You have alot on your shoulders right now dean. Taking me in is just another burden you have to bare. I dont want you worrying about me all the time. Im fine dean."
Sam chose that moment to walk in with nothing but some basketball shorts on and a mp3 player attached to a band on his arm. "You ready?" Sam asked stretching his legs. I nodded and smiled at dean.
"Sammy!" Dean shouted just as we got to the top of the stairs. Me and sam both looked back and saw dean standing on the bottom step. "Remember what i told you."
Sam nodded and then he led me out of the bunker. We stood at the open garage door for a few minutes. I started stretching my legs some more and looked at sam, "what was that all about."
Sam smiled as he stretched with me, "dean told me to watch out for you." I nodded and started up the gravel road at a slow jog. Sam was right behind me.
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daidalos-ikaros · 8 years
Just a new day
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: Two fake FBI agents come into your class and step into your werewolf case, so it’s not great that one of them is your soulmate, or is it?
Word Count: 1725 (this is the longest shit I’ve written in a long time)
Warnings: Canon-level violence, swearing, (really terrible) smut (im so sorry), soulmate!au, awkward moments with Sam 
A/N: Written for @kittenofdoomage‘s Classic Movie Quotes Challenge (I know I’m late af, I’m so sorry) with the quote “Because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”. Shoutout to my beta @lauraalla (again, I love you babe).
Tags: At the bottom.
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They walked into the room while you gave your students homework after your sociology class. Your class was very interested lately with the soulmates subject, what made your job a lot easier.
Soulmates were a rare thing nowadays, and not more than 7% of the American population was biologically capable of having a soulmate, and not even a 4% out of them found it. Soulmates were not what fanfiction said it was, either. Babies that were born with a wing-shaped mark on their shoulder weren’t blessed. They were cursed. Who would find their soulmates in a world where people moved constantly? And how would you feel if every time you undressed your partner, your other half, you saw a wing that represented that they meant for someone else? Winged people usually died alone, dealt with mental health issues or got too involved with drugs, alcohol or work, to survive the black hole provided by the lack of a partner and the pressure of society.
That last one was your case. Your job as a professor helped you to survive legally and, as a winged, you could call a sick couple of days whenever you wanted, and nobody knew you were hunting demons, werewolves or vampires.
But for your current hunt you hadn’t have to take some days to travel: the son of a bitch was killing in your town. And, as soon as the two pretty boys walked into your empty classroom, suits and all, calling themselves ‘Spears and Aguilera’, you knew they were hunters.
They asked a couple of things, neutral stuff, and then they got into the serious stuff. Not very subtlety, but you imagined that it was because you klnwe you were talking about werewolves, not usual animals.
“So, you haven’t heard anything strange lately? Howling noises?” You smiled ironically.
“Look, uh, agents,” you say, sarcastic. “No, I haven’t heard anything like that, but please… don’t mess my town up.”
That night you dress up, combat boots and flexible pants because anyone who says they’ve hunted in jeans isn’t used to kick things. You took a couple silver blades and two guns with silver bullets for the werewolf. You were sure he was staying in an old abandoned house nearly out of town, and tonight he wasn’t getting out of there alive. He was all alone, because there hadn’t been enough dead to feed more than one monster.
As you drove to the house, you began thinking again about tomorrow’s class on soulmates. It wasn’t easy too recognize your soulmate. The world didn’t stop, you didn’t smell of heaven, you didn’t just know. You had to tough them to know. Skin-on-skin. That wasn’t something y9ouo did with every stranger. But, in case that it happened, your wing mark would double.
And you felt it. It was said that it hurt like a son of a bitch. You didn’t really mind that, but finding your soulmate was something you’d given up a long time ago. That didn’t mind too much in your line of work anyway.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts, parked and got out of the car, quietly entering the house with a gun in your hand and a knife at an arms reach. You were almost in the kitchen’s door, heart pounding with adrenaline and expectation, back pressed against the wall, when you heard a voice. And you thought that you were screwed, because if the werewolf wasn’t alone, you were fucking dead.
You peeked into the room to figure out your plan and then you saw hem. The two guys from your class. That was who the werewolf the werewolf was talking to.         The tall, long-haired one seeped to be okay, despite the circumstances, but the other was beaten up, both of them tied to chairs. The monster was looking and talking at them, its back to you, and you took your chance.
You stepped into the kitchen and shot until the chamber was empty. The werewolf fell to the ground, dead without a chance, and you took your knife out to free the guys’ hands and feet.
“I told you,” you said, working on the tall one’s ropes, “not to mess my hunt. In my town. He kept his mouth shut, but his partner didn’t.
“Well, sweetheart, it seems like you had it covered. Not just a goodie but badass professor, are we?”
“If you don’t shut your mouth, and I’m serious here, I’ll leave you here.” You had already finished with the first man’s ropes, and you were heading towards the other while he stood up and picked up his gun from the floor, still silent. “I bet your big mouth gave you that beating, tough boy.”
“Name’s Dean. He’s Sam.”
“As in, Sam and Dean Winchester?” He seemed to swell with pride and answered.
“Well then. Now I get why you die all the time.” You’d finally finished with his feet and you got to his hands. You grazed your forearm against his and you automatically run out of air.
“Fuck.” You touched his hand again and gasped in surprise and pain. He cursed too. You got up his knife and cut his shirt’s shoulder. The wing on his left shoulder was not alone. Not anymore.
“If you wanted to get me naked, soulmate, you should probably wait for my little brother to go away.” You felt your chest swell with his voice. You needed to keep it cool.
“Shut up. We’re gonna go to my place and patch you up, and then we’ll talk.” You got out of the place, watching as Sam helped Dean, still without a word and astonished. “Follow my car,” you said, and got out of the house.
You arrived with a 67 Impala following you. His car roared beautifully and the shiny black hood glowed with the moonlight. You were forcing yourself to actually think about the car to avoid thinking about the man inside it. Dean was, without a doubt, beautiful. But he was also a hunter, the hunter. He wasn’t going to stay.
When you got into the apartment, the two men behind you, you ordered Sam and Dean to sit down on the couch while you went for you medicine cabinet. You returned right away, and asked Sam if he was hurt.
“Just bruises,” he answered. You turned to Dean.
“Which one is the most serious?”
“Arm,” he grunted. There was a deep cut, which you cleaned and patched up, before doing the same with the rest of the wounds. Eventually you got to the point of taking his shirt off, but you did your best to ignore it. When you were finished, you looked up at him and found his green eyes staring at you. You didn’t look away when you asked.
“Any of you need some pain meds?”
“I’m good,” Sam said, voice subtly tense. “Do you know of some place where I can stay?”
“There’s a room at the end of the corridor, and you can shower if you want.
“Are you sure?” he asked. You nodded. “Good night, Y/N, thank you for the saving. Night, Dean.”
“Night, Sammy.” You were still looking at each other’s eyes when he got out of the room.
“So…” Dean started. “What now?” You didn’t think. You just threw yourself forward and kissed him. He gasped, surprised, and you moaned when he kissed back, both hands grabbing your hair and pulling you closer.
You got up from your kneeling position and sat on his lap, grinding against him. He broke the kiss for a second.
“Are you sure?” he asked, panting.
You nodded, panting, and his hands were on your waist, on your hips, lower. You stood up and took off your boots, socks, jeans and panties in a second, also getting rid of Dean’s jeans and underwear. You were already very wet, adrenaline and the rush of finding your soulmate doing their job and adding to Dean’s hotness. Dean, surprised by your hurry followed suit, grabbing you by the hips and forcing you to sit on his lap again.
“So, agent Spears… I heard rumors about you… they say you’re a pro with your mouth. Always wondered if that was true.”
“Let me prove it to you. Get you ready.” You smiled.
“Not tonight. Tonight I’m ready enough.”
He had spent all that time kissing and nibbling your neck, and now was struggling trying to take off your shirt. He finally took it off with your help and both of you attacked the other’s chest and neck again, while you took one of his hands to the apex of your legs. He moaned when he felt your wetness.
“Ready enough, Dean,” you said. “Are you?” He repeated your movements and you smiled when you could palm at the bulge in his jeans.
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered, and you giggled, before getting a bit up and then down on his cock. You groaned at the same time, and you didn’t stop, you just started riding him with ease, making what felt good, slow, and then fast. He just let you, lying back and enjoying the ride, making delicious noises every once in a while. You didn’t miss the opportunity to tease.
“For a grumpy hunter like you, you’re quite submissive.”
“I like a woman who takes control. Doesn’t mean I can’t be a bossy alpha male if I want, though,” he smiled and you laughed, cutting with a moan when he shoot his hips up. He smiled when your breath hitched.
“I’m coming,” you got to say, before muffling your sounds biting into Dean’s shoulder. You grazed his wings with your fingertips and he gasped.
“Right behind you, soulmate,” he whispered in your ear and came just then, with a grunt, filling you up. You stayed like that for a second, both of you rubbing each other’s wings as a sort of aftercare.
You managed to carry Dean and yourself up to the bathroom for a quick clean up and then to the bedroom, where he spooned you under the covers of your bed, his arm around you.
“Will you stay?” You asked, a bit sleepy, a bit totally aware of his words.
“I wouldn’t even dream of leaving,” he answered quietly. And you fell asleep, hoping for a new day to begin.
Because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @salvachester @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1 @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @cici0507 @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @ilovedean-spn2 @jpadjackles @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder  @d-s-winchester 
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