#im sorry i suck with technology 😅
liluwrites · 5 years
Sorry @rantingfangirl I messed up and accidentally deleted your ask 😅 But here ya go!
11. Which is easier to write: guys or girls?
For some reason I find guys way easier to write, idk why 🤔
16. What do you do with your rough drafts once you write a new draft?
Lmao it’s so rare for me to get past the first draft stage of any fic, my word docs are filled with tons of unfinished drafts for stories I’ll probably never publish 😂 But when I do get to the second draft stage, I just leave the first draft to rot in my documents bc I‘m too much of a hoarder to delete anything ever
17. How do you handle writer’s block?
Honestly? I don’t. I cry 😂 Sometimes I give up writing for a full six months bc my brain is dead. Although writing short drabbles from prompts can help!
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