#im sorry his design just really triggers my cute aggression
cartoonscientist · 24 days
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in case you were wondering how people in california are doing with the nuclear fallout from oregon
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I hate TikTok so much you have no idea how much I hate it they hear one little thing out of context and then they suddenly say it’s canon hurting like half of there own community because they hate queer black people for some god awful reason I don’t even know about the micro aggressions or the fact that people think HOBIE x miles is a proship I will say this once and I will say this again I will LIGIT clear everything on hobie having a canon age because he does not. And I’m tired of people on TikTok and anywhere else saying the same thing and I might change this into my second acc just for flowerpunk and I’ll actually put my name but I’m not gonna cause I don’t wanna have this turn into a big thing if they do confirm he’s over 18 but anyways I’m going to give all my points cause I think people see something and they automatically think it’s true
To the people saying he's 19/20 that was a director talking about his concept design and could be more based on the comics it's safe to assume that Sense another director said it's up for interpretation and Gwen said he's about her and miles age then he's most likely a teen below 18 and was aged Down for the movie and it's kinda obvious because he hangs around the teen squad don't litsen to the misinformation everyone is sayin as well as the clip that people are talking about is completely out of context and so I need you to all stop it!! I’m not even an adult and I despise pro shipping it’s one of the things that triggers me into things it’s weird and it’s weird your putting a silly ship into this horrible topic so many think it’s ok to put in because the age is unconfirmed half of you people just don’t like queer black people and I am one so for the love of god stop calling people proshippers when they view hobie as a kid!!!
Phil Lord who's also a director said it's up to interpretation/headcanon plus even likened him to Sex pistols who started off young. Alsp like I said the whole Gwen and Hobie implied/jokes about being together thing would be weird as f https://twitter.com/sillyabtspiders/status/1666405777009958913?t=ct4kf0PoYIeUHwsP3tsHDQ&s=19
Of course there’s the other video but again that is concept hobie and prowler hobie not even the hobie we See as well as HOBIE is Most likely aged down and based off teen hobie stop bringing it up because it doesn’t matter!!! I’m literally so upset with being called a proshipper and such and it’s actually really stupid that I have to fight on this because everyone other ship is fine except when there both black and queer it’s weird to how much people care and I’m so tired I’m so very tired of it. I literally cannot take it anymore it’s weird you people are just as weird I’m just so upset right now and by the way I’m writing you probably have already seen me post a bit on my main but it’s embarrassing how you all cling to one thing
I feel great comfurt in this ship I do with a lot of dynamics and I don’t even ship punkflower hard I just think it’s cute but the way you people look at soemthing and think “wow proshipper” is insane because eTHATS NOT WHAT IT IS IM SORRY ITS NOT IT MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED and I can’t tell if it’s cause I’m getting hyper fixated on this or what but I hate when this happens because wir causes so many people stress for no reason but your stupidity
Unless every single director comes out and says that HOBIE is older than 18 and not with Gwen and miles I will delete this and actually admit to it ok I’m not unreasonable I’m angry but that wouldn’t make sense because why would they tease romantic relationship as well as having hobie be with the minor coded charachters all the time
IM SO SORRY IF YOUR STRESSED BY THIS BECAUSE IM THE SAME I JUST FEEL LIKE WE WILL NEVER WIN and it’s so AKWARD I seriously hope that this whole situation gets cleared up and people will be able to ship and have there family dynamics and I’m sorry for anyone who doesn’t wanna see discourse just wanted to finally clear everything up because I know it stresses me out so I can’t imagine how other people feel
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madlilsongbird · 3 years
Watching The Amazing Spidernan movies so that I’m all caught up before No Way Home. Will add my thoughts as I have them. Note I am not some big Spider-Man fan nor have I read the comics so if my thoughts sound kinda stupid they probably are.
First movie:
That’s a good trick with the broom. Making a mental note as we speak.
Actually seeing Peter say goodbye to his parents is horrible and I would like to never experience it again
SALLY FIELD IS AUNT MAY?! Why does this one have the good cast? (not good as in better but good as in more well known)
The sexual tension in “good morning flash…good morning Peter” (this is a joke I’m not shipping him with his bully)
Jesus roid rage much?
Shut your blinds! I don’t know who would be looking in your window at this exact moment but close them anyway!
First careful, you never know who is watching what you search (when did I become this person)
Second…curt connors is ableist.
Poor Rodrigo Guevara
Oh internalised ableism. And that is the only comment I will make going forward because my disabilities do not include limb difference and I dont want to overstep.
Stop following the man, you are not subtle…wait wtf how’d he do that?!
This is where he gets his powers right?
Okay but when would 5 men make that much of a fuss over a woman that only 1 of them seems to know?
Same. (This is in reference to smashing the alarm clock)
Oh my god is it really necessary to show all the different kinds of spider bites.
Actually just going back to the internalised ableism thing…he is allowed to feel whatever type of way about his own disability that is his right. But insinuating that all disabled people are weak and wanting to breed out the weakness is eugenics and just kinda gross. THIS is the final comment I will make on the matter.
No but seriously he is way more aggressive than regular teen boy aggressive so either he’s on something or he’s overcompensating for something
The way he looks at him doe (again all jokes am not shipping flash and Peter)
Why is this so awkward? And not like teens navigating a crush awkward just genuinely awkward. I feel no chemistry between them.
I like the song, it’s an interesting choice for this scene but I like it.
Stop does uncle Ben die now? Like I know uncle Ben dies at some point but I was really kinda hoping he just wouldn’t in this iteration. I was going for a ninth doctor moment “just this once everybody lives”
God Sally is incredible
Don’t show me moments of Flash being human I might accidentally start shipping them for real and that simply can’t happen.
Oooh he’s a fashion designer
I just really enjoy how he takes the piss out of his victims? Arrests?
Is Gwen aware that the school nurse can’t cure everything? Both legally and just like generally doesn’t have the knowledge to cure everything. She suggests going to the nurse a lot.
This family gives me bad vibes
This is a long movie…it’s not even half way through
Well that’s one way to tell her
I think with what I remember of SpiderTobey and what I know of SpiderTom, Andrews Spider-Man is definitely better with the people he’s rescuing. Smoother, good bedside manner.
His sons name is Jack. Why does that make me angry?
So he’s just not gonna rescue the other people hanging off the bridge?
It’s almost poetic that the son of the man tried to stop him the first time will be the one to stop him now
Now how is he getting enough power in the sewer
No means no Peter
Does she die in this one or the next one? I don’t imagine her dying will help captain stacey see him as a good guy
Stan 🥺
This movie is exhausting and I don’t know if I mean that in a good way or a bad way.
MoThEr HuBbArD aRe YoU sErIoUs
He managed to get three whole words out and you didn’t think to ease up on the trigger a little to hear what those words might be?
She’s very clever and I will be sad to see her go
That wasn’t her scream. Or it was but from a different take.
Foyet about to be coming in clutch
I’m going to cry.
He’s so ugly. Some lizards are really cute but lizard + human, kinda gross looking.
Well shit. I didn’t know that happened. I guess what I said about him being upset with Peter about Gwen is irrelevant. Unless it isn’t, like if you believe in the afterlife, imagine how pissed he’s gonna be when Gwen arrives.
He finally got the eggs 🥺
As someone who’s boyfriend at the time didn’t go to her fathers funeral I feel ya Gwen. I mean I don’t care now but at the time it sucked.
Dr Connors was just in a silly goofy mood. He seems to show genuine care for the boy (this is mostly sarcasm).
Second movie
Oh we’re going back to peters dad.
How do they have access to a private jet?
Miss Honey is badass
Ngl I’m actually quite relieved they both died before the plane crashed. Stil devastating though.
Okay so this is first up on the list of potential mystery villains in No Way Home…he looks like a tool.
He really just let Spider-Man put his hand on his tongue. Sir do you know where his hand has been? Not to mention just in general the feeling of spandex on your tongue. I feel ill.
No respect for the proper care of plutonium.
Please don’t ever say “come to daddy” again 😂
I’m kinda sad Jamie Fox becomes a villain, his character seems kinda sweet so far from the 2 seconds I’ve seen of him
You mean to tell me he missed his girlfriend’s fathers funeral AND her valedictorian speech?!
Stan x2 🥺
Because you can’t lose me you’re going to lose me? 😂
I love her jacket
Why are they still pretending like she doesn’t know?
I may have spoken to soon about Max
See I would be speeding up daddy’s death if he told me he’d passed down a genetic disease and just decided not to tell me.
Okay max is still a little bit nutty but you gotta feel bad for the guy. He must’ve been so scared.
Don’t smile that’s not cute, if he was a regular boy you’d file a restraining order.
Oh I see Spider-Man is gonna fight him which will make him turn and become the “bad guy” whether he will actually be a bad guy is still unknown.
This scene is actually kinda just making me angry (the time square scene)
Cops suck man. Peter was talking him down just fine.
Did nobody teach these people not to touch metal when there’s electricity about.
Interesting that I didn’t pick up any chemistry from them in the first movie weren’t they an actual couple for a while?
Another good song with an interesting placement
I’m sorry did the caller ID not say Mary Parker? How was it Harry on the phone?
Run Gwen!
This version of Harry is kinda creepy I’m sure the actor is swell but the character is terrifying. Original version Harry was swell whereas the actor is…
“Maybe everyone has a part of themselves they hide” gives him the eye
This movies shorter or at least it feels shorter
An excellent show of what happens when you tell a rich daddy’s boy no for the first time.
This makes me very sad. She’s so excited for the possibility of Oxford.
As much as Harry disturbs me, I want him to burn his entire team.
His daddy really did love him!
I think it’s mostly his eyes, his behaviour can be explained by trauma (why I find Harry creepy)
Okay most of his behaviour. The taking joy in killing people that’s just him being nutty and not a trauma response.
This is fucked up. And where is Peter? he is off chasing a girl who has broken up with him twice now.
I really like SpiderAndrew, the movies are fine but as a character I thoroughly enjoy him
Sorcerers apprentice who?
Captain Stacy can’t blame him! She’s clearly stubborn as hell and her own free woman
I quite literally stopped breathing (in reference to the almost plane crash)
Is this why they made it Gwen and not MJ so that he could kill her and be an actual bad guy? From my little knowledge of the comics and what I’ve seen from the movies Harry would never hurt MJ so it had to be someone else important to Peter but not super important to him for him to a real bad guy
I like that Harry actually looks like a goblin.
What was the disease he’s supposed to have?
This poor family. I know I said they gave me bad vibes in the first movie but nobody deserves this.
He looks less like a tool with his suit on…but only slightly less
Baby you better get back behind that baracade!
Nobody talk to me I’m very emotional. This child looks very much like a magical mix of all 3 of my brothers put together and seeing him stand there so brave but so scared is doing something to me.
Final thoughts:
So I think SpiderAndrew might be a close second favourite for me. I like the relationships of the original the most, the comedy of the mcu version the most but this one was like a nice in between. Im a little disappointed there won’t be a third not cos I think I would have enjoyed it just cos the original had 3 movies, the mcu version will have at least 3 movies and this one is left out with 2. Don’t think I would have loved Shailene Woodley as MJ though so I dunno. I think the only thing I would have wanted from a third movie is to know who fedora guy is…and for Peter and May to acknowledge that they both know that he is Spider-Man. Apart from that it was fine and I now feel fully prepared for No Way Home.
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