#im sorry for going all out venting with thiz post . but i don't have what else to say
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months ago
Hey man I know you're scared of the new year and change but like. That change doesn't have to be one big life changing thing. You can discover a new song or band. Find out about a cool new hobby. Become friends. Make a piece of art you're really proud of. Take a different path home. Change is gradual
i can totally see where you're coming from . and i really appreciate the help you're trying to offer . but thiz doezn't really help . frankly
if anything . it'z just all the more scary
to never know when something will change – when i'll listen to my favorite track for the last time before i get sick of it . when i'll talk to someone for the last time before they inevitably leave – itz scary
and i don't exactly like to leave my comfort zone in the first place . so the chancez of discovering some fun new hobby are quite low – ive been stuck with drawing and writing for like four yearz already and i haven't exactly found anything else that stickz ://
i get that you're trying to help and i very much do appreciate it – i rarely get people willing to actually offer support or wordz of reassurance – but the fact nothing iz stationary iz still scary ; even the smallest of changez can snowball into something bigger . and the uncertainty of it all only makez it more horrifying
i do hope you have a good new year . kind soul – the best year you could have
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spookythesillyfella · 27 days ago
This is quite literally my third time showing up and you're free to IGNORE because I don't wanna keep bothering you (I'M SO SORRY) I just wanted to be more positive this time and say I really love when you ramble and go into this really emotional and powerful depth when you discuss things so passionately. I know that's kind of weird to say and this will also be weird to admit but I could NEVER understand why people would call it "cringe"? It's actually really healing to me as someone who'd love to ramble a lot but can't get by the idea that people wouldn't like it I guess ^_^; WHAT I'M TRYING TO REALLY SAY. It's that time you put into what you create even if it's not related to the High Voltage AU, Because while yes you even inspired me to keep going with my dhmis story I certainly enjoy your posts all together! I like learning about other fictional medias you enjoy.. I also think about favorite characters you have and mental note them in my mind haha Probably just speaking really foolishly again and it's really not anything I've not told you before though I just have positive things to say about you often! I hope you don't stop venting either because you need to get it out. This is your account! You're free to post what you want and don't pressure yourself to perform to anyone's expectations because what you're doing now IS ENOUGH. I love you !! /p
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(Natsuki is my favorite DDLC character :) I LOVE this game and comfort it a lot so it makes me happy seeing someone else enjoy it too! )
no . no . pleaze never apologize for passing by – it meanz so much to me that u remember my existence
ive generally alwayz been scared of talking too much about the thingz i like . becauze my interestz are like unique to me only – none of my irlz share thiz love for dhmis and / or vocaloid . so itz generally something that i don't talk about with them in order not to annoy them
you have no clue how much it actually meanz to have someone u care about tell u that they appreciate your love for such thingz . and that they actually like LURNING about it – more than anything else in thiz world
not to get all sad here . but ive alwayz struggled with the au – ive had [and admittedly still do] so many breakdownz over the fact i feel like my characterz are flat . or that my story iz too unoriginal or deviatez too much from the canon . generally anything i could be mad about . but the support ive gotten from u and the few other people on thiz platform who care alwayz help me feel like thiz work izn't pointless
not to mention . my time on thiz app and interacting with u made me develop my littlez in a way i probably weren't if not for thiz connection between uz [and im not just refering to shrig in thiz situation]
i can never fully express my gratitude to people – i feel like no word in any language could encapsulate just how much i care for each and every one of my friendsiblingz . so like . why even bother . right ? ahaha
thank u – thank u a thouzand timez over and over ; thank u forever more . for everything u've done for me . for everyone else . u utterly beautiful being 💌💌💌
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spookythesillyfella · 3 months ago
I've been seeing your vent posts lately, and i have some things to say:
Although i don't fully know what's happening or what you're goin through, i can most definitely understand what you're expressing, how you feel, etc. And I empathize w that alot.
I just know that you're probably isolating yourself, feeling horrible, and just that you're going through too much.
Just know that you don't need to apologize or care about what other ppl might think about what you're posting. Vent. If other ppl don't like to see that kind of posts, they can just block em or smth. And you don't need to apologize for smth so recurrent like feelings of emptiness, doubt, guilt, etc. You can't really control them, and so you don't need to feel bad for expressing them.
I'm happy you're still here, you're already showing much strength w that. I know I'm a stranger from the internet n we haven't really interacted much besides liking some of ur posts and stuff, but I really hope you can get better in the future and you decide to keep creating and living. Everything will be okay. ♡
hiiiii artsey
sorry for also getting late to thiz ask – once again . pitiful feelingz can be such a pain to deal with
a lot of my issuez are kind of miniscule thingz that get blown way out of proportion . or thingz that have happened yearz ago that i still failed to move on from – talk about pathetic ahaha !!
still . thank you for showing concern – it meanz so much to me to have people around me acknowledge my existence and the fact that im not okay
truthfully . i don't like posting ventz – they make me feel like im just seeking attention and sympathy from people for no good reazon – but i just ket theze feelingz seep out becauze i have nowhere else to document them ; i really wish i could be a support pillar to all my friendz . to aid them regardless of the cost and to make sure they're all happy no matter what – i feel so dull whenever i cannot be there for them and provide thiz warmth that they so desperately need and deserve
i hope ill get better soon in order to be there for my loved onez more often !! so thanks you – ill make sure to remember all your kind wordz !!
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