#im so tired i have no idea what to caption this.
solplease · 5 days
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theonottsbxtch · 7 days
it's ok im ok | LN4
an: it's ok im ok by tate mcrae is out and i had this idea the minute i heard it the first time so i've been writing this the last two hours. this was very rushed so please be nice, slight oscar x yn (no use of yn)
written and smau
face claim: pintrest and queen t8
newgirlfriend just posted
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, maxverstappen1 and 159,382 others
oh he's so perfect
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When she’d first broken up with Lando, she’d been distraught. He was the love of her life, or at least she’d thought. For over a month, she’d spent every passing moment reminiscing on all the good parts she could remember of the relationship, but as that month came to a close, the fog began to lift. 
There was no good.
At first there was, there had been the dates, the gifts, the flowers and the continuous travelling alongside her. The texts of ‘I miss you’ and ‘I love you’ at least once a day had diminished into a ‘gn’ and ‘gm’ eleven months into the relationship. 
The affection that once felt so constant had turned into something routine, something obligatory. She’d ignored the signs at first, brushing off the growing distance as just a phase, believing things would eventually go back to how they were in the beginning. But they didn’t.
She remembered the nights when he would cancel plans at the last minute, claiming he was too tired from work, yet his social media was filled with stories of nights out with his friends. The times he’d forgotten important moments — her promotion at work, her 21st birthday, their anniversary. Every time, he had a perfectly reasonable excuse that she had willingly swallowed, desperate to hold onto the image of the man she’d thought he was.
The excuses, the half-hearted apologies, and the lack of effort slowly chipped away at her, until one day, she woke up feeling emptier than ever, wondering where she’d gone wrong. She’d blamed herself, convinced she was being too demanding, too needy.
But now, with some distance, she could see it all for what it was: she’d been in love with an idea of him, a projection of her own desires. The real Lando was far from the prince charming she had made him out to be. He was just a guy who knew how to charm his way through life, good at saying the right things but never following through.
She realised now that the man she’d loved never truly existed; he was a mirage, built from wishful thinking and her own desperation to be loved.
So when Mclaren invited her to celebrate the new season, she took it knowing she was a mature adult, after all he’d moved on. So could she.
“She’s posted him again,” Her best friend spoke from the sofa where she’d been waiting for her to touch up her makeup. “Caption is ‘Oh he’s so perfect’ with some flowers and a teddy bear.”
“Poor girl.” She muttered to herself as she applied some gloss. “She’s still in the honeymoon phase,”
Her best friend hummed and laughed as she continued to scroll through the photos.
Unlike many ex girlfriends, she didn't hate the new girl, no if anything she pitied the next girl and the inevitable one after that, it wasn’t their fault that he acted like the perfect gentleman at the start.
She sighed, putting the lip gloss down and meeting her own eyes in the mirror. "I mean, she’s just like I was," she added, more to herself than to her friend. "I remember thinking he was my perfect match, too. All those little gestures, the compliments, the way he always seemed to know exactly what I wanted to hear. I fell for it, hard."
Her friend glanced up from the phone, a knowing look in her eyes. "Yeah, but you saw through it eventually. And you got out."
She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, I did. And I’m not gonna pretend that was easy, but I did it. I’ve just gotta hope she figures it out sooner rather than later."
Her friend grinned. "I bet you’re dying to go up to her tonight and give her a friendly warning."
She laughed at that, shaking her head. "Oh, no. I’m not getting involved unless the opportunity comes up . She won’t listen anyway; no one does when they’re in the thick of it. Besides, it's not my place."
Her friend tilted her head, watching her closely. "You’re really okay with all this?"
She paused for a moment, considering her answer. Was she really okay? Seeing those photos had stirred something in her, but it wasn’t jealousy. It was more like a dull ache, a memory of a wound that had already healed. "I think so," she said finally, smiling a little. "I mean, it still sucks to see, but not in the way it used to. I guess... I’m more relieved than anything. Relieved that it’s not me anymore."
Her friend nodded in approval. "That’s growth, babe. And tonight, we’re gonna celebrate that growth with some champagne and dancing. No thinking about exes, just fun."
She laughed, grabbing her bag and turning to face her friend. "Deal. Now, let’s get out of here before I change my mind."
They headed out the door, a cool breeze greeting them as they stepped into the evening air. As they walked to the car, she glanced at her phone one more time, catching a glimpse of Lando’s face on her social media feed. His arm was around the new girl, that same easy smile on his lips, the same charm in his eyes. But this time, it didn’t sting. It didn’t make her chest tight or her stomach drop. She felt...nothing.
“His teammate was fitter anyway,” At first she hadn’t heard it but when she did, she turned to face her friend, “What? I’m saying what we all saw.”
“I’m not stirring that pot.”
“You’re not but I am.” Her friend laughed as she pulled out of the parking lot, “Think about it, he’ll be there tonight, freshly broken up. Maybe you two can bond over that.”
Her eyes widened as she looked at her friend, “He broke up with his girlfriend?”
“I knew you were interested!”
She rolled her eyes, feeling a flush creep up her neck. "I’m not interested," she insisted, but the hint of a smile played at the corners of her lips, betraying her. "It’s just… surprising, that’s all."
Her friend shot her a knowing look. “Oh, come on. I’ve seen how you look at him. All those race weekends, sneaking glances when you thought no one was watching. You can’t deny it.”
She laughed, a light, genuine sound she hadn’t heard from herself in a while. "You’re imagining things. Besides, just because Lando's teammate is single doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump into something new."
Her friend raised an eyebrow. “Who said anything about jumping? Maybe just dip a toe in. Have fun for once. You deserve it."
She hesitated, biting her lip as the car sped through the city streets. "I don’t know… it just feels too soon."
"Too soon? Or maybe the perfect time?" her friend challenged. "It’s not about replacing Lando. It’s about letting yourself feel good again."
She stared out the window, watching the city lights blur into a kaleidoscope of colours. Her friend was right. She had spent so long grieving over Lando, replaying every mistake and wondering where she went wrong. Maybe it was time to let someone else in, even just a little.
“Okay," she finally said, her voice steady. "If I see him tonight, I’ll talk to him. No expectations, no pressure. Just… a conversation."
Her friend grinned. “Now, that’s the spirit. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find out he’s more than just a pretty face.”
She laughed again, this time with more ease. “Or maybe I’ll find out he’s just another disaster waiting to happen.”
Her friend chuckled, “Only one way to find out.”
By the time they’d pulled up to the club and handed the keys to the valet, there was a solid blush on her cheeks. After all, she had spent the rest of the car ride looking at Oscar’ photos. 
She felt the bass of the music underneath her feet as she and her friend handed their ID’s to the bouncer, waiting as he checked their names off the list.
“Right let me find some virgin cocktail, you go find Oscar.”
“Absolutely not, I’m getting a drink first.”
When they reached the bar, they eyed up the drinks board, everything seemed so tempting. Starting easy she ordered herself a vodka coke. No point trying to talk to Oscar if she was sloshed. 
“Your replacement, 12 o’clock.” She heard her friend shout over her drink.
She turned around, subtly glancing in the direction her friend had pointed. There she was, the new girl — bright-eyed, smiling, and looking like she had the world at her feet. Her heart clenched for a moment, a tiny pang of something she didn’t want to name, but then she felt it ease just as quickly. It wasn’t jealousy; it was almost… nostalgia.
The girl was everything she remembered herself being — full of hope, dressed to impress, standing a little too close to him as if she needed to mark her territory. And there he was, Oscar, just as charming as ever. Leaning in, whispering something that made the girl laugh loudly, the kind of laugh that begged for attention.
Her friend nudged her side. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, swallowing a sip of her drink. “Just feeling pity, really.”
“Well,” her friend prompted, “you gonna say hi or what?”
She took a deep breath. “I think I’ll let them have their moment. Besides, I’m not in the mood to play the ex-girlfriend card tonight.”
Her friend snorted. “What, you don’t want to ruin their Instagram-perfect night?”
She grinned. “Tempting, but no.” She took another sip, feeling the warmth of the alcohol begin to relax her nerves. “Let’s dance, yeah?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
Grabbing her phone off the bar and shoving it down her bra, she took her friend’s hand and brought her to the middle of the dance floor, some Flo Rida song making the walls shake. 
Moving to the beat of the music, she looked as her friend began to dance on her, pulling her hand on her hip as they danced in sync enjoying the moment and ignoring the fact that she could see Lando looking at her and not his new girlfriend.
She felt the bass thump through her chest, each beat syncing with her pulse as she lost herself in the music. Her friend’s laughter was infectious, and she couldn’t help but grin, the tension in her shoulders easing as she swayed to the rhythm.
Lando’s gaze was heavy on her, almost burning through the crowd. She could feel it, a mix of curiosity and maybe a hint of regret. She didn’t look directly at him — not yet. Instead, she let her movements become more carefree, twirling with her friend and raising her arms in the air as the chorus hit. The whole room seemed to pulse with the beat, and she revelled in the feeling of letting go, if only for a moment.
Her friend leaned in, her voice barely audible over the music. “He’s staring,” she said with a sly smile.
She shrugged, flipping her hair back with a casual flick. “Let him,” she replied, her voice loud enough to be heard over the music but still cool and collected.
And then, on a whim, she spun around, facing him across the crowded room. Their eyes met, and she held his gaze for a heartbeat longer than she intended. His expression was unreadable — a mix of surprise, maybe a flicker of something else. But she didn’t want to decipher it; she didn’t care to.
Instead, she raised her drink in a mock toast, a sly smile playing at her lips, before turning her back to him again. She felt a surge of confidence, a quiet thrill in knowing she no longer needed his validation or attention. She was here to have fun, to enjoy the night, not to relive old memories or make a scene.
Her friend noticed the exchange and leaned in again. “You sure you don’t want to give him a piece of your mind?”
She laughed, a real, genuine laugh that felt good in her chest. “Nah, he can watch if he wants. It just shows he’s not as over it as I am.”
She turned her attention back to her friend, giving her a playful spin. “Anyway, I have a much hotter date.”
This time her friend laughed loudly, “Uh huh you do, I’ll go get us refills.”
“I’ll come with,” she offered, even though she was beginning to feel herself in the middle of the crowd.
“No, you just stay here.” Her friend gave her a final wink before disappearing into the crowd, leaving her alone on the dancefloor. The bass of the music pulsed through her, making her heart race in time with the beat. That’s when she spotted Oscar — tall, confident, with a warm smile that seemed to cut through the throng of people. He was one of the few people who had been genuinely kind to her since she’d met him, and there was a sense of magnetic energy between them.
He extended his hand with a charming grin. “May I have this dance?”
Without missing a beat, she placed her hand in his, feeling a thrill of excitement. They moved closer, the heat of their bodies melding together as the music swelled. He guided her into a slow, sensual dance, their movements smooth and synchronised. His hands rested lightly on her hips, and she could feel the tension of his touch, a mix of confidence and tenderness. Overlapping her hands on his, she tightened his grip on her hips.
As they danced, she felt a rush of freedom, the worries and old feelings from earlier dissolving into the rhythm. She glanced to her side and caught a glimpse of Lando across the room. He was watching them, his expression a mixture of surprise and frustration. For a moment, their eyes locked, and she saw the flash of jealousy in his gaze. She raised an eyebrow slightly, a smirk playing on her lips as if to say, “Look at me now.”
Returning her focus to the Oscar, she let herself be completely immersed in the moment. His touch was intoxicating, his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that made her feel desired and cherished. They moved together effortlessly, each step and sway adding to the intimate connection they were building on the dancefloor.
Oscar leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. “You look amazing tonight,” he murmured, his voice low and husky. “I mean you always have, but tonight things are different aren’t they?”
She shivered at his words, the tension between them palpable. She responded with a soft laugh, her fingers trailing up to his neck as she whispered back, “They are, aren’t they?”
As the song reached its climax, they pulled closer, their bodies pressed together in a way that felt both exhilarating and soothing. She let herself be lost in the sensation, feeling a newfound sense of liberation and sensuality. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own private dance.
The song ended, but they stayed close, their breaths mingling. “I’m going to the bathroom, but I’ll see you here for round two?” she said, trying to be heard over the music.
“I won’t go anywhere,” he replied with a teasing smile, his voice like velvet. She wanted to linger in his warmth a moment longer, but she knew she needed to regroup. The minute she snapped out of her trance, she found the bar and her friend, dragging her to the nearest bathroom.
Finding the handicap stall, she pulled them inside and slumped against the wall, grabbing her drink out of her friend’s hand.
“Fuck me,” she whispered, her voice a mix of exhilaration and happiness.
“I am not Oscar, but I’m sure he would if you asked nicely,” her friend quipped, trying to lighten the mood.
She let out a tired laugh, shaking her head. “Not what I meant. I just… I don’t know. It’s weird being back in this place. Wow. That dance - I.”
Her friend gave her a knowing look. “At least give me a heads up if I’m going to drive home alone tonight.”
As she took another sip of her drink, she heard the bathroom door swing open, followed by the sound of animated giggling. It was Lando's new girlfriend, chattering excitedly with a friend. Her voice carried through the thin bathroom walls, brimming with admiration.
“Oh my god, he’s just so perfect!” she gushed. “I can’t believe how lucky I am. He’s got everything—charm, looks, and he’s so sweet. I feel like I’m in a dream.”
Her friend raised an eyebrow, glancing at her. “Are you okay?”
Suppressing a laugh, she stood up and pushed open the door to the cubicle. As she emerged, she locked eyes with Lando’s new girlfriend in the mirror.
“Hey there,” she said, her voice smooth yet edged with cool detachment. “So, which version of him is perfect, the off-season version or the regular season?”
The new girlfriend blinked, visibly startled. Her smile faltered, and she looked momentarily confused. “Uh, I don’t really understand what you mean.”
She could sense her best friend trying hard not to laugh behind her. Shrugging lightly, she maintained a mix of sympathy and detachment in her gaze. “Just a thought. Sometimes people have different sides to them, you know? What you’re seeing now might not be the whole picture.”
Before the new girlfriend could respond, her friend besides her chimed in . “You’re just jealous.”
She turned, a knowing smile on her lips. “Oh, sweetie, it’s okay. I’m perfectly fine. After all, I had him first.” Without giving the new girlfriend a chance to reply, she gently but firmly guided her friend out of the bathroom and back into the club.
As they re-entered the lively atmosphere, her friend grinned at her. “That was hot.”
She chuckled, feeling a sense of empowerment and closure. “Glad you think so. Let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”
ynprivate just posted
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend and 38 others
it's ok im ok
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mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!ex girlfriend!reader ; niall horan x fem!reader
SUMMARY ✦ when your relationship with charles ends up falling through, you find comfort in a certain singer's arms [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing, some hate comments here and there but idk if that's actually a warning
NOTES ✦ to preface: i usually don't write for anyone other than f1 drivers & football players, but i liked the idea of this so i decided to go ahead with it! for the plot of this, charlotte & charles broke up september 2022, and the dating timeline for charles & y/n is nov 2022-dec 2023. the logistics honestly make not a lot of sense but BARE WITH ME PLEASE. the fc i've used is hailee steinfeld, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by yourbsf, charlottesiine, and 194,310 others
tagged yourbsf
yourusername bigger and better things are coming in 2024 🪩
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user4 oh she is glowinggg!!
user5 y/n is living her best life and we love to see it!
yourbsf nyc was sooo much fun w you 😘
yourusername had the best timeee 💗💗
charlottesiine you're sooo perfect! 🤍
yourusername all you cha!! 💗💗
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( caption one: the only cha i need 😘 | caption two: night out 🌃 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, charlottesiine, and 210,998 others
tagged charlottesiine
yourusername idk this weekend's been kinda fun!
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user14 charlotte x y/n WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!
user15 okay but the mysterious guy in the third pic??
user16 she's in another relationship??
user17 how has she already moved on that quickly tf... neither of them deserved charles.
user18 shut uppp!! you have no clue about y/n's personal life, for all we knew that literally COULD be charles, or it could be someone else! she should be able to do whatever she wants without some troll deciding they have a relevant opinion ❤️
charlottesiine the best weekend everrr!!
yourusername love you 💗
user20 the way charles liked this ☹️☹️
user21 missing them hours
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,081,007 others
charles_leclerc testing is all doneee - let's smash the race next week!
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user22 MY OH MYYYY
user23 he knows what he's doing w those pictures of himself
user24 no real im sweating over here.
user25 sooo...are you ever going to mention the breakup??
user26 or the new pics of y/n and her mystery man??
user27 to everyone asking charles to speak on his breakup: leave him alone! it's clear him and y/n are still on good terms as they're still liking each other's insta posts, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're together! they're people too, i think we all need to just leave them alone to process their breakup ❤️
user28 okay but y/n clearly is over him?? she's already processed the breakup, so why shouldn't he have?
user29 everyone needs to honestly just leave them be. this is sooo old rn and they're probably tired of it.
carlossainz55 all ready for the new season 🏎️🏎️
charles_leclerc 👊👊
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 190,201 others
yourusername sitting still, looking pretty! 😘💗
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user32 i needdd a grwm asap ur gorgeous girl!!
user33 okay but the second pic??
user34 we already knew she was over charles?
user33 yeahhh its just so strange to see her soft launching another guy
user35 idc what anyone says i LOVE that y/n has found another man she's happy with!!
user36 sooo real for this!! she deserves all the happiness in the world 💗
charlottesiine 😍😍
yourusername chaaa!! 💗
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( caption: heyy just came on here to say that me and charles are still broken up. i’ve seen a lot of rumours floating around the internet about the nature of our relationship, and while it is no one’s business except our own, i would like to just say that the break up, as previously stated, WAS mutual & we are still friends. mine and charlotte’s friendship also seems to be coming under a lot of fire recently, for whatever reason. she is an amazing woman and has been so supportive during this time of my life, so i kindly ask you stop bashing us on social media for simply being friends. thank you to all of the people sending me lovely messages - ur support isn’t going unnoticed 💗 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 303,331 others
tagged niallhoran
yourusername the best thing life could've thrown at me 💗
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niallhoran and who's that handsome fella 😘
yourusername just some annoying irish guy i met, idk how to get rid of him
yourbsf Y/N!! 😍
yourusername MY REAL LOVER 😘
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourusername 💗💗
charlottesiine me when i have to third wheel now ☹️
yourusername no neverrr ur my baby angel he can third wheel us 😍
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holllandtrash · 2 years
soft (dog) launch | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x influencer reader (korean reader, sora park face claim)
soft launch of their relationship but it's solely through the instagram account of their dog
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and 211,875 others 
yourusername good morning
view all 3,161 comments
yourbestfriend it is quite literally 7:30 at night
yourusername not in hawaii
charles_leclerc added to their story
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 477,198 others
tagged: rivayacht
charles_leclerc sea day with the best co-captain
view all 3,224 comments
scuderiaferrari we expect to see your co-captain in the paddock after the break🫡🫡
landonorris no way that dog has its boating license
pierregasly you two look alike
liked by yourusername
sunni_f1fan charles got a puppy?????
starlightpierre that man does not have time to take care of a puppy 💀
yourusername added to their story
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liked by yourbestfriend, bellathetravelingpup and 197,559 others 
tagged: bellathetravelingpup
yourusername hawaii dump
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bellathetravelingpup thanks for taking me on this trip mum!!
liked by charles_leclerc
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liked by yourusername, charlesleclerc and 892 others 
bellathetravelingpup i wonder where we're going next
view all 18 comments
yourbestfriend i can't believe you made an insta for your dog
yourusername it wasn't my idea believe it or not
welldonejanessa charles follows a dog finsta im laughing so hard
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 392,883 others
tagged: dior
charles_leclerc always a pleasure dior
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f1 😍😍😍😍
lecler1016 i can't be the only one who saw y/n's story post of her dior bag
luvgrussell I SAW THAT!! valtterisuns but is bella in monaco with them? that's the important question
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bellathetravelingpup added to their story
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 773 others 
bellathetravelingpup mum says we can't stay in monaco, where should we go next?
view all 22 comments
charles_leclerc how about london?
bellathetravelingpup what a good idea!!!! spideystroll im screaming and crying
paddockgf oh to be bella in monaco rn
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 1,872 others 
bellathetravelingpup dad took me to work with him, he says tyres don't make good beds but i think they're comfy
view all 95 comments
scuderiaferrari she's just warming up the tyres
yourusername if she fits she sits
liked by charles_leclerc
pierregasly i can't believe i'm following an instagram for a dog
bellathetravelingpup i can't believe pierre gasly liked my picture🐶
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bellathetravelingpup added to their story
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 335,918 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
scuderiaferrari Bravissimo Charles 👊 P1 for the first race back! Starting the second half of the season off strong💪
view 2886 comments
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
hamilsuns but she wasn't in the crowd celebrating 😥😥 albonscar on f1tv there was a quick pan to her in the back of the ferrari garage holding bella!! it probably wasn't safe to bring bella out into a crowd like that
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 1,979 others 
bellathetravelingpup dad won which means he gets extra cuddles
view all 113 comments
yourbestfriend who wrote that caption
yourusername bella did
landos4is we are once again relying on bella's instagram for charles and y/n content
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and 384,889 others 
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername congrats c❤️ i don't think i'll ever get tired of watching you race (also pictured: me using bella to wipe my tears .5 seconds after you won)
view all 5,868 comments
charles_leclerc my favorite girls❤️🐶
yourbestfriend bella looks so confused
yourusername she just wanted to chase the cars landonorris you should have let her, she probably would have lapped albon alex_albon i would have let bella win
requests are open
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itsnathateasy · 16 days
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im finally back with the planetarium!armin headcanons i‘ve been meaning to write based on this idea!
word count: 412 warnings: none ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── planetarium!armin could never have imagined someone studied the sky inside the walls, they had very basic knowledge, limited to telescopes probably but being in this huge building with information about EVERYTHING in the sky, with pictures, videos and simulations, armin was losing it
planetarium!armin drags you to every single exhibit and questions everything „how many planets in our galaxy? and how many galaxies? how did we see the galaxies if they're so far away from ours?“ „how many people have travelled to other galaxies? what do you mean none? then how can we know the information in here is for real???“ planetarium!armin loved taking pictures of everything and scribbling in his notebook, writing additional questions that kept popping into his head and jolting down names of stars and planets so that he’d return to them and conduct his research when you got home it was quite difficult to get him to settle after this celestial frenzy
his fave part of your date was probably buying the build the solar system board game, which he opened long before you made it to your apartment, in order to inspect the analogy of the figures
planetarium!armin is the type of person to cut out the pretty photos from the leaflets you were given and make a collage or a moodboard, in which he adds a picture of you two at the planetarium and then he displays it on your fridge for days he even added those little white stickers meant for captions and wrote the date and „our first time among planets“ or some silly lil thing planetarium!armin now wants to buy a telescope and you regret ever taking him to the planetarium „how about we catch the next eclipse at the planetarium? they’ve an event set up and we can sign up if you wanna go too“
baby boi is so hyped and i’m so here for it!!! you once even bought him a pack of those themed stickers for scrapbooks (cosmos themed ofc!) and he couldn’t be happier „this is so cute y/n, thank you! now we can have planet stickers all around the house!“ „no we can’t armin“ planetarium!armin is too precious for this world, the eyes he makes to get you to go to several planetariums in your vicinity, and you do go on various such dates with him („i could never get tired of the universe y/n!“) and also planetarium!armin is WAY TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD FULL STOP ✋
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hauntedrain · 8 months
part 5: For Our Own Sanity | Alex Turner x Fem! Reader |
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Social media AU Summary: Alex and readers relationship turns public after a series of events
✰▹Warnings/Notices: Age gap, highly unrealistic album set up. Not edited. last part!
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liked by TaylorSwift, AlexTurner, & 40,456,465 others
@Y/N: Look what you made me do! Reputation out now on all platforms, love you guys <3
user2: okay lovely album. BUT 2ND SLIDE. EXPLAIN.
↪ user3: Alex. Alex. Alex.
↪ user4: He's laterally dating the girl he posted on his story, not Y/N.
AlexTurner: Amazing album x
Liked by Y/N
user7: parents.
user8: Is this the end of all the endings? / My broken bones are mending / with all these nights we're spending. OH IM SCREAMING.
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liked by 4,234,564 others
@Y/Nupdates: Y/N tonight on Jimmy Fallon - The tonight Show! Y/N during her time on the show talks about her leaving and writing about the album + her writing songs with and for the Arctic Monkeys.
user9: SHES SO PRETTY omfg.
user10: Okay but her shading milo and his gf over their FAKE comments and story is amazing.
↪ user11: Their interview and everything they posted about it has been deleted.
↪ user12: Karma works hard but Y/N works harder!
User13: okay everything aside who is the love songs about.
↪ user14: EXACTLY! If its not Alex shes dating then WHO! cuz most of the songs are simply someone loving her DISPITE her bad reputation.
Alex turner has posted to their story!
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captioned: Ready for it...?
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liked by 42,246,345 others
@Y/N: I tired black hair for a bit but the blonde looks a bit more delicate, isn't it? Also peep the MV
user16: Seeing you with black hair kinda scares me
user17: Delicate music video?
↪ user18: Nah its defo TIWWCHNT.
↪ user19: I vote LWYMMD.
user20: WAIT.
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liked by 12,345,678 others
@Alexturnerupdates: The Arctic Monkeys perform their last show in the US with Y/N L/N! This is her first appearance in the tour so far, and her first appearance on stage since her last album's tour over 2 years ago. she also sung a few songs from her new album "Reputation".
User23: The way I fucking SCREAMED.
user24: Can we talk about when Alex was singing "I wanna be yours" AND HE WAS STARRING AT Y/N?
↪ user26: for our own sanity, please we need confirmation rn or else!
user27: I appreciate the fact that the best quality pic is of Y/N.
user28: Alex the flower princess ong.
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tagged: @Alexturner
liked by 50,345,345 others
@Y/N: All eyes on you, my magician. All eyes on us.
user31: Both are glowing.
AlexTurner: ~ you make everyone disappear.
↪ user33: honestly even with all the signs, I'm still surprised.
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liked by 13,356,128
@Alexturner: king of your heart yea?
user34: I CANT.
user35: my roman empire. MINE.
Y/N: the taste of your lips is my idea of luxury.
↪ user37: crying.
user38: If you look closely you can see my sitting in the middle of a highway.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ taglist: @mathdebate00 @ouroboros311 @joannfabrics @tangointhequango
⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: This is the end! Loved making this and thought about making it longer, however I didnt wanna drag on the story. But Im open for requests and ideas for fics. Love you guys and I hope you liked it.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Ft: Teasing, grinding.
1.1k words of gojo thirsting for u.
Gojo x Female reader smut
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At first gojo would ask you to come along just so you can watch him dead lift 200+lbs(pounds) or even be his "spotter" so he 'wouldnt get hurt', the spotter part was your idea. But just the thought of watching gojo sweat and breathe heavy gave you butterflies in your stomach. If you two would go to a public gym gojo would 100% FLEX HIS ASS OFF. Lift 200lbs? Nah gojo's going to 400lb. It doesnt matter if these other 'people' look more 'ripped' then him. He'll show them up without a problem. "Yeah you like that baby?" He'd grunt mid lift. "F-fuck..Its all for you love~" You'd scold him for pushing himself too hard but he'd suck his teeth, pick you up without warning and carry you bridal style out the gym. Laughing as you'd punch at him to put you down because it was 'embarrassing'
Gojo who would also send you pictures and videos of him lifting. Captioning how he can't wait to show you his progress. Up close. He'd sometimes even wear more revealing. Clothes during missions you two got paired up in. Turning off his infinity just so the wind can blow through his shirt and reveal his abs. Only for Utahime and Nobara to scold him.
If he's deadlifting sometimes gojo would joke around and act like the weight was too heavy for him or he got gradually tired, it could even be considered as a test of trust the first couple of times he invites you over. He'd smile and blush at how you tried so hard to hold it up for him after he made 'pained grunts.' even using cursed energy slightly because it was too heavy for you. (Gojo was completely fine holding up that much btw). He'd yank the weight off of him. trying to 'catch his breath' only to see you running around the gym that you've never been too before, asking people where you can buy water and cold towels for him. And that was another moment when gojo truly fell in love with you
One day Gojo finds you in the gym before he is. Wearing clothes lighter/thinner then your average attire as you sat on your phone waiting for him to arrive. "Hm? I see you got here before me baby~" He'd walk up to you with his gym bag. Wearing a black tank top, shorts and his iconic shades. Gojo is so tall~ (around 6'3) so even when his body isnt flexed out he towers over you so easily. "Well..I was thinking of joining you this time toru~" you smirk while looking him up and down, watching as he takes off his shades and his beautiful blue eyes glow, Now looking at you with an intimate gaze.
Gojo didnt have a problem with whatever you we're trying to achieve at the gym for any reason. Be it for your mental health, For him, Or just for the sake of being fit or trying something new. He loved the idea of you even doing something as far as exercise because it meant you we're getting stronger. Just.. 'Not as strong as him' he'd chuckle to himself while watching you do warm ups...Specifically squats.
He'd count out how much your doing, constantly telling you to push yourself and keep going 'just f' me' Until eventually it looks like gojo is enjoying himself a little TOO much. He's paying so much attention to your ass and how you'd recklessly bounce up and down from how tired you we're getting. Imagining how you'd bounce on his cock while pleading for him to let you cum "T-toru! oh fuck toru~ please..im so close daddy.." "Hah..Your so fucking good for me, Milking my cock just like that.. Dont stop.." Gojo gets caught out of his hard daze when you stop exercising and just stare at him with your hands on your hips because he somehow went from the number 14 to 69- while counting.
Gojo would pout and tug at your arm for you to keep exercising because you look so fucking hot. "Cmon baby..I promise i wont look...so much.. kay? You just..Do what your doing over there and ill be over here lifting-" he'd smile and give you a thumbs up while scooting over to the weights. "okay toru~ if you say so..." You'd constantly stop mid set to take a peek behind you to see if gojo was being a pervert, But everytime you would he'd just look 'normal'. When in reality gojo was talking glances at you, lifting with one hand and rubbing against his clothed length with the other. Mumbling how good you looked for him, How your sweat coated your body so well, watching as you perked up your lips when taking a sip of your water. "Yeah baby..thats what im talkin about' Dont stop.. your doin so well... fuck yeah..sweat for me~" You'd look at him dumfounded and ask if he was alright. "Yeah baby im great~ you keep exercising for me alright? get that heart healthy f' me~ you and that good form of yours. So fucking good" He'd take off his shirt, his chest glistening and pumping out through his sweaty body. You'd choke on your water while examining his body. "heh..Like what you see baby? Didnt get these over night~" he'd place the weight down and begin walking towards you, Flicking his hands through his hair. "How about I give you a treat baby? You've been so good f' me, working so fucking hard~ how about i help you out.."
You would shyly look away, calling gojo distracting because you we're trying to 'focus' but he loved that even more~ how dedicated you we're..how persisent you we're..All for him. He'd pull you into a sloppy kiss, picking you up and sitting on the bench. Your hands would begin to trail along his chest, Feeling his hot body against your own. "You can touch this body all you want baby~ its all yours." he pulled away from the kiss, trailing his mouth along the side of your neck, sending you chills down your body. "T-toru..we shouldnt do it here..What if someone comes in and see's.." You'd tug at his sweaty warm body. "mmm good then baby, let them see. Want everyone to be fucking jealous. So dam lucky to have you in my life, love you so dam much~" Gojo began to bite at your shoulder, tugging at your top. "shit..Wanna take you on right fucking now y/n. Cmon~ let daddy touch you, let me reward you~"
Your shivered at how touch gojo began to get, Not even trying to hide it anymore as he shifted his hands down to your waist, Moving your body over so you'd grind right against him. "T-toru...Toru.." youd moan out his name. holding onto his built arms while the intense heat of the gym ambushed your body as you could feel gojo's pent up length now grinding on your. "fuck...Yes baby?" "T-touch me..please..i want it~" "oh yeah baby~ know' you wanted more. Addicted to this cock yeah? say how much you want it~" he laid his head back against the bench, slapping your ass while you grinded against his length. "G-Gojo~ please...oh shit..please~ I cant, I wanna cum~ I wanna cum for you gojo~ I want you so bad daddy~" "Fuck yeah..thats what i wanted to hear baby~ beg for me more like a slut while daddy rewards you~"
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kindestofkings · 11 months
photography era [3]
elijah hewson x reader
reader is childhood bestfriends/ who doubles up as their occasional photographer, who is currently touring with the band!
authors note: hahahah I litch was like im gonna make a short little part 3 just to wrap this idea off and then next minute im reaching the pic limit, anyway I think it turned out cute so enjoy !
I really appreciate all the love i've received with my last insta au's y'all are the best <3
(PS: Picture credits to whoever took them)
yourusername posted on their story:
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inhalerfan1 feeding us ryan girlies off the bat, appreciate you <;3 lewevans hahaha wait until they get moody and tired.. -> they're gonna get WORSE??
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
inhalerdublin Thank you Lille for kicking off our EU tour.
We’re back in Amsterdam tonight for our biggest show so far at @afaslive
📸 yourusername
view all 600 comments
inhalerfan1 AMAZING SHOW!! the post concert depression is too real rn..
inhalerfan2 hiring yourusername was your best decision yet boys these pics are so hot
inhalerfan1 inhaler through the female gaze has righted all the worlds wrongs (liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
inhalerfan3 bobby girls we're being FED
yourusername I got you girlie xx
yourusername great evening !! but I am realising im touring with 4 boys for two months.. @nieveella y'all need a photographer??
(liked by nievella) bobbyskeetz why are you always tryna get rid of us.. yourusername try listening to your 12 year old boy humour 24/7 this is a hardship !
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liked by evehewson and others
yourusername guys i'm a failure, E still hasn't agreed to cover I'm Just Ken 😭 What is the point of having friends that can sing if they wont take my requests 💔
view all 200 comments
inhaler1 you are the gift that keeps on giving
inhaler2 for real get a girl who can do both
joshjenkinson_ I was gonna be pressed but i'll let it slide cause of my caption
bobbyskeetz you need to be stopped. @elijahhewson MAKE HER STOP
yourusername wah wah wah hush elijahhewson love come on yourusername heyyy its funny!
evehewson hahah you are the best ever
yourusername and you are my favourite hewson! inhaler3 inlaw bonding? inhaler2 girl chill
yourusername posted on their story:
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(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
-filling this dramatic fella with drink to get back in his good books
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liked by inhalerdublin and others
yourusername please take these photos of the boys as an apology for my last post. they are very serious musicians and are very handsome. again sorry for any upset caused.
view all 100 comments
inhalerfan3 hahahahahhah who is holding the gun to your head rn girl?
yourusername im sure I dont know what you could possibly mean (totally unrelated robert keating can be kinda scary)
bobbyskeetz now that is more like it
yourusername @bobbyskeetz @elijahhewson am I forgiven yet? can I come for pints now
ryanmcmahon_15 I think your last post ..slayed? yourusername THIS is why your my favourite and why you had first spot in the post 🖤 inhalerfan3 hahah did you choose the order based on who you like the most rn yourusername @inhalerfan3 👁👄👁
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
inhalerfanupdates GUYS I'm just back from my inhaler show and im shaking look at this pic yourusername took of my friend and I with eli! BEST. NIGHT. EVER.
view all 10 comments
inhalerfan 1 no way that is adorable, yourusername is one of us with the 0.5
inhalerfanupdates she was literally so nice aswell! they had walked by us so fast and I think I was so visibly upset, which she spotted and made eli come back over to us! inhalerfanupdates she was also chatting to us for a little while after, talking about tour and all she comes across real genuine <3
inhalerfan2 they're dating right??
inhalerfanupdates I really think so after seeing them walk and interact together. its been so hard to tell cause shes always joking and is so close with them all. inhalerfan3 they have to be dating they're my parents.
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
yourusername Europe 1 Three amigos 0
view all 200 comments
inhalerfan 4 you are literally traveling around europe, freeloading off your famous friends. so so ungrateful god
inhalerfan2 hate to break this to you but being mean to one of his best friends / photographer is not going to get Eli to date you! inhalerfan3 haha girl no need to be so meannnn
elijahhewson I told you we should've skipped drinks
yourusername it was for the plot hotstuff (liked by bobbyskeetz)
bobbyskeetz why is the world so loud??
ryanmcmahon_15 *three idiots
(liked by joshjenkinson_ and others)
lewevans told you they get tired and moody
yourusername oh wise man 😭😭 you were so right
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liked by elijahhewson and others
inhalerdublin she loves to joke around and despite what bobby says, its the very reason we love her.
but our photographer for the europe leg/ our bestfriend yourusername is flat out working, making sure we look our best and coolest, we remind you to be kind in your comments towards her - eli, ryan, bobby and josh <3
comments have been restricted
yourusername BOYS im so unwell this is so sweet
joshjenkinson_ the GOAT
ryanmcmahon_15 ❤️‍🔥
elijahhewson our girl!
bobbyskeetz also she plays taylor swift on repeat when shes sad so please, i can't hear this is me trying again
yourusername we can't listen to the strokes all the damn time robert! yourusername also you asked about the folklore love triangle so stfu
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername been great annoying bobby with pda for the last 3 years with you <3
have loved tagging along on my superhot boyfriend on tour and taking super hot (and super not) pictures of him! only a few more shows left xx
tagged: elijahhewson
view all 400 comments
elijahhewson 3 years but i'm still not your favourite singer 💔
yourusername write an album like notes on a conditional form and you can take that top spot baby <;3 inhaler1 babyyyyy i love them your honour
bobbyskeetz great the world knows, can you stop kissing in front of us now.
yourusername just say you're lonely, it'd be quicker xx inhaler2 LMAO i love their friendship
evehewson wait I thought I was your favourite hewson...
yourusername course you are, this is a pr xx elijahhewson 🙃🙃 yourusername 😅😅
inhalerfan3 brb just gonna go take a bath with my toaster xx
joshjenkinson_ the hardest of launches
yourusername litch dont have the energy to lie anymore loll
---- finito----
if you made it this far I love and appreciate you so much! all the forehead kisses xx
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angsthology · 3 months
new year, new name, and a vacation dump — rvstw
yeah this series is still on btw
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liked by te1enovia, paularon_, and 7,826,938 others
tagged: rockstarenergy
rockstarporsche new era
see all 4,754 comments.
schupastry HELLOOOOOO??????
backbiteroo 50kidgaroos fucking LOOK
backbiteroo 50kidgaroos u literally manifested this 😭😭
mickschumacher looking good 😎👊🏻
liked by rockstarporsche
bearmanbrawn oh theyre new style is gna eat so hard this year i just KNOW
buttoncunt porsche rlly stood on business and im here for it
h44milton let the car be not only sexy but also fast please 🙏🏼🙏🏼
te1enovia YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
selvnika te1enovia cringe
te1enovia selvnika get a JOB
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liked by atticusingh, selvnika, and 393,763 others
te1enoviyuh yayayayaya first stop 🇻🇳
see all 736 comments.
selvnika shrimp spring rolls u always get me 🙂‍↕️
liked by te1enoviyuh
roopysnoopy she was WHERE
mclarenovia my homeeeee 🥹🥹 anh yêu em, wouldve loved to have bumped into u 😔
te1enoviyuh mclarenovia hehe next time
mclarenovia te1enoviyuh HELLO???????? NEXT TIME WHAT?????? 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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liked by alex_albon, atticusingh, and 373,625 others
te1enoviyuh stopped by albon central 🫡🇹🇭
see all 625 comments.
alex_albon 🫡🫡🫡 looks like a lot of fun
gaslytv alex_albon “looks like a lot of fun” and theyre all pictures of food... he gets it
te1enoviyuh alex_albon i did hehe thank youu
buttoncunt te1enoviyuh no hint of malice or threat towards alex... girl blink twice if you need help
-> liked by te1enoviyuh
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liked by mickschumacher, atticusingh, and 273,526 others
te1enoviyuh heheh next stop 🇰🇭
see all 386 comments.
sunnyodas atp i think she did an entire *actual* asian leg of a tour
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liked by atticusingh, fernandoalo_oficial, and 472,725 others
te1enoviyuh im running out of caption ideas i cant keep saying next stop 🇮🇩
see all 472 comments.
wdcalbon INDONESIA MENTION RAHHHHHHH 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
a/n; i hate tumblr so bad guys i keep accidentally posting this after every time i edit this on my phone (this is one of them) and im way too tired to make ANOTHER post to keep in drafts so here. also this is js an intro to 2024 anf theres gna be a second part for this catchup | taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @naezpy @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra @woozarts @yl90 @kazuha-pista-badam @tallrock35
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z00r0p4 · 1 year
Tbh im kind of tired of how many "another reason not to have kids" comments I see like. Some chick was talking about how the belly button piercing she got at 13 wasn't a good idea after having 2 kids and someone threw that in the comments.
Like listen I don't particularly want kids, but also I don't view them as a cancer on society??? My reasons for not having kids are more to do with my own health, the hypothetical childrens' overall health and the fact that I don't have a great parenting personality. Not because the kids r gonna spill grape juice on my white couch or get into paint or some shit.
What's worse is I'll see the PARENTS of children post videos of their children making messes or something and Caption it "In case you need a reminder to use protection/ another reason not to have kids" and it just astounds me. Like, as if your children won't one day stumble across that post???
They basically roll out of the wombs with ipads now so like. They're gonna find it somehow. You're basically just fast-tracking them into mental health problems. They're people too u know???
I come from a very loving family so I can't even IMAGINE what i would feel like if my mom and dad had said shit like this (even jokingly) growing up.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Hey, I've been hearing conflicting things from you regarding L. Sometimes out of nowhere you defend him when people complain about him for not posting enough. People are complaining because he doesn't even have the courtesy to share the posts, so of course people are gomna come at him when he does the bare minimum. He spent one day with Corey or Ed and dedicated a wholeass post to them but 5 years in bridgerton (2 of them as the lead) and he couldn't even manage to write a thank you message to the cast, to his fellow lead? Even supporting actors like the one who played finch wrote a caption thanking his co-actress. People coming at him is a consequence of his actions, not the other way around.
And other times, you're the one saying things about him like his relationship, "does he even make it inside her", etc etc. It feels like there are 2 people managing this blog.
Im not accusing you of anything, this is your blog, u can have whatever opinion u want. But it'd be better if you let us know where you stand exactly so we can submit our asks accordingly. Because at this point your opinion matters haha and when you reject an idea we submit, it feels like a dagger through the heart 🤭
I have issues with how he posts just like everyone else, especially in regards to N, and I have stated this repeatedly.
I’m just tired of seeing 100 plus asks about it every time L, N or anyone else posts BTON content.
You can by all means send in whatever opinion you have and please do not think that my opinion is above anyone else’s.
I have the power to post what I want here but that doesn’t mean it’s always right or better.
I feel like the fandom shits on him enough for so much else we can cut a little slack here.
He doesn’t owe anyone anything and if that makes you side eye him then so be it.
It’s the folks that run their opinions to his or anyone else’s comment sections that should be ashamed of themselves.
Keep that shit here where it belongs
“And other times, you're the one saying things about him like his relationship, "does he even make it inside her", etc etc.”
As for the excerpt above, it was a shitpost at best don’t read too much into it ffs lol
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puppet-purgatory · 2 years
last post before i retire for the night, some thots on the finale:
-I watch with closed captioning on bc im bad ears man, and I noticed that the Professor’s parents are called Dinosir (pterodactyl) and Dinosara (T. Rex)
-the fact Ryan’s wish didn’t work but the professor Still somehow reappeared in the present with his parents is so 🤔
-like the genie even believes he’s dead. that’s pretty convenient for a guy who got in trouble for creating living puppets. and who did it Again with the dino parents. I think the Professor is still in hot water, but he’s at least got Someone looking out for him.
-I think either god Lied about going to sleep or about it being the suez canal thing that made him tired. I have a comic (Big) I want to make w this idea but I am So Nervous for what the future puppet history plans are
I’m honestly expecting another video to come out in the next few weeks that ties up some loose ends and sets up S6, the same way the Holiday Spectacular last year did with the Professor’s funeral. Maybe around New Year’s? idk
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kusundei · 7 months
okay chat. slightly infuriated. i will back up this individual
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HIGH HIGH HIGH. emphasis on their caption. like i get u fr. i WAS. this person too and it sucks sry but like seriously talking to someone who just cant help themselves is so tiring. im a hypocrite cuz i was this person and bless everyones souls who talked to me despite it but god? hello? sorry i know my experience isnt the same as everyone but u know ur not gonna get better if u dont try. ahain ji agree cuz of like, comfort in sadness, some people dont wanna get better, etc etc. but im just saying eventually u’ll have enough. this is morbid chat but if u havent killed urself by now then does thag not say something??? u’ll get tired. tired of hating urself and tired of being sad all the tome and depressd and hating ebrrything it will hit u ebentually. u people who say this just havent hit that point yet (and maybe some people just never will but thats a whole different discussion and not to add fuel to the fire but also maturity?)
like chat be mad all u want but thats judt kinda how it is. its not a savior complex usually it often comes down to just caring? wanting to help ur friends cuz theyre struggling? like the idea that yeah i dont have to help u but i want to because i care. for me it goes down towards that toxic empathy struggle again cuz i cant control that . i carw so soosososo much and its so sickening to me to see people hurting and okay. sure maybe i can stand back but you know like……. it sucks. just sayign. like now i kinda understand how it is coming from both sides and maybe this is a thing of selfishness cuz like “u shljld care more ab the other person!” but thgs what im doing??? i care so much ot makes me sick. its just like uuugh i have so much shit i cpuld say ab this but naaah im tired its jjst like… you’ll get there eventually and youll understand and if u dont? you’ll kill urself im being so fr. u will die in that hole bcuz thats where you’ve put urself
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
i think major film companies should make less visually intense versions of all releases for ppl with epilepsy and other sensitivities. i think it should be standard practice and i think movie theaters should show them in their own rooms w less intense carpet on the way in and whatnot.
and on tvs and streaming platforms they should have like a reduced contrast mode. cause im really tired of everyone getting away with inaccessibility. captions colours brightness video descriptions everything needs to be regular practice. we arent extremists for wanting that i think.
what are your thoughts?
adding on
they should also just in general lower the brightness on their screens and lights in the theaters esp when they turn the lights on after movies. and not the damn white led lights, the softer yellow/warm lights that are so much ficking easier on our eyes.
my sensitivity isnt as bad as most people but i still get bothered by all these things to an extent and can sympathise with ppl who struggle with it more intensely.
people should absolutely make versions and accessible places of productions that dont cause eye strain issues- to say the least.
yes flashing lights, bright colours, intense saturation etc can add to the experience of watching a movie but when theres people that literally get migraines, nausea, seizures and so on there needs to be something done about it. the easiest answer is removing/lessening these things from productions outright or making an edited version without them so its much easier on people
by productions i mean games and shows not just movies. this can be plays and musicals too.
and making environments more accessible like adding spaces in theaters where YOU CAN PUT YOUR DAMN WHEELECHAIR because you cant use the fucking fold seats, keeping the lights dim and fewer, using softer/less cluttered carpet designs, not having an overwhelming amount of bright ass screens etc can be a huge help to people
absolutely needs to be common practice, literally not in any way or form is this some kind of extremist thing, its asking for things to be accessible so more people can experience entertainment too.
we deserve to see there/play it/be there/enjoy it just as much as people without these issues.
i also like your idea of seperate show rooms that are lower input/stimuli and remote settings for things to make things safer to view.
i would be so happy to pick up a remote and hit a few buttons so i can mute contrasts and light flashing in some way on whatever comes on/im watching on the tv
also the news should be easier to read theres so much text with half of it moving on the screen that i can never fucking tell whats going on so i never watch the news unless my parents already are.
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abrakeydabra · 28 days
dude im so tired of men omfg
i met this guy at an event and we talking photography. im like im a graphic designer and make websites. hes like cool i need a portfolio. im like sweet i lov making money. we exchange instas. he says i could be a model.
later i checked out his insta. losta model shots. some events but still ppl focused. concerts and the like. i see one i really like of this girl. his caption "thanks for the support, it's all possible because -".
i look at her profile. shes posting him a bunch. "my handsome man" this. "i love you" that. last one with him was january. but most recent post like 1 day ago is her with celeb. he also posted the same picture of him with celeb. same day same event all that. her bio has "💍 2023".
photo in wedding dress with him. and photo of him calling him her husband.
im like SWEEET. mans got a WIFE i dont have to worry about him tryna date me.
we're talking on insta im like what field of photography you wanna focus on. hes like actually i really want to do film. we talk about film and ideas. hes sending me a pic of a moth. we never talk portfolio website.
mans heart reacting to some of my messages. man said "i knew i saw something in you" when i responded to his film idea. man replys faster. and replies late into the night too.
mans film idea is based around relationships. film idea ends with the guy leaving the girl.
man JUST MESSAGED ME saying "should i ask you out for coffee sometime"
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owencarvourmega · 4 years
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the duality of man (x)
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