#im so sorry for spamming but im back at my hotel and I tried to get content for everyone and just want to churn it out for yall
jmkho · 2 months
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nerdestiwrites · 6 months
predator and prey chapter eight (hazbin hotel reader insert)
You were glad that the next meeting you had would be much easier, much more transactional. An exchange of goods, perhaps some small talk thrown in, but it really shouldn’t take longer than just a few minutes at most. You needed the short interaction just to decompress from the stress that had built up in your shoulders and neck from having to deal with the grumpy old cannibal woman. It honestly was a surprise that the woman hadn’t been killed yet by her pissing off the wrong person at the wrong time.
Carmillas domain was halfway across the city, so you scheduled a car to come pick you up. You had no energy to make the walk across the city while having to deal with potentially stupid demons wanting to try their luck with you just because you were unsuspecting and unknown. So as soon as the car pulled up, you opened the door to the back seat and slipped inside, letting your entire body practically melt into the seat. The door closed and the car went down the road, taking a U-turn and heading back towards Carmillas. 
Your phone had been going off, text after text, for the past ten minutes and you tried your best to just ignore it. It was when the text alerts just wouldn’t stop that you finally grabbed the device from your pocket and unlocked it with a frustrated groan. The cause of the insistent noise had been from two different people, though one was the main culprit. Charlie had been texting you, asking where you had gone, if you were coming back, what you might want for dinner, and if you’d be back for dinner.
A long sigh escaped you as you started to regret giving the princess your number. You couldn’t remember the last time you had someone text you that much, even when you were still alive. Even when you or your friends had gotten drunk, it wasn’t by text that you’d spam one another, it was always with stupid Tiktok videos or memes. So many questions had been so draining. You responded and hoped that would stop the incoming texts.
You: hey sorry for disappearing! just had a few things to do today. i’ll be back later tonight, and i’ll eat whatever is provided or i can make my own dinner.
Charlie: Hi! Okay! Im so happy to hear you’re coming back!!! 
Charlie: Everyone decided on pizza tonight so I’m ordering three large pizzas!
Charlie: You missed our activities today.
Charlie: That’s okay though!!! I’ll go over everything with you when you get back!!!
Charlie: Its super simple today! Just learning how to be emotionally available and vulnerable to be able to create stronger bonds with friends!
Charlie: Wanted to tell you so you weren’t worried about what it could be!
Responding to the texts had just invited more from the woman and you pulled at your face as you let the phone slip from your fingers to fall to the seat. The text notifications came to a halt just a few moments later but you didn’t pick your phone back up. Instead, you used the rest of the car ride to stare out the window as you passed by different buildings in different stages of disarray. Even most of the ‘nice’ buildings in most of the city had something wrong with them. 
As the car pulled to a stop, you grabbed the phone and exited with a polite thank you to the driver. Even if the demon didn’t have a choice in being your chauffeur you still had your manners. You stood outside of Carmillas warehouse, seeing her two daughters already standing outside waiting for your arrival. 
You hadn’t had much interaction with the two women, they were nearly just as busy as their mother was making it difficult to get a meeting with any of the three women. This had been a rare occasion that you had gotten a meeting on such a short notice. The two younger Carmines were the ones to make deliveries, especially when someone ordered in bulk. Carmilla only met with those ‘worthy’ of meeting, other Overlords, or potential upcoming overlords. You were surprised to see the two for just a simple sheet of metal.
As you approached, Odette met you, holding the small box that had the metal you had purchased. “I’m surprised my mom let you purchase just a sheet of metal. With everything going on, we’re pretty busy with orders on angelic weapons and angelic steel-tipped ammunition.”
You gave a small shrug as an answer. They didn’t need to know that you weren’t the one to actually place the order. Other people with more power behind their names that were under your favors had placed the order to ensure you’d get as much as you needed. “Just have one of those faces. People just love doing what I want.”
Clara looked over the clipboard she held and gave Odette a nod, showing that the payment had already been made. Odette handed over the sleek box to you and you gingerly took it into your hands. You opened the box and looked it over curiously. It was a small square, one foot by one foot, and it glinted under the light. Your fingers traced over the smooth surface briefly before you closed the box and held it under your arm, placing your hand out for Odette to shake. “It is a pleasure doing business with you and your mom. Tell her I said thanks.” 
Clara nodded and Odette shook your hand before the two of them quickly went back into the warehouse. Not much for conversation pass business, not that you minded. You returned to the car, placed the box down on the seat beside you, and gave the driver the next location. 
It was located outside of the city in a district people rarely wanted to travel to due to the distance and the dangers. The surrounding lands were littered with landmines, old bombs that could explode at any moment if the breeze went the wrong direction or someone sneezed too hard, traps that would send those into spike pits or trapped until the person who set them up came to collect them.
The demon who you were going to see wasn’t one to be trifled with, so most just left them alone. A mad scientist who had died during one of their experiments got sent to Hell and immediately began their research and experiments again without a second thought. This had been their second chance after all, to get it right this time. Except now there wasn’t anyone actively trying to stop them. This was Hell, where people didn’t care if sinners went missing or ended up mutilated beyond recognition.
The car stopped at the gate, not daring to drive further down the driveway that led up to the broken-down, seemingly abandoned building. Deceivingly so. You walked up the driveway, stepping over broken shrapnel, over a tripwire, and jumped across a small pothole. It had been a while since you’ve been this way, there were more holes in the ground than you remembered.
As you approached, the door opened, and out stepped a demon. They had goggles on their head, a blue and gold coat with an intricate design mixed with electronics, and two horns upon their head, one shorter than the other. “You have it!” They clapped their hands together and motioned you forward. You walked toward them and held the box out, letting the demon grab it rather harshly from your hands and open it. The steel was taken out and the box was discarded like it hadn’t even been there in the first place. They whistled once as they held it upwards, “Didn’t think you’d be able to get this much! Costs me an arm and a leg for half of this.”
“Well, it wasn’t cheap. How long until you have your results?” You questioned as you placed your hands into your pockets. The demon turned and began to walk back into the building and as you went to follow, they stopped you. 
They turned and gave a pointed look. “Ah, no, You’ve got some Voxtech on you. Either leave it outside or you’re not coming in.” 
You frowned before grumbling. “It’s got a VPN-”
“Nope! Nope nope nope. I’m not having that egomaniac asshole inside my lab. Maybe the next time you visit you can come in, when you’re not carrying Voxtech. I’ll text you the results later. Toodles!” The door slammed shut behind the demon. 
You were left standing outside the abandoned-looking building, the piece of angelic steel gone as it had been taken from the demon, and no idea when you’d get any sort of results back. The only solace that you had was that the other had to give you results if they wanted out of the deal they had made years prior. You never needed their service until then. When you had first texted them they had been surprised to hear from you. That surprise turned to annoyance and frustration when you reminded them of the deal, the favor they owed. When you told them the favor, they were more agreeable. 
That was the thing, you got favors from people for specific reasons. Some were just because they needed something and eventually you’d need something back, but others, others were planned. This particular demon had been planned. You knew that one day you’d need their specific expertise for something, so you waited until they needed something. An act of desperation. You had delivered and now you were turning in that favor. 
You returned to the car and told the driver to drop you off at the hotel. The itinerary you had for the day had been completed early as you had expected both the interaction with the Carmine daughters and with this demon to take longer. You’d be back long before dinner, enough time to potentially participate in the bonding exercises that the princess had planned. That alone made you debate if you wanted to return then or later. If you returned in time, that would give you points with the princess. You’d say you tried your hardest to return and she would definitely appreciate that. Or you could take your time returning to the hotel, maybe stop and see Velvette and talk with her about the Overlord meeting, and get more information about that.
You decided to go back to the hotel, not changing the address that you had told your driver in the beginning. If you decided later that whatever activity the princess had decided to come up with was too much, you could always make up a small lie about having plans or being tired or something to get out of doing whatever she had planned.
A/N: did i delete this chapter six times? yes. did I finish writing this chapter while tipsy? also yes. so sorry if it doesn't make any sense!
tags: @luleck @rl800 @literalzxmbie @rapunzelbro
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scandeniall · 2 years
front page baby! pt.2
aka: your relationship is exposed. Tried my hand at ushijima and my 2nd try at bokuto so it’s probably so ooc but thank you for the love on pt.1
not edited im sorry (not really)
Ushijima, Bokuto x famous(implied musician)!reader
Ushijima: Twitter thread about you sharing clothes
You both are pretty private about your personal lives. Whenever you’d be asked about a relationship status you’d dance around the question with a joke and pretty smile. Ushijima on the other hand simply would never acknowledge any questions surrounding dating. He learned from his mistake early on of trying to “let the fans in” where he gave one trait he looked for in a partner and started getting shipped and spammed with so many ideal folks. You’d managed to keep your relationship a secret for a little over a year before all hell broke loose. What started as a joke thread noticing you two had similar tastes led folks down the rabbit hole of pulling all the times the two of you shared clothes, accessories to even discovering the two of you followed one another’s suspected private accounts (and one another’s best friend). His favorite T-shirt had been spotted on you. A random thrifted top you’d shown off on Instagram live worn by him. The flannel with a little hole right in the exact same spot. A ring of his worn on the chain of your necklace. Seemingly matching bracelets. Your lucky hair tie showing through mesh in his gym bag—fans cracked the code. The two of you were together when the thread which has garnered 50k retweets came across your TL. It was supposed to be a peaceful Sunday and you both basked in the rare free time together. “Toshi, look—“ a slight frown on your face as you handed him your phone. Your legs rested across his lap and the hand he’d had tracing shapes on your knee stopped as he hummed in acknowledgment.
“Are you kinda annoyed like I am?” Your huff caused a soft smile to grace his face. The shake of his head leaves you confused.
“Im not happy but now we can go out together”
Bokuto: Photos of a private moment leaked
Now this isn’t so much a relationship reveal with Bokuto but rather your engagement is leaked. A photos of the proposal to be specific. The two of you had publicly been together around 3 years, and privately for an additional 2. The first hint was after an MSBY appearance where the question who was likely to get married first was asked. Hinata and Atsumu joked that Bokuto was well on his way. Everyone thought the bashful look and laugh was just him agreeing about his desire to have a future and a lifetime with you. There were a few grainy pictures that had shown you with a suspected ring on your finger. However no one knew for sure as you’d managed to either hide it by partially stuffing your hands in your pockets or by taking it off for performances. The two of you were apart when the news broke. You’d come out from dinner with a few industry friends when a crowd had gathered outside, shooting pics and firing questions. One particular question stood out and nearly caused you to fumble into the SUV. “(Y/N) how long have you and Koutarou been engaged!” On your way back to your hotel you’d seen the leaked photos. Bokuto on his knee, you standing in shock. The massive hug and passionate kiss and your heart broke. This was the one thing both you and Bokuto had wanted to keep private. You’d allowed the world into so much of your lives and just wanted this one thing to yourselves and those closest to you. And that moment you thought had been so intimate ruined.
He’s just getting out of practice doing a quick Twitter check when he sees your names trending and subsequently the pictures. Now he doesn’t get upset easily but he knows what the two of you decided and is fuming. He’s slamming lockers and rushing out the gym without saying his usual goodbyes before he’s in the privacy of his car and tinted windows calling you. He knows the time difference meant it was pretty late for you but also knew you even better. This would be eating at you
“Baby I’m so sorry. I don't know how this happened. I thought I planned it out so perfectly that we would be alone and—“
“It’s ok Kou” your sigh cut him off and he wanted nothing more than to cross oceans to be with you right then and there. Showering you in so much love and apologies.
“It’s not. I know how much this meant to us. This shouldn’t have happened.” He’s not even sure what to say. There’s no way either of you could change what happened. It’s out in the universe now. “I love you and we’ll be ok”
Before long he’s cheered you up enough to get you to even consider falling asleep. He’s listened to your ramble about dinner and crack so many jokes he could feel his previous anger melt away. After a dozen ‘I love you’s’ later he letting you go to sleep. You wake up the next day to a few tweets by your fiancé.
“We share so much of our lives, but leaking out engagement has been one of the biggest breaches of our privacy. To whoever did it—I hope the petty change was worth it”
“I love you,” with your first photo together attached
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flamedoesart · 3 years
sorry for spamming you with my dumbass i just cant rn-
i just think c!sam is a shithead so when i see awsamdad content it always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth yn? so i cant hop on this “good dad sam” train cuz like,,,,,,,, if he where a dad i dont think he would be a good one
like immediately threatening to kill your son if he tries to get back at his abuser in the only way he knows is not it
and his whole “while im a warden i only care about my job” really makes me do the ickys cuz like ik safety and all that but maybe if you have to keep watch of someone so much even in a max security prison than,,,,,, idk what to tell you maybe you should just kill the guy
please do tell me your hot takes on my hot take
honestly i understand how you feel bc i admittedly used to hate c!sam too, but lemme offer my two cents on this,,,
c!sam imo can be a potentially good dad and the hotel arc proved it. he was gentle and patient with tommy, and literally called c!bbh out when bad said he wanted tommy on the eggpire's side ("they're CHILDREN, and his mental state is already so degraded, i mean... he's a KID.")
as for the prison stuff, lemme try to explain (honestly going to @/farfran is better for c!sam stuff)
c!sam said that tommy should be dead, at no point during that conversation did he say he wanted tommy to be dead. does that justify what he said to him? no of course it doesn't, he still yelled at tommy and didn't listen to him when tommy said he wasn't trying to break dream out. although technically you could make the argument that sam had no real way of knowing if tommy was telling the truth in that moment, bc don't forget that ctommy was stuck with dream in that cell for a while, and cdream is a master manipulator, he could've easily gotten inside tommy's head again, and sam would not have known.
also despite c!sam being the warden, he has quite literally no training on how to handle every possible situation on what could happen at the prison, so c!tommy sneaking in with invis potions is most certainly something c!sam would not have expected to happen (also the fact that tommy didn't even want to return to the prison after he was revived due to the trauma he got from dying.)
c!sam didn't raise a hand to tommy during that conversation, bc despite what sam said, he cannot ever bring himself to harm tommy, he's grown too attached to that kid. tommy got off with practically a slap on the wrist, when if it was anyone else, sam would've actually killed them.
as for sam's role as the warden, it's part of his corruption arc that the prison is fucking him up. he has to hear c!dream talk everyday about tommy, and I can only assume that it's dream bragging and talking with sadistic glee about exile. that would fuck anyone up, not to mention that the prison is not a welcoming place. it's dark and empty, with no windows. sam is the warden bc he believes no one else should bear the burden of such a job, because it sucks.
I'm not a c!sam apologist by any means, but I do think he gets more fandom hate than he deserves. he's an actual morally grey character, and while he has done fucked up things, one thing that has remained consistent is that he never has, and never will stop caring for c!tommy.
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 2 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hello guys! Here is the second part of the story I have been working on. My friend @w-h-i-t-e-mochi had read this already and she commented that it might feel a bit dragging. So, Im sorry about that but I just tried to emphasise on how Jayceon Stone acts as her assistant. This is not yet proof read tho so, sorry again. But I came to realisation on how Lee Da Hee would make a great Liviana and to be paired with Lee Jun Ho as Jayceon. Therefore, if you want, they can be your character reference. 
Word Count: 2,300
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Before Liviana got to her office, she was greeted by her employees with good mornings, and she greeted them all back with a smile and nod of acknowledgement. Once she arrived at her office, she was welcomed with the young man once again with a smile on his face. “Good morning Liv, I hope you had a goodnight sleep and your first schedule for today is supposedly with the Finance Department of the entertainment, but it seems like you should prioritise the meeting with your potential investor, Mr. Stone.”
Liv can’t help but chuckle with how blunt his assistant was as he immediately stated her schedule for today, so she just replies with, “Woah, what’s the rush Jer? Slowly. I agree on meeting with the investor first so maybe update them that after 45 minutes we are good to see each other at the Casa Royale Hotel. I just need to look through the contract again and see area for negotiation.”
Jayceon is a bit flustered with Liviana’s remark of him seems to be in a rush because this is the first time of him doing such job and he just copied what Dexter usually do as his assistant. So, his response went, “Sorry about that Liv. I just tried to be productive by not stalling any tasks that could’ve already been done. The contract is already sent to your email so just check that and I will call his assistant now. So please excuse me.” After saying the last line, Jayceon exited the office and sat on his desk just outside of it.
~30 minutes later~
“Would you like to come with me Jer?” Liv asked the young man as she exited her office.
“Sure, no problem. I already notified the Financial Department of the meeting being moved an hour later.” Jayceon replied with ease.
“Good job!” She said and high fived him. “Now let’s go.” She continued as she led the way to the parking lot where her driver and car awaits.
~At the Casa Royale Hotel~
“Over here Ms. Voss!” Dexter exclaimed as he waves Liv and Jayce to go to his direction. “Thank you for arranging this meeting Ms. Voss and please do have a seat.” Dexter said as he gestured to the seats vacant for the two and they sat as Dexter continues, “Unfortunately Mr. Stone won’t be able to be here as he is in a 1 week leave due to the transitioning of company rights. I hope that is okay as I am given the Power of Attorney as his proxy for today. He had trusted me that whatever agreements we will be having for today is as good to be his as well. So, no need to be concerned.”  He said the last line with a reassuring voice.
Liviana was taken back a little bit as she was expecting to meet the CEO himself, so she answers, “Oh, alright then. I can say by re-reading the contract before coming here is that it was really detailed and somehow stringent.” Liv’s remarks made the vibe feel tense as Jayceon starts to worry and his secretary noticed the faint change of his facial expression. Fortunately, the young woman who has no idea on what caused the sudden change of vibe smiles and continues to say, “But there is need to worry because I like it that way. It will help us keep things black and white and lessen misunderstandings so, I say we seal the deal right away!” She said the last line with enthusiasm and grabs a pen to sign the document. This made the young CEO relax his tense shoulders and gives a smile of recognition to his assistant that he is satisfied with how the meeting turned out.
The partnership was sealed with the final handshake between Liviana and Dexter. Then all of them bid their goodbyes with a last reminder from the older man that after a week, they will meet again to announce publicly about the merger. Liviana and Jayceon conclusively thanked Dexter and took their leave.
Once they arrived back the LV Entertainment building, Jayceon reminded Liviana of her meeting that will take place in 15 minutes.
“Thanks Jer, I will just grab the needed materials in my office. Oh, you can seat this one out because I don’t think I will need an assistant there. So, you can just grab an early lunch or Brunch if you still haven’t eaten your breakfast.” Liviana informed her assistant.
“But I can totally accompany you since it is my job, and maybe… I can give some inputs if you want.” Jayceon tried to reason because she can feel how Liv is being lenient towards him.
She can sense what her assistant is trying to do, and this made her smile, so she replies, “Do not worry Jer, I am not taking it easy towards you but I really don’t find the need to have you there. I can just message you when I need something or when there is something worth noting. But for now, you can just grab your lunch. Okay?”
Jayceon was satisfied with her reply, so he responded, “Sure Liv. Thanks. I will also just arrange the meetings for later to keep everything smooth sailing.”
This made Liviana say, “That would be amazing. Thank you.” She took her leave to proceed to the conference room.
**Jayceon’s Phone**
Message from Liviana: Check Break Even Analysis
Reply sent: Should I check it Liv, right now?
Liviana forgot to put her phone on mute so everyone in the room heard the chime of notification. This made her say, “Sorry guys, please continue.” Then she sent her assistant another message.
**Jayceon’s Phone**
Message from Liviana: No, I will just spam you of the things I need to do. So there’s no need for you to reply.
Reply sent: Oh, okay. Sorry.
Message from Liviana: I said, do not replyyy 😭
Message from Liviana: TLA each branch financial report last month in conjunction of the Entertainment
Message from Liviana: Bake some Choco Moist Cake for Julie
~After many messages later~
“Thank you so much everyone. We need to find solutions soon to add more income without jeopardising the operating expenses. So, I will be all open with suggestions in my email. Okay guys?” Liv informed her staff and all of them agreed then she ended the meeting.
~Back to her office~
“Why is there food on my table? I didn’t order anything.” Liv thought to herself when her secretary enters her office.
“I bought you some lunch in case you’re hungry. I am not sure what to but so I just bought sandwich and Iced Americano to play it safe. I hope it is fine.” Jayceon told her boss.
“It’s actually great! I totally forgot that I haven’t eaten my lunch yet. Thanks. This is actually my go-to food when I am having hard time to think what to eat. So really, thank you Jer.” Liviana told her secretary with genuinely.
Jayceon replies enthusiastically, “No problem, boss. Just doing my job!” He is about to leave then he suddenly remembers something, “May I ask something Liv?”
“Sure.” Live replied as she took a bite of her sandwich.
“With everything you sent me earlier, from the meeting’s notes to your friend’s cake, why did you still forget your own food?” Jayceon asked curiously.
“Yes, I think so. Are you planning on checking up the Academy’s different branches afterwards?” Jayceon asked his boss to confirm and inform that the schedule in the iPad seems incomplete.
It took a while for Liviana to think of an answer so she manages to say is, “Well, all I could think of once I get home is food, maybe that’s why.” She smiled to her assistant with face shows confusion with the lack of answer she replied so she just says, “It’s easier that way. Anyways, what’s next to our schedule?”
While Liviana is taking a sip of her Iced Americano, Jayceon enumerated the meetings that are lined up and this is followed by a question from Liv, “After all these meetings for today, does that end all of the Entertainment’s agendas for the week?”
“Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?” Liviana asked worriedly.
“It’s just that your ex-assistant seemed to forget to update the calendar since what I have now is relatively blank.” Jayceon stated as he looked through the tablet’s screen.
This made Liv ponder for a few minutes and came to a realisation, so she replies, “I believe it was purposely left that way since that is what I instructed her before she left. Hence, we can just leave it like that and have some sort of business trip tomorrow. I will message you the information once I got home because we need to go to the meeting now.”
Jayceon was relieved to know that there was no missing schedule, so he answered, “Sure, I’ll be right behind you Liv.”
After Liviana and Jayceon finished attending all the meetings for the day, she asked him to her office even though it was already passed his clock.
The young man took a seat adjacent to Liviana’s table and she remarks, “Hey, I think I will need your opinion about making the partnership with Stone Corp. public sooner instead of a week. Because I made some thinking the whole day and concluded that it would create traction for the Entertainment. I am not sure if you’ve already seen our latest financial reports that we are close to be in red – and barely breaking even.” Her face is contoured in full worries and anxiousness, she continues, “So I just want to know your opinion if I were to propose this to Mr. Stone, would it be alright or not?” She asked and nervously waiting for Jayceon’s reply.
“Honestly Liv, I don’t think you should rush this. Because one week is not a long time. The best advice I could give you is focus on the events that will happen, both in TLA and the Entertainment. Do not worry too much.” This response from Mr. Stone might come out quite manipulative but as Liv asked him with sincerity, this is the best answer he has based on his judgement with the overall situation.
The young woman took some time to weigh what her secretary just told her, and her reply goes, “Yes. Yeah, I think you’re right. I agree. Maybe let’s conclude for the day and meet tomorrow at the usual time here in the building to gather last minute things.” She informed her assistant, and both bid their goodbyes.
~At Liviana’s House~
“Let’s make the cake first and then eat dinner afterwards before checking all the reports for tomorrow’s trip.” Liv said as she tries to reason with herself.
Her closest friend Julie is having her 27th birthday tomorrow and she is currently supervising the branch of TLA where the Scholarship Audition Programme is going to be held, which is the Municipality of Paradigmia.  It is like the second main branch after the one in the City of Pneumarê. The main branch is the only one located in a city, however due to the development of the Tree of Life Academy the municipalities and provinces where other branches are located, it is becoming a progressive community which at a very near future can make them a city. If you are wondering on why the Final Audition is not going to take place in the city, well… It is because of how it was agreed upon on where annual inter-branch events will take place – and it is through spinning wheel where the names of the branches are written in random order. Therefore, she must make sure to visit Paradigmia at all costs tomorrow.
Going back to Liv’s closest friend, Julie Andews is also her longest friend who also supported her while she was busy integrating an Entertainment company to her family’s Academy. Ever since it was Anne who was more focused on handling the academics aspects, so it took quite a while for Julie to find a place where she truly suitable. Heck, she even attempted to do the financial aspect, but it took a toll on her. Then, one time strolling through the city’s academy branch, she saw the need to develop the extra-curricular activities not just for students who do it for grades but also those who wants to experience it. Especially when she realised that it would be vital for the integration of a Korean Entertainment Company. So, she drew up a proposal on how she plans to execute such developments and it was immediately approved by Liv. Liviana also doubled check it with her parents if such change would be okay and even though it took a week for them to agree, Julie was able to perform her plan without a hitch.
Okay, going back to the cake. After she baked the 3 layers of the heart-shaped cake for Julie she realised that she mixed a hell a lot of batter. So, she just took some of her leftover cupcake cups and make the rest of the red velvet mix into cupcakes. To Liv’s surprise she was still able to great 2 dozen of cupcakes, so she plans to give half of it to Anne as she also promised her a visit yesterday. Liviana successfully iced and decorated the cake and all the cupcakes after several hours, so she proceeds on putting it on her refrigerator to finally have her dinner.
Liviana freshen up before heading to her bed since it was a tedious work and cleaning earlier in the kitchen that made her sweat a lot. Before having her eyes closed, she remembers the reports she must re-evaluate this made her say, “For fuck’s sake.” After another 2 hours she finally got her sleep.
[End of Part 2]
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS: when you propose to them
— this is clownery. fkskdk i really love the ideas and i tried to not make it like every marriage imagine but so many wonderful writers !! i probably have a similar idea with someone but me posting constantly ??? everyday?? getting REQUESTS DONE??? im a whole new person, i will open requests soon so get those juices flowing with ideas if you want to request something.
a/n: once again!! will edit in the morning, i should really stop writing at midnight (`・ω・´)
Kim Namjoon: ˚✧₊⁎
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The beach has been Namjoon’a secret favorite spots. Places that he’s shared with you, the many trails, beaches, forests, parks, or rivers. He’s shown you all of them.
You had noticed that he comes often to a beach. You believe that it was his favorite plac eojt of all of them. Playing with the crabs and always telling you watch your step so you don’t step on one. If you did he would kneel down to it and say in a small voice “sorry”. Taking photos of him unaware seeing his pure care of the creatures of the planet. Always texting you asking you watered the plants at home you two share.
So planning this was difficult because you wanted to place the ring on a crab and put it on his chest while he is a asleep so he wakes up to it but there is so many variables that could wrong. Like if the crab decides to steal the expensive ring and walk into the ocean for its shiny collection or the crab just pinches Namjoon instead.
The blanket was set while Namjoon explores his backpack looking for the snacks and the soft nap blanket that was made for the outside. Him yawning due to the drive here was long, kissing you a little while you were in his arms. The smiles and giggles you two exchanged while all your mind was filled wirh is “I want to be with this man for the rest of my life.”
Namjoon soon fell asleep with the sunscreen barely rubbed onto his skin due to him being so sleepy. You place the blanket on top of him making sure the sun doesn’t crisp him to death. Soon finding a crab that was big enough and friendly enough to hold in your hand.
“Hello little guy.” You coo at it seeing it walk a little around your hand, pulling out the ring box seeing it the shell was flat enough and big enough for it.
The set up was different trying to place a crab on Namjoon’s chest while trying not to wake him up nor let the ring fall off the crab. Scene was set and you waited till you grew the guts to wake him up.
“Hmm.. what?” Namjoon almost rolls over you widening your eyes to keep him in place. He looks at you seeing you basically sweat bullets wondering when he would feel that weight.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asks while you feel your heart beating faster looking at the crab trying to signal him to look at it! Rubbing his eyes he looks down, seeing the ring box open with the shiny simple band of metal displayed on the crab.
“You can not be serious.” Namjoon in utter shock of how you got a crab to be this calm and that you were proposing. He felt the cheeks rise up in heat feeling those moments of love rush back to him.
“You did not!” Namjoon picks up the crab slowly seeing it look around having no clue what it’s got itself into. Namjoon picking up the ring box observing the ring. You trying to read his facial expression.
“Namjoon will you do me the honor of a lifetime, to marry me?”
Kim Seokjin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Seokjin loves going on vlive because well, it was a chance to connect to army all over the world. That he gets to read their sweet messages and questions that they get the opportunity to get to know him better.
Currently tonight all the members were asleep or too tired from all the recent shows so it was just him. He couldn’t help but feel nervous almost but it soon washed over him when he was talking or rambling about his day. Tonight was the last day you both had time to hang out before the next few weeks would be full of busy hours.
You had asked the members before if they could pretend to be asleep or tired so it was just him. Him and you with the audience of millions but you knew all that you would be too busy staring at was him. While Seokjin was busy reading the comments you walked in unnoticed shushing the camera so the army wouldn’t say anything.
Kneeling on one leg you heard Seokjin let out a “huh” but you noticed he didn’t realize you were there. From the distance you could make out thecomments that were being spammed in the chat “Will you marry him?” Seokjin tilted his head till he looked in the camera seeing not only himself but you.
“No way. No you-” Seokjin turns his chair around seeing you grin happily, you seeing the comments with love emojis.
“Kim Seokjin, you have changed me in so many ways. You made me into a man that is blessed for you to be mine. You always say your jokes for me that I will never get tired of listening to. You’ve shown me the world of places I never knew existed. Please let me become your forever faithful lover, will you marry me?” You say seeing Seokjin hold your hand squeezing it while he tries to keep himself together. Wiping your own tears while he nods.
You place the ring on his finger, Seokjin raises his head when he heard all the members walking in with a cake. The happy cheers and songs being sung while they jump up and down. You were sure that the near by hotel rooms would complain but you saw Seokjin smile grow 10x more. Kissing you showing off his now filled with love ring finger.
“I can not believe you did that.” Seokjin chuckles on your chest. You looking at his finger that is glistening in the light him still not being able to stop staring at it.
“Well I want the world to see that love exists, between all genders. The little representation.” You say seeing the box for the ring sitting on his drawer with the photo of you two. Seokjin turning around pecking your lips whispering a “thank you”.
Min Yoongi: ˚✧₊⁎
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Yoongi is always down to try new things with you, but you might’ve taken it too far when you suggested a karaoke night. He came out of the room seeing you all dressed up, thinking you meant to stay home and watch those karaoke youtube videos.
“What are you doing? Get ready!” You pout seeing Yoongi turn right back around to the bedroom. Finding an outfit, the classic black bucket hat and a vline shirt that you gave him one christmas.
“Look at my beautiful boy.” You twirled him around, grumbling something that you’re cheesy. Kissing on his lips gently.
Once you two arrived at the karaoke bar, you ordered a special private room so Yoongi isn’t paranoid that someone will recognize him or worst reveal you two’s location. Walking in seeing the alcohol freshly opened by one of the workers.
“Why don’t I go first.” Suggesting you poured some alcohol in your glass drinking it before getting up to sing. This was part of the plan, you went to the karaoke room checked out the songs and begged them to insert some of you and Yoongi’s songs.
You heard shocking comments of the songs that Yoongi knows, the songs that you two connected to. Clicking on the first song it played getting the sweats seeing Yoongi raise up his glass cheering you on.
Singing closing your eyes because you were honestly scared of seeing Yoongi’s reaction. Afraid that you’ll sound like a dying goose or something. You slowly opened your eyes seeing Yoongi in trance of your singing, knowing it coming from deep in your heart. That you sang this song when you were alone missing him.
Before Yoongi can say anything the next song played, him sensing that these songs were too aligned. The first song was the first date song that played while you kissed him goodbye on his front door and now the second song was him asking you to be his boyfriend at a concert. The favorite artist you two shared, it was connecting too much.
His suspension was right when the next song was you jumping around singing the moving in song, the one that played while you two unpacked and bought furniture, feeling tired from the trips you blasted he song jumping around with him.
The last song was put, Yoongi is ready for anything but the last thing he expected was you proposing. That was the goal at the end of the night, singing your heart out earning giggles from him. The last lyric came to a stop, you singing it softly kneeling down on one knee.
“Yoongi will you marry me and connect our beats to one song?” Very cheesy you know, but it didn’t stop Yoongi from grinning widely his gums showing.
Jung Hoseok: ˚✧₊⁎
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Hoseok has been loving the stage, ever since he first stepped on it he has adored it. To be able to show his talent, his love, and his passion for music and dance it was a dream come true that he got that as his full time job.
The charmisa he holds on stage makes any stranger or army completely in love with the show. With the thrills of the stage you decided that is where you would propose. It took a lot of convincing to security and staff to get approved and the fan project that you got organized from the loveliest people on this earth.
It was the end of the show almost, the members coming back stage for once more getting their outfits ready and make up. The rush of getting ready never stopped Hoseok from him kissing you and thanking you for coming. You always did come and always felt proud seeing him on stage no matter how many times you’ve seen it.
“Honey, after show we could get take out? Eat in your room. So the members don’t complain of me giggling like a school girl.” Hoseok asks while he changes into the fancy outfit. The metal belts and buttons seeing it looked like a prince.
“I would love to, now go back out there.” You kissed him, you wrap your hand around his waist pulling him closer to you. Missing his warmth and touch.
“I love you!” Hoseok yells out while he speed walks waving at you. You saw the entire staff look at you, thanking yourself he didn’t touch your butt or else he would’ve felt a box.
“I guess it’s show time.” You said soon enough you heard the loud blasting music come back on hearing the army scream once more.
Honestly you were terrified being in front of that many people anyone would be nervous and you didn’t want to get a no. You could get ran over and it still wouldn’t hurt more than getting rejected by Hoseok. You love him so much that you would go beyond to just see him smile.
They qued you to go and you felt pressure in your chest seeing your hand shake. The entire time you got on the steps walking you felt your knees wobble but you kept it together. The army screamed louder when the camera pan to you showing the “Spring Love Time” on the large monitor. Hoseok having no clue what was happening till the music cut the members all looking at him, they knew what was going on.
The instrumental of Spring Day starting, Hoseok looking behind him seeing you walk. Obviously not knowing where to stare till you landed your eyes on him. The eye contact was strong but he had no clue what was happening. Army started singing and the rest of bts sang the voices of the people he loves to death.
“What is happening?” Hoseok asks Jungkook trying to laugh his way out of this. He didn’t know about this staff never told him this was part of the plan.
You took his hand reaching behind your pocket pulling the ring out seeing his face. His laughs slowly turned into sobs seeing all the wonderful voices and you being in front of him. His mic was cut so you two could have some privacy, Hoseok full blown sobs.
“Hoseok will you—” Hoseok intruptped you hugging you, you lifting him off the air while he cries on your shoulder. You took it as a yes smiling seeing the army light bombs switch to pastel colors. The lights of support.
Park Jimin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jimin spent his absolute hardest to not break the secret of him wanting to propose to you, buying the ring on tour. Trying to sneak by all the people and cameras to get the privacy he needs to buy a ring and keep it a secret from you.
Of course he asked all of the members, knowing he can count on them for any advice espically if it was life changing advice. They all asked what his idea to propse and he was kinda out of focus, that he just wanted to do it! Jimin wants to make it official that you’re his soulmate and lover for the rest of his life.
At first Jimin couldn’t decide on the ring, he went to multiple shops all over the world. Sometimes saying no to saying he’ll contact them if he agrees with them. Sighing once he got back to the hotel seeing the photo frame he took everywhere of you two.
“I’ll find you something perfect just like you.”
On one of the many ring looking days you decided that mid day of him looking through rings you wanted to face-time him. Panicking he answers.
“Where are you?” You ask when he turns around away from the rings, only seeing a fancy dark room with special painting. “Is that a jewelry store?” Again you pushed it seeing Jimin look around.
“Yeah just buying some jewelry for myself.” Lying Jimin hopes you buy it. He never lies to you but this was for the greater good.
The last day, the last tour date Jimin finds that one. The one that screams you, the perfect shiny metal ring he bought it in a instant once he laid his eyes on it. The velvet box softly placed in his palm once he bought it.
The day you two got back together, face to face finally. Kissing him at the private section of the airport. You saw many people pass by such as security and the members, but they stopped wrapping around you two like a circle. It was go time for you, you two being protected from the swarms of people.
You got down on your knees and before you could say a thing Jimin laughs throwing his head back, no way this was happening. You were not proposing at the same time he was.
“Funny you said that.” Jimin pulls the velvet box from his bag, you looking up still on your knees in utter complete shock.
“Is that a yes?” You ask. Him dumbfounded that you ever think he wouldn’t say yes.
“Of course!” Jimin and you exchange rings almost like you two were already married. Feeling like home seeing Jimin’s chuckles and just his face.
Kim Taehyung: ˚✧₊⁎
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Taehyung and you two went out just a casual dinner but fancy enough you two dressed for. Taehyung doing his hair while you took your chance of his distraction to check everything. The ring? Check. Breath fresh? Check. Looked nice? Check.
Walking in at the restaurant, sitting at the usual spot sharing and catching up. The funny stories while he was on tour and you sharing what you did when he was gone. Sharing your hobbies and their progress.
“You’re wearing the scarf I gave you.” Taehyung presses his hand on the warm fabric around your neck. Taehyung always shared his fashion discovers with you, always wanting to try new things.
“Of course of course.” You repeat yourself, when the main meal was served you felt the heat rise up. Didn’t know if it was the restaurant or the sudden realization that you’re going to propose in a few minutes. Drinking the cold water trying to cool off, seeing Taehyung enjoying his meal.
Once he was done, you walked around to his side. Him wondering what you were doing till you spoke to him, the loving eyes. The eyes that first spoke to him, the spark so great it could produce electricity. Kneeling down Taehyung was seconds from answering your question.
“Water?” A watior obviously new to the job asks.
“No.” Taehyung blurts out, you looking at him and then the waiter wondering who he is saying no to.
“What are you saying no to me? Or him?” Once again asking, thinking this couldn’t get worse.
“I said ‘No’” Taehyung said again, your knees starting to hurt from still kneeling while this was happening. Finally the waitor gets the memo to let you two have a moment.
“I’m sorry sir, I thought you were tying your shoe.” The waitor gets flustered, not trying to get fired on his week of this new job. Taehyung couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.
“You get a yes from me. Why would you ever think I wouldn’t say anything else?” Pressing his lips against yours. This was the story for the books, to share with generations.
Jeon Jungkook: ˚✧₊⁎
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When you knew you wanted to marry this beautiful gorgeous man your mind went completely blank because you didn’t want to overboard him with a jazzy dancing group that is singing Bruno Mars but you also didn’t want to just take him out. You wanted to make it special. Somehow.. you could make it something unforgettable.
So when you were brainstorming with the rest of the members because well they know him just as much as you do maybe more. They gathered in a circle spilling ideas back and forth others were interesting like scuba diving with sharks while the sharks mouth would have the ring. That was quickly put off the table. Trying to grab each element of each idea that the members shared.
The idea came together, to bring the love of sweets that Jungkook had and combined it with the ring. Somehow you arranged it with the bakery the one that has known you two for years that have seen the relationship grow.
Jungkook was excited, basically jumping in the seat when you drove them there. You told him the excuse of a decorate your own cupcake event they were holding. Opening the door you heard the little ring, Jungkook waving at the cashiers that he considers friends.
“We are here for the decorate your own cupcake thingy!” Jungkook cheers seeing the cupcakes freshly baked on display. You nod at the cashiers giving the code, smiling at Jungkook they lead you two to the back.
It was obvious which one had the ring so you wouldn’t end up proposing to yourself. Jungkook was passed the ring cake, going more into the bakery the place filled with treats and creams to put on the cupcake.
With Jungkook’s hands the cupcake was quickly drowned in sweets, you wondering how he could eat so much sugar. Settling with your favorite, you saw Jungkook finally finish, placing them together Jungkook's mess of a cupcake but it was a cute mess.
When you two sat down, you couldn’t even eat your own cupcake the nerves hitting your stomach the most. Smiling you bite into your cupcake almost choking on it when you saw Jungkook eat it all whole.
“Jungkook!” You scream out when he swallows it, the chews he made. Shocking that he didn’t bite on the actual ring didn’t need to pay for dental care.
“What?” Jungkook tilts his head, you seeing the bakery workers trying to hold in their laughter. You rubbed your temple with your hand.
“I was going to propose.”
“Oh- well you still can, where is the ring?” Jungkook asks seeing there was no different reaction after he said that. Jungkook connected the pieces looking back at the bakery workers.
“I’m sorry!” He screams out, getting out of his chair standing pushing your head into his chest. Saying sorry over and over.
“Do you guys have ring pops?” Jungkook asks, the workers looking at each other before taking out some donuts. That will work, the proposal ended up you two having donuts around the ring finger.
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vronnica · 6 years
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‹ ・ 。 ☾  [ blackpink vc ] hey boys. soz for missing plotting hour and opening… my bf wanted a cheese and wine night, so y’all know i was knocked af for like 12+ hrs. but now i am back and ready for action ! HENNYWAYS,,, i’m acacia ( she/her ), i’m twenty years of age, and i hail from the pst timezone ! i love kpop ( specifically got7 and blackpink. however, my ult bias is vernon from seventeen. if you know, you know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ), milk tea, and mac and cheese. sooo sorry you’re all trapped in this rp w/ me. but y’all will learn to adore my 3am messages and casual spam on the dash. with that being said, under the cut you’ll find out more about my piece of shit baby angel, ronnie ! if you want ur muse to be friends with the stereotypical rich bitch. keep on readin bbs ;) psa: if you like this then you’re obligated to plot with me srry but i don’t make the rules. ( i’m jk please like this or i’ll cry. ) i’ll either slide in your IMs or you can contact me on discord @ mlilk#3162
jennie kim & cisfemale • hey, isn’t that veronica moon? she is that twenty-two year old that’s been living in conyers farm for twenty years. did you know her family is worth $18B? no wonder she is so ingenious & haughty. she is known around the estates as the aesthete, after all. 
                                Q U I C K   G U I D E   O F   V E R O N I C A
                                    H E R   D A I L Y   R O U T I N E
in veronica’s dreams, she is the epitome of a morning person. in reality, she’s a two in the afternoon kind of person. however, her schedule does not allow her to do that. so she does everything possible to transform herself into a morning person. new white rays shine through the window as she lies in her queen sized bed. she lifts up the aqua colored silk eye mask and the warm ball of light filtered through her thin eyelids. it takes her a moment to adjust but eventually her eyes flutter open to reveal the exhaust in her chocolate brown hues. she extends her arm out to her bed side table, grabbing ahold of her phone. she clears out the notifications that do not automatically appeal to her and checks the ones that do. after five minutes of procrastinating, she finally slips out of bed.
ronnie trudges her feet against the hardwood floor, making her way over to her bathroom. with a flick of a switch, the bright light from the crystal chandelier fills up the room. she runs herself a bath. filling the tub with lavender and jasmine bath salts. her le soir silk night slip pools around her feet as she climbs into the warm water. she’s completely and utterly relaxed. the time passes too quickly and she’s back on her feet. she wraps the fluffy white towel around her small frame and walks into her closet. winter, her favorite time of the year. she picks out a classic veronica moon outfit. a light orange and black tartan patterned dress paired with her wool cashmere burberry coat. and with a single spritz of her chanel no.5 onto her chest, she’s ready for the day.
                                              B A C K S T O R Y
moon jisung, ( chairman and co-owner of urban place resorts / hotels ) met vanessa ross ( retired model, turned fashion designer ) back in 1995 at one of vanessa’s casting calls. that, of course, was being held at urban place’s gangnam location. it definitely was not love at first sight. vanessa’s serious aura made jisung think she was a lawyer. jisung’s spazzy persona had vanessa thinking, “ this man is the chairman ? ” their relationship remained business. until one day jisung accidentally texted the designer one letter, “ q. ” from there, the relationship blossomed.
october 29, 1996, veronica moon was born, the moon family was complete, and they’re absolutely perfect. two years after she was born, jisung and vanessa decided to make a permanent home in conyers farm. therefore, veronica grew up in a really nice household. nice cars, designer clothes, and every day was a vacation. she was constantly spoiled. always given whatever she wants, whenever she wants. and of course, she’s used to getting her way all the time. ultimately making her: bad and boujee. her family is loaded. ( duh every1′s is. ) and she’s always been surrounded by lots of love and luxury.
being the only child, ronnie never had any consequences. in school, she became sort of a bully. she was very ruthless and cold. she had that, “i’ll do anything to get where i need to be,” personality. and if it meant paying someone to transfer the other student threatening her valedictorian spot, then yes, of course she’d do that. people either hated her or loved her. there was no in between. she kept her clique small. ( yes, a clique, which indeed was very exclusive. invite only. think of regina george or blair waldorf. ) she ran her school and she liked to keep it that way. 
once she graduated she became more of an adult about things. but, old habits die hard. therefore, some of those traits she developed in school still linger with her til this day. just a little more filtered. ( truly, just a tad bit. ) she got accepted into almost every ivy league college. her mother gave her the option to just pass on college. her father on the other hand, encouraged her to go to school to have the major under her belt. ultimately, she decided to go to yale and major in art history. ( she chose yale because it was only a little over an hour away from conyers. ) though, now, most of her classes are being completed online.
present time: veronica is currently taking a semester off school to really think about what she wants to do after she graduates. at the moment, she spends a majority of her time working on her art. growing up she always had an artistic eye. vanessa ( being a fashion designer ) taught her all the techniques when it came to drawing for fashion. though eventually, veronica steered away from the clothing industry and found herself drawing more intricate works of art.
                                           P E R S O N A L I T Y
too long; didn’t read: an angel with a halo unbalanced with horns, not a devil but not a saint either ?? kind yet has a backbone. softer than what she seems like. humorous and witty though understanding. mistrusting but willing to let loyalty speak. wealthy but tries not to depend on her family. stays away from the king glitterati lifestyle and fronts as if she’s just a normal gal livin’ in conyers etcetc.
she has that tell it like it is personality. she just calls it likes she sees it. even if she’s not exactly right. she’s literally drowning in her riches. making her materialistic af. some people might think she’s that dumb bimbo rich bitch. but she’s actually very VERY smart. witty and intelligent to be exact. 
super particular when it comes to most things. ( high maintenance queen. ) she wants things done correctly. so she often runs by the quote, “ if you want things right you gotta do it yourself. ” she absolutely despises like relying on others to get things done when she knows she could do it faster and better. a little bit of a ocd queen. 
her instagram = her job. it’s filled with ootds, selfies, food pics. but most importantly: her art. it’s the platform she uses to show people she isn’t just a pretty rich girl. she has talent. ( *insert "the kardashian's have no talent" - proven wrong in 7 minutes vid.* ) 
she’s very dedicated to her work, thus making her very goal oriented. she’s very creative and she’s actually a very good artist. she’s one of those people that set their mind to something and goes through with it until the end. i’m sure she picked up doodling and bullet journaling while growing up. *plays boss ass bitch vine.*
too long; didn’t read pt. 2: she’s slowly growing out of her tough head of hair and morphing into a young woman so beautiful over the years, but also at times, terrifying ?? self destructive ?? even if she’ll never let anyone see her deteriorate her insides sigh. she’s a hot mess. but she tries her best to hide that shit. yeye sweg.
                                            R E L A T I O N S H I P S
FRIENDSHIPS: she has plenty of friends, at least in her head. in reality, she just knows a lot of people through her many connections. so she has many affiliations. but never real friends. she’s very particular with the people she associates herself with. she believes that those around you reflect who you are as a person as well. therefore, she only surrounds herself with the best of the best. she may not be the best person to tell your secrets too either because she’s quite the gossip queen. but she can probably persuade you to trust her. rip. however, if you are a close friend of her’s, she’s very loyal to those who are loyal to her. which means she’d never do you dirty. but that’s only if she really cares about you. she’s a really great listener and she’s willing to give advice to those are willing to take it. plus, she’s the type to spoil the people she loves. so expect the best christmas gifts ever if u rollin’ with her. 
honestly, she really does need to surround herself with good people with genuinely good intentions. so please, someone teach her what loyalty is. 
bonus points if they’ve been friends for awhile. displays loyalty.
ENEMIES: she was bully in high school. so you know this girl has more than enough enemies ( and haters. ) she uses people, she pushes people around, etc etc. like she has some very evil intentions. she’s vengeful and irrational. she puts fuel to drama and loves to see people crash and burn. why ? she wants that reassurance that she is flourishing above all. she never wants to be belittled and will do anything to remain on the very top. however,,, ronnie does have some good intentions. she leans more to the chaotic neutral side. ( maybe tilted a bit more towards evil, but still. ) deep deeeeep deeeeeeeeeeep down the girl is trust issue central when it comes to letting people in. she can’t help it. she’s like that one rihanna meme, them: you can’t just cut people off. ronnie: *holds a pair of scissors* she doesn’t have problem with letting people go. so people think she’s a bitch because, “how could you just drop our five year long friendship like that.” and she’d just shrug. but really, she’s hurting beyond repair and will go home crying while eating a thing of ben & jerry’s chunky monkey.
there’s always that possibility where a friendship just didn’t work out. maybe they just stopped having time for each other and now it’s just mad awk. whatever it is, an enemy would b beaut.
veronica absolutely needs enemies. give her many. plenty. an abundance please.
LOVERS: i have a feeling she’s dabbled in the dating world. she’s had a few boyfriends, dates, etc. but most likely nothing LONG TERM. possibly because she doesn’t see the point unless it’s for marriage. just like her mom and dad. she has this [ beyoncé vc ] independent woman facade going on right now. which makes her seem like she doesn’t want anyone. but she’s secretly a hopeless romantic. this girl would love to be loved. and she truly needs it. she’s probably read tons of books about love and fluffy shit like that. it’d be a hard mission to win this girl over. but not impossible. she just has high expectations when it comes to relationships. so someone rlly needs to come here and treat this girl right. 
100% dabbles in the quick hook ups for the sake of fulfilling those needs. 
though, if the right person were to come along… she’d be loyal to them, completely devoted to just them.
CONGRATULATIONS ! you made it to end ! if you read all of this… i love you. i only ever write so much bc… it gets me in character lmao. also, i wrote all of this literally the moment i woke up so pls excuse any mistakes. i would really love to plot with everyone. so just slide into my IMs and we can get things started !! luv u *blows a kiss*
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