#im so so so sorry youve been victim of my ramble but TYSM
aroace-cat-lady Β· 2 years
Do you like talking about your interests? Because i will like to know what is that ty and kit thing I don’t understand JSJSJS
I've never feel the need to use this emoji until now, cuz... yeah i do like talk about my interest. And like. Kit and Ty have a really special place in my heart, mind and soul.
I'll tell you all about them, but first things first: HIIII im juliet (or jules what ever you prefer) nice to meet you and thank you for asking me about the one thing i consider MY thing.
So... Kit and Ty. They're characters from my favorite book series, the shadowhunter chronicles. To be clear, Kit Herondale is my favorite character of all times. And Ty Blackthorn is just amazing in every single way.
I dont know if you've heared about TSC, but are tons of books. Like, its a saga of sagas. We have the original series (TMI), two precuels (TID and TLH), a sequel (TDA) and one more to go (TWP). In TDA, Kit and Ty are introduced. And at first they are present as a cute, wholesome, friends to lovers with potencial slow burn (a perfect combo for a lovequeer aroace romo abvivalent like me, tbh).
But. The worst thing that could've happen, happens. And then more shit keeps happening. I dont want to go to deep into the plot (this would last forever otherwise) but Ty lost someone, and is willing to do everything to bring them back. In TSC, necromancy is forbbiden magic. Playing with it means play with the natural order of things, and when Ty perform the resurection ritual bad. things. happen.
In TDA, we only have Kit's POV, so we dont actually know what was going thru Ty's mind. But they both say really hurtfull things to each other and TDA ends with Kit accepting be adopted by a new family just to get away from Ty and running the hell out of the country.
They're suppost to meet again at the beginning of TWP (the next and last series), that happens three years after TDA. Cassandra Clare (the autor) have said that they barrely interact in those three years, so it'll have to get to know each other all over again.
So... currently, Cassie is posting installments weekly as part as a proyect called Secrets of Blackthorn Hall. It's telled with postcards, letters and diary entries. And today's sobh was a single picture of Ty and Kit standing uncomforable in the same room. So the whole fandom is losing it and its been the only thing i've been anble to think about today.
Again, thank you so much for asking. And sorry for the ramble. Its just i love them so much i cant stop talking about it.
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