#im so so glad my sister decided today to be nice and help explain how to train
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ghostbonetv · 1 year ago
Who knew getting a train could be so so scary
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rohdutch · 5 years ago
Interrupted pt. 2
Pairing: Elias Samson x reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: lots of feelings of the upcoming wedding day, mainly elias'
A/N: uh. I honest to God do not remember how long ago I wrote this but I just randomly found it in my drafts and I think I had originally wanted to add more to it but never did? But I reread it and I kinda like it as is so I'm gonna leave it alone and not edit. God, it's been so long, but here we go ig (also shout-out to past me for already linking part one bc present me did not feel up to searching for it lmao)
Tag list: (im just tagging who I remember) @team-elias @sixdegreesofsamson @sophiagriff @calwitch @thirstiswet @logicstates12
Part One
"How do they fit?"
"Perfect. What about yours?"
Elias stood up and took a few steps, getting used to the feel of the shoes he'd be wearing for the wedding. He shrugged. "They'll take some getting used to, but they feel good."
You let out a soft sigh, smiling as you walked over to Elias, your heels making soft 'thumps' against the carpet of your bedroom. "Great," you breathed out, running your hands down his clothed chest, "finally something for this wedding works out on the first try."
Elias couldn't help but smile at that, reaching out to wrap his arms around you and pull you to him, resting his head into the crook of your neck. You were right, and he was grateful for at least one thing working out so far, even if it was something as small and simple as your wedding shoes fitting perfectly the first time you tried them on.
Elias had originally thought that planning the wedding would be easy—not extremely easy, but more so than things he had experienced before. Instead, planning your wedding had become one of his worst nightmares. He could say, without a doubt, it had been one of the hardest things he'd ever done and he was grateful that in a few days it would be over. He had been counting down the days until your wedding with a burst of happiness every time he could cross off a day. Now, it was almost time for not only the two of you to be done with planning your wedding, but also for the two of you to finally get married after so long.
The whole process had been tedious and long, full of too many problems to count. Elias had been fully prepared to throw himself into planning, ready to tackle the whole thing with you and the very large binder you had filled with tons of different wedding things, all neatly organized. At first, things went as planned and everything came together pretty well. It wasn't until it was time to start really setting things up—figuring out venues, decorations, your dress and his tux—when things began to get chaotic.
Suddenly, the two of you were running around everywhere, calling back when the venue you wanted had been double-booked and you had to find somewhere else and when the dress you had picked out had magically disappeared when it was sent out to be adjusted. The invitations you had picked out had gotten lost in the mail after being sent out, the caterer quitting after everything for dinner had already been decided. It seemed that everything that could go wrong did go wrong and Elias felt terrible most of the time when he had to leave for work, leaving you with the messiness that had become your wedding preparations.
Slowly, though, everything started to come together. Things were figured out, and thank god, your dress was found and actually came back fitting perfectly.
Now, with a few days left before the wedding, Elias was glad that at least one thing had worked out so easily, especially after the chaos that had been the rest of the planning process. And even though this one thing had worked out on the first try, he wasn't convinced that the next few days before the wedding would turn out the same.
Elias watched you move around the room, grabbing different things as you went and dropping them off on the bed where he was sitting next to a suitcase, carefully packing everything you grabbed. There was two more days until your wedding and so far, nothing else had gone wrong since the two of you had broke in your wedding shoes. Elias wanted to let himself relax in what seemed to be another easy two days before the wedding—two days where all you would be doing is packing for your honeymoon—but he couldn't seem to let the tension in his shoulders out. He was paranoid that something else would go wrong; something was bound to go wrong. He was sure of it.
"Will you at least try to relax?"
Elias looked up to see that you had stopped moving around the room and were now standing in front of him, your hands placed firmly on your hips. "What?"
"Relax," you said slowly, "I want you to relax. Just for a little bit, please? I'd like for my future husband to not be so tense on our wedding day."
Elias let out a light laugh at that, and he rolled his shoulders back in an attempt to appear somewhat loosened up even though he still felt entirely too paranoid. "Better?"
"No." You smiled at him as you moved to sit in his lap, looping your arms around his shoulders. "I know you're still not relaxed, but thank you for trying," you told him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I've tried to relax, it's just-"
"After everything we've gone through with planning, you're worried something else is going to go wrong?" you asked, and Elias' shoulders dropped as he nodded. "Honey, I know. I'm a little worried too, y'know, but soon it'll all be over and we'll be married and go on a nice honeymoon where I'll get to spoil you for a week straight. At least then we won't have to worry about anything for a while."
"Sounds wonderful." And Elias meant it. He thought that he might actually be a little more excited for the honeymoon rather than the actual wedding (but maybe that had something to do with the fact that the honeymoon had taken a lot less planning than the wedding).
"Alright, c'mon," you said with a sudden enthusiasm, "two more days before we're outta here for a week so we have to finish these bags up by tomorrow."
Elias nodded and smiled as you began moving around the room again, grabbing everything the two of you would need for you week-long adventure.
Elias looked down at his polished shoes. Today was the day, and even though he thought that the day he asked you to marry him had been the most nervewracking day of his life, his mind had quickly been changed when he woke up that morning.
The only day more nervewracking than the day he proposed to you, he decided, was today—the day he was going to marry you. And the fact that there had already been so many problems today only added to his nerves.
So far, in just that morning, the chairs for the ceremony had run short, one of the rings had been lost (only to be found hidden under a couch a short while later), and now the main concern was the supposed oncoming rain.
Elias was not only nervous, he was frustrated. He thought that after all the rigorous planning he and you would get to have a nice little wedding, one that both of you could easily enjoy, but now the two of you were running around trying to calm at least a little bit of the mayhem.
Elias sighed as he stood, brushing his hands over his suit. He hadn't wanted anything too extravagent when it came to his wedding outfit, but he did at least want something that would be memorable.
You had been more than happy to help Elias get exactly what he wanted with his suit, while still making sure that you never saw the actual outfit. ("It's bad luck to see each other in our wedding outfits before the ceremony," you had told him from the very beginning, even though the two of you had already seen each other's wedding shoes.)
The suit was fairly simple in design, the jacket and pants a casual black; it was the shirt that pulled the entire outfit together. The shirt, one that had been specially made for Elias per request, was a crisp white with a simple black and white flower design along the collar and the ends of the sleeves that cuffed over the ends of the jacket sleeves. It was easy to believe that the flower designs were what pulled the whole thing together.
With one last brush of his clothes, Elias left the room and made for the one down the hall, the one he knew you were getting ready in. He knew about the tradition you wanted to keep, but he didn't have any plans on actually seeing you now before the ceremony. He only wanted to speak to you beforehand.
Just as he reached the door, raising a fist to knock, it opened and your sister appeared in the doorway, clearly about to leave the room.
She only held a look of shock for a moment before looking back and shutting the door partially, most likely to make sure neither he or you saw one another. "You're not supposed to see each other before the ceremony," she scolded quietly, looking back to Elias.
"I know. I just want to talk to her before we begin everything," Elias explained and your sister's face softened.
"Okay," she said, sliding back into the room for a moment. He could hear her talking to you, but didn't know what was being said. A second later, your sister reappeared, this time leaving the room with the door cracked a bit. "If you two see each other before you go down that aisle, I'll personally kick both your asses."
Elias smiled and nodded, watching as your sister walk away. Once she was gone, he heard rustling from inside the room, and then your voice.
You were right on the other side of the door, he realized. It would be so easy for him to push it open and see you all dolled up for your big day, but he resisted that urge. "Hey, honey."
"God, it's so good to hear your voice," you breathed out, " today has been so chaotic and knowing that you were here the whole time and I couldn't see you really sucked."
"Well," Elias found himself brushing up against the door, but not enough to open it, "whose fault is that?"
"I know," you groaned. "It's tradition, though. And I don't think we need anymore bad luck."
Elias could hear someone down the hall worrying out loud about the weather report. "We definitely don't need that."
Elias jumped slightly when he felt the door shift a bit, thinking you were about to forget everything you said about traditions and open the door, but it only cracked open enough for you to stick your hand out. Without hesitation, he grabbed it and squeezed.
"I'm sorry, Eli," you spoke softly, "I know this whole thing has been hard and just, so, so chaotic, but we're almost there."
Almost there, Elias thought as you gripped his hand tightly. The two of you were so close, almost to the end of all of this and the beginning of something new, something hopefully less chaotic.
"Almost there," you repeated.
"Almost there," Elias echoed.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 6 years ago
Miraculous Ladybug au: Brokenhearted Part 2
(Part 1) (Enjoy the heart wrenching part 2)
“I am surprised how intricate and yet unpractical some of those designs were back then. Wasn't it impressive Marinette?” The teal tipped hair musician commented as he and his black haired girlfriend walked out of the museum.
“Yea...”  Marinette said despondently, her mind was clearly somewhere else. The musician was able to tell.
“I was hoping that the victorian era fashion exhibit would be able to cheer you up.” He said with a soft sigh. 
Marinette looked at her boyfriends fading smile and felt horrible for being so disinterested.
“No, Luka its not that. The exhibit was really cool.” Marinette assured. “I... I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Its about Adrien.” Luka stated instead of guessing. He knew that the blond teen model was on her mind. He had been aware of her crush on him, he also knew that she had said she had given up on pursuing him romantically. She would mention him in passing when talking about school or her friends, but aside from that he hardly heard about him. 
“He got taken out of school. Its been over a week since it happened.” Marinette explained. “Nino is especially devastated. His dad has him on lock down.”
Luka felt bad for assuming that it had anything to do with romantic feelings. These thoughts were the concerns of someone who missed her friend.
“Thats terrible. Is he able to at least text or...” Luka inquired.
“No, total lockdown. Nino said that if his dad even saw anyone from his class show up at his gate, he will send Adrien to America.” Marinette’s worry was clearly present, she didn't want her friend shipped off to another country. 
Luka placed a calming hand on her shoulder.
“I am sure it isn't as bad as it seems. In fact, Ill go talk to Adrien. See if I can find out any details.” Luka assured.
“But his dad will...”
“I am not from his class, or yours. As far as Mr. Agreste is concerned, I don't exist. Don't worry about it Mari.” He smiled as he assured his girlfriend that he has a handle on the situation.
She smiled and kissed his cheek.
“You are the best.”
The blond teen had finished his lessons for the day and was laying on his bed, he was reading a book that he hadn't touched in years. Honestly trying anything and everything to avoid thinking about his life seemed like the best solution.
He heard a knock on the window. He didn't know what to expect as he sat up from his bed and walked to the window in his bathroom, there he saw what appeared to be a familiar face smiling at him. It was Luka, Marinette’s boyfriend.
“Hey Adrien. Could you open the window? I don't think I can hold on much longer.” The musician asked as he held on to the window seal. 
Adrien quickly helped the boy in to help him not fall to his death.
“How the heck did you get up here?” Adrien asked. “Im on the second floor.”
Luka placed his hand on his chin as he was about to say something. Adrien had noticed a familiar ring on his finger deciding it would be better to cut him off there..
“You know what, its better if I don't know.” Adrien interrupted. “Better question, why are you here?”
“I heard about what happened. It isn't cool that your dad has you locked up in here. I wanted to find out if there was a way that you can get free somehow” Luka explained.
Adrien turned away from the musician. More focused on the fact that Luka was now holding his miraculous. Even though he knew Marinette was ladybug, he didn't actually expect her to take his suggestion so seriously. Seeing it now, was more of a slap to the face then anything else. Part of him wanted to laugh at the absurdity. Someone out there must really like making him suffer.
“There is no getting out of this Luka.” Adrien spoke, his words having an unexpected bite to them.
“Aren't you going to at least try? You need to stand up to your dad. Don't your friends matter?” Luka asked, his concern and frustration pushing out of his normally calm persona.
Adrien wanted him to leave, he didn't want this conversation, not with him of all people.
“I am surprised you would want to help the guy who kissed your girlfriend to be free.” Adrien stated with an unnerving calm tone.
“Excuse me?” Luka asked, clearly confused by his words. “What did you say?”
Adrien turned around looking Luka in the eye.
“A few weeks ago, I kissed Marinette. I am surprised she didn't tell you.” Adrien restated, now with much more venom. His tone and words coming off as something he would normally describe as ‘Chloé-like’.
“That isn't... you are just trying to get me mad aren't you?” Luka rationalized.
“You are very astute, I guess that is why you are such a good boyfriend. But I wouldn't lie just to spite you. It isn't my style to lie.” Adrien answered.
Luka turned away from Adrien.
“I know we weren't best friends, but you are different then the Adrien I know. I know that this isn't you. Is it because of what your dad did that is making you like this?”
Adrien shook his head.
“You know, I thought that my worst fear would be being locked away in this mansion. But I faced a much worse fear recently, making my previous fear a lot more tolerable.” Adrien explained.
Luka turned back to him to see the blond teen trying to hold back tears.
“And that is?” Luka pressed.
“Losing my soulmate.” Adrien answered, just barely audible.
Luka looked at him and shook his head.
“You are taking a rejection way too seriously.” Luka commented.
That is what made Adrien snap. Before the musician could even react. Adrien had slugged him in the face.
Luka nearly fell over from the force of the punch. He looked at Adrien with shock and anger, seeing the teen with tears in his eyes and clearly furious.
“Okay, thats how you want to play it.” Luka said as his patience has now reached its limit.
He charged at Adrien. The two exchanged several blows, Luka was older and slightly taller, but Adrien was more athletic and had a lot more experience in fighting then the musician. It was clear it was one sided and favored the blond model. Luka had gotten a clean hit on Adrien’s stomach, but the teen wasn't as fazed by the punch as the musician would have liked. Adrien returned his punch with a series of blows that left bruises and bumps all over the teen. 
Adrien finished the fight with a punch to the face hard enough that it knocked Luka over his couch, leaving him dazed for a bit. 
Adrien grabbed a towel and threw it at Luka.
“Clean yourself up and leave. If I call for help, you will be fighting in a prison cell.” Adrien explained as wiped the small amounts of blood on his face. He saw a black cat Kwami floating over Luka’s head. Adrien saw the pleading eyes of the cat kwami. Adrien wanted to take back his companion right there, but her resisted, he wasn't Chat noir anymore.
Luka sat up wiping his face with the towel.
“If this is the person you are now. I am glad you are kept away from Marinette.” Luka said as he stood up. “Thanks for the towel.” 
He tossed it to the side and started climbing out the window. The black cat Kwami looked at Adrien one last time, before he had to go back to Luka. Adrien saw that the cat had mouthed the words ‘I miss you.’
“I miss you to Plagg.” Adrien spoke to the air.
“Ow...” Luka winced as his violet tipped hair sister dabbed his bruises with a cotton swab. “Could you not press so hard Juleka.”
“Seems your low tolerance to pain explains why you got beat up so bad.” Juleka commented as she continued treating his bruises. “You are lucky mom is out with her boat buddies or you would probably get in trouble.”
Luka sighed.
“Juleka, how would you describe your friend Adrien?” He asked curiously, which seemed like a sudden topic change.
“Well, he is polite, nice to a fault. Way more tolerant and understanding then anyone, even more then Marinette.” Juleka answered. “He is almost as naive and kind as Rose.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Luka retorted as his sister put the bandage on his cheek.
“Well he was more of an acquaintance then a friend. But I know Marinette was super into him before she dated you.” Juleka explained. “While I have been wrong about people before, Marinette is a great judge of character.”
Luka felt his sister’s comment touch his heart. The Adrien that he talked with today was a bitter, angry, and a very cold person. Was that his true self? Was that a front to get him to leave? It was hard for him to decide.
“You stay here, I am gonna check to see if we have ice.” Juleka said before leaving the room. Once she left the room, a black cat Kwami popped out of his jacket.
“What do you think about all of this Plagg?” Luka asked.
“I believe that wasn't the real Adrien you saw. I could tell. He was hurting.” Plagg gave his opinion.
“You and my sister seem to believe the same thing.”
“He knows you're chat noir.” Plagg dropped the bombshell.
“What? How would he know that?” Luka asked alarmed.
“He saw me when he knocked you over the couch, I got flung out.” He lied. ”I flew back into your jacket, I think he noticed.”
Luka sighed.
“Great... thats another thing on the list to worry about.” Luka commented.
He noticed his phone buzzing and grabbed it to look at it. 
“15 missed calls from Marinette.... yikes.” Plagg commented. “You should probably call her back.
“Yea... I also have a few things I need to ask her about.”
Adrien laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He knows for a fact that his emotions were crossing the line. He knew he should have an akuma flying in any second to get him, but nothing. He sat up from his bed when he noticed a black Butterly fly at his window. He watched as the akuma seemed to be fluttering around the window, as if debating whether or not to go in. Curious on why the akuma hadn't just barged in he decided to walk towards it.
“There was a lot of hostility coming from Adrien, so much so that it attracted the akuma away from my initial target. “ The villain in the purple suit spoke aloud. “I shouldn't use him for my schemes, it would be cruel to do so. Come back my akuma. Do not let that boy distract you.”
He watched as the Akuma flew back into the room. It landed on his palm.
“Lets see if I can locate that original source of pain from early...”
He heard the sound of glass smashing. A blond teen had fallen through the window.
“Adrien!” Hawkmoth called out in surprise.
Adrien got up dusting himself off, thankfully he didn't cut himself on glass. He looked up to see the evil masked villain of Paris looking at him in disbelief.
“Hawkmoth? What are you doing in my house!?” Adrien exclaimed as he got into a battle stance.
Hawkmoth looked at the angry teen and sighed deeply.  He wasn't going to fight his son.
“Its me Adrien.” Hawkmoth spoke softly. “Nooru Dark wings fall.”
Adrien watched as Hawkmoth had transformed into his father, Gabriel Agreste. 
“Father?! You're hawkmoth?!” Adrien looked at him with a flurry of emotions.
“Adrien, its time I told you everything.”
(Thoughts? Do you want more of the Brokenhearted au?)
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captaingondor · 6 years ago
Okay, but if you're still looking for romantic prompts, how about Character A saying I love you to Character B without using the words "I love you." (Through actions, or an "as you wish" situation. That kinda thing.)
Thanks for the prompt!!For this, I wrote about probably my favorite of my OC ships. Tragically I probably won’t be able to show as much of their relationship as I’d like in the work itself, and neither of them is the perspective character. This is fortunate in that  I can write whatever I want for self-fanfic without stepping on the main narrative’s toes, and unfortunate as I want to just write their whole relationship basically which made this a little hard to pare down. Hope y’all love them too!If you want some dramatic irony, also read this piece I wrote with Corrianne earlier. And, if you are curious, the correct way to pronounce her name is ‘cor-ee- AHN,’ with a French R sound.
How Empress Corrianne Learned to Speak Her Husband’s Language
When they married, Corrianne could not speak to her new husband.
Like most nobility around the continent, she had never studied Pelasian. Even centuries later, the fears birthed by the Speaker Wars lived on. No mage could twist your mind to his will if you couldn't understand the words he needed to do it. (Of course, now Pelasia had grown to power anyway without the use of mind-altering magic, so maybe it had all been for nothing.) And the Emperor, it seemed, had never bothered to learn any language but his own native tongue.
Corrianne studied and practiced until she was able to carry on something of a conversation with him without going through her ladies-in-waiting or his translator. The Emperor could not even say her name right.
But chipping away at the language barrier was not aiding their communication to the level that she had thought it should. True, she did not mind the extent to which he left her to herself - she had encouraged it. No, the Emperor was simply a hard man to understand. So she told herself, and so she held firmly in believing.
She could not have said when she first started noticing a difference.
He knocked at the door between their suites late in the evening, when she had retreated to hers from the court but not yet prepared herself for bed. He always knocked - these rooms remained hers, not his. The first few times he’d done this, she’d sent one of her maids to answer instead and give her regrets. When he proved unfailingly polite to them, and did not push past her excuses, she decided this could be allowed and came to the door herself. He never demanded her presence, or even requested - a request from the Emperor was little less than a demand. He merely gave an offer - he had ended his work for the day and would be in his sitting room, and would welcome her company if she wished to join him.
“I usually take this time for some quiet when I can… read for a bit by the fire, have a glass of wine… but if you would like to talk instead -” His eyes flicked to the maid murmuring all his words in Corrianne’s ear. “Perhaps practice your Pelasian?”
He had not offered to practice his Ruveldin, or even Idan, so that time she had refused. But she didn’t really want to spend the rest of her life married to a man that she would not talk to, so the next time she had accepted.
She’d been worried about his intentions that time, though he’d never touched her without her permission. But he really had just sat by the fire with his book and offered her a glass of wine, and did not press her unduly for conversation when she opened her own book. They made a few simple comments to each other on their day, and what they were reading, and spent the rest of the evening in silence together. She wondered how many times he’d had two glasses brought up, hope. She wondered if he’d left a few dregs in each to keep the servants from talking. She felt a little bad, but only a little.
She’d come over many times since then, and it had almost become a little ritual between them. They did not always spend the time reading silently - she truly did wish to practice her Pelasian, and he proved a patient conversation partner.
This time when he knocked, she answered with a smile and stepped through before he even needed to make his offer. She carried a book with her, but did not open it immediately when she sat down, and so he did not reach to pick up his own.   “Thank you for joining me.” Even now that it was a regular occurrence, he thanked her. “I enjoy your company. I have little time to myself, but this has been an improvement on solitude.”
She had not thought the Emperor one to seek out solitude. He demanded the attention of the world. Perhaps she had misunderstood him. She smiled politely and asked him about his day. He was a man of routine; she knew the words he would use to speak about that well enough to follow, better than whatever that declaration had been.
They were at dinner, which was rarely a private affair. There were always people at court to entertain. But today was no great feast or party, only a regular meal, and while the Emperor’s attention might as ever be demanded at any time, at present Corriane and her husband were left to converse among themselves as they ate, should they choose to.
They did not always. Corrianne preferred practicing her Pelasian when they were in private, and going through a translator was more clunky than casual dinner conversation with her husband ought to be. And besides, it was dinner, and their main focus was eating.
But today, he chose to strike a conversation up. “Have you heard from your sisters lately?”
She’d received a letter from Everrie just that day. Perhaps he’d had mail come in from Ruveld as well, or seen the messenger bring it in. Or perhaps it was a lucky guess, though that seemed less likely. “I have.”
“And how are they?”
A few times, early on, when the Emperor had asked about her family, she had wondered if he were fishing for information on them, for his schemes or politics. But that had been silly. Surely he had plenty of sources for that without her.
“Both are well. Also my father, and -” She paused. She did not know the proper word for stepmother or half-brother. But he knew that they were her stepmother and half-brother, of course, there was no need to explain it to him. “And his wife, and Alairon.”
“Glad to hear it. Your younger sister’s birthday was coming up, wasn’t it?” He didn’t try to say her name - maybe he’d seen Corrianne wince as he mispronounced hers too many times.
“Yes, they had just celebrated it when Everrie wrote me.”
“She could handle planning for it without you, then?”
Oh. He had remembered, from the last time Everrie wrote. She had told him how Everrie was used to following her lead for social events, how she had been so frantic about taking it on herself, how she had wanted to prove she could step up to the task without leaning too heavily on their stepmother. She hadn’t passed on all of Everrie’s pouring out her heart - she did not think she’d have like the Emperor to hear all of it - but she liked to talk about home, and it was a good subject for her to use in practicing her conversation. And, she realized, her husband had been very attentive in asking her about her sisters. He had been since the first time she brought it up.
“It was as I told her, she -” She hesitated, and finished the sentence in Ruveldin for his interpreter to pass on. “She is more competent than she gives herself credit. She just needed to get her time of worrying out of the way and put her mind to it.”
“Still, they must miss you at home. You light up my court so, I can see it would be hard to lose you.”
She hardly knew how to respond to that, and took a bite so that she would not have to.
One of her ladies reported to Corrianne that her husband had had a gift sent to her rooms, so she came to them and found the box set on a table. She opened it to find a delicate golden hair comb, set with many small, deep red gems. Beautiful, and very much to her taste. She wondered if he had picked it out himself.
It was hardly the first gift he had given her. Fine cloth for her dresses, a dark bay riding horse, expensive jewelry, books - ones that he thought she would enjoy, or Pelasian translations of ones she had to help in her study. Some she had written off as no more than what might be expected from the Emperor to his wife. The others had confounded her. What did he mean by them? Was he trying to buy her affections, to keep her and thereby her father’s kingdom sweet? Did he wish to flaunt his wealth and power?
But none of those thoughts came to her now - only a desire to find her husband so she could thank him for it.
She made a few inquiries and was glad to be able to find him alone, going over his correspondence. He looked up, and smiled when he saw her. She’d never noticed before how different that smile looked from the one she saw him wear in public, how his eyes brightened with it. He nodded at the comb she clutched in her hand.
“You like it?”
She nodded. “It is -” It is lovely, she wanted to say, but could not find the right word as she filed through her Pelasian vocabulary. “It is very nice.”
He stood up from his desk and walked over to her. “I thought it would look well with your hair.” His eyes lifted to the honey-gold braids crowning her head as he spoke. He hesitated a moment, and then held out his hand. “May I?”
She passed the comb to him, and he slid it into her hair as though he were one of her maids. Her husband stood back, and looked at her admiringly for the space of several second, before frowning.
“I’m sorry - I don’t have a mirror here for you to look at it -”
She smiled softly. “I am sure you put it in straight. Thank you.”
“I’m happy you like it, Corrianne.” He stumbled over the r, and tried again. “Cor - Corrianne -”
It still was not right, but she smiled anyway. “I understand, Seyetto.” And she set her hands on his shoulders, pushed herself up on her toes, and kissed him.
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years ago
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Forty-Five: A Grey Coat ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It was such an odd way to meet someone.
There had been no call for rain that morning - the weatherman had said skies would be clear as students started returning to school for the year. And, true to his word, there hadn’t been a single cloud in the sky, blue and clear above their little city. Still munching her breakfast, Hinata had decided to forgo her umbrella. The less she has to carry and keep track of on her first day of high school, the better.
Hanabi, still in primary school, bade her elder sister goodbye as Hinata called her farewell, stepping into her shoes and careful not to wrinkle her uniform. Bag in hand, she left the house behind and jogged around to the front where her bike was parked. Thankfully it wasn’t too far to her new school - not far enough to need the train, at any rate. A little while of pedaling, and she’d be there.
The crowds had been a little intimidating. While middle school had been a little small, given that there were more of them in town, there were only two high schools to encompass them all. Marveling a bit at the sakura trees, she’d parked her bike, traded her shoes, and made her way to her first class.
It...really wasn’t a very remarkable day. Not until last period, when they all jumped as thunder rattled the building.
Almost out of nowhere, a storm rolled in. And with it, a turbulent downpour of rain.
Hinata’s heart sank. Really? She was going to get soaked! Many other students began chattering about the same as their teacher tried to regather focus.
Come the end of the day, it was a madhouse of rushing teenagers trying to make their way through the downpour. Only a few had still insisted on bringing their umbrellas, whole groups trying to crowd under them like ducklings under their mother.
Lingering just under the awning of the entrance, Hinata stared out into the rain. It almost seemed to blur the view, it was so heavy! She hadn’t even brought any kind of a jacket, the day had started off so mild. Part of her almost wanted to try phoning her father to come pick her up, but...well, surely that would only annoy him.
And then...whoomph.
Startling as something fell on top of her, Hinata couldn’t help a small gasp of surprise. Struggling against it for a moment, she calmed as she realized it was...fabric of some kind. A...a coat? Grey, like her uniform. Then...it must have been someone’s…?
Peering out from under it, she saw a boy, completely unfamiliar to her. He was a little pale, with a mess of dark hair and calm matching eyes. At her look, he glanced to her, earning a small jump. “You’re gonna get soaked,” was all he told her.
“I’ve got a club to go to, and my brother’s picking me up then. You need it more than I do.”
“Oh...t-thank you. Um…?”
“Uchiha Sasuke.”
It didn’t ring any bells - he must have gone to another middle school. “Hyūga...Hinata.”
“Just bring it back tomorrow. I’ll get it from you then.”
Blinking, she just nodded, watching him head back inside. Well that was...strange. But she’s certainly grateful.
Turning back out, she took a deep breath...and made a run for it.
Thankfully she was skilled enough at riding her beloved bike, she could spare one hand to keep the coat in place as the other handled the steering alone. By the time she got home it was soaked, but most of her hair and back were dry. The rest of her...well, she got right into a hot bath - she couldn’t afford to get sick on the first day!
She’d then laundered the garment and hung it to dry, going about her homework and occasionally glancing to it. Even then, Hinata was still surprised at the gesture. They were strangers, after all.
Poking about her generation’s favorite social media site didn’t turn up anything - either he didn’t have a page, or he’d told her the wrong name. She couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. Maybe a page would have given her a little more insight about who this Sasuke guy was.
...but at least he was nice.
And so, here we are the next morning, Hinata hanging the jacket near the front door...alongside her umbrella.
“Hinata...that isn’t part of your uniform, is it?”
Turning to Hiashi, she blinks, not sure how to reply. “I, um...I-I borrowed it from a friend yesterday. To...get home in the rain.” It’s not a lie, though she’s not sure she can call Sasuke a friend quite yet.
Her father perks a brow. “...I see.”
“I w-went ahead and washed it, so...it’s in good shape. I just need to get it back to him.”
A pause. Well...she’d thought it obvious, given it wasn’t part of her girl’s uniform… “Y...yes.”
Eyeing the garment critically, Hiashi just harrumphs and goes back to his newspaper.
Heaving a small sigh, Hinata goes through her breakfast quickly, giving Hanabi a pat on the head before taking up the jacket and heading out the door.
There wasn’t time yesterday to ask what class he’s in...but surely he’s a first year like herself, right? She’ll just...have to find someone who knows him and find out for sure. Of course, the story might perk some eyebrows as it did her father, but...no matter. Getting him back his property is more important than igniting a few rumors.
At least she knows he’s not in her class of 1-2 - but that still leaves four other classrooms. Peering into the first, she doesn’t spot him...but then again, she’s a little early, wanting to have some time to try and spot him.
A few girls excuse themselves past her, and she decides to just...ask. “Excuse me, um...do you happen to know what class Uchiha Sasuke is in?”
The pair exchange a look. “Why do you need to know?”
“I...I borrowed something from him yesterday, and...I need to get it back to him.” Something about their tone makes her a little hesitant to explain any further.
“What?! Sasuke-kun lent you something? What was it?”
“You should give it to me! I’ll give it back to him for you!”
Immediately regretting her question, Hinata waves her hands. “N-no, I really should -”
The trio turn to see none other than their subject of conversation, expression mildly annoyed. Like a couple of birds, the other two start twittering at him...and it’s clear he’d rather they didn’t…
“I...I have your coat!”
Hinata blurts out the words in an attempt to stifle the chattering...and surprisingly, it works. Stunned into silence, they watch as she marches back down the hall, intending for him to follow.
And he does.
Glad she kept the coat in her cubby, Hinata fetches it, neatly folded as she offers it to him. “I...I went ahead and washed it. Thank you for letting me use it. I...hope your brother came and got you okay…?”
Sasuke accepts the coat, tucking it under an arm. “Yeah, it wasn’t a problem. The rain had mostly let up by then, anyway. I hope you didn’t get wet…?”
“N-not too badly, no. At least, I don’t feel sick! So...I’m fine.”
They reach an impasse, and silence falls.
“...a-anyway! I...brought my umbrella today. Just in case.”
That earns a small smile and a snort. “Good. That’ll probably work better than a coat with no hood.”
“Y-yes...but I’m still v-very thankful you lent it to me!”
“No problem. See you around, Hyūga.”
“Ja ne, Uchiha-kun!” She waits a moment to let him leave before heading on her way, not wanting to part and then end up walking next to him awkwardly.
Still, she can’t help but mull over those girls’ reactions. Is he...popular? Since he’s from another middle school, she really has no idea. But he seems cool...with his messy hair and calm expression. She can see why he would be. Mostly, though...she appreciates his kindness.
...she’ll have to do something to make it up to him. But what…?
It’s then, however, that the warning bell rings, and she jumps. She’d better get to class or she’ll be late!
     Oof, late - had a bad headache for the latter half of the day, and it's just now going away (after conceding to some medicine, lol)      ANYWAY, not too much to say about this one! A little modern high school slice of life. While I like the rookie nine growing up together, it's also neat to have them start - at least in part - as strangers. Hence them not knowing each other in this piece!      But that'll do it for tonight - gonna go pass out cuz golly that headache took it outta me! Thanks so much for stopping by to read!
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strangestlosersclub · 7 years ago
Till Death Do Us Part  Part 2
Summary: Y/n, Eleven’s sister, 007 hears about the lab shutting down but has to see it for herself. During her trip she comes across a boy named Steve who she falls madly in love with. When she reconnects with her sister she hears about the troubles they have and decides to help. But maybe everything doesn’t turn out as well as they would like
Warnings: fluff, angst, talks about abuse, talks about death??? um nothing else really
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Reader
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You walked into the house and see everyone sitting down waiting for Eleven most likely. You saw a boy get up and hug Eleven he was sitting with a group of kids who you could tell are very close. A police officer got up and hugged her as well, then she brought him over to you.
“This is y/n, my sister.” she says quietly, he looks at you and then at your wrist which you gladly show him. He holds his hand out for you to shake
“Hopper, JIm Hopper.” he says and you shake his hand looking back and forth between Eleven and Hopper
“Is this him?” you ask her, she nods and smiles you look at him and smile “Thank you for watching out for her.” you say. It didn’t matter that you hadn’t known her for long and you weren’t blood family. All the kids in that lab were family, you all went through the same thing. After you met everyone you realized that this group of people weren’t just friends, they had been through something. Something that brought them even closer, this was a family.
“So can anyone tell me exactly what happened to the lab?” You ask
“Well it’s a very long story.” Eleven says
“I’ve got time.” You say grabbing her hand and smiling. As they explain everything, the demogorgon, the demo dogs, the upside down, the mind flayer. You couldn’t understand how all of them survived, you tried to study them how you normally did with people, try to figure them out you were good at that.
“So this mind flayer, you stopped him?” You asked
“Well I closed the gate and the mind flayer can’t come to this side without it being open.” Eleven replies
“Alright but what happened to you? Are you okay?” you ask it was directed towards the boy named will, you read him easily. On the outside he was this scared little boy who seemed absolutely traumatized, but on the inside he was strong, stronger than any of them knew. Going through the possession, it’s not something any normal person just recovers from. He looked at you confused,
“I’m alright.” he says quietly and smiles slightly
“You know, I had a friend who you remind me of.” You say squatting down to talk to him.
“Really? Who?” He asks
“His name was Brian, I met him after I escaped. He helped me build a life but when I met him he wasn’t as strong as he is today.” They all look at you confused
“What do you mean by ‘he wasn’t as strong?’” Noah asks furrowing his brows
“Well, sometimes people think because they aren’t the biggest or the toughest they aren’t strong. Brian was one of those people, I showed him that no matter what size, you can be stronger than anyone if you put your mind to it.” You lightly touch his temple and a blue and purple smoke shows up, everyone looks shocked but Noah was completely intrigued with it.
“What is it?” He asks staring at it, it floated above your palm and you changed it into a little dragon
“It’s my strength, I have the ability to shield but I learned how to do more with it. I can change it into anything my mind wants it to.” You smile at the way he is looking at it
“How did you make Brian strong?” He asks
“I thought him how to fight.” You say with a completely serious face
“Why would he need to know how to fight?” He asks, you chuckle at how many questions he asks
“You ask very good questions, but you aren’t asking the right ones.” You smirk, standing up he looks up at you “Don’t you want to know how he was able to help me build a life, new identity, car, house, everything?” Noah nods as do the rest of the house,
“Well let me show you,” you say but then turn to eleven, “give me your hand,” she reaches her hand out confused. “Now I want you to close your eyes and focus, clear your mind of any thought. Once you have done that open your eyes.” Eleven closes them and then opens them after a few seconds but her eyes are a violet color.
“Woah how did she do that.” Max asks
“Think of me as electricity, I can flow through any circuit but as long as we are connected, Eleven and I are connected so I am giving her some of my ‘electricity’ in order to show you everything.” You say then draw a circle in the air with your finger. You created a sort of projection of what you saw after you got out, a boy shows up
“Is that him? Is that Brian?” Lucas asks
“Yes, that is him.” You say smiling tear forming, you missed him, he was your first and only friend. While you showed them everything you thought about where he was. How he was doing, you wanted nothing more than to see him again.
“So, he was a… cartel guy?” Mike asks confused, it makes you laugh a little, Brian? A cartel person? No way.
“No, he was a man with a lot connections, his family was one of the richest families in New York. He sold things to people all around the world. When i say things i mean everything, drugs, guns, animals, everything. He was 19 when i met him and a shy man which was odd because usually those kinds of people are tough and serious. So i helped just incase a deal went sideways and he needed know how to protect himself and maybe one day his family.” You explained but once you said ‘family’ it hurt you, you knew you loved him and you wanted to be the one who made a family with him. But, how do you make a family with someone who can’t even stay in one place for more than a week?
“You loved him?” Noah says, you look at him a little shocked at how he figured out
“How can you tell?” You ask,
“The way you always look at him, how you trusted him, you were always close to him. It’s obvious.” he explains, you glance behind and see Steve, you looked oddly so much like Brian. He was already staring at you but in the way that you couldn’t explain. After you stayed for a few hours later everyone decided it was time to go.
“So have you made up your mind?” Hopper asks
“What do you mean?” you ask folding your arms as you walk out the door.
“Who you’re going to stay with tonight.” he says kind of shocked you don't know what he meant
“Oh, well, i didn’t really think about it to be honest.” you say rubbing your arm that is next to your side
“Well, my parents aren’t home and won’t be for a while, so if you want to. YOu can stay at my place. I mean, if you want to.” Steve says, you smile at him
“Uh, yeah, that would be nice.” you say smiling at him, eleven looks between you two and smiles
“We will see you tomorrow right?” Eleven asks hugging you
“Of course, maybe i can do what you did and fake being a new student.” you say laughing
“You, be respectful.” eleven says to steve which makes you laugh even more. After Hopper and Eleven leave you get into Steve’s car and begin your trip to his house
“So, why were you at the lab today?��� you finally ask looking at him
“Well, let’s just say it’s a place that i go to think.” he says, you furrow your brows
“Why in God’s name would you go there to think.” you say chuckling a bit making him laugh too.
“How about this. Hi my name is Steve Harrington, my ex-girlfriend broke up with me for a guy who used to barely talk. Now i watch a bunch of kids who i love very much and don’t really have any friends my age.” He says not talking his eyes off the road
“Hmm, well Steve Harrington it’s nice to officially meet you.” you say smiling at him
“Oh and one more thing, this is my house.” he says pulling into the driveway of what looks like a mansion, you have never seen a house this big before. When you get to the door way you freeze, last time you went into someone's house you got shot at. Long story but you weren’t used to just walking into doorways just yet.
“So, there are many rooms to choose from as you can tell but i sleep upstairs so. Pick one and i will bring you some blankets and sheets.” He says waiting for you to walk upstairs. You studied it all or at least tried to it was a force of habit to map out all the exits and windows. You found a room that had beautiful view of the small town,
“Is this room available?” you ask, Steve looks down at his feet chuckling
“Actually it is, and it also happens to be right next to my room.” he points to the door barely a foot away still smiling
“Well, i don’t mind being neighbors unless you do?” you question stepping closer to the boy leaning on the doorway smiling.
“Uh,” he clears his throat “Nope, i don’t mind, not at all.” he says clearly getting nervous as you step closer and closer, once you’re almost right in front of him you lean and whisper in his ear
“Can i have those blankets now?” you ask
“Yeah let me go get those,” he says tripping over his feet, you bite your lip trying not to laugh at the boy running away. You turn back to face the window and giggle quietly letting  a sigh of relief. You couldn’t help but be nervous as well, there was just something about him that made you feel like a teenage girl in love.
A/N: two weeks laterrrr... im so sorry for the wait but im backkk be ready for some crazy stuff in the next chapters!!! IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE TAG LIST JUST ASK. im super glad to add you if you would like. OH and thanks for all the cute feedback on this love you guyssss
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thelastspeecher · 7 years ago
An Egg Stan AU Reunion
So, recently I’ve become invested in the Egg Stan AU again.  It’s a variation of the MerGucket AU, where when Ford gets mermaidified, Stan also gets mermaidified, but into a mer egg instead of a grown mer.  Ford ends up raising Stan as his son, and there’s some good angst.  There’s also some good fluff, though, bc Shermie is a thing in this AU, and is in a relationship with none other than Angie MerGucket.  Complicated?  Yeah.  But still fun.  So here’s a ficlet with Ford finding out that his older brother is now in a relationship with his mate Fiddleford’s younger sister.  Awkward sibling reunion time!
              “Angie and her mate found themselves a cute lil place,” Fiddleford remarked as he swam up to the door.  Ford nodded.
              “Agreed,” Ford said.  “But why are they living in a separate house?  Isn’t it mer tradition to only leave your parents’ house after you’ve had enough children that it’s too crowded?”
              “That’s correct.  Angie tried tellin’ her mate that, but he still insisted on their own house.” Fiddleford shook his head.  “He calls Angie his wife, too, not his mate. He actually corrects folks on that. I s’ppose he’s still adjustin’ to mer culture.”
              “I know what that feels like,” Ford mumbled.  Stan, whom he was currently carrying on his back, leaned forward, his arms brushing up against the gills on Ford’s neck.
              “What’d you say, dad?” Stan asked.  Ford smiled and ruffled Stan’s hair.
              “Nothing important.”
              “You can understand why I’m eager fer ya to meet ‘im,” Fiddleford said to Ford. Ford nodded.
              “Have you met Angie’s mate yet?”
              “Once.  He’s a nice enough feller.  A bit strange, but he might just be actin’ that way ‘cause he’s still adjustin’.” Fiddleford knocked on the door. “Stanley, remember to behave yourself. I know yer excited to see yer Auntie Angie again, but she’s still recoverin’ from what she went through.”
              “What did she go through?” Stan asked.
              “Ya don’t need to know the details.  Just know that there were some issues involvin’ yer cousins comin’ into the world.”
              “Is that why we’re just visiting ‘em now?” Stan asked.  “Auntie Angie ‘n her mate ‘n my cousins moved in last week.”
              “That’s correct,” Ford said with a nod.  “The four of them needed some time to relax and adjust.”  The door opened.  Ford looked at the merman in the doorway.  His jaw dropped.  “…Sherman?”
              “Stanford?” the merman, Shermie Pines, said quietly.
              “What are you doing here?” Ford asked.
              “I live here with my wife and children,” Shermie answered.  He frowned.  “I feel like I should be asking you what you’re doing here.”
              “Visiting!” Stan chirped happily.  Shermie abruptly noticed Stan on Ford’s back.  He smiled warmly.
              “Visiting, huh?”
              “Yessir,” Fiddleford interjected.  He held out a hand.  “Shermie, we met once ‘fore.  I’m Angie’s older brother Fiddleford.”  Shermie nodded slowly and shook the offered hand.
              “That’s right, Angie said her brother, his significant other, and son would be stopping by today.”  Shermie looked at Stan, clearly thinking.  “What’s your name, kiddo?”
              “Stan!”  Stan tugged on Ford’s hair.  “This ‘s my dad.”  He pointed at Fiddleford.  “‘N that’s my pa!”  Ford froze, ice running through his veins.
              Oh, no.
              “You’ve got two fathers?” Shermie asked Stan.  Stan nodded eagerly.  Shermie smiled.  “That’s lucky.  Most people only get one.”  Ford blinked in surprise.  
              I didn’t expect him to respond so well.
              “Shermie, who’s at the door?” Angie called from inside the house.
              “Your brother and his family.”
              “Let ‘em in!  They want to see the guppies.”
              “Babies,” Shermie muttered under his breath.  He moved to the side, allowing Ford, Fiddleford, and Stan to enter. The front door led directly into a cozy living room, where Angie was sitting on a couch.  Stan unlatched his arms from around Ford’s neck and swam over to Angie.
              “Auntie Angie!” Stan shouted.  Angie chuckled.
              “Howdy there, lil Stanley.  How’s my cutest nephew doin’?”
              “Good,” Stan said, embracing Angie tightly.  “I’m ‘cited to meet my cousins.”
              “Then ya came to the right place, ‘cause there’s a lil boy and lil girl in the nursery who ‘re eager to meet you.”  Angie looked up at Ford and Fiddleford, beaming.  “Glad y’all could make it.”
              “Wait, Angie, you’ve met Ford before?” Shermie asked.  Angie nodded.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
              “I…didn’t think it merited tellin’?” Angie said, cocking her head.
              “You didn’t think you should tell me that you met my younger brother?” Shermie persisted.  Angie’s mouth dropped open.
              “I thought ya looked similar!  But I just sort of assumed that my ‘all humans look the same’ bias was actin’ up again.”
              “I thought Auntie Angie’s new mate used to be human,” Stan said, confused. “How come he’s your brother, dad?”
              “Um…”  Ford looked at Fiddleford, who shrugged.  “He’s my…half-brother?  Our father met his human mother, then left her for a mermaid, my mother.”
              “Hmm.”  Stan frowned. “Okay.”
              “Your son doesn’t know-” Shermie started.
              “Stanley, I think yer dad and yer Uncle Shermie have some stuff to catch up on,” Angie interrupted.  “Why don’t we go check on yer new cousins while they talk ‘bout borin’ grownup stuff?”
              “Okay!” Stan said happily.  Angie got off the couch.
              “You gentlemen figure things out,” she said shortly.  “I’ve had enough drama in my life recently.  I need a break.”
              “Of course, honey,” Shermie said.  Angie took a hold of Stan’s hand and swam away.  Shermie gestured at the couch.  Ford and Fiddleford both sat down.  Shermie continued to tread water a few feet off the ground.  “Stanford, start talking.”
              “About what?”
              “Everything!” Shermie burst out.  “If you’re Fiddleford’s…”
              “Mate,” Fiddleford supplied.  A sour look appeared on Shermie’s face.  “You really don’t like that term.”
              “Of course I don’t.  It’s dehumanizing.”
              “You’re not human,” Ford pointed out.
              “And neither are you!  That’s what I’m getting at!  When did you become a merman?  Why? Did you fall in love with Fiddleford and decide to live with him?  Is this why you haven’t talked to your family in years?  We thought you and Stanley were dead.”  Ford looked down.  “Where’s Stanley?”
              “He’s…” Ford started.  He trailed off.  
              “Six feet under, I’d guess,” Shermie said softly.  “If you named your son after him…that can’t be a good sign. And Stan loves kids, he woulda wanted to see Caleb and Cadenza.”
              “He did,” Fiddleford said.  Shermie waved a hand, frustrated.
              “Not your son, Ford’s twin!”
              “Those two folks are one and the same,” Fiddleford said.  Shermie shook his head.
              “I’m sorry, what?”
              “It’s- it’s-”  Ford clasped his hands together and took a deep breath.  “It’s tied into why I’m mer now.  I didn’t get transformed into a merman through the usual route, ingesting the magical plant.”
              “Then how?” Shermie pressed.
              “It happened four years ago.  Stan and I were on our ship, going about our day as usual.  But out of nowhere, a sea monster attacked us.  It- it spat at us, coating much of the ship in its strange saliva. I was almost drenched in it, but Stan- Stan pushed me out of the way, taking the brunt of the blow.  Everything abruptly went black, and I woke up underwater, as a merman, and Stan was- was gone.  At least, I thought he was.  I caught sight of a large, fishlike egg on the seafloor.  I swam over to it and picked it up.  I knew, somehow, that this…this egg was Stan.”  Shermie sank down onto an armchair, staring at Ford.  “I have my suspicions about why the sea monster targeted us.  I worked with a rather shady character, prior to the incident, and Stan convinced me to stop working with the individual in question.”
              “What would that have to do with a sea monster coming after you and Stan?” Shermie asked.
              “This individual has magical capabilities, and far too many allies,” Ford said carefully.
              “Not to mention, the critter what did this to Stan ‘n Ford never leaves its nest,” Fiddleford added.  “It’s a malevolent entity that merfolk know very well.  Not once in recorded history has it gone after a ship so far from its home.”
              “This is all very fantastical,” Shermie said softly.  “But I shouldn’t doubt it.  I’ve been in the midst of fantastical things myself lately.” He paused.  “Ford, how did you meet Fiddleford?”
              “After the incident, I panicked,” Ford said.  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “I swam around in circles, trying to decide what to do. Eventually, I came across Angie and her brother Lute, who did not believe me when I told them I used to be human.”  Shermie leaned forward.
              “Why not?”
              “I don’t have a belly button anymore.  That creature completely rewrote my genetic information. I don’t have any characteristics that indicate I used to be human.”
              “Well, that explains why Stan believes you were born mer,” Shermie muttered.
              “Anyways, Angie and Lute didn’t believe me, but they still brought me to their house, because I was clearly in distress and needed help.  I eventually proved to the MerGuckets I was born human, told them the story, and…fell in love with Fiddleford.”  Ford swallowed nervously after ending his story. Shermie merely nodded slightly.
              “Okay.  But why are you raising Stan as your son?” Shermie asked, not addressing the last thing Ford had said.  “Couldn’t you raise him as your brother?”
              “I tried.  But it was too much effort, correcting everyone.  Stan himself got confused frequently, and…”  Ford looked away.  “I think that Stan deserves to have a decent father, since he’s been given a second chance.”
              “That’s very compassionate of you,” Shermie said.  He sighed.  “I just have one more question.  What’s the story you’re telling Stan, about how he came to be?”
              “That my former mate, the mer that laid him, was killed by mer hunters, as were the rest of his clutch,” Ford said.  
              “That’s a nice enough backstory,” Shermie said with a nod. “Solid.  Mom might even believe that.”
              “Why are you bringing up Mom?” Ford asked.  Shermie raised an eyebrow.
              “Stanford, she deserves to know your whereabouts.”
              “No, she doesn’t!” Ford burst out.  “She wouldn’t take any of this well.  My new status as a mer, my male mate, my son.”
              “You’d be surprised,” Shermie said softly.  “She’s fond of Angie, scales and all.”  Ford’s eyes widened.  
              “She knows about you and Angie?”
              “Of course she does,” Fiddleford said.  “She’s the one what helped deliver Caleb and Cadenza. Or did ya not listen to me when I explained the sit’ation?”
              “I might not have been completely attentive,” Ford said, “but I was trying to move the potted anemone by the door somewhere that Stan wouldn’t be able to reach.  He keeps trying to eat it.”
              “Angie got stuck in her human form,” Shermie said.  “She was too nervous to tell me about being mer, and didn’t get a chance to lay the eggs in time.  So she had to go through a human pregnancy.”
              “I knew that,” Ford said.  “But Mom delivered your- are you crying?”
              “Mers can’t cry,” Shermie said.  He rubbed his eyes.  “But I am upset, yes.  The love of my life had to go through something her species almost never does, because I didn’t make her feel safe enough to be her true self around me. It’s been a very rough time for us.”
              “We came here to cheer ya up, not bring up bad feelin’s,” Fiddleford said softly.  “I’m sorry, Shermie.”
              “No, it’s- it’s fine.  Ford, Angie and I told Mom, because we didn’t know what other humans we could trust, and Angie needed help delivering the babies.  Mom took it pretty rough at first, but by the time Caleb and Cadenza were born, she didn’t have any issues with her grandkids, daughter-in-law, and son being mer.”  Shermie took a breath.  “I know for a fact that she wants to know where you are.  She won’t care about anything other than your safety.”
              “I can’t see her.”
              “Mom thinks that you’re dead,” Shermie said shortly.  “She deserves to see you!”
              “No, she doesn’t.  And I can’t. I can’t see her.”  Ford got off the couch.  “Sherman, you have no clue how difficult it is for me to be a good father to Stan.  I can’t think of him as a brother, and that means I can’t think of my life as a human, either.  Those perspectives go hand in hand.  Seeing Mom again would bring up memories that I keep buried for my son’s sake. I won’t let myself get bogged down by those memories again.”  He swam toward the front door.  “Goodbye.”
              “What- Ford!” Shermie said.  “You can’t just leave.”
              “Yes, I can.  Just tell Stan that something came up, and I had to go.”
              “It’s incredibly rude of you to leave without saying goodbye,” Fiddleford protested.
              “Nonsense.  I just did.” With that, Ford opened the door and left.
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miraculousstorytelling · 7 years ago
An Imperfect Cup of Coffee
Hello, @ifirestone​, I’m your secret Santa for @mlsecretsanta​ this year! I had so much fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it!
Also, thank you @ninoirs​ and @zoenightstars​ for helping me so much with the texting sections (and in some cases rewriting them entirely). The trouble with texting like a grandma.
Another note: the contact names are what the recipient has in their phone (so, ladyblogger is what Nino has as Alya’s contact name and so on).
After racing to reach her 7:00 class on time only to find it cancelled, Alya was ready to go home and sleep through the rest of her morning. In fact, she had rushed out the door so fast, she hadn’t even grabbed her morning coffee, which probably explained her sour mood and pounding headache.
She barrelled into the first coffee shop she could find and scanned the store for anyone who could help her. Of course, no one was there. Given how the rest of her morning had gone, she shouldn’t have been surprised.
Alya groaned and turned around, ready to stomp her way out of the shop, but she was stopped by a light and cheerful voice from the back. “Be right there!”
After a second’s hesitation, Alya returned to the counter.
When the woman in the back walked out, Alya was beyond thrilled that she’d chosen to stay.
“What can I get for you?” she asked, much too bright and happy for the hour in Alya’s opinion, but she was pretty enough for Alya to forgive that.
“I’ll take, um…” Alya made a show of looking over the menu, but really, she was looking at the light color in the woman’s cheeks and the way the light caught in her dark hair. “Whatever you have with the most caffeine.”
“Coming right up.” She chuckled as she tapped a few buttons on the register. “Will you have it here or are you taking it with you?”
“I’ll drink it here,” Alya answered instantly.
“Okay.” She smiled, and Alya was pretty sure she was in love with this woman already. “Would you like anything to eat with it?”
“Eat?” Alya floundered for a moment while her brain caught up to the present. “Oh, yeah, sure. What do you recommend umm…” She looked for a name tag, but the ladybug print apron the woman wore only had the name of the cafe. “Sorry, what’s your name?”
“Marinette.” She pointed to a small offering of pastries next to the counter. “And all of this is made fresh every morning by a local bakery, so you really can’t go wrong. If you like sweets, though, the pain au chocolat is pretty amazing.”
“Thanks. I’ll take one.” Alya tugged out her wallet to dig out her card.
“Great! What’s your name?” Marinette paused, then nearly stumbled over her words when she added on, “So, um, so I can call you when it’s done, I mean.”
“Alya.” She passed over her card and hoped she wasn’t imagining that Marinette might actually be blushing. “Thanks.”
“Go ahead and take a seat.” Marinette passed her card back after running the payment through. “It should only be a minute.”
“Sure, no problem.” Alya tugged out her phone while she found a seat that offered the best view behind the counter. It was easy enough to sneak glances while she texted Nino about the woman she was already planning to marry.
NiNOT MY BF: seriously?
NiNOT MY BF: how long have you known her
ladyblogger: ...
Alya paused to watch Marinette glide through the kitchen with a clean cup for her coffee before she continued.
ladyblogger: the point is i met my future wife
NiNOT MY BF: congrats
NiNOT MY BF: do u know her name tho
ladyblogger: yes???
NiNOT MY BF: good
NiNOT MY BF: is she single
ladyblogger: she has to be
ladyblogger: after my morning hte universe owes me
The tap of ceramic on wood and the smell of fresh coffee recaptured her attention. Alya set down her phone and sent Marinette a smile. “Thanks!”
Marinette grinned and set down a plate with her freshly warmed pain au chocolat. “Enjoy!”
Alya watched her go, quietly enjoying the view, rather than her food, but once Marinette was out of sight, Alya reached for the cup to try it.
She nearly spat it back out once she tasted it.
NiNOT MY BF: thats not how the universe works al
ladyblogger: NINO
ladyblogger: she works at a cafe
ladyblogger: but
ladyblogger: this is literally THE WORST coffee ive ever had
NiNOT MY BF: is the marriage over already
ladyblogger: no??? i can make coffee
ladyblogger: marriage is abt compromise and MAKING SACRIFICES
NiNOT MY BF: whatever u say
Alya grimaced and stared down the food on her plate, almost afraid to taste it. After the bitter mess still stinging her tongue, she wasn’t sure she could trust anything Marinette brought her.
“How is it?” Marinette called from behind the counter.
Alya sighed and took the plunge, biting down on one edge and hoping for a miracle or a really, really good lie. “Whoa…” she murmured before taking a second, larger bite. “This is amazing!”
“I’m glad you like it!” Marinette scooped up a rag to wipe down a nearby table. “They’re actually from my family’s bakery. I made this batch myself.”
“Really?” Alya sank back in her seat. “It tastes great!”
“Thank you!”
ladyblogger: update
ladyblogger: she can bake
ladyblogger: im in love
NiNOT MY BF: u have my blessing
NiNOT MY BF: only if you get me free food tho
ladyblogger: not a chance
Alya took her time finishing her food, watching Marinette and the occasional customer while she pretended to study. She even considered skipping a class so she could stay longer, but she really couldn’t afford to miss it. “That was the perfect recommendation.” She stood and brought her dishes to the counter. “I’ll have to come back sometime.”
“Oh, sure.” And maybe Alya was projecting, but she could have sworn Marinette almost looked disappointed. “Do you want any coffee to go?”
“That’s okay,” Alya answered too quickly. “I probably need to cut back on the caffeine anyway.”
“Okay! Ummmm…” She ran her thumb over the edge of the cup, avoiding Alya’s eyes as she spoke, “You know, if you’re interested, we have a, uh… A discount club. We text you coupons if you give me, I mean,” She blushed and glanced at Alya, “Give us your number.”
“Yeah, sure.” Mainly because Alya really, really liked the idea of Marinette asking for her number for any reason whatsoever. She scribbled it down on a napkin and handed it to Marinette.
“Thanks.” Marinette hesitated, for a moment looking like she wanted to say something else, but then she shook her head and carried the dishes to the back.
“Sure! Thanks for the great breakfast!” Alya called on her way out the door.
“You, too!” Marinette answered with a wave.
Alya almost didn’t notice that her response didn’t make sense.
The next day, Alya slipped out of class early just so she could go visit the Ladybug Cafe. On the way to class, she’d definitely seen Marinette behind the counter again, and she hadn’t been able to think about anything else since.
“Morning!” Marinette called from the back. She peeked out and brightened when she saw Alya. “Hey! You came back!”
“I told you I would.” Alya leaned against the counter and waved. “Any recommendations for me today?”
“Well…” Marinette scanned the offering of baked goods at the end of the counter. “There’s some lavender macarons that are pretty impressive.”
“Did you make them?”
“Not interested.” Alya had no plans to be even remotely subtle today. “What did you make?”
A smile tugged at the corners of Marinette’s lips. “I overslept today, so I just helped with the croissants.”
“I’ll take two.”
“For here?” Marinette asked as she rang it up.
On her third visit, Marinette hovered near her, cleaning tables and rearranging whatever happened to be close to Alya’s seat.
“So, are you a student near here?” Marinette finally asked.
“Yep.” Alya closed the book she’d been pretending to read. “Studying journalism. How about you?”
“Well, I’m saving up some money while I decide what to study.” She polished the end of a table that was already gleaming. “My mom suggested business, since I’ve been so helpful with their bakery, and my partner said I should study design since it’s my childhood dream, but I’m not even sure if I still like it.”
Alya stopped listening the second she heard it. All at once, all the lovely dreams about waking up next to Marinette and bringing her excellent coffee while Marinette baked delicious breakfasts came crashing down. “Partner?”
“Oh!” Marinette waved a hand. “No, not that kind of… I mean, business partner. Adrien and I are friends.”
And just like that the wedding bells were ringing again. “Ohhh!” Alya relaxed and leaned forward. “You know, you can sit if you want.”
“Well, I should…” Marinette glanced at the door, then back to Alya. “It is time for my break.”
Apparently breaks for cafe partners lasted hours, because Alya only realized the time after she missed half her afternoon lecture.
By the fifth visit, Marinette stopped pretending to clean and simply rang Alya up and joined her.
“You have how many sisters?”
Alya shook her head. “Honestly? Too many. It must be nice being an only child.”
“I don’t know.” Marinette smiled. “I think it would have been nice to have a sister.”
“Trust me.” Alya sighed dramatically. “I don’t know what was worse, when they borrowed my stuff without asking or when they decided to embarrass me in front of my first crush.”
Marinette laughed. “Okay, maybe not those parts, but having someone to talk to and ask advice. I mean, I could usually go to my mom, but… you know.”
“Well, I guess that part’s not so bad.” Alya nodded. “Besides, Ella and Etta are such a handful right now, mom doesn’t have time to hound me about grades, so that’s a plus.”
“Now I’m really jealous!” Marinette drooped forward. “My parents are worried and keep asking about my plans. I don’t have plans. I’m just trying to figure something out.”
“Tell me about it.” Alya rolled her eyes. “Alya, when are you going to settle down? Oh, I don’t know, maybe when I meet someone interesting.”
“Is that all you’re looking for?” Marinette teased.
“Well…” Alya let her voice trail off while she looked Marinette over. “Not the only thing. I have high standards.”
Marinette blushed, but she still managed to raise a brow and shoot back, “You’re not the only one.”
“Really? So, you-”
The door opened behind them, startling them out of their conversation. “Sorry,” Marinette murmured as she rushed back to the counter. “How can I help you?”
By the time she came back, the moment had passed, and Alya left an hour later, still internally raining curses down on the unfortunate man that interrupted them.
By the tenth visit, Nino was curious.
“So, you still haven’t asked her out yet?”
Alya scowled. “I’m going to. The timing just wasn’t right.”
“Right, but you’ve gone every day for two weeks?”
“And you still haven’t asked her out,” Nino repeated.
“Listen, I’m in it for the long haul. I’m willing to wait. Marriage isn’t something you rush into.”
He chuckled. “Okay, but you still don’t even have her number.”
“Shut up,” she shot back. “At least I’m talking to my crush.”
“Rude,” he grumbled.
“You earned it.” She turned the corner and saw the cafe across the street. “I’m here. I’ll call you with an update later.”
“Oh, good. I can’t wait,” he muttered before she had the chance to hang up on him.
“Morning!” Alya called when she walked through the door. She froze when she saw who was behind the counter. “You’re...not Marinette.”
The blond behind the counter paused and looked over at her. “No? She’s off today. I can…” Suddenly, he grinned. “Wait, let me guess. You’re Alya?”
She raised a brow. “You are?”
“Oh, the business partner.” Maybe it was a little petty to put unnecessary emphasis on the business part of business partner, but he’d single handedly ruined her day, so she felt a little pettiness was justified.
“Marinette hasn’t stopped talking about you.”
That caught her attention. “She hasn’t?”
“Nope.” He chuckled.
“Well, in that case, maybe you could do me a favor and tell me where to find her.”
He shook his head. “I’m not sure. She keeps her phone on her if you want to ask her yourself, though.”
“I...don’t exactly have her number.”
“You don’t? Well,” Adrien pulled out his phone. “It’s…” He paused, then a positively wicked look lit up his eyes. “You know, I just remembered I need to deal with a delivery in the back.” He tapped the screen a few times, then handed her his phone. “Here’s her number.”
Except it wasn’t Marinette’s number. It was her messaging history with Adrien. At least, Alya assumed the contact named “scroll up, Alya” was Marinette.
give the puns agreste: It’s fine. I’ll cover for you.
scroll up, alya: i cant
scroll up, alya: ill miss hre
Alya did exactly what he suggested. Not that she needed the permission, since she would have done it anyway, but the message meant Nino wouldn’t have a reason to try and make her feel about it when she called him later. In fact, she scrolled all the way up to the day she first met Marinette.
scroll up, alya: im in love
scroll up, alya: i know customers are off limits?? But
give the puns agreste: I never said that.
scroll up, alya: good because i met the future mrs dupain-cheng
Alya laughed, half out of relief that Marinette definitely liked her too and half because apparently they were even more perfect for each other than she could have imagined.
scroll up, alya: i made up a rewards program so i could get her number
scroll up, alya: hope thats okay
give the puns agreste: Did it work?
scroll up, alya: sort of
scroll up, alya: i didnt give her mine
“Yeah, no kidding,” Alya grumbled, almost regretting that she didn’t find a reason to ask.
give the puns agreste: Can’t you text her?
scroll up, alya: no!!! then shell know!!
give the puns agreste: Know what?
scroll up, alya: that i made it up!!!
scroll up, alya: plus she said thanks for the food
scroll up, alya: and i might hve said you too
scroll up, alya: so theres that
give the puns agreste: Really? That sounds...
give the puns agreste: pawkward
scroll up, alya: shut up adrien
scroll up, alya: dont mock my pain with puns
She chuckled and scrolled past conversation about things to reorder for the cafe, only pausing when she caught sight of her name.
scroll up, alya: alya came back!!!!!!!!
give the puns agreste: Did you get her number?
scroll up, alya: she just walked in
scroll up, alya: not yet
The next text was a few hours later.
scroll up, alya: id idnt get her number
scroll up, alya: *didnt
give the puns agreste: Why not?
scroll up, alya: got distracted by her face
scroll up, alya: and her hair
scroll up, alya: and her laugh
scroll up, alya: and all of her
give the puns agreste: Wow. You really like her
scroll up, alya: im marrying her
scroll up, alya: of course i do
Alya read through the rest of the conversations, and to say the entire experience was a confidence boost would be a serious understatement. Marinette was easily as enamored as Alya, which meant only one thing.
unknown number: wanna get dinner?
unknown number: this is alya btw
unknown number: adrien gave me your number
Alya only had to wait for a moment before she received an answer
future wife: yes!!!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 7 years ago
With The Distance Amplified Chapter Two
Light Years from You
Read on FFN
Fic summary: AU: After the battle with Zarkon, Katie disappeared from the Black Lion. A couple months later, the paladins receive a distress signal from the Black Lion, and find a group of prisoners that she rescued; one of them happened to have flown her to Kerberos. Background Kidge; Shiro and Keith are former foster siblings. Age Swap!AU/Paladin Swap!AU
Chapter Summary: Katie wasn’t able to reunite with her teammates, but she did leave a message.
Guess who finally updated! AU idea belongs to @sabertoothwalrus Chapter title comes from “Telescope” by Starset.
Dark purple lightning arced from the fingers of a Druid that Katie thought someone had shot, and then she felt an all too familiar push on her prosthetic. She was glad that most of her weight had been on it because at least then she could use her right leg to stabilize herself. She heard a crackle of static in her ear. Whatever spell the Druid had used, it wasn't an EMP. It had only affected her prosthetic; not her armor and definitely not her helmet.
"Katie? You there?" Lance said as she shifted her weight onto her left leg as best she could. So the Black Lion had finally found her. She frowned. Escape and home were so close, and yet she was firmly rooted to the ground with Druids fast approaching.
She yanked her helmet off of her head; there was information on it that could help the paladins. Maybe Matt and Hunk could decrypt what she hadn't gotten around to and find her dad. Too bad it also meant that they might hear the recordings that she had wanted to go back and edit so that her emotions wouldn't be on full display.
The tallest of the three aliens who hadn't turned on her and Keith was now specifically holding them back within the pod. Despite not having spoken in more than a year, he still knew her way too well.
"Use this to contact Voltron!" she said, kicking off with her left leg to give her helmet every ounce of starting momentum that she could.
"Kates, don't!" Keith pleaded as she threw the helmet. It was too late, though. She was already falling, the force of the throw too much for her unbalanced body. She hit the ground.
After the helmet crossed through the doors, the airlock of the ship closed. Katie lifted her head to see it fly away.
She was then yanked to her feet by bony hands. She bowed her head with a small smile, white and brown hair forming a shield between the world and her eyes. They would be okay. That was all that really mattered to her when the Druids teleported away.
She focused on that thought when the Druids alerted Haggar to their presence.
They would be okay. Whether or not she would be didn't matter. Keith would be okay, Shiro would have their foster sibling back, and the others would have closure. The rest didn't matter. She couldn't let it matter.
Especially not when Haggar once again called her Champion.
Keith looked up at Shiro slowly, the gold in their eye twisting, shrinking, and dimming until they were no longer heterochromic. In addition, some of the purple fur receded, but this only made them look paler. "Shiro?" they rasped before closing their eyes. Prior to today, it had been so long since they had heard their name. It had been so long since they had actually spoken rather than just make pained noises, and it had been a long time since even that. Their head began to feel hot with the feeling of being close to fainting or a panic attack, probably fainting. They hadn't had that much experience with shifting their body between human and galra, or at least not in their memorable lifespan. Now, especially with their recent blood loss, they were pretty sure the only thing keeping them conscious was a rapidly depleting store of adrenaline.
Shiro attempted to wipe away the beginnings of tears away from his eyes as he nearly ran towards Keith, but paused midway. They were injured, and given his poor ability when it came to medical situations he'd only make things worse.
"Um, hi, my name is Shiro," he introduced himself with a wobbling voice. "I'm the acting leader of Voltron, um, the guy with the mustache is Coran, he'll show you to our healing pods." Hopefully that sounded natural, and not like the kid who was playing at being leader like he still felt like sometimes.
The group began to walk away, though Lance lingered at the back. "Hey, Matt," he said. The oldest of their old lunch quartet hadn't started walking at all. "Are you going to be okay?"
Matt turned to him. "I'll be fine," he said with a softness that hadn't been there a year ago. "I just need some time alone right now. Call me when the mission briefing starts." Lance gave him a thumbs up and a sad smile before walking away.
"Are you kidding me, Katie?" Matt said to no one as he entered the ship, where several bags laid in the corner. "When will you learn that you're not an army?" As he walked into the ship, his foot brushed up against something. Matt looked down to where her helmet lay abandoned. He picked it up and cradled it in the place where it would be if she were hugging him.
"Since I don't know what the date or time is, I'm going to say right now is Day 1, time 00:00; I'll be using military time," Katie's voice said from the helmet.
Matt dropped the helmet, stifling a shriek.
Keith was half Galra. That was what the pod displayed on the diagnostics that were trying to calibrate for species. It wasn't taking as long as it had when Lance had been blown up, but it still was taking longer than Shiro had liked. He didn't really understand why they displayed that; was it possible that the Druids could change someone's species? Was that why Green had only said that Katie was 90% human? Then again, she had also said there were Alteans. Shiro would have to ask Hunk. Technically, Matt was better at bio stuff, but he was also more emotionally volatile at the moment.
Shiro gave one last glance at the timer on Keith's pod before exiting the room. They would be in there longer than the other aliens (all of whom had been able to fit, thankfully) due to prior blood loss, as well as any injuries they had received from both the escape and from fainting on the way to the pods.
"Hey, guys? Can you meet me in the lab?" Matt's voice said from the coms, sounding surprisingly chipper for someone who had been complaining about being somewhat tired prior to coming close to finding his sister, only to lose her again. Even if Shiro wasn't leader and already planning on checking up with the team, that would be good cause to check on Matt.
He arrived at the lab at around the same time as Allura, and had to practically shove his way through to see Katie's helmet hooked up to Matt's computer. On the screen, there was a line as well as a display for the time.
"Katie recorded a message, or rather, a series of messages," Matt said. "Maybe we can figure something out from them.
"I still need to land the ship," Allura said. "Let's end when we reach Olkarion."
After murmurs of agreement, Matt pressed play.
"Since I don't know what the date or time is, I'm going to say right now is Day 1, time 00:00; I'll be using military time since that's easier to keep track of. I set things up so that if anyone holds the face, er, opening of my helmet to paladin armor and either my head isn't in it or I'm in some state where I can't speak, the playback will start."Like I said, I don't know where or when I am, so I'm just going to start from the top. My name is Katie Miranda Holt, and last I checked I'm twenty-two years old. I'm from the planet Earth, and I'm the Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron." She paused.
"So the last thing I remember is fighting Zarkon." A second pause, this time shorter. "Specifically, a giant robot version of Zarkon." Underneath the panic and awkwardness, she sounded incredulous, as if she still couldn't believe the event had actually happened. "Um, Robeast Zarkon? I unlocked the Black Lion's teleportation ability, and was able to steal the Black Bayard. Reclaim it? Is it really stealing when Black decided I was the better choice of Paladin?" Shiro winced; she sounded so confident in her bond (or at least the most confident since the recording had started) and what had he done? Usurped it in her absence. Black hadn't seemed to mind it, but what about her Paladin?
"Anyway, we were able to make a giant flaming sword when all five of us placed our Bayards in our lions, which im-" she said, before pausing. For a few moments, the only noise in the room was her shaking breath. "Zarkon's robot was stabbed," she said, sounding distant like she usually did after a flashback or while dissociated. "He tried to take me down with him by using the bond between him, me, and Black. I guess it was too much for me, because Black sent me to the astral plane, this time without a physical body as an anchor or anything. I don't know how long I spent there, but it was long enough to change me. Both in the way that Black meant I guess, and in a way that is way too similar to the last time I came back from space. A lot of my hair is white now, not just the streak. What I can see of it, anyways. It's still rather short.This planet has a breathable atmosphere and a nice and sturdy, erm I think that's a hollowed out tree that maybe Matt and the Green Lion will find me in, so I'm going to attempt to sleep. Hope the armor is bug repellent. You'd think that after not having a physical body for so long, you wouldn't be tired."
"Pause!" Lance shouted. Matt stopped the recording, and turned to look at him. "Sorry, but did anyone understand what she was talking about during that last bit? Like, before she started talking about whether or not she could survive. Or maybe the new body thing too?"
"While I wouldn't be surprised if the Black Lion cooked something like that up, I haven't ever heard of it," Coran said. "Things would certainly be easier if Black would just get rid of Zarkon's physical body."
"I'm sure she'll explain it later in the recording," Matt said as he turned back to his computer.
"And hopefully she doesn't cram her explanation with quantum theory," Lance grumbled.
"Day 1, time 09:42. I feel more rested than I did a few hours ago. Time to try and find food and water, since I don't know how long it will take Black to find me. I hope it isn't too long.
"Day 1, time 12:26. It's getting dark; the planet appears to have two lunar masses. I wish I knew the stars here. Even though I didn't know the exact constellations on Kerberos, I knew the stars and planets well enough to be able to find my way…" She trailed off, before speaking in a flatter, more monotone voice. "Find my way to Earth, even without just pointing myself at the Sun, despite it seeming like a perfectly valid option. Thanks, Keith.
"Day 2, time 07:58. Sunrise. I think this planet doesn't operate on a twenty-four hour system. So glad my suit has a clock. Still haven't gotten in contact with Black.
"Day 3, time 14:46. While I'm glad we stocked up on ration bars, half of one a day isn't cutting it as well as I thought it would. I mean, I'll be fine for now, and it's going better than I thought it would. Besides," She paused, and then said darkly, "somehow, I doubt they fed me well in the Arena. I survived it once, I'll survive similar circumstances.
"Day 4, time 02:54. I'm alive, and really want to edit this when I get home. Yesterday was uncalled for." And there was that old attempt at being a wise, totally-not-affected by her PTSD leader. Somehow, Hunk had thought that she had stopped that mindset.
"Day 4, time 21:46. For all that Black said that she wanted to protect me when she asked to modify my body, I really feel like I got punted onto a random jungle planet. Am I being too picky? Probably, but I'm hungry.
"Day 5, time 06:05. I found fruit. Well, since it looks like Earth fruits I'm calling them fruit. One's a giant blue strawberry, which is edible, but really bland. There's also one that looks like a banana but tastes like a pineapple. Well, at least I won't starve. Glad the suit has these bags," she said, referring to the bags Hunk and Shiro had used that one time to gather scaultrite.
"Day 5, time 7:92. Am I dying or is it just indigestion?"Day 5, time 15:37. Not dead yet. I'm going to try one fruit at a time."Day 5, time 17:28. I think I'm allergic to the pine-bananas. Quiznak.
"Day 6, time 12:39. If I ever get back to Earth, I think I'm going to go to therapy.
"Day 7, time 21:24. I think my near-lack of a sleep schedule is adjusting to this planet, which means that when I get back to the Castle things will be… hectic. Well, assuming that I didn't get dishonorably discharged for disappearing in the middle of battle. Already got that from the Garrison, I bet." Lance cringed, remembering the team's last twenty-four hours on Earth.
"Day 8, time 14:52. Is that a skyscraper? Or am I seeing mirages? I seriously doubt it's a flashback, given that as far as I know I spent the entirety of Hell-year either in the Arena, in a cell, or with Haggar and I really doubt any of those were on a planet.
"Day 8, time 15:34. I found a city, and it turns out that the skyscraper is a database for the Galra. I am so glad that there are easily-hacked maps. Maybe I can hack into it?
"Day 9, time 13:06." Katie's voice was shaking and fast. "Or rather, January 26, 2115, if I'm doing my calculations correctly. Quiznak, it's been three months. I really need to edit this; it's not like the team needs to hear all that." Matt gripped the edges of his chair. This had been recorded not even a week ago.
"Hunk, Matt, if you're hearing this then Happy Birthday. But that's… well, I guess it's important." A wince was shared by the two young men in question. "It's just not what I found in the Galra skyscraper. There were prisoner records, and -"
"Pause," Allura said. "I need to land the ship soon."
"Can she finish her sentence?" Shiro asked.
"Twenty ticks maximum." Everyone knew how Katie could get when she rambled.
"- I found Keith."
“- I found Keith.”
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mod-blog-ask-diamond-pony · 7 years ago
Im going to post some of my story Chapters here
It was December 24th, 2007, a little filly named Alpha Blue was out in the forest picking red and green ripe apples for the pies her dad was making. She was trying to reach the last apple in the tree, she jumped to reach it, but kept falling on her soft padded rump. She needed one more apple to finish the batch of apples.
Suddenly, a blue filly walked up to Alpha and, while using her magic, lifted Alpha up into the air. Alpha looked around for the last apple and grabbed it before she was lowered down. “Thank you!” Alpha said as the blue filly nodded. Alpha held out a hoof for a hoof shake “I’m Alpha Blue, what's your name?”
The filly shook her hoof with a smile, “I’m mindset, nice to meet you too Alpha.” She said, “what are all those apples for?”
Alpha smiled, “there for the pies my dad is making for the Hearth's Warming party tomorrow.” Alpha replied as the sun started to set in the distance. “I got to get home to my brother, it’s nice meeting you Alpha!” Mindset said before teleporting away with a smile.
Alpha started to walk home carrying two buckets of 20 apples total, they weren't heavy for her at all. She had a smile since she enjoyed helping her dad with a lot of stuff, from testing certain potions to certain gadgets. Alpha of course, being 5 years old, has her fair shares of likes and dislikes. For example: When she was 3 years old she had to go into the emergency room for surgery, because of a bone fracture in her spine and hoofs due to the murder of 2005. In 2006 Carlos Brony, one of the lead scientists in Everfree Laboratories, took Alpha in and adopted her. To this day in equestria, they spend a lot of time together.
Alpha walks up to the gates of the labs as a white stallion, wearing orange goggles and a dyed brown mane, opens the lab gates as Alpha ran inside hugging Carlos with a smile. “Afternoon little alphy, ready to make apple pies for the Hearth's Warming party tomorrow?” Carlos asked as Alpha jumped around excited. Carlos takes the 2 buckets of apples and begins washing and slicing them up, Alpha knew how to make the dough so she began working on the dough. Carlos keeps a close eye on Alpha as she was trying to use the electric mixer, but all the dough went everywhere in the kitchen. They both giggled as they were covered in batter from the mixer. They then finished the 5 apple pies as Carlos cleans up the kitchen. He looks at the time as it was 7:43pm, he then finishes washing and picks up Alpha.
“It’s past your bedtime little alphy, but you’ll need a bath first before you sleep” Carlos said carrying alpha to the bathroom and sets her down. Alpha takes off her pink onesie her mother gave her before she past away. Carlos turns on the water and sets it to warm water as Alpha takes her watch and diaper off as she hops into the tub splashing water around, Carlos smiled and helps Alpha as she was scrubbing her hoofs. Once Alpha was shiny clean, she gets into her nighttime diaper and pajamas for bed as carlos carries her into her bedroom. Alpha lays down on her bed as Carlos tucks her in as she smiled.
“Dad? You're the best” Alpha said as Carlos smiled and winds up a music box and turns off the light leaving the door a bit open incase Alpha needed him as she was drifting to sleep.
The next day, snow covered all over the everfree forest as it was Hearth's Warming Day. Alpha woke up making a cute yawn and looks outside with a big smile. “Yay! It’s Hearth's Warming!” Alpha said as she ran downstairs to see the tree Carlos put up when Alpha was asleep. She looked and saw presents under the tree as she was very happy. She ran into Carlos’s room and climbs onto his bed. “Daddy! Daddy wake up!” Alpha said “it’s Hearth's Warming!”. Carlos woke up putting his glasses on and smiles at Alpha who looked very excited. He got up and walks downstairs, but Alpha was fast like Rainbow Dash as she was already waiting by the tree for him.
“Your very quick Alpha” Carlos said with a chuckle as Alpha also chuckles. “Go ahead and open your gifts Alphy”. Alpha began opening her gifts as she got stuff from toys; clothing, to Colorful cloth Diapers. She also got Carlos a few gifts too, which he was also happy about. Alpha started to get changed into her new clothing as she looked so cute in the new clothing.
Carlos then heard a knock on the front door of the labs, he got up and walked to the door to see a box on the front door. He picks it up and carries it to the Hearth's Warming tree, it was very heavy. Alpha walks back down by the tree in her new clothing as she was smiling. She looks at the box confused and curious of what's inside the box. Carlos unties the ribbon and reads the letter that was attached to the box.
“Dear Carlos and Alpha,
Me and my sister had sent you one of my special inventions, the PonyBot 3000. This robotic pony can do a lot of helpful things, from helping around the house to playing with everypony. I hope you enjoy this gift that we made for you.
-Mindset and Tinker”
Alpha looked in the box to see a robot pony inside, it was the same size as Alpha. She powered it on as it made a beeping sound for a few seconds, then its eyes opened with blue soft leds. The ponybot looked around curious of the room and what to explore. Alpha screamed and ran behind Carlos scared as she was startled, she hasn't seen a robot up close before. The ponybot walked up to Alpha very carefully trying to give Alpha space.
“I-it’s okay, I won't hurt you. I’m a friendly robotic pony named PonyBot 3000, your personal assistant and friend. What’s your name?” The ponybot explained and asked as Alpha peaked her head out a bit.
“I-I’m Alpha Blue” Alpha replied as PonyBot thought and registered Alpha into her memory.
“Nice to meet you Alpha, i’m sorry if I scared you, I’ll be more careful” PonyBot said as Alpha walked up and hugs PonyBot as it smiles in glee.
“Let’s get this decorations up before guests arrive” Carlos said as Alpha and PonyBot followed to help. The decorations took awhile because Alpha and Ponybot couldn’t reach spots up high to put the decorations up. It took about 1 hour to get the decorations up, which isn't bad. Alpha puts up the sign for the party outside the laboratory's courtyard.
The guest then arrived, Terra and Drive, one of Alpha’s friends, arrived with their special somepony Crystal and Loving. They dropped off presents at the counter inside the building. Tails Dash also arrives with a few gifts, she was one of Alpha’s close friends. Then the guards forced everypony inside as a carriage was trying to land, Alpha ran inside scared hugging Carlos. Carlos smiled and picks up Alpha smiling “It’s okay Alpha, It’s just your brother arriving.
Alpha’s brother Diamond Pony, was a prince of feelings at hollow shade, Equestria. He was a part of the murder of 2005 as he was also injured that day. To this day he has a special somepony that is the princess of feelings.
The carriage landed as the Prince and Princess of feelings walked off and inside as guards carried gifts inside. Alpha looked as Diamond walked in by Alpha smiling “Hi little sister, how’s your Hearth's Warming morning?” Diamond said picking up Alpha and sitting down. Alpha smiled and told him about the gifts she got as Diamond also smiled. “Oh, that's my sister” Diamond said patting Alpha back as Alpha was hugging him.
“Hello there Alpha, I’m Princess Melody Thunder” Melody said shaking her hoof as she also smiled. Alpha hugs Melody as she giggled hugging Alpha back.
“Alpha, are you able to play with us?” Tails asked as Alpha looked and smiled following her outside to play with a ball with the other fillies. They played roll the ball and tag for a while as the adults help Carlos get everything ready.
“So, your Carlos Brony, You must be Alpha’s adopted father?” Diamond asked as Carlos smiled,
“Yes I am, you must be Prince Diamond Pony” He said as he bows to Diamond, Diamond smiled.
“I’m glad you and Alpha are getting along, like father and son” Diamond said “I of course have 4 kids and 1 grand kid”
“Sounds fun being a Prince” Carlos said as the Fillies began to create a big snowpony. The fillies had problems trying to lifts the head up to the top of the snowpony, Alpha pushed and yelled at the top of her lungs.
“PonyBot!” Alpha yelled as Ponybot awoken and ran outside and helps push the head on. Once it was on the fillies cheered for all the fillies and Ponybot. Carlos walked out and told the fillies that food was ready, but half of the cookies are gone. Terra looks outside to see each of the fillies eating a cookie as the adults giggled smiling at them.
Later that night the party ended, Carlos was cleaning up as Ponybot helped, Alpha laid down tired as she was tired from today. Carlos walks up to Alpha as she was asleep, Carlos lays alpha on her back as he changes her onesie and diaper so that she's ready for bed. Ponybot continued to clean as he tells Carlos that the heat in the living room is 70*F. Carlos nodded finishing changing Alpha into her Nighttime Diaper, It had Princess Luna’s cutie mark on the front and back.
Carlos decided that it would get too hot at night so he just kept Alpha in her diaper and puts the pajamas away. He covered up Alpha with a blanket as she slept on the floor, he brings out Alpha’s music box and winds it up as it makes music. Ponybot looked at Carlos as he sits down tired from all the work today.
2 years lator, up north in the dark parts of the Crystal Mountains. A very dark castle lives a king who owns the big castle. A scientist walks up to him bowing with excitement. “King Dark Diamond” The scientist said “I have finally finished creating the ultimate destruction tool!”. The scientist presses a button as a robotic pony walks out and looks around. “Meet the soul absorber 9000, this special machine feeds on happy ponies souls”.
“Marvalous! Now equestria will soon be mine!” The king said as a small robotic butterfly was recording the whole conversation.
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negandarylsatisfaction · 8 years ago
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Holiii!! I saw the pic of Liam and Honey😍😍😍 Asdfahs. They are so cute! And also, i love Liam's eyes. It'a such a nice colour!! And i also saw the gifs!! I love that gif of Louis.  HE LOOKS SO SOFT. I could cry. And Harry😂😂😂 Its such a mood. I always flip people off like that. Jajajaja. AND THE GIF OF HARRY WITH THE PINK JACKET. 😍He is dancing funny and i love hiiim.  Oh, and i havent read that fic but i'll read it asap and then i'll tell you about it. Promise. Thanks for the rec💖 (1)
Hiiii, Love!!!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer! but yesterday I was busy, and when I came home my head hurt like a b*tch, 😖😖. Liam’s eyes very pretty, aren’t they? Everyone likes him better (poor honey). I always flip people like that too, jajaja, that’s why I needed a gif, and I found the best, jajajaja. I couldn’t resist. I’m already rereading that fic,😅. I love re reading things I read a long while ago, bc my English has improved a bit since I came to tumblr, and it’s like reading things for the first time again, so cool.
It wasnt hard being updated bcs OT was everywhere, but yeah. I always try to engage in my friend’s hobbies. & some of them do the same. One of my friends used to be a 1D fan before i met her, and though she is not longer in the fandom she tries to be updated. She sends me memes or things that remind her of 1d. She even watched a video of BG without me knowing/telling her about it. I dont deserver her. Ay, and last week she watched freddieismyqueen videos with me on a free period. I 💖 her (2)
HOW DID YOU FRIEND MANAGE TO QUITE?!?!?! Jajajajaja It feels imposible (not that I have tried…). And she sees things and isn’t intrigued about what is happening?? She should write a self help book,jajajaja. “How to suite one direction: the guide”,jajajaja. But she sounds cool and supportive of you, so keep her, jejeje.
Well, you just described me. Talking in public always end up in one of those two options. I have always wanted to do a road trip!!! You are totally invited of course. JAJAJAJA. Well, it just…happened? Our friend was having a very bad time and he was going through a lot of things and we didnt know how to cheer him up. And then one night we just starting watching a video of AuronPlay reading a fic, and he was happy for the first time in months. (3)And so my cousin said “what if we write him a fic?” And i said “omg, yes”. And thus was born. Its a crack fic. We just put in there his family, his biggest celebrity crush, our friends, ourselves and a couple of animals and started writing nonesense. He hasnt read anything yet, bcs we want to finish it first, and me and my cousin (and our siblings, bcs they wanted to help) only hang out alone sporadically. But we laugh a lot writing it. I hope he laughs too when he finally reads it. (4)
You, your sister and your cousins sound so cool. And your friends too. I’m gonna have to migrate and adopt you all, jajajaj. I’m sure your friend is gonna love it. It’s a recipe for success. Keep me updated when you show him and his reaction,please!!
“How does a gay look like?” Like someone with no toxic masculinity. But i see your point. Judging on looks is not cool. (And i dont usually do it. I watched their behaviour or their words. When someone doesnt ever use gender pronouns and just say “they” “parter” “somebody” im just👀👀👀 i see what u are doing). Yes yes. What you said makes sense. I understood. Dont worry. I have never heard that quote, but i think i could marry whoever wrote this. So much truth!! 😱 (6)
Tbh I never payed attention to that, :/ (heteronormative mind and all that). If I had, maybe I had known about a lot of my high school friends’ sexuality. Looking back, we were just a group of friends, boys a girls, nobody cared about boyfriends/girlfriends (we were friends from 12-16). Then we went our separate ways, and we lost touch. And now I see in Facebook that they are gays and lesbians, and I’m like… :/ we didn’t know much about those things back then. And I hope I didn’t make any comments who could offend/affect them. But it makes me so happy to see them being themselves and living with they’re boyfriends and girlfriends… 😊 I just wish I could have been a better friend back then 🤷🏻‍♀️. But now I pay attention to that. And I always try to show support in a non invasive way. And try to educate people about who they’re been homophobic, or make not appropriate comments… like there’s this boy (around 16) that likes to paint his nails. And I love everything to do with nails. And, at the shop, I comment on people’s nails (if I know them enough, lol). And I always try to say something nice to this guy. To normalize the fact that he has his nails painted (and no make a statement that I approve of it, if someone else is listening, so they don’t make rude comments around me). And then my friend’s sister is Lesbian. But their mother is so ancient-minded… like, my friend has a dit of fat, and she’s always making comment about how she should be skinnier bc she won’t ever find a husband 😒. And her sister is very thin. And once, she was working as cleaner in a /cuartel de la guardia civil(?)/. And their mother was always: hmmm, I hope she finds a good guy there, bc she’s never had a boyfriend. And I always thought: I wonder why, lol. Well, she finally came out to her parents, and while they don’t treat her different (which I don’t know if it’s good or no), they’re like “waiting” she changes her mind. And hoping she finds a boyfriend. Anyway, her mother is friends with my mom, and she comes to visit at the shop sometimes, and she always has a comment to make about what people do or don’t do. And I get so angry 😡. I’m always correcting her. But she doesn’t listen. And I feel sorry for my friend and her sister. So whenever I have the chance I saw her my support, and always talk about these things, lol. (I talk so much about lgbt+ things, that my family associates me with it, to the point that every time they see a rainbow or whatever they tell me: look look! And I just satisfied with it. At least they don’t make so much homophobic comments anymore 😒)
YOUR MOM IS AN ANTI? How? “Why would they fake a baby?” Thats a good question with awful answers. I miss RBB&SBB.😍 (I havent explained that to anybody, yet. But once while playing a game my cousins choose Rbb as his nickname so i choose Sbb and our friends started making questions and we where like? 1d things? Long story, leave it for another day? I’m glad they dont remember it bcs i wouldnt know how to explain that😂😂). Was your friend a fan of 1d too? (7)
Well, she isn’t a nasty anti, jajajja, but she doesn’t think they’re together. Not for nothing special, just that she thinks they would say it if they were together. And since they haven’t say it, they aren’t together. But I’ve shown her the famous Christmas pic, and she doesn’t Thing B was ever pregnant. And I show her pics of F to ask for an outsider opinion, and she doesn’t think the kid looks like Louis at all, lmao. So, I think if they ever come out, she wouldn’t care at all. Bahhh, I’ve talked about RBB/SBB with my friend sometimes, but it’s so bad of a thing, that we don’t come to a conclusion. She isn’t a fans, sadly. But she likes celeb gossip, and I like to talk, so… yesterday she came to visit/ to get her arms waxed (bc that’s my other unofficial job) and she ended up staying for 2 hours. Bc we had see each other briefly lately, couldn’t sit and talk properly in a while. And she always asks me about 1d, bc she knows I love to talk about it,jajaja. And I have a sideblog where I reblog things to show her. And well, yesterday we talked a little about BG, and I showed her the no-belly pic, and she was… 😳. And she thinks louis and Harry must be together, at least at some point, bc the way the touched wasn’t in a friendly way. She now has a boyfriend, and she kept saying: I’m not a very touchy person with my friends or my family, but when I’m with him I always want to touch him or kiss him, and that’s what those two were always doing. And I’m always: do you think that for real, or are you just saying it so I stop talking?? Jajjaja. And yes, she’s convinced they are/were together. She asked me if I think they’re still together, and I told her that now more than ever, but it’s a long story, so we should talk about it another time, bc lol, we were just talking about it for a couple of hours, and we both had things to do. So, we’ll keep talking another time.
Of course, I dont share that info with everybody, but I dont mind my friends knowing. I have this one friend that i bother everytime i get frustated bcs of a fic. I tell him the plot, and what is happening and i cry about it (and he laughs at me but at least he listens). Sometimes i make him choose which one should i read next when i cant decide. (9)
I almost did a fic reference yesterday talking with my friend, and I stopped myself midsentece, and laughed (I thought of you,jajaj) and she was so confused!! But she’s used to my weirdness, so we just laughed it way. And I kept talking, jajajajaj.
Girl, i have 6 dioptres😂😂 Thats what i have forbid myself from reading on the phone. No, i havent read that one, but its now on the list. I’ll tell you when i do! Though it make take a while :( (I understand you. Dont worry). (10)
😳 6?!!?! Please take care of your eyes!!! Stop reading… everything!! Jajaja. No, I’m kidding. I know about people who has 8… so you’re still ok,jajajaj. I have 1, but my ophthalmologist told me I’m very sensitive to change, bc I thought I had 27463 diopters, bc I saw so poorly 🙄🙄.
Yes, i also like IDGAF more than New Rules. They have overplayed that one. Have you heard Blow Your Mind? I love that one. It’s also a single so…i guess you have heard it? You’ll get amazing shots, i’m sure. Honey was sleeping on you? 😭😭😭😭 I love hiiim (11)
I listened today Room for 2 and Homesick, and I think I like them. I’ll have to listen this new one two. For me, to like a song, I have to heard /a lot/ (not as much as Despacito, please). It has to have a catchy tune. That’s why I think a like Carolina, or Woman, or Kiwi, and I don’t understand why people is so fidyfvbure about the lyrics, jajjaja.Honey is always sleeping on me. The other day Liam was sleeping between my legs, and Honey came and just laid on top of my poor limo. And I wanted to kill him, bc liam never comes to sleep with me. They’re so different… but I love them both.
Oh, my little sister. I just wanted to tell you that yesterday was her birthday. She almost cried when she saw that me and my older sister had brought her Flicker deluxe as a present. (We hadnt bought it yet. Dont judge us). She was freaking out just bcs of that and i was laughing so hard thinking that she’s gonna pass out when she sees the rainbow flag her friends have gotten her for Nialls show. And also another pair of Cds. She wont survive the show. Poor thing. But she was so happy 😍😍 (12)You start next week? Okay. I’ll ask again next wednseday. Have a nice daaaay!!
Not judging, you’re amazing sisters!! Awww, poor thing!! She will have an amazing time at Niall’s concert, for sure. And, yes, please, tell her to bring the flag. I’m so happy seeing how people are starting to bring rainbow flags to niall concerts too. And have you seeing that he has taken pics with rainbow flags?? He even brought one to the stage the other day!! It makes me inexplicably happy to say everything covered in rainbows. There was so much at Harry’s show too, my sister said it looked like a pride parade. Hey, Dunkirk it’s about to start khbkhdfbvkjdnfvkjndfv. But, have YOU SEEING THE NEW ROYAL BABY WAS NAMED AFTER LOUIS?????? AND HIS TWEET?!?!?  IM SCREAMED!!!! Dijffvjkbdded. Bye love. I have to feed my cats before the movie starts!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
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postcolonialrage · 7 years ago
Another Life in a Week coming up (because I cant seem to commit to updating my journal every day like how i had imagined it to be): Sunday (Oct 8):  went to Metrotown with C, she had to buy some stuff. we windowshopped for a while, had some poutine and bought ourselves mcflurrys. food makes me so happy. i also managed to exchange my ugly rain jacket for a prettier one and i have been wearing it almost every day since then.  took the bus to uni for the thanksgiving dinner - totally worth it bc i didn’t have to make dinner and the food was amazing. i went for seconds and thirds, sampled desserts and loaded up on snacks. oh my god i love holiday food thank you canada. then decided to stay at S’s place in burnaby and her neighbour (who i think is amazing) came over too and we watched the corniest Bollywood films ever and made pasta with sausages later in the night. then we texted this boy S likes to ask him out on a date. it didn’t go well though - he said he’s seeing someone else and wants to see how that goes but he’s incredibly sorry. She was clearly upset but hid it well so we decided to go to bed and deal with it in the morning. but we got up so late that she had to rush to class and i got home and napped till afternoon lol.  Monday (Oct 9): No tutorials :’) Day spent in bed - eating, reading, watching stuff. loved it. Tuesday (Oct 10): Went to class, hung out with L and C for a bit afterwards. C showed me all these k-pop videos she loves and introduced me to her favorite band. then i went home, napped i think? and spent the rest of the day in. Wednesday (Oct 11): Busy day - had an appointment with the c-op coordinator at 2 but had to meet S first to book my flights (i was using her credit card as i didn’t have mine then) so i went to her place at 1, transferred the money (to the wrong account which is something i had to call up the bank about, amidst all the existing madness as i dropped off another form at another office for another stupid thing), and then went to see the coordinator (after losing my way 282 times). then went to see another person about taxes and payslips who told me to go to payroll. so in between, i went back to see S, told her the transfer issue has been sorted, sent money to the right bank account and went to payroll. This really nice person explained everything to me and it was so nice. then i went for the writing workshop at 4 as part of my work-study - really enjoyed talking to all these people who genuinely cared about writing. got off at 6:30, went to S’s place to sort the ticket shit again but she convinced me to stay over. so we called her neighbour over again, ordered the spiciest kadhai chicken (my taste buds were crying with joy) and watched our fav bollywood movie. had to take a walk in the football field just to digest that shit. but it was so much fun. then we tried to study for a while, played some music and went to bed. Thursday (Oct 12): woke up to rains outside, stayed in the bed for what seemed an eternity, then took the bus to go back home. slept in till 5, then made myself some pasta and watched my favorite show.  Friday (Oct 13): had an appointment with the librarian at 2 (she’s really nice and helpful, i am glad we met), went to burnaby AGAIN, checked out some books from the library, finally booked my tickets at S’s places and we all took the bus to lougheed to get our eyebrows done. I am now hairless!!! i was so happy honestly because i was turning into chewbacca, no kidding. then we all went to walmart to buy a bunch of stuff. i finally got myself some tights and shit tons of junk food (that i now regret, i have 0 self control). didn’t buy any clothes yet though bc it’s so hard to shop with 4 other people in tow - i really need to go alone once. then got back home at around 11, talked to my sister for a while and went to bed. Saturday (Oct 14): so turns out the tickets i booked using S’s card were cancelled bc of some billing address issue but they deducted money from her card. in the meantime, my credit card arrived and i saw these v reasonable flights up for sale. so i booked them using my card and am awaiting a refund on S’s card now so that i can have my money bank cos im broke af and need to get a job asap. anyway, woke up at noon, prepared stuff for the tutorials and printed it out and ate all kinds of shit. N came over in the evening (she brought coffee and i had cookies) and we talked for the longest time. then we decided to smoke one (and it was really strong stuff, i am NOT smoking up again), came back to my place, listened to a lot of trippy stuff and studied for the next couple of hours. then we went back down again, she smoked another one and we decided to call it a night. as much as i like hanging out with other people and studying with them, i really need some time alone. i haven’t had any this week.  Sunday: which is why, today i decided to stay in completely and not see anyone at all. C was in the neighborhood and insisting on me coming out and studying with her but i said i didn’t feel like it. also got my period lol. i told her that she can come over whenever she wants to but i just didn’t want to go anywhere today. so i am home today as C is updating us on k-pop, studying a bit and thinking of making myself something. i love sunny sundays at home, listening to music and drinking coffee <3
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
from fancy dinner parties to familial revelations
[[cont after part 76]]
Haumea: "--and he is not showing respect to his elders--not that I'm that much older than Sho, mind you--and furthermore we have a lot of work to prepare for the Preacher's next steps, what with turning this stink-pile of a world into a more appropriate setting--" guruna: *waves hand* Haumea: "...Yes, Guruna, a question?" guruna: if these two guys were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock, would that be fucked up or what? Haumea: "...Would they have oxygen tanks on the Moon?" guruna: 'nother question. why do your clothes look like pajamas? Haumea: "IT'S CALLED AESTHETIC!" >_< -elsewhere- metsu: ....... {meiko: *lying on the ground, bleeding out after being attacked by a subclass*} {hinagiku: now to finish the jo-} {*a sound like slithering is heard*} {hinagiku: eh?} {*something is felt crawling along Hinagiku's leg*} {hinagiku: !!!! what the fuck?! get off me!} {*bite*} {hinagiku: *screams as he fades into ash*} {meiko: ah-.....} {A snake slithers from the remains...and stares at Meiko} {Snake: "..."} {meiko: *stares at the snake, her breathing shallow*} {Mikuni: "Wow...She's in bad shape."} {Snake: "...Yes."} {meiko: *shaking, looking at them* am.....ambu....} {Mikuni: "She's not going to make it..."} {Snake: "..." *crawls up her arm until it can look into her eyes*} {meiko: *staring at him*} {Snake: "You can no longer live like this..."} {meiko: i dont.......want to die....} {Snake: "You don't have to...but you won't be human any longer."} {meiko: .....please....save me....*she's crying* } {Snake: "..."} {*the snake glows with a dark energy...resuming the form of a human*} {meiko: ah-} {Jeje: "You will be...a vampire."} {meiko: ....p-please....i dont want to die....} {Jeje: "Then I'll need to...have you drink my blood."} {meiko:...*small nod*} {Jeje: "...I can open a cut to make it easier..." *removes a blade from his pocket*} metsu: ..... Jeje: "...Hello." metsu:....*hugs from behind* Jeje: "!!! ..." =_= "You okay?" metsu: just.....thank you....*small smile T///u///T Jeje: "..." -\\\\- "You're welcome..." -elsewhere- baum: *whistling* Steinbeck: -_- *wringing out his socks* "Stupid Twain..." baum: what did he do? Steinbeck: "Pushed me into the river before I could get my shoes and socks off..." baum: how embarrassing, hoho. ... oh, DOROTHY! stay in the shallow end! dorothy: i knooooow. =A=; Steinbeck: "...You really are concerned for her..." baum: of course, she's my only sister after all. Steinbeck: "I can sympathize...If anything happened to..." baum:.....yeah....you know, even if we arent related by blood, i'd do anything to give her a good life. Steinbeck: "...Hmm..." baum:.....we found her in the ruins of a farm house that had been devastated by a tornado. she was the only survivor. Steinbeck: "I'm sorry...I didn't know." baum: ....she was admitted to my father's psychiatric clinic due to the trauma. she said a witch had caused the storm to get to her...she didnt have any other surviving family or guardians to look after her, so our parents decided to adopt her as their own. Steinbeck: "...I can imagine some days are more difficult for her than others." baum: *he nods* still, i want her to be happy, so i'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Steinbeck: "...That includes during this trip." *looks out to the water* "...Nowhere else you could have kept her during this trip?" baum: i just want to make sure she's in my line of sight. it helps me feel a bit calmer. and knowing im in _her_ line of sight makes that fact even more so. Steinbeck: ._.; baum: did you know her shoes were a present from me? ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh? They look impressive..." -elsewhere- Touma: "What is my favorite tinkerer up to?" tinker: just working on some new weapons, sir. ^^ mafura: *peeek* Touma: *smiles at Mafura* "How far along are you in the testing process?" tinker: still in the beta stages yet. Touma: "I see...Maybe you need some grunts to handle other tasks for you..." tinker: we're working pretty hard as it is, but it may take some time. Touma: "Time is not something we have...Figure out how to expedite the process without cutting down on quality and accuracy." tinker: y-yes sir.... -elsewhere- Haumea: *puts on a cloak* "..." dahlia: i brought the dress you requested. Haumea: "Very good." *takes it* "...Yes. I think this will do. Thank you." dahlia: of course, lady haumea. Haumea: =w= "I like the 'Lady' title..." *gets behind partisan to change* "It did not put you out much in cost, right?" dahlia: would that be a problem? Haumea: "I suppose not...assuming the price was worth it..." *passes a hand along the fabric* "Oh, this feels worth it~" =w= -elsewhere- Adam: T_T lydia: you seem troubled. Adam: "People seem really uneasy with your 'master' gone..." lydia: hmm.... Adam: "Oguri seems anxious, Ivan is...Ivan. And Zoey is fixated..." lydia: and yana? Adam: "...Seems sad." lydia: .... yana:...... *sighs* <fuck> .... Adam: "I don't know what to do...I keep guarding the place, but people still seem upset." *rubs his arms* lydia:...perhaps training might help you? -elsewhere- nea: hello~ Kepuri: "Hey!" *opens the passenger door* "Want me to take over--" nea: its fine i got it! ^^;;;;; Kepuri: *shrugs* " 'Kay." *buckles up* "Don't see any cops around, so I'm sure I'd be fine...How's your day been?" nea: been good. Kepuri: "Just enjoying the cool..." *curls up in the passenger seat, yawns* "...while I was busy at work?" nea: aah. Kepuri: *yawns* "Been resting today?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Thank you for visiting, Howard." ^^ "Right, Atsushi?" atsushi: sorry for disturbing your hibernation. ^^; lovecraft: its fine....gonna sleep now. *jumps back into the pond* Lucy: *sigh* "I missed getting to see some of those weirdos..." atsushi: ^^; Lucy: "..." *holds his hand* "Nothing against weirdos I know here..." atsushi: ^^ Lucy: *yawns, rests her head on his shoulder* atsushi: .//////. *hug* Lucy: =\\\\= "...Zzz..." -morning- Kid: *adjusting his tie* liz: busy day of work head of us. im carpooling. Kid: "Yes." *grabs his folder of documents, follows her* "Do be careful on the turns..." liz: noted. *looks at wes* see you tonight, wes? *kiss* Wes: ^\\\^ "Of course. Rehearsals end at 6, so I'll be home for dinner..." liz: glad to hear. ^^ Kid: *waves to Stocking* stocking: do your best~ ^^ Kid: "Thank you. You as well..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Haumea: *twirl* *twirl* "Isn't it lovely?" arrow: *claps* it looks nice. guruna: so pretty <3 Jonah: *has re-designed his face to look like Haumea--complete with a cardboard crown* *thumbs up* Haumea: "Why thank you~" *bows--and falls on her face* dahlia: are you alright? Haumea: "..." *thumbs up, face still on the floor* *muffled* "Just not used to leg mobility..." -elsewhere- Rin: *walking to school* "..." konekomaru: *waves* ^^ Rin: "Yo, Konekomaru! What up?" konekomaru: just walking to school as usual. bon already went ahead. i think shima has a cold. ^^; Rin: "That sucks. Winter got to him, huh?" konekomaru: guess so. ^^; Rin: "I know! Let's take really good notes in class for him!" konekomaru: *nods and smiles* izumo: come on chatterboxes, we're gonna be late! >A<; Rin: "??? Hey, Izumo! We're taking notes for Shima!" izumo: oh, so you'll take notes for others before yourself? how noble of you. -and so, in class- seiya: miss moriyama? shiemi: here. seiya: good. mr okumura? Rin: "HERE!" ^w^ -a scream is heard in the hall- seiya: ?? *goes to examine* godaiin: *running from a shadow creature* h-HELP! SOMEONE HELP! Rin: "!!! Shit!" *grabs his sword, heads to the hall* seiya: mr okumura-! godaiin: *trips and falls* ah! Rin: "Godaiin! Get down!" *points at the Creature* "And you! Don't move!" creature: *SCREEEECH* godaiin: >~<;;; *ducks* Rin: "Okay, buddy..." *aims the sword but keeps his distance* "What you doing here?" -it charges at them- seiya: STAND BACK. ROKU, BENI, COME FORTH! *summoning her foxes* Rin: "!!!" *grabs Godaiin, runs* -after the situation was handled- seiya: alright..... *chop to rin* okumura, that was highly reckless, but you did save this boy. *glares at godaiin* you. how did you get in here? godaiin: s-s-sorry ma'am, s-someone must have left the door open a-a-and i thought it was the bathroom. seiya:.......*GLARE AT RIN* Rin: ._______. "...Heh. I...was in a hurry so not to be late for classs?" ^^;;;;;;;; seiya: well, im sure you'll have time to explain when you're cleaning the classroom later today. ^^# Rin: D: "Aw, nuts..." seiya: as for you mr.... godaiin: g-godaiin, ma'am. seiya: *writes up a note* could you deliver this to sir pheles? if you take the elevator at the end of the hall and press the 6 button three times, that should get you to his office. godaiin:... ._.;; n-noted, ma'am. -elsewhere- zubaidah: i dont really look forwards to this mission.... *glares at triple A...* Triple A: -^- "Frankly, I would prefer more capable company..." Jinn: -_-# ???: isnt that chick a sage, though? zubaidah: that would be correct. man: *sweatdrop* alright, we're here. zubaidah:....so that's the impure princess, right? Triple A: "About time--move aside! I will lead us..." ???: of course you would....huh, kind of reminds me of the impure king incident last year.... Jinn: "Yes. Surprised the capable Arthur Auguste Angel was not available to assist--" Triple A: *glare* applebee: do you suppose the incidents are connected? ???: shame we dont have that okumura kid and the kaname girl here. Triple A: >_<# ???: jeez, salty much? Triple A: "We press on, already!" *steps forward* ???: so noble, im in absolute awe! zubaidah: -_-; Triple A: ^^ "I am glad someone here admires my bravery in the face of--" *Triple A falls into a hole* caliburn: D8> arthur! are you alright?! zubaidah: *sigh* -after defeating the impure princess- ???: ....!!! there's someone there! *runs down the dune* woman: *cough cough* couldnt....control it.... zubaidah: miss? are you alright? Triple A: *still messy* "What is she prattling about?" Jinn: "..." *watches the woman* woman: he....hehehehehe.....i became one....with the impure princess.....hehehe AHAHAHAHAHA -she's....bubbling- zubaidah: !!!!! Triple A: "!!!" *lifts Caliburn* "Stop her!" woman: all will be one, all eyes will see.... zubaidah: EVERYONE GET BACK! -the woman explodes into gore- ???:...shit... applebee: we need to report this ASAP. -elsewhere- Mephisto: "That's...not good." stocking: what do we do about this? Mephisto: "Intelligence. This will require our best researchers finding similar occurrences and sending backup to Zubaidah and Jinn." stocking: and this godaiin kid? Mephisto: "...Keep an eye on them." stocking: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *stretches* "...Elise..." -silence- Mori: "..." *whimper* {elise: jeez rintarou, you're really helpless without me, y'know?} {Rintarou: *sniff* "I-I'm just sad is all..."} {elise:...*sighs and patches him up*} {Rintarou: "I-I'm--" *hic* "--sorry..."} {elise: hey, its those dumb kid's faults for pushing you into the creek!} {Rintarou: "I-I wish I had pushed them..."} {elise: want me to beat them up next time?} {Rintarou: "..." *nods*} {elise: ok. whenever you need me, i'll be there to help you, ok? *holds out her pinkie*} {Rintarou: "..." *holds out his pinkie* "You promise?"} {elise: *links with her own* its a promise. ^^} Mori: *covering his face* "Wh-Where are you..." -elsewhere- Alone: *shovels food in his mouth* *mouth full* "You gonna finish that, Shaula?" shaula: *pouty nom* Alone: *shrug* " 'Kay." *sips his water with his pinkie up* Kunikida: "..." *pushes his dish away* grimoire: ..... Alone: *glances around, whispers to Shaula and Grimoire* "So, now that we got Shaula, how we busting out?" shaula: OuO -elsewhere- *A car with a Utah license plate heads down the highway...* officer: *keeping an eye out* Driver: Q_Q "..." *whispers to the backseat* "There's a cop..." beatrice: ........ Driver: "Wh-What if they pull me over?" beatrice: keep at the speed limit and there won’t be any need for that. Driver: *nods* "O-Okay..." *stays at the speed limit* "So-So Nevada, huh?" beatrice:...yes. Driver: "L-Lovely state. Lots of...sand?" -elsewhere- Sid: "Okay. Nakajima, you're tailing a target. How do you avoid being seen in crowded locations?" atsushi: hmm. stay about 5-10 meters behind? Sid: "Good. And if you lose sight of the target?" atsushi: get to higher ground if possible? Sid: "If you're in a city, where would this higher ground be?" atsushi: a roof or maybe a fire escape? Akutagawa: *raises his hand* "Wouldn't this make the pursuing party easy for the target to see, at which point they would know to run away or attack?" atsushi:... .~.; good point. Akutagawa: =\\\\\= Sid: "That's why the pursuing party needs to know how to dodge, hide, and otherwise avoid being seen. And someone who turns into a giant tiger would definitely stand out..." atsushi:..... *slumps in seat, embarrassed* Q~Q;; odasaku: *pap pap* you tried, kiddo. atsushi: TT3TT (thank you.) Sid: "That's all for this class. Now head out to the gym for your next lesson..." Akutagawa: "...You look upset." atsushi: getting called out by a teacher isnt exactly 'fun'. Akutagawa: "...I was just trying to ask a question. And he was not calling you out so much as pointing out a factor you have to control for if you want to successfully pursue your prey." atsushi: i guess. Akutagawa: "..." *awkward cough* atsushi: so, where's your next class? Akutagawa: "Not sure. Either gym as Barett said or something else..." *checks his itinerary* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...He's built another fort of books for himself." Poe: "...That he has." rowena: ?? Hyde: *pokes his head out--he has on a robe and a fez* "...Do you mind? This is a very exclusive club for very exclusive people. And you are excluded." *hangs up a sign: "EXCLUSIVE"* rowena: ._.; i just need to borrow this, sir. Hyde: *blows a raspberry* Poe: "..." *dark aura* rowena:...actually, this one will work better. *takes one book, causing the fort to fall onto hyde* *Sounds of Hyde being crushed by books echo through the library, scaring away bats outside the window* Poe: "..." TwT "I'm so proud..." Jacqueline: -_-; "Get a mop to clean up this mess..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *curls up under blanket* "..." guard: *slides in food in the door slot* Magaki: "..." *takes it* <Thank you.> -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *hugs a pillow* inori: ?? eibon: are you alright, my child? Gopher: "..." *nod nod* *looks away* eibon:....is something troubling you? Gopher: "...I'm just worried I won't know...about my mother." eibon: hmm....sadly, the only way i know to get an answer is one i would rather never do... Gopher: "???" eibon: .....we'll keep him bound, but....the only person i know to get answers from is _him_... Gopher: "..." *shudders* "Th-The only?" eibon: ...im trying to find other methods, other information... Gopher: "..." *nods* "If-If it's the only way, I'll pursue it..." eibon:....very well...i'll keep him bound.... Gopher: *nods...but shudders* eibon:...you let me know when you're ready.... Gopher: "..." *grabs a book* "R-Ready..." eibon:.....very well..... -and so- -noah was kept bound with seals as not to escape- Noah: "..." *lifts up his head* Death the Kid: Gopher: *clutches the book more closely* eibon: he has a question for you, and you undoubtedly have the answers for it. Noah: *smirks* "I have answers to a lot of things..." Gopher: *shaking* eibon:..... *looks at gopher and nods* Gopher: "I want to know...about my mother." Noah: "..." *starts laughing* inori: ?? Noah: "Oh, this is too rich...And you expect me to answer why?" -WHACK- Noah: *struck with the book, bleeding slightly* Gopher: *tapping the book in his hand* "Answer, or you get another one..." Noah: "...Look who grew a pair...Alright, then. What do you want to know?" inori:... Gopher: "...Who was she?" Noah: "...A homunculus. Not unlike that thing." *nods at Inori* inori:..... eibon: you watch your tongue, child of index... Gopher: "Who was she?" Noah: "..." *smiles at Eibon and Gopher* "A plaything." Gopher: "..." Gopher: "Who. Was. She?" Noah: "When she got knocked up with you, I did the only logical thing, something I should have done before she coughed you up...After she gave birth to you, I killed her." eibon: !!! inori: !!!! Gopher: "..." *CRACK* *The book cracks over Noah's skull, knocking off his cap* *The book in Gopher's hand is nothing more than a cracked spine with pages attached to it...Gopher continues to swing the wrecked tome over Noah's head, its pages sweeping along Noah's face and into the air...With nothing left to strike Noah, Gopher's hand curls into a fist...and he brings it down against Noah's head, drawing blood* Gopher: "Who was she? Who was she?! What was her name?!" eibon:....*shaking a bit, keeping composure* Noah: *coughs up blood...laughs* "Look who grew a pair...Okay, Gopher...Her name was Ilise. And the last thing she screamed was 'My baby! Don't kill our--'" *CRACK* Noah: "Grrrk!" Gopher: *has his hands around Noah's neck, squeezing...another crack is heard from Noah's throat* eibon:.....i have half the mind to let him go through with this, noah. Noah: *struggling to laugh* "Y-You think this w-would be enough..." Gopher: "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" *swings his fist at Noah's eye* inori: *grabs his shoulder* i understand you are angry, however, killing him will not return your mother to you... Gopher: *shaking* "He shouldn't be alive!" inori:.... eibon: then shall i reseal him? Gopher: *crying* Noah: *trying to laugh--but no sound is coming out* "...!" eibon:.....*reseals noah back into the book* Gopher: *covers his face* eibon:....inori, place the book back..... ......... *hugs gopher* im sorry, my child. Gopher: *silent sobbing* -later- kirika:....oi, goph? you awake? Gopher: "...Kirika?" kirika: yeah its me. thought i'd come visit. i brought snacks. Gopher: "...Thanks, but I'm not hungry." kirika:....something happened, didnt it? Gopher: "..." *crying* kirika:......................*walks over to him.......and hugs him* Gopher: *sobs* kirika:...want me to stay over tonight? Gopher: *nods* kirika: ok.... -elsewhere- Kid: *rubs Stocking's back* stocking: t-thanks.... Kid: "You're welcome...Just take it easy..." stocking: ....... -elsewhere- mafura: ~? yumikage: *grumbling and brushing mafura's hair* cant believe we're still on babysitting duty with her... tsurugi: you look like your having fun, yumikins~ yumikage: oh shush you! Jun: "Take things a bit more serious..." takuto: hiya lady. mafura: *tiny wave* ^^ Jun: *pats Takuto's head* ^^ takuto: her hair's blue. did she paint it, daddy? yumikage: nah, that's natural. tsurugi: unlike yours. yumikage: will you shush?! >n<;; tsurugi: ^u^ Shuhei: "..." {man: d'aww, i think he likes you ####!} {####: "That...would be surprising."} {man: guess that makes you uncle ##### now, huh?} {#####: -_-; "Please, you're embarrassing me..."} {Shuhei: "???"} {man: *waves with a little plush toy with a funny voice* wull hullo thar, shuuhei!} {Shuhei: "Hee hee!" >w< } Shuhei: "Hmph." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." erina: *heading down the hall* Kunikida: "???" *tries to listen* erina: keep it together erina, you got this. Kunikida: *can barely hear* (" 'Got this'?") erina: *muttering to herself* Kunikida: "???" ("What is she getting herself into?") erina: ..... Fyodor: "Hello." erina: *jumps a bit* eep! Fyodor: "Sorry. Did I scare you?" erina: a-a little... Fyodor: "My apologies...You're up late." erina: y-yeah, g-got the graveyard shift tonight. Fyodor: "Must be frustrating." erina: and nerve-wracking... Fyodor: "Why's that? The prisoners?" erina: s-some of them... Fyodor: "...Are they out of control? Need someone to stop them?" erina: t-they're fine, they just unnerve me... Fyodor: "...I have some familiarity with that." erina: really? Fyodor: *nods* "There have been some difficult prisoners I have encountered." erina: is anyone bothering you? Fyodor: "Oh, no--not here, anyway..." erina: .... Fyodor: "...The last prison was awful." erina: *listening* Fyodor: "He...kept me there. He would play sick games to try to wear me down..." erina: .... Fyodor: "It took every ounce of my willpower to hold onto my sanity long enough to determine a plan to secure my freedom...I escaped that awful torture..." erina: oh my gosh.... Fyodor: *nods* "But, you know...I believe people get what they deserve..." -elsewhere- Wes: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." liz: *arriving home*..... *kiss on the forehead* Wes: =w= *yawns* "...Hey." liz: tired? *snuggle* Wes: "Yeah...Conducting was more exhausting than I thought..." *puts an arm around her* "How was teaching?" liz: tiring. Wes: "Can imagine...How are students doing?" liz: they're an interesting bunch. Wes: " 'Interesting' is a load phrase..." *cheek smooch* liz: *chuckle* -elsewhere- maid: *looking around the school with a letter* Rin: *scrubbing the floor* "Stupid punishment..." T~T maid: mr okumura? Rin: "??? What up?" maid: mail call. *hands him the invitation* Rin: "???" *looks at the invitation* "...Um...?" -its from mephisto- *BOOM* Rin: *instant sparkly* Rin: -_-### *The invitation is talking in Mephisto's voice--raised a pitch* Chibi!Mephisto: "You're invited! You're invited! You're in--" Rin: *growl* Chibi!Mephisto: ._.; maid: *sweatdrop* Chibi!Mephisto: *ahem* "I'M HOLDING A PARTY! Show up! Fancy dress! BYOB! Just kidding--I'll have drinks there. RSVP." Rin: "...Do I have to?" maid: if its any consolation, your niece will be there as well. Rin: "Well, that's a plus...Is it RSVP plus one?" maid: yeah. heck, bring as many as you need. Rin: "...We are totally cleaning him out of food and drinks." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around...approaches a door marked 'SECURITY'* "???" eckleburg: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chitter* eckleburg: what're you doing here, toby? *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: *scratches at the door* eckleburg: are you hungry? there's no food in there. *walks away* lets get you some food, ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# *stomach growl* -elsewhere- mikan: *humming and rocking heibito* heibito: zzzz Asura: "..." *stares* mikan:....*smiles at him* Asura: "..." *shy smile* mikan: *snuggles up to him with heibito* heibito: =w= Asura: "..." *awkward hug around the two of them* -elsewhere- katya: so what's one of the most fucked up things you've seen in the mafia? Gin: "..." *thinks about Mori* ryurou: there's a lot of 'fucked up' things i've seen that i've lost count. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *thinks of meeting with Fyodor...* katya: yeah, we saw some shit in the rats too......(ivan's room is an example......) Gin: "One can imagine...but prefers not to. We try to keep such information within the Mafia." katya: ah. Tachihara: "Okay--most embarrassing moment in the Rats?" katya: just about half everything gonch does. pushkin: same. poor dude has it bad. naoya: ah. Gin: "I think Tachihara fits that category now." Tachihara: *glare* pushkin + katya: OOOOOH SNAP. *high five* Tachihara: >_< "Shut up! Stupid gremlins..." -pushkin had to restrain katya to keep her from tearing tachihara’s head off- Tachihara: *hiding behind Gin* Q_Q Gin: -_-# hirotsu: *sweatdrops* Tachihara: "That brat is crazy..." -elsewhere- Kid: *crawls into bed* stocking: *in lingere* hmhm~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Hello~" stocking: looking good, handsome~ Kid: *unbuttons the top of his shirt* "You're looking beautiful, angel..." stocking: *kissing his chest* Kid: *moans, rests a hand along her leg* "Thank you...." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sleeping against the baby's crib* kirako: ....*puts a blanket over him* Dazai: =_= -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: ..... Gopher: *slight kick, whimper* kirika:....*rubs his shoulder* *sigh* Gopher: *calms down...* "Zzz..." kirika:.... *sigh* (honestly, this guy....) Gopher: *turns over, lying near her* kirika:..... (you can talk about it in the morning, then....) -elsewhere- milia: zzzz Free: *tucks her in* eruka: *smiles* milia: =w= Free: *whispers* "Sweet kid..." eruka: yeah.... Free: "...Been thinking about other work..." eruka: where abouts? Free: "Maybe construction? I'm tall, can lift a lot--can't die if I fall." eruka: yeah, ^^; Free: "I mean, easier than working at a grocery or retail...My big hands can't stock shelves good." -morning- Todoroki: *holds up a slice of bread* "..." fuyumi: *making coffee* Todoroki: *heats the bread with his hand* fuyumi: clever. ^^ Todoroki: "Thanks..." *takes the knife to spread butter* "How's school?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *yawns* kirika: mornin. *eating pancakes* not bad. eibon: thank you. it's an old recipe. ^^ Gopher: .\\\. *sits down...looks down at the food* "..." kotone:....brother? arent you hungry? Gopher: "...A little..." *slices a small piece...eats* "...It's good." *he sounds unenthused* kirika: .... eibon:....are you alright, my child? Gopher: "...I think...I don't want to go to school today..." kirika:.....wanna stay at my place? Gopher: "!!! ...Y-You would let me?" kirika: *nods* yeah, cause i care about you, y'know? Gopher: Q_Q "Th-Thank you..." kirika: ....need me to carry you there or are you good? Gopher: O\\\\\\\o "...I-I-I-I-" kirika: ....*waves hand* oi, goph, you there? Gopher: *falls face first into his pancakes* eibon: D8 kotone: D8> !!!! kirika: ._.;; -elsewhere- Rin: "--and I still got glitter under my nails." madoka: ^^; Rin: "So, up for the shindig?" madoka: sure, i'd love to. ^^ Rin: "Sweet! Can't wait to show you my new threads..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa?.... Chuuya: "What?" *lifts his head--and his eyes are red* sonia: *walks over, holding mito* mito: *meow* Chuuya: "Wh-What's wrong?" *sniff* "H-Hungry?" sonia:.....*puts mito on the bed and crawls in to hug him* Chuuya: "..." *hic* sonia: .... *glances to a bedside table* -there is a photo of rain, along with her glasses, her bowtie.....and a wedding ring- Chuuya: "...I'm sorry..." *wipes his eyes* "L-Let's get you some water..." sonia:...ok... Chuuya: *small sob, chokes back tears, gets out of bed...* sonia:...... *holds his hand* Chuuya: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *lying in his cot, looking up at the ceiling...the walls are marked with lines* -elsewhere- Adam: "--and he hasn't left his room..." yana: hmm. should i go pay our padre a visit then? Adam: "I think so? He seems sad..." yana: ...alright. *knocks* ooooi, padre? open up. *Silence* yana: are you dead or something? cause that would cause problems for us. Hawthorne: "Go away." yana: ... <gonch, would you do the honors?> Ivan: "Certainly~" *walks back from a starting position...leans down...and runs at the door with his head* yana: <i meant with your golems.> lydia: <vanya please, you're going to open your wound.> Ivan: <It's fine--I lost most feeling there~> *The room is dark except for the light coming in through the doorway...Hawthorne is not visible* lydia: ... yana:....padre? hello? *There's a closet door...The top of the bed looks filthy* lydia: .... *sending a small, shadowy dog to investigate the area* *The door is giving off an awful stench, worse than the bed* dog: *whine* yana: *covers mouth* ok, you better be either dead or in need of a bath... *Someone is holding the door shut* yana:.....*looks at ivan* *nods* Ivan: "..." *directs the Golem to rip off the door--which drags Hawthorne out by the doorknob, too* yana: *completely unfazed* lydia: !!!! *He hasn't shaved or cut his hair...His nails are long...He smells awful* yana: .....yikes. <ivan, get him a bath and then send him to the nurse.> Hawthorne: "N-No! Not her!" Ivan: ._.; yana: padre, dont be a baby. Hawthorne: "She's brutal! Violent! Insane!" *clawing at the floor* zoey: is something wrong....pastor? Hawthorne: Q______Q "No!" Q: you smell awful. Hawthorne: "Just a bath! That's all I need!" yana: *looks at ivan* Ivan: "...I'll take his legs..." lydia: *grabs him by the arms* Hawthorne: "NoOOOOOOOooooooOOOO!" yana: quit your whining and take your bath, you're a grown ass adult. Hawthorne: "Fine, fine! Just don't let her near me!" -elsewhere- ranpo: *checking his phone*...hey poe, your bro uploaded something. i think its a video from when you were a kid. Poe: ._________. "...What?" -the video shows a young poe on a stage, dressed like his namesake.......he just screams- Poe: Q_______Q "...In every person's life, there is a terrifying school stage play." ranpo: i've never been in a school play. Poe: "It's nerve-wracking...W-Would you have ever wanted to be in one?" ranpo: nah, sounds lame. Poe: *covers his face* "Embarrassing..." lana: at least you didnt have another kid throw up on you. -_-; Poe: D: "Oh no..." lana: kindergarten plays are terrifying. Poe: *nod nod* "Incredibly..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. stocking: so you carried him back? kirika: yeah, so? stocking: you must carry madam zeroni up the mountain- kirika: hahaha, very funny. -_-; Kid: "I laughed." ^^ Gopher: "...I don't get it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "..." *slowly shuts the door* "...No." himawari: ?? Black Star: "Just...don't go in there..." *shudders* himawari: ???? Black Star: *shakes his head* "How do you get stuck in something like that..." belkia: Q____Q i fuzzed up. Higan: "I know, buddy, we all do...Let me get the lube." belkia: *CRINGE* Higan: "This will only hurt for a moment...I'm going to pull it out slowly..." belkia: PHRASING!! Higan: "...Sorry. I use the terms that are on the tip of my tongue...so to speak." *grabs Belkia's hips, pulls* belkia: *cries* ayami: ._.;;; should i call the hospital just in case? Higan: "Nah, I'm sure I--" *pulls* belkia: *SCREEECH* -he made it out- Q_Q my butt's all sore now! naho:.................I HAVE VERY MIXED FEELINGS ON THIS SITUATION! Higan: "??? How'd you get here?" naho: ... *shrugs* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--like fine wine pouring through the streams of the valleys of lemondrop fields!" leo: ^^ naoya: cool story, my dude. Motojiro: "YES! I was inspired by days of Candyland!" *holds up his book* "SO MUCH POETRY I HAVE WRITTEN!" leo: i liked it. ^^ Motojiro: OWO *shiny eyes* "THANK YOU!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *sighs* "You're impossible." Rin: *shaking the envelope* "I think there's still more..." *There's a mountain of confetti at their feet* kyouko: -_-; Yukio: "J-Just...Just clean this up..." Chibi!Mephisto: *hanging from the envelope's edge over the floor* ._.; -elsewhere- mio: *playing mario party* Meme: *tapping the buttons* rowena: *focused* lenore: *watching* -elsewhere- hitoshi: *walking along* Izuku: *waves* hitoshi: *small wave* Izuku: "How are you?" hitoshi: *writing something down* [good] Izuku: *nods* "...You studying for exams?" hitoshi: [yeah, general exams, tho.] Izuku: "..." *smiles* "It's the road to getting into the hero courses." hitoshi: [no kidding] Izuku: "Any study group?" -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: *kisses down his chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "Nice..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *rests fingers along her wrist* -elsewhere- Victor: *opens the cupboards* "Not much here..." nozomi: *taking notes* Victor: "??? What you writing?" nozomi: just examining my father's notes. ^^ Victor: *nods* "You've been hard at it..." nozomi: *smiles* Victor: "Any new experiments you're going to try from it?" -elsewhere- sonia: *in class* ???: "Whoops--" *pushes Sonia* sonia: .... ???: "Didn't see you there, Tiny!" *wicked laugh* sonia:.....*ignoring them* Bully: "...Hey! When someone apologizes, you should say something!" *pokes her arm* sonia: your apology sounded insincere, so i will assume you were being sarcastic. Bully: "...What?" sonia: do you try to assert authority over me because im a grade below you? or are you just acting out because you want attention? Bully: "..." Q______Q "...Attention?" sonia: your parents ignore you a lot, dont they? or am i wrong? Bully: "...I only see Mom when I get into trouble." sonia: *grabs the bully's hand and drags him with her* teacher, this kid needs the guidance counselor. Teacher: "??? Um...How do you know--" Bully: Q~Q Teacher: "!!! O-Okay, okay..." sonia: *goes back to reading* child: woah. boy: what does 'ass-hurt' mean? girl: *giggles* Teacher: -_-; "Come on...It'll be okay." Bully: *wiping his eyes* -elsewhere- atsushi:.....*siiighs* Lucy: "??? You okay?" atsushi: tired =_=; long day..... Lucy: "D'aw..." *rubs his back* atsushi: TT3TT thanks Lucy: "How about some tea and a nap?" atsushi: sounds nice. -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." hirotsu:....chuuya? you've been quiet all day. Chuuya: "...Just focused, I guess." hirotsu:...if something's bothering you- Chuuya: "Th-Thanks..." *nods, shaking* hirotsu:...*pap pap* Chuuya: "...I-I think I'll stop here for today..." hirotsu: shall i send for someone to pick sonia up? Chuuya: "Y-Yes..." -and so- sonia: ... Gin: "Hello." *she's unmasked in her civilian attire* sonia: hi aunt gin. pushkin: *waves as he is the driver* sonia:................................ pushkin:.... ^-^;; that's fair. Gin: -_-; "Sorry. It was difficult to find additional persons..." sonia: ...... *sits close to gin* Gin: *pats her shoulder* "How was school?" sonia: alright. i got a kid sent to the guidance counselor. pushkin: ._.;; Gin: "...On purpose?" sonia: i think he has issues at home. Gin: "Ah...Suppose that is for the best..." *looks out the window* sonia: ...... Gin: "...Did you want to stop for a snack?" sonia:...ok -elsewhere- Shima: "--and the food! And the girls! And the dancing! And the girls--" izumo: *smack* we get it, shima. -_-# Shima: X-< Rin: "Everyone got dates?" konekomaru: im good. izumo: i asked paku if she was interested. *death glare at shima* Shima: "!!! I didn't do anything!" izumo: you were thinking it! Shima: .______.;;; "...Okay, you got me there--" -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down blocks, stacking them in front of Toru* toru: ?? Yohei: "See? Different colors, but they're all cubes..." *holds one up to Toru* toru: ba! Yohei: "Like a little box!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sneezes* naoya: feelin' ok? Akutagawa: *groans* "Hope the winter stops soon..." naoya: dont worry, it'll be spring before ya know it... -elsewhere- kyouko: *riding the back of sayaka's scooter, making deliveries* sayaka: ^^ Mikuni: *sweeping* kyouko: *gets off and walks up to the door* delivery! Jeje: "??? Oh. Thank you. I'll sign for it--" *The door slams open--and crushes Jeje* Johannes: OwO sayaka: *runs* kyouko: D8< Johannes: "Bean!!!" *runs for the exit* sayaka: D8> *SCREEEEEAM* Johannes: "SQUEE--" Mikuni: "???" *turns--and his broom smacks Johannes in the face* kyouko: ._.; metsu: he's fine. mostly. Johannes: .w. *twitching* "Br-Bring me your finest ginger ale with an umbrella..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: ..... Jun: "???" mitsuba: im so boooored. hyakuya: no kidding. Jun: "...Want to play Monopoly?" hyakuya: eh, sure.... -elsewhere- twain: so this guy tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows, but the police were too busy teargassin' him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire month every time he opened his eyes! it was funny at first, then it just got sad...but then it got funny again! emily: that's....um.... Steinbeck: "Not in front of the younger ones..." -_-# dorothy: *nom* Hemingway: "Some damn fine food..." *opens a bottle of beer* oscar: delicious~ ^^ ebie: *nom nom* Steinbeck: *sighs* "Still a way to travel..." oscar: so what's our next plan? Steinbeck: "We'll need to raft..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa, im home. Chuuya: *smiles* "Hi." *hug* "How was school..." sonia: sent a kid to therapy, got snacks with aunt gin and mr pushkin drove. Chuuya: ._. "...Go back to 1?" sonia: *she explains what happened* Chuuya: "...That was very mature of you." sonia: thanks... Chuuya: "...I'm happy you didn't retaliate...but was there a reason you didn't?" sonia: if i got angry with him, it wouldnt have fixed anything. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "I suppose not..." sonia:....did you have a good day at work, papa? Chuuya: "...It went fine." *smiles* sonia...*hug* mito: *mew* Chuuya: "..." *pat pat on Sonia's back...pets Mito* sonia: .... Chuuya: "W-Well, I suppose you have homework..." sonia: could you help me? Chuuya: "Of course...What did you want to work on?" -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. riley: is he alright? kirika: having a tough day. heather: *sweatdrop* (doesnt look it to me..) Gopher: "Wh-Wh-Wat-t-t-ter?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: "??? The hell you looking at my baby pictures?" mina: you have such an angry baby face XD Bakugo: >_< "I DO NOT AND I WILL TOTALLY DESTROY YOU WITH--" eijiro: is this a lion?! <X'D -it’s a onesie- Bakugo: O\\\\\\\O "...MOM! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" -elsewhere- Iida: "??? You feel okay?" momo: ?? y-yeah. of course i do. ^^; Iida: "...The exams?" momo:...*nod* Iida: "Anything you know to work on?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Feel better?" shinra: yeah Relan: *rubs his back* "Just take it slowly...You'll figure this out." -elsewhere- Bon: *grumbles, adjusting his collar* konekomaru: everyone all set? Shima: *in a white suit, scarf, and fedora* "Ready!" izumo: -_____-;; paku: count your blessings at least its not a trilby. shiemi: *opens the door*.....wow. paku: this is.... izumo:............i have no words. -one fancy ass house- madoka: i feel so tiny... ._.; Bon: "...How does all this fit in this space?" stocking: magic mostly. izumo: GAH! oh, right, she's here too. Rin: *waves* "How's it going, fam?!" stocking: ^-^; well, the party room is this way. mom, dad, and kid are there waiting. Yukio: *bows* "Thank you for this invitation--" Rin: *pushing Yukio forward* "Food, bro--food!" Yukio: -_-; paku: mrs death? stocking: hmm? paku: is it true your dad is....you know....a mega nerd? stocking:............................................................... >->;;;;;;;;;; izumo: -_-; your silence speaks volumes. Shima: "Ah, how big a nerd can he--" *turns a corner to another hallway* "...Why does he have anime figurines in glass cases?" stocking: the less questions you ask, the better you'll sleep tonight. Bon: -_-;;;;; "Let's just get this--" Mephisto: "WELCOME!" *bear hug* Bon: *crushed ribs* X_____X paku: ._.;; shiemi: ^-^;; stocking: *inhales* (please let me get through this tonight) felisia: ^^; so you're stocking's students and coworker, right? Shima: "..." *picks up Koneomaru* "Please accept this human sacrifice--" konekomaru: D8 -CHOP- stocking: bad shima. Shima: *collapses at Felisia's feet* X_X izumo: *drags him in* i apologize for that. felisia: oh it's quite alright, deary. ^^ paku: i really like your dress, ma'am. felisia: aw thanks, i sewed it myself. Rin: "Stylish. I should get some cash to have you make something..." Yukio: "??? ...So you could wear a dress?" Rin: >3< "Dude!" felisia: if you wanted, i wouldnt judge. ^^ -and so, at dinner- Bon: *stares at the curry* "How spicy is it?" stocking: *cringes as she eats her dinner* paku: you have a pretty big house. are you really a magician? felisia: you could say that~ ^u^ Rin: >_> "Soooooooo, how's work going, Kid?" Kid: "Busy. And your classes?" Rin: "...I'm not failing as badly?" ^^; shiemi: we've been improving, right nee? nee: ^o^ Yukio: "I can attest to that..." madoka:....oh! right. i should probably return- Mephisto: "Oh, thank you! But I don't want it anymore." madoka: oh, a-are you sure? Mephisto: "Consider it a gift, Honorary True Crosser..." madoka: thank you sir! *bows* Mephisto: "You're very welcome, Hero." *smiles* -noises in the hall....footsteps?- shiemi: ??? ???: "Brother? We got any curly fries?" stocking: 0-0;; (oh. oh no. no no no.) maid: miss paku, a sample of tea? paku: oh, um.....ok?..... *sips......zzzzzz* izumo: D8< WHAT DID YOU- maid: it's better if she doesnt remember this. Amaimon: *holding a tub of ice cream* "...Oh. The party?" shiemi: OxO;;;;;;;; Rin: .___. "..." *turns* "Stocking. Explain?" stocking: dammit amaimon -_-; konekomaru: isnt he the broccoli head guy? Bon: "What the hell, Mephisto?!" Mephisto: "...Well, Amaimon is..." ^^;;; felisia: we're rehabilitating him here. stocking: (nice save, mom) Bon: "..." *crosses his arms* "Makes sense, I guess." Shima: *still unconscious, propped up in a chair* X_X Rin: ^^;;;;;;; shiemi: >->;;;;;;;; Amaimon: "Hey, you gonna finish that?" *puts his hand into Konekomaru's mashed potatoes, grabs it, starts licking it off his fingers* konekomaru: D8> -CHOP- stocking: down boy. Amaimon: T_T "So mean..." shiemi: ._.;;;;;;; Mephisto: "...Kidding!" shiemi: *forced awkward laughing* OwO;;;; Bon: "..." *pushes his plate, sips the water* Amaimon: "...Oh, hey. My bride." shiemi: THISHASBEENALOVELYDINNERBUTIREALLYHAVETOGOHOMERIGHTNOWITHINKMYMOMMAYHAVEATERMINALILLNESSANDINEEDTOTENDTOTHATGOODNIGHT!!! *RUNS* Amaimon: "..." *takes Shiemi's seat, starts eating her meal* izumo: .........should i be creeped out by this? i feel i should. Yukio: "Let's...just make the most of this. Not like anything else weird can happen..." Mephisto: "How are classes? I was wondering because we had some ideas to spice up lessons--" konekomaru: well, we had this one random student come in named godaiin- Mephisto: *drops his spoon* stocking: dad? Mephisto: "...Whoopsy. I better get a fresh one..." felisia: ... Mephisto: *walks to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Oh, stop it..." tomura: *face on the floor, groaning* himiko: do you want a cupcake? Kurogiri: "...We can put frosting on it." tomura *muffled response* Kurogiri: "...I think he said yes." -elsewhere- Poe: *curled up under blanket* lana: edgar? Poe: "!!! Y-Yes?" lana: you alright? Poe: "..." *nods* "Snug as a bug in a rug..." ^^; lana:....*leans and snuggles* Poe: =\\\\\= *holds her* -elsewhere- Crona: *humming* mami: *making dinner* Crona: *sets down plates* "...May I help?" mami: feel free to. ^^ Crona: *reaches past Mami for a bottle* "Maybe a little of this?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds up a jar to Licht...it has a label on it* licht: ?? *The label says "Whoop Ass"* Hyde: "..." *slowly opens the jar* licht: ???? there's nothing in it... *PUNCH* licht: *stunned* !! Hyde: "Hee hee--GOT YOU GOOD!" licht:....*glare* Hyde: OwO "...REGRET NOTHING!" *runs* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *muttering in Russian* erina: ?? Fyodor: *shakes in the shackles* "..." *sounds like a rattle in his throat* erina: sir? sir?! Fyodor: "M-Medicine..." erina: r-right away! *over talkie* we have a prisoner who is in need of medical, ASAP! Fyodor: *shudders* -elsewhere- hina: so this 'league'... mimeca: =3= saku: .... Akua: "They...are expanding." kinuta: oh~? PlushFix: "And they want our expertise!" Akua: "...Or just your numbers." hina: eh, a job's a job. and if we get to murder some fucks, great! saku:.... 7_7; mimeca: *takes form of beatrice* hina: yeah, maybe we will find the rent-a-maid. PlushFix: "Hope so. And Flowers." hina: maybe schedule a prison break~? mimeca: *NOD NOD NOD* PlushFix: "Sweet...That'll be a good challenge." -elsewhere- Gopher: *asleep on the couch* kirika:.... *Ring* kirika: yo. Justin: "Miss Kirika? This is Justin Law." kirika: oh hey shitty priest, thought you died or somethin' *her tone doesnt seem hostile* Justin: ^^; "Fortunately, not. Thank you. I wanted to check in regarding Miss Oriko--" kirika: !!! is she ok?! how is she?! does she remember anything?! oriko: ?? Justin: "She is fine...Her mental and emotional health are improving...Memories are slower to come..." kirika: what all does she remember? Justin: "Mostly typical details and behaviors--talking, usual activities someone her age would know...Only a few details but not the majority of her past." kirika:...can i talk to her at least? Justin: "Of course. I know you'll do so, but be understanding how much she can handle..." kirika: o-ok... oriko: who is it? Justin: "A friend." oriko: ok...hello? kirika: oriko, it's me kirika, do you remember me? oriko: oh of course. you're justin's friend, right? kirika: *wince*....y-yeah....guess you still dont remember, huh? oriko: sorry if im not able to help. i do remember some things, though. like tea, one of my favorite novels 'crime and punishment', but i dont remember the author... Justin: *wipes some dust on a nearby counter, listening* kirika: well, if you guys wanted to...i dunno...visit, i'd like that a lot. oriko: ok. i'll let him know. bye bye......miss kirika offered us to visit... Justin: "..." *smiles* "I think that would be a fun event. It's a charming home." -elsewhere- Shima: *wakes up* "Wh-what happened?" paku: ugh...am i dead right now? -they're in one of the spare bedrooms....on a heart shaped bed- Shima: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. ("OH GOD OH GOD--DON'T DO ANYTHING. DON'T MOVE. DON'T SAY ANYTHING.") "...Hello." ("...YOU DUMMY!") paku: .......................................................*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* *PAWNCH* Shima: *knocked out of the bed* *slow-motion--* "Ooooooooooow..." -repeat that in slo-mo as ave maria plays in the background- Shima: *hits the floor with a loud thud* izumo: *SLAM* WHAT HAPPENED?!! DID HE DO ANYTHING?!?! Shima: X______X paku: PERVERT!! izumo:............*DEATH AURA* Shima: X_X "I swear, I'm already dead. No more..." konekomaru:....no offense, mr mephisto, but you have a demented sense of humor Mephisto: "D'aw, thanks~" ^^ madoka: well, thank you for the dinner, sir. *bows* stocking: i'll make sure godaiin gets those eyedrops then. Mephisto: *curtesy to Madoka* "You're very welcome." *serious face at Rin* "DON'T SCREW THIS UP." Rin: ._.;;;; Kid: "???" madoka: ^////^;;; stocking: *sweatdrop* felisia: ^^; Kid: *ahem* "Thank you very much, Mephisto, Felisia..." *looks at Shima* "...So, do I collect his soul, or--" felisia: he's fine. mostly. -elsewhere- Emine: *under his own bed* "..." lin-kimpur: *pap pap* you did well on your bad deed, today. Emine: "...Did I?" lin-kimpur:... *crawls under to join him* Emine: "...Too cramped?" -elsewhere- Yukio: "What a mess..." -_-; kyouko: yikes. sounds like it. Rin: "It was mostly harmless--minus the passing out, unwanted advances from demons--" kyouko: ._.; Yukio: "Please take this more serioiusly. Shiema is now going to need more anti-demon repellent--" Rin: D8> "Then how do I hang out with you guys?" shiemi: i-it's fine, really. if i use that, i wont be able to see nee or the others. Yukio: "But we have to do something--" kyouko: you're getting pretty strung up, yuki. *smirk* Yukio: "I am simply concerned about the wellbeing of--...of all of us." kyouko: 7w7 sure yuki, sure. Yukio: -\\\\\- Rin: "...!!! D'aw, he's blushing~" -w- Yukio: >\\\\\< "I am just having an allergic reaction--" shiemi: i dont think i have pollen on me ._.; Rin: "...Yukio, didn't you tell me pollen was--" Yukio: "FINISHTHATSENTENCEANDI'LLMAKEYOURFLAMEINTOASMALLEMBER--" kyouko: yukio. deep breaths. shiemi: ???? Rin: Q_Q "...I don't want to be turned into an ember..." -elsewhere- Kid: *takes off his jacket* "...Those eyedrops..." stocking: they should help that boy out for at least a while. i'll ask nygus to give him a prescription…. {stocking: dad, what do you mean 'godaiin's problem is a harbinger'?} {Mephisto: "We are trying to determine what he encountered that led him to see things he should not see..."} stocking: ... -two days later, in russia- ???: <shit! there's no end to these things!?> shura: *SLASHING* just what is this place, even? ???: this was an experimental accelerator...perhaps.... shura:.... !!...oi....lewin, the fuck is that? lewin: ??..... !!! -a dark shape can be seen- Triple A: *slashing at an opponent* "Back, back, foul beast! Lewin! Could you please find what you need so we can--" lewin: ohohohoho, this is getting real interesting now...you know what that is there? shura: a creepy ass blob of death? lewin:...that.....is a gehenna gate. shura: !!???!!! lewin: a human made gehenna gate, eh? -the gate warps- shura: i dont like the looks of this. lewin: we'll need a specialist to deal with this... Triple A: *grumbles* "Fine...Who are we calling?" lewin: you know who we have to call. Triple A: "...No." lewin: come on angel, i know you dont like it, but, contrary to popular belief, the world doesnt revolve round you. shura: zing. Triple A: -~- "F-Fine..." *opens his flip phone* "...Pheles?" Mephisto: *static* "Wh-What--" lewin: i think we have an idea of what's been happening here.... -elsewhere- Asura: "!!!" mikan: you felt that too? Asura: *nods* "So powerful..." -upstairs, nirvana employees are scrambling about with reports and research- ???: *pulls out his watch, looks at it...smiles* ???: ..... *she's shaking, scared* <d-d-do i have to? h-he didnt do anything wrong-> -a man is strapped to a chair, likely to be interrogated- ???: "Tsk tsk tsk...You know it has to be done." ???:.....*touches the man's cheek* Man: "?!!" <Wh-What are you--> ???:.....*she is crying as she takes a hammer.....and slams it onto her finger* Man: *howls in pain* <What sorcery is this?!> ???: *tears falling from pain as she slams the hammer down again* Man: *screaming, crying* <St-Stop! I'll say anything!> ???:...... *she looks to the man with the watch* ???: *smiles* "Ask him where the money is." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and then they drizzle chocolate over it! You'll love it!" leo: *smiles* -elsewhere- sachiko: *examining patient files* Dr. John: "Hard at work?" sachiko: yeah. feels like i havent been working as hard as i could be.... Dr. John: "Well, we all pace ourselves to achieve our goals." *smiles* sachiko: *nods* -elsewhere- izumi: *studying hard* Anya: "Could I borrow a sheet of paper?" izumi: *hands her one* Anya: "Thank you..." *starts folding the paper* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Looking forward to spring?" ochako: yep! cant wait for the flower viewing. Todoroki: *nods* "And flower shows?" ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "Should be fun. We can go after we get through exams..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *drenched wet and covered in soap suds* "..." chie: *also soaked* *sigh* toru: babu! ^o^ Yohei: "Kid's gonna be a swimmer..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *humming* neian: *babble* Medusa: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- tomura: ..... Kurogiri: "Any new visitors--" -knock on the door- tomura: *groaaaans* Kurogiri: "...Fine. I'll answer." *opens the door* hina: yo, this the 'league of rogues' or somethin'? Kurogiri: "..." *summons a warp gate hina: woah, easy now. we're just here cause we heard you're recruiting. that broker guy in the purple sent us. mimeca: *waves* saku: ... Kurogiri: "..." *shuts off the warp gate* "Pass-code?" PlushFix: *muffled voice* " 'Seven sleeping seagulls.'" *PlushFix pops up* "Who writes this shit?!" Kurogiri: "...It's from my child's picture book." hina: fantaaastic. Kurogiri: "Come in." *closes the door behind them* "Let's begin with drinks and discussion." himiko: AWWW WHAT A CUTE PLUSHIE! can i hold it? hina: sure, go nuts. himiko: *HUGGGGGGS* PlushFix: "Wait wh--" *CRUNCH* X_____X "You motherf--" Kurogiri: *covers PlushFix's mouth* *evil voice to PlushFix* "No." PlushFix: O_o;;;;; tomura: let me fucking guess, you shipdits are here to sing the praises of stain for the billionth time. hina: who? tomura:....this woman is officially my favorite person in this building. Kurogiri: "See? Recruiting new people can be useful." PlushFix: X______X mimeca: ^u^ tomura:...whatever.... -elsewhere- Chuuya: *pours milk into the dish, sets it on the floor* mito: *lap lap* Chuuya: *strokes her back...sits on the floor* mito: *mew* ^^ Chuuya: *small smile* "Good kitty..." *pats her side* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knocks* higuchi: door's open! Akutagawa: *walks in* "Hello." naoya: yo! Akutagawa: *wave* "I assure you, I have not killed." higuchi: *sweatdrop* nice to know. kuniko: hey. *playing smash bros* Akutagawa: "...How is game-playing?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *wringing out his shirt* -_-; ebie: *whistling* Steinbeck: "??? Still busy with tasks?" *hangs up his shirt on a clothesline* ebie: yeppers....so you're from a farm too, right? Steinbeck: "Yep. Tend to fields..." ebie: *smiles* that sounds nice. i get homesick sometimes..... *draws something in the dirt* thats my pa, john, my ma, fern, my big brother avery, grampy, grammy edit, and the farmhand mr zuckerman. Steinbeck: "...Quite a few people, huh?" ebie: *nods*....i do miss them a lot. i hope they're doing alright. Steinbeck: "When did you last talk to them?" ebie: i got to talk to my ma last christmas over the phone. sounds like they were doing ok, though she did say she missed me. *wipes eyes* Steinbeck: "..." *pats her shoulder* ebie: do you miss talking to your family, too? Steinbeck: "...Yes. All the time." ebie: maybe we can meet them one day. Steinbeck: "..." *looks around...whispers* "There are some of us who I think aren't ready to meet my family yet..." ebie: owo ? -elsewhere- Kid: *has glitter in his hair* "..." kirika: ^u^ Kid: "...This is not charming." kirika: love you too, bro ^^ Kid: *sighs* "Thanks. Now I have to get this cleaned up--" Patty: "Way ahead of you!" *dragging the garden hose inside* Kid: O_O "PATTY, NO--" -elsewhere- barkova: *sniffing around* Adam: *lifts up his legs* "...She always do this?" yana: pretty much. Adam: "...Is she sniffing for treats?" yana: *sighs and throws a bone cookie* barkova *chases after it before eating it* Adam: "...How'd she end up like that? Genetic tampering?" yana: more like mental conditioning. Adam: "...That seems mean." yana: we arent exactly 'good people'. Adam: "..." Q_Q "That's incredibly sad." yana:.... *typing things up* -elsewhere- Aizawa: *draws lines along the page* "Aaaaaaaand done." *Class 1A names linked together* blood king: well done. *has done the same with class 1B* Aizawa: "How's their exam planning?" -elsewhere- Rin: *headphones on, chopping vegetables, whistling* kyouko: hey rin? yukio has a call for you.....rin? Rin: *singing into a carrot* "OOOOOH YAY!" kyouko:....hate to do this, but you leave me no choice....*grabs his tail and bites down* Rin: Q____Q *SHRIEK* kyouko: *ptooie* sorry 'bout that, but yukio has a call for you. Rin: Q~Q "Not cool, man..." *takes the phone* "What up?" Yukio: "Oh, good, you're there--we have some extracurricular work--" Rin: "Is it extra credit?" Yukio: "...No--" Rin: "Hanging up--" Yukio: "DON'T GIVE ME THIS SASS RIGHT NOW!" Rin: ._.; kyouko: ._.;; Yukio: *ahem* "It is by order of Mephisto." -and so- Rin: *yawns* "So, what we doing?" Yukio: "We are investigating the Seven Mysteries--" izumo: of the cram school, right? Shima: "Not the one about the old lady who smashed the toilet?" konekomaru: well, death city is full of strange things, but i guess to the locals these are pretty mundane... Yukio: "This is limited to just the cram school. We expect demons are responsible for the Mysteries." shiemi: ... Yukio: *hands out a paper* "Read and memorize these mysteries..." izumo:... !!! look! -a white form can be spotted in the window- Yukio: "Ah. That's Mystery 1: 'the Bride.'" Shima: ._______. konekomaru: come on, lets go. -elsewhere- adrian: *walking along school grounds**turns a corner*... ?? well...fancy meeting you here~....mr traitor... Todo: "Tch. Respect your elders." adrian: here to clear out your old office? Todo: "Among other things..." adrian: hmm...no one else is here, right? Todo: "No. Just a ghost." adrian: and i take it she's dealing with the cram students? well, in that case, i'll just get comfortable~ *markings appear on her body, and horns upon her head* pazuzu: *streeeetch* ahhh, it's been too long since i could let loose like this. Todo: *nods* "Now, onto business..." *takes out an envelope* -morning- takara: *reading* konekomaru: ....what even _is_ takara's deal, anyway...? Rin: "...Do you think he's... *gulp* a demon?" konekomaru: ..... *staaaaaaare* izumo:....*facepalm* Bon: "And what the heck are you, you dimbulb?" Rin: "...A cool guy?" izumo: that's debatable. Rin: >3< "Just ask him, then. YO! TAKARA! WHAT'S YOU--" takara's puppet: CANT YOU SEE HE'S BUSY, BUNNY BOY!? Rin: ._. "..." >_< "I'M NOT TALKING TO A PUPPET! I'M ASKING--" izumo: dont bother. Rin: *being held back by Bon and Konekomaru* Bon: -_-# shiemi: bon, is he really the son of a toy company owner? Bon: "Yep. Wouldn't surprise me if that was one reason Pheles wanted him." izumo: cant believe he's a year above us. Bon: "Well, if you're young at heart, guess you look younger?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *yawns* kirako: zzzzz Dazai: "..." *light hug* kirako: *yawn* morning.... Dazai: "Morning...Hungry?" kirako: yes please. Dazai: "Okay..." *stretches* "Any preferences?" -elsewhere- (Oda: you awake?) atsushi: *yawn* (yeah) Oda: {Busy day ahead?} atsushi: (yeah, winter exams and all...) Oda: {You've been studying quite a bit for them, though...Need to practice?} atsushi: (might help) Oda: {Maybe ask Lucy or--} atsushi:.... (i'll see if she's up) -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusts his gloves* hirotsu: *hands him a paper* your mission for today. Chuuya: *takes it, reading the file* "...You're sure?" hirotsu: *he nods* Chuuya: "...Very well. You want me to handle this alone or with someone else?" hirotsu: you'll be taking naoya and miss makarov with you. Chuuya: *nods* "Very well. Are they ready?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: -_-### mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "That tiny terror plays too rough...I'm not some toy, damn it." mimeca:.... >->;;; PlushFix: "Y-You know what I mean! And Emo Hand-Job is a buzz kill." mimeca: =3= PlushFix: "Then Warp-Daddy says 'Just wait, your time will come.' I WANT TO KILL ALREADY!" mimeca: *pap pap* PlushFix: *sniff, wipes his teddy nose* "Thanks..." T_T -elsewhere- Mephisto: "...Disconcerting, to say the least..." shura: yeah, no shit. lewin: hopefully, those barriers you put up will help... Mephisto: "Quite..." *sips his tea* "...Where is Arthur?" lewin: he's getting info from the locals. Mephisto: *nods* "Keep me updated." -elsewhere- tamaki: ..... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... {tamaki: *eating lunch alone in a storage closet, wiping her tears away* *sniff*} {???: "--and such a freak!"} {???: did you see her at gym class today? i bet she's just faking it to get guys to notice her, hahaha, how lame!} {???: "You know what I think? She's a slut. Just wants attention."} {tamaki: *shaking, eating her food harder* *hic*....(stupid jerks...i dont need friends anyway! im fine on my own!)} tamaki: ........ Arthur: "..." *rests his hand lightly over hers* tamaki:... *sniff* t-thanks... Arthur: *nods* "...You're not alone." tamaki: .... nozomi:....*pats her back* Arthur: "See?" tamaki: ....*small smile* Arthur: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Yohei: *smooch* chie: ^////^ hehe~ Yohei: *rubs her back lightly* "I finished fixing the sink...What else you need?" LK: [[..... TT~TT YAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS YASSSSSSSSSSSSSs. later down the line tho.]] -elsewhere- liz: *plomph onto wes' lap* hello~ Wes: ^\\\\^ "Hey, there, beautiful." liz: busy~? Wes: "With you..." *kisses along her jawline* "Yes." liz: hmhmhm~ Wes: *lets his hands move to her back, drawing her closer* liz: u////u Wes: *his lips meet hers, as one hand slides to her bottom* liz: mmmm~<3 Wes: *rubs her bottom--before giving a very soft spank to it* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Your tea." tsubaki: thank you. naho: we're back! Sakuya: *closes the door behind them* Shamrock: "How was it?" naho: tireeed. *plops onto the couch* =////= soft.... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "What she said..." *puts down his bookbag, stretches* lavender: want some hot cocoa? Sakuya: "That'd be great--thanks." lavender: ^^ *goes to make it* with marshmallows? naho: yeeeessss.... Sakuya: ^^ *sits down, rests his fingers along her head* naho: =w= <3 Sakuya: *small laugh, massages her head lightly* naho: *purr* Sakuya: "Cute..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." hirotsu: *tucks him in* Akutagawa: *shivers* hirotsu:.... *sighs and exits* -morning- yumikage: *grumbles* Jun: "???" yumikage: long night. exhausted. fuckin' tsurugi kept me up all night. Jun: "Well, you have work this morning--so pour some coffee." yumikage: *grumbling* mafura: ~? tsurugi:.... 7v7 *whispers something to mafura* mafura:....ok.....mr jun? Jun: "Hmm?" mafura: is mr tsurugi mafura-chan’s brother? yumikage: *sipping coffee* Jun: "I don't think so." mafura: because he said mr touma was our daddy. yumikage: *SPITTAKE* TSURUGI! D8< tsurugi: >u< Jun: "... ... ... ... ..." *death glare at Tsurugi* tsurugi: OuO..... WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP. yumikage: GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE TO HER! Jun: "...Mafura. Think through what you're asking next time." mafura: ??? Jun: "..." *sighs, smiles* "How about pancakes?" mafura: ok! ^u^ -elsewhere- Master: "??? You got customers." mana: welcome. ^^ Izuku: *waves* "Hi. We're here for a study group?" mana: right this way. *guides them to a table that has a sign 'class 1-a study group' Todoroki: *nods* Mineta: *walks on in, very proud--* Master: *DEATH GLARE* Mineta: *walks right back out...* -elsewhere- Hemingway: "Gee, you're burnt to a crisp..." twain: x3Q worth it....ow. Hemingway: *sigh* "How is this 'worth it'? You got to build up slowly. Look at me--" *rips open his shirt* "AND MY GOLDEN TAN!" twain: noice. oscar: .///. oh my. Hemingway: "You think this is something, you should've seen the tan I sported when I went toe-to-flipper against the rampaging manatees of Havana!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "...So is it a mannequin hand, or an artistic statement?" tomura: *grunts and plays his game using chopsticks to press the buttons* PlushFix: "...That's just sad. I bet you can't even touch your Little Buddy..." tomura: do you ever stop talking, you shitty demented chucky knock-off? PlushFix: "...Yes. When I'm eating out your mama." tomura: *throws him out the window* PlushFix: "WOOOOORTH IT--" *crashes into dumpster* tomura: shut up. shut up shut up shut up sHUT UP SHUTUPSHUTUP!!! Kurogiri: "Shigaraki. Breathe." tomura: *sharp quick breaths as he's crying* Kurogiri: "???" *pats his back* tomura: mu-*hic*-ma-*hi-hic*-mommyyyy..... Kurogiri: "...Oh...I'm sorry..." tomura: *whimpering* Kurogiri: *hums* tomura:....*hic*.......... Kurogiri: "You're okay...Just breathe..." -elsewhere- soul:....*staring up at the ceiling* .... Stein: "You're up." soul: ?? oh, right. so, how long is the plane ride gonna be? Stein: "Long enough for another 2 movies--director's cuts." soul: *grooooan* Stein: "...Something on your mind?" soul: just.....remembering. Stein: "...Hmm. Talk?" soul: i know its been years since it happened, and i've been coping as best as i can.....but part of me still wishes she was here. Stein: "...That is a normal wish. Do you think about her often in combat?" soul: ...yeah. Stein: "Then use that to do what she would want you to do." soul: right. Stein: "And don't forget to pay attention to what is in front of you--or you're going to run into a wall." soul: *stops in front of the wall* ._.; Stein: *sigh* "Sit down and just watch the film." -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *sniff* mio: meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes* *sniff* "Y-Yes?" mio: you holding up, ok? Meme: "I-I don't know?" mio:....well, there's a movie being held in the den if you're interested. Meme: "...Which one?" mio: i think it's fivel goes west. Meme: "..." *holds out a hand* mio: *takes her hand and leads her downstairs* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stands up* "How was it?" lisa:....ok. Vulcan: "..." *holds out a hand* "You had to make another appointment?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: "Want me to take you there?" lisa: y-yes. Vulcan: *nods* "Of course..." *soft pat on her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: *falls face first onto bed* stocking: feeling ok? Kid: "Tired...So many papers..." stocking: want a shoulder rub? Kid: "...Please?" stocking: *smiles and does so* Kid: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* "So much better..." stocking: ^^ *kiss* Kid: "Mmmm...Thank you." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm sorry...I didn't ask how your day was." stocking: busy for the most part. Kid: *lies back* "...I'm so proud of you." stocking: *kiss* ^///^ Kid: ^\\\^ "Mmm~ ...I said the right thing, then?" *smiles* stocking: you often do~ *crawls onto his lap* Kid: *holds her* "Comfy?" stocking: mmhmm~ *rests her head in the crook of his neck* Kid: *strokes the back of her hed* "Good..." *holds her close* stocking: u/////u i love you... Kid: *cheek smooch* "I love you." stocking: mmmn~ *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, rests a hand on her hip* "Love..." stocking: mm? Kid: *rests his lips lightly on the side of her neck* stocking: ah~ *strokes his head* Kid: *purrs softly, holds onto her* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *shaking* medic: has he even been eating? Medic #2: *shakes their head* "Refuses..." medic:....has he been taking care of himself _at all_? Medic #2: "...I think something is lost for him." medic:.....*sigh* do we request a transfer into psychiatric? Medic #2: "...Make the call." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holds target upside over the edge of the building* "You are lucky. I promised not to kill." guy: Q~Q;;; Akutagawa: "But that's only for a probationary period. And while I wait for that period to end, I'm going to be thinking of the many ways I can torture you--then kill you in the slowest, most painful way possible...unless you give me what I want." guy: i-i'll talk! i'll talk! Akutagawa: "...Good." *pulls the target back, drops them on the top of the roof, holds Rashomon close to them* "You were hunting the Tiger. Why?" guy: w-we got orders.... Akutagawa: "From whom?" guy: t-the dame...s-she- Akutagawa: "???" guy: she gave the order. katya: dame? as in from the order of the clock tower? Akutagawa: "??? Them?" katya: most likely. Akutagawa: "...Get this one into custody, before the Order finds him." katya: understood. -elsewhere- -elsewhere- ???: are the three of us really going to the states, madam? ???: will we be..... ???:....taking a boat? ???: for now, you will be surveying the situation. -the young woman and twin girls nod- all three: of course. -elsewhere- Jonah: *walking around in Haumea's old outfit* " 'I'm Haumea! And I like potato sack clothes!'" guruna: *giggling* kurukurukurukuru >w< Jonah: *spins on one foot* " 'I'm a giant human bug zapper--'cause my synapsis are all shot!' Tra la la la la..." Haumea: "..." guruna: OwO;;;;;; Jonah: .w.; Haumea: "..." *grabs the sleeves of her old outfit--and pulls them up like drawstrings, sealing Jonah...before she holds the outfit like a bag--and swings it over her head and through the wall* arrow:.....*siiiigh* -_-; -elsewhere- Gopher: "...Thank you." kirika: hey, its no prob. Gopher: "..." *smooch* kirika: O////O Gopher: *pulls back* "..." .\\\\. "I-I just...I wanted to...I'm sorry." kirika: >////<; y-you could at least warn me first, jeez. 7///7; Gopher: "S-Sorry! ...Should I warn you now?" kirika:...f-fine, sure, whatever. -///-; Gopher: "..." *cheek smooch* kirika: =///=;; Gopher: *pulls back* .\\\\. "...It's soft." kirika: 7///3///7; Gopher: "..." *strokes where he kissed* kirika: >///< *smooch*.... Gopher: O\\\\\\\O kirika: ....i-i panicked ok?! >n< Gopher: .\\\\\. "I-I guess we're even?" kirika: y-yeah......i got smash bros. you in? Gopher: "Y-Yeah. I'm in..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walks through hall with groceries* sonia: *walking with him* Chuuya: "And this weekend I'll show you how to bake carrot cake..." sonia: ok. *small smile* Chuuya: "And when we get through some of your homework...Did you teacher assign you much?" sonia: its not too much. Chuuya: "Then maybe we can find some activity to do. Or did you want to visit anyone?" sonia: .....can we visit mama? Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Of course." -elsewhere- *darkness* ???: "Heroes...die..." shinra: ??? *looks around* *Fire appears against the blackness--but no heat comes from it* *Women's eyes appear...everywhere...watching* shinra: what...where am....where am i.....? *Hands pass along his chest* shinra: !!! *wakes up with a start, frightened* GAH! teacher: mr kusakabe? shinra: w-wha.. Arthur: "..." *rubs his arm* "Stupid laundry day...Static cling..." shinra:... s-sorry, i dozed off. *focusing on studying* Arthur: *eyeroll...and not noticing he has a sock stuck to the back of his jacket* shinra:....*grin* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens the mail* "...Huh. This is charming." lana: whats up? Poe: *takes out a child's drawing* LK: lana: aww. ^^ Poe: ^^ "She even drew us..." -the drawing shows emilia, her parents, poe, rowena, lana karl...and the black cat- Poe: "..." Q_______________________Q lana:...*pat pat* Poe: "Do-Don't you see it?" lana: ?? does your brother have a cat? Poe: *shakes his head* lana: is it her imaginary friend, then? Poe: "...Lana...I have something..." lana: i already know you have an ability, i saw it first hand, remember? Poe: Q___Q "...It's still scary." lana: it's ok... *kiss* Poe: *whimper* lana: *hug* it's ok...*pat pat* Poe: "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Q: *doodling* ^^~ Adam: "???" *looks* -its of Q and zoey, Q's doll, aya, and fyodor.....with ivan cut into pieces in the background- Adam: "... ... ...Who is that blob?" *points at Aya* Q: .... .////. her name's aya. she's pretty. Adam: "...You have a crush on the girl represented by the blob?" Q: >///< *nod nod* her dad tried to shoot me, though. Q_Q Adam: "...That's rough, kiddo. Maybe you should have spoken to him first?" Q: but he's with the agency >3<.....and he's in jail right now........*lightbulb* PERFECT! Adam: "???" Q: miss lydiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lydia: yes? Q: can you get aya for me? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- lydia: no. Q: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lydia: i said no, Q. Q: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- lydia:... <oh for the love of...> vanya! talk to him. Ivan: <Gladly~> ^^ "Young boy, you cannot simply obsess about someone--it's not healthy. Instead, channel those feelings into behavior that is more productive--" *currently sharpening a knife* lydia:................................................*facepalm* (i dont even know why i bother.) Adam: "...Well, I think there's not necessarily someone for everyone. Maybe you're just destined to die alone?" Ivan: "..." lydia:....... -one punishment later- Q: mommyyyyy they're being mean! zoey: whats wrong, sweetie? Q: they wont bring aya over! TTATT lydia: it would be a liability to- zoey: well, im sure they'll gladly bring her over, right? lydia: that's- zoey: i said.... *scalpel out* they will _gladly_...bring her over....._right_? lydia: ...i'll.....see what we can arrange. Q: YAY! Adam: Q______Q "...It hurts in multiple ways..." yana:....that sucks, buddy. Ivan: >3< <--and he has no idea what true love is...> yana: <well what _is_ it then?> Ivan: <Absolute devotion.> yana:...<cool story, bro.> Ivan: <Always serve the one you love with absolute devotion and no questions, spawn of my master!> Adam: O_o ("...I have no idea what they are saying.") yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <Never let go of the one you love! Serve their every need! WE WILL GIVE YOU A GLORIOUS WORLD, MY MASTER! Hang in there and survive prison!> yana: gonch, easy boy, deep breathing. Ivan: *deep inhale--then passes out* lydia:... *sigh* i'll take him to his room. -elsewhere- Fyodor: <It's quite comfortable...The quiet...That stench of hope slowly drained from even the strongest body...It exudes out the skin, as the heart breaks.> erina: ?? Fyodor: "...Sorry. I'm rambling." ^^ erina: i..see. ^^; Fyodor: "I haven't asked you--are they treating you well?" erina: well, one of the higher ups did heckle me for talking to you while you're in solitary. Fyodor: "Oh, dear. I'm sorry I caused you trouble...That's not fair." erina: *sigh* i do have a job to keep things in order....but i do enjoy being able to talk to you... Fyodor: "I as well. I appreciate your company." *smiles* erina:... .///. Fyodor: "Oh, no...I said something wrong, didn't I?" erina: n-no not at all, sir! Fyodor: "...'Fyodor.'" erina: ...r-right... .//////. Fyodor: "And...may I call you 'Erina'?" erina: O///O *steam comes off her head* ITSFINES-FYODOR! >////<;;; Fyodor: "Ah~ That's pleasant to my ears." *smiles* erina: ehehehehehe...heh.... .////w////.;;; Fyodor: "...I'm glad you're here." erina:....t-thanks... -elsewhere- Kouyou: "I’ll be back by 10." leo: understood, lady kouyou. Kouyou: *picks up an umbrella* leo: please do take care of yourself. *bows* Kouyou: "I will, thank you." *steps outside and spots--* "Oh." leo: ?? Tachihara: "Hey, sweet thang. You tired? 'Cause you been running through my mind~" leo:...*slams door in his face* Tachihara: *smushed face* D8> -elsewhere- kyouko: *playing the DDR* sayaka: she's really good at this. Rin: *nods* "She'll crack the top score!" sayaka: go kyouko! >u< Rin: *claps* "Kyouko! Kyouko!" kyouko: *still going* ???: "I want to play!" kyouko: ?? Meme: *with Mio* kyouko: sure thing, tatane. ^^ Meme: *smiles, gets on the other platform* mio: go meme! Meme: *follows the movements, not missing a step* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hanging in there?" shinra: y-yeah.... Akitaru: "...You need a break?" *sits down, pours a glass of milk* shinra:...*sigh* Akitaru: "..." *clears his throat* "You know, there's nothing wrong if you wanted to take a leave of absence..." shinra: i-it's fine. i dont have anywhere to go... Akitaru: "You wouldn't have to go--it could be a stay-cation...Just a thought if you need it." shinra: i guess..... Akitaru: *nods* "And you'll need some sleep..." *pours a glass of milk for Shinra* shinra: ok. -elsewhere- Yumi: *trembling, clenching her fists* lord death: yumi? is everything ok? Yumi: "...How can they get away with selling this?" lord death: we'll send someone to investigate the situation. *sigh* honestly.... Yumi: *nods* "Good...Good." *still clenching her fist* lord death:... *pats her back* Yumi: *shudders* "Th-Thanks...The nerve of all of this." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Honestly, this is getting out of hand..." ???: what he lacks is conviction. motivation... Kurogiri: "Hmm...I thought that was what Stain would offer?" ???: and look how well _that_ went. Kurogiri: "...Point taken. So, should another variable be introduced, or let Touma dwell on this?" ???: for now, let him have time to cool off and get his thoughts in order. Kurogiri: "That...may be more difficult with the newbies?" ???: i've been looking into their histories...that doll....some of the acts committed in life are.....disturbing, to put it lightly. Kurogiri: "...I was afraid of that. One reason I keep my daughter far from him." ???: and miss toga? Kurogiri: "...I think she'll be able to handle what that tiny furry pipsqueak has to offer." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tucks Sonia in* "And tomorrow, we'll see your mother." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Good night. I love you." sonia: love you too, papa. -morning- ochako: hey dad? where do we keep the camping equipment? Mr. Uraraka: "I think in the closet. Been a bit since we used it..." ochako: ok, thanks. *goes to look, with her flashlight in hand* Mr. Uraraka: "This for your exam trip?" ochako: yep. *cough cough* dusty... Mr. Uraraka: "Yeah...Heh. Guess I should do more cleaning..." ochako: alright, let's see here. old vhs tapes, old record player, holy grail replica, aha! camping supplies! *The sleeping bag has a hole in it* ochako: *frowns* darn. it has a hole. and its too big to sew it back up. Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, man...I'm sorry, sweetie." ochako: *sigh* gonna have to buy a new one. Mr. Uraraka: "...I can start saving up--" ochako: i have an idea. maybe i can get a part time job! Mr. Uraraka: "...Now, Ochaco, you know I want you focusing on your studies--" ochako: i know. i do want to be a hero to earn you money in the long run. but the part time job is just temporary to save money for a sleeping bag for now. Mr. Uraraka: "...Okay. But your homework comes first, and I want to know the maximum hours they're going to work you. Okay?" ochako: right. Mr. Uraraka: *head pat* "Good. Now, let's get those help wanted ads out..." -elsewhere- soul: alright, so what are we doing here? Stein: "First step of any investigation is to gather immediate evidence. Notice anything out of the ordinary?" soul: *looks around* Stein: "We have to keep track of any odd behavior--" *looks...Excalibur face* soul: ?? Stein: "L-Let's just keep moving..." *walks away* Mime: o_o "???" -there is a large poster on the wall; NOW SHOWING! Swan Lake. Starring Etta Hoffman- soul:.... hm. Stein: "??? You like that kind of thing?" soul: eh, i dunno. Stein: " 'Hoffman'...Not familiar with that one." soul: must be a local thing. Stein: "..." *walks up to the ticket booth* ticket person: <how many, sir?> Stein: <Two.> soul: wait seriously? Stein: "What? I said look for what is obvious...You brought a suit and tie, right?" soul: um.... ._.; no? Stein: *sighs* "What am I going to do with you...Come on. We'll continue questioning bystanders while we get you a suit." ???: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: "--and it'll pick up electrical signals in the air." *it's a radio...in the shape of a cicada* shinra:...cool. Vulcan: "??? What's on your mind?" shinra: bad dreams, mostly. Vulcan: "..." *sighs* "Been going around, huh?" shinra: yeah. -elsewhere- sonia: hi mama... -silence- Chuuya: *pats Sonia's shoulder* "Do you...need time alone?" sonia: ...a little.... Chuuya: *nods* "I'll...be over there." *points to a tree* sonia: ok......papa and i really miss you a lot...im trying my best to be like the other kids...but its hard....i know a lot of scary stuff about the world other kids dont know about...and im not normal like other kids...but im trying my best... Chuuya: *can't quite hear it all* "..." sonia: underground, that priest said my birth was an abomination...that i shouldnt be alive at all...is he right? Chuuya: "!!! ..." ("...No...") sonia: .....i wish you were here, mama... Chuuya: "..." *wipes his eyes* sonia:.... *looks over at chuuya* Chuuya: "???" *points to himself* sonia: do you want to talk to her too? Chuuya: *nods* "If you don't mind." sonia: its fine... Chuuya: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at the grave* "...Hello, Rain." -...- Chuuya: "...I'm glad to be here to...talk with you." -...- Chuuya: "And I know our daughter is happy to talk with you, too." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...We miss you. And we're trying to move forward." -elsewhere- Alone: "Isn't it great? We at least get to do some work around here!" *is scrubbing the communal showers* grimoire: -_-; just freaking lovely. Alone: "..." *gets close, sing-songy voice* "They gave us new scruuuuuubers!" *holds up the brush* grimoire:.....*eye twitch* Alone: ._____.; *backs up...starts scrubbing tiles* "How you doing with this work, Shaula?" shaula: this is some serious bullshit. Alone: "What, you never cleaned the boys' showers?" shaula: *GLARE* Alone: .________.;;;; *backs up* "Okay, guys? I'm running out of corners to work out of, so I'm just going to scrub here, and you two can scrub those corners--" -elsewhere- higuchi: *looking through records* Hirotsu: "Higuchi? What is it?" higuchi: i cant find any leads on him. tachihara: on who? Hirotsu: "..." higuchi: it all just leads to dead ends... tachihara: ??? what's she talking about? Gin: "Nothing for you to think about." tachihara: aw come on, guys. im a black lizard commander too, right? >3< Hirotsu: *sigh* "She's looking into the past of the Mafia." tachihara: why not ask you? Gin: *dope-smack* tachihara: DX higuchi: -_-; i figured examining mori's background could give us insight onto where he is... tachihara: i guess that makes sense. Gin: "We've checked his usual...hangouts." tachihara: i need like...50 showers now. higuchi: hm....hirotsu, you said he used to be a doctor, right? Hirotsu: *nods* "We keep our people posted in various capacities at numerous hospitals in this city--with no luck spotting him." higuchi: hmmm...perhaps i should pay a friend of his a little visit. tachihara: do you have to be so vague? -elsewhere- Mori: "IT BROKE!" D8> fukuzawa: -_-; Mori: "Can you fix it?" fukuzawa: lets see... *examining it* -the dolls head fell off- fukuzawa: hmm.... *looking for glue* Mori: "Please? I don't want her to...to..." *stunned* fukuzawa: ....? mori? Mori: "H-Her h-h-h-head...Head. I left it. Head." fukuzawa: im looking for the glue now, mori. shizuka?: *laying on the bed, bleeding from her neck stump* Mori: *screams* *backs up from the bed* "N-Not now!" fukuzawa: mori! get a hold of yourself! Mori: "I already hid it!" fukuzawa: hid what? Mori: "..." *curls up* "S-Something from the past..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...Just fix it." fukuzawa:....darn, out of glue....i'll be right back. ranpo, keep an eye on him ranpo: will do. *playing on the switch* Mori: ._.; "...Maybe have someone else watch me?" -elsewhere- Stein: *grabs the blood samples* "Let's see what this offers..." soul: ... Stein: *checks under the microscope* "Hmm...Looks normal. Will have to check type as well, get some clues to their identity..." *looks at Soul* "Go speak with some witnesses." soul: .-.; um o-ok then......um.... h-hello? Bystander: "???" <Sorry, I don't speak English.> soul: um.... *sweats and checks book* <mind if i ask you a fist question?> Bystander: "..." <'Fist question'? Are you threatening me?> soul: u-um... ._.;;; ???: <This young man wishes to ask you about the murder that took place late last night.> soul: ?? *looks* girl: ....... Ted: <Do you have any information to share with Mr...> "Pardon, what is your name, young man?" soul: evans...sir. ._.; Ted: <Mr. Evans. Answer his question.> *smiles* <Please.> girl: ...... soul: um.... so did you see anything suspicious at the scene? Ted: *listens* "..." *sighs* "Sorry. I'm afraid not, Mr. Evans." -a few questions later- soul: thanks, sir. Ted: *nods* "Happy to help." girl: ...... Ted: *to her* "Come along, now." girl:.....*looks at soul as they leave* soul: .... Stein: "Oh. There you are." -soul explains what he heard- Stein: "No leads? Surprised you picked up the language enough..." soul: i had a guy translate for me...guess i need some lessons, still... Stein: "Yes. Read the book more closely." soul: -_-; yes sir. -elsewhere- Black Star: "Care to pay a visit to our new friend?" naho: *nod nod* i wanna meet them. Black Star: "Okay. Just remember--don't put a lot of pressure on them, no loud noises--and if they ask for blood, don't give it." naho: noted. Sakuya: "So, where they at?" Black Star: "Dungeon." Sakuya: ._.; lilac: ._.; Black Star: "...It's just probation, you know? Like a time-out." lilac: o-oh..... Sakuya: "What the heck kind of time out is Lord Death into?" Black Star: "I mean, Crona and others had the same thing--just have to hope the best..." tsubaki: ^-^; -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets out potions* neian: *in playpen* Medusa: *sighs* "Running low on newt eyes...Can't find a decent supplier..." neian: baba Medusa: "??? What are you thinking about, child?" *picks up Neian* neian: *babble* Medusa: "...You might as well watch. You'll have to try this as soon as you can speak." neian: ga! Medusa: *pours a bit of the potion into one cup of another--causing a snake mist to dance up and evaporate* neian: ^o^ Medusa: *smiles* "You like that, huh?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *reading* ".." -knock- Gopher: "???" *answers* kotone: *hugs* i was.......worried..... Gopher: "!!! ..." *pat pat* "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." kirika: hm? oh, hey koto. kotone: .... Gopher: ^w^; "Would you like to join us, Kotone?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: "We can have snacks..." kirika: and we have pizza. -elsewhere- Ivan: ^w^ *sighs* lydia: <you seem pleased> Ivan: <Putting faith in Master is never ill placed~> lydia: <ah.> Ivan: <And when he leaves the prison, we'll bring about his new world...> lydia: ... <i see you dyed your hair again.> Ivan: *pats his hands on his cheeks* <Oh, you noticed!> ^\\\^ <I thought it was for the best...> lydia: <it's a nice color on you.> Ivan: <Aw, thank you. That's really kind.> -evening- erina: *in her room* Roomie: "Yo." erina: oh, hey. heading to your job now? *she was writing reports* Roomie: "Yeah. Such a drag...How 'bout you?" erina: just finishing up writing these reports. Roomie: "Really? Can I take a looksie?" erina: well.... just a peek. Roomie: *looks over* "...What's a 'Fido'?" erina: it's 'fyodor'.... .///. Roomie: "??? ..." *smirks* erina: .... ?? whats with that look? Roomie: "You're blushing." erina: e-eeh? seriously? *slaps her own face* im fine! >A<;; Roomie: "Girl, please don't fall for the kind of people locked up in prison--there has to be someone better than that on the outside..." erina: >/////<;;; c-casey! its not like that at all! its professional! really! >/////<;;;; Casey: "So, you haven't done anything with him?" erina: O/////////O NO! Casey: "But you want to." erina:.............*going completely pink* Casey: *sighs* "Since I've known you, you haven't talked about any dates. When's the last time you got laid?" erina: CASEEEEYYY >A<;;; Casey: "Okay. Just...Don't do this. I'll set you up--I know plenty of people who'd at least give you a good night." erina: =_=;;;;; oh my gooooood.... Casey: "But don't fall for prisoners. At least wait until he gets out..." erina:....r-right... -elsewhere- Employer: "Okay, your shift will start in about an hour, so let's review what you need to know." ochako: *nod nod* Employer: "You'll have to keep an eye on customers to make sure they don't shoplift." *points to set of photos taped to the window* ochako: understood! *The door rings as someone enters* Employer: "And here's your coworker to show you the ropes--" ochako: *shiny eyes* Hyde: "Yo, boss man. Sorry I'm late--alarm didn't go off until my roomie kicked me in the head--" *spots Ochaco* "...Oh. Hey there." ochako: oh hey, you're hyde cranz, right? Hyde: "Yep. And you're...um...'Gravity'?" ochako: it's ochako. ^^ Hyde: "Right, Ochaco. I had my bet on you against Kacchan." ochako: ...y-yeah... s-sorry about that. ^^; Hyde: "Nah, it's cool--I used some other guy's money." ochako: oh... eheheh... ^^;; Hyde: "Well, I better show you how we run this machine we call 'the store of convenience.'" *points to the hot dog heater* "Don't grab anything there with bare hands." *points to the soft drink dispensers* "The nozzles grow fuzz, so clean them daily." *points to the freezers* "The lights only come on with motion sensor, and you stock in the back--so don't get locked in or you'll be a Hyde-scicle." ochako: .-.; Hyde: "So, let's get you started helping customers find what they need. Take care of that one over there. Introduce yourself, ask how you can help--show them where it is." ochako: *nod nod* hey there, need anythi- Bakugo: "??? Uraraka?" ochako: OwO;; heeeeeyyyy kacchan. ^^; Bakugo: -_-# "...Why are you in that uniform?" ochako: part time job. do you need any help? Bakugo: "Yeah, I'm looking for breath mints." ochako: they're in aisle 5. ^^ -elsewhere- Magaki: <Hello.> tsubaki: <how are you holding up?> Magaki: <The food is acceptable.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <How are you and your partner's family?> tsubaki: we brought a few of them for you to meet. naho: hi! my name's naho. this is sakuya and lilac. ^^ lilac: .... Magaki: *already hiding under the table* naho: its ok. we're not gonna hurt you. ^^ Magaki: "..." *peeks up* <...It's a traditional reaction to see how the other party reacts.> *looks at Naho* <How old are you?> naho: <20.> Magaki: <Ah. You look younger.> naho: <well, i did become a vampire pretty young, so.... i was about 17 when it happened.> Magaki: "..." *nods* <I don't remember the details as clearly...> lilac:......*shaking a bit* Magaki: "???" *looks at Lilac* <H-Hello.> lilac:....*tiny wave* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "How're you holding up, Princess?" maria: its been nice. miss naomi showed me how to play these commoner tv games. naomi: ^^; she means video games. Tanizaki: "Mario Kart?" maria: *nod nod* Tanizaki: "That purple shell is tricky, huh?" maria: yeah. >3< -elsewhere- higuchi: .... Fukuzawa: *walking, his sandals clicking against the stone walkway* higuchi: *matching his footsteps, hand on her gun* Fukuzawa: "???" *slight turn* higuchi: *gun to his neck* dont move. Fukuzawa: "... Miss Higuchi." higuchi: you have some information that i want.....mori's old office....where is it? Fukuzawa: "Why do you ask?" higuchi: im the one asking questions here. Fukuzawa: *sighs* "The slums." higuchi: address? Fukuzawa: "...42 Tsuwano Avenue, in the Kanoashi neighborhood." higuchi:...thank you....*takes her leave, imputing the address into her phone* Fukuzawa: *sighs* ("She should have asked about the traps...") -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *sighs* chidori: whats up? Anya: "Just...being nostalgic, I guess." misery: something bothering you, dear? Anya: "...I don't know. I guess I feel badly about..." *thinks about Yana* misery:....*pat pat* Anya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I should have said goodbye." misery: im sure you'll meet again someday... Anya: "M-Maybe..." *wipes her eyes* "Foolish..." misery: *hug* Anya: *hug, cries* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *passed out on the prison hospital gurney* medic: alright. he'll be transferred tomorrow morning. we'll send a call out to his employer. Medic 2: *nods* "...How is recovering?" Kunikida: *groans* -elsewhere- higuchi:.... (here it is.....) *The office looks run-down...Corners look like they have mildew* higuchi: (gross)...... *spots his desk* (alright...lets see here...) *The desk has a locked drawer* higuchi:.... *takes a paperclip and begins picking the lock* *There's a teddy bear kept in the corner...facing where Higuchi is* *The drawer makes a 'click' sound, opening* higuchi: .....*glances at the bear* Bear: *just sitting there* higuchi:...... *shivers and examines the files* *The files are surprisingly organized...One file says 'Elise'* higuchi:.... *examines it* *One is a medical file...referring to Elise's height, weight, conditions, blood type--* higuchi:..... (bullshit….) ?? *Another page is listed as 'Project Elli'* higuchi: (bingo...maybe...) *reads it* Report: "With the ideal conditions, including improvements upon the host's body and his ability avatar, it is possible to age said avatar. While treatments related to food have proven slightly successful, upon digestion the avatar's body resumes prior appearance. Therefore, if metabolic reactions are partially responsible for aging, then there is one location to which to alter the avatar: the blood." higuchi: !! *shaking* Teddy Bear: OwO *tick* higuchi: !!!! *grabs the files and backs away* Teddy Bear: *mouth opens--and a syringe flies out* higuchi: *dodges* *The syringe misses--and another jabs into Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi: GAH! *wince* *Her vision starts going...Everything is getting dark...Someone tall emerges from the shadows...* higuchi: ngh...w-who.... ???: "Now, then, let's see what you wanted to ask..." *all fades to black, as Higuchi is now completely unconscious* -minutes later- ???: "You're awake." higuchi: nngh..... ???: "Easy...I just wanted to know why you were so rash as to hold a gun on me." higuchi: *her vision is stabilizing*...oh...its you... Fukuzawa: "Indeed." *Higuchi is tied to the chair* Fukuzawa: "I relieved you of your gun and the knives I could find in your pockets." higuchi: !!!! Fukuzawa: "I will let you go after I am satisfied with your honest answers. And if you try to escape..." *aims the tip of his sword at her neck* higuchi:.....what do you want to know? Fukuzawa: "You came here for information on Mori. What was it that you seek?" higuchi:...his origins. who he was before becoming the boss of the port mafia. Fukuzawa: "Hmm. Who have you been asking?" -she explains all that she knows on him, but doesnt mention the file on elise- Fukuzawa: "...Largely accurate." higuchi: but there's missing links. im trying to find more info, birth certificates, diplomas, anything that can give insight onto why he is the way he is... Fukuzawa: "...Germany." higuchi: ??? Fukuzawa: "Look for his family there." *puts his sword away, stands up, turns to walk away* higuchi: h-hey! arent you going to let me go?! Fukuzawa: "Well, given our prior engagement, it is likely you will attempt to injure me, which would harm the tenuous truce between our parties--and we cannot have that, correct? Besides, someone who has come along this far is obviously resourceful and will be able to escape, yes?" *keeps walking* higuchi:........*examines her surroundings* *Fukuzawa is already downstairs...The desk has a small bit of metal sticking out that used to hold up a broken shelf* higuchi:..... *scoots the chair over to try cutting the rope* *SLICE* *one rope comes loose* higuchi: *looks on the table* *There are more scattered papers--and a map* higuchi:.... *looking for something sharp...* *Looks like all the sharp objects were removed--except the syringe tip* higuchi:.... damn....that wont help......*cuts the other rope on the metal bit* *RIP* higuchi: *rubs her wrists* alright...two down.... *looks around the room* *The Teddy Bear stares blanky* Teddy Bear: owo *Something glitters next to the bear* higuchi:..... *scoots her chair over to the bed....turning the bear away* fuck you. *There's a broken exacto-knife* higuchi: *examines the knife* *Not quite as sharp as it could be--cracked--but usable* higuchi: alright....lets do this....*cutting the ropes on her ankles* *SLICE* higuchi: (success!) *she gets up and goes over to her messenger bag* *The phone has 3 missed calls, one voicemail, 2 texts* higuchi: *checks phone as she checks the files again, and puts the map in her bag* Gin: *text* [where r u?] higuchi: [sry. ran into obstacle. im ok] Gin: [good. get back now] *sounds businesslike* higuchi: [will do. need a ride.] *putting certain files in the bag*... [*will need a ride] Gin: [location? your gps is broken] -she sends the address- higuchi: [i think i found some info that might help] Gin: [excellent. keep it secure] -and so, on the car ride back- higuchi: .... Hirotsu: "What happened?" higuchi: *she explains what happened, a short version anyway...* Hirotsu: "...What is the next step?" higuchi: i'd like to request a trip to germany and investigate mori's family and history there. Hirotsu: "Who will you bring?" higuchi: ....havent decided. Hirotsu: "Well, Tachihara is a no-go. Katya...well..." >_> higuchi:............what did she do now? Hirotsu: "Tachihara brought up zamboniis, and she had a very violent reaction." higuchi:... ._.; is he alright? naoya: pushkin managed to hold her back from rampaging. Hirotsu: "But Tachihara seems shaken by the ordeal." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *humming a tune...while twirling* ayako: owo ~? Motojiro: "Ballet...Fine dresses...The graceful explosion of neurons firing through the brain to direct the limbs to follow pre-established motions in sync with the organized pattern of auditory notes." ayako: hot date? Motojiro: .\\\\w\\\\. "J-Just a night of ballet. That's all. All." *awkward coughs* "Lemonade. Need lemon--" *walks into the wall* ayako:..... it'll be a miracle if he gets laid. -elsewhere- Mori: .-.;;; "...Is he back?" *lying upside down* -the door opens- ranpo: dad's back! fukuzawa: i brought glue and snacks. ranpo: sweeeet! Mori: "Is the glue a snack?" fukuzawa: -_-; the glue for your doll, mori. Mori: *squee* "Yay!" fukuzawa:...... {*Higuchi is slumped against the chair, tied up, unconscious...The desk includes some photos*} {fukuzawa: *examines photos*} {*they look to be...of organs?*} {fukuzawa:..........} {*One is labeled "Elli Sample A"*} fukuzawa:....there. all fixed. Mori: QwQ "...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Magaki: *nods* "Until again." tsubaki: see you soon. ^^ Magaki: *bows* <Goodbye.>
0 notes
redlemonz · 8 years ago
Day #19
My liver feels quite betrayed this morning. Just lying in bed, dehydrated as hell in mind and body, and I can anxiously hear my heart beating the way it is with the after effects of the alcohol in my system. Although, that effect thankfully only lasts so long once I gulp down some glorious and thirst quenching icy cold water. The physical medicine to all my real troubles. Probably also helps that I healed rather quickly and am not hungover due to the fact that I ate a huge burger and 20 nuggets at 3am - I'm such a genius. Actually no, I'm not. The exact opposite in that regard because of how I got to that destination, but I'm not going to be able to disclose that now without further self hatred incurring so I'll leave it as it is. Nevertheless, though my memory is lacking in its details, it was a nice night hanging with my ex-work mate. Her dog was also very adorable - the poor thing is blind in one eye and quite deaf though, and is sadly nearing the end of her time supposedly. Even though she was rather smelly (even after a bath - wet dog smell, I believe it's called?) and riddled my sweater with fur, she was a joyous and welcoming new friend to me. I also got the chance of reliving my days as my high school's table tennis captain (we didn't have the most formidable team) which was exciting, as I demolished my friend in a game when we decided to start scoring (though she put up a good fight). My friend was telling me about the past weekend in which she happened to go to the same snowy mountain as her too, and stayed there around the exact same time. So obviously my mind was then fixated on her yet again, and questioned whether my friend was lucky enough to be in her presence as I wish I could've been, especially in the snow. Thankfully I didn't end up making too much of a drunken mess of myself and end up calling her. Though I did send a couple generic snaps, and I may have texted her a heart emoji at 2am.. fuck. So close. I acknowledged it today in another message, but haven't heard anything back at all - not that I need to. I'll just leave it there as it is. Here's just hoping I didn't awaken her from her beauty sleep in the middle of the night is all (though she doesn't need it). Overall it was still a good learning experience - Im pretty content now with not drinking again for a while, unless I'm comfortably with her somehow. Day 19 - personal security Spending my morning with all the nieces, as my sister and brother in law are busy cleaning their house and running errands during the day. The kids are running wild and causing havoc and destruction to everything in their path, as kids should I suppose. Someone's gotta do something though before things get too out of control and the house burns down - this feels like a job for.. The Godfather. Okay so I just wanted to hype up the scenario so that I could say that. It's actually a pretty chill time as the eldest one is watching some teen YouTube vlogger and I'm just playing catch with the 1 year old and my favourite one (whom is the only one I'm ironically not the Godfather for). Just kidding though of course - they're all my favourites. Because they all bring so much love and joy to my heart with their sweet innocence and adorability. But also because they all watch Pokemon with me. Anyhow, I picked up my guitar and started playing all that I could with my limited skill - and my nieces gathered around and loved it, and would dance along to it or simply listen in content. Except for the elder one - she's 7, so she's sensible and knows I'm probably shit at guitar. I'm actually procrastinating going to the gym and getting some exercise in too, even though I really should given the fact I actually do have decent energy right now. Fuck that unnecessary anxiety right now though, I'll just go tomorrow. I mean I'm still suffering from a busted finger from indoor (who knows how the hell it happened) so that's a valid excuse. But also primarily because I have to work security (and by that I mean we usually just stand around in a friendly red and yellow uniform for hours on end) tonight at some World Darts Championship that's supposedly a big deal. Should be entertaining I suppose, except that I'll be surrounded by old, drunk English men in the West part of town ( I've only agreed to the job tonight so that I have something to pass the time with, instead of wallowing in my thoughts and striking myself mentally further about how three weeks ago right now I'd be down there, by her side, feeling whole. Great, I miss her again - how flabbergastingly unusual. I don't think that's going to change much either when I transform into a security bitch tonight however - considering she use to be one of my colleagues too. I initially got her and a couple other friends the role, so we could all attend some free concerts essentially, and get paid for the minimal effort of work required. Also because I thought it'd be another avenue in which I'd just get to spend more time with her in general too. Except she'd be allocated the blue shirt role, which was sort of more like ushering and promoting the 'awesome events'. It made sense though - she's pretty good at putting people in their place after all, and at guiding them to where they need to be in life (yup, even ushering has philosophical undertones now). We would always try and meet up for our breaks, grab a delicious bratwurst or something - though she would've maybe resorted to a pie and donuts instead, and enjoy whatever performance was on. So you'd have me, in my red and yellow shirt (sort of like a red lemon, you could even say), and her rocking her favourite colour, but without the lime green tinge (which was a missed fashion opportunity on the Company's part - though what the hell do I know about fashion), and together we'd make one badass security couple who saved lives. Or maybe just strolled around aimlessly and showed people their seats. Wondering what she's up to this weekend as I eat some noodles and yam (thrilling meal, I know). Last she told me she'd be doing some domesticated duties such as helping around the house with cleaning and some gardening. Hopefully she's actually managing to keep an empty sink that's not up to its neck with dishes. Shouldn't be a problem considering that her parents should still be down there I think, cracking that whip. I'm actually so glad that they have been there too - ideally that's reduced any sense of loneliness she would otherwise feel when being alone in that house. That's why I suppose that I haven't felt as much worry as I did at the beginning, even though I constantly still continue to. Seems as though she's doing well and moving on with her life best as she can. It helps that she's a proactive and focused person who can potentially shove any negative thoughts aside and move forward a lot easier than others, especially me. That's just because she's always been a stronger and tougher human being. She did also mention that some twin lambs were born at the farm house at which she resides, but that unfortunately one was unable to walk, and ultimately did not make it through that evening. It was heartbreaking to hear the way in which that mother lost one of her babies, and that the other baby lost its twin sibling. In that moment I just wished I could be there and give her a comfort cuddle. There's more newborns to arrive in the coming weeks apparently too, so here's hoping things go swell in that regard. Nevertheless, I'm happy and I feel pretty lucky that she's kept me in the loop with her life and all the happenings, even though I've been demoted considerably and don't actually know where I fully stand, except on the other end of the bridge from her. She wasn't wrong at all though (classic) - it is nice that we're mutually navigating this weird after relationship zone and putting in sufficient enough effort to remain in each other's lives. Of course I'd say that though - I freaking love her after all. Star power! Myself and my mate, the leader of the pack were coincidentally working together side by side tonight, as we got designated the same team & duties. Supposedly we did an amazing job considering we were informed that our team leader sung our praises back to management as we were signing out at the end of our shifts. I actually had a reasonably great time as a result - and very enjoyable so, as none of it really felt like much work. I also ended up with a new free umbrella, which was left unclaimed. My first one since she broke mine a while ago - guess I can finally move on now, like Misty did from Ash when she finally received her bike after 5 fucking seasons. Despite everything, I still missed her presence tonight as my secutie (see what I did there). The sad part was just at the beginning as I was signing in, as the big boss was asking me where my girlfriend was. I just said that she moved down, out of our town - way too much effort and time to explain otherwise, when he's busy and doesn't actually give a shit. Just another crappy reminder of my reality though, and further makes me realise that a lot of friends (even close ones) who are presently unaware of these circumstances also. But again - I don't think they give a shit either. It's not like I've really had any of them even bother speaking to me anyway so yeah. That's probably why I'm enjoying and valuing time on my own significantly more than I believed I would initially. I don't require any fake or convenient friends, who likely probably judge me or don't want to make the effort to be present. Not that I can speak - I'm probably a hypocrite when it comes down to that too - primarily as I'm simply just not a very nice person. On the other hand, there's also been some really wonderful people in my life that I do in fact value so much more because they've reached out to me. Essentially everyone I've mentioned previously is included (local homie, mastermind, two thirds of the pack, the work-wife, my family, etc) under that, in addition to others. It's not an award ceremony so I'm not exactly going through the effort to name everyone. There's also Blondie, who was part of our New Years crew - she's always been lovely to me and is the tough yet kind, and caring yet non-sympathetic friend who slams down reality on you (in a good way - tough love). I'd definitely break more bones for her if it were ever required. So she's trying to sort out some dinner plans and catch up and everything which is rather nice. There's also my other indoor team mate who had described her similar relationship story which was almost reflective of mine - the dentist, who's been supportive and has always made the effort for me, and others whenever she's capable to. I have an incredible level of respect and admiration for her, as she's quite inspiring herself. A great dancer too - she taught me a few steps which was much more enjoyable than I imagined, once I started understanding how to move my feet. So she's taken the time to message me details about a potluck dinner which is tomorrow night - which I haven't decided upon whether I am attending yet, due to the crazy level of sociable activity this weekend has already involved. However, she has actively messaged me regarding the event, including the rescheduled date that turned into tomorrow, and has otherwise also been involved in generally just being the kind of friend I've needed. When people personally make the effort to invite you along to their events for which their social media usually simplifies the task on a broader, networked audience - it's just something a little more special. More so because they don't judge or question why you're taking a break away from the social media platforms - they simply just accept you and move on with life as your friend regardless. I mean as I've said before - I have enough self pity in my own endless hole of despair already, so I don't require any further of it from anyone else. These true friends are the ones that have shined a light as a result, and it's just a surprising comparison I suppose, because the ones I'm closest to usually (with exception to mastermind) have kept their distance. Even so, I'm grateful for all these people I constantly probably take for granted otherwise, for being the human beings that I could only aspire to be more like. Especially her - through everything we've been through, she's still been sticking by my side and has been making the effort of putting up with me and my 2am text messages. I ended my Saturday night with some late night snap message exchanges with her, right up until 1am. Though she did disclose to me that I did in fact unfortunately wake her up with my stupid heart emoji late last night, as aforementioned, so I'm not proud in regards to that. I apologised. She was much too sweet as usual, and constantly displays such care and concern for me that is simply heart warming, and brings a loving smile to my face. I really couldn't ask for a better conclusion as a result really - well, except for maybe if I had her head against my chest right now, and her arm wrapped around me. It's freezing after all.
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