#im so sick and tired of fringe cases being held up as counterarguments by people who pretend to know better
canadiangold · 2 months
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#made myself grumpy in the shower again#did you know. last year a little over 60% of america's electricity came from fossil fuels? that's straight from government data#admittedly that's down a little bit from 2019 but like#solar and wind combined made up less than nuclear by a long shot despite the pushes for more renewables and less nuclear#when we're all forced to buy electric cars because nobody knows how to think big picture where will that power come from?#because it's still mostly coal. 'uwu natural gas' that's still fossil fuels you halfwits#nuclear power plants are (more than) 100 times more waste-efficient than coal plants and 60 times more space efficient than wind#AND it doesn't require ruining virgin land for it since most nuclear plants are built on existing industrial developments#AND AND modern reactors have incredibly low operating costs#'buuh buut what about meltdown explosion danger please help everything i know about nuclear plants comes from pop culture???'#oh right like chernobyl. because 1970s soviet technology is totally 1-to-1 with modern installations#oh right like fukushima. that melted down because of a fucken massive earthquake and tsunami 1-2 punch that killed thousands#oh right like 3 mile island where nobody died#would you avoid getting on a ship because the titanic sank? would you never sit in the backseat of a car because of the ford pinto's rep?#im so sick and tired of fringe cases being held up as counterarguments by people who pretend to know better
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