#im so late on this its almost in season (angel emoji)
flovverworks · 10 months
There's a knock on Akira's door, light of the morning sun pouring in as the door opens, revealing the bundled up youth holding a plate of cookies, saran wrapped to keep them fresh and warm. She gasps, as if it's a surprise they'd be here, but then chuckles, "Um...I know this might be pretty weird, seeing as how we...Well, we know each other, I guess, but probably not enough for this." She's blushing, and trying to make eye contact as best as she can while embarrassment creeps into her expression. "But I didn't know if you were alone on Christmas, so I just thought I'd share some of the cookies I made." She talks as if she isn't alone herself, not really having too many friends still here. Though she truly did make too many cookies in her excitement to try and make stuff that would make her happy, and she couldn't think of who else to share them with. So she just hopes they don't mind the random gesture.
Ah...she's kind. Kinder than they had realized. She could've kept them for herself, or given them to friends and family—people who were closer to her. Instead, she was standing on their doorstep (or maybe, she simply already had prepared theirs already). It wasn't weird, if anything they're touched to be thought of, to be considered, with something as precious as homemade food. It's nerve-wracking to give people something you made yourself, a different kind of emotional investment compared to something store-bought (valentine's witnessed as much...!). It's admirable, sweet, and they vow to pay her back in full.
It's just that, right now, Akira can't help but worry they're about to make it awkward.
"These look amazing...are you sure it's fine?" the gratitude starts. "Thank you so much, that's very kind of you", and while the comforting smile stays, there's a moment's hesitation and an uncertain look in their eyes. She did this under the impression they might be alone today, if they were to thwart those expectations...would she feel embarrassed? Ah, but maybe she was just using that as an excuse to give them something. Or, possibly, it was her way of showing concern for whether they were alone or not, like something of a worried friend hoping you've settled in...even though, as the older one, they should be the one doing that...!
"Um... I'm meeting up with some friends later, would it be alright if I share these with them?" they end up saying, all while carefully considering her reaction. And... "Actually, we're a few people short, so if you and any of your friends doesn't have any specific plans, you'd be more than welcome", …was that too much? Did that make it awkward? Hopefully they had managed to put their own concern and care forward. "Um, some of them are teens so there won't be any drinking—if that's a factor" …t-that should be alright...?
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