#im so boring and simple wjdlfjlkdfklsdlkdfkl
pedropstanacc · 6 years
Describe an ordinary day of living with/being with your bias
I’m so bad at describing things! 😫 but I’ll give you a basic description of it ok? :(
Ok ok so say it’s like Tuesday and I wake around 8am bc I’m sort of an early bird now, and Sehun wakes up at like 11am when he doesn’t have to go to work early bc my man is a night owl and sleeps late 😒. So while he’s sleeping I do the basics when waking up like brush my teeth, wash my face blah blah and then i go downstairs to make us so breakfast. I should go work out pero let’s be real :/
Oh and this is one room! https://instagram.com/p/Bj9b-w6FjYG/
It’s low bc it’s easier for vivi to jump on the bed.
I make simple foods for us bc it’s not the weekend so I don’t go all out and I just make eggs and coffee and idk cut up some fruit lol.
I eat first bc I can’t wait for sehun even tho I would like to eat with him :( soooooo sometimes I decide to wake him up early bc I’m in love and want to live life with him lolol. And today is that day! He gets annoyed by it but gets over it. To wake him up I’ll just jump on the bed or have vivi jump all over him. And before he gives me morning kisses I need him to brush his teeth lol.
After he washes up I give him his coffee and breakfast and we just talk about random things for a while. Our kitchen is really big and comfy so I could stay in there all day if I could (I’d couldn’t find pic is my perfect kitchen but it’s open and filled with lots of natural lighting and and a big island in the middle).
We then take vivi for a walk around the neighborhood and get in a little bit of exercise.
Then we go home to shower and start our day.
I work at my own restaurant and don’t go into work until like 1pm and Sehun is still a big star and has schedules. So we unfortunately part ways for a few hours and don’t get to see each other until like 6pm at the earliest.
I get home first bc my hours are less hectic than his and I start on dinner. I really love cooking so I try and make a nice meal as often as I can. Plus I think it’s so homey when you come home from a long day at work to the smell of food cooking 😣.
Sehun and I are really keen on at least spending one or two meals a day together so for dinner we eat at the table and play some soft jazz and drink wine and talk about our day and just be in love 🤧
After dinner we go out into our yard https://instagram.com/p/BjyOtbMh8yb/
And if we are not to full we’ll eat some desert and drink more wine lol and watch a little movie or tv show or dance together ☺️ Sehun knows how much I love to dance with him surrounded by those beautiful lights 😌
At this point it’s like 9pm and idk man I’m usually the one that’s tired and wants to be in bed already but Sehun likes to stay up play video or games or work in his studio on some music. Or he’ll practice some dance moves.
I’m in bed with vivi either reading a book or watching a documentary lol.
At like 11pm Sehun slips into bed with me but I’m probably already asleep so he watches some tv until he knocks out. Or if he’s lucky I’m still awake and it’s mandatory that we cuddle and be cute and gross together bc again we’re in love 😖. And uuuuuuhhh sometimes other adult things occur so that’s always a nice way to end the day 😁😁😁. 
And yeah that’s it!!! On the weekdays we’re an old married couple bc of work and stuff but weekends we do as much as we can together or hang out with our frens 💕
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