#im slamubg tags but their still genshkn so its not dumb hurhhrhe
ventiddy · 2 years
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the quest js small tbh im just glad i got to pull for tighnaris weapon even THO the banner is a scam ik ik but the weapon wont be on standard ;; i mean if i vortex ill put it on zhongli igg but ghaahaha I NEED YELANS WEAPON ITS SOOO GOOD but i would put it on yelan : instead of nari tbh she deserves it ;(((( i wish al haitham leaks were out someone just said hes super untrustworthy so shhhhhh oh yeah nilou leaks DONT BELIEVE THOSE tHOSE r private servers so their actual ratio and crit value is FALSE dont believe them they even might have c6’s of others like mona and KIRA DOES CYNO HORRIBLE they don’t understand how to use his e on time with his special and EYE thingy and also THEY SUCK at trying to do reactions with him 😢
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