#im sittin here going half crazy
maiteo · 3 months
actually. stop looking at mis uruguayos….
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serendipitous-girl · 3 months
here me out i think im going crazy because its nighttime and today was an ick day from the start
and i havent worked out in three days
i dont rlly know how to NOT feel ick when i do i just hope and pray that i dont after a while yk? but when i do i overthink a lot but ik i cant rlly trust that bc im going like stir crazy so i kinda just sit there with it
omg tho i think i js figured it out
i think its junk food bc ive had a lot recently
and ive been complaining abt my face (ik which areas are caused by junk and it goes away when i lay off after a while) but like maybe (idk for sure it could also be because i havent completed much off my mental to do list) maybe the junk food causes the spirals?
i had chocolate yesterday and a half of a cinnamon roll and half of a chocolate croissant today and arizona iced tea almost everyday and chips
mixed in with wtv else this past week that ive forgotten abt
i hope its not the watermelon bc i like watermelon :(
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yo he actually looks kinda scary yk hes not built like that all the time tho youve seen him
hes a handsome bub i want to kiss his forehead and then throw him (but he has superpowers so it doesnt hurt)
hes such a good puppers yk we get to let him out with no leash because he listens? he was sittin on my front porch for the fireworks (we were tryna make him not as scared by exposing him to them bc my mom read online we shouldnt console him a bunch when it comes to that)
^which worked actually he went in himself when it was too loud (so did i LMFAO)
hes got such a fluffy butt too like he should get bitches
he looks so cute don't hate on him
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k-kroomie · 1 year
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You for real
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livesincerely · 3 years
im not feeling the best right now emotionally so i am here presenting you with a free space to ramble about whatever you want because your writing genuinely cheers me up so much
Hello darling!! I’m sorry you’re in a rough mindset, sending all the good feelings and well wishes your way 😘💕✨💗⭐️💕😊✨💗
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about that most recent, how would a proposal/wedding happen in the domestic au? prompt.
It’s so funny, I’d never really thought about a domestic au wedding until I got the ask, but now that the question was put forward, I’m finding that I have a lot of thoughts about it (because of course I do lol.)
I’m not sure yet if this will end up being a whole thing like the holiday fic did, but I definitely have a solid idea for a single moment/one shot that I’m excited about—hoping to get that finished in the next few days!
Here’s a sneak peek at what I have so far! Most of it is stuff you’ve seen before in that original ask but more polished, but there’s some new stuff in there too.... ☺️😉
“So, when are you gonna get married?” Tony asks apropos of nothing, looking between him and Davey with keen interest.
Jack barely manages to keep from choking on his cereal. Davey, who’d been in the middle of spreading a bit of lox on a bagel, slowly sets down his knife.
Charlie aims a kick at Tony under the table.
“You’re asking them now?” he hisses. “I thought we were gonna ease them into the idea!”
“There is no easing them into the idea when it comes to Jack and Davey,” Tony says, his expression tight with the exasperation of the long suffering. “You gotta give it to ‘em straight, right from the get go, ‘cause they’ll never figure it out on their own.”
“Hey,” Jack says weakly, but he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and they all know it.
“So, I’m asking,” Tony determinedly continues as if Jack hadn’t said anything. “When are you gettin’ married?”
There’s a long pause where he and Davey just stare at each other, neither of them quite sure how to respond.
He gets this from you, Davey’s expression says, clear as day.
I know he does, Jack says with a commiserating look, holding back a sigh.
“Well?” Tony demands when the silence stretches on for too long.
“It’s probably a little soon to be thinking about marriage,” Davey eventually says, far more delicately than Jack would’ve managed. “We haven’t talked about it at all yet⁠—”
“Because we only just got together yesterday, Tony,” Jack dryly interjects. “In case you forgot about that little detail.”
“—And we should probably start with the question of if we want to get married before we jump to the when,” Davey concludes.
Tony’s nose scrunches up, obviously dissatisfied with this answer.
“Of course you’re gonna get married,” he says, as if this is plainly obvious. “You’re basically married already, I just wanna know when the wedding’s gonna be.”
“Um.” Davey’s gone faintly pink. “Well, like I said, Jack and I haven’t talked about anything like that yet. We’re comfortable the way we are now, no need to rush into anything⁠—”
“And since we literally only just got together yesterday,” Jack says again, a little more emphatically, just to make sure the point lands, “getting married right off the bat would be all kinds of crazy.”
Tony levels him with the flattest look in all of existence. “You’re crazy if you think you haven’t already been married to Davey for years.”
Jack’s voice catches in his throat, a little blindsided by the truth of that statement. Davey’s mouth opens and closes, the rosy flush of his cheeks shading a touch deeper.
“We’re not thinking about gettin’ married just yet,” Jack says once he’s steadied himself, in a tone that brooks no further arguments. “Dave and I will talk about it when the time comes, if⁠,” he stresses clearly, “we decide that’s what we want.”
“But what, exactly, is holding you back?” Tony asks, stubbornly brooking further arguments anyway. “Like, do you have any actual reasons?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s none of your business,” Jack snipes back. “Given that that’ll be a conversation between me and Davey.”
“I just don’t understand what the big deal is,” Tony says, crossing his arms across his chest. “Pretty much nothing would change, except that the next time someone assumes that you two are married, they’d actually be right instead of simply noticing what was so obvious that even complete strangers clue in to it⁠—”
“Tony,” Jack groans.
“—coming to the perfectly understandable conclusion that you’re together⁠—”
“Tony, that’s enough, we get it,” Jack says.
“—instead of the inexplicable reality of the situation which was that you were, in fact, not together, despite being in love with each other for eight entire years because you’re idiots⁠—”
Jack covers his face with his hands.
“—and given that, like, every aspect of your lives are already tangled together, it’s not really that big of a step for you to just go ahead and make it official.”
Jack sighs so hard he feels it in his bones. “If we promise to talk about this, will you please stop talking about it?”
“Eight years, Jack!” Tony cries, impassioned. “That’s half of my life! That’s more than half of Charlie’s life!”
“Do not bring me into this,” Charlie quickly interjects, “I am a passive witness and nothing more.”
“You’re such a fucking turncoat, Choo-choo,” Tony mutters with no real heat. “You’re supposed to have my back on this.”
“Maybe if you could ever actually stick to a plan,” Charlie grumbles back.
“We’ll talk about it,” Jack says loudly, interrupting their bickering before it can gain any ground. “Okay?”
There’s a moment of blessed silence.
Then Tony says, “So, like, right now? Or…?”
“Sure!” Jack says, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Why not? Clearly, I’m not gonna get any fucking peace until this is sorted—
“Finally!” Tony exclaims. “God, was that so hard?”
“—so go away,” Jack finishes.
Tony’s mouth falls open.
“What do you mean, go away?” he protests, looking genuinely shocked. “Why?”
“What do you mean, why? I’m not gonna let you sit here and fucking… moderate our conversation, dumbass,” Jack sputters. “Get out!”
“But I really feel like this is the kinda conversation that needs moderating,” Tony disagrees. “It’s not like either of you have a great track record for effective communication⁠—”
“Anthony Ethan Higgins,” Jack warns, nearly at the end of his rope.
Tony rolls his eyes so hard his whole body moves with the motion. “I am literally just trying to help, you don’t gotta get all defensive about it⁠—”
“Jesus Christ, Tony,” Jack says, completely and utterly done. “Will you please just⁠— Just go somewhere that isn’t here.”
“But are you gonna talk about it?” Tony insists, really digging in his heels. “Because if you’re just gonna not talk about it the second I leave then I think I should⁠—”
“Tonio, juro por Dios—”
“Tony, honey,” Davey finally steps back into the fray, far calmer than he has any right to be, and somehow, miraculously, Tony’s mullish expression softens into something a little chagrined. Jack gapes, wrong-footed by the sudden change. “I think you’ve made your point and given Jack more than enough heart attacks for one morning, yeah? So why don’t you go ahead and give us a few minutes, and I promise we’ll talk about it.”
Tony deflates. “Yeah, okay.”
“Thank you, baby.”
Tony shuffles away, mollified for now. Davey pauses, then says, “Charlie, that means you too.”
“But I didn’t do anything!” Charlie protests. “I’m just sittin’ here, tryin’ to eat.”
He takes an exaggerated bite of his bagel as if to prove his point, eyes extra wide and innocent.
“But my food!”
“Take it with you,” Davey suggests, very patiently.
Charlie looks as though that thought hadn’t occurred to him.
“Okay,” he says, scooping up his plate and scurrying after his brother. He hesitates in the doorway, then adds, “My vote is for an autumn wedding, if that counts for anything.”
Once he’s sure they’re both gone, Jack heaves another massive sigh.
“They’re such a pair of little shits,” he says, to Davey and the world at large. “Fucking hell.”
Davey takes a drink of his coffee, holding out his other hand to Jack in offering. Jack reaches over and laces their fingers together, most of his irritation slipping away in an instant at the simple contact.
“But he is right, you know,” Davey comments lightly.
“I know he’s right,” Jack grumbles, rubbing his thumb over Davey’s knuckles. “Don’t mean he ain’t a little shit.”
“Well, naturally,” Davey agrees. “He’s related to you.”
“Oh, please,” Jack says with a snort. “That little spiel of his was all you. ‘The inexplicable reality of the situation’,” he mimics, his voice landing in some strange imitation of Tony mixed with Davey, which ends up not really sounding like either of them. “It was like hearin’ your voice comin’ outta Tony’s mouth.”
“And it was a well thought-out argument,” Davey says pertly, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a wry grin. “His timing could use some work, though.”
“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Jack says, taking a bite of his cereal⁠ and immediately making a face—it’s gone all gross and soggy during the craziness, because of course it has. He pushes the bowl away with a mournful look. “Didn’t even let us finish breakfast before pouncing.”
“Well, it has been eight years,” Davey says, and he’s definitely laughing a little now. “Guess he’s afraid of a repeat performance.”
“Sure,” Jack says with a shrug, because that part had been hard to argue with. More than half of Charlie’s life, Jesus. “But he was talkin’ like he expected us to walk down the aisle this afternoon. I mean, we can’t just get married. You don’t just get married.”
“Most people don’t,” Davey says, tilting his head. “But then, we aren’t really most people, are we, darling?”
It takes a moment for this statement to fully land for Jack⁠, and when it finally does, it lands with a boom.
“Are you sayin’ you’d marry me?” Jack asks, utterly floored, his heart pounding an unsteady rhythm in his chest.
“Are you asking me?” Davey asks, calmly sipping his coffee like he isn’t rocking Jack’s world, right here over breakfast, for the second time in not even two days.
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gracetrack-higgins · 7 years
I already posted this on Ao3 but here it is again for all you lovely Tumblr people!! Spot and Race adopt a baby and Spot gets very introspective and sappy at 3am about it. 
this is the cutest thing i’ve written to date. soft spot conlon wrecks my heart.
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13425714
Spot Conlon was used to staying up late and never really had any problems with late nights, or even all-nighters. But his lifestyle changed a lot the older he got. The stamina for the all-nighters he’d had in college was significantly less. He had a schedule now. Go to bed by midnight, up by seven, out the door by eight, in the office by eight-thirty. When he was younger the thought of stability and routines were both terrifying and repulsing, but now that he had it, Spot wished he didn’t waste so much time avoiding it. He’d spent a lot of time as a young adult avoiding the life he loved now, and was internally fighting regretting all the wasted time.
Younger Spot was terrified of the things that made Older Spot so happy. Younger Spot was afraid of school and doing anything that wasn’t sports. Younger Spot was afraid of the way he felt about his best friend. Younger Spot was afraid of getting a job and an apartment. Younger Spot was downright terrified of getting married or having kids or settling down.
But Spot faced all his fears. He quit sports, went to law school, got a great job as a lawyer at an extremely competitive law firm in downtown Manhattan, moved in with his boyfriend, eventually got married to his boyfriend, and settled in a life together.
And now they just adopted a child. Which was sending their lives down a whole ‘nother crazy road Spot never wanted. But now that he was on it, he didn’t know why he’d ever wanted anything else.
It was three am, way too late for Spot to be happy about being up, but this time, he didn’t mind. He stood in the lush apartment’s kitchen holding a baby in one strong arm, rocking her as she fussed, simultaneously making a bottle with his free hand. He bounced the baby gently, screwing the lid of the bottle on tight and shaking it gently before offering it to the infant, letting her eat.
Spot and his husband Race finalized the adoption of their daughter only a week and a half ago, and despite the parenting classes, baby books, social worker visits and advice from their friends, having a baby was still an insane change. They’d waited for years for the chance to adopt a baby and went through a rigorous adoption process once they were finally off a waiting list and matched with a child.
And then just like that, Brooklyn Higgins-Conlon was theirs. Their apartment became overrun with baby supplies. Bottles and toys and strollers and diapers and blankets and onesies filled every corner of their formerly-typical-guys’-apartment. Instead of takeout and beer, their fridge was now filled with baby food and formula. Race and Spot had been taking turns staying up with their new daughter as they attempted to get her on a sleep schedule like all the books said they were supposed to. But like her fathers, Brooklyn Higgins-Conlon seemed not to care too much about rules, or following them.
Spot swayed back and forth, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he watched Brooklyn drinking from the bottle hungrily.
“Geez kiddo,” he said softly, “Ya only ate a couple’a hours ago, you’s actin’ like we’s starvin’ ya.”
Brooklyn’s big dark eyes were drifting shut as she continued to eat.
“And now you’s gonna crash on me?” Spot teased, “After all’a that fuss?”
Brooklyn snuffled, finishing the bottle and sighing a little as her tiny eyes shut and she promptly fell asleep. Spot set the bottle down on the table and shifted the baby in his arms so she snuggled into his chest. Spot glanced at the clock. 3:34am.
Rubbing his tired eyes with his free hand, Spot carried his sleeping daughter back to his and Race’s master bedroom, setting her down in the crib at the foot of their bed, and then climbing back into bed next to his sprawled out husband. Spot just slid his hand around Race’s waist, getting comfortable and closing his eyes, when he heard whimpers.
Nononono. Please stay asleep.
The whimpers turned into whines.
The whines quickly turned into cries, which reached screeches within seconds. Spot groaned, Race stirred next to him, shoving his head under the pillow, slapping at Spot lazily.
“Spottyyyyy,” Race whined, and Spot shushed him, quickly slipping out of bed again to pick up the screaming baby.
“Alright missy.” Spot said as he held the baby to his shoulder, bouncing her as he left the bedroom, closing the door with his foot and going back into the small family room, pacing back and forth, trying to get the baby to stop crying.
“C’mon Brooklyn,” Spot muttered, patting the baby’s back lightly. After a few moments she calmed down, but refused to be put down, so Spot sat on the couch, holding his four month old daughter in his arms, trying to get her to go back to sleep.
“You’s a handful, Lil’ Miss.” Spot told her softly, letting Brooklyn suck on his fingers. “It’s almost four in the mornin’. You’s lucky I took time off’a work, otherwise I’d be a very grumpy Daddy havin’ ta get up early.”
Brooklyn cooed and Spot smirked.
“Ya think it’s funny?” he snorted. “One’a these days I ain’t gonna be able to stay home all the time, an’ then it won’t be so funny.”
Brooklyn gurgled a laugh and Spot shook his head.
“Yeah yeah, go on an’ laugh.” Spot pulled his fingers from the baby’s mouth and she shrieked in protest. He quickly shushed her, handing her a baby toy to play with instead. “It ain’t gonna be half as funny for me, Princess. ‘m already dreadin’ it.”
Brooklyn waved the toy at Spot, who grinned a little. He made a face at her, which prompted a new bout of giggles.
“I wish I had your energy.”
Brooklyn giggled more, bouncing in his arms. He bounced a little too, hushing her as her giggles turned into shrieks.
“Shhhh, Papa’s sleepin’, you’s gonna wake ‘im up. He already spent all night up wit’ ya last night, ya lil monster.”
Brooklyn seemed to get the memo, shoving the toy back into her mouth, resting against Spot’s strong arm as he held her close.
“Finally gettin’ sleepy?” he asked, rocking her instinctively. He was surprised at how easily some of this baby stuff had come to him, since until Jack and Kath’s kids were born, he’d never even held a baby. And at first, the prospect of raising a child, having a kid relying on him for food and shelter and life and…well, everything, was terrifying. But now, at four in the morning, holding Brooklyn in his arms, he wanted to give her everything and anything. It put everything in perspective. He didn’t want to go to work. He wanted to stay home and change diapers and make bottles and watch her nap. He wanted to hear her first words and watch her take her first steps and be there for everything. The thought of having to be at work all day instead of at home with her and Race made Spot’s stomach ache a little with sadness. And they’d only had her for a little over a week. How was he this attached after such a short amount of time? Why did she feel like a piece of him that’d been missing?
“There we go,” Spot said encouragingly as Brooklyn started to calm down, and he replaced the toy in her mouth with a pacifier instead. He rocked her back and forth gently, running his free hand lightly through her soft dark curls. “That’s my girl.” he smiled.
“I ain’t never thought I’d be sittin’ here,” he told her softly, “In my own place. Married to anyone, let alone your Papa.” he booped her tiny nose. “Holdin’ you.” Spot sighed contentedly. “Now I dunno what I’d do without ya.”
Brooklyn’s eyelids started to drift as Spot continued to rock her.
“I know I ain’t gonna be great at this,” Spot told her next as Brooklyn’s little tan hand wrapped around his finger. “Bein’ a dad. I didn’t have one, so…” he shrugged. “I’m not too sure what ‘m doin’ half the time. But I promise, I’ll do everythin’ I can to make sure you’s happy an’ you’s loved, ‘kay?”
Brooklyn’s little eyes closed and he smiled.
“Good.” he pressed a kiss to her forehead, still rocking her gently to make sure she stayed asleep.
“I think you’s pretty great at this.”
Spot looked up at the sound of his husband’s voice and rolled his eyes.
“Ugh, you heard that?”
Race smirked, curling up next to Spot on the couch, resting his head on his shoulder.
“Yeah.” he smiled. “It was real cute.” Race looked at the baby asleep in the crook of Spot’s arm. “An’ she’s sleepin’, so you’s definitely doin’ somethin’ right.”
Spot groaned lightly, but tilted his head to rest against Race’s.
“Bein’ a dad is a lotta work.” he said, and Race nodded.
“Yeah, it sure is.” Race yawned, reaching one hand over to gently to brush at Brooklyn’s curls. “‘s a good thing she’s cute.”
Spot smirked. “I think she knows it, too. She knows we’ll let her get away with anythin’.”
Race breathed a laugh. “Yeah, an’ that’ll only get worse as she gets older.”
Spot nodded in agreement, both his and Race’s eyes watching their sleeping baby.
“‘m real glad we’re doin’ this,” Spot whispered, “I’m sorry I made ya wait so long.”
Race shook his head. “If we didn’t wait, we wouldn’t have Brooklyn.” he said simply. “An’ she’s perfect.”
Spot smiled. “She is.”
“An’ so’re you.” Race added, and Spot rolled his eyes jokingly.
“Ew, affection.” he whined, laughing as Race flicked him in the head and then pulled him into a kiss.
“Love you,” Spot offered between kisses.
“Love you too.”
Race smiled as they parted and stood from the couch, holding out a hand for Spot to join him. He did, taking Race’s hand in his, Brooklyn still asleep in his arm.
“Maybe she’ll finally stay asleep.” Race said hopefully as they started back to the bedroom.
“She can just sleep with us,” Spot joked, “Since she’s so attached.”
Race shoved his husband’s shoulder lightly. “Allow me to reference chapter 14 of every parenting book ever: Co-Sleeping Is A Trap Do Not Do It. We ain’t doin’ it.”
“I know, I know.” Spot laughed, setting the baby down in her crib gently, watching her for a second before joining Race back in bed. “If she cries again it’s your turn.”
Race mocked offense. “After last night? How dare you?”
Spot pushed Race down against the mattress, tucking a hand around his waist and pulling him close as they got comfortable.
“You overheard my private sappy conversation with our baby. It’s the least ya can do.”
Race snorted, burying his face in Spot’s t-shirt as he snuggled against him.
“Shut up an’ go to sleep.” Race murmured and Spot smiled, kissing Race’s curls and relaxing against him.
“Night, Racer.” Spot whispered.
“It’s mornin’.” Race mumbled.
“Mornin’, then.” Spot amended, smiling as he felt Race’s smile against his chest.
“Sleep, moron.” Race drawled, and Spot grunted, getting comfortable and closing his eyes.
Now please don’t wake up again. He thought to his daughter as he finally drifted back to sleep.
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tailspin · 6 years
Dearest Sara, Dec. 13, 2008
(I found a note I wrote to my best friend about 10 years ago, that I never gave to her, it’s gold.)
Dearest Sara,                                   Dec. 13, 2008
It’s 9:54 pm. I’ve been in my room since 7:14 pm, today on this Saturday. I’ve smoked 3 jays, 3 cigs, and drank 2 smirinysim (smirnoff) here.I listened to an hour and a half of Pink Floyd, Celebrating 40 years of them, playing them nonstop, with interviews and shit. it kinda made me mer. “/ i dont kno. that’s over with, & now they’re playing Led Zeppelin, 1st, Going to California, 2nd, I don’t remember, & now they’re playing when the levees break. dude, this song is literally 35 years old. that’s some crazy madd ass shit, i mean, they were so fucking ahead of their times, crazy.
Sara, I can’t walk, or get up. merr. lol. dude, you went bowling with your boyfriend! sara and zak sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. ooh! 1st comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Sara drinking whiskey in a baby strolllllller. Fuck. Dude. “Round-About” is playing on the radio, I’m pretty sure the band that does this song is “Yes” but dont get me wrong, cus im pretty sure i might be wrong, but im pretty sure im not wrong, ykno? i cant listen to “Black Betty” anymore its wwwaaayyy over played. I can’t write down here, so turn over.
-Back side, written in doodles and chaotic doodles-
Thank you for turing this over. “D Dude, I’m excited, I get to make mugs with yew! xD! Lol! ;P! Oh yeah! FUCK YEAH SEA KING! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! FUCK YES! IM DONE. gotta peace
saraaa, btw, it’s 10:09
btw; it is yes!!
96.9 tomorrow night @ six!
I wanna smoke more!
I want you
I want Whiskey
I want Jamaica Jerky!
I want you so bad
We can look back at this, and realize what burn outs we truly are at the age of 15, 12 daze before chrsimez, hey it’s chrsimez, is chrsimez there?
Cat, Ima kitty kat &i dance, dance, dance & i dance, dance, dance Bitch, Heart, Bitch <3 <3 always, ALGORECORE
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878-sparksofmagic · 7 years
The Crystal Fanged Snake- A Duck’s Adventure
This is for schooooool but im putting it here because reasons. Warning: It’s super cliche and probably predictable because it’s meant to demonstrate the standard heroes journey.
It was an odd day for Grape. She had woken up, gazing around the coop for a bit. She saw the ducklings snoozing peacefully in the corner, while her crazy Grandpa was clearly awake in the roost above her. She could feel the small vibrations in the wood of the roost as he preened his feathers, getting ready for the day. She could not, however, hear her Grandmother, or her parents. They must be outside, Grape thought. I should join them, perhaps the farmer simply brought breakfast early today. With that, Grape stood, ruffling her feathers and stretching out her wings as she carefully climbed down the small ramp that led from her part of the roost to the ground, being very quiet so she did not wake her siblings.  
As she stepped outside, she saw Grandmother, so she hurried over to her, asking where Mother and Father were at. "Oh them? The farmer came earlier and picked them up, most likely for a contest." Grandma replied, waddling with confidence towards the feeder, slowly, despite her leg, which had been crippled for as long as Grape could remember.  
"Ah ok, so that means I have to watch the kids, right?" This was not an unusual thing for Grape, her parents were prized show ducks, and traveled with the farmer frequently. When this happened, she was forced to deal with her siblings, all three of them, and boy, were they a handful! "Alright Grandma, I'm getting breakfast."  
The day went on as usual, and nothing to out of the ordinary occurred, other than Melon getting his head stuck in the fence when looking at the cows. He was not even supposed to go over there, but that never stopped the oldest of Grape's sibling from doing anything.  
As Grape got the ducklings ready for bed, they seemed suspiciously compliant, putting up nearly no fuss, not even when Grape told them to preen their feathers. They usually hated doing that, but today they did it without a complaint. That was suspicious, but oh well, they must just be tired. Grape thought before heading up to sleep herself, carefully stepping up the ramp to her bed.  
CRASH! "Wha- what?" Grape awoke with a start, immediately seeing Sugar, the youngest duckling, standing at the coop door, shaking and obviously terrified. "S-Sugar? What's wrong sis? Are you ok there?"
"Gwape! There- there- there waz a snakey!! It got Melo and Lemon!" Sugar shouted, and Grape could barely understand her. She was beginning to cry now, so Grape just wrapped a wing around her until she quieted down a bit.  
"Can you talk now, Sugar?" She nodded. "Okay, then start from the beginning."
"Ok big sista. Melo said that we should sneak out, and I didn't wanna but he said I waz a chicken! And I'm noda chicken ima ducky!" She sniffed before continuing, "So we all snucked out while you were sleepin, and we went inda the forest to look at the pwetty stars." Grape nodded to say she understood the poor child before asking her to continue.  
"Then what happened, kiddo?" Grape asked.
"We were just sittin' there, lookin at the pweeeetty stars but then there was a crack behind us and- and-" She was starting to get scared again, but she swallowed and continued. "-and the there was a big, scary snakey! It wasn't a normal snakey, it was BIG! And it stoleded Melo and Whemon! I runded away and hided in a tree trunk. I went weaaaaaaal close to me Gwape! It's eye was diiis close!" She gestured with her wings to show that it was only an inch or two away. "And it had a big, old, white eyeball!" She said the last word with a particular emphasis.  
" Ok ok, so let me get this straight. You guys snuck out to look at the stars without telling me, and then a giant snake, with a white eye, came and took Melon and Lemon?" Grape asked with a hint of disbelief. "Are you sure that’s what happened?"
"Yes! Yes! And now that big stinky snake has Melo and Whemon!" It was clear by the way Sugar exclaimed this with such exasperation that this wasn’t just a joke set up by Melon. Something had happened to Grape's brothers, and she, being the only semi-adult duck that wasn't elderly around, would have to go rescue them. Oh no, she couldn't do that. What if there really was a huge snake monster, what could she do about it? I'm not ready for this! Grape thought. She would have to tell her grandparents about this, perhaps they would know what to do.  
"-are you telling me us that you guys saw the crystAL FANGED SNAKE?! And it didn't EAT you?!" Well. It seems like Grandpa does indeed know about this thing. "How on EARTH did you survive Sugar??" Grandpa shouted.  
"I hided in a tree twunk Grampi!" Sugar said in an innocent tone.  
"I personally do not care how Sugar got away, the fact is, it seems like Melon and Lemon were not as lucky. We must find them again, and soon. Before that snake decides that it is hungry once more." Grandmother declared in a commanding voice. "Oh, curse this leg. If only it wasn't so useless! Grape, you must find the Raven. He has travelled to that creature's lair before, perhaps he can do it again. Me and Grandpa will watch Sugar."
"Uh, ok. Where do I find this guy?" Grape was nervous. She had hardly ever even left the farm, and now she was supposed to go find some strange bird? She hoped he didn't live too far away, at least she would not have to defeat this snake thing. This Raven fellow could do it right? He had before anyways, according to Grandma.
After receiving directions and eating some dinner, Grape set out on her adventure. She was nervous, but also full of hope. Her brothers would be alright, she just had to make it to this strange Raven and it would all go back to normal. He could save her siblings, and maybe she could even help a little!
Almost a half hour later, Grape was near the tree her Grandparents had described. Well.. This was it. She decided just calling his name might bring him down. "Um, Raven? Are you there?" She semi-shouted.
"Who's asking?" A voice croaked from above.  
"Um, hello? My name is Grape?" Grape asked timidly.
"What do you want?" The scratchy voice asked.  
"My brothers! They were captured by this snake and- and my Grandma said you could help? Can you please?" Grape called out.
"No, go away. I want nothing to do with some snake!" The Raven shouted back at her before ducking his head back into the small tree hole that must have been his home.  
"Wh-what? But Grandmother said-" Grape was cut off.
"I said NO! I don't care what your grandma said, I won't risk my life to save some idiot ducklings from a snake. Any normal snake would have eaten them by now anyways." The Raven stuck his head back out, and Grape saw that he had no eye on one side of his face. Instead, the socket was blank and covered with skin. The other eye, however, was piercingly yellow as it stared beadily down at her.  
"But sir, this isn't a normal snake-" His head tilted a bit at that "-It’s a, a what did Grandpa call it? The Crystal Fanged Snake, that’s what it was!" Grape shouted, cheery becaouse she remembered the name.  
"No it is not. It couldn't be. I killed that snake years ago, I stabbed out its eye myself! It died, I saw it bleeding out! I- I sacrificed my own eye in the fight- it MUST be dead-" The Raven babbled, confused.  
"Sir, you said you stabbed its eye? Well, my sister, Sugar, said that this snake was missing one of its eyes, plus it was spikey and certainly not a normal snake." Grape explained.  
"Oh no, oh no. If what you say is true, girl, then this whole area is in grave danger. That snake was once the familiar of a witch, a witch who happened to love birds very much. It's a sad, complicated tale, one I do not have time to tell, but in the end that witch passed- leaving a bitter, angry, absolutely mad snake. One who has a passionate hatred for bird kind, and who magicked himself into being nearly invincible." He explained, shaking his head and trembling ever so slightly.  
This was not good, Grape thought, If this snake is really as much of a threat as this Raven says, and he won't fight it, then what am I to do? "Can you fight this thing then?" She asked, nervously.  
"No, no. I can't. I've been no good at fighting since I lost my eye. You will have to go. Don't worry, if he is truly blind in one eye, then I know how to fight him. Come up here, and we may discuss this." He said.  
Grape looked at the tree, trying to find the best way up. The Raven rolled his eyes at this, and said: "There's a hole in the bottom that leads to here." He said dismissively before poking his head back in.  
Grape scooted around the base of the dead tree until she found what he was talking about. As she climbed, the full realization that she was going to have to save her siblings weighed heavily on her, giving her a sinking feeling in her stomach. She was scared.
After discussing what she needed to do with the Raven, Grape set off to find the snake's Lair. According to him, she simply needed to sneak in, careful to stay out of his range of vision, grab her brothers, and get out. Simple. Or so she thought.  
Grape was nearing where Raven had told her to go, and she was starting to grow apprehensive. But she would push on for her siblings. She gulped. I can do this. She hoped that Raven's advice would be good enough to get her through this.  
She took a step forward, towards the ominous dark cavern of the snake, pressing on into the darkness. Ok, alright, just stay to the left... Her thoughts trailed off, she had heard a sound. Something slithering, scales scraping against the rock. She froze. Stay calm, stay calm.  
"Helllloooo therrrre agaiinn littlllle duckiessss"  Oh god he saw me he saw me he's going to eat me oh go- A clear voice rang out, interrupting Grape's panic.
"Shut up you dumb snake, and let us out!" Melon. Of course. He was always the bravest of them all, sometimes to a fault. Grape took a deep breath, she was still unspotted. She inched forward, and soon saw quite the scene before her. In cages all around, various birds, most of them young, were captured. In the center, watching her two brothers, was the Crystal Fanged Snake. His bad eye was towards her, luckily. He was massive, atop his head was a crown of rocky horn-like spikes, and protruding from his mouth were the crystal-like fangs of which his name derived from.
"Fooooolllisssh duckssss, I cannot let you ooooout. That would ruuuiiiin tomorowsss dinnneeer" His voice was sinister and cold. "Beeeeennn a whiiillleee ssssince I had duuuuck." And then he laughed, a chilling sound laced with all the cruelness imaginable. Grape started doubting herself once more, but then one of the birds near her, an owlet, caught sight of her, and its face lit up with hope. Grape put a wing to her beak, telling the bird to be quiet, and it nodded. Grape couldn't give up now. She would have to wait until the snake moved away, then she could free the birds and, especially, her brothers.  
So she waited. And waited. But the snake never moved. Instead, he fell asleep right there, mumbling about ducks and dinner. Well, I suppose this will work, as long as everyone is very, very quiet when I let them out. Grape decided now was as good a time as any, and stepped forward, away from the shadow of the rock overhang she had been hiding under. Around her, she heard birds gasp in excitement as they caught sight of her. She pointed to the snake, indicating that they remain silent. Most got the idea, and stopped making noise. As she crawled forwards towards the nearest cage, she thought of how crazy this all was. Her she was, a young duck from a small farm, who happened to have some rambunctious siblings, about to free the prisoners of a crazy magical snake. She supposed it wasn't the most absurd thing that could happen, but still, it felt as if this was meant to occur. Her nerves had nearly disappeared, oddly, despite being terrified out of her mind only moments ago.  
Lost in thought, she stepped on a stone, sending it tumbling. Nearly every very bird in the cavern gasped, looking towards the snake. But he merely let out a snore, turning over in his sleep.  
Grape made it to the cage, and to the disbelief of the small owl inside, flicked open the lock. Grape pointed to the cave, telling the bird to escape now. The owl looked at her, nodded and sent a thank you with its eyes before scurrying out as quickly as it could without making any noise. Grape continued, freeing many. A crow, a rooster, two woodpeckers, all freed from the snake's clutches. Just as she was about to free Melon and Lemon, who were particularly close to the snake, there was a crash.
BANG! The last bird she had freed, a very young blue-jay, had fallen over a rock. The sound echoed through the chamber, and the blue-jay jumped up, sprinting towards the exit. Grape looked towards the enormous head of the snake, and was met with the blue eye of the snake. Grape realized her mistake. She hadn't stayed on the left, and now she was caught, red-handed, by the most powerful creature she had ever seen. The snake raised its head, eye fixed on Grape.  
"HEY IDIOT LOOK AT ME!" Melon shouted, and the snake whipped its head around to snap at him.
"Ssssshut up you insssssolent morssssel!" Grape wasted no time, and ran to the other side of the snake, the blind side. "Heeey, where diiiid the other one goooo?" He hissed. "I willll find you, ruuuunt." The snake whipped his head around, searching. Grape ducked behind a rock.
She was scared, but her body knew what to do, somehow. She had to get her brothers out, they were the last ones. She just had to get over there. She peeked out from behind the rock. The snake had his back to her, perfect. She crept out as quickly as she could towards her brother's cage. "Theeerrree you arrreee. Thouuught I woullld leet you get awaaayyy didn't you?" Grape looked around. She was cornered. The cage was on one side, and there were rocks on the other. "Oh, loook at thhhhat, yourrr trrraped" The snake appeared gleeful, he would have his revenge on the bird that had released his meals. "You'lll be a greaaaat feaaast, idiiiot duck." Grape looked up, perhaps she could, no, she wouldn't make it, not with flying skills like hers- the snake lunged, and Grape's half-baked thread of a plan was put to the test. She leaped, popping open her wings, and soared over the snake's head. The snake had not expected such a maneuver, and it crashed, mouth agape, against the rocks. As Grape landed, the sound of shattering glass rang throughout the room.  
"No- nooooo my fangggsss, they'rrrre brokeeeen!" The beast wailed. A substance leaked from the mouth of the wounded snake, wrapping him in a blanket of smoke. Grape covered her eyes, and when the smoke cleared, all that remained of the snake was its rocky horns, and the broken remains of its crystal fangs.  
It was over, Grape had won. Granted, she had gotten much more then she had bargained for, and gotten very lucky, but she had still one. Melon and Lemon cheered, while Grape stood in disbelief. When she finally shook off her shock, she hurried over to unlock her brother's cage. Together, they walked out of the cage, Lemon and Melon both excitedly chittering about how cool that had been.  
"You did it Grape!" Said Melon.
"That was the coolest thing I have EVER seen a girl do!" Lemon said, and Grape rolled her eyes.  
"I suppose it was pretty cool, wasn't it?" Grape said with a smirk. Before leaving, the cavern for good, however, Grape took a look back, and decided to grab a few pieces of the snake's shiny fangs.  
As they left to return home, they stopped by the Raven's house, who claimed that he was shocked Grape had actually lived. She gave one of the fragments to him. Next, they went home.
There was a lot of hugging and congratulations, as well as a firm scolding from the ducklings now returned parents, who were still in disbelief.  
That night, as Grape was getting ready for bed, she looked at the ramp leading to her bed. Instead of taking it up, however, she leaped up, landing neatly in her bed. She tucked the last of the snake's fang fragments underneath, proof that she defeated such an odd creature. As she fell asleep, she saw her three siblings peacefully sleeping in their bed, and Grape knew in her heart that she could protect them from anything.
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grrrtyorkes · 6 years
I’m sittin here... realizing I let someone sexually harass me for a year and a half... be cause he was “a good person”... nd now all the drama im going through is because i told him to fuck himself... which i do not regret... life is fucking crazy man
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
Virginia:  Day 10
DAVENFORTH: -Does this university have a gym? It better. Well, Dave is in there. Not that you can see him, there's a heavy punching bag taking quite the abuse. There's flurries of hits, but their source can't be seen.-
HIGHBLOOD: =Watching this. He's here. He's maybe always been here. Crunches nacho slowly, loudly.=
DAVENFORTH: -When the fuck did you even get here-
DAVENFORTH: -Flashes in and kicks the bag, sending it flying into a wall. He lands, huffing, sweating.-
QIRIN: =she comes in eventually, sitting quietly on a bench with her hands open in her lap, watching Sonic the Hedgehog beat up a gremlin.=
HIGHBLOOD: =hands Qirin cheesy nacho chips= :o)
DAVENFORTH: -He hasn't noticed the audience yet, walking over and hoisting the bag up, placing it back on its rack.-
QIRIN: =....thanks. She nods and takes it, not wishing to be the one to disrupt the silence.=
HIGHBLOOD: =loudly crunches chip again=
DAVENFORTH: -Looks up. Oh. He gives a sup nod-
HIGHBLOOD: you tirin already brother, shit just got good =eats more chips and nods at him=
QIRIN: =waves gently. hi, she read the news.=
DAVENFORTH: Nah just didnt realize i had an audience
DAVENFORTH: -Rolls his shoulders and goes back to punching the bag, normally this time. He's putting a lot of effort behind these swings, the impacts very audible in the gym-
ERIDAN: -Somewhere in the first floor of the university science department, a fish troll has made his headquarters. The door of a lab is thrown open while music plays, if it could be called music. It was muffled and the signal was terribe with static. It was obviously a radio hotwired to pick up whatever far off-planet station that dared to air all the way to Earth. A small sign of life in the otherwise gloomy dark school hallways.- 
ERIDAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=And-yo5jwko
ROXANNE: -Obviously if she was going to tour around anywhere to distract herself from the stress and danger it would be the science building. It would be like a blast from the past. When Roxanne had still been in school she spent all her time in her campus science department or observatory (good place to study, really quiet.) She walks aimlessly around the empty halls of the first floor peeking in through a window or two until the sound of shitty music gains her attention and she follows it until she is looking in through the open door to the lab.- 
ROXANNE: Huh. -Looks like they were re-purposing rooms.-
ERIDAN: -Repurposing the rooms in a manner of speaking. The tables were lined with Eridan's "meager" collection of assault weapons. Everything ranging from harpoon guns to muskets, photon, and of course, the standard automatic was laid out on display.- 
ERIDAN: -Eridan himself was half sprawled over the professor's desk, having fallen asleep over maps of the Washington battle grounds next to his honest-to-god duct taped radio hull. The source of the static music.- (zzzz)
ROXANNE: -What a hero, what a pro.- 
ROXANNE: -Maybe she should just let him sleep, but tickle her curious at just why he was napping in a slightly redecorated lab while leaving dangerous weaponry about.- ROXANNE: Hm. -She knocks on the frame of the doorway to see if that will wake him up.-
ERIDAN: -SNORTS AWAKE, hunting knife almost instantly in his hand. Maybe he fell asleep with it? He lifts his head to peer blearily around, glasses askew.- zzzuhfuck -Spots Roxanne at the door, eyebrows furrowing until he's giving a mighty stretch at the desk.- 
ERIDAN: oh dammit 
ERIDAN: justa human -yawns toothily, using the pointy end of the knife to scratch at the base of his horns.- wwhats the commotion
ROXANNE: -Yep just a human 8) - 
ROXANNE: -Briefly flinches when he wakes up with a knife of all things.- Jeez ya' expecting certain company with that tooth pick? ...horn pick?
ERIDAN: surprised you aint similar wwise givven your situation -The horn pick feels good actually.... he casually keeps sweeping the blunt end along the wwavvy shape of his horns. The amphibious insectoid that he is, totally half asleep.- 
ERIDAN: mess hall aint this wway if youre lookin
ROXANNE: Man I'd be real dumb if I was lookin' for a bite to eat. 
ROXANNE: Surprise Im here to steal the guns you left out on the table for absolutely basically anyone to come and get. -jabs a thumb at the arms display. Do you get her point.-
ERIDAN: -gives her this LOOK.- wwhat 
ERIDAN: do you think im sendin these folks out there empty handed 
ERIDAN: kinda presumptuous a you assumin im runnin that kinda operation here
ERIDAN: takin is wwhat theyre FOR
ROXANNE: Right right i get that, but no sign in sheet or nothin'?
ROXANNE: Dang its like you got no respect for 'em. -Steps all the way in and eyes the collection close up. Some of these are nice.-
ROXANNE: Also seems dangerous.
ERIDAN: yeah probably thats also in essence the point -rubbing his eyes under his glasses and then reaches under his desk. Time to pour himself a drink.-
ROXANNE: -Picks up the automatic and looks it over, is it in good condition?- ROXANNE: Then you run a risky armory.
ERIDAN: meh -Damn. He has no more cups. Just swings back this rock n rye flavored faygo with a grimace.- 
ERIDAN: -All the rifles are in good condition. It's one of the few things Eridan gives a shit about enough to invest and maintain.-
ERIDAN: run your owwn armory if you wwanna criticize
ROXANNE: If I had plans ta' stick around i might. We could have a whole competition, best arms dealer wins.
ROXANNE: -Puts down the automatic and picks up the harpoon gun, inspecting it in quite the same manner and then aiming it at the opposite wall. Her finger isnt on the trigger of course, but shes never shot one before and wanted to try holding it.-
ERIDAN: run me outta business fine 
ERIDAN: so long as the job gets done -The safety's on and it gleams sharply in the flourescent lighting. A deadly harpoon, especially in the right hands.-
ROXANNE: -Noice. Its got a good weight to it.- Those are the words of someone plannin' on losing. 
ROXANNE: -Turns her head to flash him a small smile.- But like i said not stickin' around to do your job for you.
ERIDAN: yeah -What he's agreeing to, it's not apparent. He's just chugging more faygo, eyes drooping heavily.- mmmmh
ERIDAN: ought to pick one you like or somethin
ROXANNE: ....Are you just gonna' give me a gun? -How sleepy IS this guy.-
ERIDAN: -fingers are knotted into his hair as he gives himself a massage around the temples- ...fuckin 
ERIDAN: yes i am 
ERIDAN: it aint that goddamn complicated sometimes a request or a question is just simple 
ERIDAN: not wwarrantin the necessity to react like youre batshit insane 
ERIDAN: i already had to deal wwith one a you
ERIDAN: or else just drop it clearly attempts at generosity or concern at you humans just aint wworth it
ROXANNE: Sorry consider me a lil' hesitant around strangers lately. 
ROXANNE: Thanks for the offer though, ill take ya' up on it. -Shes putting down the harpoon gun and taking one of the automatics. sure the spear was cool, but this would be a lot more useful later.-
ERIDAN: -reaching under his desk again. This time pulling out a twinkie, peeling apart the wrapper.- least you got your senses about you -mutters.-
ROXANNE: -Tucks that gun away safe and sound in her sylladex now before turning to watch eridan snack.- 
ROXANNE: So... besides hand out guns an' chug shitty soda brands, what else do you get up to in here?
ERIDAN: i aint in here most instances 
ERIDAN: im out and about runnin the operation a course 
ERIDAN: the fuck else wwould i be 
ERIDAN: besides sittin square wwith my thumb up my ass
ERIDAN: dealin wwith local patrols and organizin scouts for supplies and shit a that nature
ROXANNE: -She shrugs.- 'Dunno what else you would have been doing thats why I asked. 
ROXANNE: -Did they get rid of any of the tech in this lab?-
ERIDAN: -grunts. Nah, they didn't. But they did disembowel the computers for various things. Mainly so they wouldn't be used.-
ROXANNE: -She doesnt care too much about them being gutted, she just wants to look at them. She takes a seat at one of the counter tops and fiddles with the ripped open technology.- Hah. Ya' know its kinda' nice to see that not too much has changed in the sense of the standard open to public campus computers.
ERIDAN: i wwouldnt fuckin knoww 
ERIDAN: i aint gone to no humanclad univversity
ROXANNE: You sure missed out then.
ROXANNE: Human uni. is where it is at.
ERIDAN: -just. Stuffs this whole twinkie in his mouth. Chews balefully.- sounds like its a baised drawwn conclusion but alright
ROXANNE: Oh it absolutely is but its also the damn truth. 
ROXANNE: You ever had a "Week of Welcome" wherever you studied?
ROXANNE: Its crazy let me tell you.
ERIDAN: -fixes her with a dubious frown.- a wweak of wwelcome sounds like the traditionalistic ritual of testin the constitution newwly ascended trolls 
ERIDAN: vvia drowwnin their heads in load gapers and seein if they resuscitate afterwwards
ERIDAN: guess humans got more spine to them than i thought initially
ROXANNE: ......Wowie. 
ROXANNE: Nah we didn't do any of that. 
ROXANNE: It was basically a week of clubs an' academic society groups tryin' to out-do each other with fun or dumb activities.
ROXANNE: You could pet like seven dogs by the library. 
ROXANNE: Or get free pizza or cup cakes for shaking a teachers hand.
ROXANNE: Although sometimes you got to pay $20 to smash a car with a sludge hammer but that was more often around finals.
ERIDAN: youre sayin there aint some kind of mutilation or murder plots invvolvved 
ERIDAN: not evven a little
ROXANNE: Not usually.
ERIDAN: evven the recreational shits got some bite to it 
ERIDAN: ...huh -sips faygo thoughtfully.-
ROXANNE: Yep. School is a place for petting dogs, makin' the grades, and getting sloshed on a thursday night when you know you have a 8am lecture hall.  
ERIDAN: suppose i relate on some level -hmphs, unimpressed.- 
ERIDAN: but nothin too solid
ROXANNE: Thats okay. Lets agree to leave it as a cultural difference I guess
ERIDAN: fairs fair -sloshes down the rest of this lukewarm faygo. Disgusting.-
ERIDAN: im eridan
ROXANNE: -If its so gross dont drink it.- 
ROXANNE: -She turns around on her stool.- Nice to meet ya'. 
ROXANNE: Im Roxanne.
ERIDAN: uh sure -He DOUBTS it's nice to meet him but accepts this introduction anyhow.- dunno if i ought to point it out or nothin ERIDAN: but you aint lookin like the battlefield type so ERIDAN: noww im wonderin wwhat the shit youre doin taggin along the assassination brigade for
ERIDAN: it aint exactly the equivvalent to pizza and pettin puppies or wwhatevver the fuck
ROXANNE: Ya' aint wrong there. 
ROXANNE: Its kind of a long story. But to summarize why I'm goin' along on this crazy shoot the duo president mission is to make sure the dad of my infant daughter doesnt get himself killed in the process. 
ROXANNE: Plus I got no weekend plans.
ERIDAN: -He understands these words individually and is trying to piece them together into something comprehensible.- so outta obligation to your mate aka the sire a your offspring
ROXANNE: Mmmm, not technically either of those things. 
ROXANNE: But close enough. 
ROXANNE: Derek is my ex, and we adopted a lil' girl while we were still together.
ERIDAN: so it wwas a beforan style cullin ritual 
ERIDAN: wwherein the twwo a you havve obligation ovver some helpless wward 
ERIDAN: all the wwhile ditchin wwhat i presume wwas a romantic entanglement 
ERIDAN: but its enough for you to pledge loyalty enough to head facefirst into the troll davvy jones locker of suicide missions for 
ERIDAN: wwho the hell is this guy anywway
ROXANNE: Bingo. 
ROXANNE: Derek Strider. You'd know him if you met him. 
ROXANNE: About yay tall -Gestures the height.- kinda' full of himself. 
ROXANNE: Triangle shades.
ERIDAN: him 
ERIDAN: .... 
ERIDAN: i dont see it
ROXANNE: -Snrks.- Dont see what? Him being a dad or the relationship?
ERIDAN: wwhy the shit hes wworth you dyin for 
ERIDAN: you aint even invvolvved anymore
ERIDAN: the risks real possible just FYI
ERIDAN: but on top of losin a dad your grubs riskin losin its mom too aint it 
ERIDAN: wway to fuckin go the both a you
ROXANNE: Yeah i know. 
ROXANNE: But hey if we both die then i dont have to tell my baby that her daddy died. -Yes, just smile the real truth away.-
ROXANNE: Nah but... caring about someone can make ya' do crazy shit.
ROXANNE: We may not be together anymore but it doesnt change the fact that I still love him in other ways.
ERIDAN: crazy shit like a plea for attention if i evver fuckin saww it 
ERIDAN: hey blowwhole look wwhat im puttin at risk for you 
ERIDAN: -snorts- bet he dont appreciate it none
ROXANNE: -Snrks.- Even if it was a cry for attention, 
ROXANNE: Which its not. 
ROXANNE: He might appreciate it at least a little.
ROXANNE: Or at least feel damn well guilty when its all over, haha.
ERIDAN: not appreciativve enough to vvalue your grubs livvelihood it dont look like ERIDAN: smfh wwhat do i knoww 
ERIDAN: just got a general sense a wwhat a guardians supposed to behavve to compare it to 
ERIDAN: and i wwas reared by a goddamn skyhorse scrod rest his fuckin soul
ROXANNE: Ya' probably know just about as much about proper parenting as me, to be honest. 
ROXANNE: Still workin' on that whole "Perfect suburban mom" deal.
ROXANNE: But he cares about her a lot. I think he just got his head dragged into this mission.
ROXANNE: Keep hoping he's gonna' snap out of it but maybe its his feelings from how hes about to have another baby with his wife that makes him feel like he needs to save the world.
ERIDAN: -grunts- i guess 
ERIDAN: still a fuckin shame says i 
ERIDAN: pitys gonna only go so far and in the ends its gotta be you and your owwn hide 
ERIDAN: the shit youre invvested in or wwhatever 
ERIDAN: wwardin the grub 
ERIDAN: cant be a bad thing 
ERIDAN: but youre wwastin your fuckin energy expectin anybody to change for you wwho aint done shit to try 
ERIDAN: except ask you to be there and vvalidate you feelin needed or wwhat not 
ERIDAN: makes the cycle addictivve -sighs out, staring off. Time to break out more faygos.-
ROXANNE: Well damn.
ROXANNE: This is some impromptu broken relationship advice or what.
ERIDAN: no -turns to her to deadpan.- its advvice on survvivin past tomorroww
ROXANNE: Oh i know im gonna'.
ERIDAN: the credits goin to you then 
ERIDAN: or him rather 
ERIDAN: hes the one in the front lines aint he 
ERIDAN: suspect much -asks it like a question. Suspect much??-
ROXANNE: Yeah he is. 
ROXANNE: But while derek has a big talk I also know he has the skills to back it up. 
ROXANNE: And I'm mostly tagging along to provide immediate cover for the kill group.
ERIDAN: right... -Sure Jan. He believes you.-
ROXANNE: What ya' dont believe i can do it?
ERIDAN: wwhats it matter wwhat i think 
ERIDAN: im the guy leavvin my wweaponry lyin strewwn about wwilly nilly
ROXANNE: ...... -Chuckles.- 
ROXANNE: Fair point.
ERIDAN: -slorps a new faygo. This one a grape flavored one.- 
ERIDAN: doesnt matter wwhat i say 
ERIDAN: its you and your time and wwho youre puttin it towwards 
ERIDAN: hope you get it back at the end of the day is all
ERIDAN: -says this because he's totally judging you, Rox.-
ROXANNE: -Seriously, How many sodas is this guy going to drink.- 
ROXANNE: -She shrugs. He is free to judge away, the plan is stupid and risky and she knows that by going into it she might die. But if there was anything she could do to help minimize the chance of any more casualties on this suicide run it would be worth it.- 
ROXANNE: Ya' know we've talked a lot about me, but what about you Eridan? 
ROXANNE: I could be wrong but ya' dont seem like the type to be visiting earth to get a load of our, albeit currently dying, culture. Is it the soda brands that caught your attention?
ERIDAN: the only thing wworth a damn to come outta earth if you ask me -snarks but it lacks bite. He just shrugs.- 
ERIDAN: just so happens i got a free wweekend too
ROXANNE: Aww really? Thats all you enjoy about it?
ERIDAN: you got decent pastries i guess -Don't aww at him...-
ROXANNE: Pastries and soda. 
ROXANNE: Well. Everyone's gotta have their favorites.
ERIDAN: sos you 
ERIDAN: it just so happens yours got pointshades
ROXANNE: Pft... Nah.
ERIDAN: youd die for it so 
ERIDAN: wwheres the fuckin lie tee bee ach
ROXANNE: I'm not going to die for him, because we're not going to die. 
ROXANNE: Also like I said before you can care about someone without them being your favorite.
ERIDAN: guess youre right 
ERIDAN: wwith that logic im layin my life on the line for a mime
ROXANNE: Is the mime your buddy?
ERIDAN: hell no 
ERIDAN: he dont evven like me and frankly i dont care for his foot wwear
ERIDAN: wwho am i kiddin 
ERIDAN: at least its consistant -just B/ at himself.-
ROXANNE: Hilarious. Well I havent met this mime but ill be keepin' an eye out for what shoes he's wearing.
ERIDAN: -lowkey fist clenching memes.- youll see it
0 notes
Episode 10 “The One Where This Tribal Council is a Mess” (Zakriah)
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(here we go yall lmao- pippa)
All along it was always me and Aro and that's how it's gonna continue to be until we're both voted out anyways. Idk Mitch has lied to me already twice now and I don't play baseball so there's no third strike here. Ofc Willow and Allie flipped on us and ofc it's just me and Aro like it always has been. And I can't wait to get 10th.
(a while later)
These people aren't even good at lying and Willow was trying to help me literally all along and she was right there literally was nothing she coulda done about it!!! I feel awful that I ruined any trust I had with her and I feel awful for cultivating a relationship with the wrong rookie on numakira. I'm just so fucked up rn and I knew it was happening too.
She's over here apologizing to Mitchell and NOT ME for this last vote when I literally just left the alliance chat! So that OBVIOUSLY tells me she has no intention of trying to work with me again after this and that pretty much me and Aro have no shot to make it any further in this bih
(even later)
Most of what I just said was very spur of the moment and I don't even remember half of it but tbh me and mitch are on the same wavelength rn and us and aro's lives basically depend on MY MORTAL NEMESES lexi and rtp
(so much later)
Mitchell and Zakriah's guide to surviving Tumblr Survivor: Solomon Islands Merged Tribe. Step 1) Vote with Allie against LA Step 2) Form a vets alliance Step 3) Steal Willow from Allie
(later isn’t even an option anymore)
(3 years later)
(everyone has died, Zak is the only one left)
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I just wanna say, Jacob, I voted Matt for you.
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So there's literally no possible way I can win immunity - one of my two friends in the game exiled himself from the challenge and that leaves me next to be picked off from winning immunity along with Aro, LA, and maybe Allie too tbh. It's basically Allie/Lexi/Willow's comp to lose at this point and there's literally not a single thing I can do to give myself any edge to win at all. Out of nine people competing in this challenge only one person is working with me, and in a challenge that's essentially a popularity contest, 2/9 gets you nothing. I'm willing to accept the fact that Mitchell and I are completely screwed, and it's not helping that Mitchell is quite actually ostracizing himself from the rest of the people. I'm honestly praying he's hiding another idol from me at this point.
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i know it's been a while since my last confessional and i don't wanna make a long one rn but allie's bitch ass
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SO the plan for right now is to get the majority to split the vote between 2 of Me, Mitch and Zak. Willow is willing to flip with us so we can get ahead of the split and put 4 votes against Lexi or Johnny and get our minority asses back in this game. Not gonna lie Im having a blast being at the bottom with Zak and Mitchell even though Mitchell is kinda rude towards Willow >.> . We are basically the 3 amigos/ Witches Coven of the season but we will be successful know that!
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Oh my GOD if I pull this off... If i pull off this 4-3-3 vote tomorrow night it WILL be the single best play I've ever made in a game. Like I'm honestly shaking. This is either aboutta go so horribly wrong and Willow is lying to us all or it's gonna go extremely well and I won't know until it's either me joining Jacob, Dana, and Matt on the jury or it's Johnny joining them. I have a vote negator, but my history with vote negators has not been a fun one. I would kill to have an idol, but if I make it through this vote, which would literally be the biggest miracle ever, I fully feel like I can retake control over my fate in this game. All hope may NOT be lost!!!
(a little bit later)
ooookay... So I just lost literal years of my life planning a Johnny blindside and now he's trying to take out Allie!!! Everyone is literally fucking VYING FOR OUR VOTES right when we thought it was a clear majority against us! What the fuck this game is so hilarious I don't know what the fuck to even say right now!
(yall thot huh)
Wow I can't believe we just orchestrated a 4-3-2-1 vote. Like imagine how lit it would be for the two people voted as most likely to be voted out next in the challenge were to literally take the 3-2-1 cirie patent vote and upgrade it to a fucking 4-3-2-1 vote! Im beyond shook at this like ive been spending the last three days absolutely certain I was gonna be the next voted out and now as far as I'm concerned I should only be seeing my name once or twice this round. I feel like ciera rn bc I'm making a big fucking move! Game changer Zakriah razzak!
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Okay so I need to start writing more confessionals. BUT HOLY FUCK SO MUCH JUST HAPPENED. Okay so first to start off I won individual immunity, and I even had a one rope disadvantage, like how the heck did I do that! I mean it was just Touchy Subjects, but still, I never thought I was gonna be able to win a challenge lmao. Also I'm too tired to finish writing this confessional so I'm just gonna submit and write more tomorrow goodnight lmao.
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If everyone's telling me the truth, which why would they, we get to make the sole decision on whether to keep around Johnny or Allie - the two people controlling the whole game. And the best part is that either one of them getting taken out is one less rookie to pick off me/mitchell/aro (and rtp and lexi but screw them), and then that plus my flare gets us at the very least a tie if we piss everyone off with this vote. But, hey, they left us in the dark last time, it's time for some revenge anyways! And then, after we finally get the upperhand again, we can avenge Dana too! I'm still out for blood rtp
(ive avoided this for days)
Mitchell is saying this tribal council is essentially a sitcom episode and if it is it would be called The One Where This Tribal Council is a Mess
(he’ll be gone soon, don’t worry)
Literally we're looking at rtp targetting johnny but voting with allie bc he doesnt think theres numbers to get out johnny and so its "supposed" to be a rudimentary vote split against me 4-3-3 a la queen daisy peacebeuponher but IN ACTUALITY what we're looking at here is johnny reneging and trying to blindside allie in some kind of mess of a 5-3-2 vote WHEN REALLY willow is "using" the three of us to get out JOHNNY in a FUCKING CRAZY ASS 4-3-2-1 vote that's gonna be something like johnny-aro-alie-me and i honestly... LOVE THIS
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OKAY SO LET'S FUCKIN DIVE RIGHT INTO IT going into last tribal something was a miss bc of a certain miss willow sayin cryptic ass shit like "i'm sorry i can't stop what's about to happen" and so i knew then that we were fucked. the suspense of waiting was alleviated by allie basically saying she flipped and it wouldn't be on me; i could've guessed it would be matt since she hates matt, but i never thought she'd actually flip and do it bc i don't see how any of us would benefit from leaving a solid 6 to form a very volatile merge but WHATEVER and then i exposed allie and lexi's pregame relationship and close irl friendship and thought i'd blown myself up, particularly after wILLOW TOLD ME SHE FUCKING ALREADY KNEW INSTEAD OF TELGKIEFFREFIURHDIF TELLING ME TO CHILL, and NOBODy seemed to think that it was a big deal. combined w that, i fuckin bought my ass a trip to the cave and couldn't compete in immunity so FUCK me but  then also... good things zak guilted willow HARD about what allie made her do, which was particularly effective bc willow already felt like it was bad for her game. so while allie is saying we should vote LA, then saying johnny and RTP told her no so we can't, i'm like... we need willow rn to flip on this dumb twerking girl who is so far up these kids' ass yet MIRACULOUSLY still has willow up hers??? and zak does in fact guilt her into trying to get everyone else to split the votes so we can do something like get LA out or whatever but i'm sittin here like... alright... who gotta go? and it comes to me. johnny the frat boy, my lover and archenemy!! miss chrissa and dana send their regards bitch!! it seems to me that johnny has a certain degree of control over LA and Luca, and as long as he's in a potential rookie or nuTemoana faction could be reunited or resurrected on his behalf. i don't want that. the game gets more open with him gone. so zak laid the groundwork for willow's flip, and i get to her and convince her the flip gotta be on johnny. it's almost too good to be true. a 4-3-3 vote agaisnt mr frat boy keeping i, mitchell kalabang, still in the game w my f3 of zak and aro and now w miss willow on our side??? FUCK YES and then zak finds a flare that allows him to burn someone's vote at a tribal council, which means if willow stick w us worst-case scenario at the f9 is rocks. things are fallign into place, i'm so JFIOHWEIODFH EXCITED BC it's gonna be HUGE and it's almsot too good to be true when johnny's frat boy ass says he wants to get out allie w me, la, zak, aro, and him. ????? johnny wants to flip on her ass bc of my expose about her and bc she's controlling willow. little does he KNOW that willow already flipped against allie and on HIS ASS and that allie is no longer a threat bc people know that she and lex are friends. so now johnny thinks it'll be like 5-3-2 or something but in actuality it'll be more like 4-3-2-1 johnny-aro-allie-zak which makes me sCREAM THAT"S  SO FUDI*CVJOWDIS FUCIING EBEAUTIONFGD BEAUTIFUL AND ICONIC but THEN RTP FIWEODJFD  COMES TO ME AND ASKS TO MOASMDFUIBHWENDS make a move against johnny and i'm all ike ???D<EKODJFKLJWD iorhejdgio YOUWDFI(JF hwo are you people giving such a clear mnoritjy THISF IOWJDMFIO much POWMERUIOFMWEIOFDJ POWER and he can't get LA on board so he resigns himself to the split vote between aro and zak tellign me about it even tho it's supposed to be a secret but little does he know that i already know about it and i also know that it's a farce bc willow flipped and that it's not even happening bc JOGNY flipped and rtp targets johnny who targets allie who splits the vote betwween aro and zak w rtp bc he can't get the votes aginst johnny while aro and zak are gonna tke out johnny bc WE have the votes and i'm CRYIORJHdf cryin i really think we might actually get the 4-3-2-1 and if that fucking happens i'll literally fuvkcixghnfei shit myself on call somehow i mitchell kalabang am coming out on top?? and i like johnny legitimately to some extent and he might want to work w me, but johnny has also lied to me and has multiple other deals and alliances, and i can't work w that if he's gonna keep shit shady. zak and aro have been loyal and honest to me since day 1 so i'm ridin w them boys and i hope you use all the money you're in charge of as treasurer of the frat to drink yourself into a stupor so as to neuter the humiliation ur gonna feel at being outmaneuvered by fuckin willow. ALSDOJQSOFD speaking of shady miss allie like... first she flip, then i find out she got a #secretpairbeware, and i'm like ???? this BTIHDCIH she might wanna F3 w me and willow but AGAIN how am i gonna play w u when u say shit like "i know you said you didn't wanna do this and take out matt and i respect it so i got literally the entire rest of the tribe to do it instead and against u without telling u haha we still good tho i own you and control you" she seriously got so cocky after that and so self-righteous in defending herself about the lex thing and it's like... girl how the FUCK am i still savin ur ASS after tonight LMFAO the #obvioustension i've felt between me and LA is gone i think, we've had some rlly good chats lately and welp it's gonna suck for her when i now snake HER but whatevs!! and RTP and i are prob good now too considering he told me about his johnny plot and then about the split. considerin i'm gonna do his work for him and oust johnny he shouldn't be too mad lol ! idol searching i fucking went into a cave and my choices were octopus and moray eel and y'all had to be fuckin kiddin ME but ofc the cave fucks me up AHFUIEWHD AGAIN and no second idol for mitcherell kalabganfger but whatevs Somehow, everything has lined up to give me an unprecedented amount of power for someone who felt helplessly on the bottom after Matt, who I feel was an actual tick in this game harming me more than helping me with his poor gameplay and social skills, was voted out. I think I've played an influential role in getting this vote together and in forming a group that can now move solidly forward. I just... if this all works I'm going to cry because RTP going for Johnny going for Allie going for Aro/Zak who're going for Johnny without RTP knowing is a fucking sitcom episode. I can't fucking breathe. If the 4-3-2-1 is what actually happens tonight i might literally cry laughing on call for tribal. mitchell kalabang is not dead yet!
also biggest VILLAIN?????? how the fUIHEWDRHJIernfuier what've i done this season but been lied to and love dana i jsut... and they fucked up w what they said bout luca bc now he's pissed and i'm all like... come to papa :)
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Okay so, in Touchy Subjects I tied with Johnny in the category "If you could not win the game, who would you most like to see win". And I'm very confused by this because I literally thought I wasn't a threat to win at all. Johnny I understand, he's the one controlling everyone, he's the one calling the nuTemoana shots, and so if he made it to the end he would win no doubt. But me on the other hand, I haven't exactly done much, like I've tried to make good social bonds with everyone, and been honest with everyone, but yeah other then that I'm kinda confused how I got the majority in that category. Onto another topic though. I never thought I would ever say this, but I'm actually pretty damn excited to go to tribal tonight. I have individual immunity, so basically I 100% made it to single digit placements, which is amazing!! Anyway onto the vote. It's going to go great because Johnny thinks Allie is going home, but in actuality Johnny is going home. I guess I sorta convinced Allie, Lexi, and Ryan to split the votes on Zak and Aro. So the vote should go 4-3-3, if all goes according to plan. I'm really hoping this works bc Johnny wont expect it, and it'll get the biggest threat out of this game. I really like Johnny though so I hope he won't be too mad and that we can be friends once this is all over.
0 notes