#im saying this as someone who despises the church and has been deeply wronged by it - its not a fucking cult .
oflgtfol · 2 years
“the mandalorians chanting ‘this is the way’ really sounds like a cult huh?” wow almost like chanting has always been a culturally important thing across the world and throughout human history! almost like chanting as a group is an activity meant for connection and community
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heyligaya · 8 years
I think that there are so many ways we sort of been encouraged to deny this idea that we want to be married.
"Im just so content.." "Im just gonna hide myself. Im just gonna remain hidden."
But seriously though, there are some ways through traditions we've just been told to disregard this idea to be married. As far as being content where you are, this is true to some extent but I think some ways has been drawn to the extreme. It's like we're supposed to say. Im content. Im content. Im content. And then, the moment God notice that you're content, then you're no longer....content. You're desire to be married is not an ungodly desire. There are many desires that God created in our hearts but the devil intends to use them for bad purposes. Sometimes, us singles, we get discouraged because we start comparing ourselves to others. That desire at its core inside of you is not a bad thing but don't let the evil turn that into desperateness, loneliness and thirst. Don't be thirsty. Don't let anyone make you feel bad of having a healthy desire to be married but at the same time, you can't let this desire consume us and dominate us because there are much greater things at hand.
"I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another - 1 Corinthians &:& NLT"
As a married person, your first obligation is your family. Public ministry has to come after that because marriage is your first ministry. As a single person though, aside from God working in your own heart, your first ministry is very much outside of the home - Joe Solomon
And not to say that marriage is a ball in chain because I believe that Im gonna love that ministry, but right now, as a single person, I am also loving this ministry and enjoying all the things that I can do with Christ as a single person. There are a lot broken marriages nowadays and marriage is becoming a battlefield and if you ask me if I was going to a war where I have a 40 to 50 percent chance of dying, best believe I am staying to train as looooong as possible. And not just sitting idly in training but really soaking up as much wisdom as possible. With all these simulation, will we be ready for war? Im sure there is nothing like the real thing but we might as well soak up as much wisdom as possible in the safe zone. And this is not to say that when we get into marriage we're at war with our spouse but we are most definitely at war with all the outside elements that may present itself against the marriage. Some people get so rushed. They feel that they need to be in a relationship an I know this for a fact because I've been there! In that situation where you need to cling onto someone just so you can feel you are wanted. With that, you get in a relationship where you are not equally yoked with.
When God gave Eve to Adam, it says that she would be a helper. Someone who would do him good all the days of his life. Be patient to find yourself in a pursuit of marriage between two people who are comparable to each other. A standard where both of you are moving in the same direction in your spiritual path.
"I will make her a helper for him - Genesis 2:18"
Do I want to be married? Yes, but, If I want to focus on what God wants me to do right now, I can't waste time fantasizing about what could be. A very popular set of words by Christ himself  is "But Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you - Matthew 6:33"
We must always remember that advancing God is a much greater importance than our own desires. Some people get so down in the dumps because they are still single at a certain age, as if a relationship is somehow an ultimate success. Why is it that such large amount of people base their happiness on a relationship that is with a human rather than a relationship status with God. Adam was a alone with God. Not lonely, just... alone... ALL....ONE. He was single with God. He was so close with God, he didn't even realized he had no Eve. He wasn't looking around comparing himself to all the other animals that he gave names and how they had mates.
His walk was so close with God that as far as he is concern, everything was okay. Remember that marriage is a reflection of what Christ is to the church and the only way that we can come better husbands or better wives is to strengthen our relationship with Christ and understand more deeply how he really loves the church. So, with that in mind, we must also note that Christ only has a public ministry of about 3..3 and a half years and He was crucified about the age of 33. So if we are to see marriage of what Christ is to the church then we must realize that Christ was being prepared for quite some time before He was presented with his destiny of showing the greatest love ever known to men. Do not despise the season of preparation. And next, we need to get pass fantasizing about marriage.
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. - Matthew 6:34"
Why get so overly wrapped up in this idea of marriage when singleness has enough trials of its own? I know you want to be married. We all do and there's nothing wrong with thinking about it from time to time. Don't feel bad about it. However, we cannot be consumed by it. There is so much to be accomplished even right now as a single person. Don't waste your singleness. God wants to give us the right desires of our hearts but more importantly than that, He desires that his name be glorified and spread among many people.
"I will give my house a name better than sons & daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. -Isiah 56:5"
Learn to love God first. Being single with God is learning to become one with God and essentially, that is what marriage is too.
"....and the TWO shall become ONE flesh.. - Ephesians 5:31"
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