#im sad the pen i used to draw him just ran out of ink :(
fayehartz · 1 year
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
request: “ can you write a scenario where changkyun and wonho are staying over at kihyuns and his wife house, and they have to babysit their child” -anon <3
characters: wonho x changkyun 
word count: 2,359
a/n: hey guys im so sorry if its kinda meh ;-; the gif is not mine
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A high pitched scream roared throughout the whole building. Two grown men chasing after a little girl was a sight to see. Kihyun and his wife had decided to ask Wonho and Changkyun to babysit their daughter, Kira, for the whole day which they were already obliged to do so after being saved by the couple from being kicked out from the nearby arcade.
The whole house was a total mess. Bottles, blankets, and clothes were all over the place, not to mention the toys that Kira has been playing with. Wonho and Changkyun were now busy looking for the missing Kira. Tiptoeing their way to every corner in the room, Wonho was finally able to see the tiny toes sticking out under the curtains. 
A cheeky grin crossed Wonho’s face and pointed at the curtain right in front of them, making Changkyun burst out laughing. “Omo, where could she go?” Changkyun acted distressed as if he haven’t found her. “Is she in....here!” Wonho pulls the curtain open and meets the twinkling eyes of Kira. “You found me, you found me!”
The sound of Kira’s giggles filled the room. Kira was about to run away again when Changkyun got a hold of her, throwing her up in the air and catching her right on time. “Aigoo, you’re really mischievous aren’t you?” Changkyun teased and tickled Kira on the armpits, making her squirm while laughing really hard.
Wonho couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Glancing up at the clock, his eyes widen and before they knew it, they were rushing towards the kitchen with Kira in their arms. “We’ll be dead if Kihyun finds out that we didn’t feed her on time.” Wonho rattled and quickly prepped the pot on the stove while Changkyun placed Kira on her high chair. 
“What are you going to cook, Hyung?” Changkyun asked and frantically paced fro and to behind Wonho. “I’ll just cook some ramen and we’ll be fine.” Changkyun was then brought to a stop. “Hyung! Are you even sure that Kihyun feeds her those junk?!”
“Well, if he hasn’t then it’s totally fine!” Wonho shrugs and was about to pour the noodles into the boiling pot when his phone rang. It was Kihyun. Nervously answering the phone, clearing their throats before they could even speak was something that Kihyun didn’t catch.
(Hey guys, did you feed Kira?)
“Yeah, we did and she loved it.” Wonho lied, only to receive a look from Changkyun. “I’ve got to go now, Ki. I have to go cook some food for us.” Before Kihyun could even utter a reply, Changkyun immediately turned the phone call off and proceeded in pouring the seasoning and noodles on the pot.
The sound of tummy rumbling caught the grown men's’ attention. It was from Kira and she was starving. When the ramen was almost cooked, Kira starts to whine and let out a cry, making Changkyun panic as Wonho immediately grabbed a character designed bowl and pours the ramen after giving it ten seconds.
Carefully placing the bowl in front of Kira, Changkyun hands her some trainer chopsticks and spoon. Wonho yelps as he remembered that Kira doesn’t like it when the food’s too hot, making him grab a fan and start cooling down the ramen. 
Wonho’s arms were practically gonna fall off from the continuous flapping of arms in order to cool down her meal, however, in just an instant the ramen was cooled down for Kira to dig in. Grabbing a bowl of rice and some watered down kimchi, Changkyun places it beside Kira’s bowl and watches her eat it with slowly.
“Do you think we’ll be dead when she tells Kihyun that we fed her that?” Changkyun asked once more. “Nah.” Wonho carefreely shrugs and proceeds to the fridge, looking for some side dishes that he can mix with their rice. “Yah Changkyun, get some metal bowl and some red pepper paste.”
Mouths munching on something crunchy filled the kitchen. “Have some of the white kimchi.” Wonho places a piece of kimchi onto Changkyun’s spoonful of bibimbap before returning his attention to his own spoon. It was almost normal for the two men to feed each other. “Thanks.” Changkyun couldn’t help but groan at how delicious it was to pair the bibimbap they’ve made with some kimchi.
“Hyung, have you tried wrapping the bibimbap on some greens?” Changkyun queries as he places a spoonful of bibimbap on a lettuce and wraps it up. Wonho shakes his head in response, and this was the only response that Changkyun needs in order for him to put the wrap up to his mouth. Wonho takes the wrap with his mouth in one go before groaning in delight.
It was utterly delicious. The two of them stared at each other’s eyes while enjoying the taste of bibimbap hovering their taste buds. You can say that they were in foodie heaven until they heard someone clear their throat. And it was no other than, Kira, who has been staring at them with a pout.
“Can I have some?” 
Kira’s puppy dog eyes melted the boy’s heart, making them let out an ‘aww’ before feeding her some wraps. An hour has finally passed and their lunch time was finally over. Changkyun lifts Kira off her high chair and carefully sets her down on the floor. 
Dashing out of the kitchen then into the living room, Changkyun didn’t bother chasing after her as Wonho has already wiped off her face and hands. “Hyung, I’ll go play with Kira, okay?” Wonho responds with a ‘mm’, allowing Changkyun to leave the room with just one go.
Kira was already sitting down on the floor with her colored papers, pens and glue sprawled all over the coffee table. “Hm, what are you doing Kira?” Changkyun asks as he settles down beside her. “I’m gonna draw umma and appa!” 
“Really? Alright, then... can I draw with you?” Changkyun cutely asked with his voice slightly raised into a high pitch, making Kira burst into giggles. Kira nods her head in response and immediately transfers her attention to the paper and colored pen right in front of her.
Her tiny littler fingers were tightly wrapped around the pen and she was in a complete trance in her own little world. Red, green, blue and yellow lines inked the thin paper.  Various colored caps were scattered around the whole living room, may it be under Changkyun’s thighs, behind Kira, on top of the coffee table, meters away from the table and much more.
Changkyun was also lost in his own tiny world as he lets out everything that was on his mind on the pink colored paper underneath his palms. Starting with a black pen, he drew the outline and slowly filled the blank spaces with different colors, adding life to it.
Wonho, who was busy wiping the newly washed dishes, was surprised to only hear the sound of the tv. Carefully placing the last bowl on the rack, Wonho dries his hands off with some towel before trudging towards the living room. Wonho was surely surprised to see Changkyun having pen marks on his face.
“Oh no, I think our Changkyun needs some mustache, Kira.” Wonho schemingly suggested with a pout. A gleeful squeal left Kira’s lips as she tackled Changkyun down on the floor with a pen on her hand. Before Changkyun could even stop and let out a protest, the tip of the pen has already grazed themselves over his upper lip and tinted it with black ink.
Wonho didn’t think twice and joined Kira, placing Changkyun’s head on his lap as he write’s his name all over his forehead, receiving a lot of approval from Kira. Fits of giggles and laughter filled the air. Wonho and Changkyun had never felt this warm feeling on their tummies again after leaving the kindergarten way back during their X-Ray days.
Changkyun was now finally free and all of them were busy doodling random things on every colored paper. Wonho couldn’t help but draw a picture of him, Kira and Changkyun happily eating some bibimbap wraps to commemorate the event that happened hours ago. 
“Kira,” Wonho called out without ripping his eyes off the colored paper. “Yes, uncle?” Kira softly replied and was also focused on her paper. “Who do you like more, Uncle Changkyun and Uncle Wonho or appa?” Wonho’s eyes twinkled with mischief and waited for Kira to answer.
This was also something that has caught the ever silent Changkyun’s attention. Kira seemed to be unbothered by the thought but there was a knowing smile plastered on her face and it had an uncanny resemblance of Kihyun’s smile The dimples on her cheeks were deep that she almost looked like a cute little kitten. 
Her eyes twinkled as she looked up to meet the gaze of her uncles. “I like you guys more!” There was a hint of sincerity in her voice and the boys just couldn’t get enough of it. “C’mere!” Wonho throws his arms widely before wrapping them completely on Kira’s tiny body. 
“Do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?” Changkyun peered over Kira’s smiley face and ran his fingers through her brown locks. “Where will we go tomorrow?” Kira’s already hyped up by the thought of having a lot of fun with the best uncles in the whole wide word.
Wonho pulls her away from the hug and sits her down on his lap. “Do you want to go to the amusement park?” 
“Ooohhh! I do, I do! Appa never takes me there since he’s too busy.” Kira sadly says with her shoulders slightly slumped in sadness. “Aww, don’t worry. We’ll ask permission from your appa when he comes home, okay?” Changkyun reassures the toddler and bloops her nose with his finger.
Suddenly the sound the door opening made everyone turn around, only to see Kihyun and his wife smiling widely at them. Kira didn’t think twice and ran towards her parents, giving them a tight hug.
“How was your day with the uncles, sweetie?” Kihyun’s wife asked and only received a smile from her daughter.” Aye, is my daughter being cheeky again?” Kihyun teased, making Kira burst out laughing.
“Uncles was really fun!” Kira beamed and squirmed out from her mother’s hold, going down to rush back to Changkyun and Wonho. “Aigoo, look at the time. I guess we have to go now, Kira.” Changkyun sadly announced and stands up to get his things when he felt a small pair of arms being wrapped around his leg.
“Oh, what’s wrong Kira?” Wonho asked with his bag and Changkyun’s bag in his hands. “Don’t leave..” Kira’s happy smile was long gone as it was now replaced with a sad pout. Tears were welling up on the corner of her eyes and even tightening her grip around Changkyun’s leg.
“Aigoo, does our Kira want us to stay over for the night and play with her a little bit more?” Changkyun picks her up and looks at her in the eyes. “Yes...” her response came out as a whisper as she fiddled on the hem of her dress. “Baby, your uncles still has work to do..” Kihyun apologetically reasoned out and caressed his baby girl’s head, only to make her burst out crying. 
She threw her arms around Changkyun’s neck and buried her face on his shoulder. It was no use in denying that she has grown attached to her uncles in just a small amount of time. “Do you love your uncles?” Kihyun softly queries and only earns a nod from her.
“Do you want your uncles to be tired that they can’t play with you anymore?”
A soft ‘no’ was heard and everyone was startled when Kira makes Changkyun set her down on the floor, her head lowered as tears continued to brim down her cheeks. “Ey, don’t be sad now, kiddo. We still have to go to the amusement park tomorrow, silly.”  
“You are?” Kihyun confusingly asked, taken aback by the sudden announcement. ”Yes, we are!” Changkyun beamed and finally lets out a sigh of relief when they saw the smile on Kira’s face.”And we’ll be going tomorrow morning!” Wonho glances over Kihyun’s wife then to Kihyun. 
“Now, if you want to go to the amusement park with your uncles, they have to go home and rest up, baby.” Kira’s mother coos as she pickes her daughter up. “Okay..”
“Alrightie then, we better get going since [y/n]’s gonna treat us to dinner.” Changkyun remarks and was about to head out when Kira stopped them. “Wait! I have something for uncles.”
She waddled her way towards the coffee table and grabbed the colored paper that she had been working on since a while ago.
“Here.” She offers the colored paper to Changkyun and Wonho, who was tearing up at the thought. “Thank you, baby.” Wonho utters and gives her a pat on the head.
Kihyun and his wife couldn’t help but soften at the sight. Never has she really opened up to others but they were glad that it was Wonho and Changkyun being the first persons whom she opened up to first.
“Why don’t you give your uncles one last hug before they leave?”
Kira didn’t need to be told twice as she already wrapped her arms around Wonho’s neck then pulls away immediately to give Changkyun a hug. “We really need to go now.” Wonho chuckles as they were already ushered to the front door.
“Thank you for watching Kira for us.” The couple cooed and received only a smile from the two. “Take care now and don’t forget about the amusement park tomorrow, alright?” 
“Don’t worry, we’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll probably bring [y/n] and Hyungwon with us.” Changkyun says and gives Kihyun and his wife a hug, only to be followed by Wonho.
“Bye guys.” The two unisons and slowly headed out to their car when they heard a high pitched scream from behind, only to make them burst into a wide smile and leave the place with their hearts beating in joy.
“See you tomorrow uncles!!” 
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shinrakirigaya · 7 years
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Hello this is my bio for gradient some of it is non canon for exple his story belongs to me and all but the baby drawing of gray is mine :3 The baby picher of ink holding gray belongs to @rainbowsixwolf Gradient Drama CQ Nick Name: Gray, Grad Combo of: Ink- @comyet and Error @loverofpiggies Creator: @askcomboclub ---Stats:--- HP:  36 ATK:  17 DEF:  16 ---Biographical informashion--- Species: skeleton Gender: Male Age: 14 Date of birth: March 5th Hight: 4'6" (so smol, but growing slowly) ----Family---- (tenicly cannon if you add logic) Dad: Error Mom: ink Sister: PaperJam Half Brother: Bluescreen Half Brother: Palette Half Brother: Van Half Brother: Splatter Half Brother: Strike ----about me---- (mix of non and cannon) Roommate: Flip Closes Friends: Serif, Karma Loves: Geno, Mafia Crush: Nightmare, Horror, Error Likes:  Digital Art, Scenery Art, Architecture, Pixel Art, Astronomy Dislikes:  Insults, Being Surrounded by a Large Group of Strangers, Vegetable Oil, Dream, Blue, panic and asma attacts Hobbies: Creating, Drawing, Sketching, Traveling through the Multiverse, Star Gazing, Doll Making ---favoret food--- (non cannon) What does he like to eat?:  Gradient, because he has more Error in him than Ink, he can eat normal food but he particularly has a sweet tooth.  Also, at times he will destroy something and devour it’s code.  This method is good for him in case he is really injured and it would take a long time for him to heal.  Though, because he was born in the anti-void, it’s not a necessity for him, its more of luxury. ---Profile--- (cannon) Personality He is shy and wary when you first meet him, due to him being mistaken as error many times. When you get to know him, though, he is snarky, sarcastic and a bit ornery. ---Appearance--- (cannon) Gradient has greyish purple boans, red puples, turquoise "tears", similar to error, and green teat. His fingers are like error's. He wears a black and blue jacket, long brown pants, tiger print shoes and glasses. He has a red jacket tied around his waist, which holds a paper pad and a pen. ---Attakes--- (non cannon) Power's: ShapeShifting, Error blaster's, bone attake. Specialty's: Creating, healing Power's and Glitched shield ----Official description---- (cannon) Gradient is a digital artist who is in a constant cycle of creating and destroying. He can't help but make art but then he feels the art he did is not good enough and destroys it not long after. Spends a lot of time in the combo club art room. Is very shy and wary of strangers but once you get to know him he can be raver snarky and sarcastic. ----My description---- (mine) Hi im gradient and this is my story When i was born error was still the destroyer and ink the creator heck back then fresh was they protector but that's besides the point. I was born as you would expect in the anti void and neither new the outside world or the love of a parent. Error tried to kill me when he found out called me a glitch and as for ink he tried to look after me but everytime he sore error in me he would snap its never safe when they were together so i hid under tables and beds. When i was 7 i almost had a family ink and error came together and tried to raise me but it didn't last. They were yelling and breaking things i tried to stop them but ink struck me for the first time i ran to my room and started crying. I remember a surge of magic run through me as i started to create my first and only portel the floor glitched and polled me though i remember seeing there sad and desperate faces as they tried to teach me but it was too late. I woke up in the bata void and stayed there in that white abyss of 10 years until error found me again. I watched from my screen error and ink create a new family relaxing me with paperjam so i was reluctant at first there was so much i didn't know until i found bluescreen He's my half brother on errors side his dad is blueberry now let me tell you me and blue screen meet them and was fanboying all over the place i mean come on there the originals the most strongest people in the multiverse they like celebrities not to mentchen we ship everything we see and crash god we're nerds though i guess its also has to have something to do with the fact we had near to 0 contact to the outside world are entire lives. Were like twins it's amazing i found him in the files and brought him with me i also have another half brother his name is pallet on inks side his dad is drem pallet is in love with are cusin goth who is the son of death and geno geno and fresh snd are uncles by the way on errors side and we love them but not as much as paperjam loves fresh. Paper Jam is my little bit bluescreens older brother he was born of ink and error he never had to prove himself to them and they traded him like a son on day one so i guess you can say i feel envy for him but i love him and will protect him to my last breath. ---Gradients Lalaby--- (mine) safe and sound we wait in silence with nothing but are ink, with No one there to harm or hurt us, is in silence that we think, though time mean not, ill wait for you to hold you closs agine, for now im free ill keep you safe, and stare at the stares agine... ---Gradients Story--- (mine) Prologue Nothing is what I see. Silence is what I hear. Numbness is what I feel. Trapped in this never ending void of white is where I stay, alone and afraid. And yet, I’ve never been safer. I’m a glitch you see, an ERroR A BeInG ThAt ShOuLdn’T EXIST! Or at least that’s what I’ve been told, heck my own mother thinks I’m a mistake, welts my father tried to kill me more times than I can count. I do not blame them though it is their nature to hate me after all. I guess I have to explain, my father is called Error or the destroyer, and he is the one that goes around destroying AUs or alternate universes and as expected where there is Destruction there is also Creation. That’s where mom comes in, his name is Ink and yes I know but Gray how do to mails have kids, and there is a good answer to that as well, . . . Magic. Anyways ink is the one that creates the au’s in order to keep the balance. They are the opposite of one another, yin and yang, good and evil, wells one destroys another Protects and like everyone in this situation, they hate each other and fight whenever they meet. It was these two that created me. Half Destroyer. Half Creator. I am nothing compared to them, should I chose to protect in the end there’s not much my kind can do… Ten years I’ve been stuck in this empty void with nothing but my ink, dolls and creators pen, I cannot leave nor can I call for help. . . after all I doubt anyone remembers that I ever existed for who could ever love a glitch. The Escape I sit on the floor of the Bata Voids staring into the empty space of white, all knowledge of the outside world has forever been lost two mw, excepted for two things. “My name is Gradient and this doll in my hand is Error, my dad and one day he will find me, but why do I know that?…” I close my eyes as I try to think, a faint memory comes to mine or perhaps just a dream for something this beautiful could never exist is a world of white, a place filled with glittering lights and the face of a man I long to see. It was his voids I remember most, a song he sang to help me sleep once, if I remember correctly I became ill and he never left my side, for some reason I always wanted to know why he bothered if I’m just another glitch to him. But it was in this action that gives me some hope of escaping this hell. After all no matter where I hid or tried to run away, he would always find me. I get up for a split second before collapsing to the floor agile, all feeling in my legs are gone. I stare blankly as the ink that I tipped in my moment of carelessness and watch as the pitch black liquid engulfs the pure white floor. Tears begin to fall down my face as I try everything in my power to stay sane, I close my eyes as I began to sing the very same lullaby that man used to sing all thoughts years ago. “Safe and sound we wait in silent with nothing but are ink. With no one there to harm or hurt us in silence that we think. Though time means not I’ll wait for you to hold you close again. For now I’m free I’ll keep you safe and stare at the stares again…” A memory comes to me as I stare at my glitches hands. My father holding me close as he cry’s into my shoulder, repeating the same words as I glitch into this white abyss. “I don’t know where you’ll be but, I promise, I will find you and when I do will stare at the stares again for all long as you wish, I’m so sorry my so-” I never did get to hear the end of what he was gone say next. I sigh as I pull out my creator’s pen to see the worlds I’ve been dreading for years. “Low battery, exactly the two worlds I didn’t want to see right now.” I close my eyes as a glitches portal opened up in front of me. It was at that moment I know I was finally free. Chapter Three Lost child It was a normal day when I first learned about him, you see my name is Geno or as some might know me as Aftertale sans I am originally from a genocide run so I get kinda triggered from certain comments. Anyways as I was saying it was like any other day, on this day I was visiting my brother error and his wife? Husband…. Ima says wife ya that sounds right so anyways I was visiting my brother at his house in the anti-void. Now you might be wondering, what's the anti-void, well it's like the void but white. Though seriously the anti-void is a big white endless space that error resided alone. Now a daze it's much more noisy. You see in the past error used to be known as the destroyer of the AUs but that was before he met ink, sure they fought a lot and tried to kill each other but know they're inseparable. Ink and error fell in love and like any love story they got married and had a kid named paper jam, I for one like Paperjam he's a cute kid though I find it weird how he has a crush on my brother who is his uncle and what makes it even weirder I think fresh likes him back. Shakes head. that’s off topic though, so as I was saying, I was visiting my brother when I found that photo. I was sitting on the sofa with error when ink asked me to grab an art book from the cupboard for him. So like any kind person I got up and went to the cuboid, but as I was getting the book I knocked over what seemed to be an old photo from. When I picked it up I knotted that the glass what cracked that must have happened in the fall. On closer inspection I knottiest it was a pitcher of error holding what I assume was paperjam. But there was something off about it, unlike paperjam this baby didn't have ink splat he also had box like blue markings on his gray bones unlike paperjam. This got me thinking that this must be someone else kid, so as the cuross and concerned older brother I decided to ask error about it. I closed the door of the cupboard and made my way to the sofa pitcher in hand as I poke errors cheek, Error turns and faces me with little annoyance. “Is there something you need geno?” he asked me in curiosity. “I was wondering if you knew who this baby is considering that you are in the pitcher.?” I handed the photo over to error and sit in wait for any reaction. Error looks at the photo amused by genos curiosity but the more he stares at it, the more his grin starts to fade. He looks at the photo with dread almost like he regretting something. I continue to watch him as he places a hand on the photo over the child face like he's trying to physically touch the child in the image. Curiosity takes over me as I asked him something I know he didn't want to here. “You do know this child right?” My eyes widen as error starts to cry holding the photo close to his chest. I pull him into a comforting hug, rubbing his back to calm him down. “Hay now it's OK, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to” Error shakes his head. “on its not right that you don't know him it's just we've kept this secret for so long…” “You can tell me anything brother, i'm here for you” I place a hand on his shoulder and give him an encouraging look. Error wipes the tears from his eyes as he stares at Geno. “The child in the photo… the reason I know him is that he is mine and inks child.” My eyes widen in disbelief. “you have another child with ink? Why did you never tell us and why did you need to keep it secret” Error looks down in sadness. “The reason we kept it secret is because I killed him…” I jump up in surprise and scream. “YOU DID WHAT TO HIM!!!” Error cried harder as he shakes. “i-it wasn't my fault, h-he just started glitching a-and then the next moment he was gone, I tried to find him believe me I did but ink… he didn't believe me I know he's alive out there I just need to find him I j-just DAMIT” “error pleases calm down this isn't good for you” Error hugs Geno. “Please big brother you have to find him m-maybe he's in the save screen i'll do anything just…. Bring him home” “i'll see what I can do…” Chapter 4 New Biggings ---Genos pov--- I have been searching everywhere and asking everyone i know if they have seen him, tho it was always the same… They iver didn't know who he was or didn't care because he was errors son. Eventually i tried to ask reaper to confirm if he was even alive and to my happiness he said yes, but then he went quiet. I asked him what was wrong and he told me not to go looking for that child because all he will bring is misfortune and death. I was horrified but not at the child but at reaper for trying to stop me from looking for my nefw. We fought and argued for days until he finally gave up and told me where he was but with a condition. If i bring that child back, then reaper and goth will leave. It was an almost impossible chose to make but i chose that child over my own family, so reaper took me to where the child lays. ---Gradients pov--- I flinch as i stare up at geno with broken gray eyes, he makes a move to come close but i scurry away as much as i can before collapsing again from lack of strength. After that he chose not to come closer instead he sat down and stared at me. I eventually build up the courage to speak and as my voice echoed in the white abuse i said. “who are you?” ---Geno pov--- I was shocked to see this child, he looked just like error but more pale and thin, it also looks like he hasn't slept in days. I move closer to pull him into a hug but he ran away almost like i was about to hurt him. I hesitated but sat down to try and make myself look smol and less threatening. It must of worked because moments later he spoke* “who are you?” “my name is geno, i'm your uncle” “u-uncle g-geno?” “yh that's right, you're safe now i'm gonna take you home.” I smile at the child in a comforting way as his eyes fill with hope and tears, then out of nowhere he hugs me in a accepting way and it was in that moment i know. I finally saved someone. ---Other Discripchion--- (not mine) Gradient is a teenager (14) and he tries to act older than he is(evident of his speech) but he HATES acting his age because he doesn’t wanna be seen as childish. He also has the unique ability that whenever he becomes extremely flustered/embarrassed, his form will start to bubble (much like a lava lamp) as his form starts to change from a solid to a liquid.When Gradient travels through the multiverse, like his father (Ink), he keeps an AU log.  He likes to learn about the different AUs before his dad (Error) destroys them. When Gradient is with strangers, most often he might slip and act his age.  However, when he’s with his friends or people that knows him, he will do his best to not act his age. Gradient doesn’t need to sleep (because he was born in the anti-void) but on certain occasions he will.  Otherwise he rarely sleeps. When he does sleep he most of the time has nightmares  Gradient has Haphephobia, like Error, he has a fear of touch.  So strangers he ESPECIALLY hates touching him and even if you’re already one of his friends, he still doesn’t like to be touched but he will tolerate it. If Gradient were to receive a gift (and he has so we’ll use the MP3 Player for an example) he would selfish and NOT want to share.  He would fear that it would be taken away and he would never get it back.  (Kinda linking this to how Error was never around when he was a kid and he doesn’t want something precious, gift or parent, to slip through his fingers again. Plus he’s a teenager so its kinda natural for them to act selfishly here and there. Gradient has heard of AUs and timelines that have made it to the surface, but he has never encountered one before. He also is very naive.  He’s not familiar at all with human things or the world above. (Ex: His friend Rip offered him cake once, and he didn’t know what cake was.  He was asked if he owned a radio since he likes music but he didn’t know what a radio was) Gradient is also a pacifist.  He does not like to fight.  However, if the situation absolutely demands it, and if he is pushed over the edge just enough, he won’t hesitate to protect what he cares about. Even to this day, Gradient longs for Error to accept him as his son.  He doesn’t hate him and he won’t ever be able to since that is his dad. Gradient doesn’t believe that someone can come to love him because he sees that he has so many problems that he doesn’t seem himself as a desirable catch.  (His glitching, his eating habits, how he destroys his creations so willy nilly, etc) Gradient also has a fear of touching things that are nice or pretty because he feels that anything he touches could destroy at the slightest touch of his fingers.   Gradient gets jealous of other people’s artwork and it may come to the point where he wishes to destroy their work. Gradient, despite being the eldest, still has a lot to learn about the world. He lived in the Anti-Void his whole life, so he knows nothing about Earth or any human or monster customs. He's very curious and not afraid to say what's on his mind at any given time: he loves to learn about the different AU's before Error destroys them, and keeps an AU log. He also has the unique ability that whenever he becomes extremely flustered/embarrassed, his body will start to bubble (much like a lava lamp) as his form starts to change from a solid to a liquid. Gradient loves to create, but is a perfectionist, dubbing his creations 'hideous' before promptly destroying them. ---Relashion ships--- Paperjam Paperjam is in the middle in terms of age, but definitely acts the most responsible. Gradient admires PJ's resolve and confidence in himself despite the odds being stacked against him. He tries to help PJ take care of Bluescreen and offer his support in times of need. They're very closely knit: Paperjam considers himself the protector of his brothers. Gradient is thankful to have PJ there. Bluescreen Bluescreen is the youngest of the three. Gradient likes to challenge him to contests and games to try and boost his confidence. He doesn't like seeing Blue lonely, as Gradi himself knows the feeling all too well. So he spends as much time as he can with Bluescreen, often asking him to help out with a project. Oftentimes their escapades get out of control, which ends in getting in trouble with Paperjam. Ink When Gradient was born, Error immediately rejected him, whereas Ink took him in. When nothing is too busy, Gradi likes to visit Ink in whatever part of the universe he happens to be in. They know all each others' ins and outs: they're very similar in personality. Ink likes to spend most of his free time with Gray, while Error fawns over Paperjam. Gray tries to include Bluescreen in as much as he can, which Ink deeply appreciates. Error Error hates Gradient with a burning passion, avoiding him as much as possible, and at one point even attacking him for visiting without permission. Gradi, on the other hand, wants Error's love and acceptance more than anything. He tries fruitlessly to prove himself. He wishes Error would love him, and is angered by the fact that he won't accept him. But despite that, Gradient still loves his dad, even if Error will always loathe him.
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breeeliss · 8 years
[Femslash February]: Flowers
i feel like i’m just going to accept the fact that i’m going to be perpetually a day behind on these things. 
also this took forever to write im off my game today xD
Day 9: Flowers (Alyanette)
Words: 2200
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
[Previous: On Wheels] [Next: Sunlight]
One of the first things Alya learned about Marinette was that she doodled flowers when she was bored. 
They started off as small, blossoming roses in the corners of her notebooks that weren’t any larger than the tip of her pinky. If you left her to it for long enough, she’d wrap vines, leaves, ladybugs, caterpillars, bees, birds, clouds, and more flowers all around the margins of her book. Sometimes, she’d sneak her colored felt pens and highlighters to school and add in whorls of colors and outlandish patterns until her entire notebook page was covered with fields and gardens and windowsills dripping in plants. She’d always take a picture of it on her phone -- to turn it into an embroidery, or a screen print for a t-shirt, or a design for a book cover -- and pout pitifully for Alya to send her copies of her notes. 
It blended seamlessly into the normality that was Marinette -- the color pink, pigtails, the smell of bread, pinpricks on fingertips, different nail polish everyday, humming music under her breath, and doodling flowers in class. 
One day, Alya’s hand was right next to Marinette’s notebook, and Marinette continued the doodle from the edge of the page onto the back of Alya’s hand. Alya raised a brow when she started, but shrugged when Marinette asked if it bothered her. As far as idiosyncracies went, Marinette’s were all rather harmless. Besides, it was rather nice to take notes with one hand and feel the light brush of Marinette’s pen sketching away against her other. 
It always took three washes in the shower to get all the pen out, and her mother kept worrying her with folk knowledge about skin cancer and ink poisoning, but Alya didn’t like showing up to school the next day with the sketches still on her arm. It almost felt like her duty to give Marinette a blank canvas everyday, to encourage her darling little habits that were secretly the highlight of Alya’s day. 
“Why flowers?” she asked Marinette as she added yellows and oranges to the sunflowers she was drawing along the vein inside of her wrist. 
Marinette tapped the end of her pen against Alya’s nose. “Pretty flowers for a pretty lady.”
“How flattering,” Alya joked. “Do you sweet talk all of your notebooks like this too?”
“Of course,” Marinette chuckled, extending her horizon down Alya’s arm so she could add another row of flowers. “Nah, they’re just easy to draw. Mindless enough that I can half pay attention to the lesson.”
“You could just pay attention to the lesson and doodle later,” she teased. 
But Marinette gripped Alya’s arm and held it still as sketched. “Noooo, physics is so boring. Besides, you and Adrien are better at explaining it. And god forbid I want my art advertised.”
“To who? My family?”
“Yes. Their approval is very important to me.”
“I actually think my mom loves sunflowers, so that shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Look at that! I’m psychic too! Sometimes I surprise even myself.”
Marinette started taking pictures of Alya’s arms as well, and she’d send them to her at the end of every class. Alya just sort of kept them in their own little album in her phone and flipped through them when she was waiting for the bus or laying in bed at night trying to fall asleep. Sometimes, they were incredibly simple -- like a long chain of tulips wrapping around her wrist. Sometimes, during long periods, Marinette would manage to create abstract drawings filled with rings of daisies with hearts in the middle, swirling clouds that circled fields of violets, and shining suns with beams turning into longer vines of leaves and flower buds that left Alya reeling from the detail of it all. On the weekends, when she knew she wasn’t going to see Marinette the next day, she’d avoid washing it off just so she could trace all the lines and patterns with her fingertips and marvel at the talent. 
It almost seemed like something Alya could force meaning into if she really wanted to. Like those moments where you realize you’re the exception, and your heart wants to add sentimentality where it doesn’t necessarily belong. But it was such a mundane habit the two of them shared, that it seemed silly and self-indulgent to even hope for something like that. Even selfish to demand more of something that was already special and perfect. 
Adrien laughed when she moved to sit next to him in class one day to work on the literature project they partnered up to complete. “Daffodils today, huh?”
“Sometimes I have to look them up online,” Alya said. “She drew amaryllises the other day. I didn’t even know that’s what they were called.”
He gestured for her arm. “Can I see? I was watching while she was drawing on you today, she was concentrating so hard.”
“Yeah, she added butterflies to this one and started getting all crazy with the wings and the lines and stuff,” Alya mused. “It’s pretty with all the red and purple added in, but it’s going to take forever to wash off.”
“Well, that’s Marinette. Putting 110% into everything.” Adrien turned her wrist to the left and squinted at one of the designs. “Huh. I didn’t know she writes things, too.”
Alya frowned. “She doesn’t write anything. Not that I know of anyway...”
Adrien shrugged. “Then maybe I’m just seeing things. Thought for sure that looked like an ‘M’.”
“Right here. Above the bone in your wrist. Next to the tree with the red leaves.”
Alya checked where Adrien was pointing, and sure enough, there did look to be something that resembled an ‘M’ resting just underneath a flower petal that was lying right next to a great tree that took up half of Alya’s arm. “Huh. You’re right. Does look like a letter.”
“Could be just an accident.”
“I dunno,” Alya squinted. “Hard to accidentally draw an ‘M’. Plus, it’s just under the flower lying there out of nowhere.”
Adrien tapped his pen against his lips. “Maybe it’s just her signature, you know? Doesn’t she monogram ‘M’s on everything?”
Alya hummed. “Yeah, she does. But, what, she’s signing my arms now?”
“She did say she wanted you to show off her art,” Adrien chuckled. 
“Well, damn, good to know I’m her new canvas,” she said, pretending to sound annoyed. “I thought she was kidding about that.”
“Marinette doesn’t strike me as much of a kidder,” Adrien said. “I mean you definitely know her more than I do, but it always seems like she’s got a reason for doing something you know?”
Alya ran her thumb across the letter. “Yeah....that’s true.”
She pointed it out to Marinette as a joke the next morning. Marinette contained her smile by biting her lip, dipped her head so that her bangs covered her face, and muttered, “Yeah, that’s me. Signing everything...”
“Guess you’re serious about me advertising your art, huh?”
“Yeah...” Marinette said absently. “I never kid.”
Alya spent the entire walk back to her house from school looking for Marinette’s initial on her arm, wondering where she’d hidden it that day. Except, Alya never found an ‘M’. Instead, she found an ‘E’ written along the vine wrapping around her thumb. The day after that, it was what she was sure was a ‘J’. Then, another ‘E’. 
Was it a message? A word she was trying to spell out? MEJE hardly meant anything, unless she’d caught Marinette in the middle of a word or a sentence. Maybe it was a joke she was trying to spell out, or some silly message that she wanted to sneakily place into her art. Like that time Marinette sent her ten texts that were just pictures that was supposed to say “Please help me I am very hungry and very sad.”
“Maybe it’s in another language?” Nino offers when Alya shows him the ‘T’ on her sleeve of buttercups that Marinette drew on her arm during maths. “Doesn’t she know Chinese?”
“Barely,” Alya smirked. “Plus, wouldn’t she just use characters and not letters?”
“I guess so.” Nino laughed and twisted Alya’s arm around to stare at the design that was looping around all of her fingers today. “Must be something really important. She’s putting a lot of work into these doodles. You might as well get one of these tattooed.”
“Watch it be a meme she found on the Internet the other day. If it is, I’ll kill her.”
An ‘A’ and an ‘I’ came next, and then another ‘M’ before the letters started to repeat. Alya waited until she was home and typed in all the letters she’d gotten so far: MEJETAIMEJ. 
It seemed like nonsense to her at first, and Alya blamed the late hour for making her miss what was so obviously right in front of her face the entire time. But she blinked at the letters right in the middle of the jumble and felt her chest tighten a little. 
Je t’aime. 
She had to rewrite all the letters four times over to make sure she didn’t miss one, to make sure they were all in the right order, to make sure that she wasn’t just projecting her feelings onto something as innocuous as silly little messages left in the doodles that Marinette left on her arms. But Alya wasn’t wrong, and that may have been the most confusing and frustrating part of all of this. It didn’t make any sense. They told each other they loved each other all the time. They were best friends, of course they loved each other. Maybe it was just that. Maybe it was just a cute little message from a friend that she wasn’t meant to read into. Maybe. 
Or maybe there was a reason Marinette wasn’t just telling her. Because it was heavier than it had been before. So heavy that Marinette couldn’t bear to say it with a new meaning -- a meaning that could very well add a different filter to everything. 
Alya waited for more days -- waited for the ‘E,’ ‘T,’ ‘A,’ and ‘I’ -- until it was Saturday and they were lying down on Marinette’s bed, limbs tangled together, watching a movie on the laptop balanced on Alya’s stomach. Her right arm was held up while Marinette started drawing roses on her wrists again. 
Alya cleared her throat and lowered the volume on the movie. “It’s an ‘M’ today again. Isn’t it?”
Marinette’s pen stilled for only half a second before she continued shading in a petal. “So you figured it out?”
“Pretty sure,” Alya muttered. She was hyper aware of the feeling of Marinette’s head pressed up against her temple and Marinette’s nose that was tucked against her neck. She swallowed and tried to make her voice sound stronger than her resolve felt. “I...I love you too.”
“But do you?” Marinette muttered, keeping her eyes on her pen and on Alya’s arm. “I mean, really honestly. Do you? Because....i-if you don’t, it’s fine. I just...sometimes I feel like I have all these things I want to tell you and I don’t know how to say them. So I just...picked the best thing that fit. But if you don’t....I mean, I don’t have to -- ”
“You’re rambling, babe,” Alya interrupted gently. 
Marinette laughed against her skin. “Sorry. I’m not very good at this sort of thing. And I don’t want to freak you out.”
“Nothing you do could freak me out, Mari. You don’t have to worry about that” Alya assured. “I’m not freaked out.”
“So then....what are you?”
Things with Marinette always felt so natural, like one thing bled seamlessly into the next. Nothing felt jarring and nothing felt strange enough to need a period of time to settle and adjust. Things just were, and no matter what came up the two of them molded into it perfectly without ever needing to explain or defend. Alya wondered if this was exactly what was happening now. Because Alya had always loved Marinette, always loved her with all her heart. She traced back along the past year to see if that love turned into a love, if that comfort turned into a need, if those changes were even the sorts of things you could track and notice. But there was never a sharp jolt or jump to indicate a change. Alya wouldn’t be surprised if one morning she woke up, got dressed for school, saw Marinette stumbling into class with only seconds to spare before the bell and realized ah! There it was. There were all the small letters left behind like clues forming together into something beautiful that Alya could treasure deeply. 
It took no work. Smooth. Effortless. Everything always easy. 
What are you?
Alya shut her eyes and pressed a small, short kiss on Marinette’s lips, smiling at the gasp that jumped up from Marinette’s throat and past Alya’s lips. They pushed back against hers as Marinette kissed her back, and for such a brief moment the whole world stilled and everything felt perfect and righted. 
“I’m happy.” 
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shinrakirigaya · 7 years
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