#im ridin solo im ridin solo im ridin solo im ridin solo solo
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spaciebabie · 1 year ago
i look so good in my autistic swag 😎
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kumeslaboratory · 7 months ago
ridin solo.. but im still ina group
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shook-maraca · 11 months ago
im solo im ridin solo
im ridin soloo
im ridin solo solooo
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smolskye · 3 years ago
best part about being back in my studio is that i can now make loud cooing sounds at pictures of bugs without my parents asking what the hell im doing
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angelgemma · 5 years ago
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So.. This song, “Ridin’ Solo” played on the radio today and I had this funny image pop up in my head when these lyrics came on.. So of course I had to make it come to life. ^.^
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toesuckler · 3 years ago
yes . all of them.
here's the true personality test do you block people easily or not?
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Who's in the tags?
Me. Just me.
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harrystylesforgucci · 7 years ago
Everyone gettin emo about 1d.... can’t relate
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volpestarks · 7 years ago
Me: earns a couple hundred € through (literal) blood sweat tears and strenuous effort
really volpe?
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ambivartence · 3 years ago
am here to promote bias HAHA
my bias is,, haechan!!!!!!
yeah, i know, im in love with a GEMINI </3
your favorite thing about them
hmm my favorite thing about him might just be his voice,, and his golden skin </3 he's so pretty and for what </33 and idk!!! hes so fucking clever too i could!! never!!!
when you Knew TM they were your bias
i think biased him around,, ridin era? almost 2 years now omg </3 i didnt think i would bias him for this long LMAO but i think i came to realize when i started watchign a BUNCH of his fancams HAHA
your favorite looks on them
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butt i have to say . hello future hyuck is a win!!!!!! all soft and so pretty </3
90's love comes second!!! his dirty blonde hair looked rlly good :))
your favorite verse/chreo they do
again, hello future </3 the dance and vocals and the song itself!!! too good man i might just be hello future biased HAHA his intro line really hits and i get hyped instantly
your wish for them (solo stuff, being in a drama,  a nap maybe  lolo)
first and utmost, for him to be happy and healthy ofc yes yes and then there was mullet hyuck which we already got HAHAHA YESS SO EXCITED but!!! hyuck solo when pls </3 and def a nap he needs a break
anything about them !!!!
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also also omg hi siyuan how are you ^3^
HAECHANIEEEEEEEEEEEEE hehe sunny boy from sunny <3333
!!!! those r all def my fave things about him too omg the conflict of not knowing which it is exactly is SO REAL he's just SO!!!!!! !!!!! no words
hello future era haechan was impeccable 🤩🤩 im so excited for the new comeback but also hope he gets plenty of rest n naps n eventually gets his solo <3 ALSO ALL HIS LIL HABITS N QUIRKS MAKE ME ADORE HIM EVEN MORE :( THE WRITING THING ALWAYS GETS ME :(((((( also haechan + daegal content is so important thank u hehe
> bias loving hours are (always) open <
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awitchylilbitch · 4 years ago
gwynriel or elriel? bitch im gywn x elain and gywn x azriel x elain and im ridin my crackships solo leave me alone
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plush-rabbit · 4 years ago
I’m really curious what’s ur favorite top ten fics that u wrote??
Okay, so in like no particular order my favorites would have to be (this also goes over ten because like i have a lot written for shigaraki and i love his) (i also don’t know if i should link them or not so i didn’t!! I hope you don’t mind):
amajiki’s - sugary sweet tears
not a fic so im not counting it but the dry humping for jin just makes me swoon 
overhaul’s firsts edition is a mix of hc and fic but i enjoyed it
dabi - truth or dare, quiet flames and avaricious are favorites of mine
mr. compress!! an indulgence for the night and red scarf!! (i also like giran’s daughter hc)
say my name,, even if i don’t write for him all that often, its defs a favorite
how could i not mention don’t move,, a favorite (im on the kurono part of the ml)
all of rappa’s,, i got to be a little depraved with it
faded vermillion for hawks’s is like a nice read for me
shigaraki my beloved!! it would have to be: ciays and the epi for it (for obvs reasons), peaches and cream, sweet honey love, ultra gold and the epi for it because i love a good piss kink, hand in unlovable hand, who’s a pretty boy!! a simple wager, we could just kiss and because this has gone on for too long, a broken night!! 
fatgum’s oh my baby, i love you!! i love him and i just want to hold his hand (and have my guts rearranged but sh)
not a fic so im no counting it in the number but the poly! hawks/reader/dabi is like a favorite of mine
bleeding knees for dia because repressed religion and i think its a nice bit of romance (but fugitives is nice too)
second nature for mammon,, i just,, its rough and early but i like it
i really like ridin’ solo for leon
the intruder series is actually a personal favorite of mine even if its p blank
ghostface’s - picture perfect
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kpop-rambles · 4 years ago
Let’s talk about MAMA 2020 pt.1
1. Hwasa’s maria performance.. omg, y’all mamamoo will never stop slaying. Like that intro had me so shocked. I’m pretty sure there was a cut for the outfit change, i don’t know shit about editing but i can appreciate good editing. Hwasa just seemed so confident, like always, her charmisa was just blasted into my face. Had me gaping the whole time. backup dancers were as great as always too. 
2. oh..my...god! Let’s get the ending out of the way. It was absolutley stunning. made me audibally gasp, jessi’s nunu nana was already a great song to hype me up but this version... I don’t know how to explain it but it kinda gave me anime opening vibes? The BGM did and her vocals with it- idk an anime studio should think about asking her for it. speaking of her vocals, beautiful, of course, live vocals are to die for. i loved how the backup dancers had masks and gloves, and they slayed as well, they all did amazing! 
3. NCT 127′s kick it didn’t have the wow factors i think the previous two did. I think they seem kind of tired, and I completely understand that, they’ve been doing promotions after promotions this whole year and i really need SM TO GIVE THEM REST. I love seeing them perform ofc, but like please they need a break. I’ve been saying this since kick it came out. But besides their health which is a big concern for me, I did really liek Mark’s solo stage,I think he did great! At the beginning, I really only heard Mark’s voice, like Johnny’s lips were moving but no matter how much I strained my ears i could not hear him. I don’t blame them for lip syncing, this is a tiring song to dance and sing to at the same time. In conclusion, give these boys a break SM.
4. Nct dream ridin ok um i do have the same complaint- well i dont really want to complain because I understand it’s hard to with hard hitting dances and light vocals- about no live vocals. Even with Jisung who was just sitting on a motercycle- which was actually something i really liked, i found it so funny to see the other 5 dancing while he’s just on the motercycle. Besides that, I think the best part was Jeno. His charisma really got to me, even tho the vocals didn’t. (I sound nitpicky, ik, but live vocals is so important to me) 
5. so i love NCT U’s From home. And I also really liked this preformance. Before I praise it, I’ll get the complaints out of the way; the background music was way stronger than the vocals and thats not what you need in a song like this. Idk why SM doesn’t want us to hear these guys voices but oh well. Second, they do look extrememely fatigued and it really hurts my heart. SM GIVE THEM RESTTT. Now the things that I really liked. The background, with nct just being wholesome, really gave me the feel of it being a performance for czennies so that was adorable. When the other members came in as well, I gasped. I would’ve prefered if they showed up on stage and then ran to NCT U and then they all saw the nanana part together but i don’t work for Sm so oh well (Sm you know you wanna hire me) anywayyys a little bonus thing i actually gasped for was Doyoung’’s visuals. I really love the eyes of a person, and I just- when i saw his eyes i gasped. And whenever the camera men went on to him I literally sighed in admiration. Also i was very sure that they were tired when i saw Chenle, who is still somehow lookin stunning. But still very tired, PLEASE SM THIS IS THE LAST TIME ILL ASK GIVE THEM REST. 
6. Stray kids victory song- havent heard it in so longg and they brought it back. In the best way. Just this whole performance was the best. Im a skz ult and ig this is kinda biased but come on. You cant say that stray kids didnt slay. Because they absolutley did. (I actually cried tears of joy watching this preformance.btw) the live vocals hit so hard, the execution was phenomenal. Just.. Wow.
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theart2rock · 4 years ago
Das 4. Soloalbum des NAZARETH-Sängers!
Das 4. Soloalbum des NAZARETH-Sängers!
Präzise, eingängig und kraftgeladen. Carl Sentance macht mit “Electric Eye” keine halben Sachen. Dieses zeitlose Album geht ohne Umwege, direkt ins Ohr! “Electric Eye” heißt das neue Solo-Album von Carl Sentance (Sänger von NAZARETH). Eines wird beim Hören der Songs sofort klar: Carl Sentance macht keine halben Sachen. Jeder Song geht sofort ins Ohr. Jeder Song lädt zum Headbangen & mitsingen ein. Songs wie „Exile“ oder „Overload“ sind druckvoll, eingängig und kraftgeladen. Und sie sind vor allem eins: zeitlos. Alle Songs des Albums haben einen ausgeprägten eigenen Charakter, der heute genauso überzeugt, wie er das morgen tun wird.
Carl Sentance wurde am 28. Juni 1961 in Loughborough Leicestershire, UK geboren und gründete 1977 seine erste Band LEADING STAR als Gitarrist und Sänger. Nachdem er in mehreren lokalen Bands mitwirkte, ersetzte er John Deverill als Sänger in der NWoBHM-Band PERSIAN RISK. 1981 nahm er seine erste Single “Calling For You” auf, 1983 folgte die Aufnahme zu “Ridin High”. 1984 tourten PERSIAN RISK mit MOTÖRHEAD durch Großbritannien und traten im Prime-Time-TV auf Channel4 The Tube auf. Ein Jahr später nahm Carl sein erstes PERSIAN RISK Album “RISE UP” auf. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt erhielt er von seinem Manager Smallwood Taylor das Angebot, sich GEEZER BUTLER (BLACK SABBATH) als Leadsänger in dessen Soloprojekt anzuschließen. Die Zusammenarbeit dauerte von 1986 bis 1988 und brachte Demosongs, Videos und diverse Bootlegs hervor. Carl verließ die GEEZER BUTLER Band 1988, um sich der walisischen Band MONROE anzuschließen. 1988 beschloss Carl, nach Cardiff zurückzukehren und trat der Band TOK-IO ROSE bei. Schon 2 Jahre später beschloss er dann, nach Florida zu ziehen, um mit dem walisischen Ex-UFO- und WASTED-Gitarristen Paul Chapman die Band GHOST zu gründen. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Carl nach Großbritannien zurück. Von 1996 bis 1999 sang er in verschiedenen Musicals, wie z.B. JUDAS in Jesus Christ Super Star und der AMERICAN in Chess. Von 1999 bis 2002 wurde Carl Leadsänger der Schweizer Hardrockband KROKUS, mit der er das Album “ROUND 13” aufnahm. Im Jahr 2004 schloss er sich dann für 2 Jahre der Whole Lotta Metal Theatre Tour an. 2006 schloss sich Carl mit Deep Purple’s Keyboarder Don Airey für sein Soloprojekt “DON AIREY AND FRIENDS” zusammen und schreibt seither mit Don zusammen. Zu den Alben gehören “A LIGHT IN THE SKY”, “ALL OUT”, “KEYED UP” und “ONE OF A KIND”. Im Jahr 2009 nahm Carl sein erstes Soloalbum MIND DOCTOR auf! Das führte dazu, dass er versuchte, die ursprüngliche Formation der Band PERSIAN RISK zu reformieren, aber zu der Zeit waren die Mitglieder mit anderen Projekten beschäftigt, also stellte Carl eine brandneue Persian Risk zusammen und kam mit zwei großartigen Alben heraus: “ONCE A KING” im Jahr 2012 und “WHO AM I” im Jahr 2014. 2015 wurde Carl der neue Sänger der legendären Rockband NAZARETH, nachdem sich Gründungsmitglied Dan McCafferty krankheitsbedingt zurückziehen musste. In jüngster Zeit hat Carl Nazareths aktuelles Studioalbum “TATTOOED ON MY BRAIN” aufgenommen (zu den Songs gehören “NEVER DANCE WITH THE DEVIL”, “CHANGE”, “STATE OF EMERGENCY”, “SILENT SYMPHONY” und “DON’T THROW YOUR LOVE AWAY”). Carl tourt derzeit durch die ganze Welt.
Tracklisting: 01    Judas 02    Alright 03    Electric Eye 04    Overload 05    Nervous Breakdown 06    Exile 07    Young Beggars 08    If This Is Heaven 09    Battlecry 10    California Queen
Quelle: Music Merchant
Das 4. Soloalbum des NAZARETH-Sängers! was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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shut-the-fuck-up-lee · 4 years ago
Guess im ridin solo 🤷🏽‍♀️. Just spend all my money on myself.
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miafic · 4 years ago
Aye wait I know I'm late but Parker for the mia playlist 🥺
no problem!! im still procrastinating, so let’s do it haha
polaroid - keith urban
amazing eyes - good old war
ridin solo - jason derulo (remember this song yall???)
kiss me - sixpence none the richer
end up here - 5 seconds of summer
rose-colored boy - paramore
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