#im pinning this until im off hiatus
pro-prin-prinny · 10 months
Alright, I'm taking a mental health break from anything non fandom related for a few days. If you see me post anything other than like fan art or whatever squirt me with a squirt bottle.
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konigsprinzessin · 2 months
donnerkeil. part five, yandere!könig x reader
hey! sorry about the hiatus. not proofread. love you all.
mentally, he cursed you for not letting him in. he didn't care. why the hell would he? he would be too focused on you anyways. admittingly, he would've scoped out your apartment to find any thing he might wanna bring with him as a little memory of you. if he were to find your bra or panties casted aside on your bedroom floor he would try his hardest to conceal them within his palm.
his eyes got wide and almost frantically told you that your messy flat was no problem. he wish you would jump in and invite him anyways. he watched you fidget on your phone, asking again from his phone number.
which he gave you and then texting you right after. a few more minutes passed with you far too excited asking when he was free and asking könig questions about his policework.
policework? that's right. he kept his answers light responding with "its confidential". earning cute little laughs from your mouth. you wrapped up the conversation a bit worried that you were wasting his time. "i don't know what the word is english but im responsible for the entire unit and go to most calls because i'm...." he paused, trying to word in in english. he shook his head and spoke very fast in his native language "uh, i'm the top? i don't know how to say this." he laughed nervously. unbeknownst to you, both of these things were lies. his english was that of a native speaker's, hell, his english was probably better than yours. and that "police work" of his wasn't exactly as innocent and naive as he put it, the call about teenagers graffitiing buildings nor the call about the cat stuck under the family car were true. simple lies that made him look like a hero. someone to trust. how doesn't someone trust a giant that helps everyone. it tugged at your heart strings when he told you about an elderly woman that fell victim to an online dating scam- that one got you annoyed in particular, feeling enraged on behalf of some older woman that didn't exist nor did he save from wire fraud. he made all of it up to gain your trust. he wanted you to believe he was the local police chief with no hard crimes such as murder or rape to deal with. you admired this. the first outsider you meet is an older, native austrian working with the police helping and saving people.
that was charm. charming to you.
"well, if you give me a few hours i would be able to meet up tonight for drinks, im sure theres a bar nearby." you laughed as you handed his black cased phone back to him. you thought the suave was radiating off you, asking him out so calmly without fidgeting or shaking. you'd be thinking about him all day.
könig didn't want to wait. he wanted to push you back in the door where you'd fall on your ass and struggle to get up to defend yourself. even if you kicked and shoved you would be no match for his taller and bulkier frame. you were short and petite, without a weapon you were a frail mouse with no defense. even if locks were on the doors, he had a bobby pin laying about. he made a mental note of the locks and if needed, how he could make his way in.
not now. and not tonight. he would have to give it a few weeks for the chemistry to brew and bake until you felt comfortable with him. he knew his physique in itself was intimidating- which he loved to use to his own advantage.
"yes, of couse! although i have to be in the office early tomorrow so i can not be out until 3 or 4 in the morning." he had training at that time. if he wasn't asleep by midnight he would be an agitated mess at the gym. he had recently acquired a handful of new recruits that he would need to train this week. all the paperwork had been filled and finished last week so now the physical workouts called. he was curious to see how many would dropout within this week- maybe he would tell you that to fit along with his policeman job like an average civilian not a colonel from what some believed to be a terrorist group.
you hummed in response. "new recruits i have to train, i am curious to see how many will leave in the following weeks." he exhaled. knowing his time was running out and he would need to leave your doorstep. last thing he needed to do was give you the creeps and make you worried. you smiled at his comment, letting out a small chuckle.
"i hope they all stay, you seem to be a good trainer." you closed your eyes, crows feet appearing around your temporarily closed eyes. "you have a lot of muscle. that's something to be proud of, i can barely move my boxes around."
"ah, thank you, (y/n), i know for some it can be hard to stay focused and work out every day. it takes viel bestimmung oder ausdauer" he laughed, apologizing for not knowing the words in english. secretly, he hoped you would know but another part of him hoped not. he was cruel and calculated, he would keep you locked away and speak only in german and watch as you become more and more confused, frustrated and scared with the language barrier. just that thought made his heart pound a little faster. he didn't want to torture you- rather scare you into obedience and submission. as long he didn't physically hurt you then there was no harm in what he intended on doing. he reminded himself that and repeated it again to keep his head on straight. "and i can help you with the boxes, i don't want you to hurt yourself."
your eyes brightened at this idea. a godsend, you thought. you dreaded those boxes stuffed in the corner of your room. it was quite the eye soar and bothered you. the boys that lived above you were nice enough to help you move all of your stuff in, besides the heavier things like the entire refrigerator or microwave which you surely weren't able to install nor the heavier boxes filled with a myriad of trinkets.
"i didn't feel like brining half of the stuff in the boxes and coming back downstairs. it would take me too long." you sighed, scratching the side of your cheek. "i also have to install the microwave and fridge and i still have to call the maintenance guys." you half laughed partly out of embarrassment, still smiling nonetheless.
könig laughed at how flustered you looked with your cheeks turning into a bright pink. it reminded him of rose flowers. "i don't mind doing all of that right now for you, (y/n). only if you have time." with this he realized that you literally just have moved in. how could you not have these things set up by now? he was going to take you before any of the locals realized that you were settled down and lived there.
"well, i certainly do." you opened the door a bit wider for him. you sat the bread basket down on a high table adorned with your housekeys, a dish filled with rocks and photo of who he assumed was your family back home. he watched you slip off your flats, grab the basket and walk into what he guessed was your kitched. he also followed suit with his shoes not trying to be rude or give you any hint that he was off. you met him no longer than two hours ago and he was alone with you in your fucking house. gently, he placed both of his shoes side by side thinking how stupid you were. imagine, if he was malicious or had a gun? you would be robbed and dead by now. yet, you were a caring little thing. too innocent for this world. too innocent for him. all he had to do was rush you and choke you until you were unconscious and figure out a way to get out. he began to seriously contemplate thing noting the door behind him and the slightly open windows letting a draft in with open blinds as he made he way behind you.
there you stood, back to him with your hands on your hips. the refrigerator was laid horizontally on the wooden floor. granted, it was a small apartment but it could fit two people. it was most definitely built for students. the microwave laid door up on the kitchen countertop. könig found solace in how normal this all was, like he was an old friend using his muscle to help you move in or a couple just moving into a new apartment. he enjoyed the ladder more than the former by a longshot.
"im thinking the fridge goes here." you motioned to an empty spot in the kitchenette next to a plus, undoubtedly where the old tenants had it. könig watched you slide around with your white ankle socks on. he was jolting every few minutes with a primal instinct to cover your mouth and threaten to kill you if you didn't comply. he would never hurt you, just empty threats to keep you from running or screaming...or both. könig's mind went blank responding with nods and hums as you talked about where the fucking microwave should go. you should go, go with him to his place on the other side of the city. he only came back into reality when you struggled to pick up the metal microwave, which was too heavy for your little bones to carry. he thought how stupid he must've looked...how creepy he must've looked as you picked the metal up with him solely staring at you.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
*tips cowboy hat over eyes while staring wistfully into the distance* things just aint the same around these parts no more...not since... *trails off meaningfully so you can tell i have woes too deep for one soul to burden on its own* ...since prettyboykatsuki disappeared from town. *you attempt to walk away but i chuckle ruefully with the intention of not letting you leave without hearing my lamenting* they were truly the life and soul of the dash. no one could capture a room's- the dash's - attention quite like their zany isagi thirst posts could. we'd shitpost and laugh and viciously express our desires for sexy 2d pixels until the sun rose the next day. i'm sure you've heard of their legendary bakugou fics? *i turn towards you expectantly and you shake your head at me, fully shaking at this point because you're convinced i'm an asylum escapee* no? ah, well. i'd offer to read one for you but...i could never capture the essence of the dialogue and erotic scenes by just reading it aloud. *you try to ask me where the nearest police station is but i reach into my assless chaps' pocket and pull out a budweiser and you're promptly silenced* truthfully, i was too busy reblogging their omega fics to ask what their favourite drink was so this'll have to do. i know this definitely won't be their favourite but it's the only thing i could grab from the gas station before they saw me and called the sheriff. *you wonder if the sheriff i'm referring to is the cardboard cutout of dwayne the rock johnson standing upright a few yards away that i've duct taped a png. of a cowboy hat to and wrote in marker 'sheriff' on the nipple area* prettyboykatsuki... *i sigh like i have the weight of the world on my feeble poncho covered shoulders and take a swig of the pissy acidic vaguely apple flavoured but shitty apple not the nice kind of apple beer* this one's for you. *i pour a modest stream of the atrocious beverage onto the ground, but the harsh wind intercepts it and drenches you in the liquid* hm. *i feel awkward and i can sense you know that i feel awkward so i stand up abruptly while attempting to maintain my mysterious façade. you ask me if prettyboykatsuki was buried (or something?) where i poured the beer because thats what people usually do at funerals when theyre saying their goodbyes but i simply titter at you like you've asked the most braindead question i've ever received* no, partner... *i turn away from you and you let out a sigh of relief so loud and gargantuan that i definitely hear it and feel a little hurt but show no signs of it because im built different* prettyboykatsuki's everywhere. *i trail off extra mysteriously and walk away from you in the middle of the road where i'm definitely going to get hit if i don't move but i keep walking and you don't want to get into another interaction with me so you just keep watching and i never really go out of sight because the road is one straight flat like so i'm just uncomfortably walking slow paced in plain sight so it doesnt feel dramatic and i'm getting sand in my eyes and keep having to speed up to avoid tumbleweeds so it looks awkward but we both don't say anything because at this point i'm 50 metres away so we accept the moment for what it is, and it's beautiful*
'you' - a random innocent bystander i'm subjecting my troubles to (troubles being u being gone from the dash for a couple of hours)
i typed this in 20 minutes and my shoulder is aching bcos i was going so fast holy shiiiii.
in my entire two years active on this blog, no single ask has ever made me laugh to the point of literal sobbing tears. no amount of keyboard smashing could do my real life reaction justice. like im laughing to the point of almost puking my dinner up. this is the funniest thing ive ever read in my life. im pinning this next time i go on hiatus. im fucking crying.
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aliwritesfic · 2 years
The Wedding Date (Frankie Morales x F!Reader) (part 12)
*taps mic* is this thing on? um, i have literally no excuses. if you're still here, i love you, i cherish you, i dont deserve you. im sorry for the literal year long hiatus.
Previous Next The Beginning
“So this is it,” Frankie grinned shyly at you as he unlocked the door to his house.
“Your humble abode?” You stepped past him into an airy living room. Two dark couches were pushed against the wall, facing a large TV mounted opposite. 
“That’s definitely a word for it,” Frankie closed the door behind you. “Here, gimme your bag.” You had come here straight from the airport, the both of you deciding on the flight back that you didn’t want the weekend to end yet. 
“Sorry it’s a mess,” he said. “I wasn’t really expecting . . .” He burned red, avoiding your gaze. You reassured him you didn’t really give a fuck about the mess; what he considered a mess was cleaner than any other guy’s place you had ever been to. You wondered if that said more about your previous taste in men or men in general. You decided pretty quickly that it wasn’t a you thing.
Frankie gave you a quick tour, the kitchen and the bathroom and his daughter’s room, decorated to the nines in pink and purple, toys strewn across the ground. You took in the photos hung up on the wall in the hallway, recogising the boys in some of them. Others were of a little girl who could only be Laila.
Finally, came his bedroom.
“Is this where the magic happens?” You peered over Frankie’s broad shoulder and into his bedroom as he set your bag down on the carpeted floor.
“Slight of hand, mostly,” he said, “a couple of card tricks.”
You snorted, beelining for his bed. You were exhausted from the trip, and it just looked so damn inviting. You rolled onto your side, tucking your arm under a pillow. “I think you just made the biggest mistake of your life.”
“Hmm? How so?” The bed shifted with Frankie’s weight as he got in beside you. You scooted closer so you were touching.
“I’m in love with this mattress. Like, it’s stupid comfy.” You toyed with the buttons on his shirt as he spoke. “So, unfortunately for you, it’s going to take a lot to get me away from it.”
“You know what?” His lips brushed your collarbone. “I think I’m okay with that.”
You pulled him closer, hooking a leg around his waist. All words were lost as his lips met yours, devouring you with his kiss. 
He groaned into your mouth as he pinned you beneath him, hardness pressing against your abdomen. His callouses scraped down your bare skin as his fingers toyed with the waistband of your pants, slipping down further until he was slick with you.
“Fuck,” you moaned. His lips left yours, trailing kisses down your stomach. 
“Relax, baby,” he murmured. Somehow your pants were off and he was between your legs. 
His tongue, god his fucking tongue. It teased your clit, his fingers curling inside you. Only the top of his curly hair was visible as your thighs squeezed around his head, back arching and hips bucking.
“Not yet,” he pulled away, unbuckling his belt, erection springing free. 
“Fuck me, Frankie,” you pulled him back down against you, skin against skin.
“Say please,” his voice was low in your ear, cock pressing against your entrance. 
“Please, please,” you moved your hips closer to his, desperate in your need for him.
“Good girl.”
Nothing else existed. Nothing else mattered. Nothing beyond you and him. 
You could barely concentrate on your data. You had been home for only a couple of days, and back at work for only a few hours, and you couldn’t focus. You were like a teenager all over again, with butterflies and blushing whenever you thought about Frankie, giggles bubbling up at random moments. You decided to take an early lunch, heading out to the shark tunnels. 
The aquarium was quiet today - Tuesdays usually were. A nurse shark swam by, lazy in its course along the bottom of the tank.
You hadn’t told anyone yet about how your weekend away had went, dodging the question when Olivia had brought it up over FaceTime the day after you had gotten home (you had ignored her first call the night before, finding yourself preoccupied in a bed that wasn’t yours). You knew she suspected but was either too tactful or too proud to say anything. For now you decided to let her stew, enjoying the small bubble you and Frankie had created for yourselves. Of course, you knew that bubble couldn’t last forever - life always got in the way. But goddamn if you weren’t going to enjoy it while you could.
You opened your phone and took a quick selfie, being sure to capture the apex predators behind you. I’ve had better dates, you captioned it as you sent it to Frankie. You didn’t expect him to respond - his daughter was back and he was preparing to have her stay for a week. 
He had told you a lot about Laila - his face positively lighting up when he described how she had chosen him for her latest art project about their personal heroes. You had seen more photos than you could count, able to pick out pieces of Frankie in her face, even the way she carried herself in some of them.
He had told you less about his ex, Ariel, simply stating that it had been a very messy break-up and left him feeling like he had made too many mistakes ever to be able to redeem himself. They had broken up not long after he had returned from Colombia, when Laila was still an infant. You remembered the conversation, how his voice had been thick with guilt.
“I went to therapy for a while,” Frankie admitted on your last night with him, drawing random shapes on your bare back with his finger. “It helped. I think I’m a better man than I was. I still have a lot to make up for, things I can’t make up for.”
“Why can’t you?” you turned your head to look at him through sleepy eyes. He was silhouetted by the silvery moonlight coming through his open window. Jeff Buckley played from your phone, Frankie’s choice for the album of the night. 
It’s never over, my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder. 
You had immediately added the song to your playlist when you got home.
“Some things can’t be forgiven,” he said. 
You wondered idly what he had meant by that as you wandered slowly back to the labs, detouring past the octopus tanks. You decided you wouldn’t press him about it, knowing that some things had to come out with time alone. If he trusted you, and you hoped he did, he would tell you what he thought you needed to know. Until then, you would have to make do.
The rest of the day passed by slowly; data from the tags you were tracking gave you nothing new, your phone was on silent and at the bottom of your bag, and anyone who you liked to chat with was out in the field that day. 
“Tell me you also had a slow day,” you said, FaceTiming Olivia as soon as you got home. 
“Fuck no,” Olivia said, “my day was fantastic.” You set your phone up so you could see her as you chopped Mr. Baldwin’s dinner. The tortoise in question was dressed in his shark fin, exploring the area around your feet
“Distract me,” you begged. “Oh, is someone a little lovesick?” Olivia teased. You rolled your eyes but didn’t answer - you weren’t one to lie outright to your best friend.
“Just do it.”
You listened as Olivia launched into a lengthy recap of her day, starting from breakfast (a really good acai bowl) to a significant breakthrough at work (something on a level your brain couldn’t understand). “Oh, and the best part?”
“If something can top molecular biology, I must hear it.”
“I’m not pregnant!”
“I didn’t realise that was something we were worrying about!” You cheered along with her. 
She nodded, turning to pure pixels for a moment. “I was a week late, and you know me I’m like a fucking clock. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, relieved mostly.” Olivia sighed, and you dropped a piece of carrot down to Mr. Baldwin. “It just reaffirmed what I already know.”
“No kids?”
“No kids,” she repeated firmly. “But also . . . I have to have a talk with Jeremy.” You bent and picked up the tortoise, carrying him, his bowl of food, and your phone outside to your backyard. “The relationship talk. I wanna be with him, but we need to know if we’re on the same page with everything.”
You nodded, half listening as your thoughts drifted to Frankie. You wanted it with him, everything you could have you wanted it. You weren’t afraid with him, weren’t worried that it was only going to be a matter of time before shit went south and you were left with a broken heart and an STD. From the moment you had met him, even though you had been too fucking blind to see it, he had been the one for you.
You would tell him that, you decided, when you saw him again. It wouldn’t be for another week, but you were feeling brave and reckless and you knew it could be a huge mistake and that maybe he didn’t feel the same. But. But.
But he might feel the same. You were almost entirely certain he did, and that it would be less like taking a chance and more like speeding up the inevitable. 
“Are you listening to me?” Olivia’s voice cut your thoughts.
“No,” you said. “Sorry, were you saying anything important?”
“Not really,” she said, “I was just thinking we should get hammered this weekend. Maybe down at the Ivy?”
“The Ivy is for annoying twenty-one year olds now, how about you just come over and we drink til our faces are numb?” 
“So long as we watch X Factor auditions and Come Dine With Me.”
“I think you’re my soul mate, Liv.”
She laughed. “I know you’re mine.”
You only heard from Frankie once that week, a simple message that made your heart flutter. 
I miss you more every day.
You kept yourself busy, applying for a Winghead expedition in Northern Australia next year. Hammerheads and their subspecies were among some of your favourites, and the expedition had been one you applied to every single year without fail. You hadn’t gotten it yet, but you were feeling lucky.
That was until Friday.
Your phone pinged with a message as you lazed on your couch, your heart sinking as you read it.
I’ve been thinking, and I don’t think this is right. Please don’t contact me, I’m trying to make it work with Ariel.
“Oh.” You set your phone down on your coffee table, holding back the bile that had risen. Of course, of course this would happen. You should have expected it - at some point you had been stupid and stopped expecting it. 
You read the message once, twice, three times over. 
You decided to go to bed, to sleep and wake up and hopefully find that the message was gone, that you were still hopeful and stupid and lucky.
@laichka @paintlavillered @idreamofboobear @pjkimrn @gracie7209 @sunnshineeexoxo @lorosette @fangirl-316 @dihra-vesa @astoryisaloveaffair @theanothersherlockian @pedritobalmando @blub-senpai @maievdenoir @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @bobbydearest @icanbeyourjedi @goldielocks2004 @1800-fight-me @littledragonlady @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @ficsbynight @hotchlover @dobbyjen @athalien @vanered15
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bellarosethefangirl · 9 months
hi hi hello! im new to your blog and i was wondering if requests are open? ^_^ and what are the available options to ask for, (like headcanons/oneshots, if is nsfw avaiable etc) i didn't see a post describing any, but i may have not looked hard enough! thank you for your time!
First off welcome to my blog 💗
Wow thank you so much I honestly didn’t think anyone would really be into my blog as much anymore. I kind of been on hiatus because all I seem to do is work and sleep (I work late hrs) but I have been up to writing until recently.
I appreciate you asking me these questions. They’re honestly all good questions I didn’t think to put answers for on my blog. Well for starters I’d be happy to accept a request and I finally pinned my bio. I forgot to pin it! It has a link to my master lists, rules and many answers to your questions. I’ll list fandoms there for you too. As for what type of requests.. you can do a one shot, yandere, nsfw, and headcanons. No song fics please.
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count-v-dracula · 2 years
† Semi-Hiatus (Dec. 2022 - March 2023)
After a lot that has happened over the past two-ish months (the good/bad/ugly) it is more than obvious that I need to put RPing on semi-hiatus/low activity status. As many of you know, I have a lead role in a musical that will be running three weekends in March 2023 and I have to be off book for lines before the new year. Also, because I am a lead, I will have pretty much ZERO time in the evenings/weekends anymore until the show actually opens. And I also work pretty much full-time.
My hope/goal is to do RPing on some weeknights when I am not busy or wiped out, and of course on weekends that do not have rehearsals or other RL happenings. 
My definition of this semi-hiatus is this: sporadic, very limited writing. Replies will be written based on muse gravitation towards threads/muses. When I am around I will write at the most half a dozen replies. Also, I haven’t been, and will continue to not be around the dash very much, so contacting me via the IMs will result in slow/late responses from me. Please, if we are mutuals, do ask me for my dis.cord information as that will be a speedier way of contacting/chatting with me.
If we are friends/get along nicely, you are more than welcome to ask for my Insta.gram! As rehearsals begin and as I do more things in my life (because my insta.gram is SUPER boring at the moment and I hardly update because my life is boring?), I will be adding to my account much more often with stories/reels/posts. Maybe you can see/hear me during rehearsals, making new friends and just having fun doing something I love so much.
I love you all. Thank you for your unending patience with me. I do miss writing, and all the good things and feelings RPing entails, but I am so excited to be back on stage singing and performing after a long, involuntary absence!
(My standard pinned post is here.)
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
I’m going a hiatus but I wanted to ask for something before I doooooo!!! May I ask for some Epic Sans x reader headcanons?
Where the reader and Epic are friends but they unknowingly crush on each other and when Epic finally tries flirting, he learns the reader gets extremely flustered very easily. (Ah yes kabedons….instant melting-)
Thank you in advance! Also it’s been awhile, how have you been?
genuinely still dont know much abt epic but hes kinda silly so lets see how this goes!! apologies if he's ooc im too lazy to look up anything about him
also ive been good thank you for asking ^^ livin life in beast mode since i got a cross bodypillow,,
motherfucker is WHIPPED goddamn 👴 always has some degree of a blush on his face when you're around,,,, or when he's talking about you,,, or thinking about you,,,,
you think his lil flushed cheeks are soo cute
because they ARE?? if only u knew they were flushed cuz of you <33
he likes to rant to anyone who'll listen abt how adorable you are. how in love with you he is. how he just wants to kiss your cute little face all over, leave you flushed and dizzy—
cross is FED UP with listening to his simping 😒😡
he's always so giddy around you. boundless energy, like you're some drug that gets his metaphorical heart pumping. really, you ARE like a drug to him. he's ADDICTED to you, the way you make him feel,,
ofc he'd never tell you that... that's too embarrassing!
until he decides to somehow make a stupid pick-up line.
"hey bruh, are you a drug? cuz i feel like im dying when im without you for an extended period of time."
WHY are you blushing at that horrible, stupid line?? he could have made it SO MUCH better, but this is SO him—silly and slightly nonsensical—and while it was kind of dumb, he's using a pick up line on you oh my god
nerd ass weeb anime mf will call you his waifu or husbando or whatever. it always makes you blush when he introduces you as "my awesome (waifu/husbando) whom i love" but you always just. brush it off as a joke. cuz i mean he can't ACTUALLY like you right? haha he's just overly friendly pshh ofc ourse he diesnt actually like you that's crazy—
sorry writing that actually made me cringe i cant believe he would say that 😭 life is so hard when that's my husband's best friend #savemefromepic
for the longest time he doesn't even realise that he's flustering you, but OH BOY, when he DOES become aware,,,, lord help your poor poor SOUL, you won't have a moment of rest
i mean, c'mon, he thinks you look so cute when you're all flustered because of him,,,, so adorable how your eyes widen fractionally, the way your lips press together, how you try to hide your heated face from anyone's view,,, so cute <33
dude double's down in his flirting. no matter how wild what he says is, you always get that cute look on your face that makes him want to kiss you so fucking bad bro
then, one day, after the two of you watched some stupid cliché romance anime where the female protagonist was pinned to the wall by her love interest...
it's like a lightbulb went off in his empty head. that's peak anime romance, so why doesn't he do that to you? he bets you'd get so embarrassed and cute if he did that~
except it kind of backfires. he slams his hands against the wall, effectively caging you between them, but he's a little shorter than you and the force he used rocked him right into your body and it's more like he just body-checked you than anything. it took all of his strength to make sure he didn't accidentally nail you in the nose with his big fat head. still, the close proximity got you all flushed.
he really can't help himself when he leans up and finally, finally kisses you. call it the heat of the moment, but it was the perfect opportunity. pressed up against the wall, so close to each other,,, when you just look so cute, your soft body against his bones feeling just right, like two perfect puzzle pieces coming together...
he could feel when your breath hitched, the way you tensed for but a moment before fervently kissing him back. your face is positively burning, but it makes the kiss all the better, feeling divine against his cooled cheeks, flushed with his own blush.
he pulls back and then...!! leaves. he disappears, falling into his bed and kicking his feet. he's totally squealing, fanboying harder than he ever has before.
you're allowed to kick his ass for just leaving you like that
but he'll text you later that night asking if you wanna be his "official (waifu/husbando)" because he's cringe and can't just ask if you wanna date the normal way.. </3
i keep cringing at him. have fun with your weeb man. i'm judging you for your tastes (/j)
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brimstvnehqs · 3 years
So after a long hiatus away from writing I’ve decided to come back and I’m looking for some more rp partners for discord! You can find my rules HERE  and my WID page HERE. Or if you’re mobile then they are both on the pinned post on my blog. 
Right now I am looking for some OC ships and below I have posted some plots that I would like to do. However I am not limited to these and I’m happy to discuss other plots if you have something you want to do, or if these plots just don’t do it for you but you still think we’re a good match! Please note that genders in these plots aren’t set in stone and can be switched up as either mxf or fxf!
If you’re interested in please do either IM me or simply like this post and I’ll come to you!
BURLESQUE: Kinda based on the movie. So either good girl moves to new city and gets a job in a burlesque club, where the bad boy already works as a waiter. He helps her to fit in and the rest is history. Or good guy moves to new city and gets a job as a waiter in a burlesque club where a femme fatale works as a dancer.
OPPOSITES ATTRACT: Muse a is a rich, successful person who lives in a mansion in a gated community and seems to have it all with their child. Muse b is living pay check to pay check in a one bedroom apartment downtown, who has given up hope on furthering their career. Muse b takes a job in Muse a’s home and they hit it off but not without obstacles on the way. Muse a gives Muse b the motivation to work on their career and Muse b shows Muse a there’s more to life then work.
PARTNERS IN CRIME: Both are monster/demon hunters, forced to work together and neither are happy about it. They constantly bicker and blame each other for everything, until maybe day it causes them to mess up and one gets seriously hurt (maybe even turned into a vampire or werewolf.) After that things change and they slowly the hate turns into love.
BAD HABITS: Very vague plot but just give me two people who are friends with benefits and even though they keep saying that’s the last time, they still go back to one another. They made a deal that feelings wouldn’t get in the way, until one becomes involved with someone else.
INTO YOU: Based on Ariana Grande’s Into You music video, Muse a’s a superstar, her life isn’t her own and she’s plunged into the limelight. She’s in a PR relationship with a jerk who’s only using her for his own clout but her manager won’t let her leave. Muse b’s her bodyguard and one of the only people who treats her like a normal person. They start up a secret relationship, always sneaking off together and falling madly in love with each other. They want to go public, but he knows he would lose his job and the scandal could really effect her career.
DIFFERENT WORLDS: The typical one’s a vampire and one’s a werewolf, think Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. She’s the vampire princess, living the easy life in the darkness. He’s a werewolf solider, created and trained to kill every last vampire since the war started thousands of years ago. His next target? The vampire princess. But what happens when he comes face to face with her and imprints on her? We could even do this but gender swap. Also bonus points if they’re based on more traditional style vampires and werewolves, maybe like Underworld.
MR AND MRS SMITH: I want to do a plot after the movie, maybe they’re on the run and just trying to survive together. We can just create our own OCs if preferred but still keep the plot of the movie. 
PART OF YOUR WORLD: Another brief one, but I would love to do a plot with a mermaid fascinated with the human world and befriends a human who at first doesn’t know who they really are. Give me cute moments of the mermaid learning human things and the angst of knowing they can’t be together but trying to find a way. Basically the Little Mermaid but our own modern day version.
ONCE UPON A DECEMBER: Heavily inspired by Anastasia, it can be set in modern day or in the past. One helping the other to try and remember who they are, but we can decide if they’re royalty or not. 
FAME: Muse a is a famous star, used to living in the limelight and dealing with the media, fans and everyone knowing their business. Muse b is just an ordinary person, who just so happens to be dating Muse a. Just a cute but angsty plot of Muse b trying to come to terms with now having their life plastered over the internet and everyone having an opinion on them.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: tw: crime, prison, drugs, alcohol. Muse a has had a bad life, getting into the wrong crowd at a young age and turning to drugs and alcohol. At 18 they are arrested and put in prison for armed robbery. Muse b is a do gooder, glass is half full and can never do no wrong kind of person, who volunteers at the local prison to talk to the inmates and to listen when needed. This is where muse a and muse b meet. Muse b helps muse a find the motivation to change their life once they get out. Now that muse a is out of prison they go to find muse b to carry on the friendship and for help as they try to get settled in a normal life away from crime. The friendship quickly turns into romance but what happens when muse a’s past comes to haunt them and old friends try to get them back into a life of crime?
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 3 years
What’s heartstopper? I really want something to hyperfixate on 😔
(this is literally me with percy jackson lol) 
ok so basically it’s a webcomic by alice oseman (@chronicintrovert, @spacezeros​, @aliceoseman)* that was inspired by her first novel, solitaire. it’s the backstory of the two solitaire side characters, nick nelson and charlie spring. in solitaire, they have a happy, healthy romantic relationship and heartstopper is just the story of how they got there. 
it’s certainly more fluffy than solitaire and the stories overlap at some parts so not everyone who reads heartstopper reads solitaire and vice versa. there are trigger warnings for when things get angsty, particularly chapter five and six. 
this brings us to the chapters. we’re currently coming to the end of chapter six (which you can read oh either tapas, webtoon[i think] or @heartstoppercomic). there will be eight chapters over the span of five real life volumes and were about to finish volume four. it should finish around may and im pretty sure the last volume four update will be on the 11th of may. each update is released on the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month. except for last march when it went on hiatus for a month. 
another notable event in the fandom was the 20th of january this year when a tv show was announced. most of us lowkey knew abt it already but that was when it became ✨ official ✨. and today the cast for nick and charlie has been released (kit connor as nick and joe locke as charlie). 
some more info i can’t stretch into linking sentences: 
-there are two novellas based off heartstopper and solitaire ‘this winter’ and ‘nick and charlie’ 
-characters from heartstopper are also present in alice’s second book ‘radio silence’ (though only aled features heavily) 
-there’s a heartstopper colouring book (personally haven’t got it yet sadly) 
-the book’s themes in order are crushes; sexuality crises; coming out; mental illness and volume five will cover asexuality in the solitaire narrator, tori. 
-there’s trans, gay, poc, nd etc. representation throughout the books 
-the heartstopper tv show will be available via netflix 
-you can find more info abt the show on the pinned post of alice’s main account 
-trigger warnings are more prevalent in the webcomic than the novels- the novels just have a vague sentence on the front page with all the boring stuff that i barely noticed until recently 
i think that’s all for now but i may come back with more. if you have anymore questions feel free to ask me :) 
*in order, these accounts are alice’s main, art blog and reblog uhm.. blog 
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delusionland · 3 years
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ABOUT. hello! my name is lucky! i’m a 25 y/o he/him butch lesbian! this is a multimuse blog for DISNEY & SUPERHERO muses, that aims to analyze & progress the western canon of american mythos with a leftist, lgbt+, and mentally ill spin.
my main focus on this blog is to examine and confront abusive dynamics, corrupt power structures and inherently problematic story structures that are fed to children from birth, and how the characters we love and love to hate cope with extreme trauma and their own distorted thinking & worlds, in order to grow as people into their found families and roles as mentors, celebrities, rulers or simply adults----or devolve into further negative or sideways character development to suit a character/societally critical narrative that highlights their flaws & the flaws in their writing for the benefit of thematic exploration.
but my secondary purpose on this blog is just to have fun, make friends, and be the most supportive person / hypeman i can be for my mutuals. i love to read hcs, i love to see liveblogging, i love to just see everyone on the dash! feel free to im me at any time (or ask for my discord if we’re mutuals), to shoot the shit, just talk about characters, and please never feel like i’m ghosting you bc i ALWAYS want to hear more about ur ideas, ur life, and ur passions, even if i am currently not up to plotting.
rules. muse list (w/ prose). carrd (rules & muse list with bios u/c). sideblog (other non-superhero / non-disney muses).
NOTE: this blog is currently on re-vamp semi-hiatus. what does that mean? it means until i get every bio up for my muses, i will be extra slow. i will mostly be on the dash to support my mutuals and see what excellent hcs and writing they’re doing, and occasionally post hcs. i am available for plotting---but right now, my brain is kinda mush and i’m trying to overcome brain fog and anxiety and put my charactes out there more, but in order to do that i want to make sure i’m 100% confident in my muses by writing all of their bios. once my bios are done, i will take this paragraph off my pinned and delve back into the chaos. until then, pls bear with me!
UNDER THE CUT IS A LIST OF MY MUSES WITH A KEY FOR EASY ACCESS. my muse list has also been updated for the final time as of 5/26/2021 on my muse page, here, and on my carrd. thank you for checking out my blog and have a wonderful day!
bold = i have special interest in this muse right now.
italics = i am kind of rusty on this muse right now, but still interested in rping with them.
asterisk / * = i have special interest in plotting with this muse.
red heart /  💖  = i have special interest in SHIPPING with this muse.
blue heart / 💙  = i have special interest in platonic / familial / mentorship relationships with this muse.
sparkles / ✨   = i have special hcs and a wishlist in mind that will help us write together, easier!
AVENGERS / GUARDIANS: thor * 💖💙✨, peter b. parker * 💙✨, steve rogers💖✨, sam wilson * 💖💙✨ , bucky barnes 💖💙✨ . wanda  *💖💙✨, gamora  *💖💙✨, peter quill 💖💙✨.
EX-TEEN HEROES: nico * 💙, chase * 💖💙, hazmat * 💖💙✨, mettle * 💖💙✨, finesse *  💖💙✨, david  💖💙✨, billy 💖💙✨, teddy *  💖💙 .
X-MEN: wolverine *  💖💙✨, rogue *  💖💙✨,  gambit *  💖💙✨.
SUPER ADULTIER-ADULTS:  clark *  💖💙✨, bruce wayne *  💖💙✨, alfred pennyworth * 💙✨,   poison ivy *  💖💙✨, lois lane 💖💙✨ *.
EX-SIDEKICKS TURNED 20+-SOMETHINGS: conner *  💖💙✨ , cass *  💖💙✨ ,  jason *  💖💙✨ , kaldur 💖💙✨ , tim  💖💙✨ .
ursula * 💖💙✨, beast * 💖💙✨, cruella * 💖💙✨,  eugene * 💖💙✨,  rapunzel * 💖💙✨,  gothel * 💖💙✨, elsa * 💖💙✨, hans * 💖💙✨,  kristoff  💖💙✨ , anna  💖💙✨, raya *  💖💙✨,  jack frost 💖💙, eda 💖💙.
diego  💖💙, vanya ,  ben * 💖💙✨, luther* 💖💙✨.
butcher  💖💙, starlight 💖💙✨, queen maeve* 💖💙✨.
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
some of y’all might have noticed the change in my blogs appearance. i know it’s an issue for people who have been “called out” to completely rebrand, and i really hope that i am not contributing to that.
part of it was to remove the javier peña stuff from my “brand.” this was in the works for the past couple days, and was originally going to be temporary, as it didn’t make sense to have a law enforcement official as my icon and header during this time, but i might just be keeping it this way. i like it.
the other major change is content and my creative output. i’ve been on and off hiatus for a while, struggling with creative inspo and anxiety over posting here, and while i was ready to come back, and even had two wip oneshots, that has been indefinitely postponed. i feel queasy when i open up a google doc to write.
i’m not comfortable posting my work here when it can be screenshotted and talked about behind my back on other platforms. i know i made a mistake. there’s an apology pinned to my page. if you still have issue with me, please say it to me, not on twitter where no one is likely to ever find out that i posted an apology. not that the post fixes things, it doesn’t. but it should stand for at least something. should i be comfortable continuing writing, i’ll be posting to ao3. maybe in a couple weeks, maybe more, i’ll get back to posting here.
i don’t blame anyone for what i did. it was my mistake. i’m incredibly sorry. i don’t expect forgiveness or acceptance, and anyone messaging me to say i did nothing wrong, thank you, but i did.
the only people i’m angry with are those who screenshotted stuff i wrote and didn’t expect many to see, and took it to a platform where i am not on, where i still don’t know the extent being said about me, but i’ve seen enough of to feel sick.
content on this blog until then will remain partly the aesthetics, and partly political content. im moving my effort for the next few weeks or so into another creative passion of mine, coding. i’m working on setting up a separate blog for that, so stay tuned.
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recent updates
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Years END | i: 09/11/2021
synopsis: in the year 2042, humanity had fled the surface of the earth, taking to underground bunkers due to a global devastational event 22 years ago. a giant tree erupted from inside the moon and sent asteroids and thick, astral branches reaching impossibly from the moon to the earth, anchoring the two celestial bodies together.  throwing the world into a chaotic mess of panic, the surface was deemed unlivable and only a select group of international government officials were allowed surface access until a law was passed that visitation above ground was allowed with set laws to abide. namjoon, a young man who lived on the surface when the world ‘ended’, had taken his younger brother who was born and raised underground to see the surface he had only read about in history books. only, when they get there, they meet someone who claimed to live on the surface; and without safety gear no less.  was the surface really as dangerous as they were lead to believe? 
pt. ii coming... eventually 
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Kitsune | v. autumn: 06/27/2021
synopsis:  Demons: man-eating, murderous monsters who would kill anyone for the blood of humans: be it man, woman, or child.  They have no need for comrades. Known cannibalize and kill other demons if they so choose. Demon Hunters are tasked with eliminating any and all demons without question, but what would come to pass if they were told that a demon saved a human life? Views, values, and relations become altered and absolutely nothing seemed human anymore.  Never sharpen a blade too much, lest you become the wounded.
pt. 5 of the Kitsune series
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Sugar, Spice and Everything Not So Nice: 09/02/2020
synopsis:  im changkyun is a prime sex worker at a local club.  nothing gets his pride swelling more than any poser off the street willing to come into his club and pin bills between the elastic of his fishnets and skin. what he finds more exhilarating than any show, pole climb or heated one-night stand, however; is the one sober woman sitting among her group of wasted friends in a velvet, vip booth. he’ll do anything to know everything about her; putting on a friendly smile was only the first step.
Sequel coming ... eventually 
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hey, my alien: 8/01/2020 (updates every sunday) [indefinite hiatus] 
synopsis:  you foolishly help an injured man you find outside your home. against your better judgment, you bring him inside even if he is bleeding beyond belief and you should’ve just taken him to a hospital. it’s only after you drag him into your bathtub and go to clean up the mess of blood staining your entryway do you realize that the blood isn’t red and that this man may not be your friend. and now, you’re stuck with him.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
It's ok if you don't want to answer this but I was wondering what you take meds for? I know you have said you have mental health problems and that you take antipsychotics but I wanted to ask why. Im not trying to be rude or nosey, it's just that I look up to you quite a lot and i have problems as well. Finding out you had to take tablets made me feel a bit better about taking my own. I always felt kind of ashamed about having to take antideppresants but not so much now I know you take stuff too.
I don’t mind answering this at all, especially if someone can relate to it. This is probably going to be a hell of a wordy response though, and may be triggering for some people to read, so proceed with caution guys. 
The story of my mental health is a really long one, and goes back quite far. It goes back to when I was a fetus actually. 
My mother was a drug addict, who used while she was pregnant with me (my dad was unaware of this), and as a result I was born with minor ‘defects’. My lungs didn’t form properly, and a part of my stomach tubing is malformed (We’ll come back to that). During labour, I tore the womb on my way out and nearly killed my mother. 
The trauma of that, as well as her own mental health and addiction issues made it hard for her to bond with me. It’s worth noting that my mum was 19 when I was born, but my dad was 32. They were married about a month before my birth and split up three days later. 
They shared custody for the first year of my life until something went down, but I’m not sure what, and my father took full custody. 
He was a good dad in his defence. He loved me, and did anything he could to keep me safe and happy. But when I was 18 months old, he met another woman and eventually married her. 
My stepmother didn’t want me as a part of her family, but put on a good show for my dad and the rest of the world. Behind closed doors though, she physically and mentally tortured me. The stuff she did to me was vile and it left me quite damaged. 
Because of the stomach deformity, I am prone to vomiting. I was also starved on a regular basis by my stepmother, which left me quite malnourished. I was deathly afraid of her, so when I was sick I didn’t tell anyone because I was afraid of being punished for it. Eventually, I was found out, and my stepmother managed to convince people the vomiting was why I was so skinny. I don’t have a fucking clue how it was never mentioned that I have a hiatus hernia and that’s why I was sick, it was in my medical notes, and I found out when I was 13. 
This kind of stuff continued throughout my childhood. My stepsister had a son when I was 9, and she didn’t really want him, so I had to take care of him. My grandfather died and my granny was very ill, so our living room was turned into a bedroom for her. I nursed her, raised a baby (who called me mum the first time he ever spoke) and all the while I was beaten, starved and tortured. I couldn’t handle it and tried to kill myself when I was 11. 
Because of the suicide attempt, I was put into a childrens home. The abuse could never be proved because the only witness was my stepsister, and she had often joined in so she wasn’t inclined to back me up. My dad decided that he wanted to take his wifes side, and not mine. 
Being in care was not an easy thing, and there was other kinds of abuse to be suffered. Eventually, I snapped. I became incredibly violent, to the point where I can’t excuse the things I did. I would snap, and the people I hurt weren’t always the people trying to hurt me. I hurt innocent people. 
As is the norm, at 16 I was tossed out. I lived in hostels for a while until I managed to get an apartment/flat, but it was in a small town quite a way from the city. I was unable to get help for my mental health, and I declined rapidly. 
That was when i started blacking out. Sometimes it would only be for a few minutes, sometimes it would be for longer. The longest was three days, three days I lost. I once came back to myself while holding a knife to my own chest. I often woke up covered in blood, wounded or miles away from my home. 
That was when I got put in a psychiatric ward where I ended up for a year. 
After being released, I moved 600 miles away to be close to my boyfriend, because he loved me. It was an idiotic thing to do of course, and I quickly learned that once I was there. 
Then my dad had a breakdown, and in the process reached out to me. He ended up on the same ward I had been on and it made him realise the depth of his mistakes. He admitted he knew what had happened to me as a child and he felt guilty. I forgave him, because I’ve fucked up enough in my life to not hold it against someone who truly wants forgiveness. 
My dad got better and moved away from my childhood home, and got a divorce. When he found out I was in an abusive relationship, he drove to England and got me and brought me to live with him. 
I live alone now, and it’s been years since all this happened. But the damage is done, and the wounds aren’t bleeding anymore but they are scarred. There’s much more to it, so much more. There’s the years of self-harming, the singular traumatic events, the betrayals, but I’ve told you the bare bones of my story. 
I could tell you all my diagnoses, list all the damn acronyms, but it wouldn’t explain anything. I struggle to say present in the world, and not disassociate. I have severe anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, paranoia... It’s not exactly shocking.  
What I can tell you is this. I saw my first psychiatrist when I was five years old. I have been seeing them since. I have been to every kind of therapy, taken so many different drugs. It doesn’t always help. But I knew a girl, call her Emily. She was a couple of years older than me, and so much worse. The stuff she had been through made my childhood look idyllic. I had to take her to hospital more than once, I had to talk her off the ledge, pin her to the ground to stop her hurting herself when “they” were trying to get her. 
Emily has a husband and a daughter now. She posted photos on Facebook a couple of weeks ago of her trip to London Comic-Con, her little girl dressed up as Belle. Emily got better. Emily fought for it, she made it, she won and she keeps winning. 
This battle I’ve been fighting my whole life, it IS winnable. 
Take your meds anon, and don’t be ashamed of it. We all have our demons, and they aren’t comparable. We all have our struggles, we all have our own battles. Don’t waste time or energy feeling bad for needing to take a pill to help you fight your fight. If you have a vitamin deficiency, you take vitamins, and if your brain doesn’t produce quite enough serotonin, you take an antidepressant. 
Strength, true strength, is in admitting you need help, be if from a therapist, a pill or a friend. There’s not a single person in the history of humanity who didn’t struggle with something at some point. We are not infallible, we are not unbreakable. Our beauty comes from the way we piece ourselves back together. I’m still working on that part, and I can’t wait to see what I’ll be when I’m finished. The excitement for what i can one day be is far more important than any shame I might feel from needing to take some medication to help me get there. 
Like I said, we all have our battles, and in a battle, you need a weapon. Think of the medication like a blade, stabbing at the demons in your head, and by taking the pills, you’re picking up the sword. 
Don’t be ashamed. Be brave, be beautiful and fight. You’ve got this, and I can’t wait to see what you become one day. 
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timeisthewound · 5 years
Mick Mars MSN Chat Transcript
01-feb-2005 DishDiva says: Mick, welcome to MSN Live! Mick_Mars_Live says: Hi. DishDiva says: It's great to have you here for the first time! Christi4618 in Onstage_1 asks: What's is the feeling you get when you perform live. P.S. YOU ROCK SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you, the feeling I get is I go into a whole different world. Very euphoric. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick,, Do you still have your Mirror Guitar and the Theater Of Pain Guitar?? They were awesome!! - Watton, Guadalajara Vincevixen in Onstage_1 asks: Are you ever going to write your own Biography, Diane Ontario, Canada. Love you forever. Mick_Mars_Live says: I don't have the mirror guitar anymore but I do have the Theatre of Pain guitar, I keep my guitars in the studio, they don't go on tour. Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you for loving me, I need love right now. I am thinking about it, but you never know. motleycruefan88 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick im a new Crue fan and im 16. Is there anything you can tell me about the new tour, what to expect? Mick_Mars_Live says: It's gonna be really crazy, over the top, Circus de Soleil, it's going to be loud and nothing you've ever seen. I promise. DishDiva says: What are you doing to prepare for the show? Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm learning songs I haven't played in 20 years. We're rehearsing and getting the show together and the costumes and acrobats and fire breathers together. That kind of stuff. Newtattoo222 in Onstage_1 asks: Which of your guitars means most to you and why? Mick_Mars_Live says: All of them mean something to me so that's a tough one to pin down. It's like girlfriends and past girlfriends and past wives. That's a tough question to answer my favorite right now Fender built me two Stratocasters and there's a black and a white one. marschick69 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you have rituals before a show? tommi from ok Mick_Mars_Live says: No, not really. I just play my guitar before to limber up my fingers, there's no meditation. I do sacrifice women though. (laughs) CrueCi_Fied in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick, what do you do to prepare yourself for being on the road for so long? Scott - Edmonton Mick_Mars_Live says: Some things you just do. It's what I do, it's what I love to do. I'm sure that you have a job, how do you get up every day. It's the same for me, it's what I love to do. It's my gig. punkett527641 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you glad to be back with the guys preforming again? Mick_Mars_Live says: Of course. The four of us, it's crazy when you have to go on. I call it more of a separation than a breakup, so it's all good. Shout1985 in Onstage_1 asks: Mick, what's your favorite Crue song? - Atlanta, Ga. Mick_Mars_Live says: Hmmm. To play or listen to? To play would be "Primal Scream." MentallyTwistedWolf in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick Been Waiting over 20 years to see you live! Are you gonna make it to Indy or Louisville before my twisted mind goes on permanent hiatus? Mick_Mars_Live says: Oh yeah! We'll be there. I think we'll be there in February. I believe. Moonstarchic2004 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, What got u into the music world, I have been a fan for a long time I will be going to my first Crue concert at Mci center in D.C. I cant wait. Luv Ya Mick_Mars_Live says: When I was 3 years old I went to a 4H fair and there was a country western band player, Skeeter Bond was playing and he came out with his big bright orange Stetson. I knew  inmediately what I wanted to do! crue887 in Onstage_1 asks: Whats up with that 20 minute solo? i read about it in an interview with nikki. - Craig, MA Mick_Mars_Live says: What 20 minute solo? I don't know if I know 20 minutes on the guitar. (laughs) Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: If you weren't in a rock band, what would you be doing? Amarillo, Tx Mick_Mars_Live says: Strippin'! (laughs) Newtattoo222 in Onstage_1 asks: Who would you like to play you in the movie of 'The Dirt' Mick_Mars_Live says: Colin Farrell because he's better looking than me. Paulyc75 in Onstage_1 asks: I'm so psyched!! I had to hide my 'Theatre of Pain' tape from my mother oh so many years ago!! Now I can't wait to take my pregnant wife to see the Crue!! Mick_Mars_Live says: Very cool. I'm flattered, thank you. Jamespain0 in Onstage_1 asks: With only 2 weeks away from your first show, are you feeling nervous, excited, worried? Mick_Mars_Live says: I always get concerned about the first few shows. Once they are over, then I'm thinking it's a piece of cake. MA_86 in Onstage_1 asks: What are your advice to someone (like me) who wants to start a band? You Rock, by the way = ). Gerda, Sweden Mick_Mars_Live says: I had to search for so long to find the right people. Just find some people until you feel it's right. Don't be afraid to tell them if it's not right and keep looking until it is right. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick!! Are you playing this tour your horizontal slide guitars you used on the Feelgood tour? I hope you guys come to Mexico again!! - Dave, Mexico City Mick_Mars_Live says: No, I don't think I'll be using those this year. I do think we are playing Mexico but I'm not sure when. stereoguy75 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you like the new songs as much as the old? Mick_Mars_Live says: Yeah because they are becoming more current sounding. I'm not dating the old songs, but it's hard to keep up with the times and still sound like Motley Crue. Latexluv_2 in Onstage_1 asks: Could you tell us the meaning of the scorpion tattoo on your hand? Latexluv, Dallas, TX Mick_Mars_Live says: I like Scorpios. I like to feel the sting. Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: Was shooting the video "If I Die Tomorrow" rough for you? Amarillo, Tx Mick_Mars_Live says: It was a little bit hard for me because I just had gotten out of the hospital. It went pretty quick though, it was only about 8 or 9 hours. It was ok, a little rough in some spots, but it was ok. Nikkimars1 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey how do you like being on tour? DishDiva says: Something you look forward to? Mick_Mars_Live says: Always! Yeah, very fun. A lot of times people will come up to me and ask if I remember them, that's the hard part, you meet so many people it's hard to remember every one you meet. 9GUNNZ in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, glad you could be here, did you ever think Motley Crue would still be sitting high on top of the Rock -n- Roll mountain after 20+ years? Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm not trying to sound conceited because I'm not, but I had every intention. NikkiSixx_MotleyCrue1 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, how are you? How does your family feel about the Crue tour and do you read fan fiction? HJ, AZ Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm not married, but my mom and dad are thrilled I'm able to go on tour. DishDiva says: Were your parents always supportive of your career in music? Mick_Mars_Live says: No. They always totally supported me and the music world. They were regretful that they couldn't help me more. ♫♫♫t©hΦμρρe♫♫♫ in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, how many guitars you have to bring on tour? Mick_Mars_Live says: Not very many, 6 or 8. nightbaby2007 in Onstage_1 asks: Mic how did you guys come up with the song if i die tomorrow?it is a cool song. Mick_Mars_Live says: Nikki came up with the song. He just went in and did it. It is a cool song, it's a fun song to play. ĸοЯŋ_ŁûvęЯ in Onstage_1 asks: Seeing you guys will be my first concert ever ill just have turned 18 and its the best birthday present ive ever had! THANK YOU!!!!YOU ROCK!!! Mick_Mars_Live says: That is great. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick!! You rock my world!! Do you guys plan to play DANGER live on tour?? That song is a Classic!! - Dave ,Mexico City Mick_Mars_Live says: We're not playing that particular song but we are playing songs off that album. We haven't played them in such a long time. We'll play some really cool older stuff and some new stuff. It progresses, it's all good. Overglam in Onstage_1 asks: Are you ready to go to Europe to kick major ass! it's been a long time ! JoNixx from France Mick_Mars_Live says: Of course. I love Paris, that's my place! Yes we'll be there soon. AllisterFiend77 in Onstage_1 asks: What advice would you give to a beginning guitar player? Mick_Mars_Live says: I guess I would say (this is going to sound corny) but be true to your roots. Whatever you like best like rock, jazz, blues, stay with what you love because if you don't you'll regret it. MA_86 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi, Mick. You Rock! Your favourite song to listen to, then? Gerda, Sweden Mick_Mars_Live says: The Jimi Hendrix song "Angel." Vincevixen in Onstage_1 asks: I know Beck was a huge influence for you(great choice) any other influences that are that strong for you? Diane Ont, Canada Mick_Mars_Live says: Lots of people. Jimi Hendrix, Alvin Lee, Jimmy Page, Michel Bloomfield, Eric Clapton, a lot of people like that. I could name a million more, but I'll leave it like that. badboyrocker77 in Onstage_1 asks: hi mick my wife and i are taking our six year old daughter to your spokan show its her first and she loves the crue!! Mick_Mars_Live says: That's cool. I love new fans, especially young ones. Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: What was one of the best times you've had with Motley Crue over the years? Amarillo, Tx ClassicAndHardRockIsBest in Onstage_1 asks: What is one of your most memorable moments? Patrick from Waukegan, Illinois Mick_Mars_Live says: Let's see... Probably... I was in Sweden, we were playing there and the first night three Swedish girls took me home. It wasn't a sexual thing, we just had fun. gurneecrue in Onstage_1 asks: Mick, Do you still have the red corvette seen in "motley crue uncensored"?-Kent, Chicago Mick_Mars_Live says: Yes. Jamespain0 in Onstage_1 asks: Whats the hardest crue song to play and get right? James from London Mick_Mars_Live says: "Afraid" off the "Generation" album. There were so many electronics going on and it was hard to copy the synthesizers. I still have trouble with that song and that album too. DishDiva says: Mick, we have so many audience questions about where you guys will be on tour. Is there one place you are really looking forward to going? Mick_Mars_Live says: I think Argentina because I haven't been there before. I have a lot of favorite places, but I'm really looking forward to Argentina because we haven't been there before. DishDiva says: Mick, thanks for taking the time to stop by to talk with fans about the tour. DishDiva says: From all of your fans here on MSN, best of luck with the tour! Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you for staying with us, thank you for being Motley fans, I can speak for the rest of the guys, we all love you and will see you on tour!
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paintrider13-blog · 7 years
Your Heart is as Black as Night
Im back bitches. 
ha ha ha I had to say it. So this is an attempt to get my feet wet. I have been on hiatus for almost 8 months, my life got super crazy, I had to make some adjustments and I had to reevaluate my life. Hopefully I will be able to start posting again. I can’t thank my newest friend @pinknerdpanda for being amazing enough to read through this with me and fuel my Benny obsession.  This came up after listening to Your heart is as black as night by Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa. I am a die hard for jazz music. I love the sultry feel, the vibe, all of it! Hope you enjoy! Here is a link to the song xx
I tagged only those that I have kept in contact with. If you would like to be added let me know. 
Pairing: Reader x Benny
Word Count: 2917
Warning: Smut
There was chatter across the bar as you stepped on stage. You set your tumbler of whiskey on the back of the piano as you passed, your heels clicking on the hardwood of the stage. You swayed your hips and let the silk of your dress slide against your skin, putting off a sultry vibe, stopping at the large microphone at the center of the stage. You licked your red stained lips scanning the crowd. This was your place, on stage with the band.
“Hello boys!” You crooned, smiling as the crowd whistled and catcalled. You loved singing here. The smell of alcohol and cigar smoke, all the people, it was your favorite place to be, even if it was illegal.
This particular speakeasy drew all sorts of men, sailors, mob bosses, the rich, even the coppers. It was quite the mash of men. The bar was packed tonight, not an empty seat in the place. You smiled at the chief of police that was sitting near the back, and winked at the fire chief sitting in the front row tonight. The entire crowd of men were dressed to the nines, from their double breasted suits to their wing tipped shoes and hats. It was always a good night when you were singing.
“What’ll it be tonight?” You asked scanning each of the men in the crowd. Some called out, others whistled. You smiled in response, nodding and winking at a few of them. It was much easier to sing to a crowd that was enthralled and engaged.
You smiled as you thought about what to sing, scanning the dimly lit room until your eyes found his. Piercing blue eyes framed by long dark lashes. He had been in every night for almost three weeks. You hadn’t spoken to him. But you had asked around and listened to what others said. He was a guard for a well to do captain. He was soft spoken, very polite, but there was something in his eyes. It sparked your curiosity beyond belief.
“I have something for you,” you purred trailing the fingers of one hand up the stand of the microphone. “Boys, Your Heart,” you called over your shoulder to the band.
The pianist smiled at you before slipping his fingers over the keys, coaxing the melody from them. The drummer joined in and the upright bass. You swayed, closing your eyes, opening them to meet startling blue ones as you began to sing.
Oooooh, oooooh, oooh, oohhhh, ohhhh,
Your eyes may be whole but the story I’m told is Your heart is as black as night Your lips may be sweet such that I can’t compete But your heart is as black as night
You cupped the mike as you sang, swaying your hips in time with the base line. You smiled as the men whistled before settling back to listen.
I don’t know why you came along At such a perfect time But if I let you hang around I’m bound to lose my mind ‘Cause your hands may be strong But the feeling’s all wrong Your heart is as black as night
I don’t know why you came along At such a perfect time But if I let you hang around I’m bound to lose my mind 'Cause your hands may be strong But the feeling’s all wrong Your heart is as black as night
You let your eyes wander the bar as your guitarist played. You loved having a break in the songs to allow you to look around. The entire bar was mesmerized, the men leaning forward in their seats, cigars and drinks left forgotten on the tables. The blue eyed man was kicked back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. You bit your blood red bottom lip and winked at him as you started to sing again, this time to him. Your eyes may be whole but the story I’m told is Your heart is as black as night Your lips may be sweet such that I can’t compete But your heart is as black as night
As you sang you let your hands float around the mike, cupping it towards you, leaning the stand to the side as you leaned with it, after all It was all about the show. You seduced and helped feed fantasies as you sang.
I don’t know why you came along At such a perfect time But if I let you hang around I’m bound to lose my mind
'Cause your hands may be strong But the feeling’s all wrong Your heart is as black, your heart is as black Oh, your heart is as black as night, as night, as night
Ooooh, oohh, oooooh, ohh, ooooh, oohhh, oohhh.
The bar went wild. Men all over the bar lept from their chairs and stools applauding you. You smiled and curtsied slightly. This would be a good night.
You finished your set, watching Blue Eyes the whole time. He sat quietly, clapped at the end of each song, and had a few drinks. As you ended your last song he got up, tipped his head to you, and made his way towards the door. You frowned a little as you made your way off stage.  
“Hey doll, you okay?” Tommy, your pianist, asked taking your arm behind stage.
“Of course I am! You guys were great tonight!” You smiled at him placing your hand on his arm.  “I love being on stage with you!” You kissed him on the cheek.
“You are amazing. We haven’t ever had a singer that fits so well with us,” the trombone player smiled at you as he threw back a drink.
“You guys make it so easy. There are very few things that match a good combo group.” You smiled. “You boys better get back out there. I will be back after I get a drink.” You told them as you made your way towards the bar.
You grabbed a tumbler of whiskey before making your way down the hall behind the stage towards the prep room in the back.  
The lights were off when you stepped inside, you closed the door behind you and leaned against it taking a pull from your glass.
“You’ve got quite a set of pipes there Cher.” A quiet voice drawled from the darkness.
“Thank you,” you replied stifling a gasp placing one hand to your chest where your heart was beating erratically from the scare.
“The pull of your voice an’ beauty is what brings me back each night.” He replied, he had a southern drawl that rolled off his tongue and sent shivers across your skin.
“I am glad you find joy in what I do.”
“I do.” You could hear him moving across the room towards you.
You stood quietly trying to decide if this man was a threat. Before you could really make a decision, he was on you. His lips were a ghost of a touch against yours, he pulled away letting you breathe.
You hesitated for a second, this was not something you should be doing, but you couldn’t help yourself. You pressed your lips back to his, threading your arms up around his broad shoulders. He was quite a bit taller then you, as you slid your tongue along his lips he stooped down catching the backs of your thighs lifting you and pinning you back against the door. You heard the click of the lock behind you.
You had no idea who this man was. but his kiss set fire to your entire body. You laid your head back against the door as he kissed along your jaw and down your neck. It took all you had to hold onto your glass.
“You taste like heaven,” he growled sliding one hand back to cup your ass through the silk of your dress. The slit on the right side had ridden up to your hip bearing your entire right leg to his touch. His hands were rough, catching in the silk of your dress, but his touch was gentle.
“Mmm,” you moaned. One of his large hands slid up your side to tease your breast through your dress. He pulled you against him and made his way across the room to the table standing against the wall. He set you on the edge and captured your lips again.
You pulled at the buttons on his shirt and exposed a broad chest dusted with hair with each button popped. You pushed his shirt back off his shoulders with his coat letting them fall to the floor. There was light from the moon filtering through the small window allowing you to see him. Allowing you to see crystal blue eyes staring back at you.
“Mmm Blue Eyes,” you smirked kissing down his jaw letting the stubble tease your lips.
“God Y/N,” he moaned as your hands roamed his chest and back. Of course he knew your name, it was always whispered among the crowd and patrons when you sang.
You pushed him a step back from the table and stood. You made a show of pulling at each finger tip on your long gloves before sliding them off dropping them to the floor.  You bit your lip as you unzipped the back of your dress, you slid the straps off your shoulders and let it flutter to the floor in a pool around your feet.
“God you look like an angel.” He stepped back further to see your entire body in the light of the moon.
“Mmm, but there are horns holding my halo straight.” You smiled invitingly at him, sitting back on the table, your red heels still on. You leaned back bracing yourself on one arm.
“I don’t doubt that Cher,” he drawled stepping between your bare thighs. He trailed his fingers up the outside of your thigh, passing your core to trace your belly button, and up through the valley between your breasts. You whined when he didn’t touch anything you ached for him to.
“Greedy little thing aren’t ya?” He chuckled cupping your head and pulling your lips to his.
You threaded your fingers in his belt loops and pulled him flush to your body. The silk of his trousers was tented where he was standing at full attention. The friction from the silk covering his hard cock made you moan into his mouth. You couldn’t get enough of him. He had a broad chest that tapered down to narrow hips. He was covered in a smattering of brown hair that teased your fingers and lips wherever you touched him. He was all corded muscle, proof that was used to hard work just as people had told you. You slid your hands down his chest to pop the button on his pants, followed by the zipper so you could drop them to pool around his feet.
“Oh God!” He moaned when you cupped him. He was a large man, and not just in stature.  You moaned at the feel of him in your hand. This was a man made to be used for long hours in bed.
You teased his tip with your fingers, smearing precum all over his tip before sliding your hand up and down his shaft, reaching down to cup his balls with your other hand. He kissed his way down your neck nibbling your collarbone before moving down to take your nipple into his mouth. He spread one large hand against your back to keep you held against his face when you arched back. He trailed the fingertips of his other hand down your torso, he winked at you before sliding his fingers down through your slick heat.
“My, my Cher, so wet already.” He cooed moving to your other nipple. You were forced to drop your hand from his balls as he slipped two thick fingers into your dripping pussy. You arched back thrusting your breast further into his mouth gyrating down on his fingers.
“I want you,” you whispered taking his earlobe between your teeth as you lined him up with your opening.  
“I’m all yours Cher,” he breathed back sliding his fingers from your wet heat.
He didn’t waste any time. He slid himself deep in one thrust. You bit down on his shoulder to keep from screaming out at the sheer size of him. He stilled to give you a second to breathe as your body stretched to accommodate his size.
“Fuck me,” you purred in his ear rolling your hips against him.
“My pleasure Cher,” he growled. He pulled back and slid home, bottoming out before he started moving at a back breaking pace.
You moved your hands to his upper arms and held on for dear life as you met him thrust for thrust. You wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled, urging him harder and faster. You could feel your core winding tighter and tighter as he thrust into you. He dropped one hand to tease your nipples making you throw your head back in ecstasy, trying in vain to keep your moans quiet.
You suddenly pushed back on his chest, causing him to step back in surprise. You dropped from the table, laughing at the look on his face, as you bent over the table waving your ass in the air at him.
“That’s a stunnin’ view Cher,” he said gruffly, cupping your ass and spreading you open before sliding back into you. At this angle, he seemed even bigger. You braced your arms against the wall behind the table and pressed back into him crying out at the feeling of him bottoming out.
He grasped both of your hips so hard you were sure you would have bruises when he was done, and pounded into you. You bit down on your upper arm to keep from screaming loud enough for the entire bar on the other side of the all to hear you.
“Y/N,” he groaned as his rhythm stuttered. He was close. You arched your back up, bringing your back flush with his chest reaching back to cup his face, changing the angle. You felt your entire body wind impossibly tighter as he hit your g-spot dead on. You screamed out as your body exploded around him, he quickly covered your mouth with his hand to try and keep you quiet. As you sunk your teeth into the flesh of his palm trying to stop your moans you heard his sharp intake of breath through his teeth. He growled as he drove himself home one last time, his entire body spasming against you as he finished deep inside you.  
The room was filled with the sound of the bar coming through the wall, and both of you breathing hard trying to catch your breath. You stayed pressed against his chest, his hand had dropped from your mouth, resting on the top of your breasts. He let his head fall forward to lean against your head.
“My God Blue Eyes, that was definitely worth it,” you said quietly once you finally caught your breath.
“I’ve been comin’ in here for weeks. E’ry night you sing, it got worse and worse.” He told you kissing the side of your neck. Though you could feel him softening as he slipped out of you, he still didn’t let go of you. He brought his other arm down to wrap around your torso keeping you against his chest. “All I could think ‘bout was kissing your lips, the feel a your skin on mine.” He sucked at spot on your neck, you knew there would be mark there.
“Then why did you wait so long?” You questioned rolling your head to the side to give him better access to your neck.
“Because, you are out of reach for a man like me.” He sucked again licking the spot with his tongue.
“That is not true,” you told him. How would he know?
“It is Cher, you couldn’t have said it better. My heart is as black as night.” He quoted your song from earlier.
“Maybe it’s time you found some light Blue Eyes.” You told him turning your face towards him. He shifted and turned you in his arms, looking down at you.
“Maybe,” he kissed you, lingering against your lips.
“Stay for my last set.” You begged against his lip.
“Why would you want me to to that Cher?” He asked pulling away.
“I want more of this,” you purred taking his dick in your hand.
“I don’t think I can deny that request from an angel.” He smiled at you before stepping away, sliding out of your hand. He gathered his pants from his ankles and pulled them up. He buckled them and reached for his shirt sliding it on, before turning back to you.
“Then I will see you.” You smiled, grabbing the front of his open shirt. You pulled him in for another scorching kiss. He pulled away, cupping your face before he turned and left the room, leaving you standing in nothing but your shoes.  
If you want to be added to a tag list or if you want to be added to anything let me know!
@atc74 @pinknerdpanda @the-most-useless-cunt @just-another-busy-fangirl @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @chelsea072498 @tankcupcakes @death2thevirgin
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pLEASE MAKE SECOND PART OF THE VALENTINES DAY WITH YANDERE SAL im so curious what happened aaah- Anon - 💙
(Feb 14th 2019)
[Female Reader]
Your eyes slowly opened revealing the familiar space of Sal’s room, you had been there a few times but you didn’t remember falling asleep there. A cold hand rests itself on your cheek and you flinch back, Sal’s scarred face looms over you as you blink the fuzziness from your gaze, trying to focus on your surroundings.
“Good morning My Love,” he greets you, a frown crosses his face as he looks down at you, “What’s wrong you look sad?” He questions lightly rubbing his thumb over your cheeks, “Aren’t you excited? From now on you’ll never have to leave me again. Isn’t that great?” You could hear the joy drip from his lips as he continued to talk. Struggling beneath him you let a mangled scream as you tug helplessly on the restraints holding you to the bed. He hands shot down to your shoulders pinning them to the soft surface of the bed, “What’s wrong Darling? I thought you’d be excited.” he whispered his lips placed against the shell of your ear, his breath fanning over it.
Letting out a weak whimper you pull yourself away from him, “S-sal, why?” you whisper, tears forming in your eyes as you shifted to look at him.
Carefully Sal runs his calloused fingers under your swollen eyes, ridding them of the clear liquid they had formed. “Shhhh, its okay my dear,” he whispers as he pulls himself away and off the bed, “Its a simple answer really” he pauses as he walks over to his closet, his hands gripping at the small nobs before he pulls it open. Hundreds of pictures of you covered the walls of the closet, many were pictures Ash had taken while others were far more personal, some were of you sleeping, others you changing. Some of your possessions also littered the space, old bandages, an apple core, a sweater, a stuffed animal you had given him, etc. Sal’s voice brought your attention back to him as he stood beside his shrine a proud smile on his face, “For so long I’ve wanted to be mine” his smile falters slightly as he pulls something from behind his back, the reflective surface of the metal catching the small bit of light that illuminated the room. “Mine alone” he whispers as flings his body towards the bed, landing harshly on top of you, the knife barely inches from your chest. You held your breath as both you and Sal stared at the pointed objected, seconds of silence went by before his gaze moved to your face as tears streamed down it. “Now no one will even be able to take you away from me,” He whispered as he wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, “Not Larry, Not Ash, Not Chug, NOT ANYBODY!” Your body jerks violently beneath him as metal hit flesh over and over again, until there was silence. Fresh tears fell from Sal’s eyes as he stared at your chest, bloody and ripped open thanks to his work with the knife. A small smile stretched across his face as he lightly runs his thumb comfortingly along your cheek, leaving a large blood smear on the skin, “I’m sorry my love I didn’t mean to lose my temper. Don’t worry I’ll patch you right up.
Good as new”
Happy Valentine’s Day every one! Coming off of Hiatus to bring you some Yandere, I hope you enjoy!
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