#im on the mink side even more tbh
sleepy-hyperfixations · 5 months
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hotshotshitshow · 7 years
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another char profile page thing bc i have the time to do it rn!!! 
its vivi time 
Basic Information
Full Name: Vivienne. she did have a last name but im in the process of changing it so she’s just vivienne right now Nicknames/Aliases: vivi Titles:  Age: appears to be ~21 years old, but she died in the 1920′s so technically she’s much older Gender: lady Orientation: lesbian. she gay af Species: human // phantom Birthday:  Occupation: she was originally a pokem.on oc, and was my ice type gym leader. as she is no longer a poke.mon oc, she was a factory worker while she was alive who aspired to be an actress. Powers: after she is dead, she gains many abilities that ghosts or even low-level demons would have, mostly centered around ice Living Family: none Hometown: Current Residence: 
Physical Characteristics Height: 5′2 Hair: brunette Eyes: hazel Body Type: she does not have much of a figure. looks very “delicate” and is very petite but has a very boxy head Distinguishing Marks: shes got a ton of moles all over her body, her most defining ones i guess are the two on her nose and then one on her jawline Left or Right-Handed:  Quirks/Habits: has to be extra about most things and do everything with a flourish. very physically dramatic and expressive
Medical Information Addictions: cigarettes Aids/Augmentations: Allergies: Conditions: Physical Abnormalities: Blood Type: Mental Illnesses:  Other Notes: None
Mental/Personality Attributes Known Languages: italian, french, very very limited english Positive Traits: very charming and easy to talk to, an excellent listener, affectionate, much more of a giving person while she is dead, curious, easily entertained and loves to entertain in return, ambitious Neutral Traits: extremely vain, very dramatic, secretive Negative Traits: incredibly needy, possessive (in both senses of the word), spoiled/self-serving to a fault, extremely vindictive, petty as fuck Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist:  Introvert or Extrovert: extrovert Fears: abandonment/being alone forever, never acheiving her dreams and getting out of life what she thinks she rightfulyl deserves Secrets: she dead and also she does not come from the background she’s told everyone she has
Likes/Dislikes General Likes: A GOOD TIME, parties and socializing!! just being around people!!, a good story (if someone is willing to sit down and tell her a good long story or even read to her, its her favorite thing), baths, smelling good/looking her best, feeling fancy, movies and anything to do with cinema, american culture General Dislikes: nosy people, being alone, not being treated with the respect she demands, anything that reminds her of her mortality, losing attention, not being caught up on or aware of whats going on around her especially with world events Favorite… Animal: arctic foxes, minks Color: Food: anything expensive that she didnt have to pay for Music Genre:  Season: spring
Relationships Best Friend(s): harsha Other Friends: carrot Acquaintances: Significant Other(s): nug Rivals: Enemies: gya, sev Pets: 
i have such a hard time with vivi because i love her dearly but at the same time she irritates the hell out of me for multiple reasons
she was originally a po.ke.mon oc and was my ice type specialist, with her team being wea.vile, cryog.onal, and fro.slass. 
vivi’s whole thing is that i created her due to an interest in costumes from the venetian carnival, especially with the masks. 
vivi was a girl who was born in a small town in italy around the turn of the century and wanted nothing more than to be a HOLLYWOOD STAR and live a life of luxury and glamour. her actual living situation couldnt be more far from her dream. she died at the age of 21 due to Very Unfortunate Circumstances, and her spirit lived on on the snowy mountain on which she was killed, fueled by pure rage and the goal of one day exacting revenge on those who killed her.
while dead, vivi inhabits a lonely chateau on the side of the mountain, and offers refuge to hikers who may have lost their way. this is basically her only form of communication with other people, and she is often very lonely and has long since been left out of the loop on world events and what has happened since she’s died
vivi wants nothing more than to be alive again and feels that is is extremely unjust that her life was lost and she never got the opportunity to live out her dreams. being the incredibly vain person that she is, she’s kept her body frozen solid to preserve it as best she can in the basement of her home in hopes that maybe somehow someday she can use it again. 
in the meantime, she has developed the unfortunate habit of coveting bodies that are similar to her own, and if she ever comes across a traveler that she thinks is similar enough to how she looked, she will do her best to earn their trust and win them over before killing them for the sole purpose of possessing their lifeless body and essentially using it as a puppet so that she may appear more real. 
due to this, she dresses in robes and flashy clothing that cover her entire body, and wears masks inspired by the venetian carnival so that no one ever can tell that she’s a different body.
there is an au beansly and i have where nug is a necromancer who has successfully joined vivi’s spirit and body again and she lives with nug and vita as nug’s frosty undead girlfriend so tbh if i ever draw Alive Vivi palling around with any of our other characters please keep in mind that its likely just from an au and isnt part of the canon story
she is very ashamed of her life before she died, so she will often tell people that she was a small-time actress and the world moved on without her and all of her recordings have been destroyed due to Scandal. she builds herself up to come from a background that she always wanted, but never actually was a part of 
vivi has a charahub page u should check it out
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