#im on season 8 help i miss the trickster
ameopteryx · 1 month
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in a whimsical mood, have this
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howdoyoudothedew · 4 years
Long post of SPN story ideas, anyone can use these
Sabriel plus Jess. Sam wasn't one for polyamourus relationships. He was fine with others who were in one, it just wasn't his thing. Then Jess and him meet Gabriel. - He already know Jess is okay with that kinda thing, she's been in two before - She's the one that approaches him, because she knows that he likes him and frankly, she's kinda falling for the short trickster too. 1- Gabriel comes back, and Sam is pissed. He's all fire and fury, ready to haul back and punch the archangel right in the face. He walks with a purpose. A purpose he doesn't fully know, but his body seems to. The rage flowing hot through his blood seems to know what to do. Then he's standing in front of Gabriel. And Gabriel is simply stating up at him, prepared to take anything. Willing to take every hit. And Sam can feel all that anger at Gabriel sacrificing himself for him bleed out of his body. Suddenly he's clutching at Gabriel's shirt and crying into his shoulder, all puffy eyes and snotty nose. "Again. Why? I'm not worth it." "You're worth a thousand deaths." Gabriel just wraps his arms around his shoulders, holds him close, and let's him cry for as long as he needs. 2- Rumpleskultsen sabriel au 3- Sam and Gabriel do meet in Tall Tales and get to know each other... Biblically. Gabriel has a kid before Mystery Spot, where he tries to teach Sam a lesson because he can't loose the idiot. And somehow, during the confrontation, it comes out. 5- Gabe and Balt doing the trombone drive by 6- Gabe and Luce doing the Fuck You Baltimore thing 7- Leaked footage of Gabriel in the Empty: The clip of Mushu trying to wake all the ancestors 8- Jack Winchester secretly adopts a kitten 9- Jess is a hunter, assigned by angels to keep Sam and Dean, vessels of the apocalypse, safe. Her little sister has been tasked with keeping Dean safe while she has Sam. One night her sister breaks into their apartment to tell her that Dean has gone missing. Maybe also include the demon thing I wanted to do with Velvet for Jess? And that's the true reason the demon went with Brady? 10- Loki and Gabriel switch places. 11- "I was your favourite older brother in heaven." "I don't remember that." "What do you mean you don't??" "What I remember is having to ask Lucifer(or Raphael) to --- "So you do remember!" "Not at all." "You petty little fledgling." "I am not a fledgling anymore, Gabriel." "You're acting like one." "That's rich coming from you." 12- What if they unbound Death from Lucifer? Wouldn't he of killed the archangel? 13- Hunter!Jess, Jess/Charlie 14- Castiel runs from the chapel in an arranged marriage, and Dean packs a duffle bag and follows him. 15- Team Free Will walking in on Ro and Gabe Sam, internally: Am I jealous?? Gabe, internally: Is he jealous?? 16- Sabriel where they meet at comicon where Gabe is dressed as pool and Sam as Spidey. People ask for shippy pictures of them together. 17- Established relationship Destiel gangster AU, Cas goes missing 18- A girl hits on Sam and Gabe gets jealous, established relationship, definitely contains angst 19- Sabriel based on the song Photograph, possibly even as a coda for Exodus episode 20- "Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff." Gabriel sauntered in a few seconds after that, hair ruffled to a mess that looked like he just ran a hand through it to -barely- get it back under control. The top two buttons on his shirt were buttoned into the holes right under the top two holes, the rest of the buttons following suit. His cheeks were flushed, lips red and puffy, and a few dark purple spots graced the bottom of his neck. "I'm stuff," he breathed the words, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Sam reddened, his skin now the colour of his flannel, and stumbled over words that wouldn't come out. Though a squeak did manage to escape when Gabe smacked him lightly on the ass. 21- It's called 'Promise Me' The summary says: Gabriel really wished Sam wouldn't make him promise something he wouldn't be able to keep. Gabe comes back, Sam does his thing. "Don't ever die on me again." "I promise." Gabriel faces down death. "I'm sorry." "No!" And Sam dies instead. 22- Fic called either 'I need more dreams and less reality' or Give me more dreams, less reality' for angsty Sabriel with dead Gabriel and may or may not contain happy ending where he comes back I just don't know Happy Sabriel with hints of it not being true only for it to be a dream in the end because I'm an ass 24- I have found the one whom my soul loves. SoS 1:4- Destiel 25- Sam flirting + being embarrassed by Dean Season one, Sarah Blake Season one, Tall Talls 26- Dean is born without a soulmark, but when he comes back from the dead the handprint makes a fairly compelling one. 27- All I want is a fanfiction about when Cas is possessed by Lucifer, and for some reason Luci kisses Dean. And it's their (Destiel's) first kiss. The whole time Cas is inside pleading and begging him not to. Dean kisses back. 28- The after math of Litra's Sacrifice. Written solely because I was curious about how it could affect the rest of the story. As the day went on, Sam felt some of the soreness return. It was a pretty minuscule amount, but it made him smile. It helped cement in his brain the fact that last night, all of it, had been completely and utterly real. He wasn't sure why that made him happy. ---- Later when Cas comes back, he has to pause. Something is different about Sam and it doesn't take him long to figure out what. He has a claim on him, one different from the claim of Lucifer's vessel, something stronger and pagan, yet not quite fully pagan. Somehow Sam is lucky enough for Cas to show the tact to not ask abut it in front of Dean. -Changing Channels- Sam felt Loki's presence as soon as they left the car. It made him pause, though it wasn't fully of worry for what would come next. He felt a wave of calm pass over him. (Which confused him, but he didn't tell Dean.) Something in him told him not to tell Dean. He's not sure why he listened to it. -Hotel- "Little brother, laying claim to my vessel? How ambitious of you," Lucifer sneered. "And how very, very stupid." "Oh." Lucifer turned on Dean, "And you've been claimed by Castiel." He returned his gaze to Gabriel, though it was only from the corner of his eye. The confusion radiating from the elder Winchester was much too fun a thing to watch for him to remove his full attention from him. "You and Cas sure had fun while me and Mickey've been gone." 29- Gabe keeps calling Sam more and more ridiculous nicknames, so Sam calls Gabe shortcake (or short stack) - This should be a fanfiction. Called 'Nicknames'. 30- Sabriel and Destiel hanahaki disease- it takes angels a longer time to truly develop it, as their body is constantly healing itself. But when Cas first becomes human, it truly manifests. 31- Soulmate AU colours where Sam knows that Gabe is still alive because he never loses his colours. They fade slightly, but they never go away. Something in him tells him not to tell Dean, not to tell anybody, for the safety of all those involved. - The first time, when the Trickster dies, and Sam still sees colour, he dismisses it. Maybe it's a fluke or something. 32- Don't you go quietly into that good night, Castiel. You fly and you fight that good night, Castiel. Because us on earth need you from that good night, Castiel. 33- Impala, hand on Dean's chest: you rebuilt me. I just about fell apart multiple times, and each time you remade me. (Possible Dean as a parallel to Cas with the Impala being a parallel to Dean) Later: Does that sound familiar? 34- Chuck creates a flower: Amara, Amara! Look, I made this for you! *Chuck hands it to her, and when Amara touches it the flower turns to ash in her hands* Chuck creates ----: Amara, Amara! Look, I made this for you! *It turns to ash in Amara's hands* Chuck creates ----: Amara, look! I made this for you! *It turns to ash in Amara's hands* Chuck creates life: Amara, look. I made this for you. *It turns to ash in Amara's hands* Chuck creates Amara's prison: Amara, I made this for you. -im sorry 35- Sam: Why do you keep stealing my flannel? Gabe: Why'd you steal my jacket? (They keep on asking these questions until one of them says: Well why'd you steal my heart? Pre-slash, getting together, mutual pining?, crack) 36- Sam's Many Hookups Gabe meets up with Sam as different women
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