#im now Attached to these weirdo plants who stole their space horse and just travel around the planet
mydetheturk · 11 months
we'll find out if i feel up to putting this anywhere else, but have some post trimax knives and domina???? look, i stopped to think about the fact that domina's the only independent plant we for sure know knives absorbed so i thought "well she should get to haunt knives after everything" and out came. two plants sharing one body because they don't have the energy to make another, i guess??? knives might be dying. neither of them know for certain.
i sure don't.
"He doesn't want to talk to you," Domina says. "Our body flooded with fear upon hearing your voice."
Vash the Stampede sits across from her in this worn out little diner he found them in. Two drinks, rising to room temperature, sit on the table.
To Domina’s inexperienced eye, he looks tired.
[hes been drinking]
[are you sure?]
“What do you want?” Domina holds her drink in their hands to not do what Knives would do right now and put a knife through the Stampede’s hand so they can leave. Running is also off the table, as the only exit to the diner is behind Vash the Stampede.
[we can put a hole in the window shatter it with our elbow]
[shut up not yet]
[we can run]
[running will imply things we dont want not yet]
A number of expressions flick across the Stampede’s face before exhaustion settles in like an old lover.
“To talk to my brother,” the Stampede says.
Adrenaline floods their body. It is not Domina’s. She carefully does not think about Knives’ suggestion of shattering the window to run.
Run, and not fight.
It goes against both of their natures.
But Knives is always exhausted and Plants call out for their help in a way that Domina couldn’t hear before. Sometimes their thoughts merge. The urge to run is both hers and not, and this is not how Domina wanted to meet Vash the Stampede.
Domina used to have all of space between herself and that which she feared. She had the power to eliminate them, even though it was locked within her. The Joining revealed that. Now she is the companion to a dying Plant. The tiniest Hive of two, barring when they connect to one of the Sisters.
The voice is her but also Knives, blending into harmony.
The Stampede flinches.
“Don’t follow us,” Domina says. She carefully releases the cup before it shatters in their hands and stands up.
And leaves the diner. Vash the Stampede can pay for the meal they haven’t eaten.
Their thomas honks and bumps its head into their chest when Domina unties it from the hitch. She gets on the creature and goes to leave.
[can’t let us leave in peace]
“What do you want now.” Domina doesn’t look at him, doesn’t look at the face that looks so close to the one she now sees in the mirror.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to convince you to make him talk to me.”
[hes right]
[not for a very long time anyway]
“But… be careful. There are people looking for you.” Vash sighs and adds, “People looking for you both.”
“Go back to your people, Vash,” Knives says. “Let us go.”
Vash the Stampede sucks in a startled breath.
“A couple of your people survived. The woman with the nails. Wolfwood’s brother.” 
“Zazie.” Their lips curl in a snarl. Betrayal and hurt and a dash of fear simmer under their skin. “Zazie is still around as well. You be careful,” Knives says. He taps the thomas’s side.
“Goodbye, Stampede,” Domina says.
They take off into the early morning sunshine.
Vash lets them go.
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