#im not sure where korean came from anon can like u send me where u got that from 😭 im vv lost there
idyllcy ¡ 1 year
The saying we're just friends, thinking you're my man reader is asian coded right? especially Korean? sounds cool
Reader is specifically Chinese 😭 but yeah there's not much culture involved it's just bc reader cooks a ton of Chinese food in one of the fics in the series so I was like "hey btw reader is asian coded"
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juunshua ¡ 7 years
How would you describe Vernon, Jun and Joshus's voices? Both talking and performing. I love your blog soso much and love reading your tags so I was just wondering your take on their voices since I think these 3 have very particular voices
hi anon!! this is a really neat ask!! wow thank you for sending this in! under the cut are my opinions for each members (disclaimer: I have a really hard time putting things into words, so it might sound disjointed or awkward or smth idk lskjl) i’m so sorry this took forever!!!!!! 
vernon: i feel like i have a lot to say about his performance voice lkasjdlf but to start off with just his speaking…the first thing i think of is white chocolate? like it’s heavy but also very light and it mixes well and it’s smooth and connected but also somewhat separated. i almost feel like i get this professional vibe from him when he speaks at times? like its very neat? how he assembles his words laksjdf if that makes any sense. his voice also kind of disappears as he gets higher for some reason? curious about that he tends to stay in a range though so its hard to tell. when he raps though omg one of my favorite things about vernon is the way he uses inflection within his rap? like his rap in trauma!! it’s honestly my fav part in the song i love his ups and downs and how it creates tension and and how he changes the speed of his rap too and it just all comes together very nicely. when he sings, he tends to either ‘sing rap’ (like he does in city escape here) which is like basically almost all singing for the throat, or if its a ballad-like song he tends to introduce a lot of air in his voice (like in dwc. ok a word on dwc a bit, he pronounces the korean word for ‘word’ differently in studio than whats in the live and that way he sings it live just sends extra shivers up my spine theres something about it idk. i shouldn’t say different pronunciation its more a different inflection on the first syllable for the word ‘word’ its beautiful anywhos) but considering he’s a rapper he was probably directed by woozi or someone to sing like that when it comes to ballad songs. but interestingly enough, id say that his part in without you is more, ‘sing rap’ style than ‘breathy’ which is an interesting contrast to jeonghan and hoshis part before that….tbh ive actually thought of his part in without you as more of his ‘inflection rapping’ than a ‘sing rap’ you know? but idk  junhui: idk if its just me, but i feel like he speaks korean and mandarin with like two different voices? im not sure maybe im overthinking this but when he speaks korean i find that he stays on like this ‘lower’ sound more longer than he does when he speaks mandarin…? idk its weird to explain and again i could be overthinking alskjdf. when it comes to junhui why do i always blank out on words to describe him ahhh im trying to think of something that could related to his voice but i cant think of anything ahhh. i literally spent forever watching junhui videos to get ideas on how to express his voice in words but i think i got distracted….oh omg his speaking voice is really soothing? its like listening to a lullaby almost i dunno like his voice kind of flows together and doesnt have like sharp ends? (not that sharp voices cant be calming or are bad though!! i think shua has a ‘sharp’ voice…more on him below though). like his voice is smooth and rounded for the most part. idk why but this just came to mind: his voice is a loaf of freshly baked bread. like bread from the bakery that kind of feel is the best way i can put his voice to words laalsdj. when he sings, his voice get’s tighter as he gets higher.  i feel like he has this lisp almost? i listened to him singing in mandarin too bc he’s more  comfortable with that and the lisp is kind of present there too. he also has this like ‘hiccup’ sound when he finishes phrases something like that ‘voice hitching’ im not sure what else to call it. he also has a habit of singing with through/with his nose (if u just listen to the difference to how minghao vs jun sing the ‘ee’ sound here like jun is quite nasal) when he sings, his ‘o’ sounds are really really really pretty sounding (like in the korean version of my i). when he goes into falsetto its very fragile sounding it’s like a clear glass sparkling in the sun. i feel like if i could touch his voice it’d break (ie 13 month’s dance). joshua: (this might seem super random but i swear its relevant but) you know that one meme that’s super popular right now? the one where its the one with the person who speaks into a microphone, the crowd boos, and then theres a voice that speaks and ‘commands silence’? yeah thats hong jisoo. for me at least (i could be biased laksjf). amongst the chaos, his voice is usually one that stays calm and steady like a rock? like you just kind of want to stop and listen to whatever he’s saying and tune out everything else? whenever he starts talking i instantly feel my mind become at ease. kind of like what happens here! svt is wild before he speaks, calms down while he speaks, gets rowdy again after he finishes his sentence, calms down again while he finishes his thought by a second sentence, and gets rowdy once more after that. furthermore, he’s not someone who speaks fast; he takes his time when trying to get the words he wants to say out. also ive found that his ‘s’ sounds tend to be really enunciated? like i hear almost all his ‘s’ sounds as ‘ss’ (and its not just the letter s but like that specific sound so certain ‘c’ sounds as well). his voice to me also sounds like sticky almost…? like caramel!! that sort of texture is his voice his speaking voice also has this breathy quality that occasionally carries over to his singing voice, but he has his throaty moments as well when he sings (and when he talks too). when he sings, he tends to prefer switching into falsetto over mixing his voice as he gets higher in his vocal range, when given the choice. he does strain his voice quite a bit as he gets higher too. his voice also gets ‘thinner’ as he gets higher
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onlyjihoons ¡ 8 years
ask:  I'm in love with boyfriend!haechan so can you do the same with Jaehyun and/or Mark and/or Ten (depending on how busy you are)? Please 💕 and thanks ❤ -anon friend
omg im so so so thankful you liked my bf!donghyuck au ahhh and i’m really sorry this took so long because it was the chinese new year holidays and i was visiting my friends and family and on top of that, schoolwork has been piling up since the common tests are coming up real soon,, i cri ;-; but my ask box is always open because after my homework is done i usually think of plots for my asks hehe ok im ranting too much 
pls give casper/jeffery lots of luv bc he’s rlly fluffy and i practically say this to everyone in nct but i nearly swerved into his lane at one point ngl
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ok shall we start
let’s go
so there was once upon a time
where you moved to america for a period of time bc your parents were posted to work there
and this neighbourhood was super pretty like this:
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and like
the neighbour beside ya’ll invited your fam into their house for a break
and they greeted you w loads of snacks:
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and turns out they’re koreans being sent to america to work too
and like there was this shy boy hiding behind his mom
“yoonoh! don’t be shy!” you hear his mom nag
in the end his mom had to drag him
“this is yoonoh, he’s 6 this year”
and she got your mom get all excited like
dRaGgInG you too
“this is Y/N, she’s the same age as yoonoh!”
since that boy was so so shy
shy shy shy
you had to introduce yourself first
“i’m Y/F/N, let’s be friends yoonoh-ya.”
and he just sMiLeS at you
w those cute deep dimples
and you were shookt bc he wasn’t that shy boi anymore wth
then he just drags you upstairs to his room
to show you his Lego collection
and that’s where it all started
fast forward 8 years later
ya’ll were at your friend’s lil birthday party
and by now you guys were neighbours and best friends at the same time
so ya’ll played truth and dare w your friends
ok a lil back track here
there was one fine day when you and jaehyun were playing on the swing
and you noticed how handsome he was
like he was already cute enough
and your hormones whispering to you like
“he’s cute! go get him!”
you nod internally but another part of you stops yourself
“don’t do it you’re gonna risk your friendship”
so you just sigh to yourself and keep that crush on him to yourself
and you vented your feelings into your diary
you brought that diary to school
and left it on your table during recess
your other bestfriend not so innocently peeks into your sacred diary
bc she saw you acting more girly around jaehyun
and boom
she knew
so she told the whole class about it
except you and jaehyun
she also knows about jaehyun’s crush on you
thanks to his trustworthy friends
and she planned all of this on purpose
ok back to the party
when the pen pointed between you and jaehyun
ya’ll picked dare bc yolo
your friends dared ya’ll 7 minutes in heaven
they locked ya’ll in this attic
which was pretty cosy tbh
sat face to face w each other
and your defence mechanism kicks in
“more like 7 minutes in hell,” you scoffed
little did you know that you hurt poor woojae’s feelings
and his face turns serious like
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“can i tell you something?”
“yeah sure”
“promise not to tell anyone”
“we’re best friends, yoonoh-yah.”
then he snapped at the word best friends
“i really hate it when you say that!”
and you were like whot is happening did i do smth wrong
“i really hate it when you label us as best friends”
then you thought he was being ridiculous
“then what do you want us to be?”
“i want you to be my girlfriend”
oH tHat’s when shit got real
you slowly shifted backwards
like so shookt
your crush actually like you back
your dreams actually came true
and you were like
“don’t try to make me feel better, yoonoh.”
and that’s when he leans in and kisses you
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you guys’ first kiss awh
and after a few seconds he leaned his head against yours
“i love you, Y/N.”
and shortly after you hear whispers outside
“have they kissed yet?”
“omg what if they’re having that”
“ew no way!”
you and jaehyun laugh @ your friends bc they being silly
so ya’ll hold hand and prepare to get out when the door opened
and your friends saw ya’ll w hands interlaced
and they swooned omg
and cheeky jae:
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i shall timeskip or i will faint
now ya’ll are like 18
jaehyun’s a trainee from SM
ngl you were super proud of him
ya’ll lived together while your parents stayed in america
you lived w jaehyun’s parents
and jaehyun ofc
on one condition
no hanky panky and the you know what i mean
you willingly obliged bc you aren’t that kind of person
but jaehyun was
only a tiny bit
bc you were so smol and kyoot
he felt the need to protect you at all costs
partially bc his height towered over u
and he didn’t want to disappoint both of ya’ll parents as well so
one day his parents went out of town to run some errands
and left ya’ll at home
the moment his parents stepped out of the house he pushed you into the store room
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i’m am a mark stan i’m a mark stan i’m a mark stan
and you were so shookt like WHAT ARE YOU DOING
you were retaliating but this boy has super human strength
and after a few moments he pulled away and 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to do that”
you slapped his chest and scolded him
“you do know that I live here under one condition right”
“but my parents aren’t home🌚”
“that doesn’t mean you can just-- nevermind”
and you just stormed out of the store room
but inside you were idk a mixed feeling
like your heart bbbeating so fast
yet you’re mad jaehyun broke the rules
jaehyun knows you liked it
you slumped on your shared bed, staring at the ceiling
“go away”
“i know you liked it”
you just back faced him and ignored him
and then stupid jaehyun he joins you lying on the bed
“i didn’t know the ceiling was more good looking than me”
“i didn’t know you were such an asshole”
jaehyun was dying internally bc damn you were so cute
then jaehyun hugged you from behind
“i’m sorry babe, did i make you mad?”
you finally turned to face him
“what do you think”
jaehyun resorts to aegyo
bc he knows you’re weak
“woojae is sooo sooooo sorryyyyy”
and you forgave him
you guys went on dates
like food dates
at home lololol
because why eat out when you have a masterchef at home
so instead ya’ll went on a grocery shopping date most of the time
jaehyun carrying you and plopping you into the trolley
people were staring at ya’ll overgrown kids
you screaming as jae pushes you at 100000km/h
the security nearly kicked ya’ll out
when jaehyun cooks you always hug him from behind
and he nearly burned down the kitchen bc you distract him
and him always sneaking those pieces of meat and feeding you before the dish is even done
and the end product was only left w 4 pieces of meat
when nct u was about to debut jaehyun had late practices
and he had lesser time w u
you were a little sad tbh
but you know his career is more important
esp if his company finds out he’s dating
that wouldn’t be a good thing
and there was one day jaehyun didn’t return home
at least jae could drop a message that he was not coming home or smth
but he didn’t so you were riled up about that
you texted jaehyun a million times but he’s only read them
you were so annoyed at jaehyun ngl
then you received a text from taeyong
“we’re having our showcase tomorrow, jae really needs your support”
you were rolling your eyes and typed a haste reply
“what support? he doesn’t come home or drop me a message”
“i’ll have backstage passes for you and his parents, i’ll send you the link”
you made a mental note to yourself to attend it nonetheless
“did jaehyun bribe you to do this?”
“... no”
“pls tell him i’m mad @ him ok”
the next day you and his parents attended his debut showcase
and when you saw him perform you were so proud AHHH
you and his mom cried
after the showcase ended you went back stage
and jaehyun shows up with flowers
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i couldn’t find jaehyun w flowers so here’s cuddly jae
“i’m sorry i kept you waiting babe, happy anniversary”
and then he pecks your lips right on the spot
the nct members were shookt
what jaehyun...why...
cue your cheeks flushing red
and jaehyun giggling cause u cute awh and hugging you
ok i shall end here
thank you for requesting omg
pls show jaehyun lots of luv
this is probably not on par w the rest of my boyfriend series
i will re write if its not up to standard,, sorry:(
ok anyway 
have a nice day/night ahead!💘
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