#im not sure what you were trying to convey so hopefully i didnt misread you idk im just talking
angeloncewas · 3 years
no no twitter's accepted apologies before! well, one. it was george's, for saying several slurs and being straight up racist. both b slur and f slur along w/ several more. but now the clip's been completely scrubbed and you really have to dig to find it. they accepted that no hesitation but they have massive double standars :/
I mean, I guess my question for you is: do you want the clip to still be around? Like I get what you're saying about double standards and I more than agree - even in regards to people I adore sometimes - but I feel like bringing up his past that he's apologized for isn't any better. You're trying to fight fire with fire here. I get it if you don't accept his apology - obviously no one has to - but if your goal is forgiveness then the way they've allowed him to move on from his past mistakes isn't something to condemn, it's an example that should be followed in other, similar cases. I'm not gonna go digging for a clip from however many years ago, y'know? Unless it's a part of a pattern of behavior, I think it's okay to let the past be what it is; everyone has something that they aren't proud of back there and while some are definitely worse than others, I do believe in change for most people.
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