#im not saying the mf is heartless im just saying hes like 17. he has time to learn
bruciemilf · 1 year
"He's a perfectionist and he's self critical and he's goal driven to the point where people get hurt because of his emotional detachment and inability to comprehend that his decision have long term consequences." ohhh this. you might as well be describing bruce here which makes me positively itch for a bruce-tim storyline that focuses on tim's grey morals (him getting involved w/ ghost-maker's more questionable activities, perhaps? khoa would like tim's work ethics but still think he's a little shit so i think their interactions would be hilarious😂). bonus points if the storyline gets resolved by the way of bruce n tim realizing that, face-to-face, they're like fucked-up mirror images of each other. it'd be so fascinating bc imo most of bruce's issues w/ his kids could be resolved w/ a heart-to-heart but i don't think that's enough w/ tim. i think it'd do tim's character some good to maintain some distance, to grow into his own person n learn to appreciate boundaries. ...not saying he'd come back a "better person" coz that'd be boring n i decidedly don't like him boring (looking at u, DC writers), but it'd spice up the family dynamics in ways unseen before. but alas...can't except much from DC writers, now, can we?🥲
Sure would!! My only problem is it needs to be on equal grounds
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fuck-customers · 4 years
this should technically be a fuck-coworkers, but i don't know which coworkers i want to get fucked over. rumor at my workplace is that one of my coworkers (let's call him stanley) is a pedo who's been preying on some of the girls in the 17-21 age group and i know bc i was in the breakroom when all the women on the clock that day were talking shit about him. they were all saying how they hate stanley and they think he's super fake and that he's a creepy mf and they don't want to be on the clock with him anymore which if he's a pedo then definitely not, neither do i.
but i know stanley, he's definitely one of my favorite coworkers at this store and one of the few who work there who is actually a NICE guy. i work at a supermarket and he's customer service so he's obviously worked here long enough to gain the trust of the managers at least. but he actually makes an effort to make customers feel special and he always jokes with them and gets to know them and remembers names.
what's more is i've met stanley once outside of work by pure coincidence when i was shopping with my mom and shockingly enough she knows him! very well too, apparently they used to play on the same softball team when i was a kid. not only that but he also knows my dad and when i see stanley at work he always tells me to let them know he says hi.
anyways my point is that even if there are rumors that he's a pedo, i want to trust stanley over my coworkers anyways. and yeah i know that's never a good idea because What If He Is A Pedo but my mom and dad are both super good judges of character and my coworkers are PIECES OF SHIT. i hate them. and some of them who were shittalking him have made me feel really uncomfortable before (like swapping stories about when they lost their virginity when i was present and asking me about sex and MY VIRGINITY when im a FUCKING MINOR). and i've told my mom about my coworkers before, and when i told her about the rumor stanley is a pedo she said that honestly she'd trust him over my coworkers. she advised me to keep an eye out ofc but honestly same. my mom says he's happily married with kids and she's met his wife.
i know he probably has to have done something pretty weird or creepy to get labeled as a pedo but my coworkers are bitches from hell i swear. stanley is a bit much but none of them have a nice bone in their body, nor a funny one. anyway you're probably going to side with my coworkers here but i just really wanted to tell this story because everyone who works here is such a rude heartless bitch and its so sad the only nice person here besides me has been cast out like this
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