#im not proud of myself cause im not doin my best cause i dont care
I’m here to remind you to hydrate and smile! I hope you have a sweet sweeeet day and I hope October is treating you well ☁️ oh also, I’m proud of you for doing your best it’s good enough
<3 I have no idea how you found me at all but thank you for this anyhow!
I should probably hydrate more than I do.... Octobr is treating me acceptably though.
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Been talking a lot about Emmett lately, and I was inspired today to write something starring everyone’s favorite twelve-toed nervous boy.  So, here’s Emmett in the Superhero/villain AU, accidentally using his powers to control his dad.
              “Emmett.”  Emmett looked up from his comic book.  His dad stood in front of him, visibly furious.  He swallowed nervously and set the comic book down.
              “Hi, Dad.”
              “Wanna tell me why you weren’t at boxing?” Stan demanded.
              “I was,” Emmett lied.
              “Then how come when I stopped by to surprise you and your sister, you weren’t there?”
              “I left early.”
              “I showed up early,” Stan said, crossing his arms.  Emmett looked away.  “You gotta stop skipping, kid.”
              “I don’t like it,” Emmett mumbled.  Stan let out a sigh and sat next to Emmett on the couch.
              “I know.  And that’s fine.  Your Uncle Ford didn’t like it, either.  Neither did I, when I started.”
              “Wait, really?” Emmett asked.  Stan nodded.
              “I hated it.  But my dad kept making me go.  It was the only good thing he ever did for me.  I had to learn how to protect myself and Ford.”
              “I don’t want to go.”
              “You need to learn some self-defense skills.”
              “You never made Danny or Daisy learn how to protect themselves.”
              “They didn’t get picked on as much as you and Emily.”
              “I don’t get picked on.”
              “You came home from school with a black eye last week.”  Stan sighed. “Your ma and I made complaints and everything, but schools don’t like stopping bullies.  That’s why you need to learn how to do it yourself.”
              “I already do ballet-” Emmett started.
              “And that’s good.  I’m proud of you,” Stan said.  “Ballet is tough.”  He put a hand on Emmett’s shoulder.  “But it’s not gonna do squat to protect you.  What are you gonna do if someone comes after you or Emily?  A fancy jump?  Some sorta twirl?”
              “Dad, I’m not gonna go anymore,” Emmett said firmly.  Stan scowled at him.  “I mean it. I don’t care how much you look at me with that face.”
              “And I don’t care that you don’t want to.  It’s for your own good.”
              “When you were five, and you hated broccoli, do you think I let you not eat it, just ‘cause you didn’t like it?  No. I made sure you cleaned your plate. This is the same thing,” Stan said. Emmett jumped to his feet.
              “You can’t make me go!” Emmett yelled.  Stan slowly stood.
              “Don’t take that tone with me.”
              “Even if you keep signin’ me up, I’ll keep skippin’.  Even if ya drop me off, I’ll leave.  I don’t want to do it anymore!  It’s- you might think it’s good to force me to do something I don’t like, but it’s not!  I hate it!”
              “Do you really wanna do something Grandpa did?” Emmett asked.  Stan’s face went red.
              “That’s it!” Stan rumbled.  Emmett froze. “Go to your room.  Now.”
              “Now,” Stan growled.  “I’ll figure out your punishment for talking to me like that later.”  Emmett stormed off.  He passed Emily on the stairs.  She didn’t bother to pretend she hadn’t been eavesdropping.
              “Emmett, that was bad,” she whispered.
              “I know.  He needs to stop makin’ me go to those stupid lessons.”
              “No, not-”  Emily grimaced.  “You know how much Dad hates Grandpa.  Why’d you compare Dad to him?”
              “Yeah, well, he should stop doin’ stuff that Grandpa did,” Emmett muttered.
              “I can hear you,” Stan said loudly.  “Emmett, go to your room.  Emily, go…weed the garden or somethin’.  Do some chores.”
              “Okay, Dad.”  Emily glanced at Emmett warningly before heading downstairs.  Emmett stuffed his hands in his pockets and finished going to his room. He slammed the door shut.
              “Don’t slam doors!” Stan shouted from downstairs.
              “Ugh!”  Emmett threw himself onto his bed, burying his face into his pillows.
              I hate this.  I hate it.  I just wish Dad would throw himself off the tallest building he could find.
              A door downstairs opened and closed.
              “Emmett Stanley McGucket!”  Emmett jerked instinctively at the sound of his full name being shouted from downstairs. The movement left a large streak across the math sheet he had been working on.
              “Great,” he muttered.  “Ma’s home.”
              Dad definitely told her what happened.  Now I get to hear the second part of the riot act.
              “Emmett!  Get down here!  Now!” Angie yelled.  Emmett reluctantly shuffled out of his room and down to the first floor.
              “Ford, hold him down,” a voice said.  Emmett paused at the foot of the stairs.
              Uncle Lute?
              “I am holding him down,” a second voice snapped.  “At least we finally got the dampeners on him.”
              Uncle Ford, too?  There was a crash from the kitchen.  What’s goin’ on?
              “Where is that boy?” Lute’s voice asked.
              “I don’t-”  Angie stormed out of the kitchen.  She was still in her villainy duds, but had removed her cowl.  She spotted Emmett by the stairs.  “Emmett.  Come here.” Emmett felt a gust of wind push him towards the kitchen.
              “You’re not gonna let me go on my own?” Emmett asked.  Angie scowled.
              “I’m not takin’ any chances.”
              “Ma, I know that I skipped, and you’re angry,” Emmett started, following her into the kitchen.  “But-” He froze.  Lute and Ford were struggling to hold Stan down on the ground. His uncles had clearly been fighting to restrain Stan for quite some time; both their clothes were singed, and Ford had a bruise beginning to form on his cheek.  “Wha- what happened?”
              “You tell me,” Angie snapped.  “What command did you give yer father this time?”
              “Command?  I-” Emmett’s blood ran cold.  He stepped a bit closer to look at his father’s eyes.  His pupils were dilated, the sure sign that he had been commanded by Emmett.  Emmett swallowed.  “I- I didn’t mean-”
              “I saw him runnin’ ‘round town,” Lute said.  “He seemed a bit off, so I got a closer look and saw his eyes.  Knew right then it was yer handiwork, Emmett.”  Emmett covered his mouth.  “What?”
              “I wanted him to jump off the tallest building he could find,” Emmett whispered.  “I was just- I was angry at him, I-”
              “Yes, yes, this is important information,” Ford interjected.  He narrowly avoided another punch from Stan. “But I think it can wait until after you free Stan from your command.”
              “I don’t know how.”
              “That’s not an option right now,” Angie said firmly.  Emmett looked at his mom.  “Fix it.”
              It took fifteen minutes for Emmett to reverse the command, upon which he was promptly sent to the living room, so that the adults could discuss what they were going to do.  Ten minutes after that, Emmett got called to the kitchen again.  He joined his parents at the table, not making eye contact with either of them.
              “Uncle Ford and Uncle Lute are gone?” he asked quietly.
              “Yes,” Angie said.  She clasped her hands.  “Emmett…”
              “I didn’t mean to!” Emmett wailed.
              “Hey, hey,” Stan said, reaching a hand out to Emmett.  “It’s okay, kiddo.”
              “No, it’s not.  I- I was mad and I- I wanted you to jump off a building and-”
              “Why weren’t you wearing the power dampeners?” Stan asked.
              “I couldn’t find ‘em.”
              “Yeah, you’re pretty good at losing them.”
              “I’m so sorry, Dad!  I didn’t want you to get hurt!  I just have mean thoughts sometimes.”
              “Everybody does,” Angie said softly.  She let out a sigh.  “But yer thoughts are awful powerful, honey.”
              “I didn’t mean to!” Emmett repeated.
              “It’s okay, sport.”  Stan grinned, but it was clearly forced.  “It’s kinda my fault, anyways.  You got my silver tongue.”  Emmett looked away.
              “Now’s not the time, Stanley,” Angie said quietly.  Stan sighed.
              “Emmett, yer goin’ to be punished,” Angie said.  Emmett nodded.  “But we’re goin’ to take the fact that it was an accident into consideration.”
              “It’d be better if I didn’t have any powers at all,” Emmett mumbled.
              “Don’t say that,” Stan said.  “Yeah, yours are a bit tough.  But we’ll figure it out.”
              “If you say so.”
              “And in the meantime…”  Stan looked at Angie.  She nodded. “We’re gonna make you switch schools.” Emmett gaped at Stan.
              “The school yer at right now isn’t equipped to handle someone with yer abilities,” Angie said.  “That wouldn’t be a problem, except that ya keep losin’ the dampeners.”
              “I don’t-”
              “I know ya don’t mean to.  But after today, we have to start makin’ decisions ‘bout what’s best fer you and everyone around you.  So we’ll be sendin’ ya to Sycamore Grove.”
              “Wh- the high school for villains?” Emmett squeaked.  Angie and Stan nodded.
              “I’m not happy about it,” Stan said quietly.  “But it’s what needs to happen.  The teachers there are used to students with powers like yours.”
              “It’ll be fine, sweetie,” Angie said gently.  Emmett hung his head.
              “If you say so.”
              “I do have some good news for you,” Stan said.
              “We’re gonna pull you out of boxing lessons.”  Emmett’s head whipped up.  He stared.  “I still think it’s good for you.  But you’re already dealing with stuff, and being forced to do somethin’ you hate isn’t gonna help.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “I know that from experience.”  Emmett nodded.  “Go to your room while we talk about your punishment.”  Stan looked around the kitchen.  There were a few scorch marks on the walls and floor, and a chair had broken. “And while we clean up.  Man, I made a mess.”
              “Pretty sure it’s technically my mess,” Emmett said.  Stan rolled his eyes.
              “C’mon, kid.  How many times do I have to tell you – if you can get outta being blamed for something, take it!  Even if it’s technically your fault.”  Emmett quirked a small grin.  “Now, go to your room.  We’ll come get you in a bit.”
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survivor-iceland · 5 years
Ep. 13 - “So its been a dayyyyyyy Jayyyyyyy” - Jack
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How in the fuck am I still here?!?! I'm overjoyed and this is incredible. Tbh Jack totally just fucked his game but this is so good for me, even if I get out at 6, I still made it a little further than I thought I would've. Also, Raffy really popped the fuck off and it was so funny to watch. I'm just in a really good mood right now.
I cant believe idol play was amazing but it wasnt needed. Sjdbsb it was 4-3 for Jack to go is crazy. And im so happy that Timmy stayed in the game. I dont want to play the game without him. So im super happy that he’s still in. We need to win this immunity and keep it away from zoe and Raffy. We need those options open. And also try n keep the idol away from them.
Last night was a wild trip. Firstly, I cannot believe Ellie would betray us like that when Maynor is still in this fucking game. No one, except me, seems to think that he's going to win if we keep letting him have control of the game. It's as if I am in a game with a bunch of sheep where I am the only free thinker. This applies to Jack too since he voted out Ellie instead of Timmy in the revote. Like imagine keeping Timmy in this game when he has done so much!!! Like we just keep letting them get away with things and we just keep letting them have control of the game. I'm sick of it!!! I can only trust Zoe now since apparently everyone else is too brain dead to see the obvious threats in this game. I pretended to be fake mad to Jack in order to keep him on our side. I told him that my aggression was a ploy to make them think that he's on their side. I mean I was real mad, but he doesn't need to know that. I don't know whether the lie worked or not, but I just need to find an idol or win immunity because I am sick of Maynor and Timmy being like cockroaches in the nuclear fallout. Like??????? And don't get me started on the goat Joseph who doesn't even know how to talk to people properly. All of them can go fuck off for all I care. 
Well I didn't find the idol, and I know that Jack is on the other path with that BS rotating puzzle. So, tomorrow I'll be doing the tundra and hopefully find it before anyone else, otherwise my time in this game is running out. I don't know how well I will do with the immunity challenge, but I have to be confident to do well. I'm praying that Zoe found something because we desperately need it if onyl to prevent Maynor from having it.  
Also this is the mood for the rest of the game for John and Ellie and maybe Zoe if she doesn't make it to FTC with me:
Raffy is so fucking smug. He laughed whenever someone messed up in the challenge and basically almost cackled when Maynor and I got it. Like don’t fucking kick me when I’m down. 6th is my Achilles heel and I’m already freaking out. 
So its been a dayyyyyyy Jayyyyyyy. First Zoe comes in here like, "hey my idol still works" so my and raffy and zoe are like okayyyy we have to freaking one of us get immunity so its at least 2/3 and then zoe wins, and then moments later i finished the HELL PUZZLE WITH THE POINTY IDENTICAL LOOKING PIECES AND BACKGROUND and whoops i found the idol, so theoretically the three of us are like 3/3 safe and can vote out maynor. He's a sweet guy but like yeet. Raffy might be in trouble if zoe like wigs out and doesnt use the idol on him/ was like totally bullshitting about it? but i hope she aint cause yeah
I'm glad that Zoe won the immunity challenge because it keeps safety away from both Maynor and Timmy. I wanted to win it, but I am proud that Zoe was able to either way. Her idol will be extremely useful going into this next round as we are planning to use it on me in order to make sure that 2/3 of us are safe tonight. Additionally, if the votes ends up tying 3-3, we can make sure that Jack is safe by revoting and keeping him in this game. Although, I doubt it has to come to that because Jack has also found an idol from the rehidden hunt. This means that all three of us will be safe going into this next tribal council unless they have an idol nullifier. Even then they still can only nullify one which means we're still the dominating force. Basically all is looking on the bright side for Raffy in this vote, and I hope things go smoothly in spite of my confidence.
I don't remember if I already made a confessional on this, but i found an idol, so now Zoe has immunity, she's gonna play her idol on Raffy, and imma play mine on me. Timmy's been hitting me and Zoe up about flipping on Raffy but we ain't doin thatttttt. Also Joseph was like "what happened in the challenge," and then was like what you thinkinnnnnnn. Maynor in general is like kinda accepted fate vibes. Hopefully everything goes well tonight.
I’m distraught and upset. I guess it’s pretty much guaranteed that either myself or Maynor will be leaving tomorrow. I’m so sad and he deserves to stay so much and deserves to win and if he stays, I will not regret anything I did in this game. I want him to be happy and I know he belongs in this game and seeing him happy makes me so happy. 
The plan right now is for Zoe to use her idol on me and for Jack to use his idol on himself so that we are all safe at tribal council tonight. My FTC plan right now is Zoe, Joseph, and I. I love Jack, but he needs to go because I feel like he beats me at the end. He has an amazing redemption arc, and he has pulled off so many things in his short time here without many social connections. That's pretty impressive. However, I want to take him out at F5 or F4 because I still need him on my side. My boot order currently is Maynor -> Timmy -> Jack. However, Jack is also good at challenges which means I have to pry the immunity necklace from his hands. I know I can beat him. I just have to go out there and do it. 
Tonight might be my last night in the game and its bittersweet. I feel like i played a good game. I also feel like i was given credit for the moves Ive made. I am very proud of myself, and usually im always very hard on myself. I feel like this was my most out there game play ive had and im still very in aw that i was able to pull off a 4-3-3, vote 3-2-2 vote, able to flip Jack to vote Ellie saving Timmy, found an idol and many things. This has been a favorite game even though i might be out tonight. Like they know Ive played hard and i kept fighting to stay in this game. Tribal is going to be 3-3. We are voting jack (me timmy joseph) and (zoe raffy jack) are most likely voting for me once again. I hope. Jack has the idol cuz he did the trees path were i knew it was going to be at but my dumbass decided to do mountain instead. Jack is either going to use his idol on Raffy to try n avoid a tie or of jack plays it on himself and he negates all his votes. Either way. We are going to lose someone and they arent. So whatever happens tonight i will be content with cuz ive done everything that i could to try and survive. ❤️ Jay for having me back. Youre the best. Love you. ❤️
My thoughts on 5 of the Final 6 people in the game: 1. Jack- oh the second boot. Was very paranoid early of this game and its understandable. Did good in EOE and returned to the game. Seemed to fall into place to Raffy’s side by not even talking to me or people who were working with me. Made his own ‘move’ by doing Ellie during F7 vote. But honestly it was not a good move for him. Even though I preached Jack has his own story. Honestly, he is still kind of a goat. No one would vote for him to win over others left in the game. Going to the end with Zoe and Raffy is his death sentence but going also everyone else in the game is his death sentence. 2. Joseph- people are saying he is a goat but that is not necessarily true. He has made moves in this game to help his position in it. He took the opportunity at f10 to make a move. Again with John vote. Dylan vote as well. Same with Jack that turned to Ellie vote off. The moves he has made were to help him make it to the end. People are underestimating his game play and if he makes it to the end then he really deserves to win it. Especially over like Jack. Also Raffy and Zoe tbh. 👀 MaynorPart 2: 3. Zoe- Zoe is a good player. But gameplay this season, i dont think she deserves the win. She was already voted out. All her strategic moves did not go according to plan. Was over confident and cocky and comfortable in the game. Wasnt going to make it to the final 7 anyways because her allies Raffy and Dylan were going to take her out. Her game play after making it back into the game due to eoe has made her into a goat. Like if someone votes for her to win its due to them being bitter over everyone else. She didnt try to make connections with everyone. She went right back to the people she was working with. And you can feel the ooze of over confidence when she said “im fitting in perfectly” when her as only talked to Raffy and ellie and Jack. So 🤷‍♂️ Honestly social game aint that good either. 4. Raffy- oh boi. Raffy raffy. Were do I start. None of his plans have happened besides the Stephen vote and even that he said it wasnt his move. Gave it to Dylan. So 🤷‍♂️ What moves has he done really? Hes been rude to a few people here and honestly leaves a bad taste in my mouth (game wise) cuz its been more game talk from him. He gets mad when things dont go his way and just starts yelling at people that they made the bad decision. But he still fought in this game. I would gove my vote to him over people like Zoe and Jack. MaynorPart 3: 5. Timmy- can i say how proud i am with Timmy this season. His social game was amazing and strong. He had people wanting to work with him and was in a good spot for a bit. He felt in the bottom and made a move. Since then has been fighting to stay in the game. Got ellie to flip on her alliance. Said Dylan’s name for the target. He played an idol on me instead of himself. He really did all that in this game and he has a big shot to win this game. He just has to reach the final 3. I feel that he can do that. He’s a great person and honestly gunna be sad now going to be able to finish this game with him. Would have been amazing to be able to sit with him at the end of the game. But alas ive made myself into a huge target that no one would want to work with me to get to the end and i understand. It just sucks i wont be able to finish this game with him. But he would be a great winner. And he deserves it with the game he has played. Im wishing him the all the luck and sending him good vibes for the rest of the game. ❤️
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