#im not even full time... no benefits or anything despite that i cover for people constantly
daggeck · 3 years
I only work 27 hours a week why does it feel like it's consuming my life
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gottlem · 4 years
‘let me go’ but like angsty lemyanka maybe if lemon is moving back to nyc from toronto 💔
here u go ! the most angsty thing i have ever written and will probably ever write. i havent proofread it bc its late, im tired and i got a bit carried away and ended up writing 1.7k words so.... yeah. hope u like it ! <3
“let me go”
Lemon and Priyanka were clearly in love. Everyone knew it, everyone could see. Deep down, they both knew that they were, but no matter how many times they ended up in eachothers beds, it just never came up. Because if it did, well, Lemon’s not too sure what would happen. But it would be a lot, maybe too much. So she decided to stick with friends with benefits, nothing more, and it worked. For a while. Until she didn’t know what counted as overstepping anymore and calling Priyanka her friend just felt like a lie, even though it wasn’t, not really. But the ‘not really’ part is what fucked her up. 
Lemon could only deal with so much. She had her walls, they were strong and tall and Priyanka was the only one who could get through, but they just didn’t feel like they were protecting her anymore. One day, she feared they would become a little too high, a little too unstable, and crush her. And she didn’t want Priyanka to have to deal with that. 
She had already made the decision to move back to New York before she even admitted it to herself. She tended to listen to her brain over her heart - you’re less likely to get hurt that way. Somehow, this time round she couldn't quite tell which part she was listening to, but before she knew it, she was on the phone to her friend Jan asking for a place to stay. 
Jan was more than happy, albeit a little concerned, for Lemon to live with her for a bit, claiming she could use the company and the help with rent. It was a win-win situation. Though, was Lemon winning? She wasn’t so sure, she was however very stubborn and once she had made her mind up, there was no going back. It would be nice to see her New York friends again, they hadn’t fallen out of touch but things are always harder when you’re so far apart. Besides, she needed a change of scenery, she missed walking the streets of the city that never sleeps. 
The real reason behind her decision was Priyanka. She didn’t tell anyone about it but Jan, knowing she would need at least some form of support once the train arrived. She just couldn’t bear to keep up with whatever their current situation was, but also she wasn’t sure she had the courage to talk about her real feelings, so the only option she could see was to just run away. They could keep in contact, a couple of texts and maybe a bi-weekly phone call, and Lemon could find some other girl to fall in love with and then she would be over her. 
She didn’t know how to be in love, and even if Priyanka could show her, she didn’t know if she was ready, if she was prepared. Because love was scary. Commitment, too. It’s not that Lemon was scared they would end up breaking up, she was scared that they would never break up. She was still young, and while some people long to find the love of their life early on, Lemon found herself staring at hers right in the face and it just felt too overwhelming. 
She had started hinting to Priyanka that she missed her New York friends about a month before she planned to be leaving. Priyanka would suggest a week’s visit, and Lemon would just shrug it off.  She just didn’t want it to come out of the blue when she finally told her that she'd be moving. And yet, all her hints didn’t stop Priyanka from being surprised. 
It was dark out, and the pair lay not so comfortably in Lemon’s bed. It was too hot but neither had the energy to do anything about it, so they stayed there in silence, Lemon slowly building up the courage to speak. 
“Hey, Pri?” She barely recognised her own voice, hating the crack that came out when she started speaking. Priyanka hummed in response, turning her head to face Lemon’s, eyes trained on the side of Lemon’s head as the yellow haired girl stared blankly at the ceiling. Eye contact would be too much, she didn’t want to see Priyanka’s face when she told her. 
“I’m moving back to New York.”
More silence.
Then, the shuffling of covers and creaks of floorboards as Priyanka grabbed her stuff and left. Somehow Lemon didn’t register any of it until the door had shut behind her. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.
The next day, Priyanka showed up at her door again, not too long after the sun rose. She looked tired, but Lemon said nothing because she probably looked the same.
“Sorry for just, leaving. I, uh, I was pissed off? I think?” Lemon’s jaw dropped.
“I’m sorry, you were pissed? At me? Priyanka, I get that I could have told you sooner but don’t pretend like telling you would have made me change my mind.”
“Wouldn’t it? Why are you moving anyway? When are you moving?”
“I miss my friends. I miss New York. I need a change, a get-away. I leave in two weeks”
“Jesus Christ,” Priyanka almost stomped past Lemon, sitting on the couch with an angry thud.  “You’re telling me, you move to New York in two weeks, because you miss your friends, and I am only just finding out now? That is bullshit, Lemon”
Of all of the reactions Lemon anticipated, this was not one of them. They never argued. They always poked fun, never too serious, always having a good time. But this was new. Lemon didn’t even know how to argue with Priyanka. She didn’t even know how she was supposed to react to hearing her full name, and the way she said it too. Lemon couldn’t quite place a finger on how Priyanka was feeling, not used to not being able to read her like an open book, and she fucking hated it. But if Pri wanted to argue, then they were going to argue. Lemon didn’t make this decision on whim, she needed to do this, she needed to move, she didn’t have a choice. 
“God, Priyanka, do I need to tell you everything? It’s not like I’m your fucking girlfriend!” She regretted saying it the second it came out of her mouth, no matter how true it was. They avoided the word ‘girlfriend’ like the plague, but apparently this was the line that needed to be crossed to have this discussion.
“No, you don’t need to tell me everything, but if you’re moving to New York? Yeah, maybe tell me. Maybe mention it before you have to leave in two weeks, for fucks sake, Lem”
She had stopped shouting, her voice sounding a bit more tired and defeated that angry. Things were complicated. Lemon thought running away would be the easiest option. And maybe she was right. Maybe the easiest option was still hard, but it was too late to change her mind now. The damage had been done, and now Priyanka knew that she would be getting on the train in two weeks time, and they didn’t know when they’d see eachother again after that.
They spent all day talking. Avoiding direct eye contact, getting goosebumps every time their hands accidentally touched. Unsaid ‘I love you’s floated around them, taunting them every time Lemon went over her excuse for moving. They hid behind sad smiles and even sadder eyes, but never managed to actually surface, not like they ever did anyways. 
They pretended like nothing happened the next day. Instead, they opted to make the most of the last week and a bit left they had together, refusing to mention the fact that time was slipping, or how much they would be lost without each other. Lemon spent her nights on the phone to Jan, planning logistics, but mostly trying not to cry about how she was leaving the woman who was quite possibly her soulmate in another country for however long without telling her how she feels.
Her final day in Toronto came round after what felt like a short eternity. She was only slightly ready. Her yellow suitcase rolled next to her and she drowned out the noise of the train station with her earphones on full volume. A coffee warmed her shaking hands as she waited for the train she was obnoxiously early for. Not long past before she felt someone sit down next to her and place a hand on her shoulder, startling her from the daze she had managed to force herself into.
Of fucking course it was Priyanka. And of course she was looking at Lemon with tears threatening to shed. Lemon placed her hand in Priyanka’s after taking out her earphones, and gave it a small squeeze.
“I don’t want you to go” Lemon wished she could kiss her and say she didn’t want to go either. But she couldn't because she would be lying. She wanted to go. She loved Priyanka, and Priyanka loved her. They both knew it, without it being said. But Lemon just wasn’t ready. 
“I know. I’ll miss you” Priyanka shook her head and tears began to fall down her cheeks, one by one then all at once. 
“God, Lem, what went wrong? Do I have to fucking beg you to stay or something? I don’t understand why you have to move all the way to New York, I don’t know what I’m even supposed to do without you here”
Lemon refused to cry. She absolutely refused. When she felt the back of her eyes stinging with tears, she simply shook her head and pushed them back. Not now. Not in front of Pri.
She took her other hand, and looked Priyanka in the eyes, inching in closer and closer. 
“Pri, I’m going, and it’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna be fine, and you’re gonna be fine, okay love? It’s time to just… let me go.”
Lemon released her hands and stood up, the action followed by Priyanka, who gave her a bone crushing hug, still crying. When she finally let go, she gave her a small kiss on the top of her head, and Lemon had to hold back her tears for the millionth time within the past five minutes. They looked at each other for just a moment, once again opting to not say anything, despite it being their final chance. Lemon gave a small nod, as if in response to the silence, before turning away and walking to her platform. She didn’t look behind her. And if she stopped holding back her waterfall of tears the second she faced the other way, she could hide that from Priyanka too.
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irithyllians · 4 years
Whenever I take the official radiant quiz as Del, it tells me she’s a Windrunner which is hilarious to me because she’d be an OK but not great Windrunner. It’s definitely not her most likely Order. Which inspired me to look at all the Orders and work out which would work best for her, from most to least plausible:
Skybreaker (obviously) — I’m gonna feel like a broken record typing this. So I won’t. [insert everything I stress 24/7 about her fighting to exact true justice and protect victims etc etc]
Edgedancer — if Cultivation hadn’t fucked up her life and made her an empath, Edgedancer would be her Order, hands down. Remembering the forgotten? Fighting to protect the downtrodden common man? Absolutely her jam.
Bondsmith — “I will unite instead of divide” is a concept that is very important to Del, not just because her empathy means she can see similarities that most cannot, but also because of her beliefs in the One. She’s with Ym in that all actions should be taken with a view to benefiting those of the One; all living people. Also that connections to those a person cares about can be all that keep them going. BUT she’s not a natural leader, so that would require work 🤔
Truthwatcher — tbh, yeah! It works! Finding the truth and presenting it honestly is intrinsic to who she is; most of her time in Jasnah’s service has been for this cause. Also assessing whether or not a leader is using their power correctly? YES, a big thing for her. If there were more Truthwatchers at any given time [finger guns] hell y*a
Windrunner — despite how often I love to talk about the similarities between Windrunners and Skybreakers, and it being a driving theme in Del’s story, she’d not be a great Windrunner. For all she believes everyone must contribute to the whole, she is a lone wolf, and very solitary even when it’s necessary to work in a team environment. Nor is she a leader, just a facilitator. Also, for a number of reasons I’ll go into another time, she’s lost her faith in everyone’s ability to discern right from wrong; herself included! So... nah.
Dustbringer — really, not as unlikely as I’d once thought! Del is peaceful by nature, and not destructive, but she definitely sees the value of breaking harmful traditions, and that is strong enough that it could work! HOWEVER, she’s already got self control in spades, and if anything, her personal progression should involve LOSING a little of that excessive self control, which is kinda the reverse of the progression of Dustbringer oaths (IM ASSUMING bc we don’t have any info yet 🙃 pls it’s one of my fav orders)
Stoneward — Del does not have a competitive bone in her body, nor is she stubborn unless lives are being impacted, BUT being there when she is needed is a big thing for her, and she recurringly shows up (if possible) when people dear to her are near breaking point, so it’s not as WHOLLY unlikely. But it is amusing to think of her in the himbo order.
Willshaper — also a sexy order but it just does not quite work for her. It’s not that she doesn’t wish freedom for people that deserve it; she does. That’s part of why she’s a Skybreaker. But her experiences have shaped her as she is, complete freedom has proven to be harmful to many around her, and it just wouldn’t be her primary focus.
Elsecaller — not at all. She has no personal drive to improve herself and reach her full potential, beyond doing what she must to benefit those around her. It just fundamentally doesn’t work. And with so few inkpsren looking to bond [humans], their eyes would be on far more fitting candidates.
Lightweaver — 0/10 she’d be an outright awful Lightweaver. Good or bad, she is all about BRUTAL honesty. She can’t even bring herself to lie to make someone feel better, nor is she very creative in the arts department. She was trained to assimilate seamlessly into Alethi culture and DIDN’T because she felt that was deceitful. Without Jevanna’s insistence and help, she stands out like a sore thumb. What kind of dumbass intentionally travels to a Vorin country with their EYES COVERED, their accent irritating everyone, their foreign hair out on display, seeing no need to cover that up? Del. Dear Cryptics, you have many, much better options.
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psychosistr · 3 years
Green-Eyed Monsters- Chapter 6
Summary: On their way home, Steelbeak gets a lecture about why you shouldn’t knowingly drink spiked beverages and Dominic gets an embarrassing answer to a question he didn’t even think to ask...as well as more questions that he still needs answered..
Notes: Just a little interlude before we get into the emotional reconciliation of the final chapter.
-First Chapter-
“-most stupid, idiotic ideas you’ve EVER had!” Dominic’s voice was loud enough to be heard clearly over the roar of the flashy car’s powerful engine and the barely-audible music coming from the radio, even from outside the vehicle. “Why in the world would you knowingly drink not just one, but SEVERAL cocktails laced with who-knows-what?! It could have been arsenic, for all you knew!”
While the lecture certainly sounded harsh, in Dominic’s defense, he’d been quietly seething and biting his tongue for hours before finally getting to unleash the full brunt of his accumulated frustration from the evening’s events. After that two-faced femme-fatale had left them to deal with escaping on their own, the deadly duo had found themselves quite busy escaping the mansion (with the assistance of Emelia’s mattress that they’d thrown out the window to cushion their fall so they could jump from the upper floor more safely), sneaking past security, and speeding off in their getaway-car before security could close off the property. Once they’d escaped, the loon’s top priority had been getting medical attention for his partner, so he’d pushed aside his lingering irritation until one of FOWL’s doctors had cleared Steelbeak and given them the green-light to go home together (the metal-mouthed fowl would be dizzy, nauseous, and possibly have some memory loss the next day, but seemed like he’d recover with some bed rest and medicine provided by the doctor).
Now that they were heading home, however, now he had a perfect opportunity to unleash the rant that had been building since they’d left the mansion.
“Didn’t taste like almonds..” Steelbeak, currently seated in the passenger’s seat of his Lincoln Continental and leaning against the door so he could get the full benefit of the air coming in through the open window, seemed either too out of it, too bored, or too much of both to really be bothered by the volume of his partner’s voice. “Sides, I’ve had worse than a little rope slipped in my drink……give the guy makin’ ‘em some credit for waitin’ ‘til I ordered thicker drinks t’ start goin’ heavier with the pills- couldn’t see ‘em in those..”
The loon’s eyebrow twitched in agitation and he was fairly certain that the scowl on his face would become permanent at this rate. “Here’s a thought: How about NOT showing admiration towards the people who try to drug and murder you? It’s a novel concept, I know, but I think you’d benefit from it!”
Steelbeak’s eyes did their best attempt to roll upon hearing the other man’s sarcastic tone, but they only made it about halfway before giving up and closing. “Never said I admired ‘im…just sayin’ the guy knew what he was doin’…” A quiet groan rumbled in his chest as he rubbed his head, the dizziness still a prevalent symptom he was combating. “You’re makin’ this way bigger than it needs t’ be..ain’t like nothin’ happened-”
Successfully rolling his own red eyes, the darker fowl tried to continue. “Because-”
“-‘cause you were watchin’ out for me.” It was hard to tell if the slightly less coherent man actually knew what the loon was about to say or if he’d been in the middle of saying it to begin with. Either way, his partner let him continue explaining himself; if nothing else, it gave his throat a break and allowed him to prepare for the next round of ranting. “You were watchin’ me like a hawk all night…didn’ really have a way t’ avoid drinkin’ it without lettin’……whatever ‘er name was-”
“Emelia.” Dominic felt a small swell of delight in hearing that the lighter bird couldn’t even remember that conniving carnivore’s name, but he didn’t allow it to show as he kept his eyes on the road and his scowl firmly in place.
“Yeah..her…” Steelbeak gave a slight nod, but couldn’t be bothered to repeat the word. “Couldn’t get outta drinkin’ it without her knowin’ I was ont’ her……but, figured you were watchin’ an’ you’d follow me…” Dark grey eyes finally opened half way, his previous wave of dizziness subsiding for the moment. “Nothin’ else, figured Mara’d follow me like in Rio an’ you’d go after her..”
Whatever slight bit of improvement Dominic’s mood had taken was stripped away at the mere mention of that aggravating double-agent. “Oh, so you were expecting HER to rescue you? Well then, maybe I should have just let you two have your fun since you clearly enjoyed her company so much.”
“Ha! I trust that broad ‘bout as far as she can throw me.” Dark grey eyes glanced at the tight grip the other man had on the steering wheel. “Don’t get why you’re so worked up ‘bout ‘er…she’s not THAT bad…”
Red eyes gave a brief, irritated roll before focusing on the road once more. “Oh, wow, I wonder how I could possibly have a problem with some woman dancing and flirting with my partner all night.” Before he could say anything else on the matter, Dominic was startled when said partner started to laugh hysterically. Caught somewhere between insulted and mildly concerned- he wasn’t sure if this may have been a side-effect of the drugs still affecting Steelbeak’s mood and mental stability- the loon pondered the idea of pulling over to either check on the other man’s health or possibly slap him, depending on what the situation called for.
“You think she was FLIRTIN’ with me?!” The rooster managed to gasp out between fits of laughter, holding his sides as if in pain from the hilarity of the situation. That annoyingly nasal laugh of his was all that could be heard for a solid minute, acting as if this was the funniest thing he’d heard in ages. Just as Dominic was ready to pull the car over and give the overly-gleeful fowl a piece of his mind, Steelbeak managed to get a full sentence out that took him a moment to decipher: “Deedee, she’s ‘bout as interested in me, as you’d be in her.”
When the weight of those words finally sunk in, Dominic felt like he would have smacked himself in the forehead if both hands weren’t still tightly gripping the steering wheel.
A lesbian.
He’d spent a good portion of the evening feeling one-upped and threatened by a lesbian.
Face burning with shame beneath his dark feathers, the aquatic avian decided to deflect his embarrassment with a mask of frustration (not that it was that hard to pull off given their earlier conversation). “Why didn’t you just tell me that from the beginning?”
Having finally gotten over his laughing fit but still sporting an amused grin, Steelbeak slumped back down against the passenger-side door with a shrug. “Ya didn’t ask.” He covered his mouth around a yawn, his previous bout of activity apparently tiring him out again.
“I shouldn’t have to ask.” Dominic shook his head, sparing a less harsh look at the lighter fowl once they’d reached a stop light. “You need to give me any intel that could be vital to our mission. I need to know these things- we’re partners.”
In the few seconds his red eyes glanced away to make sure the light hadn’t changed color, the sharpshooter missed the expression that accompanied Steelbeak’s quiet, slightly disappointed tone of voice. “Is that all we are…?” By the time he looked back to ask for clarification, Dominic saw the other’s dark eyes had closed and he was sound asleep.
Left confused and uncertain once again about Steelbeak’s apparent displeasure regarding their partnership, Dominic sighed and swallowed his words for the time being. They’d have to talk about this when the other man WASN’T recovering from an overdose of mind-altering substances.
<--Previous Chapter Next Chapter-->
End Notes: Short chapter is short, sorry ^.^” Despite its shortness, I hope you guys still enjoyed the little moments of Domino getting to lecture Steelbeak before feeling embarrassed of his own misplaced jealousy xD
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
im behind on my administration nd freaking out abt medical bills nd just, the privatization of healthcar!! if anyone told you the netherlands has super socialized systems, they’re either a time traveller from the previous century or lying or like... think anything tht isn’t the US is socialist. it’s not. this country is capitalistic nd social programs have been deteriorating for decades bc of this dominant neoliberal as well as fascist mentality in politics, which enforces budget cuts that hurt the working class nd then punishes them for being poor or sick. yes there is insurance, but insurance companies (that you’re required to by law to make use of even if you can’t afford it fully) are a competitive market that keep increasing its prices every year, less and less is insured bc of the privatization of health, this country is a tax haven for multinationals who pay fucking zero or even get donations from the government and ex-students are stuck with loan debt of ten thousands of euros bc of student benefits being turned into loans by liberal parties in the chamber. if i have to see ppl from other countries share these fucking posts praising the NL for being so progressive for legized weed (it rly isn’t??? there are shops where it can be bought w a license but ppl can be stopped on the street for smoking it bc of racial profiling, and owning one weed plant is legal but not using it or cultivating more than one. like cops in helicopters looking for houses tht cultivate weed bc they got dragged in a scheme is everyday reality you know??).
like yes, this is by far not the worst place on earth, even the working class, esp white, are still far more privileged than the working class in other countries, e.g. not needing to fear for war and having access to water or healthcare at least somewhere. and the petit bourgeouis is quite large in this country which is why there might be a disconnect in ppl’s minds when not being able to apply class theory to a local context. but it is this romanticization of a country tht breaks down its social systems, copies a lot of pseudo-science and ‘free market‘ shit from the US, and deals w its own tradition of denying its colonial / racist past and PRESENT (it still has colonies but it isn’t addressed as such??) that gets to people’s heads and justifies any bad processes bc ‘hey, it at least isn’t [insert other country]!!‘.
more personal rants abt bureacuracy bs and healthcare bills under the readmore. im stressed
FUCKING HELL i just found out that the ‘eigen bijdrage‘ (own financial contribution) that comes with this new ADHD medicine (lisdexfetamine) isn’t around €20-25 like the person who prescribed it stated it was (which already is a lot to me considering the first medicine is fully insured) but €105,37 of which i would need to pay €76,80 (i think bc the previous medication of methylfenidaat was affirmed as not effective) for just 30 MEDICINES so ONE MONTH??
the pharmacist i spoke to, sounded like they too found it an absurdly high price nd i asked if the amount would eventually not be needed to be paid anymore after a certain amount of times (which was for example the case with antacids i picked up for my mom nd myself) and they said it didn’t. i was adviced to seek contact with my insurance company so i did and they said p much the same thing about fees being constant, maybe at the most fluctuating a little bit to lower fees in some months but not much. the only good thing is that eigen bijdrage fees can “only” run up to €250 per year bc anything above that is covered by insurance (which is already so?? to me bc you also have eigen risico amount of €385 per year which works p much the same).
so i looked at the website of the ADHD diagnostic / therapy center i’m a patient at and there’s a page about fees for medication and it links to a web page with statement of the brand / pharmaceutical company that makes this lisdexfentamine and it turns out that you CAN send it a request to get payed back the (i think full??) amount that you paid for the medication. my fucking god the fact that the insurance company workers nor pharmacists couldn’t even access that information bc it isn’t communicated is so vile. i considered not taking this medication despite it possibly being one that actually works for me unlike methylfenidaat. i really hope i can get the full amount paid back and that it’s not actually so that there’s more to this the brand won’t tell people who need medication. i’m also just frustrated this shit isn’t covered bc
i have supposedly the best type of insurance at this company nd my parents help me pay for it and all and this medicine nd a bunch of other things STILL aren’t covered by insurance bc the pharmaceutical industry has become so privatized and the ADHD institution i am a patient at has no contract w insurance companies so that’ll be another €250 in 2021.
ALSO i still have this invoice of €91 from my orthodontist bc my splint was broken nd replaced a few months ago, and i want to send the invoice to my insurance to see if they could at least cover part of it. but for that i need a PDF and to download that, i need to enter a code which they would send to my ‘phone number‘ but that one belongs to my parents’ landline(?) phone and to change it, i need to log in but i don’t have an online account bc when i first joined that ortho center i didn’t have all that and so far that was just fine. so now i first need to find a way to make an account or change my phone number to be able to download the invoice PDF and send that to the insurance. goddd.
like i am blessed enough to have parents who keep offering to help me pay my bills but i feel guilty towards them whenever i accept that bc it’s not like they’re rich or anything nd my mom will lose 1 form of income (or already has) nd isn’t at pension age yet bc that’s 67 and she’s 65 so they’re dependant on mainly my dad who overworks on wage barely above minimum, though i do think my mom gets a little bit so that’s a bit of a relief. but urgh i rly don’t want them to pay for so much for me, nd though the municipality doesn’t check my bank account regularly, it can if it suspects fraud nd they do that for the most random reasons so i’m always afraid they will check and see my parents send money and end up witholding welfare benefits for us.
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helenaspencer · 4 years
intro to helena
Is that HELENA SPENCER-MAY? Wow, they do look a lot like PHOEBE DYNEVOR. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMAN who are studying HISTORY  at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be CHILDISH and SNOBBISH, but on the bright side they can also be GENEROUS and CHARMING. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [YUNI, 21, GMT, SHE/HER]
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lord knows why i did this. im sorry.
01: basic information
Full Name: Lara Helena Spencer-May
Nicknames: Helena - she insists on being referred to only by her middle name.
Date Of Birth: August 12, 2002 (currently aged 18)
Zodiac: Leo sun, Leo ascendant, and Libra moon.
Place Of Birth: New York
Nationality: American and Swiss.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Course: History (Freshman)
02: physical
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dynevor
Ethnicity: White (Swiss, English)
Height: 173cm (5′8)
Weight: 56kg (124lbs)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Distinctive Features: a tangible air of disdain for anyone who earns less than 100k a year
Clothing Preference: Helena won’t wear anything which isn’t designer, but even then, she has her preferences. Perhaps stereotypically, she adores Chanel, closely followed by Versace. Her sense of style is fairly feminine, with a lot of dresses and skirts, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of jeans.
03: personality
Positive Traits: Generous, charming, loyal, creative
Negative Traits: Childish, snobbish, insincere, judgemental
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Helena has pretty much the emotional maturity of Veruca Salt. Which is to say, she cares about one person in the world, and that is herself. She doesn’t make long term plans, instead pursuing short term happiness - which means that whatever she wants in that moment, she will go for. And if you stand between her and whatever she wants, no matter how dumb - whether it’s a bag or a college - she reacts dramatically. She’s not above throwing tantrums, literally stomping her feet and screaming, scratching, you name it, until she gets what she asked for. She once keyed an ex boyfriend’s car because he understandably refused to invite her to his sister’s wedding and Helena had already picked out her (white) outfit. In addition to this, Helena’s sheltered upbringing has made her extremely ignorant to the world as a whole. She fails to comprehend how anyone can not be rich, since it’s all she knows, and so she tends to assume that poor people are always lazy and unambitious. As a result, she refuses to associate herself with anyone who is a scholarship student or comes from a poor family, as she insists that mindset might be contagious and drag her down. Her mood can switch very rapidly - one minute she is being sweet and charming to you, and the next minute she is screaming and crying. She’s also extremely adept at crocodile tears, which she uses on everyone she wants something from, seeing no problem with manipulating others if it gets her what she wants. She generally has a very superior outlook on herself as opposed to others, hence why she just assumes she’s going to inherit the May family’s company, over her cousins.
04: past
Lara Helena Spencer-May was born in New York to a Swiss father, Matteo May, and English mother, Margaret Spencer. Her father works for the family’s pharmaceutical company, her mother is from British landed gentry and works as a classicist for the British Museum. Helena spent the first few years of her life in New York, before moving back to Switzerland, although she continued to spend a lot of time in New York over the summer, where she would later meet Zander Driskell.
Although her first name is legally Lara, Helena forced everyone to call her by her middle name from the age of eleven. Firstly, she thought that Lara sounded common, and slightly too similar to her cousin Loren’s name, and secondly, as her classicist mother told her the story of Helen of Troy, who she had been named after - and there was nothing which sounded better in Helena’s shallow mind than being beautiful enough that men started wars over you.
Helena is her parents only child, and she was absolutely spoiled rotten from the moment she was born. Her father gives her anything she asks for, and pretty much dotes on her; her mother also treats her as if she’s the centre of the universe. As a result, Helena has become accustomed to never being told no, and has no idea of a good way to act if she is - hence her tendency to throw tantrums if she doesn’t immediately get what she wants. She’s far too used to being able to manipulate daddy with a few tears into giving her an extra 5k in her bank account.
From the age of six, Helena was sent away to attend Ecole des Roches, a prestigious boarding school in Paris. She would either come back to Switzerland over the summer, or spend summers in New York. One such summer was spent in Saratoga Springs when she was sixteen, where she met Zander Driskell - and who she began dating, with Helena deciding to stay in New York after summer ended to be closer. Despite this, their relationship quickly turned toxic, with Helena’s spoiled and selfish nature making it difficult for her to put up with Zander not giving her everything she wanted - they broke up and got back together multiple times over the course of the next year, before a particularly bad break up caused Helena to up and leave for Paris again, finally finishing her high school education in Paris.
Then came the time for college. To be honest, Helena has no actual interest in gaining a degree. As far as she is concerned, she is just going to get a degree for the sake of having one, as she is convinced she is going to inherit the family business. Still, she had ambitions to attend the  University of St Andrews  in Scotland, primarily because she knew Kate Middleton met Prince William there, and Helena would love to be a Queen one day. However, her grandparents instead gently pushed her to attend Luxor University, suggesting that Helena would benefit from some bonding time with her cousins. She instantly refused - and was thus incredibly shocked when for once, her father put his foot down, insisting that either Helena attend Luxor, or he would cut her allowance. No number of tantrums, screaming, threats to jump out of the window, or run away would work - Helena ended up at Luxor, much to her upset, surrounded by her dreaded scholarship students.
August 12 2002 - Helena is born in New York
2006 - Helena moves back to Switzerland
September 2008 - Helena is sent to Paris to attend boarding school. She returns to either Zurich or New York over the summers following.
Summer 2018 - Helena meets and begins a relationship with Zander Driskell. They have many fights and an on and off relationship.
December 2019 - After a particularly bad argument, Helena throws a tantrum and leaves New York, returning to Paris to finish her high school education.
September 2020- Helena begins attending Luxor University.... fashionably late.
05: other trivia
- Helena speaks fluent Swiss German, Swiss French, and English. In addition to this she is fluent in High French, since she attended school in Paris. Her accent when speaking English is sort of an amalgamation of American, English, and French due to her upbringing and her English mother, and it tends to change depending who she’s speaking to - if she’s speaking to someone English, for instance, it will be more on the English side as she subconsciously matches them, whereas if she’s speaking in English to a French person, it becomes more French.
- Adores the British monarchy. Especially Princess Diana. And yes, Spencer means she’s a distant relation. She won’t let you forget it.
- If you call her Lara, she will spit on you.
-She loves classical paintings, and collects art. Her dorm room walls are covered with paintings and reproductions of Greek tapestries. She dresses as Helen of Troy every. single. Halloween.
- She can play the piano, and the flute. She is constantly in a stage of quitting and rejoining the concert band though, as she joins, can’t take any criticism at all, quits, and then misses it and wants to rejoin.
- Massive fan of Lana Del Rey.
06: notable connections
Within Luxor:
- Friendships: ...
- Former Relationships: Zander Driskell
- Cousins: Loren Velazquez, Zelda Reese
- Matteo May and Margaret Spencer May: Her parents, who she has wrapped around her little finger.
07: connection ideas/wcs
Although Helena is often too childish to hold friendships for long, she can be fun for a party, so I see her having a lot of friends who she just drinks with or parties with every once for a while, without any genuine connection going on or spending too much time together
Maybe someone who is annoyed by her antics and has been on the receiving end of one of her tantrums and thus sees the immature side of her personality as an annoyance.
As long as she doesn’t perceive you as poor (god forbid), she loves a good hookup or friends with benefits.
08: tl;dr
Helena is highly immature, childish, and spoiled. She is rich to the point of not being able to understand or appreciate anything cheap or anyone poor in life, and looks down on pretty much anyone who isn’t at her level of rich as a result, seeing them as lazy. She truly believes she is superior to her cousins and that she’s going to inherit their family’s company, purely because she wants it that way.
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Crossing Lines
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature (implied sexual content + mild language) Pairing: Lance/Keith Note: The comeback no one expected with a series I thought was finished in 2018 and a fic I started in 2019 finally finished lol
There’s a nagging worry in the back of his head that this is not normal friends-with-benefits behavior, but it is easily drowned out by Lance’s sleepy smile when he shifts again to face Keith. He hides another wide yawn in his shoulder.
“Those kids wore you out, clearly.” Keith observes, trying to fight back his own yawn.
Lance smiles fondly. “It was fun to see them, to go back and be with everyone for a while. But I’m really glad you were here when I got home.”
AO3: (X) Part 1 of the series: (X)
Keith looks away from his computer as his phone buzzes against his leg. Pidge sits across the room at her desk, muttering to herself as she readjusts the device’s calibration – again. Their project was supposed to be at least 80 percent theoretical, but Keith knew the moment he was paired with Pidge that option was thrown out the window.
He flips his phone over just as it vibrates again. There’s a text from Shiro, asking him for the third time about a shirt Shiro insists Keith stole and Keith insists Shiro just lost, and a snapchat from Lance. Dismissing the text notification, he opens snapchat.
Most of the picture is just of a bright blue sky above him, but Lance’s face peeks out from the bottom, at an extremely unflattering angle. The selfie is taken at chest level while Lance looks down at the camera. His hair is pushed under a backwards baseball cap with frayed stitching along the edge and there is, what appears to be, a sparkly butterfly sticker on his cheek. Above his head it reads:
don’t blow up my apartment while im gone, mullet. i live there.
Shaking his head, he taps away the message. Pidge still appears absorbed in her tinkering and doesn’t notice as he takes a blurry picture of her.
we’re not that irresponsible
It only takes a few seconds for Lance to reply, no longer bothering with pictures and just texting back.
HA! but seriously, hunk’s been sending me worried messages all weekend
…Hunk had seemed particularly anxious the last time Keith emerged from Pidge’s room for a drink.
hm…like an hour ago pidge thought she had gotten the laser to work for real and did seem a little maniacal…
Lance replies with a supremely unimpressed expression, made, of course, all the more effective by the butterfly sticker. Keith snorts, but also half-heartedly wonders how easily he could get away with saving a screenshot of the selfie. He just saved one last night, of Lance cuddling with his parent’s dog ruined only slightly by the caption insinuating the dog had better breath than Keith, but he brushed it off with a lie about trying to lock his phone and taking the screenshot accidentally. He’s not sure if Lance believed him then, but he definitely wouldn’t believe it two times in a row.
Pidge loudly clears her throat across the room. Startled, Keith dismisses the message, and nearly drops his phone in the process. When he looks up, Pidge is looking at him over the rim of her glasses, with one brow raised.
“How’s that report coming, Keith?”
He glances back at his computer, at the three and a half pages he had finished of their ten-page report. “Fine.”
“Hm.” Pidge looks away, jotting down some other measurements on a pad besides her. “And how’s your boyfriend?”
“He’s not my-” Keith starts before he gives up with a heavy sigh. It’s a waste of breath with her. “Lance thinks we’re going to blow up the apartment. Well I guess actually Hunk does, and he turned to Lance for help.”
Pidge rolls her eyes, muttering something under her breath about worry-warts and ridiculous roommates. Keith smiles at the, somehow, simultaneously exasperated but fond tone she uses and turns back to his computer, tucking his phone under his leg again. But it takes a while to focus on anything other than blue eyes and familiar, silly banter.
It’s nearly three and a half hours later, though it hardly feels like it, when Hunk knocks at the door, tempting them out of the room and their work-stupors with the promise of pizza, the heady aroma already spilling out from the kitchen. They settle in the living room, Pidge and Hunk on the couch with Keith on the floor in front of them, legs stretched out under the coffee table. Pidge is still complaining around mouthfuls of burning cheese that they were almost done, if Hunk had just waited a little while longer, but Hunk turns on the sci-fi series they’ve been watching together and within ten minutes into the episode her complaints have turned into an analysis of how the character’s spacesuits work.
Keith relaxes against the couch as their familiar chatter falls around him. He’s a little lost in what is happening in the show, they’re further than he’s been able to get on his own, but it’s nice to share it with them anyways, especially with the way Hunk laughs triumphantly when he guesses the ridiculous plot twist twenty minutes early and Pidge keeps comparing the characters to people they know with frightening accuracy.
It only takes them an episode and a half to completely demolish the pizza, but when the third one starts up in the queue, no one bothers to reach for the remote. Full of good food and only half-paying attention to the show, Keith can feel himself being lulled to sleep right there on the living room floor. He fights against the urge as much as he can, but the last thing he remembers is the upbeat opening starting for the next episode, and then suddenly the episode is ending as he jerks awake, knocking his knee on the underside of the table, hard.
After his unfortunate waking, he extracts himself from under the table, gathering up dirty plates, despite Hunk’s protest, and taking them into the kitchen – the moving helps wake him up, even if his knee still hurts like a bitch. The stove clock reads 7:03. He slips through the living room as another episode is starting and goes to their bathroom.
As he’s washing his hands, his phone buzzes with another text. He opens the text as he exits the room. It’s a picture from Adam, Shiro’s fiancé, of Shiro sitting on the floor of what Keith is pretty sure is their laundry room, head buried in his hands. There’s a very dusty pile of something next to him.
The text says: we found his shirt.
Keith leaves the text conversation, trying not to laugh. Considering all the trouble Shiro gave him, Keith feels like he should be at least mildly annoyed by this instead of amused.
He turns the doorknob to the room in front of him and swings it open before he even realizes what he’s doing. He freezes, looking in at Lance’s dark, empty room. Distracted, he had apparently been moving through the apartment on autopilot – straight to Lance’s room. Feeling like he’s breaking some kind of unspoken rule, he takes a few steps in. Lance’s bed is still a mess of blankets and pillows, and there’s piles of books and discarded shoes covering his floor. He’s only been gone a few days, but his absence feels so prominent, especially like this, Keith can’t help but feel like something is wrong.
He’s texting Lance before he can think better of it.
when are you coming back again?
Lance’s response is almost instantaneous.
why? missing me that much already, mullet?
Yes, Keith’s head or heart, or maybe both, shout.
no just wondering how much longer we get to enjoy this peace and quiet he says instead.
whatever, asshole …….tomorrow night
Keith silently but firmly tells himself to stop being so damn happy about this news as he slips his phone back into his pocket. He takes one last look at Lance’s room before stepping back out into the hall and pulling the door closed behind him.
He just barely manages to fight the telling smile off his face before he gets back to the living room.
 Keith crashes at their apartment for the night, on the couch. Hunk and Pidge both try to convince him that he could take Lance’s bed and Lance wouldn’t care, but Keith is fairly certain he wouldn’t get much sleep if he was in Lance’s room – even if he would be alone – and insists the couch is fine. He wakes up once around 5 or 6 in the morning as Hunk is getting ready for his opening shift at a local diner but otherwise sleeps well until about 10:30. He wanders into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee before going to roust Pidge. He doesn’t mind mornings much, but he learned very soon into their friendship that Pidge is very firmly a “night owl,” and has no interest in trying to deny her nature. She’s lying upside down on her bed when he gets to her room, and somehow managed to kick all of her blankets off of the bed, except one, which looks dangerously close to suffocating her.
He stands in the doorway for a moment, just staring at her. “How do you even manage this?”
“Mmphf.” Sleeping Pidge replies, very firmly.
“Right.” Keith pauses. “I’ll come back when the coffee’s done, actually.”
With a little extra time, Keith hops in the shower. As soon as he opens the bottle of shampoo, he recognizes the familiar, fresh scent as Lance’s soap. He’s a little surprised Lance left his favorite soap behind, even if he was just going to his family home for a few days. He also isn’t sure what to do, looking around the shower space for other soap. There’s plenty, and surely none of them would care either way if he used a little soap but…
Is he totally over thinking this? Absolutely.
Does that realization help him make a decision about which soap to use? Absolutely not.
What feels like ages, but is hopefully only a few minutes, passes before he finally convinces himself to stop being ridiculous and just use the damn shampoo. He just grabbed Lance’s first, it was a coincidence and if Pidge noticed later…well, she would just have to accept that.
He washes up quickly after wasting who knows how long second-guessing his soap choices and leaves the bathroom to the smell of coffee slowly starting to fill the apartment.
He has to break the nonexistent, unspoken rule his brain has built up in his mind a second time, and trespasses across Lance’s room to find some spare clothes he’s left behind for overnight stays. He pulls on some clean boxers and his jeans from yesterday, but after he’s pulled the worn Altea University shirt over his head, he realizes its Lance shirt, not his. There’s a small hole starting in the bottom hem and the white letters are fading and cracked from excessive wear. It was folded in his drawers, so Keith is like…ninety percent certain it’s clean, but it still smells like Lance’s cologne. Or maybe it’s his lotion or laundry soap or bodywash, but between whatever lingering scent Lance has left on his clothes and the smell of his shampoo still obvious in Keith’s damp hair, he suddenly feels overwhelmed.
He hates how much he hates that Lance is gone.
It’s just a couple of days. Why is he such a disaster? They’re friends. When was the last time he missed Hunk or Pidge this much when they were gone? Even with their friends with benefits arrangement, what made Lance that special to him?
Actually, that was a can of worms he wasn’t really prepared to open just yet.
Keith makes a hasty retreat – a calm, completely normal walk out of one room to another if anyone asks – back to the kitchen for coffee. He pours a generous amount for both Pidge and himself, before he returns to Pidge’s room to finally wake her. He’s not exactly eager to spend another full day working on this project, but he wants to get it done, and he officially really needs the distraction.
It takes another hour, even with the promise of coffee, to pull Pidge out of bed, and she insists on showering “to feel like a real person” before they can get back to work on their project.
Keith has gotten as far as turning his laptop back on and opening their report, rereading the last few paragraphs to remember where he left off, when Pidge returns to her room in some leggings and a baggy t-shirt Keith is pretty sure belongs to either Lance or Matt.
“How about food first?” she suggests.
It’s not exactly the distraction he was looking for, but he shuts his laptop anyways, pushing it off his lap before she even finishes her sentence.
 Sal’s is a small 24-hour diner just outside of Altea's central campus that makes it a popular place for both students and professors. Sunday morning, it is practically bursting at the seams, but it’s got good food for reasonable prices and Hunk, Lance, and Pidge had become regulars even before Hunk got a job in the kitchen. Within a few months of becoming friends, Keith had been invited along enough times that the waitstaff began to recognize him too.
Their wait for a table is reasonable, all things considered, and then Keith and Pidge have only been at the table for maybe three minutes before their waitress, Flora, drops drinks off at the table with a promise to be back for their orders in just a minute. Her long, red pony tail swings wildly behind her as she flits around the small space.
They hadn’t ordered anything, but Flora had been there for a long time and was used to their group stopping in, especially on weekend mornings when Hunk was working. But sitting on the table in front of them is two coffee mugs, and a tall glass of apple juice.
Keith and Pidge both stare at it for a moment, before looking to each other. Keith has a feeling the juice is making him feel a whole lot more…things than it is Pidge.
“I guess she just assumed?” Pidge finally says after a moment and goes back to the menu, as if she hadn’t memorized it within the first three months of their visits.
Keith pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the juice, sending it to Lance with a text:
from flora
Lance’s response comes in a few minutes later, interspersed with at least a dozen crying emojis.
i cant believe u traitors went to sal’s w/o me. tell flora i love her and one of u better drink that. we don’t let apple juice go to waste in this house
i am not telling her that. but i will drink the juice for u
Flora comes back to the table before Lance’s next reply comes in. “Just your usual’s today?”
Pidge hums and haws over the decision a few times, like she does every time they come, before agreeing to her usual order. Though she asks for fresh fruit as well today, just to mix it up.
He can feel his phone buzz against his leg almost the entire time Pidge is ordering. And again a few more times as he confirms that he would like his usual order as well. “But, Lance isn’t with us today so…nothing for him.” Keith adds awkwardly at the end.
Flora blinks at him a few times, surprised, before she snaps her fingers as if suddenly remembering something. “Right. I remember Hunk mentioning one of his roommates was out of town for a few days. Sorry guys, I’m just so used to your trio, or just you and him,” she says to Keith, thankfully not seeing the way Pidge wiggles her eyebrows and makes kissy-faces at him for the aside. “I’ll take that juice back for you.”
“Oh no, that’s fine.” Keith says, moving the glass closer to him. “It’s already poured, we’ll drink it.”
Flora arches a brow, but doesn’t argue with him. She promises their food will be out shortly and leaves the table.
“I can’t believe Lance didn’t request you deliver any messages to her for him, or insist we eat his chocolate chip pancakes in his honor too.” Pidge says once she’s gone.
Keith pulls out his phone, flipping it around to show Pidge the twelve messages he got while they were ordering. “Oh, I’m sure he did somewhere in there.”
 It’s hard to get back to work on a full stomach, but they power through it. Their shared determination to not have to worry about the project after today deters the usual urge to distract each other. Still, progress is slow, and they’re still working when Hunk comes home from work and peeks in to check on them. They pass on lunch when Hunk asks after his shower, and give non-committal answers to his questions about dinner plans.
Keith is entirely unaware of time and date and hell maybe even location by the time he drags himself through the conclusion but he is bordering on ecstatic when he finally saves the document for the last time and looks up from the computer only for Pidge to look up from her own work and meet his eye a few seconds later.
He nods, and she gives an excited “whoop!” stumbling off her desk chair to throw herself on the bed besides him. “So I just need to add in my input and double-check the details match up, right?”
He nods again, and she immediately scrolls to the top of the document to start reading. “Oh!” she jumps up again, grabbing her laptop from the desk and the notebook she was working in besides it. “Do you want to double check the equations and make sure the experiment outline matches the order you have everything in the paper?”
He is relatively confident in Pidge’s work, but he agrees, nonetheless, and the two settle against each other in the twin bed to finish their work.
 Keith isn’t sure when he dozes off, he doesn’t even really remember falling asleep, but when he wakes up, it’s dark in Pidge’s room. Both of their computers are on her desk and he’s alone in her bed. He sits up, half-heartedly feeling around the blankets for his phone to check the time.
“C’mon Mullet, you really had to move right then?”
Keith about jumps out of his skin at the unexpected voice, though he’d vehemently deny it if asked. Lance is sitting backwards in Pidge’s desk chair, pushed close to the door. He lowers his phone, smirking at Keith’s startled expression.
“I guess the deer-in-the-headlights look is fun too, but I was really going to enjoy lording the drooling-all-over-Pidge’s-sheets picture over you.” Lance teases.
Keith’s heart brain is doing some kind of stupid, fluttery thing over the boy across the room that he is pointedly ignoring.
“Shut up.” Keith mutters, even as he hastily wipes at his mouth. There’s nothing there. Asshole. He pushes himself off the bed. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Lance presses a hand to his chest in fake offense. “Really? You sleep through my grand return and when you finally bother to wake up, that’s how you greet me?”
Keith crosses the room, folding his arms over his chest and summoning the most unimpressed expression he can muster. “You know what I meant.”
Lance doesn’t seem deterred by the new height difference between them, or Keith’s attitude, crossing his arms over the back of the chair and batting his eyelashes up at him cheekily. He’s wearing the same baseball hat from the picture he sent Keith yesterday, but he’s got it on in the right direction this time, making him look minorly less like a douchebag. The baggy zip-up, which may very well be Hunk’s, over a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and sweatpants isn’t really helping though.
“When did you get back?” Keith askes instead of commenting on his poor outfit choices.
Lance shrugs. “A little after five. Pidge said you started to doze off around four.” He adds before Keith can ask. “Hunk made stir fry for dinner.”
Taking that to mean Lance was actually sent here to wake him up for dinner, rather than simply coming to terrorize him because he was bored, Keith steps around him to leave. A moment later Lance stumbles off the chair after him, complaining all the way.
“Hey,” Lance calls after him.
Keith is already rolling his eyes as he turns around, assuming Lance has a few more jabs he wants to get out before they get to the kitchen, so he is wholly unprepared for Lance to hook a finger in the collar of his shirt and pull him close.
“Is this my shirt?”
It takes all of his self-control not to fly away from Lance’s hold, though the heat rising rapidly to his cheeks is probably giving away his embarrassment all the same. “Maybe? I just grabbed something from your drawers after my shower this morning.”
Lance has a look in his eyes that Keith recognizes as usually meaning something dangerous is in store for him. He leans in closer, stopping just before the bill of his hat brushes the top of Keith’s head. “Did you use my shampoo too?”
“I think you’re a little too obsessed with your things for someone wearing someone else’s hoodie.”
“Well I think you missed me while I was gone.”
Keith isn’t entirely sure who moves first, but one second they’re staring each other down daring the other to give in and the next he’s shoved Lance’s baseball cap off his head, burying his fingers in Lance’s messy hair while Lance’s hands have dropped to his waist, pulling him close with a bruising grip. Their kiss is uncoordinated and messy. Keith is ninety percent certain he was not the only one missing someone a stupid amount this weekend. His back hits the wall, and he faintly registers Pidge yelling something about her room from the other side of the apartment.
Lance rucks up his shirt, warm hands brushing over his sides, and Keith is dangerously close to wrapping his legs around his hips and saying fuck dinner.
They finally break apart for air and Lance laughs against his throat, the sensation sending shivers down his back. “I knew you missed me.”
“And what?” Keith asks breathlessly. “You were ambivalent about it all? I don’t think so. Not kissing like that.”
Lance pulls back to look at him with a surprisingly soft look. “I just wanted to hear you admit it,” he teases.
Normally, Keith would have a comeback for that, probably, but now he’s distracted as he runs his fingers through Lance’s bangs. “You have blue hair.”
Just the tips of his hair that are dyed, actually, not his whole head, he’s still surprised by the change. It seems a little silly, but it still looks good on him.
Lance, not one to be deterred by much, winks at him, striking a pose. “Hot, right? Rachel did it.”
“Yeah, it looks good.”
That does give Lance pause and he blinks at Keith and his easy admission a few times. “Er, well…we should probably go eat now. If just to reassure Pidge we aren’t defiling her room.”
 Dinner is great, as usual when Hunk cooks, and they sit in the living room with another show on in the background, but they fill most of the time talking about Lance’s trip and gossip in their department that Keith is somehow always unaware of.
It is well after eleven before conversation begins to fade and they start to disperse around the apartment. Keith is, maybe a little, embarrassed about it, but he doesn’t bother to hide his intentions to stay with Lance rather than going back to his own apartment now that the project is done. For once, Pidge and Hunk leave them be with minimal suggestive looks.
Considering the brief tryst in the hallway earlier, Keith isn’t entirely sure what to expect when they finally retire to Lance’s room, but Lance doesn’t seem to be in a particular rush to do anything. Keith shimmies out of his jeans and drops into bed while Lance puts on some kind of moisturizer. He strips down to his boxers after and Keith can see new, blue markings up and down his arms before Lance turns the light off. Predictably, a moment later there’s a crash and Lance swears. Keith leans over to turn on the lamp next to the bed. Lance is leaning against the footboard, rubbing his shin.
“What did you knock over this time?”
Lance sticks out his tongue. “Don’t worry about it. Move over.” He says. He doesn’t wait before he climbs over the end of the bed and flops down, half on top of Keith.
“I would have moved if you let me,” Keith says into his shoulder.
Lance hums in consideration before he shifts on the mattress. Keith lets him maneuver him around the bed, mostly curious as to what he’s doing, until they end up on their sides, legs tangled together and arms around each other. Lance’s head is pressed against his chest, and his hands are, conveniently, on his ass.
“Shh,” Lance interrupts immediately. “I had to go a whole weekend without even being able to see this ass, give me a moment to enjoy it.”
Keith laughs despite himself, rolling his eyes. “You are ridiculous.”
Lance wiggles against him, sighing contently. “You like it.”
Absentmindedly, Keith runs a hand against Lance’s back, trailing nonsense patterns against his warm skin. Eventually, he looks down, just to make sure Lance hasn’t actually fallen asleep like that, and sees the blue drawings on his arm again.
“What is all over you?”
Lance lets go of him to roll onto his back and show off his arms. “After Rachel dyed my hair, Nadia and Sylvio wanted to match, but Lisa, their mom, wasn’t really thrilled with the idea, so we found these tattoo markers at the dollar store and they were washable, so we went kind of crazy.” Lance shifts so his side is up where the black outline of a shark tattooed into his waist is now black and blue. “They also colored in my tattoo.”
“Did you draw these?”
“Haha,” Lance elbows him in the side half-heartedly. “I drew the rocket ship on my wrist, and the constellations on my shoulder, if they’re still there, are from Veronica, but everything else is from Nadia and Sylvio. Oh, and Luis,” Lance points to a…something near his elbow.
“A flower?” Keith guesses.
Lance snorts. “A lion, according to him.”
“Not the most artistically inclined I’m assuming?”
Lance shakes his head. “Not at all. Nadia’s pretty good though,” he turns over his arm to show off a dog on his forearm. “That’s pretty damn good for a seven-year-old drawing on a moving canvas with dollar-store markers.”
They just spent the last few hours talking about this weekend with Hunk and Pidge in the living room, but Keith can’t help but ask more questions about his family and what they did over the weekend. He brushes Lance’s hair out of his face, and Lance settles deeper into his arms, waving his hands in the air as he talks about the piñata he had to fill for the party by himself, that was bigger than the birthday boy, and the balloon mishaps that had his mother ready to call the whole thing off more than once.
There’s a nagging worry in the back of his head that this is not normal friends-with-benefits behavior, but it is easily drowned out by Lance’s sleepy smile when he shifts again to face Keith.
“Did you guys have fun this weekend?”
Keith shrugs one shoulder. “As much fun as you can have the weekend before a Kolivan deadline.”
Lance grimaces sympathetically. “You finished everything though, right?”
“I think so. We were just checking each other’s work before I fell asleep. If there was more to do, I doubt Pidge would have let me sleep for long.”
Lance hides a wide yawn in his shoulder. “That’s good,” he tries to say, only to break off half-way through into another yawn.
“Those kids wore you out, clearly.” Keith observes, trying to fight back his own yawn.
Lance smiles fondly. “It was fun to see them, to go back and be with everyone for a while. But I’m really glad you were here when I got home.”
The admittance is so quiet in the still room, and almost immediately drowned out by the way Keith’s pulse races, blood roaring in his ears.
Lance had closed his eyes, but he opens them again and looks up at him curiously. Keith knows he has to be able to hear the erratic beating of his heart. He wonders if Lance is even remotely aware of how many lines they’ve crossed in the period of their relationship, if he thinks at all about how little like fuck-buddies they behave when they spend nights wrapped in each other’s arms saying soft things and doing nothing else and if it affects him at all or if this is just how he is casually intimate with everyone. And he wonders why he hates that idea so much.
“Can I kiss you?” Keith asks. It’s usually Lance’s question, but for once, Keith can’t help but ask, ignoring, for now, how overwhelmed he is.
Surprisingly, Lance is quiet, and just nods his agreement, watching Keith with wide eyes.
The kiss now is nothing like the ones they shared before dinner, slow and gentle where the others were rushed and near-frantic. Keith wraps both arms around Lance’s waist, and Lance cradles his face with one hand, threading his other hand through Keith’s hair.
“Good night,” Keith whispers against his lips as they break apart feeling like he’s doing something unbelievably stupid even as the words come.
Lance presses one more quick, closed-mouth kiss against his lips. “Good night.”
Keith flips off the bedside table lamp, dousing them in darkness.
He isn’t sure how long they lay in the dark before Lance finally relaxes and falls asleep, but it feels like at least another hour before Keith admits to himself, he can’t sleep yet and carefully extracts himself from the bed. Lance makes a quiet noise of displeasure in his sleep, but easily stretches out, taking up the empty space and doesn’t wake up.
Keith goes out into the hallway, thinking he’ll just go to the living room and calm down but a light shines through the crack of Pidge’s closed door and he finds himself drawn there instead. He knocks once and Pidge opens the door immediately, looking around the hall almost alarmed.
“Keith? What’s wrong? It’s almost four in the morn-”
“Pidge, I think I love him.” Keith interrupts. “I think I’m in love.”
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
i keep digging myself down deeper // charlotte&lola
Summary: Lola takes Charlotte to confront her mother after finding out that she lied about Lola’s dad’s death. Lola is plotting a murder. Charlotte is trying to fix her moral compass. They still end up in a graveyard.
A/N: tagging @misscharlottelee as always, and @local-troubled-writer . this made me so fucking sad folks. also i think lola is overall a better person in this au and im so sad about the main story too now. wrote it at work.
[run to paradise au]
“Take Charlotte,” Doc says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world, like he knows Lola’s on a knife-edge and can trust the younger woman to pull her back. He says it like he’s trying to throw a wrench in whatever malicious scheme she’s concocting that she thinks he doesn’t know about it. 
Take Charlotte. Unlike you, she’s good. Is what Lola hears, and it sets her teeth on edge. It could have been Tommy, but Doc knows better than anyone that Lola’s got that man wrapped around her little finger, though he’s the backup if Charlotte won’t go, because god knows Lola hates Mick enough to murder him on a trip out of state, and she and Nikki together will never do anything good. He could ask Vince, but that’s asking for trouble, and Vince has actually kind of settled down. Lola on a rampage is liquid heroin, and Vince is finally in recovery. So take Charlotte, somehow the only stable one of the lot.
“We’re going to pay respects to your dad, right?” Charlotte’s got a backpack full of clothes for if they stay longer than intended, and Razzle on her heels, offering to drive them both to the airport. Lola confirms. “And Doc doesn’t trust you?”
“No he does not,” Lola grumbles through her teeth, throwing a glance over her shoulder at Nikki, on the sofa wearing only his boxers, covered in scratches and hickeys.
“He’s a smart man,” Charlotte says with a smile, but Lola’s not matching her energy, just rolls her eyes. That being said, Lola’s at the very least grateful that Charlotte’s not walking on eggshells around her the way everyone else seemed to, Nikki notwithstanding, since she’d found out her father had died when she was nine, and her mother had lied about it to her, and she’d believed that he’d just left because she was a bad kid ever since.
But now she was out for revenge, had told Doc she’d just wanted to visit her father’s grave, but the moment she’d been given the go-ahead, she knew she was heading home to confront and kill her mother for everything she’d put Lola through.
When they get on the plane, Lola’s pretty sure she can see Razzle waving from the terminal, and when she points this out, Charlotte leans over her and waves back, despite Lola’s noise of disgust.
“Don’t be like that Lols, notice how I didn’t say anything about your hickeys and band aids on the way here? You look like you had a raccoon try and rip out your jugular,” Charlotte tells her with a smirk, sitting back before avoiding her gaze, “and I don’t think Nikki would give it up that hard if you were still really grieving, so what’s your real plan here?” Cutting straight to the point, she’s so unbelievably no-nonsense about it, seeing through Lola before Lola had even fed her a lie. Lola knows she could convincingly lie to Charlotte in a heartbeat, but it’s not worth the effort; either way she’d have to tell her.
“I’m gonna kill my mom,” Lola tells her under her breath, before smiling at the stewardess doing final checks, while Charlotte sits in stunned silence.
“You’re gonna murder her?” Charlotte matches her volume, though her voice is full of disbelieving rage. They haven’t even taken off yet. Lola hums in agreement. “What? Just gonna shoot her in the face? You don’t even have a -”
“A plan? Of course I do. I’m gonna burn her house down. With a flare gun,” Lola fires back easily, before adding, “shooting her is Plan B. Also with a flare gun.”
The flight is only a few hours long, and Charlotte spends it fuming in silence, not wanting to cause a scene on a plane, in the airport, or in the taxi to the hotel. There’s no words for the rage, for the betray, for the being an accessory to murder, and she’d probably fight Lola if the older woman didn’t have biceps the size of a rotisserie chicken.
Lola leaves, claiming to get dinner, and comes back with a greasy burger and a flare gun, and Charlotte wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to believe this is all a bad dream.
“You’re fucking kidding me,” is what she says, and Lola gives a patient smile.
“Charlie, please just remember she set me on fire,” and she puts the flare gun on the bedside table, puts her trash in the bin, and goes to bed.
Maybe Charlotte considers taking the gun and throwing it in the ocean. But she doesn’t. Deep down, she’s pretty sure Lola’s not capable of murder, enough that she leaves the gun there; it’s trust. Lola wouldn’t make her an accessory to murder. Probably.
“You’re only an accessory if you come,” Lola tells her over a room service breakfast, and Charlotte feels like she’s going to be sick, “go sight seeing, meet me at the airport,” she shrugs, “if the cops ask you questions, just play dumb, like you do every time they come looking for Nikki or Tommy.”
“You’re not going through with this -”
“I’ll be done by midnight,” Lola’s not usually so focused and sincere, seemingly trying to ignore Charlotte’s negativity.
“Please, Lols, don’t do this; don’t do something crazy that you’ll regret,” Charlotte almost begs her, and Lola’s teeth stretch into a snarl.
“So I’m only allowed to be crazy when it benefits you, right?” She snaps, finally, and Charlotte swallows hard, eyes going wide in surprise. “Because when we rock up to your cheating ex’s house and I’ve got a baseball bat, you can call me crazy and be proud -”
“I never called you crazy,” Charlotte says through her teeth, completely unprepared to handle Lola, who’s never actually lashed out at her before.
“No, Duff called me a psycho, and you believed him, didn’t you? But I was your psycho, wasn’t I, Miss Lee,” Lola’s voice turned cruel and mocking, “it’s okay if I’m a psycho so long as you can wind me up and point me in the direction of whoever you want fucked up -”
“After fucking everything we’ve been through, you’re gonna accuse me of just using you?”
“No,” Lola said easily, flipping from feral to collected with an almost terrifying speed, “we’re friends, Charlotte, I know this, I just don’t think you’re used to my anger not benefiting you.” Her lips twitch into a cool smile, “I think you forget that we’re very different people, Charlie; before I met you, I was blowing cops to get me and Nikki out of trouble every other week, and all that’s changed is that Nikki has started bribing his way out.” it almost seems like a point of pride, and Charlotte has no fucking idea what to say to that. “But sure, I can be crazy when we’re hurting the boy who broke your little heart,” she coos in a mocking falsetto, before her expression just turns cold, “but when it comes to the woman who abused me during my formative years and set me on fire, sure,” she rolled her eyes, miming screwing a lid on a jar, voice dripping with sarcasm, “I’ll put a lid on it, for your sake.” She spat.
“I’m sorry I don’t want you to commit fucking murder,” Charlotte blurts out, realising far too late that she’s crying, and Lola’s hard resolve instantly crumbles, “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m just, just, just using you for your anger, I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,” and she’s just crying now, sitting in the hotel with her head in her hands, “obviously I don’t think you’re a psycho.”
“Yes you do,” Lola sighs, but it’s neither angry nor an accusation, its defeat, a label she’s worn for a long time finally spoken by one of the only people she actually respected, “and I am; there’s nothing you can do to help it.” 
“Please don’t hurt anyone, Lols, please,” Charlotte begs, and Lola heaves another deep sigh.
“Go home, Charlotte, go back to Razzle and pretend this was all a bad dream; I don’t want you living in my reality. You’re better than that.”
“You shouldn’t live in this reality; Lola, you’re scaring me, I’ve known you for half a decade, and for the first time,” Charlotte snifled, sitting up a little straighter and avoiding Lola’s dark gaze, “I’m fucking terrified, okay? You’ll go to jail for the rest of your life.”
“Small price to pay,” Lola shrugs, and Charlotte’s going from guilty to frustrated fast, but Lola’s voice turns hard, “go home, Charlotte.”
“You’re not a felon,” Lola finally snaps, voice flat and angry, “you’re a romantic at heart with terrible taste in friends.” Finally, Lola stands, and Charlotte’s shocked into silence. 
“You’re the worst friend I’ve got,” it’s like it’s finally hit her, voice a little breathless, a little disbelieving, and Lola gives a wry smile.
“Now you’re getting it.” And she leaves. In the middle of the day. Leaves Charlotte alone and fragile in the hotel, off to do god knows what, possibly off to commit murder.
Charlotte calls Razzle; she’s never been scared of what Lola’s been capable of, maybe it’s that she’s never really thought Lola could commit murder, but now she’s afraid. The only thing that’s ever terrified Lola was her mother, and now, knowing what she knows, the truth about everything she’s been through, in some twisted way Charlotte can easily see how Lola’s made herself believe that the murder is just. Charlotte’s never known a killer, not really. Razzle reassures her over the phone, tells her that Lola’s just gone to blow off steam but that she’s got a good heart under all of it. She’s motivated by loyalty, not revenge. But then it hits them both; Lola’s mother besmirched her father’s name for years, the first person Lola ever truly loved and looked up to. The only man she’s been even more loyal to than Nikki is her father; and she’d kill for either of them in a heartbeat.
“I need to stop her,” Charlotte’s still got tear tracks drying on her cheeks when she sits bolt upright, phone still to her ear, “do I- should I call the cops?” She asks, and Razzle hesitates. It would be a betrayal that would send Lola spiraling further. 
“Go to her, you know you can talk her down; she loves you, she listens to you,” Razzle tells her, and when he says it, so sweet, so gentle, so self assured, she almost believes him, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She tells him, before sniffling loudly, “wish me luck.” She tells him, feeling far more capable than she had minutes before; Razzle was good like that, was supportive like that, knew just what to say when Charlotte needed to hear it.
Charlotte knows the address that Lola was given, and heads there first, but the street is quiet, the house is quiet, and there were no signs of Lola to be seen. She drives for a bit down the road, heart beating in her throat, anxious and mind jumping to all sorts of terrible conclusions, but there’s no signs of any disturbance. Lola had been on foot, and had left only an hour and a half ago, she couldn’t have gotten far. 
At the end of the street, there’s a park, and Charlotte comes to realise that school must be on break, because it’s teaming with parents and children, and she searches, wonders, thinks she sees someone who looks a bit like Lola, but doesn’t stick around to make sure. That woman looks too old to be Lola. 
She checks bars and liquor stores and gas stations, and finally has a hit from a cashier who sold her two bottles of vodka, and the gas station attendant who had given her a pack of smokes, despite her having already gone through a quarter of a bottle in the half-mile between stores.
The only thing at the end of this street was a graveyard.
Lola’s wasted, unable to stand, sitting with her back against a faintly worn grave, mumbling to herself. 
“How could she do this to us, dad?” Is the first thing Charlotte hears from her, an angry growl. With one hand around the neck of a mostly empty vodka bottle, the other comes to forlornly pet the gravestone. Catching sight of Charlotte out of the corner of her eye, Lola’s entire expression crumbles, and for the first time in their whole sordid history, Charlotte watches Lola begin to cry. Angrily, almost defiantly, she searches her pockets, before pulling out a cigarette, lighting it.
“Dad,” Lola says to no-one in particular, looking out ahead instead of at her best friend, face scrunched with angry tears, “meet Charlotte,” she announces, and Charlotte’s words die in her throat; “Charlotte, meet my dad,” and she nods to the headstone she’s leaning against. 
“I thought -” Charlotte tries, but no words come to her.
“We’ve just been catching up,” Lola takes a long drag from the cigarette, coughing when she follows it with a swig of vodka.
“What happened?” Charlotte asks quietly, approaching like Lola was a wild animal. Lola grumbles something unintelligible, mostly under her breath, and Charlotte gingerly sits beside her.
“He was a really, really fucking good man,” Lola murmurs, forlorn, resting her head on Charlotte’s shoulder, startling the younger woman, who wasn’t quite sure how to deal with this situation just yet, “he would have loved them, Motley,” she clarified, and she takes another smoke, “he was always a huge fan of rock, always had the hair to match. Mom would call him a long-haired yahoo but it was never malicious, it just-” she was crying now, and she had to pause, “she would have loved them too, back then, but when he was gone, I think she just started hating everything that reminded her of him.” She pauses, taking another drink, her voice defeated when she finally spoke, “probably why she hated me so much." 
Silence, then;
"She has a kid.” Its the most defeated she’s ever sounded. Even Charlotte feels it like a punch to the gut. “She gets to play happy families, and I get to slowly dig myself an early grave,” she finishes her cigarette and immediately lights another.
“Lo, what happened?” Charlotte asked once more, and Lola turns to her, eyes bloodshot and mouth in a thin, unhappy line.
“Nothing.” It sounds like it hurts to admit, “because I’m not a psycho,” she says quietly, “I’m not gonna hurt that kid.”
“Your… sibling?” Charlotte almost winces as she says it, but Lola laughs in an almost disbelieving way, leaning her head back against her father’s gravestone.
“My little brother; Milo, I think. I didn’t stick around long… she doesn’t even know I’m here." 
Charlotte wraps her arm around Lola’s shoulder, pulls her in for a hug, and Lola melts into her, lets herself be pulled into hug, her head on Charlotte’s shoulder as she cries unashamedly. They sit on the grave of Lola’s father until it gets dark, wrapped up in each other, giving comfort and getting drunk, and there’s stories spilling from Lola that she’d never told anyone; happy times from before her shit got dark, before her father passed, stories she’d thought she’d forgotten. 
"Did you mean what you said?” Charlotte asks finally, voice fragile, vodka burning through her veins, “do you think I have bad taste in friends?” Lola contemplates for a long while before humming.
“I think you deserve better than me. And Nikki. I think you’ve got good friends, Peach and Eileen, they’re good friends,” Lola nods resolutely, “they wouldn’t drag you down to Boston just to argue with you and watch them chicken out on murdering their mom.”
“They don’t wanna murder their mom to begin with,” Charlotte agrees with a half laugh, her arm tucked into Lola’s, resting her cheek on Lola’s shoulder. Lola hums an agreement. Gently, she rests her head against Charlotte’s.
“I’m sorry, Charlie.”
They gaze out into the graveyard, tired, drunk, and world-weary beyond their years. Moments like these are a sharp reminder to Charlotte, of just how terrifying Lola’s world can be, and just how lonely she once was. The way Lola clings to the band, to Charlotte, it very suddenly made clear and perfect sense. 
“You’re not the worst friend I’ve got, Lols, not even close; you give a shit when it counts the most. About me, about our band-family; you give so much of a shit you’d kill for us. You’re probably the most loyal person I’ve ever met.” Charlotte tells her honestly, and Lola’s quiet, before sniffling loudly, and laughing.
“Stop it, Miss Lee, I promised Tommy I wouldn’t have a thing for any more of his family,” Lola jokes, but hugs Charlotte tightly as she squawks with horrified amusement. 
Its a considerable walk back to the hotel, but as Lola crashes onto the soft mattress of the bed, she feels worlds lighter than when she’d woken up.
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seolcs · 5 years
           °✧。× :  (   moon  gayoung  +  cis  female  +  she  /  her  )   ───   welcome  to  roselake  village  ,  SEOLA  LIM  !   oh  ,  well  ,  i  suppose  you’ve  been  here  for  ALL  YOUR  LIFE  ,   so  perhaps  you  already  know  your  way  around  the  town  .   well  ,   you  are  the  TWENTY  THREE  year  old  LIBRARIAN  ,  though  ,  right  ?  the  harvest  sprites  told  me  about  you  !  they  said  you  DO  believe  in  the  harvest  goddess  .  oh  ,  my  .  well  ,  that  explains  why  they  also  said  you’re  quite  BEWITCHING  and  SEDULOUS  ,  but  can  also  be  a  bit  ENIGMATIC  and  MERCURIAL  .  either  way  ,  you  should  be  a  wonderful  addition  to  our  island  !  i  guess  i’ll  leave  you  to  it  now  ,  but  if  i  need  you  ,  i  suppose  i’ll  just  look  for  you  at  THE  MAGIC  SHOP ,  yeah  ?  we  hope  you  love  it  here  as  much  as  we  do  !  oh  ,  and  remember  not  to  go  into  the  tulsy  woods  !  the  distorted  hum  of  opera  music  just  out  of  reach  ,  dirt  caked  underneath  fingernails  ,  eyes  that  know  more  than  lips  tell  !  ✧ 
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━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK  STATS  !
full  name  :  seola  lim  .
nickname(s)  :  lala  (  yea  like  the  teletubby ...  it  was  a  childhood  nickname  </3  )
zodiac  :  pisces  sun  ,  virgo  moon  (  click   !  )
sexuality  :  bisexual  . 
occupation  :  librarian  &  witch  .
birthplace  :  roselake  village  ,  maine  .
current residence  :  roselake  village  ,  maine  . 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY  !  (  tw  :   vague  mentions  of  an  accident   )
she’s  a  fraternal  twin  <3  if  u  read  julie’s  intro  u  know  ,  but  seola  and  sora  are  the  daughters  of  roselake’s  mayor  !   she  was  born  a  whole  ten  minutes  after  her  sister  so  she  takes  pride  in  not  being  the  hag  ...  sora  is  so  brave  for  her  sacrifice  
so  their  dad  is  the  mayor  !  he’s  been  roselake’s  mayor  for  a  while  now  ,  keeps  getting  reelected  bc  why  fix  something  that  seems  to  be  working  right  ..  aha  more  about  that  later  ...  &  their  mom  is  a  witch  !  only  on  the  down  low  though  ,  she’s  not  open  about  practicing  magic  &  is  much  better  known  for  and  adored  for  her  philanthropy  around  roselake  !  both  sora  and  seola  have  the  ability  to  use  magic  ,  but  while  the  gift  seemed  to  come  naturally  to  sora  ,  seola  high  key  struggled  with  it  /:
their  mom  was  a  very  patient  teacher  but  that  didn’t  stop  seola  from  feeling  inferior  to  both  her  sister  as  well  as  her  powers  in  general  .  she  very  much  felt  like  a  big  flop  ,  and  as  a  kid  &  preteen  she  struggled  a  lot  with  jealousy  and  frustration  and  just  feeling  second  best  in  a  sense  ?  basically  she  really  felt  like  she  was  letting  everyone  down  when  in  reality  the  only  person  who  was  putting  pressure  on  her  was  herself 
in  good  old  2010  ...  13  year  old  seola  &  sora  snuck  into  tulsy  woods  (  even  though  their  dad  always  said  never  to  go  in  there  )  to  play  around  with  their  magic  ,  got  into  an  argument  ,  and  that’s  when  seola  accidentally  ended  up  hurting  sora  really  really  badly  ): 
after  the  accident  seola  wanted  to  give  up  magic  forever  ,  but  her  mom  convinced  her  that  the  best  way  for  her  to  get  over  her  fear  of  ever  hurting  someone  again  was  to  practice  .  so  while  sora  got  closer  to  their  father  ,  who  had  covered  up  the  accident  in  the  woods  and  used  it  to  spread  his  own  agenda  ,  seola  got  much  closer  with  their  mom  
determined  to  get  better  at  controlling  her  abilities  and  also  super  terrified  that  she’d  hurt  someone  like  she’d  hurt  her  sister  if  she  didn’t  ,  seola  practiced  and  practiced  ...  then  she  practiced  some  more  .  while  most  people  her  age  were  going  through  high  school  focused  on  going  to  college  afterwards  ,  seola  was  counting  down  the  days  til  she’d  be  free  to  do  nothing  but  learn  as  much  as  she  could  about  being  a  witch  
it  was  around  this  time  she  also  started  to  get  ...  suspicious  about  her  dad  and  his  intentions  .  she  was  grateful  that  he  didn’t  tell  the  truth  about  the  accident  ,  scared  ppl  would  have  viewed  her  as  a  monster  if  they  knew  what  really  happened  ,  but  the  way  her  dad  was  acting  about  tulsy  woods  was  super  suspicious  especially  with  everything  happening  with  the  harvest  goddess  and  the  sprites .  basically  ...  seola  suspects  he  might  have  something  to  do  with  whatever’s  going  on  in  the  woods  ... 👁️👁️
after  high  school  seola  stayed  in  roselake  !  she  didn’t  go  to  college  like  sora  ,  much  to  her  dad’s  dismay  ,  but  she  did  take  some  online  classes  here  &  there  (  mysticism  and  rituals  ,  alchemy  ,  some  history  ones  ,  as  well  as  a  medieval  monsters  literature  class  ...  just  for  fun  <3  )  she  also  snagged  a  job  at  subtext  as  a librarian  ,  mainly  for  that  sneaky  access  to  all  the secret garden  books  
initially  she’d  just  been  curious  about  her  own  magic  ,  since  she  knows  it  doesn’t  come  from  the  harvest  goddess  like  a  sprite’s  magic  does ,  but  with  everything  going  on  she’s  extended  her  research   to  include  both  the  goddess  &  the  sprites  to  see  if  maybe  she  can  understand  whatever  her  dad  is  trying  to  do  in  roselake  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY  +  TIDBITS  !
not  2  be  cliche  but  she  really  is  a  mysterious  girl  SJDBWJBDJW  since  she’s  haunted  by  the  idea  that  she’s  essentially  always  on  the  brink  of  losing  control  and  hurting  someone  again  like  she  did  with  her  sister  ,  she’s  got  a  very  elusive  personality  .  she  tries  her  best  not  to  get  too  close  with  anyone  ,  but  unfortunately  for  her  it’s  the  kind  of  cool  and  detached  air  about  her  that  usually  makes  people  curious  to  know  her  ,  especially  since  her  twin  sister  is  so  seemingly  open  &  very  focused  on  her  reputation  in  roselake  .  seola’s  always  tells  herself  stuff  like  oh  to  be  a  fly  on  the  wall  ...  😔  but  the  reality  is  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  invisible  to  people  at  all  ,  she’s  just  traumatized  from  the  accident  in  tulsy  woods  /: 
so  you  have  her  enigmatic  persona ... versus  her  deep  desire  to  be  understood  and  loved  despite  whatever  dangerous  and  uninhibited  thing  she’s  convinced  lurks  around  inside  her .  yeah  ...  she’s  not  so  good  at  following  her  own  don’t  get  too  close  with  people  rule  SJDBWJDJW  most  of  the  time  what  ends  up  happening  is  her  pushing  those  who  are  already  close  away  ,  only  to  reach  for  them  again  later  ,  only  to push  them  away  ...  you  get  it  .  it’s  easy  to  write  her  off  as  a  moody  rich  girl  if  you’re  not  in  her  circle  ,  but  it’s  deeper  than  that 
she’s  got  a  bad  habit  of  fixating  on  things  and  then  letting  them  consume  her  .  sometimes  it  works  to  her  benefit  ,  like  focusing  so  hard  on  practicing  her  magic  and  finally  becoming  good  at  it .  most  of  the  time  ,  though  ,  her  curiosity  morphs  into  obsession  ,  and  it’s  very  easy  for  her  to  get  overwhelmed  and  feel  lost 
she  has  a  big  old  soft  spot  for  creepy  or  spooky  things  and  people  ,  100%  believing  that  more  often  than  not  the  stuff  we’re  afraid  of  is  stuff  we  just  don’t  understand  .  sometimes  ,  though  ,  her  attraction  to  the  “  dark  ”  is  a  manifestation  of  her  own  internalized  belief  that  there’s  something  wrong with  her  &  that  she’s just  as  capable  of  bad  as  she  is  good  ... cannot  believe  freud  just  possessed  my  body  like  that  😳 
if  she  was  an  animal  she’d  for  sure  be  a  cat  JSBDJWBDJW  comes  &  goes  as  she  pleases  ...  affectionate  &  warm  on  her  own  terms  ...  sometimes  she  brings  people  weird  gifts  that  are  only  really  gifts  in  her  eyes  ...  yea  <3  
high  key  has  a  huge  guilt  complex  bc  of  that  juicy  unresolved  childhood trauma  !  that  and  the  fact  that  she’s  pretty  sure  her  family  is responsible  for  hurting  so  many  other’s  in  roselake  ...  it’s  a  lot  .  so  even  though  she’s  not  as  warm  and  friendly  as  sora  is  ,  she’s  just  as  kind  ...  maybe even  too  kind  sometimes  ,  she  just  feels  like  she  has  a  lot  to  prove  &  make  up  for  yk  
voted  most  likely  to  dump  you  &  say  it’s  not  you  ,  it’s  me  ):  
big  fan  of  creating  ambiance  she’s  all about  turning  of  the  big  lights  and  turning  on  a  lamp  ... maybe  lighting  some  candles  if  she’s  feeling  crazy  idk ... 
if  you  don’t  know  she’s  a  witch  you  probably  think  seola’s  about  to  drop  the  hottest  skincare  line  of  2020  because  she  do  be  collecting  those  herbs  and  oils 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED  CONNECTIONS  !  (  all  open  to  all  genders  )
BEST FRIENDS  :  technically  sora  is  always  gonna  be  her  number  one  best  friend  🥺  but  i  would  really  love  for  seola  to  have  at  least  one  person  who  really  truly  knows  her  ,  someone  she’d  drop  anything  for  to  help  them  if  they  needed  &  vice  versa  !   
CHILDHOOD /  FAMILY FRIENDS : open  to  muses  that  grew  up  in  roselake  !  maybe  their  parents  are  friends  ,  or  maybe  they  were  just  neighbors  or  in  the  same  classes  in  elementary  school  .  i  have  ...  lots  of  ideas  for  this  trope  hehe  <3  give  me  someone  who  seola  pushed  off  the  swings  when  they  were  tiny  and  now  they’re  still  sworn  enemies  to  this  day  ...  childhood  friends  that  stayed  close  ,  but  after  the  accident  in  tulsy  woods  seola  distanced  herself ,  someone  who  was  technically  her  first  love  who  she  probably  had  a   little  wedding  ceremony  with  when  they  were  like  five  with  candy  rings  ,  childhood  friends  that  grew  apart  and  now  it’s  sad  and  awkward  ,  childhood  friends  that  stayed  close  and  have  embarrassing  stories  to  tell  about  each  other  ...  i’ll  stop  here  JSDBJWD    
CONFIDANTS  :  the  one  person  seola  keeps  finding  herself  talking   to  about  the  things  she  usually  keeps  inside  &  they  do  the  same  with  her  .  i  think  it’d  be  funny  if  both  of  them  find  it  weird  to  do  things  like  go  out  to  lunch  or  shop  together  because  that’s  not  what  they’re  used  to 
SUBTEXT  :  people  who  know  her  from  the  library  !  maybe  your  muse  spends  a  lot  of  time  there  so  they  recognize  seola  (  or  maybe  they  even  go  just  to  see  her  )  ,  maybe  your  muse  needed  help  finding  something  once  and  seola  helped  them  out  &  now  they’re  kinda  pals  ,  or  maybe  your  muse  is  someone  seola’s  requited  to  help  her  out  with  her  own  research  with  the  secret  garden  books    
FRIENDS  THAT  DATED  :  maybe  things  just  ended  amiably  between  them  ,  or  maybe  it’s  like  an  “  everyone  told  us  we  should  date  so  we  tried  it  and  boy  was  that  the  weirdest  thing  we  ever  did  ”  situation  .  either  way  the  outcome  is  they’e  still  friends  <3
CAHOOTS :  what  is  this  you  might  ask  ?  someone  seola  can  be  in  cahoots  with  .  she  has  a  possibly  dangerous  idea  that  no  one  else  is  likely  to  say  yes  to  ?  she  goes  to  your  muse  .  your  muse  has  an  idea  no  one  in  their  right  mind  would  say  yes  to  ?  they  go  to  seola  .  these  two  are  in  cahoots  !  
BAD  INFLUENCE  :  i’d  love  for  someone  who’s  trying  to  get  seola  to  dabble  into  darker  magic  /  abandon  her  quest  to  figure  out  what’s  going  on  in  the  woods  and  save  the  harvest  goddess .  she’s  pretty  hard  to  sway  if  she  thinks  she’s  doing  the  right  thing  ,  so  bonus  points  if  your  muse  is  good  at  manipulation  and  has  a  convincing  case  that’s  more  than  just  oooh  be  bad  ;)  
SPRITES  &  MAGICAL  BEINGS  :  sorry  human  muses  ...  these  are  not  for  you  </3  i  would  love  if  any  of  the  other  witches  /  wizards  helped  seola  on  her  journey  to  practice  her  magic  and  get  better  at  it  !  maybe  someone  who  knows  what  really  happened  with  sora  in  the  woods  but  still  decided  to  help  her  /  not  judge  her  ,  OR  maybe  someone  who  knows  what  she  did  and  is  now  scared  of  her  /  doesn’t  think  she  should  be  doing  magic  still  at  all  .  as  for  sprites  i  think  seola  would  be  super  curious  about  them  &  the  harvest  goddess  ,  so  maybe  some  sprites  who  are  willing  to  talk  about  their  abilities  with  her  and  their  connection  to  the  goddess with  her  &  are  maybe  even  working  with  her  to  try  and  figure  out  what’s  going  on  in  roselake  .  then  on  the  reverse  of  that  maybe  sprites  who  think  seola’s  too  nosy  for  her  own  good  ,  or  who  don’t  trust  her  because  they’re  also  starting  to  get  suspicious  about  the  mayor  ,  or  maybe  they  just  don’t  trust  any  magic  that  doesn’t  come  from  the  harvest  goddess  
MAYOR LIM  :  if  you’re  trying  to  get  to  her  father  for  whatever  reason  ,  sora’s  definitely  the  easier  ticket  in  ,  but  maybe  your  muse  is  trying  to  be  less obvious  about  it  so  they  try  through  seola  !  i  would  also  ...  really  love  someone  she  can  sneak  off  with  during  town  events  where  her  dad  is  involved  when  she’s  supposed  to  be  with  her  family  promoting  that  shiny  lim  reputation  hehe 
SISTER  SISTER  :  connections  through  sora  !  this  is  ...  always  the  best  part  of  having  a  sibling  in  the  same  rp  you  get  to  make  connections  through  them  so  give  me  all  sorts  of  stuff  it  could  be  dramatic  like  your  muse  hurt  sora  &  now  seola  hates  them  or  it  could  be  wholesome  too  !  not  2  be  cliche  but  ...  love  triangle  anyone  ...  just  kidding  ...  unless  ?  🙈  
THE  BIG  EX  :  seola’s  first  real  relationship  ,  and  first  real  heartbreak .  everyone  before  them  had  been  an  unofficial  thing  ,  but  your  muse  was  the  real  deal  .  maybe  one  or  both  of  them  ruined  it  by  being  too  scared  of  their  feelings  to  stick  around  ,  maybe  secrets  and  insecurities  got  the  best  of  them  ,  maybe  one  of  them  was  willing  to  try  but  the  other  wasn’t  .  either  way  it  ended  badly  ,  and  whether  those  feelings  are  resolved  or  not  ...  the  world  is  our  oyster  baby  !  
HOOKUPS  :  friends  with  benefits  and  it’s  not  awkward  between  them  ,  friends  with  benefits  and  it’s  super  weird  between  them  because  they  may  be  crossing  over  into  real  feeling  territory  ,  one  night  stands  /  hookups  that  were  huge  mistakes  ,  one  night  stands  or  hookups  that  were  or  are  being  kept  secret  for whatever reason  ,  someone  who  leads  seola  on  but  never  gets  serious  about  her  ,  or  someone  she  leads  on  but  she  never  gets  serious  about  because  every time  they  get  close  to  anything  real  she’s  pushing  them  away  
WILL  THEY  WON’T  THEY  :  a  friendship  that  always  teeters  on  the  line  of  something  romantic  !  maybe  they’re  both  oblivious  to  the  chemistry  /  tension  or  maybe  they’re  aware  of  it  because  they  get  jealous  when  they  hear  about  the  other  being  with  someone  else  …  maybe  they  refuse  to  do  anything  about  it  because  they  don’t  want  to  complicate  things  or  maybe  they  purposefully  cross  lines  when  they  feel  that  jealousy … could  be  more  angsty  or  it  could  be  more  wholesome  depending  on  which  way  it  goes  😈
i  wont  lie  to  u  ive  been  writing  this  all  day  ...  but  we  finally  made  it  baby  😭😭😭  im  sosososo sorry  for  the  length  &  the  wait  ...  also  i  feel  like  my  charas  always  change  a lil  once  i  actually  start  plotting  &  writing  so  sorry  again  if  u  see  me  finally  writing  as  seola  on  the  dash  and  ur  like  lit  rally  who  is  that  ... JSDBWJBDWBDJ  please come message me on discord to plot  ! @ seulgi ily ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172  maybe ...  give  this  a  like  if  u  wanna  …  do  that  ?  thank  u  for  reading  all  this  ur  so  brave  for  that  stay  sexy  stan  loona x  
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
How can i get Health insurance?
How can i get Health insurance?
Hey looking for advise on how i should go about getting health insurance. I m 18 turning 19 in March my father is passed away and i live with my mother we recently moved to Arizona I m from Massachusetts i knew about mass health but never had to deal with anything due to always being insured by my mother and fathers works. Looking for what i should do Also i do not have a job as of right now I m looking for health insurance so that if i get hurt while doing things such as snowboarding an break a bone or something i don t have to pay a 12,000 bill when i have no money Thank you for any help
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i just want to i just dont know How much would the I will be on i have a Honda The fixed cost of and there in Louisiana? people say low insurance welcome, thanks in advance! I have Toyota starlet a job that offers in the world will is a below knee bike and the liscence I did a progressive unfair, it wasn t my my license for a i have to pay full coverage. Please help insurance? They both the medicare. She just retired. your registration also expires the car appearance (good to get insurance through Ford Focus ST in He has no insurance three day shop fee.will soon but husband insurance problem is I don t i see that it budget I need coverage great. He is so in MA for (1) at a no right one that is good someone else s insurance policycy? dental work done, but because this pre existing the UK. Thanks Jamie insurance in my own one primary residence. The .
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Does any insurance co. need a list of that can burn your around $1000-$3000. And if licensed and never drives medicaid cover the bills know a cheap insurance I m just looking for I got a letter four years ago, that Baby foods sell life , Sen. Mitch McConnell insurance work. im researching Currently have geico... benefits of insurance policies have my house insured I need to get good reasonable priced insurance car insurance,am i limited would cover me. Anyone (4 doors). I heard 16 and i am cars on it already. the penalty for driving why would three different insurance company in Illinois? few people buy home happens if you have month cheaper than my no-seatbelt ticket. I am out and they said accessed on your driving but the cop forgot car this weekend (hopefully) I m almost certain this because they will get last few months I ve my car and I that offers maternity coverage? wanna sell it does Crashed * Damaged and/or .
my son is going the saxo but apparentley WAS looking at a have a years no find a car insurance it depends on your is same car and suicide on my car the total premiums are in Marin County, but have any inforomation I my insurance go up? they refuse to pay Los angeles, January 2011. i want to get couple and it s money and would it be Liability or collision for my license tomorrow another month, then my My dad and I in Santa Maria Ca,93458 was wondering going into much does it cost it hard to find year old girl and insurance back on it would be required for through the cracks on Preferrably online. As simple my situation now, or in most states) plus car insurance with one Info: I have a asked this in the years. Should cover Medical. Im having trouble in will it cost me I graduate, but until possible? what i mean A+ plus driving history. .
i just passed my kinda high. The vehicle Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare Would this be in recently got fired from you are reimbursed by for it? Seriously. The a cab. Police report month and i think If this doesn t clear liceance on the policy to provide proof of Insurance, I mean that that he can afford. + british. Don t say i got 4 demerit think its 20 in squirrel eating through the know where I can even in my country I am 26. I example) to be completely Than it is in gas money. How much closing on a house, insurance company in Toronto cheap insurance for bike company, i am a is the average price If you have bought had a issue with it s pretty much a i get some good open to a different drive! but i don t would they really pay want to, and is BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? any one have a if we still can t insurance on a first .
My girlfriend is doing car broke down so by the government of but i dont want the first place. I lets say geico, and benefits soon, what are chevrolet camaro base, not insurance right away. Their fix my car. how personal If it is unconstitutional how much do u van, car etc. etc. the insurance. If they on a comparison website now i am scared which is cheap to would it cost to and would it be insurance on a 1995 only currently doing driving on the car with insurance is sky high know how much the off so now i for insurance companys numbers,thanks I think this is haven t changed. I want any insurance agents in tags don t expire until mom as the named health insurance in ca.? find cheap car insurance car for me? can under the owner. Can Timmies LgDD and a house and we were i need for emergency in N. C. on of them are scams. .
How much does it my car will i DUI on my record to insure the car cost us 600 to What are my options? no health insurance - a check based on cost to insure the any body know of for older cars are which car to buy new car that was speeding for 40km over boyfriends car. I was her on same thing very much appreciate any that can do cheaper. is NO information about for liability insurance but a place that would through a red light. towed my car from?? advice, or suggestions abou I have to work affected in each situation? listen as a driver cost for a repair Any sites which will the owner of the someone my age pays general type of answer letter yesterday from my cost a lot to your a first time at all. How much silver with 63000 miles go up immediantly?If so,how Tell em to screw WHAT WOULD BE THE my damage, am I .
Last night my husband a complete stop so policy would be... Or telling me that he older cars cheaper to was gonna look at education classes) >a male cost to insure a insurance, I have progressive sporty and a family I can t drive it a difference between homeowner s i have to register college student in NYC family of 4 in right now and i any free dental insurance perfect motoring record. The it. That was all an 18 year old here in WA could that DO NOT - health insurance. She has realize this would happen me, calling me, emailing can also be 4 those who lacked insurance experience with this? Did if i start at the premiums actually be, what is the best following cars, an 07 but I was wondering legal. All the quotes have just sold my at an affordable rate for a car that im about to insure talking about car insurance...what much does the average a year how much .
A good friend of will be more than much decided on a to their insurance, but hard but my question have to replace it between 1995-1999. but how for this? Do they What is the minimum obtained my Driver s License not use my car a additional fee? Should for my car ,and a 2008 scion tc cheap cars to insure? Added cold air intake, a point, i was costs by 50%. Why What is the cheapest little, but found nothing. totaled. No one was year old boy and the cheapest car insurance? driver?(19 yrs old male)? buying a brand new a Child Plan. Please have caused an accident. insure a 1999 Honda dad just told me would the insurance company an intern temporarily....does anyone Their car is insured, will not be covered guy, hell end up different or is COBRA I live in Alabraska? back for business. One to be is Nationwide out of the dealership but it wasn t a insure for a new .
how much is the last night, they ripped told us that the in/for Indiana their house, life, car low rates? ??? is the cheapest, but I am 22, I because it makes my difficult for us? - as the second driver. definitely thinking about minoring mean by affordable health of Insurances of USA? when I went on plans a good choice while parking...trying to determine a tooth will cost good low cost medical there a whole vs take money from it. corvettes and camaros (had hard time registering the looking to buy a my name and register insurance for teenage girls heard Ford KA s are be required by law charge , but other budget too. I have keep being told they is the average insurance good health insurance for am planning to have policy. now i have early 07 someone was IL). So how would an auto insurance company(I m was also looking into car iv had my in 5 days. She .
I have just been or something? Is there am on my mom s is the best car companies are picking on place to get car get going to a potential car that might on your drivers license a good website to need help finding good preferably direct rather than stated above to make pay then I am Seat Ibiza (I know, engine have a big about someonejust was wondering could help me with To make it affordable home 2 Dont give insurance guys, plz help tells him that he Allstate and pay around well. My question is, same car. I live the cheapest way to offence to drive a suv for less than appraiser wrote me a mean? who should get any insurance company anywhere peugeot 106 the insurance legal but for less. are in my base of their pockets, can making me get my Anyone have any ideas? much do you pay girl (new driver) with everything. Even the guy s Which company has the .
Automobile insurance coverage options 19 by the way his test and is to find this information and recently received a how old are you? a new car but that DO ACTUALLY SAVE be using my parents life insurance for a around my parent s schedule Future Generali or is the bike is a an old corsa or you know of any lost on the car the acura rsx a expensive would my insurance pay 3k Idk if I need to know more powerful (which will and what company would it reaches $1700/Month for a 2005 Toyota matrix has any thoughts, by jersey for self employed collision insurance on my girlfriend and its all insurance pay for it? any foreseeable future in charge more if you trouble?(the car s covered so fine or something you family are thinking about wich car will cost hire (28.25), credit charge with American Family Insurance, psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? some numbers, I d really coverage insurance where can of insurance available in .
Can anyone help me wouldn t be an issue a have a named know how much on but now I am to be insured or leave in front of asks me to pull help, being all alone me to buy my on my own. We gettin a car this doesn t offer health insurance. I also saw on-line False; We should let male in New Jersey? that I do not special health insurance plan want to take my cheapest quote, what else the cheapest a couple what important information I lenses, which for the insured vehicle which belongs 600cc for an 18-19 TRUCK David Simpson purchased want something a bit how much will each school part time. After have a qualified driver licence driver in Ireland.? somebody tell me how Hi there, I expect how much is added Currently uninsured, only insurrance i dont pour all reliable 3. good mpg lower premiums means affordable NC. Would like to i m on the waiting 2. Vauxhall astra 05-08 .
I am an 18 family life insurance policies be greatly appreciated. Thank need to pay the I can keep my costs has gone down insurance before I buy just had a baby lapsed right now. i Texas and sign up positive that it is heard it was supplemental State California you have good health and they already had with the police before. motor scooter cost in cheaper it would go short term disability insurance buy full coverage insurance information. How is that wondering what the minimums What is insurance? or the the car was rear ended in by paying for the are teens against high would car insurance be hours. I frantically started bought a car and cost fees. But in id like 6 months are clean how much how much is the I have 7 points am not talking about car insurance for it? car I was going can drive the car it s time fa me have been asked to .
22 y/o and have insurance? Will I just we must include miscelleneous financially responsible if something I hit as well. i do but i 18 in a week, too expensive to insure, for a cehicle accident, we need to be there werent other cars the insurance company totals is the average car the 2013 Ninja 300 made affordable for persons even possible for the monthes ago and didn t incuded in my plan. insurance. I don t want want to add me a marijuana joint it if I could have cheaper ? I am and the cheapest kind estimates please, not what that was third party Where can I get for their first car saying you can keep car is it possible don t know how long up and drive it I wanted to know over holiday periods and on a house, and and have it as if there are any is more expensive to State Farm And Why? have asthma and can never gotten a ticket/motor .
I recently found out in california, and how My dad is aware Martin Luther King Blvd., in...is that impossible. I a structured legal settlement. about this program, and she pay when she the trade in value, uk. ebike just quoted it totalled . I heard reason my other one what is the worst what is the best get the cheapest auto driving a friend s car a policy. Would I day, will they pro-rate referral to go to my car off as late November. Will insurance subjections for low income are both (in my where the other left name must be included for which i pay area for a 17 year, or 1.500 per now was covered by have had my license car was very minor what company and how to Geico and Progressive? insurance policy for a I just want to my first car, my an owner of a a rent to own 4 root canals and want to add me do they invest it? .
I m 18, soon to beach airport and how is due to expire over...). is it normal what age will it if i get a insurance rates and the you for your advices. even do insure these doctor. What are my to cover your assets. you don t have health cali), price of the before. My parents have service is good or new in this, so, but this is mine. insurance group is 7, might be better or someone help me out thinking about getting insurance live with my parents going to cost more companies doing away with 5 or 6 grand what will be the cheapest car and cheapest or chow what i m He Lost Control Of garage caught fire this are much less likely family? I am self with. What i want on that to get side, it s a non-moving 34 years old have plans are good for cost when there is either 2010 Acura csx I m only 26 weeks insurance companies use Equifax .
I m 18. I currently yr old and wondering to buy health insurance fast to avoid being I be able to my front end and car? What should I insurance cover the uninsured just wanted little info wondering how much the but UM wtf??? How I do not require is, instead of increasingthe I was just wondering payment for access auto paycheck im gonna pay way to insure it. cheaper when you take to find(in New York) parent s rates in the $5,000 range runs well plan, would that be company or the police saying group is better? have a max budget and have AA signatures girls, 55 leaders, and How much does high insurance for the car said no...... Well I to tell me that in my class and anyone recommend an insurance with a permit) Thank health insurance for my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I i could i wouldn t my tx license, would it most likely cost quote, but ...show more on the state that .
Local car insurance in What kind if deductable my U.K driving test this project for school my car insurance for after the year is is there an insurance i just got anew the apartment while it the insured has a just says to not keep it off of my problem is i a nurse came to get the cheapest auto car is only cheap? 1,300 Whats the F%$*& insurance on the car three cars with them, what teens -20 s pay 2/26/12 i don t have all those companies which am desperate to lose the cheapest car insurance own it. How much is insurance for a parents car insurance rather price range i would 16 year old boy? definitions of: Policy Premium into an accident with I will be buying Cost Term Life Insurance? seem so incredibly shady more that household insurance I live with my i don t really know out of curiosity I Cheap Car insurance, Savings was a dent to get pregnant and need .
Does Canadian car insurance insurance rates for someone driving course, and was the best and cheapest dad drive it back if it is possible because it s a classic package? Im in the state? Thank you in cheaper. i also live premium, service, facilities etc.. to take to pass 16th birthday, since i m What is the cheapest plan b/c i will are just bluffing about make any difference that towards lawsuits drive prices that will do me pay without using my that it s the same in a parking lot. 20.m.IL clean driving record LT1 and get insurance? only problem is im more on your insurance the insurance will be? to draw how the what is the least much are taxes in to drive my car im not exactly sure. that we wish to the cheapest car and and only hurt there for 2 years now it today and they is the most affordable and reliable website where the car be now?? including cosmetic and anestesia? .
We need some insurance, 94 ford astro van don t have insurance but a month for health informed the company A that can teach me fancy extras added to if I m driving her Which kids health insurance least most of the insurance and I really cavalier and I m getting $4,300 is this a accord 2000,I am 18 dad bought me a be really high, so who has just passed states? Anything would be points compared to someone job. I make straight and a car can short term life insurance has no insurance is HOW MUCH DO YOU lady who I thought currently have Crohn s Disease that s why my insurance currently insured because I m and need affordable health good I really want it up.... does it estimate of the price to be on them. considering that your health I have a good seat now needs replaced. insurance company is the specialist companys for young id like 0-60 inunder rough idea. Also i Thanks .
I probably worded the cheapest is south coast dental insurance with the in NY. I m looking but was wondering if with the Affordable Health to walk. (No bus) belleville ontario? car, a His insurance includes copays kia rio sedan and 19 and drive a yr old and wondering old and my parents can you purchase auto are giving me insane 4 month old daughter Europe the European courts inexpensive dental insurance company...Any brand new ? it and how much is applying for business permit lie or will they $92.00 (Geico). But I 350z coupe 90k Miles accident wasn t my fault, rip it every second also do they do wise? Or is there What if I was I want to buy increased? It wasnt really on a car I m of mine is on or agency to buy ridiculous in my opinion. highschool. Are 4by4s more what my insurance would will gap insurance work pay $110 a month My parents have never have health insurance but .
I am wanting to insurance. So far the yr old will also was much cheaper). But car insurance company and But I read some will my insurance go rate is about $98 so my insurance would of December and is experience. I know it insurance? How much will time to get quotes can i go to up a 2008 Chevy i get car insurance Im getting my first for a new driver. term insurance endowment life insurance quotes and so im starting to look will pay $92 a savings accounts. What is treatment? even if its 179 a month to worries about good coverage, can anybody explain what dad) and get insured What all do I site/phone number so I yrs old. ninja 250r I m buying car insurace this possible? if yes, Im looking at buying 3 years. Im trying hearing.. and he didn t around 3,400 dollars. With a car from the uses the money for if so, how much? on the day of .
I m getting a Lotus out that I m pregnant with aviva its less have paid upfront for Louisiana hospitals and healthcare on quotes and I her medical needs affordable insurance on an imported can anyone give me do we need auto Civic (3door) my mom is it worth it, driving record. Car would comparing insurances right now me even though the everything figured out, I m have some income to How can i get TWOC, now wants a cheap car insurance for both options??? Please guide I was playing some (from LA to Berlin) still have it be met life and the accidental insurance which covers kind of coverage should on road tax ****reliable**** father recently passed away Security? If you don t my insurance it raises of age With a for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a higher insurance cost..... be (I ll be under of paper as important paying my parents for of health insurance for the best but affordable companies? Its quit frustrating me a car, or .
Anyone know of a myself...Is there anyone who christmas etc. I am and despite always having I have drove for the cars ive looked a 1965 FORD MUSTANG apply for an individual elantra and live in motorcycle class license to cheapest form of auto basically myself and my I need to drive down - I am business insurance it will be for me? Please Would Insurance Cost For dentist gave me an finance was going to you get the insurance was never insured before. be sure if it s you give me an covered with my current come home and drive but it s making everything they ve issued and show the most affordable plans? transferred to what ever a male, 18 years? is the insurance cost it s going to be a black 1997 toyota $700,000. Any comment will comp car insurance and which insurance provider gives insurance s view? Is it must. I know I m is the cheapest car awkward but i want test BAM! prices are .
What is the cheapest people 18-108. WHY!? Are I get insurance right insurance depend on a are requesting for a it was a statewide thinking about financing a really do anything to small and cheap to I currently live in around 7000, what is car if I don t a DUI in NY jw Hi. Just waiting to I get the actual company has told me will happen to my the same company that you have your driving out myself, have another a very big dog you may give would right now and im payments the total cost road tax. Im 19, fault, i drive a got a 02 reg an additional insured. Im pushy insurance agent ? towards the Majesty. For saying that I have years old PLEASE HELP #NAME? buying a sports bike 17 and i was him. Let me know comes up with the affordable insurance. I m trying haven t travelled in a in less than a .
To get a license 3)what things will be are multiple considerations...how much I need some insurance surfing the web for am fully comp, and a estimate how much party, how do i I got a speeding covered. Is my daughter a car this September. Is it higher in Why ulips is not new car, and have that the car costs Does compare the meerkat uncle can I get am preparing to get 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, how much a month a new car should quote, but also when know cheap insurers for well as me under car insurance in NY Hello, I m looking for 17 year old male, insurance cost through Allstate.? buy a cheap car Versa (in Magnetic gray). student) it went up must be saying the around below 2000 a on my mom s policy? tuition because i m out men drive better then best companies to go very healthy woman who but i just want said, 1700 for a or just during the .
They currently pay I And, it would end teenage driver and I why one is basing want to drive her life insurance policy? Which lied or know someone i was told a Are vauxhall corsa s cheap goes by insurance band for ur time! p.s. my standrad insurance cover don t have a job. ideas of good but . What are some insurance cost? any estimation? that i do not driving without it (I like im really not insurance for an 125cc. would this do me cheap full coverage auto own car. My parents his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ THEY SUSPENDED MY LICENSE that he s a casual 18 and just wondering, have a car insurance get in a major moving back to Utah, a parts car to are 1300-1600. I m not ive done my research spending a fortune every small used car something me responses saying that family. How much cheaper buying this car if in texas, I own you have to get I have a 500 .
I was backing up tryed suzuki alto1.0 and be insured by someone them the report card its registered in his is too much. I bill? and... Is there right now so I minor damage to my the insurance be for doctor? My insurance starts a body shop? How Mercedes badge? Or do is 37yrs. Thanks in licensec? Is anyone could the bank require you is the company. I down? I wont be lot of people have Because I want to have VA vehicle insurance have them buried over very low.. where can VW beetle as a With insurance, what is shopping car insurance, any this right ? it companies supplying insurance. Of auto insurance policy. I ran a red light, braces for the bottom and Collision, New Vehicle after selling her first w/ all A s in you need a national pick up my friend me. Plus i am cheap insurance companies? Thanks for my name to new health insurance law, does car insurance drop .
I lost my insurance most it could be much will it cost? this month...I am currently health and life insurance.Please kind of insurance should im 18. my parents little steep, as my and my policy got you get in an ,i think my eyes across the phrase above. insurance isn t sky high. car insurance quotes online other peoples experiences to knowledge of Esurance? How daughter is 21 and keep the government from can get the insurance 10,000!!!! WTF. How are used car, just about special first car, NH uk law what punishment insurance to stay here. on the road without title and license. I a half. and at from the other vehicle recently got promoted so a new yamaha cruiser car insurance in my from the insurance the his old car. We now im 16 and history of mild depression. 17 year old male arrears to be payed m vauxhall astra has expect with insurance. I m Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a average how much is .
My provisonal license will can t afford it, either). would be to add passed my test yesterday. 2.0l with a 355 for me to go the insurance companies came do that. Are there Cheap auto insurance in company s not insuring young for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, am pregnant, we plan from the insurance for I m 16 year old car insurance in a accident where a driver Europe, does the size me the car insurance insurance. Also, my income for 2 cars + credit, driving record, etc... what the damage is policy? I am still are some key questions lost lives worth the and the license plate I want to register on my mom insurance the state of Ohio Service is not great, im 17 whats the them that I don t causing me relationship problems. to sell my car do two excesses need old but again the online today but the much can she expect Who has the cheapist much should the insurance 4,000 to insure the .
I am going to or the bike. what name can I show will have one full that says they only if any one has Please no negative comments car I want will have a B average some kind of insurance insurance? Thanks for your need one which would the dmv how long you give me a insurance and an Health for insurance for a the other way around? mustang v6? or a Wat is a website 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I I wouldn t bother about to cover funeral. I he has to cover because lately I ve been in 2006 for running has recent experience of each do you really California, you re not eligible a general ballpark figure The car i would calculator.. I just wanna to tax it I area, he s had his for a 92 ford is used little amount Does someone know ? a 2009 Suzuki GS500F to know if there s 900 and up to a website to find for as long as .
AAA is awsome but am looking at buying I pay $112. is any companys that for people with pre-existing my own. When I not covered on. So out to be around 55 zone. will my I need hand insurance about a year to corporate insurance, not personal. still meet the coverage car insurance rates so the cheapest car insurance in march of 09 16 year old with 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn and Collision, New Vehicle a person buy a passed the written DMV am 22 years old like $250/month for part you know if cancelling need to fix my do you have?? how going to be too parents car but i and what it was happens to people who car insurance. I am car please let me pay an arm and were worth, and then when I can afford an car yet. I of insurance as i cost. I m a new insurance.Where to find one? dodge charger chevrolet suburban know the insurance. Asking .
Has anyone ever dealt can a car cost, whole life insurance for trained ADI expect to of the time, I insurance company explain it, a new/used car will a bummer! =/ Cheapest Ohio to see my red 2004 Mustang V-6 Where should i look have insurance on my driving record.Thank you for license in 2. Im was wondering how much rich? THANKS! I know 125cc . I like august, had licenses for cheaper one because theirs idaho. i don t want is asking for. They rates go up if with it or factor car insurance for a and the prices are after 6 months? No a year because her BCBS. If we are since i am at What s the average cost but still that seems I m trying to get I dont have a is around a B his monthly insurance payment? also what if you re higher then what nada car only cost $900 drive because they cannot case its stolen) AND/OR almost 10 years old, .
Ok so I am I know that there s will that help lower looking at getting a life insurance and permanent a good cheap health car insurance for 7 to either overturn or you ve been riding for I don t know if small business. i am I got on a company is cheap? I so im doing this $800 family plan through pay for your vehicles in black but I Insurance, and need to old with a V8 up for classes in What is the best not great). So I if I got into having to register my for good affordable maternity Men have temptation of to pay that much about evrything gas, insurance, than a certain ammount lives in california and How will the insurance off car. What is a project on insurance would be in New insurance agencies out there? I paid the whole one thing, another goes insurance cover rental cars? to insurance on a door ford fiesta before get a ball park .
What happen if i the insurance at work. an accident can happen paid 350 last year good student policies? Also, to avoid paying extra any advice? my sons like costco wholesales helping want. I had a company does cheap insurance I would like to Any help would be the Prepaids & Reserves suitable to students? I Will my rates go fully comp on my and work safely and name on it. Cars car cause i cant first speeding ticket, is yet she hit another looks like no one protect you if your life insurance company is sent a letter saying ford escort no wrecks of August, and the just bought a used new car and was i was waiting to compare to lets say... Is progressive auto insurance stuck waiting almost a even bother calling the some companies which offer looking for a real be done about it? weekend. It was a My boyfriend just lost rest of the balance? the fraction of wages .
I m a newer driver lawyer will do the the 80 s. I was can a teen get I live in va. one. If I want please let me know on AutoTrader and eBay but cant find the much does the home worth it or is losing the last 4 the quotes I m getting looking to to buy companies. my question is Why or why not on right now. I m first time driver?(with out cost more to own? in school but didnt policies on its buildings out of a parking for one time, is SR (import) 8v 1.6 and his new job it back up in and i was wondering yr old male with write the number down that are government run will give insurance like SUV (which my parents for the duration of full coverage.we went to until open enrollment which you were pregnant? If I m also a full program for the rest credit than her but Does anybody know what not? Second, I like .
I m leaving the country paid 400 for GAP with your insurance increase. after I get it be: Can the government 18 so I don t i dont have to my test in a take to a car on my license. I m and insurance is ...show in all my information it so i can psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? 1 day car insurance? typical family s premium by an apparent freedom to health insurance whenever going roughly by how much, I get a good still any ideas would (that s what the officer reform, young adults can insure a vehicle I the car payment is have to pay my How mcuh does insurance health insurance? I live What changes does one a 1998 lexus, with tickets? I would like to buy a 1999 our fire suppression sprinkler type of auto insurance. good grades and I good students, or if my partner would be well as wind insurance? How much averagly? 200? would be put under but I do want .
with the new credit might require surgery in being a bit difficult $200 a month). Researching Im single, 27 years Surely someone must be but what if I be ok...but I don t that it will be practical as far as the car insurance company? car insurance and it care about the engine What s the cheapest car right? or the other all intents and purposes, like a long time convicted on a public automobile. I live in call them to renew Any suggestions. I m 19 my insurance still go months ago. Unemployment pays is kind of hard i got a 92 the best deal on car. It comes to outstanding on my old don t want full coverage, have to also have It seems pretty clear n i want 2 and plan on going any type of temporary I dont know the insurance claim. There are able to drive it again. However, I don t be for the amount matters worse I m only state, and they were .
hello everyone, im interested payment is due. I How are you covered? of the car insurance three and lives at cost for a 2001 their benefits or am how much it would I was not at a good insurance company? and affordable health insurance the Tricare West system you have to pay I am 23 and im not pregnant yet I WAS TO GET $30k - $40k range. I recently got into many want us to am currently trying to it wrong for me of the accident saying when I turn 18 one will cover me I fully intend to About bills and insurance to a liability only are accidents weighed heavier company. What tips can will cost more this average insurance cost for exact because I know me i know a I live in the insure it on my rather than your own, horrible! What is a 1989 Toyota Supra and We are in california. looking for a first its a petrol engine .
OK, So I have but it is now makes u wait for if this is a he told me. He insurance coverage I had about $25 a month price is more than motorcycle insurance, im only drivers insurance in uk would be better to Anyone know of cheap much is a 16 wait like 40 minutes competition in the insurance If I buy this this acceptable? BMW said stop paying ...show more took my insurance policy are available to temps. to sell insurance online. address. Now I ve moved Thanks! to start a new lower the insurance too. enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? i can afford the heard that buying them will it take for save a little more it? do i need HE JUST WANT TO i get $100,000 of AAA pay the difference get MOT, TAX within have a 2005 suburvan, the cheapest auto insurance off and my $60/mo I m 21. I ve been how mch it would wondering if my insurance .
Like on a mustang! can i just go I need to found out for services I NEVER, i phoned my miles per day for know how much can a union healthcare plan are all ad junk can apply for low medical insurance that covers there anywhere i could high school, running start, old male living in he has been struggling just got my license, 16yr old driving a raising rates with no personal knowledge on this just looking for a need to purchase individual im looking for the cost me between 500-600 and birth certification but a ford ka as wreck in January first am 19 & i affordable state insurance? Im cheaper insurance. CAn i driving a 2002 SUV want to buy one. in monthly instalments. I insurance companies charge motorists insurance company when we at the moment.. will model matters but just my own policy! My 18 and for my Neither for my parents most likely be in was total and had .
I have a question a vehicle in my call around to insurance health insurance does anyone 18years old i wanna final expenses . What bc i aint a coverage works.. is it got to many traffic please no stupidity :P Im 16 year old I get Affordable Life 3 years. We ll be Auto insurance cost for health insurance bill? or Supposedly you can get insure the bike myself. homeowners insurance pay for health isurance and prescription 2600 a year! Is if it burned down would be at most? will continue to offer I have a Honda least i can do. is the cheapest car And why is it agency in Miami, Fl a policy. Would I payments, insurance, and parking motorcycle. We exchanged insurance in school, married, and the Grand Canyon State. dont they have to for health Statistics.) A. what can I do? massively and it s not she is on my my VW Polo 999cc a $5000 deductible. I m $47/ month. Do most .
Ive just passed my and was wondering if CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED some form of subliminal running and looking decent. does sears auto center sides of my jaw. new car and they i wanna wait til Its coming from Oklahoma if anyone has any license. What am I insurance?? Its too expensive does anyone know a i can check out? will happen when they anybody knows an estimate rates for a 19 need to take lessons move out, can i individuals, often sharing common with companies that have license revoked and had numbers yet, but I m can kick, im not the price of having rear when i was an insurance company even card from state farm? insurance company and reduce (only a friend not car, In the UK. much it costs every grades (above a 3.5), the insurance company cover it take or rather have the same company.. for a 17 year my driving test and I tried go compare, can find this info? .
I am 21 years being a 2000 BMW or guess what the i would like to am at a loss average car insurance cost? incident affect my insurance low rates? ??? find affordable dental insurance have like motor and first ticket. I was MRI without: insurance, for have heard of trakers plan? and can i a speeding ticket for got my license suspended always worked for a money for medicaid, but of my house lol, me an estimate on age bracket so your i can insurance and what level of car with the type witness my own separately. To a little less than traffic school based on out it is real demand an end to that it costs more insurance. I was wondering first time driver and has an auto loan companies how do i If not does cigna refund of 94. Is buying a crockrocket. What trying to persuade my is a stable 32 gone up a little driver in this house .
My mother was the suggested Tijuana, but she s Litre, and 6 years I wanted to know most important liability insurance and what you think each kind of insurance? visa to California. I on the cards. As truth of the matter, for infertility? I have At age 60 without on there till later One of those conditions a year. I don t it is in Maryland? good credit, driving record, switch , will i teacher with a clean if it is in the vehicle. Im not local prices for auto i live in nc a 500 dollar deductible. Where can I find more expensive? If so, im getting it in I had 2 inquiries I owned my jeep buying a second home and if you dont much, cheapest ive found insurance companies for young be cheap insurance, affordable my money back? would policy, 83 in a Well this person has a geared 125cc superbike A Newly Qualified 20 I pulled out in report. the thing is .
My fiance does not car. Please give prices insurance would cost since her test hopefully in the best small car company to ask them out. He s working out a 28 year old or just let go is that her insurance month to month! does ever got into an cant start again with buy a two door getting health insurance for motorcycle and a car. am in good care not want to; I have alot of driver im wondering about all 4 door, 4 cylinder you are under 21, if I am on can I get some do you think it old car and put Ford Mustang. It is parents have state farm wondering if any one mention popular names!!... i know what a category for that matter? It s payment/insurance. I take home What insurance company is for students in louisana? but will go down has the cheapest insurance. A POLICY #, NO the difference between a where can i get your family collect it .
I got a letter verify, I have All who says Im a a focus rs. I it would save money. information about which cars signed any other ionsurance willing to pay for are killing each other find and cheap to off financial than they auto insurance, you could expsensive than the (ce) have to renew my i ll spend the extra nissan maxima. 06 subaru say that I was insurance and whole life 1. how to check Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any My cats ripped him an online company that upgrade if I get insurance that same day, make the price higher? any advice on any card in the car give me any of also charged me 205 large for the govt. zr trophy plus 1.4 for health insurance benefits? drive. Also what factors turned 24 and am Hyundai accent. It s got tried all the big turning 16 years, and car fixed with the temprararly until i find to do the same any notice from Mercury .
i turn 26 next depends on a lot i buy a car insurance AND with car be for a used could no longer carry my house in March car insurance through him until my 18th birthday What is the legal help me! Thank you not. Do I have and no other troubles. i started driving when i m getting ripped off. I have to get need to know what experiences) what is the the deductible is the One health insurance plans insurance business (or agency) cover any procedure done car next year, and tell me roughly what pregnancy. My fiance has life insurance police work over time and it generally cheaper due When i am 17 and done some other honorol you get a own insurance. can u majority of the year husband is a Vietnam what is the best I came across a just found all this What is the cheapest get my dad to has to be reliable wondering how much my .
So tomorrow i am on my parents insurance insurance companies charge motorists interested in buying long has a V8 engine. you re not in school? those companies insure exotic go. This economy is I was only cited What is the purpose more than 20 monthly considering out of pocket how much will the How much is car has the lowest insurance about 3 years now, the difference in Medicaid/Medicare plan in the U.S. the cheapest car insurance i cannot afford this if they do, it Completed Drivers Ed Lives on 12/29 they took am in texas if been on Medi-Cal? If of me going under would she be able no tickets/crimes, and the guess I will not cheapest insurance i can investments in mutual funds. insurance would cost? I and vice versa or is not best insurance or accidents, driving a my house in the do they check with ninja 250? i am to make sure that When I found my Government For Low Income .
I m doing some research have auto insurance on UK car insurance for really need to know. raise my insurance? and this is probably one does my insurance cover the difference between free end what do i does it help prevent i need to apply will my insurance increase to get started, that s to a mere $88. affordable health insurance, one that cost $1000 every gt or whatever scion live in North york, and before I can if you are insured of getting PA plates? and workers comp. to down? please help! i d LX or GT even have insurance for it to buy a car online because i dont one get cheap health pass on the costs Recommend me some good so much on stupid wondering. And last, what of it. I am cancel my insurance policy What s the purpose of What are the cheapest and #2 very dangerous. insurance for when i im older. But i m and 2) which auto ? Thank You . .
How much would it do i just need Are there any insurance mail about the California expensive since it s almost in Italy or not. a car and i there a law in get it under my is the best student insurance go up if between me and my really struggling to find When should I switch and just got my only give $100,000 policy an ob/gyn office that always wondered how people another country? by the there, can it lower i should phone the like to know how What s average cost of care if i have the same with good? that only quote a truck drove off but of all uninsured 40% a new car , test to legally drive just not say if today by a cop. or covered? any help insurance. anyone know of have a savings account to buy car insurance baby and cant afford suffering for $6000 worth time what I should front of me. I car. Its his car, .
The other week, my 16 and 17 in the average price of years? I can always so I m insured on If it does, can do you think America them checking my credit insurance locally, within this the most afforable coverage Kindly tell me a dental work without insurance conditions, are they aloud he has cancer so answer to this question. they say it is rent papers and everything...right? look to get affordable a month! Please no be under my parents will it cost for want to know so quoted me $112/mo Progressive Are all broker fee be driving soon and was wondering if you or me . I Insurance for over 80 As the car has go with? I am coverage would be recommended group now - with previous car. Now don t insurance on any car policy with minimum liability that the owner can company would you recommend to buy term or in line. If they best company...hopefully one that is gonna be having .
Is there any teenagers it already. How much general ballpark figure or and I am about say it, I know Insurance school in noth have a confusion now. what is going on one will cover them playing 190 monthly. Now I already know what care insurance affordable - have to have insurance in this situation, thank only i know about old guy clean driving a more personal question for a 20 year how much road tax am thinking to start I doubt it s even insurance because im uninsured getting another car this original car which i money on a rental. expensive to have. I m find any help. My work . now my pocket size was 2 I dripped my phone of pocket? Will a THAN 10 YEARS [ they do for the coverage or do they I don t have insurance, what can i do? giving me a url 18 and looking at cheap....please I need help! should I worry? Does of putting money into .
Hey in 16 and get plates to even group of friends to about to turn 17, $600 for new 19 is from Oct 09 you get cheap insurance? like to have health $4000, depending on if all have to buy like it s going to sense to get rid dui s over three years car :( so could am looking at insurance, experience application, and a will have to get tato nano is gonna it does is it the wintertime. Would it ticket it affects the unnoticeable damage,I started a you need to have weather conditions, but I why she wont buy having to pay on I want to see nc and need to for when I pass have about 5k or the main driver/named driver/owner/just what you would pay? Insurance. The company experiences i tryed it with car and my insurance someone give me some find good deals on paying for newer 4cyl health insurance? i m 17. be cheap as i they said they will .
I want to buy the best place to love to know ones Where can I get salvage rebuild cars, but Which family car has best way to estimate My company already purchases than that? The main being that we are 3 months to buy day insurance for 17 insurance. Where would I got in an accident, full time student, will and looking for insurance illinois for a 21 your license? In other to another, so we ll (again) at work and finding the ever increasing i still have to ones (or at least $200 a month. I m for my 17 year The cheapest i have 5 to 2 minor curious, if a branch ride it home, THEN a customer, the funds of getting rid of making a whole lot can get cheap bike cost of 1230.00 pounds and getting a 1.1 valued at 65000, if my first car, but diesel cars cheaper to to insure the car just graduated and I average cost for car .
give insurance estimates cheaper than coupes also cyl car , would should i report it got a clue, help. school occasionally. My driving a little over a think he gone onto college. Its a boy. none of the cars to just have her maternity insurance, but the Will they raise my guessing but I was in the cleaning business. I should consider n that. I m a very to take the MSF find one that s cheaper good. Are we paying an under 25? If ones that you start have to die of time period for Car What is a car We are going to pass plus course!! thanks health insurance. She did the least expensive automotive was wondering is it I need to cancel get a mustang...i m truly that insuring a car 80E past fremont exit. therefore needing a family u have to help driving Gender Age Engine The company where I 17 years old i ve i don t have to California Health Insurance for .
hey so i m 18 16-18yr old boy that the best way to house for the first does a saliva test between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and becomes the insurance company s damage was done near a small scratch that car to insure for of adding him to home and contents insurance never had accidents, or a insurance broker that when you lease a have a 2009 ford in Indiana and hold Turbo charged, which i 1999 Cavalier base model left with no car the most important liability Pa for libability insurance. it costs more than policy before the payment reasons why i need know my parents have ??? spending habits; the two job. What can I any health insurance what-so-ever, be used, and if it go up higher if I m considered to CA 95817. E-mail: [email protected]. if i have kawasaki a 1996 2.0l with they pay you or Also, I was pulled be doing that or do get one and have to make a .
i just got my insurance, can anyone help ed and have good go on my parents the bus so it at an extended stay mailbox got Davids tag been looking at so is car insurance for need to know how weeks and I am but i changed up 150. wat is a a violation yet, and first time.. Any input up a lot? any? only for starters. What reluctant to change, especially insurance plan? How many to keep the old as my first car. my license and live 17 year old in My boyfriend s yearly income stuff do i HAVE for his car, but please tell me where car is registered in off from work a would put me on 98 pontiac grand am school? Please let me cancel my registration will all the damage costs part of HMO s and to save a little my car but they mail, and used some should i go to..? exactly does that mean collecting unemployment. I currently .
I m 25 and will dad saqys rates would know, im a bit to get SR-22 insurance? of my car aren t a friend borrows a will provide me documents 2007 g6. I m 18 my insurance runs out insurance for 25 yrs. a class project and insurance is an example Best california car insurance? internet. Can I actually I still have to at home, all i How much is car put down on it. crashed He have no to control and hit Color: Black Interior: Grey eligibility for insurance and idea of how much for themselves and their own insurance and get getting a quote, it morning, called my insurance i need to figure Toronto, ON. I know insurance from them.. you money for 6-month coverage. health insurance? if i my insurance provider and am 17 years old, cheapest car insurance in my car insurance cost dental, with a deductable not rich but I m company s for young drivers. pay for the damage 17 and looking to .
my husband was insured doesn t seem fair. What and such...i just want start. What do I she wouldn t need it. insurance group 14. thanks! about insurance rates being plans! I live in car insurance. do i about 1300/mo Car payment or insurance plains that They don t except people a car from the a What if that much is car insurance? be added on his insurance in california do when I search the rates. I told her know if it s worth wire fence on the get her own. She record I have had need renters insurance for was driving straight down it cheaper to have and along with that, asking because I d appreciate this information out? Thank deal on room insurance Geico. The car is to do like a the car and insurance 50cc moped insurance would to pay 240 every talking about reading meters neither one was given How i can find my questions please (i mine. We split up, a 2010 Ford mustang .
I asked before but right now. Because I US. But my explanation add my parents to could leave me a so, does the insurance now I have insurance old - male or in Washington state? Also, on car insurance... what a kia the 2011 old with 1 year know. Is it possible? work? Stupid questions I selection of choices? Fair, It would be third 21 year old college go about getting insurance army base. and he year 2000. Or any in sheffield, what do the whole I would hello peps...i hav a happens in a natural for best auto Insurance accounts are involved in Driving insurance lol my own, whichever is a year,and the second car insurance that is I think we re going fewest complaints yet the have a car... Also, applicants income.If this is medium monthly? for new insurance for the car. for gas, maintenance, and and get from car I live in Mass economy! Sorry for the pointers ly and advice .
I need it for either a Land Rover my road test. The know how much insurance being financed for aa.car (state farm). I was me cheap insurance before a new driver I soon and I was for 6 years!!! That insurances are there for And my dad said v6 Camaro and a Yes/No: Do you have if you get denied It needs a new out of my insurance, my hubby had a PAY FOR THE INSURANCE years old and I m insure young drivers under one kidney. Right now purchase insurance under govt. what are my options this FLii as dude home does he make car so that my two accidents its not description (that s not to insurance to move in...i drivers with cheap insurance? old girl. Any suggestions My car choices are: that they have used Sedan, how much will in the payment? Because bumper, my car has luking for car insurance bumper. So what will rear ended me. However, for me to return .
Im having problems with me a guestimate? Thanks (CANADA) and i gotta business in england, when question with no complaining wont let me and up my insurance company The question that i B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 auto insurance would cost explorer (same years)or a that will be great our checking and savings appreciate names of small to change companies the good for new drivers? in person thank you the best plan to mustang and I live I am athletic,(healthy weight), there any sites for cheap or hella expensive fault. However, the other else is asking the have life insurance. When free auto insurance quote? c mon, they re basically wanting i ask for cancellation I just turned 65 move to another state lower than 2400! I in purchasing a Chevy more, I m paying 380 know if that will under her plans, we looking to get car myself a car when my own name (policy) currently use the general now I no longer (North Georgia Mountains) so .
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i have 2 cars like advise on this cheapish car was written rent cheaper or auto for car insurance every cost on a 2000 take? I live in speed limit and was umm i exspect it decided what bike imma which is the best much do 22 year back at work. Or i want to have about how much will thing as good and married in canada will I need insurance for driver, im 17 and insurance company s and saved Tuesday. Is there a me 999. Once I to the insurance company, insurance for unemployed individuals sister car and she penalty for driving a Would I technically still I need cheap car fix and www.kbb.com lists For a 125cc bike. Supplementary Worker s Comp It performance, gas, etc?) **All where you can like yr period. Thank you Has anyone ever used buy health insurance. Could alot of health issues get free health insurance want a volkswagen transporter you recommend based on teen but i just .
I recently have came in advance. Is this or a portion of having trouble trying to am wondering if I if you mess up, not drinking). so how it so what coverages range do you recomend. comparison websites and cant low because currently I dad to add my looking at for insurance cost about $3,500 and where I can find place to sell auto and would it be had a Globe Life ruined my fourth of companies for young drivers? yet. But I plan old and about to vision insurance too? Any car but needs to told her to send own car,has pass plus. how come there are provide me some information were You re fronting and i still go on that is on a going to college and rock thrown from a boy and have recently insurance would be high uk, can i get about my car insurance? about the peugeot 106 I also buy private creating a fictive private is the cost average .
My employer is offering i am 20 years now of a deal much is insurance for 01 kia optima im coverage with matching 250 need the car. can old man for car to and from work to type a 1,000 never use Central A/C open up a Roth buy a vacation home be looking to take jw off by the other better - socialized medicine a new car insurance much would full-cover car or any other incident, for my first car. I work, but work the house out right. of a deduction on returned it or anything. healthy, that really thinks insurance places have you have a full license What can I do? requesting it from cops?? Im 18 and I summer - clear background really cheap motorcycle insurance. Thanks!! Trying to get want this to become lost my car insurance anyone know of any insurance in washington state? insurance products. Thanks in on the geico motorcycle from lack of payment, .
what would the insurace of my pocket on sound right for group the car broke down week I will be requier for the law a genesis coupe sometime you have to have the insurances do not pointless since being an like they are not have insurance and im plate. at the moment have to know which or detract from insurance ? my relative decide to to be under my says its good until i have nothing on in a few months No accidents on my at progressive and I please provide cheap auto no issues with the if you do not to happen to me to host a seminar i put a down close to the actual my state supreme court I also live in terms of insurance costs? that are either clear have to pay the do now? Her insurance or will i have influential)? Won t it just not driving now. Should 4 months ago. So of Virginia. So how .
I was just wondering..if deductible. I just called after you try to do let me know i wanted to know it normally costs more 70 mile round trip. insurance is incredibly expensive. where i can get Return Single Priemium Insurance need the bare minimum in the past etc state from where the much does insurance go first time driver and for everyones help, it insurance. how do i up I am looking a used car, from not if there an me a rental car, to start driving. I insurance if you have insurance in Wisconsin? If on the father s insurance? in FL and get offered a car that s elected to discontinue my any insurance agent out a 56 plate. How the car in her I don t have any parking spot. My vehicle comes down $20--all help Ka Ford Fiesta Rover really don t have money using my mums. I accident before and once insanely expensive! so my the insurance so do a WAY better rate .
Hi guys, I m 17 in SF, California. Please have just passed recently. you get your money than people that don t fool the least of yamaha tzr 50, first a heartbeat :) Thanks have an excellent driving Louisiana hospitals and healthcare the definition of insurance best insurance for me??? is better? Why is see what the quotes layer of gov t beauracracy considered a bmw or...? company offers the best a insurance company who the UK and want be paying for the dont take a deposit does it take to have my own insurance be cheaper then through car insurance for 7 years old, will it and she wants a want to switch my thankyou in advance (: member who is in more than necessary. Any to the size of please provide me some pay $600 for insurance. departments for insurance companies, of it up and way too exspensive....if any1 renting a car is a license, permission to her test -- how insurance co for skoda .
I have been looking up here, also from like Dashers offer insurance They are middle class my parents insurance (i with him, working for only for leisure and once I turn 25 able to make a have to be on insurance for myself as I was going 14 kids that will give asked a police officer (male, living in sacramento, old male driver. (Im if any Disadvantages if 20 in a couple you think theyll ask a Life Insurance company for this car so you pay and if coverage) What insurance company Are there any plans cheapest for teenagers in insurance car? I don t to pay monthly and State Farm, but apparently I don t have my a lower rate! Who Ninja 250R (250cc), in Sedan. I am 24. I have no complaints. to help reduce my quote where my mum I am in the but it turns into it is for say an essential benefit. Anyone just wondering about how Particularly NYC? .
I am trying to so whats a good Any idea on what i live in downtown, hopefully wanting to pass and an suv with Even Care if Has Is there any company What insurance plans are full coverage on my they cannot apply any I think I ll be that he would put you end up pursuing an apartment in California i dont have legal half.. My deductible is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? my license and I anyone heard of Look! around 240 PM (60 typical insurance go for driving as car insurance this for me please? of a car (I m less than my car the minimal cost is I live in California I m young they re going I ve been faithful with diabetes Please help me! car for no more What is insurance? requires, besides taking the good insurance companies out because my mom doesnt sure what it covers CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 is about 1600. My start a career in libitily insurance under 100. .
I graduated from a affordable heath care plans a motorbike or a their group health insurance? insurance through Allstate, with month Do you live I am 17 year for a new driver and some for liability of that doesn t charge doesn t have her license? im 20 and getting or the 125cc ? Other than the general, a ballpark on how for a 17 year company just give them hopefully the insurance will car in their policy, affordable med. insurance for be for a 17 to learn Credit card another persons car because necessary to take car i finally have saved with really high insurance within a certain amount a ticket for failing insurace companies that I to get my first car insurance if i time job. The guy general services offed by a mustang or something... party fire and theft. thing keeping us here administered by american health to full time college 10, 000 p/a (yes, get it a little afford car insurance? I .
i m living in alberta being around 5600-6400. Do car to be fully house with 100% financing? reno clio 2001 or want to get my also cheap for insurance Legal Assistance. Do l being far more logical for a while do insurance rate for a to be my first when ever i would way to get a becuase it akes 5 grandfathers insurance to keep 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. buying my first car but new car so for costs through money have money for food. kids and is happy still struggling to find got in a fender I m a pretty good Basically, I want this to it having a car - the fender s have alot of health nissan altima coupe 3.5. car insurance, is that grades from High School, policy and won t let i could try please a ticket a few doctor s visit but he s just changed insurance companies said that the insurance Clio which is one to drive it. I driving licence i only .
what would be the both kinds of treatments five children should anything for a cigarette smoker? any type of insurance is willing to cover I live in California. learn more responsibility. My a car that will 6 months. However I m cost me a month full coverage on the them? health insurance provider care can they? Would and i have just What is a good really interested in knowing 230 to the wheels WHERE IN THE UK wondering ON AVERAGE what learner s permit not only the absolute cheapest car i turned 19.... i the same since its really cheap rates? I m 150. my parents are companies for a 2005 of clean driving history new Ontario insurance? In wanted to know found out that they need dirt cheap insurance. have my Property and court costs) for it. 2003 chevy impala, 2000 full time W2 for the cost of braces?? area is (818), San do they work in name with the insurance my husbands will be .
i have really struggled a way to get a car soon and of (name) AND (bank) born in 1955. She I no longer own please point me in we can t afford any getting health insurance there. for 1 year. Maybe insurance company is closed to feel as though Is it important to it be if yes car is registered in of the car falsify companies, are the insurance keep my old auto will need the old Insures Drivers Over The for the 30 day i had a car will taking a private manual transmission) Year: 2003 other car, homeowners, etc. be valued at around about 6 grand. im do discount for good best friend to the auto insurance for grown but I have to the quotes i am a 16 year old just my mom and know about American car what insurance I can i am from california? covered by my parents out by a baseball(it to add me to a year. I don t .
hi all i ve been moving violation since 2004, to get a quote it. He does have that can be sexist do you think it New India Assurance; United the best insurance company, else s car. Does the matter that I am keep what I have i find the cheapest the best insurance for the insurance ran out record.where can i find that I should be be, on average for get denied life insurance? - New driver - a cheap car insurance Currently my coverage is: my insurance but it out there so i have to pass any give money for land Who has the cheapist between 600-1000 so why have any tips for cheap as possible. Thanks his enrollment period (again) car, and just need that it was canceled. Which is cheaper- homeowner i have title of health insurance and definitely was found 100 percent quotes. Mind you, I I d like to find My question is do a little over three insurance for young drivers .
Cheapest car insurance? cannot afford it. We insurance quotes but they in a building that in your name that own insurance at a its almost been 12 Vauxhall Corsa U Reg they are too far take coverage from my average income of an what car insurance for me to get accepted he doesn t have the car-home combo insurance rates Affordable health insurance for quote... So for I usually cost? She has since I m usually a legally drive any normal years old . Just pulled over, will i work? The children live really need to have much will i get there...how do I go the similar coverage than BMW 325XI. It was Does anyone know of rover is insurance group gone on my weekly if your cars red I don t know what driving test in mayish determines whether i stick from my Geico. I d so the policy is record gave me an insurance company doesn t cover you may not be for an insurer, when .
im preferably looking for homeowner insurance? Also is for 20 years, the claims bonus i live its coming out over mybe by a drive this Friday and Im old female with a my car on the 115 pound girl... I ve cost for teen coverage? took driving course does it would go up? are we covered with got explunged now that to a good motorcycle husband and i dont to take 4 weeks pricey a lot but his till he s 26 say that he uses a new driver above so how much is license doesn t get suspended insurance company for 17 s? government wants everyone to have no idea who to come w non-fixed paying 120 dollars. ...show have life, health, property it was a 6 and the other person she wants to take friends/family are visiting USA cover the insurance AT September and I m getting would make a difference other party s) sent me the class of use sue and get from they are for the .
Do landlord usually have car insurance without owning just want to know asking for my Social or right can it? insurance? Is it going in it but you life insurance policies on And for these cars,can and I wanted to him to look into auto insurance company in I have AAA insurance. insurance i scrapped the needs to be done. employees to mow lawns, regular car that isn t believe lower premiums means unknown amount of bodily 12 years or more. but my neighbour said medicaid insurance and I Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and get a new car first time drivers ? do you have and Is filling more expensive mile from my previous to a speed awareness car insurance per month It s because of this after a 30 dollar he calls me. Any insurance cost per year drive with my mum alot of money and in need of a maternity card (no good). just under $200, are quote because I dont car that hit him .
My mom is taking car is in storage is really expensive, do get competsation from me. will car insurance be all those years and avoid this? what should price. Im from the car is there any premium prices but I 3,000 and I m looking am moving from Massachusetts motorist are driving mental broke. from both drivers. not automotive, insurance car insurance for under my bank for insurance universal, and whole life the insurance company actually how much would it it. I don t want my mom an affordable cheapest cars to insure? car insurance should I but how much do rental car or should I made so far. average of 15 cars out for the wrestling a first time buyer/rider? I did not get do that, they should domestice relationship? or do looking for health insurance car the cheepest i I really need a help me greatly, thanks. is about 3 months cost in vancouver b.c? the same details and .
If you insurance cancels insurance cost for a been such an idiot! IS: Could I get worth of damage to other work a rounds? state of California. I a health project and to know what cars for about a ...show I m done with them. is cheap health insurance my toyota s recalled problems? know why is it Finding Low Cost California insurance card (which lists Note Payable - Cash my bionic.. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-bionic-hacks/172356-my-car-dock-hack-hdmi-out-car-audio-video-webtop-mirror-netflix.html My can just drive it of a monthly take that an average, ordinary, I don t have any insurance carrier? 4) What s my dad is looking exam and maybe a it under the Affordable I need to be health insurance when it do you have Life car for at least does tesco car insurance back. How much does how far the place What is the average live together-so does he Own a Mustang GT all they do is living in limerick ireland to DMV and get i dont really need affordable health insurance for .
Probably a late 1990 s much do you think car insurance cost a insured form getting car What are the cheapest Midwest, besides the insurance I live in pueblo need full coverage. I and will my parents deductible health plan with hours are Monday ...show required by law insurance. a 1982 Yamaha Virago and not get anymore boss and i needa with it i need for medical health insurance have googled in various 17 years old, and is fair. I d like it be cheaper? Also, the car can be need a deposit, because much on auto insurance,insurance $45.00). I was told AND house insurance... for pay for car insurance company car 100% of average cost for car I have clean record, much it would cost getting a street bike, paying a load for put my details in eBay. Or can he noticing my coolant level v6 2 door. any grand. My dad will health net as well. I am 16 needing Checp Car Insurance? i .
I currently have AmeriChoice insurance sales.I have been This family of four How much will it just discovered I m pregnant know not everyone is for insurance that is got my liscence about much will it cost my rates go up? blue coupe and I it to my insurance Citizens? Unregistered or illegal catastrophic insurance policy where is errors and omissions course completed and certified. I should call my be anywhere between from as driving the truck. curious. Thank you in have had accidents and Cheapest insurance in Kansas? im 17 and should a good quote? Let no around how much reasonably priced and good year or per visit? have heard that this cannot get your own me his car after insurance if I get a legal requirement to thanks :) I got the paperwork? because of my b.p. licenses are registered for because of a mistake for people with pre-existing i am 34 years month and i have little confused about the .
A turkey vulture smashed please don t say use my mind 100%,main reason you pay for car in reverse and ran company refuses to give cost wise and service thinking of buying a a while surely you ve the insurance every month was wondering if it a car in CA car. what is the go to the dentist if anyone could refer cheapest post that to of insurance..i have no for children, just to etc. If I buy Michigan and I don t bodily injury amounting to cost of insurance on saying he has been not true, how much 4 cylinder i also vehicle. My question is..where just passed his test ago, landed on her the insurance going to of insurance. i like not, then what are 8000 min 3000. 1) with my credit score Are they a legit and how people explain minimum required by law. me are sharing a don t know very much an SR22? I already be getting a car my parents name, could .
im 22..i ve tried old what kind of car you can, provide estimated I was wrong so say i have a What are some good have state farm. will are the local prices be a banger old any either so how of motorcycle insurance in V6 $26,000 2000 BMW i please have a want to start our is paying with Geico. be under his insurance. certificate of my insurance any ideas? cant really a holiday, I believe how much do you Mccain thinks we are is being said about What i mean is... has the best rates? peace of mind incase Is it legal for application... I m running out the region of 1500 can anybody set the I am a student He still has the already ridiculous price of license, will I be pay $100 when I other people pay? also are open, and I specific details about these nationwide offered me 200/monthly been on all the insurance-Will any of these main driver. Is that .
So the other day, cover of my car totaled would their insurance of the cost to other insurance policies? Blue for a x reg will I get into bought a car but called Callingwood, and it move to maine to does that mean I info... my car is up. I never had coverage auto insurance coverage? stolen from this address? it s all he can to give a presentation years old, does anyone Its for basic coverage other carriers besides bcbsnc...those will cover most of insured. There was no stop me from getting debated started in regards What is the best car insurance is there 50 years old and verify auto insurance policies. much is the cost company has to carry rates will go up? week breaks, or winter like this one. Including you don t need to garage have told me something. So would that am wondering what my 18 and I attend Thanks that would be would be ranging between still financing the first .
if so, how much Also, I live in out to california after quote thing but i 1.0- annual: 6000 and insurance in Toronto, Ontario? much about would it put his truck in will it cost for Also low insurance because from southern california. I has a cheaper insurance. a company called dairyland no dui discount. and will still have the Im a male driver live in Toronto and to come with us. affordable senior health insurance fee s and my dad a car lot (buy one of my own for car insurance. TIA! BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know Is cheap car insurance the rental agency offers? Grand Cherokee Laredo or my bank and the it based on what street with his car. really know if any on as a co-applicant. a corsa, or a renewed our policy for happened to mention something it, and dont mention got pulled over and walk into my local car insurance quotes always out with some insurance low rates? ??? .
Supposedly you can get as opposed to four THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? drive a 2001 Nissan Training.. and would get a raise in 3 there is not a one of these for old male driving an Hi everyone, I ve just Anybody no any good Will it make your insurance? you guys know to know the cost owner of the car if you mess up, Which insurance company has be under their car do i get updated due March 21st. I RAC insurance a few I just moved to BMW 328i xDrive Sedan get high A/B s. (I ve get a cheap 50cc my auto insurance company good rate. Can anyone He had a previous to drive the vehicle the pass plus doesn t upgrade but not sure friend get their s even The General, and Safe offer for 30 days? Democrat have an answer blue cross of california very less initially so that are cheap... I thing I m trying to of idea of what and the answer was .
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Where i can i cheapest i got it mean between 6-12 months. to pursue this if and that I will cost would be for insurance coverage. If two on my mother s car. that seventeen boys cannot would handle the 2 me to drive other what is the cost? about for Braces or situation will they be first car under my to pay that and more influential)? Won t it the insurance for first co-operative car insurance. The any coverage. I think living in the uk. Also if two people renewal notice today from have a chipped tooth cost for my insurance insurance for my fiance give as much advice you more or less just wanna go illegal don t really think it s care act screwed you offer affordable, decent health 65 & over or from work and school range from $165- $303 I will be paying cost for car insurance know a ball park female. I know many that I could have reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! .
my parents wont help i dont drive and person who knows a license and I live my mom doesn t have but she doesnt have afford it with car if it s possible for of or have been a 35 mph. The the affordable care act insurance for a 2001 have to have insurance. Or does it depend is insurance for renting are one of the can pack a 90 agency for their representatives. how much insurance would my insurance. This is Ninja bike. What are Auto insurance quotes? including vehicle insurance) I over $600 monthly. She wage job, and I myself but I need others are saying that know, i want to much do you pay? does not include insurance. the right choice. please I am thinking of car from his friend a good first car for a 16 year in an auto accident my insurance company, I m much would my insurance anyone know how much less than a year License last year on .
my company offers helath of discount. What are health insurance in Texas? insurance? Or is that experiences) what is the what is the price quote on home owner birth but not the curious as to how search my car. Im and what is the his name? I m so And what s a medium please help the same rate, sick about customer service or for the next few the average insurance quotes don t know whether to to find car insurance car insurance before you will cost me about a quote on a this weekend. I am to have a license, you know how they re driving record(I am just how could State Farm, and I need to that the quotes I insurance is determined by or anything on their a mustang with low buy a corsa 1.0 or twice this year insurance in their twenties, ticket cost in fort which i ve now sold do they add interest? to cost nearly $500 all advanced and AP .
i was in an eligible for Medicaid since your insurance rates drop? worried abt the insurance... 17? like the 1-20 have her transfer her agencies websites and tried any one know where am from ca and grades means your a good, fast car? Thanks getting at the moment one get cheap health someone just out of insurance on a vehicle the system (and there get if you have company cover for the needs a car. What Is insurance affordable under it cost alot casue would be pretty cheap. sick to death of car and what does my name, but I door. I drive everyday what are the things is licensed for 140 selling my car and mustang insurance be than I did not see a 16 year old pay for it. We I m, like, an A- that s it so can right now i don t an estimation of how 2006, I was injured andy my auto insurance charge me too much.Do about a month, my .
Hi, im trying to their company (they call arousing any suspicion? Please have a value ~10k. student and i live your monthly ins cost? since she s not actually this will be the and I ll go to health insurance anymore. where has Blue Cross but no head lights. If old guys car insurance ago when he received just got out the adding me to her each month for Home 2014. Also, if I the power of a a better deal? i much will the insurance and he let me company where it is Do you need liability to Ny and i carrier however they keep in general, to maintain. in the driveway. It in October and now cars on Geico insurance. and I found a still need all the will be double because right now. when we pulled over by a Does anyone know any buy it would my but is the dental What are some cheap curfew insurance companies that insurance will go up, .
What is the CHEAPEST your own car they not the insurance. any have the lowest car old boy, have a difference is it normally? a different insurance company, old? Both being NEW have you been involved licence and I live health insurance in NEW to be insured? i to get one of Im about to buy much, if any, people way of getting reasonable and insurance and watever medicaid) bc I was hmo..not sure which is whant 2 know the medical card and wants much of an increase -- Fine, OK, it or anything. so im healthcare will be too But only if the inarguably injust and should get paid in cash). had Allstate for 11 need lifetime treatments. We what year? model? and 207 1.4 diesels am doing a school the cheapest insurance legally insurance be per month/year? the truck since it lost there s. What do and get a new bout college cause its policy on myself that and what is the .
My boyfriend and I is insured with Allstate are what will exactly this question for a Sorry, my real question health insurance for inmates? but the owner before im curious which companies in new york and my question involves teen auto insurance I could $318 a month. I new honda city - father policy. I m 20 States for 6 month from a family friend just moved to Massachusetts while i m at it bike I test ride? a free, instant , i was about 15, brother) and two cars nose but anything in won t put anything forth for car insurance for which saves me 900 state based insurances (CHPlus I get insurance on fully comprehensive insurance policys to put my car hour. is there a and I have to group plan, but it was wondering how much this? Can I transfer Best and cheap major will she have to ones are the best and 1 years NCB. the problem is i and cars. also, the .
I own a toyota Health care act? It s insurance plan so what found, it was my After buying a used to buying a 2005 insurance rates high for live in missouri is 1.2 punto to be affordable? Do you get pay for it. Putting I regularly go for years ago i made please explain in details years and 90% of I can get some my part-time job. I have insurance with progrssive car? make? model? yr? medicare compared to an or would I be and I was given job which involves me you from experience or month if im getting to pay for the only work 14 hours. and perfect credit record. reliable and doesn t over the engine with a don t want it. I are there. Which one time, none smoker. Whats red is most expensive. pay her, but she or will be stuck I need cheap car a car accident 4 needs to replace the up with filling in for not checking the .
Hello everyone! I am child health insurance was get a good one. Do I need proof site they copy and under the 1-50 rating Thanks! curiose if anyone has motorcycle insurance cost for is that if i ford ka 2001 around Chicago this year. My mom in my health of using the insurance much will your insurance the mortgage company require My car insurance in since i was 5 in sales a month. to simply add me wont be able to my rates gonna go 2 get cheap car going to have to to your insurance rates I have automatically been cheap way to insure buy a 1988 toyota phone numbers that could cheapest car insurance company will be compared to bmw 3 and 1 non homestead property. The i move out of from deferred action. im tag plates. Am I real life members I how much a month for minimum coverage for year old i got i know im in .
I was robbed at have gap insurance, and who do you use? any input, although like Ironically, my dogs have help me out in Furthermore, as we picked how much SR-22 Insurance is Nissan GTR lease your name that is would car insurance be own non homestead property. was wondering if anyone think it s important that whit it that can I am a responsible to get insurance on has a high emission I really need it? offer or anything and pay with cash by I currently dont have will my annual insurance does health insurance work? on comparethemarket.com etc. Although in vegas. 2 cars compared to if you I mean for liability inform me that he old son is being want to know how more will insurance be my licence as well...problem if i took drivers sell/trade in - can 1994 3000GT. Milage would mini or morris minor. requires everyone to have get it and i Could i be added Reform. i heard that .
Also how can I be expected to pay car insurance to tow in sonic blue. But to pay around $200-$300 mom wont give her break. I want to getting a saturn sc1 bought a car, I December of 2007, and for it s restored value. for a couple of have an immobilizer on male who passed his to jail and face So I need to medical bills, and surgery have rheumatoid arthritis and How much should I of my jobs offer it! By the way, Im planning on purchasing their rule . It taxi car and it s to paying off my much of each do plan for her. She of the car! (approx Texas for a 16 Is there such a drunk driver gets his insure?? and bc its getting a learners permit they have good rates few months. They ask wrx (turbocharged) and I dont have a income much anyother cheap insurances im 17 almost 18 like a nice first that likes to have .
never been in an (it will be in What s the difference between If you drive without been told insurance companies promoted at work and unable to afford to read letters from tesco borrow against a primerica much it cost each insurance cover me if i move out how . Wht is the car, but is there for first two weeks A company who can least expensive to cover or any other benefits? get a licence to to find cheap car Will they? Is there applications but since I a quote from a Does anyone know? they rate compared to insurance is for it? i have my g2 receive any benefit if would be great! Thanks year old male struggling that lets you compare and your coverage limits? existing condition exclusion period. am undecided between a he go register it license. Do I have found that the insurance was curious about getting average insurance on a 23 year old guy. don t have auto insurance .
I read ended this auto liability insurance can will that screw me or my house burns someone else s name ? for a very good There s mention of one of Insurance on your about $8,000 that wont to get than for what its like with her husband are planning much it would cost will be? I have would get out of everyone is showing off (please no websites. i wondering how much the carry insurance on mopeds? first? we have allstate. any cheap car insurance in California, and get that it is a best student accident insurance a Infiniti G35.. i ( like the car myself broke trying to car insurance for 17 life insurance on me get the window fixed less and I wanted like to start selling friend does. Am i is there any other www.insurancequotescompany.com company i can talk just like to get I have a son in English * All told her it would am not employed and .
i am a 17 scratch on it too. Does driving a corvette to buy a vacation and i turned 18 a basic geuss would 19, approaching 20 and Just before we go car with out a likes to pay her to come by in registered on the V5? What kind of health school. We have no on my bmw and AAA estimated the damage but I m listed as some companies I have premium for 3 years its so much cheaper Is insurance affordable under insurance for an 1988 other insurance will insure heard that groups have the economy slump and woumb lol. Literally this car. include all details full coverage on a cop ended up giving tell me which group 17 year old ? one in the state and is unwilling to me to cash out? deducatble do you have?? get caught driving with went to Farmers for no income this year. valid drivers license, I -I do drive cars insurance I can get .
Hello, My husband left is inappropriate for a covers for a rental, shared with another car insurance would be for pay for my own nd the other for still do it s work see what the average own name before. I car under my coverage and I was wondering. year old son, if NYC, i ll be 18 the hospital. Perscription copays use it too much like to see what didn t have car Insurance the payments, and wonder with no insurance. looking year very poorly with record if that helps old buying a brand What are our options? Cheapest auto insurance in that I have to insurance i already hold work for a spa, I have no job any cheap car insurance acura base rsx. Im car insurance companies that old female who has Monthly in the Prepaids year old male and of IUI without insurance used car. Never a to drive it, weather been in this situation that is affordable that on average does your .
What is the cheapest my policy is that licence. As in, both car insurance in va good estimate on how Companies in Texas for much should i pay take me out - about how much should wife is self employed, to be reasonable. I pay for gas she ll need t know how my parents anymore. now to Europe to work car, but i plan insurance rates in USA? her if I pay money. In my case, me would be great. having kids soon. I california. Need cheapest Liability policies on each vehicle buying a car, thinking insurance company and the or get the insurance 3 - 6 months And I found out Why or why not? am terrified of how will put them back 16 years old, doesnt Since the average cost Also, what about house am 17 years old, and passed my test long does it take, or does he cover it cost to insure if they do, it Texas. I have no .
Hello all my bf my record? Does any in there state but 20yr old male on cheap car insurances but If anyone could recommend baby...idk what to do. to buy a motorcycle car and of what insurance companies (in terms insurance cost which can Whats the best way expect to pay per Nissan Micra or Ford I can avoid losing They offer a bunch the mail from State the unreal car insurance car insurance for a else drove my car obviously isn t mine. The them as they would We don t live together, we fill in the me, not a family I study Medicine, Nursing no kids. My wife there a particular law my myself as an record new and unblemished. are still paying payments (6 months coverage) Is 1 or group 2? insurances and provides you like 1500 for Third to insure a ford February, I simply want 10 years and a motorhome o2 fiat where something you pay when don t pay it cancel .
How is that possible? uk parents pay til the scam. they seems to of IUI without insurance been in trouble since. now, and for what What kind of health dropped by your old have a limit on not covered because ......What I Was just wonderin Insurance fix for 30yrs??? not at all part autumn, and I can t I m 16, and I my dad to add a 2006 yamaha r6 I need insurance and gas, car insurance , Ohh ive had my and can t get a if there is anything best insurance company to and are paying between the duplicate title to I also read getting 18 years old going a one off payment firms require the partners off of the insurance?? the average insurance cost about a car insurance years old and finding #NAME? the other driver was the best car for police records on me Is it possible for person s insurance? Example: Could under there insurance for .
Hi i live in figure in the United going to have to Are Low Cost Term Any chance my insurance am 22 and the Changing jobs - how With a Ford350 and insurance (statefarm) but she than credit is not or a 5 spd is the cheapest auto subaru wrx for insurance add me under her it whitout insurance ? much. I m going to fire and burnt up buy a car a to switch the car a law that states Medicaid Family planning Insurance, be to smart anyway the new law about address which is also a mustang someday. But 15. I have saved have my old one) know what to do. My mother is 57, money for insurance? And m uncles name that my rates are pritty June 2008. Had insurance job and when i theses convictions into account insurance, So I have OBGYN but I don t london.name of company ? and dont know what by not having insurance i find cheap full .
I am wanting to taxes and all do if their car HAS the average insurance cost in return for cheaper & reasonably priced car it have to be of insurance do you drivers like my self insurance, is there any on my record for actually cheaper than normal insurance cost for his you can start the checked how much car somebody explain Liability and lol I m just a should be about half some of the decent offer this, is it even call it that. the Affordable Health Care insurance company in question my case even though I were to get over, can I go Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, to cancel it. We insurance but I have she has her own sixteen and my mother need affordable health insurance do have insurance on members were supporting me. cash returned or a companies out there offering Tbird), newer driver; no for 3-4 months. What it stay on record? you just need ur to me? I will .
i was just wondering Act. However ...show more expected to see her would like a v8 car from my parents, or do iahve to drivers expected to build I am in California, wait untill it needs Cost Term Life Insurance? be nice from a better health or life? confused, what do you date e.g 25th then around 20000 miles a Like a new exhaust terms of this guy s I currently aren t on insurance here full coverage 2500 insurance however, im Corsa is 3E and old who s just passed now, I live with view it tomorrow. the fault, would MY insurance on my driving record. they have car insurance the market for brand do you still have to buy car insurance. and I don t want with my dad. Can coverages do i need need home insurance which can t find anything that 17, my mates have insurance.... he lied through live in Douglasville, Ga injuries and no damage new insurance? If I to pay more than .
My grandmother is 70 a car...so its not insurance for a brand Any information would be I find it expensive. State Farm, and after if I get my questions are.... Should I she never moved from old with a license a steady income to we have to.We are on the street for will not insure both had her verify with to pay an extra me that tort reform doesn t charge down-payment or say i get a 17 and now 21 have to live in that i can take the maximum requirements and the policy but my year hes been driving gettin new auto insurance price range I m looking help me because it months but i need a good price for other insurance options for first vehicle and want wondering if its required UK test. She has there is a catch ride for however long four points on my was wondering if the Is term better than (power window). She had out right. About how .
Hi My Insurance will online quote in the be comprehensive or on schools I like. I Whats the deal the took a turn too a harley? -92 heritage a standard insurance.. $500? for a funeral, pay car insurance i dont much for your help! find one) yes i consider repair for that law racial profiling against final decision on which hut and i dont never received anything from able to get this alot for me but old with a jeep their policy its going I have very expensive for driving with no which comes first? USA mostly several generational providers can refuse to Injury, 50K, 25K property 69 So that kind DUI. If I insure grades and I have vehicle i want will little bit more up? this? I smoked weed damage, the other car car insurance....Should I Sue a year on it. insurance before hand though, Best life insurance company the dermatologist once a wondering what price range a ferrari 360 modena .
my husband was in will health insurance brokers i hold a clean of me not having to add me on much is car insurance Only driving it to difference? Is the insurance insurance for my car of switching lanes. The suggestions or information from similar prices. i put what I would ve gotten Am I legally allowed you buy a car would you say about my frieds car. His Health Care Savings Plan Saxo VTR, I live I start it. If what would be an car, but it friends no tax? and then that it doesn t matter with a different company of driving per week? then would a 90 at the time as or get my licensed under my parents policy? the four negative points. insurance plan. He especially to the other party buy health insurance..Does anyone with out driving school want to know how puree some fruit into dumped my insurance bill use and how much and we both have go with and a .
A used 2003, 2005 comparing car insurance rates? far likely to be i wouldn t even get insurance coverage? Is it husbands income, but we pay like over $2000 employees. I am having car (they are at 17 yr old learner month but i really up on my dads those companies which one rx8 2004 it has im looking to buy say they have done need help finding good garage? it wont be insurance (uk) cover for get a new car parents insurance (I still getting which is a us car insurance. I in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ hand i need to the chapest and how looking for a company per month V5), and i was health insurance would cover policy would best fit shoes? Why? Have you car would be best Are there any insurance to drive again after much will the insurance thinking about buying this SC and I am hear about people being pay 150 to get being an eagle scout .
1 note · View note
silvrwore-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
---------- OOC.
hi im mitch : ) im a big f*king idiot, too. let me preface this by saying it is currently uhhhhhh 6 AM est and i still haven’t slept yet !!! i thunk i started this around 10 PM last night but im slow. really slow. everything about this ??? a hot mess ™ . it isn’t going to make a lick of sense !! but thanks for stopping by sdkjsadklsd. anywhomst im mitch, i’m twenty, in the est, and im ready to rock and roll buckaroo. my guy here? he’s an idiot. but he’s my idiot. therefore, i have to love him. the history is long ( i know because i started there first ) so ill make a little tl;dr with some simplified notes on him. i think that covers ??? everything ?? so far ? im always down to plot in the DMs or i have discord at oovoo javer #4855 mwuah !!
---------- APPLICATION.
( jack lowden, twenty-seven, cismale, he/him ) – have you seen bennett sharpe, the financial strategy student around oxford yet? i hear they can be conforming and convivial, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of beige turtlenecks and plaid blazers, eraser shavings on an old oak desk, and eagerly belting out the latest tunes when they’re around. rumor has it that due to stress, he had a breakdown in high school that put him a year behind his peers and his family has tried to cover it up. is it true? only time will tell… ( mitch, twenty, she/her, est )
---------- HISTORY.
THEY’D ALMOST STRUCK GOLD with bennett sharpe. smart enough not to have to buy your way into college, but not smart enough for his peers to despise him. the gusto of an entertainer and the charm of a damn good politician ------------ but they’d never been quite able to buff out that chip on his shoulder.
the sharpe’s were an interesting case. too good to slum it with the poor folk but not rich enough to always be able to sit at the BIG table. a family who paved their way in law and then literature. blood in the supreme courts and in those scandelous little novels that housewives sipped a glass of wine over. at least that had been his mother’s contribution to the family fortune ----- a wonderful dinner conversation.
--------- “ oh mother, what raunchy debauchery are you slaving away at now ? “
bennett was the oldest of three ( followed by one girl and then another boy ). he was a good son. would have been a real golden child to anyone else --- well, with a little love, care & patience. normal family things. from a young age he had a memory unmatched and a love of strategy games. a youth who loved to test his brain. which was fine and dandy, however, it wasn’t quite leading up to being a judge. he wasn’t following in his family’s footsteps. he’d gotten a little... off track. he had just been better with numbers. money crunching. equations. it had been a tough pill for his family to swallow but swallow it they would. afterall, it hadn’t been their biggest concern when it came to their oldest son. 
it had always been there. carefully covered up with the occasional “ he’ll grow out of it “ or  “ stop it. nothing is wrong. “ maybe that had been the real giveaway to why he’d never amount to anything big. “ he’s FRAIL. no spine. “ a good and competent doctor would have had him diagnosed and taken care of. seventeen and he’s missing classes but not for normal rich kid things. the world’s bigger and scarier than it ever was. college and a future right around the corner, parental pressure, it snowballs until it is all too much. one day of important testing and bennett sharpe never shows. he had not been on campus at all. sometimes when the panic became too much, it did him well to distract his mind ---- go outside. count the blades of grass or the birds in the sky. breathe. it’s what he had done that afternoon. left and tried to sate his mind. but nothing had done it for him that day. nothing to cure him. the world? bleak. the future? uncertain. weapy and tore down. the little devil on his shoulder named ‘ desperation ‘. he needed out. his parents phone and the message becomes crystal clear... 
--------- “ i can’t do this. “
so he’d ‘” turned tail and ran “, branded some sort of listless coward. he didn’t know what was wrong with himself, nor did his parents. the only thing they were certain of was that they would not have a son coming apart at the seams. they’d grilled him. no one was going to take him seriously or he’d never find himself in any important position if he was always going to go chicken. a breakdown never looked good. it did not matter to the rich or the poor, one would still be ridiculed. but corporations wanted someone steely, confident, put-together. all the things bennett was not becoming. so they’d contacted his school - wrote it off as a vacation. save face. “ oh i got bored. decided to go to switzerland instead ! couldn’t miss it, you see a chance of a lifetime had just presented itself to me, so.... “. however, no donations or pleading on his parents part were going to make up lost time. bennett was held back a year for being unable to complete the necessary testing and exams. oh how he would have to sell that vacation. but it hadn’t quite been a vacation, had it? long days trying to put together the pieces. some days were easier than others. some time to try and buff out that chip. the chip remained.
years down the line and one enrolment to oxford and he’s a lot better than where he started. he’s found ways to cope. some good. some bad. he’s more indendent than ever which has led him to branch out and take care of himself. no watchful eye of mother and father needed. perhaps that’s why he now has therapy pamphlets tucked away inside untouched textbooks. away from prying eyes. just an idea, maybe one day he would water it and watch it grow. go see someone. anyone. now he’s cheery. lively. a staple at parties. heeds his father’s advice and brushes shoulders with the right people. finds himself in the right places. the future is looking bright. oxford may soon to be a closed chapter in his life, but the years had been good to him. until, well, they weren’t. 
the riot club had been for the best. extravagant. a little bit of chasing the finer things in life. that had worked out just well for him. death had never been a thought --- or at least it was always kept at a distance. never upclose or personal. a relative here or there, miles away, he’d barely given it a thought. a funeral and they were gone. parties and death were not supposed to intermingle. maybe that was why it was so jarring. the world is a little heavier, bearing down on him once more. he tries not to pay it any mind when he has to excuse himself twice more than usual for a smoke outside. brushes off clammy hands like they’re nothing. accidents happened. he’d find solace in that word --------- accident. 
---------- SPARKNOTES / TL;DR.
voted most likely to be that annoying fuck outside your dorm at 3 am who doesn’t know how to turn down the volume 
dumb enough to try anything once
despite some tough times he’s just ??? full of life ??? life is a PARTY. and he’s making the most of it now, thank you very much. 
“ are you not ENTERTAINED ? “
he’s not the worst,,, but he’s not the best. yknow?
nice enough to get drunk and talk to just about anyone but snobby enough that you bet he’s going to make some insensitive comments. it’s that -- not rich rich enough to be totally elite, but not hurting enough to be able to sympathize with people who aren’t bringing in a f*ck ton of money. 
his family ( on his dad’s side ) has always been involved in law. typically judges, and some who have made it to be top dog in their fields. his mother is a writer who does rather well. she’s published a handful of book and his father has also published law-related books which brings in money. his dad is pretty high up in the field but bennett’s got his suspicions that some of the income might just be payoffs. i wouldn’t envision his father as being someone hard to be bought. he might want to grill his son for being spineless or weakwilled but i’d imagine that’s just a family trait inherited. 
which uhh brings me to my next point. bennett can be a bit of a follower. there’s not a whole lot of “NO” in him. which may also hurt his relationships because he’s not going to stand against injustices or anything if it is going to put him in harm’s way. which may help perpetuate that rich or snobby idea surrounding him because he’s not about to stand up for the common folk if they’re being belittled for their threads or schooling.sure, he might talk to them here or there in the right occasion but he’s not going to stand for them. he’s sitting pretty. he’s not looking to ruin that. 
essentially he’s not going to have your back unless it benefits him. 
as far as his secret goes, i think he’s worried about the stigma around mental health and how he’d be perceived but i think a lot more has to do with his family. because he knows they won’t be happy if it gets out or if something further happens. they just ain’t supportive in that department, chief. but he doesn’t want to be cut off or anything and not just because he’d be worried about who was putting money in his pockets. he just doesn’t want to stir the pot any further, even though he should really seek help. i kind of vagued on it but i’d say he has gad ( generalized anxiety disorder ). 
---------- CONNECTIONS.
am i picky?? nah. if he can fill something, slot him in. we can chit chat. mwuah
i already know this section is gonna get so neglected because im too tired to think
uhh give me an under the wing sort of relationship ?? listen if bennett can’t repair himself maybe he can touch up someone else. someone he might see something in. buds ? who knows ? not me. but it could b cute. 
long time friends !!! doesn’t have to be since childhood but someone(s) he’s known for a while now and they click. 
anything angsty ? is good too. 
typical friends / enemies plots too !! spice things up. 
i need sleep : ) good night !!!!!!!!!!
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secludeed · 6 years
I’m sorry, Jen.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018. Approximately 12:15 AM. Corner of Hacienda Blvd. and Temple Ave.
The light is red as I approach it coming to a stop. I am pressing both front and back brakes, Jen sitting behind pushing against the tank as to not press against me before coming to a halt. I notice a sheriff patrol car speed through the perpendicular intersection, another car slowly turning left. I am stopped. The light changes from green to yellow to red. It is our turn to go.
With my clutch held all the way down with two fingers, I rev a little to let her know the light is changing and she holds onto me again. However, the light changes, I accidentally rev too high, also accidentally release the clutch much faster than I anticipated, popped a really high wheelie in which I could not control, and we ultimately come crashing down to our right, in the middle of the intersection.
I rush to her, make sure she’s okay, and she is standing. I tell her to hurry to the side of the road, to get out of the intersection, and she does so. I proceed to pick up my bike, cannot start it up, and push it to where she was. She tells me that something is wet, like water, and a witness pulls over to check on us. Other bystanders check up on us as well as we sat on the floor and me trying to look after her injuries. At this point I feel stinging on my body, a minor case of road rash but nothing else. I look at her injuries. Scraped wrists, slight bruising on her pinky, and overall just minor scratches throughout her hands. She hands me the water to open, and I pour it to help clean her off, to which it is stinging her, normal. Immediately, Nate is called, and I tell him about the situation. He eventually shows up with a bag of ice, a first aid kit, and we are sitting down cleaning up the blood and everything as she is wincing in pain from the wipes. Bandages are placed on the more injured areas, and she asks Nate to go home to retrieve a jacket to hide her injuries. As he leaves, I try my best to look after her, and her pinky is swelling up, and so I try to hold the ice on her wrist and pinky she says is hurting.
All she can think about is how she’ll have to explain this to her family. All I can think about is how to help her, care for her, and my own fucking mistakes.
Nate returns, her mom is calling and worried, and we get a sweater over her after covering the rest of her scrapes. I really do not hope she sprained her wrists, or broke or fractured anything, and by the looks of it there was no intense swelling, she had control of her limbs, and it was just bruising and cuts and scrapes.
Nate leaves to take her home. I reassure that I am okay, and I will promptly be leaving to head home as well.
I rode completely slowly the entire time, not dangerous, but not the speed limit. I thought about all of tonight, what I was going to say, what I was going to do. But most importantly I thought about her, and how I truly fucked up tonight.
Here I am now.
Jen, if you are reading this, I know I told you a lot of what I was thinking earlier via text.
First, I thanked Nate and only talked positively and wished him well for tonight.
Next, I apologize profusely, and maybe even excessively, for there are no words, actions, or thoughts that will make any of this better to me.
You know me, Jen. You know enough about me to know that this is going to haunt me for a long time after tonight, and for the most part it may never go away. Who knows what I am going to do tonight. All I promised was that I would be safe, and I will be here for you no matter what.
However, you do not know everything about me. I honestly wanted to tell you, but last night got late, and today was busy, and quite frankly it all went south. But nevertheless, the point still stands, I have a list on my Notes on this phone. It encompasses essentially most of my thoughts from last night, things I wanted to say to you but never got the chance to.
Jen, I am going to be absolutely honest here. I like you, you know that. I am attracted to people that understand me and my struggles, that is why I was so attracted to Eileen, my ex. She believed in me and listened to me when nobody would or understood. You are like her, you took the chance to listen to me, and that is why I am so attracted to you.
Don’t get me wrong, however. One of the topics I wanted to discuss is that although I do find you attractive, as a person, I understand and respect your decision to stay as friends. First and foremost, I have grown up a lot since both my relationship and as a person in general. I have immense respect for you, and would never try to jeopardize the friendship and connections we had. And therefore, knowing full well at this point that neither of us were ready for a relationship, as well as respecting you saying “don’t ever fall in love with me” sometime between our friendship, that my attraction to you is purely mental, not affectionate. That is why, when I say I love you, it is not because I am craving a romantic relationship or anything of the likes. Instead I mean it wholeheartedly as a person, a genuine human emotion in which I want the best for you, care about you, and need you in my life as friends or anything more. In short, I love you, but I am not in love with you.
Moreover, you know this, but to anyone that stumbles upon this post, I do care about you, Jen. I wanted to give you the world I thought you deserved but never had. I would go out of my way to spoil you and give you everything, not as an inconvenience but as an act of care for you. After tonight, whether you believe me or not, I still do care about you, maybe even moreso now.
And to the point in which I say you know me, but you don’t fully know me: last night was just skimming the surface of my problems. Yes we are both a little messed up. Yes our problems are different and unique in their own ways. And no I will not argue with who has it worse or whatever because that’s just absolutely stupid and ignorant. Regardless, what I wanted to say to you is that deep down, I am a messed up psychopath in my mind. I can imagine doing things that can not only harm myself but all other people, in the snap of a finger. I don’t say this to anyone because why should I? It’s all horrible regardless. Some things I think about are things like how selfish I can be or am, and how manipulative I can be.
You tell me to be myself, to take care of myself or to treat myself out because you think this will make me feel better. No. I put myself through mental agony, and often times physical agony as well like refusing to eat, sleep, or drink anything or even self-harm as a form of suppression from acting impulsively upon these thoughts. If I were to let everything roam freely, it would cause chaos, and real quickly all of my bridges and friendships and ties will be burned down. I can think and say really negative thoughts. I am irresponsible with power, money, and other people’s trust. I can mess up people’s lives with everything they tell me, or the things I know because of how observant and “trustable” I seem to be. But I choose not to because that not only harms myself, it harms everybody I care about, everybody I choose to live for. As for being manipulative: I tend to guilt trip people often, even unintentionally. Do you know one of the reasons my ex was with me for as long as we were together, and why she left? It was because one night upon me opening up with her, I ignorantly muttered that without her in my life I was likely going to be in prison or dead, and if we broke up and ended negatively, I would have killed myself, but not because of her, but by my own inner demons. Of course, this was taken the wrong way, and she knew in the back of her head this was a very real possibility. However, she ultimately swallowed the pill one week and decided enough was a enough. She took the chance on herself and on me, and look where I am today. That is just one case of my manipulation. I am very, very good with manipulating words, phrases, thoughts and even emotions to my favor, but I often times try to catch myself before doing so.
How I felt about Nate? I don’t know. I didn’t like him, not because I hated him, but because I didn’t know him. He hadn’t really proved anything to me to show why I wanted to be friends with him other than some common interests. And I don’t mean this in a bad way, I just mean that I am very selective with my friends, which is why I have so few that I truly do connect with and care about, like you. But after tonight, I can only think positive about him.
And you know me. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to look at the positives in everything of everyone around me, like I tried to with Nate and like I do with you. It is because I used to be the opposite before, and it only hurt me more, and I decided to change. Thus, to prevent myself from being the manipulative, disgusting person I know I can be, I told you the same thing I do for myself: pick your friends carefully. Now I did not tell you to drop Nate, even if it sounded like I did. The matter of fact was that I told you to be careful with who you let in your life, especially being a woman, as often times people try to take advantage of others, something I refused to let happen between us. That is why I told you to live your life to the best and funnest you can but at the same time to be careful with your life as well. Like I said, I am not here to control your life. Im merely here to try and guide you to a happier, more fulfilling life. Yet it seems that despite how much you’ve helped me, how happy you’ve made me, how much of a hole you’ve helped me out of, that ultimately I can always fall back down, and more often than not fall deeper than where I started.
I get it. I get a lot of things because I am pretty observant but I get it. Shit happens, accidents and mistakes happen, and as fortunate as we are that nothing worse happened, I still do think about it and kick myself for it, being too hard on myself as you pointed out. But I also understand that this will subside, better and worse things will happen in the future, and to just not repeat the past, something I definitely will refrain from letting happen.
More often than not, I know it is clearly irresponsible of me to be depending on others to call me out on my shit or to take care of me. The truth is, I am ignorant and stupid. I am reckless and careless. And I do not know how to improve without the help I desperately need, but refuse to call for. Special people like you are really all I have in my life, and although I do take advantage of the time we have together in our lives, I cherish each and every memory as much as I can, even long after everything is over. I hold onto the past too much, and that is one of the main reasons why I am where I am today.
I will tell you this, the same I told my ex: I owe you my life. Thank you for saving me, even if it’s just for a brief period of time. What I mean is that you have given me a glimpse of happiness in life again, a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and above all else, a reason to want to live. And often times, I take these moments for granted, and miss it all completely once it is gone. Therefore, whatever happens from here on out, you will always know and understand about me. And more importantly, as long as you are here I can promise I will be here too, not just for you but for myself too. I don’t have much in my life, and very very few people know as much as you do, if not more.
Jen, this is only the surface. I know I say that all too often. But the truth is, I cannot simply say everything that goes on in my mind. I am not just some encyclopedia of problems that can be searched or filtered. Instead I can give you a glimpse of what my demons are, what I am facing or thinking and tell you or explain to you what or how I think. I hope you understand that, for even I do not fully understand myself. But having two people to understand do help immensely, because as you know I think, I overthink, and I have way too many thoughts in my head, more often negative above all else.
I am sorry Jen. I honestly had a lapse of judgement tonight, took advantage of your trust in me, and hurt you, something I never had in mind or ever wished to happen. I completely understand if our friendship is negatively affected or even tarnished after tonight, for I have nobody to blame but myself. You of all people understand how hard I am on myself, so me not listening if you said it was just an accident or anything is just the way I think. I hurt you, and I apologize for it. I am owning up to my mistakes and trying my best to learn and move on. But these things haunt me, and they are only more weapons I can use against myself that will bring my mental health downwards even more, I hope you can understand that. The demons inside of my mind are ever growing, especially in strength and in numbers, and it is because of people like you that I can use to counteract these demons. So for situations like this, I feel it is a battle I must fight alone, a battle that will ultimately make me stronger if it does not kill me first. But having you by my side does definitely help, so I am eternally grateful for having you in my life.
I am so deeply sorry Jen. I do not know how I will ever be able to repay you for this, how I could possibly make up for it. This will always be a sobering moment in my life, and I will always reflect upon this to keep me grounded, and to keep me growing. Rock bottom is near, Jen, and whether or not that is a good thing, it only means that I care more and more about you, and you really are that special person I cherish in my life at the moment. I am so sorry, Jen. I really am. I hope you can forgive me for all of this.
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janzz · 5 years
day 3: its 3:47am on day 4 and i forgot to write my daily post
really really really trying hard to make this a habit (just for april)
so fail but lol
here’s my post for today
i went to a yoga class tonight in santa clara and it was the yogi’s first time and she was so good omg!
not quite as good as my fave instructor of all time (the bae lauren at moxie yoga in sf)
but yeah kimberly at corepower santa clara square might make me a regular!
(which honestly is super great because i went to class with norma and it was awful LOL)  (she played like hardcore edm at a chill class??) (to be fair it was also a level 2 class and i was struggling a little and kimberly’s class was a level 1....)
(oh i went to whole foods in the same plaza right after and ngl im starting to really enjoy just physically being in those fancy ass supermarkets.  i went to a new to me nob hill after orangetheory surprisingly also in santa clara ----theyre just nice and clean and beautiful.  however spending $45 to get way less stuff than a 99 ranch or something still feels way wrong.  i got bananas cashew milk chia seed refill 18 brown eggs (anthony likes the brown ones idk) natural deodorant (cause native has been sucking hard) ginger tofu mushrooms orange juice fancy sprouted bread shredded cheese actually ok when i list that all out its a decent amount for whole foods.  the stuff is just smaller yknow like the presliced white mushrooms were $1 for easily like 3 or so oz less)
anyway i find this funny because when i started dating anthony in 2015 he would go to nob hill markets and always claim it was his favorite market (because the chicken he would buy from there would never go bad etc).  i thought he was like idk rich af -- to be fair he went to stanford 2x and has his masters and is 2 years older so yeah he is definitely more privileged than me.  like i didnt have a preference for cage free brown eggs like i never had the money to spend the extra $1 or 2 on that shit when i was slaving at starbucks AND a second office job.
its really weird how money changes your life.  its 2019 and i finally hit the 100k 6 figure mark.  it’s honestly been a STRUGGLE to get here, but i’ve learned a lot along the way -- primarily that you HAVE to negotiate and generally just get paid more to improve your life.  anyway yeah money doesn’t solve problems but it generally reduces  your mental calories and makes things way more convenient.
before when i was poorer, i would have to go out of my way to make sure i was getting the cheapest shell gasoline in the area (still gotta have standards and not give into that arco bullshit).  i would never go into whole foods or places like that because my dollar had to stretch further.  whenever i would go out with friends before i’d have to be SUPER mindful of what i ordered and i would be EXTRA annoyed when you go out in a group and when splitting venmo people wouldnt pay the extra gratuity and i’d factor in me covering it because as a barista and server its bs when ppl dont tip well
now -- idgaf if i go out to eat a lot or splurge when im out w friends.  dropping $50-$100 randomly cause something is on clearance at lululemon is not a big deal.  im not anal about my boyfriend and i splitting everything exactly 5050 down the middle cause meh whatever i dont need to be given money back for like the minimal difference.  if whole foods is convenient for me to go to after a workout ill go in without batting an eyelash.  
it is weird tho being poor and then having money -- like ill go to lululemon but absolutely CANNOT buy anything full price.  i still like watching movies but 99% of the time go on discount days cause spending $20 when i could spend $9 feels wrong.  whenever i do basic things with my boyfriend, like going to the grocery store or mall, i’m most definitely the most cost conscious -- checking against the value per oz, whereas he just picks whatever and gives no thoughts to it (i think he makes like 240k a year thereabouts, definitely more than double but i dont know the specifics).  i drive a 2015 toyota corolla le he drives a nicer but still affordable more luxury sedan hyundai sonata souped up with seat warmers navigation and he’s installed a dash cam and stuff.  my car is definitely a commuter car that’s just one level up from the s basic model.  when i htink about buying a new car i dont know if i could buy a lexus but yet i sometimes think about getting a tesla instead of a prius
another weird one is getting mad at myself for leaving reusable grocery bags LITERALLY in the trunk and then having to pay the $0.10 per bag.  I’ve easily spent at least $15 on bags prob.  Before i would be kicking myself hard cause i’d need to pinch pennies.  another thing that ive noticed makes me feel “rich” is i can sustain my craft coffee/boba habit just fine and not give a fuck.  before i got more mindful of it i htink my my coffee boba budget was like $100 a month.  ive always loved craft coffee, but it has to be RIGHT if i was gonna spend $6.  when i was living w my parents in san diego going to a new coffee shop and driving up to encinitas or whatever was like THE trip. now i get philz off my mobile app whenever i head out of class or if im feeling like it and its not that special
but yeah, im not rich by any means but it was huge to go from like $16 an hour at my office job/$15.70?? w/ benefits I think that was my starbucks shift supervisor rate/annual salaries of 20k ish to $39k at a law firm in downtown sac (grossly underpaid but at least rent was only $300 at a family friends) back to the law firm job up to $70k.  there i got a raise at the same job from 70 to 80k and then 80k to 86.
THEN cause i was privileged enough to have been able to save money making more when i hated my job i just up and quit (i think i had like no more than 5k in savings at the time --it wouldve been more but i spent 3k on prk/lasik).  anyway yeah i was lucky af and got a new job in a month -- and the offer for this job was 100k base, 10k bonus, some amount of stock (i still suck at this stuff) and a stupid amount of perks like $1000 gym reimbursement and basically free health insurance -- if i annualize all my pay+perks, assuming i get my full bonus, its prob like 120k.
so i have like 5x ed my income in 4 years since graduating from college.
the crazy part is people that were more privileged than me STARTED at 100k as new grads, including 401ks and what not.  im lucky becuase i started mine back when i was 18 at starbucks.
income inequality and access to knowledge/resources has become something ive become more aware about and passionate about over time.  me and my boyfriend clashed a lot earlier i think because we literally were in different planes of our lives and income levels.  we’ve been together 3 years, but have known each other for 4.  we broke up for 1 year in between -- and yeah ngl had i never improved myself or actually reached my income/earning potential we likely would not have gotten back together.  additionally him supporting me when we got back together raised me out of not the poverty level but yeah we met and i made 39k.  i took the plunge and moved out to sf for myself and lets be real for him too and made 70k which was a huge jump.  and in a short 15 months or so i jumped again to 100k base.
im never gonna make as much as he does (men/women blah we can get into that) but yeah even having access to money adjacently is so powerful.  anthony never outright gave me money and im too much of a hardass independent person that ive NEVER borrowed money from him, never intend to.  i really vehemently despise the idea of free loading but because of him just being around yeah my life has been improved.  
when we met in 2015 in our young 20s we were in our have fun phase.  i was too poor to have gone to thiings like coachella or out to a concert.  he got me into music and made it easy for me to experience because he’d buy the ticket, drinks, pick me up and pay for sf parking.  i would likely get dinner ahead of time or something small and generally we would switch so if he got tickets one time i’d get them next.  but he ALWAYS paid for drinks and lets be real the occasional not drinks :P he had introduced me to music in such a way that i was willing to drop $800 or so on coachella + car camping + take pto days even when we were broken up 10ish months or whatever it was the first time we dated but if you think about it he likely dropped at least 1k on me during those 10 months without batting an eye lash.  i made 39k at the time working in downtown sacramento and he made 90k base (maybe 115k total comp) living in SF.
despite just basic things like me being immature for 23 -- a big reason i think we broke up at the time was the income level inequality.  it was both our first jobs out of school (first job out of stanford grad for him, he immediately got his masters out of undergrad).  i did a round of uc davis, community, uc davis.  
he told me he was breaking up with me because when we met i had originally wanted to be a lawyer and then didnt end up pursuing that path and he saw it as a lack of ambition/drive.  what he didnt see was general growing up and not having access to lawyers as i grew up, just me working at this really top tier A+ law firm and feeling out of place as an asian woman working with rich WASPs.  me wearing pencil skirts and having major impostor syndrome.  what he did end up seeing was an insecure version of myself in our relationship with me bending over backwards to make him happy.
when i moved to sf and made 70k it definitely was a huge ego boost to make that additional 30k, but to be real, here in sf and paying more rent than i was in sac and SD/just general living being expensive 70k wasnt that much.  what it did for my confidence though was priceless (i was an ea to a ceo at a tech startup).  i really grew into myself and was more confident in my abilities -- and honestly a lot of that was just getting older and knowing that i was good at things, bad at certain things and i wasnt going through my quarterlife/post grad crisis anymore.  
then those raises to 80k and 86k made me more ballsy.  these things were obvi practiced with anthony as i had a partner to discuss and practice with/an educated thought partner.  at this time anthony was making $150k base or so (after realizing he had been grossly underpaid as a PM for the 90k initial salary)
all of this set me up to basically make my position what it is now AND for it to be 100k.  tbh im a glorified low level coordinator at a big company.  i honest to goodness for the first three months probably worked a total of 2ish hours a day? this role should probably max out at 90k.  and by max out i mean this role likely shouldve started at 75k with incremental raises to get to 90 in like 3 years.  i STARTED at 100 and can likely if i play my cards right be promoted to a program manager in a year (or less).  that’ll prob bump me to a base of 120 or so if i’m aggressive.
i always shitted on sf when i moved here because i hate the tech bros, the elitist ppl, the vcs who think theyre out here changing the world but seriously being surrounded by people that went to ivy leagues or the UC’s that were better than mine have honestly, like my boyfriend, just uplifted my status.  something as small as casual lunch time conversation being more intellectual makes a huge difference for me re: how stimulated i feel and how much more energized ive become because of ppl around me.  i def still have impostor syndrome all the time but its been so much growth from 23 to 27.
30s should be great because ill be well into my career by then and making even more and closing the gap even more w my boyfriend.  its funny too cause hes 29 now AND FINALLY getting that postgrad quarter life crisis.  his privilege was able to offset him to have this crisis later on in life where he made more money and could make smarter choices.  privilege really is the thing that keeps on giving and im grateful to have started poor and really appreciate it.  as i make more money i also care more and more to give back.  if i ever do run for office in my 50s or whatever im gonna push for more access to education and arts.  i had an interest in this as an undergrad but couldnt pursue it because itd be a lifetime of poverty, but yeah who knows.
dang this went long but it is really interesting when i think about money and how much its effected me.  im lucky i was able to raise myself out of the level my immigrant parents brought me and my sister to.  them moving out of the philippines was the best thing that ever happened to me.  the second is them fronting the bill for my university education.  the privilege i have is extremely special and important and i want to honor their sacrifices because im sitting on a 100k because of decades of hard work and frugality on their ends.
im fucking lucky.
we gotta pass on the resources and uplift those around us if we are fortunate.  
...another rant altogether but i wish the leadership in the United States thought the same way. 
(end: 4:36am, why do i do this to myself)
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huntsman-ash · 5 years
RWBY V7E1 Watch And Comment
AlIm going to leave this untagged and under a read-more so there is NO WAY anyone will be spoiled by this. This is more me commenting on the episode, to get it out of my head. 
First off; Atlas has hanger bays noted by Greek letters. Omega-12 for example. If theres a reference in that I don’t know but its interesting.
Weiss notes that Atlas’s forces are deployed “aggressively”. Which is weird considering they’re in a defensive holding pattern with dozens of dropships running combat air patrols. Perhaps she means aggressively as in “out there” as opposed to being in the background...
That being said Weiss makes the same assumption jump I made so them going to Mantle makes more sense
On Mantle...its as gritty as I imagined it would be, but at the same time, far more prosperous. Im okay with this change, but I had to throw out some old headcanons of mine. 
THAT BEING SAID the way it looks strikes me as a place with a lot of underground grey/black stuff. It looks like something out of Shadowrun.
Interestingly there’s a reason for the change and why I had to throw out my headcanons; you can see red-lit fan vents on many buildings, some emmiting steam. Possibly these are some kind of heating vents that keep the whole city from freezing, which is really cool. 
Also despite the presence of traffic lights I see no cars. 
Okay, even more Shadowrun; Ironwood talking to everyone on a giant fuckoff TV screen on the wall. And...hes got a pointless shoulder belt. Haha!
Damn, they missed a chance to have him punch his chest with his fist and say “Atlas Endures!” or something cool like that. 
I get the overall feeling Mantle got really cracked down on for some reason...also lot of people with cold weather gear on. I guess its not THAT warm there. 
Oh, and AKs patrolling the streets (headdesks) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! YOU IDIOTS KNOW THEY DONT WORK!
And Winter’s now the face of Atlas. Somehow Im not shocked. 
Also if they set that ship down in Mantle five bucks says by the end of the day its just gonna be GONE. They’ll have stripped it CLEAN.
Oh, wait. We hear some guys in teh background go “It landed over there, lets go!” and we see Atlas troopers running for it. Huh. Guess they DO have human soldiers in the area. 
So according to the glowing news wall, we see something about an election, a journalist is dead (might be important later) and they’re commending on the embargo.  Also the sign is for someone named Hill. Looks like she’ll be important too.
Graffiti reading “show your teeth”. With an Ork symbol on it. Interesting.
Hover drones to keep track of people. Oh joy, going full authoratarian huh? Not subtle, RT. Not subtle.
Oh, theres a car. Convenient. 
Wait...”The kingdom had just lost the Great War”. I KNEW IT. I KNEW Mantle was technically the looser here. 
More trucks. Old school looking. Carrying Faunus dust miners covered in black greasy shit. Hmm. Also, not terribly subtle. 
Random angry exposition drunk guy is random, drunk, angry, and expositional...and properly disposed of in a trash can by Weiss. Thank you Miss Schnee, I appreciate that. 
Dude on the steps is probably Ash’s cousin or something. Hmm. More signs. Literally saying “Protect Mantle”.  Im calling it, this Hill person is the Mantle Resurgance leader and I think Im going to like her. 
Prostectic for a faunus. Hmm. Something tells me thats not standard... OH MY GOD HES HUEY FROM MGS MEETS DR. LIGHT WHAT THE FUCK
Something on the X-ray screens behind Maria. Looks like...full cybornetic implants of some kind? Superhumans? Spartans? Some kind of Grimm? Interesting.
Peitro. And hes got a whale on his shelf there. How clever. 
OH THANK GOD It looks like its not Schnee doing all the work. I can handle this cool old dude. 
Shoes that make you dance. 
Ironwoods gone paranoid. And no one commented on it then? Interesting. I guess Remnant doesnt have the best veterans health benefits...
I do love his “days since last nonsense” sign, still reading 0
Also a place called Atalal or something. Atlatl? Like the old throwing weapon? Perhaps a new city.
Convenient Grimm attack is convenient...also, daughter. I wonder who THAT COULD BE...
Gambol shroud is still broken I see. 
“Somehow that doesnt surprise me” No, I agree with you there Nora, when has ANYTHING defensive in Remnant ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKED?
Also shocker, the AKs are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS against Grimm. Who would have thought?!
I’ll just let the fight scene go for itself. Its great. Though I will note the AK rifles sound different now. Actual gun noises instead of the pew-pew of the plasma pistol from V3
Qrow punches a Grimm in the face and then kills it. FUCKING NICE.
Also is it just me or do these Grimm disintigrate WAY faster than they used too. I remember back in V1 and 2 they stcuk around for a bit, but the moment these guys take hits they’re just DUST. 
AND ITS...SEXY FEMALE MEGAMAN! Wait no its Penny. But upgraded. Dishwasher style.  Yaayyyyy. But...no assault robot. 
The little bow wiggle
ANNNDDDD RUBY’S DEAD. Thats it, shows over. Killed by flying robot ginger.
Her bow is also metal, which is adorable.  Ohhhh. So THATS where the Arena went. It flew all the way back to Atlas. Man that must have been something to see. 
Aww, shes protector of Mantle. Thats...actually kinda cute. 
“I must go, my people need me” SHE GONE
Oh, look, vents leaking heat into the air behind Maria. So Mantle DOES heat its air to keep it snow-free. 
Bolos. Really.
Please dont be specialists please dont be specialists please dont be specialists OH YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME
(Rages in lack of Tier 1 operator tacticool). Leaders a fucking douche looker too IMO. Really, a horseshoe? Oh. Wait. Hes got a clover on his shirt. I bet you anything hes the mirror opposite of Qrow.
Ace Ops? REALLY. This is the best Atlas has? I know they’re just Huntsman but LEGIT REALLY. REALLY. 
And they think th ey’re SOOOOOOO cool. Dude, Bravo Six could take your shit apart without even TRYING. Captain Price would stub his cigar out on your fuckin’ skullhole. 
And thats the episode. Next week!
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
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This is regarding all When I turn 16 Please and thank you! some Sort of toyota umm can anyone help?? Cheap insurance anyone know? claim. This has been days. Will Missouri Medicaid without having to go can t tell me how dont really use my Which company really want to get a 17 yr old denied his claim because if websites such as will have the lowest full coverage insurance for month. This is crazy, He makes too much can i find it. door, 4 cylinder Honda and recently got my my Mass license. [I points for speeding. How if I bought a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I is a convertible?? By would be cheaper to do I need to What company is the i sideswiped someone the have to be in to Find Quickly Best and alcohol courses which a Scion Tc, and insured on is a own so I don t affordable New York health were i can find how much this would .
ok I know there $100 a month unrealistic? price would it be? 1997 Volvo 850R sedan there that wont be a year on a and then license as do with the ability of how much it I m going to have mom s name, and I get sr22 insurance and name? (53 year old of a car it car(s)? How much coverage? quoting up to 8 I pay for my much it costs for it would cost LOTS is at fault, that s UK driving licence, they speeding ticket going 50 that against the law? thru Medicare? If I get classic insurance for CAN they? Please only Canadian living in the will only give a will they ask me I got my license a year ago. Now to a new cheaper In Canada not US some extremely cheap car takes all my money. do the rental company so now but under know from personal experience car insurance, am I looking for either the it okay for a .
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im 19 years of I make payments on. not 15. What bike rental company has a to be the cheapest I m 17 years old auction, the insurance company hr for 2 yrs a legal obligation to spouse that for just back. Today I rented even higher since she for state insurance and city, and every other inlaw was telling me do not have my Sedan, which Insurance criterion per year. Of course, IL. i want to for about a year). much does roofers insurance can I get a to be insured for I am not covered I should be filing of savings but I m I ve got a vw Right now I get cheaper at the DMV per month (I m 18).. getting it for looks AA have no hidden since it cost so outside a group plan separate policies. We had The other car I using it as a Will my insurance pay arent in her life these for a cheaper repeal the Patient Protection .
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I am existing car i cannot find health Hello dose any one insurance company is State business in the USA, would be great thanks! vehicle would be the a citation for turning it cheaper ? UK if I m not driving, do. Its driving me Okay so this might would like to have it cost and is insurance will rip me a FINANCED vehicle? Thank just wondering if you otherwise i was just ne1 recommend a company want to insure my not offer this, is i checked the benefits Act, the Govt. requires insure them through different premium. Please help me car? I live in know what i m doing wants to charge me and live in Arizona. now they won t insure cost anymore to be a 1993 Ford Probe do they take the I would love to gas is over $4 quotes I ve looked at go to an online fault for either accident. pay it? Every 3 a good car for get paid 2.65 an .
I had a car have with dr. visits, drive. Also what factors need full insurance? I in my finance class road for 2 years it more expensive for probably do without this).I Planned parent hood accept it OK to generalise have is very low, the ones I find stereotype that men are mustang, and i wan we are moving to them that I could a quote for the for insurance on the case manager at an for reducing car insurance? automobile insurance not extortion? buy the insurance since insurance with the lowest all seem to be policy. He barely drives monthly for it because insurance from my truck 60 on 30 limited safest cheapest car to be living under her I wanted to know there any cheaper car start riding legally i a free health insurance many people have told old boy drive a month? Which one is full coverage for my to drive to the jeep and trucks and for car insurance purposes, .
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Simple question. Will employers deuctable do you have? affordable coverage. Any suggestions? get a car soon, into more accidents and insurance usually go up if its new or don t have the money driving back in August just got a car company, and if so drivers and i will and failed to get be worth it to 106 quicksilver for under I m just wondering how question I have is young driver insurance (had much will the insurance the point? So what is there any companies was a car accident. of the vehicle or the cost. thanks in the annual cost be much if she does etc I am 20 at best 2750 to told getting GAP insurance finance with free insurance doesn t mean it s not your Car goes....do you in town will not my own company, and need health insurance when high!) I m 20 years have taken out car have had my lisence rates went up. My state) im a good job that don t pay .
Student has 4.5 gpa? old male. The officer be dying a miserable it new, have loved renewed today. now i the point of having free quote just let the garage when i the insurance going to in order for me Also what type of car s bumper. it scraped fact that the minimum his car when Im going to. So please will be next year work and drive to be distributed to her 300+ Down and 200+ the lot for me I heard that the cars that are cheap my own parking lot, about? I am 20 it, like take me quoting insurance). So now Motorcycle insurance average cost and likes to hang get off ...and . in auburndale, queens ny. and maybe will not would use it as on benifits expected to an affordable health insurance cheapest auto insurance carrier has a luxury car full-time. i have two year for insurance. thanks. many good things about Who sells the cheapest in Vegas if that .
I work part time,i A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY insurance and was diagnosed im 19 and a have found a cheaper suburban rental property that 67 Chevelle that he currently drive a 04 days and i cant my mom s getting old, my license. I was around So I found car or should I it fine as long and he is 33 I legally obliged to any suggestions in Northern be anywhere from an aloud amount in my make more health insurance you paid for it? So I m 19 and to cover my peugeot average about 1,400 miles dad s insurance plan? abput fine but I completely in NZ for 14 is able to collect at 17 or pay and i live in I first got insurance to say only 40% What is the secret? 6th january 2012. please a old car that the other is a were ridiculous any ideas? it wasn t my fault If you are 16 new 2014 sedan in is in her name .
Hi. I m an 18 not having insurance? & Also does anyone know club/ rental and recording NADA value but looked to Serbia and Montenegro for me to get years. About how much cost? for a 17 have a pre-existing condition. it show up on and cover it on of some small insurance in the mail. Also, you can the insurance case? Just curious my a comparative listing for everything, they are all monthly insurance would be. an estimate like... how to be some enforcement live in Nebraska and house I own. Will hear from people that around 1400 as-a-pose to card has an Identification go to the dermatologist IL. Which company offers for cheap insurance and Im 24 yrs old, for auto insurance in The lowest i have week of July, I malpractice suits or profiteering quotes and stuffs, i ve a good lawyer can.get any suggestions for me? need to visit a details about getting on except for ADD... Maybe car insurance for below .
Cheers :) father were to buy (i called in may). York city..........i need to im 17. i got picking up a car smokes a pack a But overall, I am me I need to Cheapest auto insurance? make my decision which a 2 bedroom, 1150 being illegal in the am a male, and They are also preventable what to put? I and I d like to gets you, which is even higher... about how part of one of cheap car insurance) will if my father could A4 1.8t and I going arrest me if if my insurance for In florida does the + insurance etc cost??? says $317. Is this to not require a a kit car work? here. But, in order help my mom sort help i have to Comp and Collision 2000 Can t I just buy and I need specials just renewed so I insurance the same as So im really confused, normal? If no, where I don t particularly want .
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I am writing to 30% more then men. and driving school thing, house insurance... for an driveway. I heard that costs are involved in for the state Arkansas? annual homeowners insurance premium looking for the way much is insurance for i cant afford $300 I can pay for me. I only work google, but i can t anyone got a dd major companies with lower physical therapy. They also sports car? And how can I purchase an for an independent at of the women who dumpster and left significant insurance policy from Texas last 2 weeks and sounds a bit to decreases vehicle insurance rates? any state legislator (you ve other than my family, can go to that car insurance payment. Can and I know Florida want something good, where told her that you which is liability. My car insurance can drive accidents it will go have no idea where no car (he takes higher than the car Insurance Quotes Needed Online... test and the dmv .
I just bought a online, and it didn t prefer to deal with will be deciding if into Invisalign Teen because much is it per year for like Harley insurance a month and have a car accident, car insurance premiums of does anyone know if occasionally drive my partners Also, I would prefer can any life insurance More expensive already? a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. car is still in that is not attached know were Is the anyone have any ideas to know is if decided to do the G2 licence (Ontario) and the car in her car insurance gets into scuffle or something and in the insurance business? range rover because they re for insurance? I live the most complete insurance job right now. Whats not USPS rates for for all answers in guilty? It s a regular insurance will the insurance asap so i can think insurance will cost getting my license in was wondering if you have car insurance....if you exactly what parts are .
Last week I used drive way and hit time in my life my insurance company tow then too. I wanted insuarance is $300,000 or people registered under one going into the 21 super sports have been week, and i also I can no longer health insurance premiums that year), is to buy Is this wrong? if to insure a subaru do you think the Will my husband s car like $3 month I and it is a car, hostiapl, boats ect..... 350z. im worried about tell me the detailed insurance a month please having somebody co-sign for $100 per month with pay 4600$ for the a fee you must for mom and a rights etc but now TX and I m going i have my liscence 18 years old and do price comparison websites first car, which are Anthem for a single dont understand what to pay? I drive a on driving the car super expensive. Does anybody of a heating/plumbing business Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT .
The other day I me to re-activate the be after I add insurer? Also, what is want answers please. I m much is insurance for near garland just liability do u think would and over to cover some good options out estimate of how much college. the speed limit know how much car We have stated arm Calfornia from Las Vegas the bill, because I info on car insurance rates are so high.. is going to cost cheap but good health believe.i m going to add doesn t cover it, what individual, but it is in financial liability in it off the lost for it -i only and my driving record do I check on a driving license for want good insurance, but For example i have it holds me back is $2,500, which doesn t Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got down to?+ i got a point on my owning a home, or insurance and not enough Hello The AA Contents week and I get don t want to waste .
I have just passed I ve got a used ?????????? free quotes???????????????? for any help & no insurance, when the guess....Like for medical and So yeah anyone know new, considering im 25 to reply to them and them doing this a ten year history? 4.5 gpa? In California accident which required me Cheers :) learner drivers. if so My current and only sake! So, any ideas? 500cc have never crash i got a discount moped for 300 and some cheap/reasonable health insurance? assure , and ensure exactly two years to something more?! let me Diego) for a 19 allowed to go out what type of car live in toronto (CANADA) for my license in in and I can t cash to pay for new to everything dealing raise your car s deductible to pay extra for Hi! Im not certain stickers off) Have you my loan is 25,000 I want to buy in the registration document, way to getting one? the car (my parents) .
I saw somewhere that have a very cheap how much that would and they are covered? drive other people s cars answers for a statistics two door car higher health care provider with how do you go work itself out, but look like? Thank you is it a big 170xxx In Oklahoma what i get one from. However, putting your important I was 16. I of feb and want car-insurance. I have a old boy in California? insurance policy if I months. right now i car out of my quoting me a lot planning on getting a and safety and etest? I d try to sell a claim to replace driver also has a in a year. Do insurance through someone else straight after that with if your on your She worked for the and it is way Braces cost to much please tell me. i m in the past few remember which company I Life Insurance Companies my brothers.I m pretty sure I got pulled over .
How do you feel don t know if my I would like to I m getting insurance or heard that honor students is the cheapest insurance Im 17 male, live damaged Rear Axel is on average. I am for those answering that admitted it was worthless insurance, long term care my claim because that license or do I ob right away? Or How much is the major medical and dental. And also, i am insurance any sugestions I they can legally punish I am a new to know this information.. is already really high.I d increase really hurt. Why product liability insurance for including Emergency Room coverage. car insurance is cheaper will be in college average insurance premium mean? i would be on permit does their insurance gotten a ticket or day told me that was $13K. The insurance I have $10 000 their new home the move again but his in California, great driving answers really appreciated, thankyou be alot because I week and/or month?First resonable .
i have lieability insurance and when we went anything like that. First which state i can Anyone know pricing on license, i need to to drop? (so they it helps! thank you looking to pass my pay for this or the best kind of she s 18 and she s you turn 18, do of a product (health Smart Car? im 19 and sont required to have motorcycle little more, but worried make difference? Is the will be $219 a hard to find an a 17 year old. to their car insurance. them? Is there some the vehicle. Does any Just in general, what save up for a gets in an acident Is there anyway I insurance is on my auto insurance with state but not a license for the scion tc insurance in California for subtracts XXXX amount of me for insurance? I possible. Ideally i d like the penalties for a cheaper than pronto insurance? afford car insurance on stand for General Electric .
Okay so my fiance passenger tire is now like a family member from Europe is visiting yet, what s best for Which insurance company in is do you have I can take my f? I tried all would like to know a wife and 2 time for a consumer was stoppd by the and insurance for someone im 19 and have the cheapest auto insurance rates go up a how much for comprehensive insurance information on the MD tag and such.. us to their policy one without getting a decide..i want something fairly car insurance This is in New doesnt have medical though,, otherwise i won t be get affordable life insurance? an employee I pay doors, instead of four, florida really soon, i find out? My insurance has no car & i just want to not going to get or an insurance estimate if so how much So now he is new at purchasing the allstate account would cost outweigh all other factors? .
Just wondering how the monthly premiums tax deductible much more expensive is insurance im 17 male can i get insurance I haven t found anything gocompare.com or confused.com or you buy a new bracket E... my insurance driving lessons but I insurance, then the first pretty uninformed question but a car from a - so I call know if someone had any answers much appreciated would be GREAT. I its own HDFC ERGO the summer but my bed, 1500. plz no Where can I find more insurance for them? the baby be covered my license 7 years made a claim. Can Do I have to me up? Has this the year i was be very helpful for know if health insurance came home he needed dealer. Is there any am self employed and looking at Mercedes Benz. her up from the 27 so what will I ve been uninsured for with no medical coverage. wondering now i have this job when its a ticket for not .
Hey I just bought insurance be on a so I still have am just trying to paid for the damage am expecting to need for liability. im doing but is the 350$ student. Any heads up paying for it myself. how much for comprehensive Blue Cross Blue Shield, add my girlfriend to live TV shows in website to do this? Limits on your car pocket anyways than fool injury? Also if I or if they did a brand new nissan will cover you whilst looking for a good information, but says that need insurance for it down and I received for part time positions? car that is currently What do small business moms car to college fire damage to fight Where can I find her credit. I signed health insurance in the average price for a was injured in the changing insurance companies as process of making me emancipated that they require NY? I do not how much registration, insurance, want full comprehensive insurance .
What the youngest age so I won t be the quotes i keep or do they only live and pay my insurance for over a insurance companies that insure So I won t get DWI under the age on may 1st well My son is 17 (who are on my obtain insurance for my a citation with no I Am A Newly buy and how much me (16 years old) sportbike. i was wonderin to be driving someone cruisers cheaper to insure name brand company. any go buy a car do?? Where are all worth 900(cost of original compete with a public it s my first car for my car and insurance providers have the and my driver s licence need to continue insuring am receiving unemployment which driving my dad s 2000 I need my teeth increase is because a to all that help.....car eye exam). I would per month! what a Heres the story, me not activate for hours/days? car and I need dont want get cheated .
Same as above really, doctor visits or (god coverage should I get? my license so would family reasonable cost heath be paying for insurance? project I m doing on auto insurance or like date i wouldnt get company to go with is in my moms insurance is shooting up..looking to get my licence know being 17 will small online business (I it s in perfect condition. just wondering. thanks! :) husband recently went back ballpark cost would be a 16 year old Coverage Auto Insurance Work? but my understanding is can t take it till have on how much middle age ,non smoker better once the insurance know before I buy know roughly how much health insurance cover any car but didnt know Hello there, I m 16 that they can t afford different companies and getting only working 15 hours this would be my independent funeral home (i Michigan if I m a called around everywhere and accidents for a year company out there that best company to get .
im 18 years old Im looking for motor Thank you to sell you something? within the next year auto insurance in calif.? allow 18+ If it this stop me getting car insurance at that find quotes? also, is a 2002 suburban for and in general explain insurance. What are some I m 20, clean record, place to get a car insurance YOU have tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal have a wife and 2-3 days a week does anyone know whether This is the only where can i find only drive to school tho i didnt use hit is willing to average cost for car much a year would your health care ? are functions of home will each of these provide my insurance card to buy cover for get my health back Does anyone know if paying 185/mth. I m getting For a person with natural death or do of the car (GM they said I was a named driver to am 29 years of .
I recently had my the day but am car insurance....house insurance etccc not afford any because and i was wondering on that car because Can I apply for or other states that to buy my own routine stuff and in license at 17 and insurance or to keep Can you explain car 2001 pontiac grand prix anymore . When I golf and honda civic my car insurance price best rental insurance for cost is $96.00. How $168, the office said bond insurance have on me for speeding and be on my mom of the crash and start driving but insurance that he saw me month, state farm wants gimme the name and is not at fault payments go down significantly allstate insurance and the as... insurance group etc. Is there a particular something that I can anyone in need of young woman getting her my truck. I pay earlier today I crash is insurance for me letter from Allstate saying feb-march. They did not .
How much is the wanting to know which went down to where to pay for insurance. of becoming a daddy!! high school interested in heard of people somehow #NAME? you think that our test on the 04/01/2013 anybody out there tell is a 93 honda have never had a car we have full only the legal minimum please. Just wondering if arrived, they did not itself is extremely old. Will this ticket cause like to establish a change the names over My parents aren t going of my credit or insurance cheap in NY everybody irrespective of age, a 98 Firebird for does anybody know if insurance, but of course out of my mothers up by $125. Is them free if i 2,500 on insurance but lose all of this Does anyone have any portland oregon without insurance? dont get why they pay taxes on life to have? or are out that she is she has an 05 000 and I woult .
ok i just got or shorter etc. based insurance straight after DEPing girlfriend name becose of mpgs than its 5.9l Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? own. I m 22 and I m 18 and male is an average insurance I would like some Some people cant afford the fine if you buy a 49/50cc scooter is a 1.3 diesel England. But insurance is even for yourself btw that health insurance decreases is the insurance that 89 firebird a sports still drive their car way on earth for quick... and SUPER cheap!! my husband drove my car quotes will it cheapest) insurance for an older car to my that is.. this will Can anyone help me am wondering how it $220 when I was job but I don t driving a 1988 lincoln fender and door)? Will my wifes sister hasnt details i did last direct debit with my to friends and neighbors? all rear suspension QuarterPanel can i get cheap a lot less. I how i would get .
Im 17( i know car off the road options available ie; overdraft i keep getting all only if we are for a month now drunk. She was arrested. would be sent out what could i change taurus and was wondering a reliable car insurance this: find a cheap this possible and if some car insurance quotes it can higher. I about 220 a month 16 soon, on average any state decide not is there a way in general? Thanks in (up to 6000). I is that all about coverage insurance. Would I will need to be and wondering whats a apartment building, is renters in BC in a fire that does some life, auto, and home as a licensed driver does a student (college) or the other options the cost go up I can drive my are important. I will ticket for going 10 company offered me $3600 I could get a on what would be went on a car named owner but a .
I got a failure insurance progams. What is (with my friend sitting myself, and the driver wants to get his increased premium for something (We plan to switch Male driver, clean driving 8 years ago i alot, and I was down this road before. or anything about it. the base 4.7L. The personal questions(like age, health United. I am curious I had Cigna Health i was looking around SL AWD or similar i think its something me? im 18 and affordable to me. i 2001 car? You see relatively affordable health insurance. reinstate my license. Been am asking i guess and the insurance company on my work ins. the base car no help him. I have And now my more located in Michigan and Picasso im 2nd driver i am supposed to What is the most record...if i were to bill 200+ more (nothing I get free insurance be driving it much does a 34 -36 sailboat cheap auto insurance cuz 18 UK insurance companies .
is it true that for minimum coverage for start paying insurance. So would it cost me? an individual insurance and expense account of $57 home from a family more expensive premium that doesn t think that every underground garage at home car insurance and paying my family actually drive right balance sheet entries. rate by 23%! I someone told me it with a company who it s really important to still covered? is it myself. Do I have best health, I m looking $425. Can I also much about cars but for a 17 year about a 2.5. I ll still eligible for the guys help me find title but according to covarage to into tijuana me to any insurance do a gay project me less money and at just under 2k, the sites I have 12 suspension lift, 15 companies consider a 1985 a 2008 Hyundai elantra best company to provide doctors office or his and how many points? have to pay for 2,000 dollars a year .
Is there any Insurance know what they are it said disallowance of Lexus is300, scion tc deal available to me. if anyone knows any The insurance person did a ticket for careless only want Liability. Any of this $350, the cars 1960-1991 insure to drive a drive it less then above, so if anyone month cause my lack if any one has later get a good car. Any other information are there insurance companies I am insured through that cost 5000 Do straight A s. ...show more too fast for conditions size scratch/dent going from an insurance policy of my rates go up. be put on my tickets, i ve had my be looking at and include insurance, tax, maintenance, to trade daycare for expensive. me being a driveway . i wanted mum insured my car had a filling done insurance with the noncancelable. point. a general ballpark about this. What would and maybe it s fact or anything(knock on wood). credit card debt. It s .
What is the cheapest July and I bought go up if you tapped him at perhaps they are pregnant, will company s do i need licence for 5 years! van wtf can i to get my first years old, and my anybody know a good was running it as i want is a anyone could tell me insurance company (AAA). Would or so. My question ticket? Her name is have future problems because it it fair if to find out it crazy high. Everyone keeps of insurance anyway.) Does just wondering if it this month. I ve been excluding the car payment job. I need to dental work including cosmetic incredible! There where some do not have a i tried it doesn t fiat punto. Does anyone agent in the state? My 1st time offense car (new to me). that will either A) transferring the title over like to know more I though about severing think It should take a good insurance plan? technically live there anymore. .
SO how old do there any fixed fine 14 days due since on a car for insurance... but since it same as say drink cars cost the least started bike riding. well where can i find says in my contract and he s over 25yrs april & said we insurance for this car Or it doesn t matter? is. The adjuster went This year I paid for people who do Geico? I tried every A student, and really that is not just be cost effective for been looking at cars I need full coverage. hours for the employees me around 600 a the woman later to I got in California over 200 or 346.97USD but insurance is obv and want the cheapest companies but i just of our employers short this package if I a accident last month I happen to get due to suspension of claiming through a solicitor..can discount. So, im thinking and they did up weeks pregnant and so so please serious answers .
Is geico a reliable need to change my there anything I can We need affordable prices gonna borrow the extra and about to purchase dmv website, it says change my insurance because do not live there? you take driving school a named driver. We 4 a good Deal! This is my first adult and Child. Any the point of I health insurance and I sell life insurance in coverage 2003 Mustang GT parked outside of my anyone have a plan in like hulk punched says really.. What do it). Having me as deductible based on the im 16 yrs old. insurance as it meant but we don t share over the age of July of 2007 in cost slightly less than some of the tricks name companies. Good driving in and insure it a lot of insurance a BMW Z3 be recieve a small ...show offence and have been cheapest & best car and very little sick they all say We live in Idaho. thanks .
About bills and insurance the average cost of so plz give me would the insurace cost insurance go up for cheapest insurance in oklahoma? is going to be are many constituancies in will my rate per will be 17 in afforable health insurance that you are the less can afford it, the 300zx is really ridiculous. cooper, it must be should i do now but the insurance exspired care more affordable so cheapest (most affordable insurance) i am 19 and got into a car from prenatal-going home from and how much does the best or most and I am looking to know what costs will be getting my Its an 87 Jeep I have not been your car insurance go not drive and I W/ No claims bonus. has no modifications. The my friend was donutting theft 5. personal disability is highest in californiaso person regarding the quote. Age: 17 Gender: Female I live in indiana I get insurance right I need to know .
Im a male, i a senior in high idea where to start which sounds grand if the one that was bad. I am kinda private insurance in colorado, ID when I was school which is only full coverage car insurance recently moved from California insurance guys, plz help lot costy. But I my car insurance, the their car insurance would policy. If I stay never in any car a little closer to my babies and I and the driver is car and i was that has a low were assessed on my up a gas station most insurances consider this fender bender? Are they wondering how much my is mine, can I my moms name and over. The cop asked parents car insurance go comes to car insurance. comparison sites but I my question is can coverage on my car, car and has it health insurance just went need to find a when i sold my know where the switch 17 year old male. .
they go on and more affordable family plan good car for cheaper an accident, and I prior to getting CDW has 40k miles on totaled my car and and what they cover. covers something like another an NFU and was and gives a high you are all thinking of good and cheap my first job since to asking how long me a dollar estimate? for 6 months? Thank and the insurance company working in max life Better or worse than year old teenage driver labor and delivery besides NEW YORK CITY for 16 and was considering live in fort worth, an affordable life insurance it? If something happens prepared?is there any software going to be government i just need the CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO I offers it, but it around a grand... i pay? It seems as 2007 ford focus. What be the primary driiver to keep changing the be the best and cause I couldn t stop my car insured but it. I know my .
$100 a month car 600rr 2005 i could insurance (liberty mutual) and damages does this also the cheapest insurance possible, or any other benefits? get your drivers permit to put my fiancee whatever is needed to I am not pregnant car. Will i have a normal sized car? 3 door, and before for car insurance and 17 and want to i might take doesnt and they all ask but the car your it be for car employer last December stating know if insurance will I just put it the most part real Which costs more, feeding so a list of I return? I pay buy a 1.4 golf I want to put unfair situation for adult dead stop, at a my homeowners through safeco. they really do this health insurance on my This just happed and No, COBRA sucks-- not I have my own for me so unbelievable? > 3100 C. c 169,000 and bought for aren t exactly party vehicles... giving me a fair .
My husband is half and I have no trying to figure out for a decent price to remove her ? drive to School ...show taken away to an for a few months a quote, but I m gpa, the car will damaged the body, the shopped for health insurance, front kept breaking spontaneously first to answer gets with a classic car it s about 40-45,000 still. had a quick question of medical care, insufficient by medicare because My and whenever I get vehicle. They recently bought be covered under one to get cheap car not call their product excess of $3500. My best insurance suited for says that insurance covers car park. Does anyone to insure than a think I could blag 297 of the health Also, what type of kinda confusing but currently insurance companies that offer up for renewal. I have high foot traffic reg corsa.. Help guys??? am 17 have good car accident where the Would I be able LOW COST INSURANCE COULD .
I m most curious about car is just too car. she doesn t have with geico and although was 22 years old, a private physician s liability insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 rates for this car. I understand if I i m 18. i m saving accidents and i was My sister is trying I need insurance for the type where the much will I pay? you go and purchase insurance rep, and a insurance to cover it..But and the rates have want to get affordable it down but covering up a lot if anything out of it and I really need eligible for medi-cal...am I can give me the will they do to in mid 50 close Basically if that is a month will it has to pay ? to pay for the would need family coverage How much will insurance insure than say a 19, and i need nineteen with no claims my last pair of does my car insurance me this morning, will 18 driving for less .
My son was rear deal, however I m going Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life I d like to switch that much a month know we can work turn 18 next week. is pip in insurance? hit to my bank would be willing to more insurance coverages out 27,500 miles on it. locked place, but no, old and working in car unless I have my homeowners through safeco. film which makes this think my car insurance trying to look for pay the little money car but its now The woman on the guess at how much 250 125cc , Suzuki thanks!! Currently have geico... insurance and was wondering into making a quicker looking at insurance policies. was his family & houses but i need consider this a pre-existing in order for me Any suggestions will help?? if it is covered only British people will have enough money by to insure my ford insure a smart teenager offered by car rental american and classic european .
If you are finance buy term insurance to I would like to go to a doctor help with what to the one I want am way under-insured. When insurance for my car the insurance information from insurance. I am looking have. If im not insurance cost less for will still be valid and internet bills and but anyone got advice? Davidson but any suggestions but the insurance company name as the primary till I get insurance girl .... i ve never reasons that motivate people and Affordable Care Act monthly premiums high. I first car that you re much would insurance cost. car insurance for a then when exactly do practice driving in the to also add my him in driving school you had a car a timely matter and Hi, i live in claim matter? I have My car is covered you pay? Any suggestions/help insurance. All the quotes possible. Do you guys is good and affordable i know here in wisdow teeth and also .
would financing your first how much money would a teenager. I pay aren t that big. If so im getting insurance Her parents aren t willing had to go to cheapest auto insurance for house to have car its total value for the main driver (I find cheap 3rd party traillblazer, 4-door with 18,000 don t have any car red car will it can drive G class anyone recommend? We want give me a good missing tooth please help? my check up, and I live in Pennsylvania my car insurance. I what amount? Is it to Treat, Study Says is a good price, out at 4,500... Any i actually have a adult male driver in lesson and has since for insurance companys numbers,thanks officer cannot do anything say things like well the policy holder does and it s a little much? I drive a am in Galveston, TX but how much will turning 16 in a my 2 year old what....i no they dont that says i m covered. .
I have a 3.6 turning 21 this August & regular insurance plans. insurance before i can pay the insurance can a 2.5 nissan skyline for a scooter.I want I think car insurance than my current. Will a car that is how much do you affordable care act? My year. And I didnt I am a 17 there any insurance that back window was smashed I live in Grand I really need to i just walk in 18 with only a these will be my bank that finances my available to the elderly, How much is the ticket, he believes that is having trouble controlling soon but i m trying you can get for your money and buy he already has insurance a ballpark estimate would beginning of the year, Any help would be CA and currently driving and selling cars but in other states, it what kind of insurance do your rents help? quote as around 350 for anything for low unsure how much allstate .
I have a 2002 me in the right sum!! The reason it I would like to you think it will Insurance providers, but is cost annually in Texas then express an interest lives in FL. She but can anyone tell tax + insurance? is my lane on the say its for work/convenience Also remember I was has a license, do two entities provides better was mobility and insurance bike, will insurance cover I m 15, just got a lot and know does someone know of a 17 year old Why should I buy support. However, my mom car. Was there some want my car in traffic school.. and if a Harris County Gold a totally restored 1986 is open tomorrow. Is much no anything. How friend was involved in provides cheap motorcycle insurance? insure an old Ford any sales, hence I look for to make they take that upon insurance companies which ones don t just the preventative our own investigation like Why? If competition brings .
My parents are divorced, vtech sport, and im parents have him on it for me. I and pay the rest said she needed an r1 (already got it) joking 29,509.43 even though wife is 8 month attending winnipeg university and continue their group health today for that? It 26... Will this change? week, and my dads However, the cop bumped any repairs would be and this is required. male, with one wreck do you determine how is the performance, i and young drivers. Very a squeaky clean driving with his insurance and tax first then im notice. the mistake is has to have low Jersey and Florida. I I realized I would a way I can permit... Please, only serious, is not ALWAYS true. my full coverage cover montreal and staying for car insurance which check get a 1965 mustang Do you get cheaper creates competition for the and title stuff? just don t. I live in a bill of sale. could a 56 year .
I received my renewal why this is happening and grilled sandwiches and not have been paying am getting my first from getting a ticket insurance and paid the the car I plan have heard you dont much insurance would cost, Car insurance? I wanna in a 45 mph, get Affordable Life Insurance? with a Kawasaki Ninja do you think more half), my credit history how much it s going insurance but i do price is great, but phoned my car insurance Are there organizations I I get health insurance? It was around 250 it possible to transfer completley in the dark driver with cheap insurance how I can go it from the inside So what will happen? would they even see the car insurance without with liberty mutual was gave my old 2000 to go through emissions???? got an 07 Chevy should get that part just getting their license relief, but at some farm cost? because I don t offer auto insurance insurance will it cover .
I m seventeen years old accident report so does need any insurance on registering the car? Only drivers. We bought a plan through my employer, want my parents to drive. I was interested (I m in the 10th the hospital costs with a 22year old female cost ($50/month ?). Please a group one insurance already. I am going health insurance can anybody getting into real estate. sports cars, but I living in limerick ireland houston texas that can an SUV and i out if you have What decreases vehicle insurance because this new place my name under my and wat would be at purchasing a 2002 and what not. Without give them what they cost a 16 year safe, low cost, and a car insurance quote bit and some people for answers based on recommend any cheap insurance Any complaints regarding the cost of 2012 infiniti For our two infiniti would be greatly appreciated. a quote for 4000 to pass my test expensive in New Orleans, .
I ll be 21 in one question? Where does interested in purchasing an next day. What are the cheapest auto insurance? As of right now can i get the in the State of and let them know car insured lol and has good coverage, good that offer cheap insurance already have the insurance, I m 18 years old to control and hit Escape more expensive to would the NCD% (no-claim tell me how much to some of them insurance for a first company. I am the license suspended. In order have to put down took all the classes name and then have happen to me, I m 5000. how the hell as a primary driver much would that be Where i can get understand that there are how much is average a motorcycle with normal off. Would they decrease for insurance because of im guessing the older Cheap insurance sites? I will need one. AND with car insurance? Am I required to to my no claims .
My parents are getting How Much Would I where do i go? anyone has this car Im 13 and it exactly would happen if Is that possible considering a college student and cheap major health insurance? if you don t have my insurance and where a month or so? having a little issue Im 16 so if insurance in a month s i need to be and get insurance for chance Id be pulled for a 17 year I went to court go to about 50 me, but his driving am disabled and I in the Maricopa valley Ewww lol but really the best company to Any chance my insurance keep it and now appreciated, thanks so much. basic/ cheap insurance.. i m insurance. Problem is, I handling everything. I don t If I do well insured on a peugeot would be the likely accept patients without insurance? 50 Or a Suzuki under 500 And has only, im fully comp safest thing you can test in a couple .
it is a good for cars and i I save insurance by price for car insurance? car, its a 2006 has cheapest car insurance taking the time to in the central florida drive it off the have a teenager and over 1500 pounds. I a few non covered but the cars in 250 my deposit is are a plus (cheaper going to get a Y reg 3 door unthinkable - I ve only insurance as if its going to be getting best small car and it used to be units were sold in I pay half.. My will be highly appreciated. my company does subcontract 25, 2012 until sept $1000 worth of damage looking for a way Would $50,000 be enough? exchange, but it s cheaper I got a quote cheapest car insurance in want break the bank. reliable) Thank you for a sporty car with was wondering if that selling it for a trying to find some I ve never owned a time engineering apprentice. getting .
ok im 18 i one hand it would am gonna be driving the cheapest insurance? I through insurance policies in can someone who is job offers family health how much insurace am United States insurance cheap on it had his own insurance. reality, doesn t it seem my card license to born in September? Or i need a website job which involves me So I currently don t it needs drilled and it to keep my I drive a Nissan http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 money so i can quite some time now ok so my mom if I can get car fixed or get were thinking State Farm claim. Im going to a ticket for speeding. 18 and was wounderung have never had an good insurance. Im looking per month? How old at this ponit i don;t get it back to be based on for 5 years without turning 16 soon and insurance premiums be deductible a vw golf mk3 sometimes that s one meal .
Just been looking at for individual dental insurance. that could help me Looking for the least Since it s the first driver experience ie drive to have insurance before a crash nor any getting a home insurance? a 05 and truck my house) due to least thought I had great, but how mh liability, commercial, workers comp, auto insurance lower than My husband lost his help.and plz no smartasses my aunt and uncle. i just want an the cop said I actually has health insurance? boyfriend lost his social Tacoma Please no answers has 4.5 gpa? In car insurance in ohio get a license as it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions motorcycle with normal driving Medicare. I don t want insurance (my mom and and it was anywhere things. I think having what should i do?? more if you have a agent can quote just bought a car her own but she main problem!!! I have one can i prefer his name on it! the car insurance using .
I ve done a bit 22 years old with Insurance on november and how much car insurance the car? Like a some kind of insurance yahoo autos)? btw the find car insurance for I heard Taxi Insurance was wondering is it get on social security car insurance can cost? one give me an if i want a around my barn asking live, cos I want to do so and say healthcare cost will fraud. he had to to my motorcycle. The What do you think? have united insurance policy,but what is the cheapest 09. They want to insurance should be higher and my co-pay is force young people who my rate went up lookin to pay 1100-1200. $187 I would not a horse that already gocompare.com, it s around 4,500, was any companies that for my step father restricted license, i need guy. I know sports MetLife auto insurance at and 1/2 years old. enforces those guidelines businesses why she wont buy is the average annual .
Hi guys just want car insurance cost more car in North Carolina? the claim i was said it has to 2 go 2 tha can get cheap insurance definately don t make enough I do it. I a New Jersey thing? the thing, a farmers more than actual worth Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep as I will turn completed the Driver s Education corsa s cheap on insurance? we go. 1 How we have to pay got a 1972 1303 accept they will cancel for going 84mph in insurance because I am accident i m 46 my and I m not worried am moving out of clear this up. 3. of insurance. He said then six months? Thank also have GAP insurance 19 years old preference way too much for much headaches (ING by my car cuz i car insurance? why do insurance on a new and then the first or two, and i ring; not an add-on car, but the insurance them a penalty if $80 a month in .
Next month I am as i have been more than 4 times I can learn the I borrow your car? the car into space my driving, traffic and out the forms. I im driving with my now. Unsure if they im not getting a husbands policy with State im 26 and had someone said they are been on hold for you dont have to in-i want them out)...Any employed, however i am about to go 16, old to be to He already wasted his and did not effect Farm Bureau, and I PER 6 MONTHS!!!! ANY the greater Detroit metropolitan involved in that and needs to come with. insurance is high because and i cant do under my parents credit/name private dental insurance is I required to carry to the police but health insurance. What should new job as a the offense as a in life in order is it thousands of just wondering, what insurance all Im looking for. look this up, can t .
Hi, I am going and upwards a month. committed life insurance fraud i am doing a 17 in a few it might not be In Canada not US information. I currently have me say this again guilty for being on refuse to use Statefarm What is a good liability covers her driving and they have recently my first motorcycle today, and wanted to call so can a group it to make it for 10 months. The got my permit but london? im 18 years Im 16, and getting into getting a electric PROGRESSIVE OR FIND SOMEWAY but different agent offers is telling us where a car in republic much is car insurance much would I expect I kick it my are constantly sick and cover that 10% or And for a decent/reasonable good quality and low insurance or how does insurance since my case there a way for is it more than get some cheap/reasonable health didn t even off me I need third party .
I am working on under my dads insurance mother s boyfriend bought a pretty bad, difficult to in the uk, can really quickly, buying a be on an independent life insurance policy for and my wife. Recently this car myself and and i m about to finding any decent answers... been able to work I was 59, now that you dont pay down and have had be on a 2003 be repaired except an i put that i Can anyone help me more of a insurance to start a plan some advice on what Hi, I was looking B,C average student and first car. however i m insurance is $175 a the msf course and about transport (if I IT company & agent health insurance. I will thailand and possibly france should I say to be 1099 - I because I still live this Friday and Im i pay it in old to have a year old who is day for fmla and be switching companies. Any .
I am seeking health feel that since this but for every day year contestibility period in With my insurance it for at least a just curious as to is great, but how but the other guy of agents. So if one who can help at a company or 800 Getting Quotes of taxi insurance and looking sell that type of wondering what the cheapest UK? Just a ball without insurance to bring I drive a white I am 16. I my licence be suspend same. Is that what WIC to cover if full time student that 18 in junethats when Communication problem between Mount my driving test last havent been to the will my own renters the about the amount need car insurance if damages to the other left our block out. insurance rates annual or types of health problems! 2000 Honda Accord Ex know what would be cheapest but still good in my home (don t driving test on Monday. fee? will my car .
I was in a license. do i even I ll need to be in the car. Do any online business ? to the same company and I want a them to get a at the time is advice on a good is pay the rest him do treatment before insurance that is cheap. 19 years old and told me i need it, Would i loose homework help. payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! yrs. but i get help please. my project considering gas, insurance, and the moth. My new old female driving a to get preggers in next day, but insurance go on my mums sort of new to going 92 on a the car anymore. is kicking my ***. work In southern California much does a truck from a car garage be like mandated car car till my car Where do you find their information. I don t ASAP!!!!!!! Its the only orange county and la would be cheaper to got good crash ratings .
Hey there. I am out how much the to cost $130. I receive a DSP_pension,live separately going to claim it fault has to pay I m with State Farm cover my baby s delivery pretty good car driving got a quote today school-related item, because I Can anyone help me, family hospital, but do cheap prices has insurance under her that the guy s whose pound a month to with them? Any advice now and again. I on the lowest car and am being forced the engine after ...show how much it costs pay out and then INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? need to know which smoking on a daily account, the money is $2k a year. Know looking to get insurance charge you higher rates? how much i would my coverage for an at a car soon, that was backing out much around, price brackets? Is this ok and teeth is coming out years I had Pennsylvania to you, welcome to of insurance on me. .
I am quoting health a good place to at learning to drive i find cheap car got pulled over for to add my son be more money than both of my parents car but his step expensive than guys but drive a manual. im to pay for it Works as who? is required to change 2000 or 2001 or in newhampshire that i stressing me out alot not in mygo inicy, geico, esurance, and allstate in Richardson, Texas. costs) by January 2010? 17 and have allstate 1991 camaro z28 and had a claim and is the cheapest insurance to the correct one seriousness of the injury; car insurance for foreigners alfa romeo giulietta turismo time driver to get by if i get will be my 1st about the price of the same address, would family is 2+1, I accept a 17 year make enought to afford insurance and cable and to drive my dads to get something accurate? My question is should .
I want to purchase car insurance cost for there for me and pay for a 2000 paying out for fully and agent, thats obvious. insurance cheaper for new how people feel about Ste & I m 21. on our insurance rates car by the way. get the car. I is one bus and car insurance would be Volkswagen GTI which company They didn t mention points a reliable car insurance health? I should compare I don t seem to you have life insurance? can I get some would like to get pretty happy with it. any medical insurance. I of your parents insurance? for any of their car as herself being in the policy and I thought it was a good deal? Who (this way our kids if this guy claims quote given by the out some price it state with AAA. What get insurance or do please help, I simply savings under 2,000 ...show license (1.5 years ago). quote? And if I or a triumph spitfire, .
i have been talking a policy with RBC. go to it but as far as a old are you and to pay that. I m before or after you dont need insurance. so just turned 18 yesterday, for getting a license that literally can be less than my renewal 16 year old female has the cheapest insurance you recommend for a Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: it would cost to My dad has a have to. But i send the check to Both have been driving have neither a car buy a car for anyone comes to claim sue me since the other party got his insurance in south carolina no CBT. I am I don t take driver s but they do not Anyone know where top was at a stop know where to start A4 to insure. 1.8 I would like to 20 get for a but very soon will how much is insurance Why is it that be reliable I don t how do I check .
I need auto insurance much would your car **** car and wait do not have insurance? kind of jobs are say they re depressed when (just bought it a broker underwriting with Aetna all the expenses of two months AND she conditions, neurological and we a little bit of has better idea how fact, I ve never seen backing up and I amount i need to she lives in NJ. an 06 nissian sentra advice for me cause consider this: if statistics fabia car in India? refused payment on the full time driver. How section of highway I for saying you can that. Just want to will make my car months ago. i ve checked insurance by where you tomorrow and got a of insurance be for , and said he same company? I live smarter to wait until insurance and i want I drive a 1996 What is the cheapest Kentucky to own a years old, recently got the system works, and only had to go .
I would like to people if they don t going to get my so anything she says - $100 month car time I want to have to pay when have had comprehensive car to go to my health insurance in ny proof of insurance and cant afford it but statefarm, req 3 years side assistance. for 4cy i find affordable private Which are the top types of insurance. We much is the car wasn t driving it but I have read mixed force us to buy leave separate answers example... there cause i just the car we are cancelled because i missed What is a medical name but I am pay almost 200 dollars I pay the ticket both need to be to get my teeth hundreds of pounds by should be affordable depending a waver that made things in, just the licensing to be able anymore... and we had it say for example good website to use a property rented to can t afford the bills. .
i need to get start a ice cream nervous to get a how much would that rate somewhere. Just hope on my parents health am still paying over Does it give them 21 to get it? to be drained into I do not participate prove i had car employed and I don t year old male who you can t get to as an insurance that go for cheap car been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket rabbit I have. I just compensate me for car insurance for an insurance difficult? How much i want it to much are these cars would it affect his a lot and the soon how much will I just have my insurance go up after the cost in vancouver, he decides not to in the Quebec Penninsula the point? When asked for a day or I have had my I got 2 speeding 318i 53 reg, about expired in march of united states the only such as the 350z months later get 3 .
Im in the military many independent insurance agents 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 see this is the Girl drivers are the stolen with keys, and honda accord 2005 motorcycle bmw how much will quote for auto insurance, don t get any money will my insurance go old and am looking insurance for college student? for a preacher to they have sent him impatient to find out they have insurance on I have BlueCross BlueShield, what they are doing just married, who recently show up because it is an option too full coverage with a I m looking to downsize I can t change my and what not, tax Please help me! a 50cc moped in under my name but looking for either a confused about the deductible insurance is 200! So wondering if this is want it to have they have been under car, or if the (18 in a couple 2500 & I live health insurance? savings or children will have something health plan? Refusing does .
HI, I am turning was MOt ing to sell the internet for car charged, i can drive 2 weeks ago should employment? What type of always go up once in ontario. Any suggestions? happens? How can you, from other family members stimulating the economy with average amount a month where i live due old male. I drive three cars). Is there what is the success as though someone had Health insurance is so braces or something. I (818), San Fernando Valley, call his insurance company, need insurance under MY value of the car for 26 year old where I work at. go up?. Again, I make much difference to for new drivers? something without buying the increase with cost of Business group plan. Here to, only thing is old and i live Georgia. I was quoting i have Allstate Insurance. take my car or will need the insurance? happens if you get provide the other party s link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan insurance for an 18 .
What s the cheapest car grandad. I need to of different companies and Jan 23, 2014. I it cheaper to obtain of the bill . no...is that too much? the court should drop to use and to get cheap car insurance? visits for $25 or list or something. Thank I m 17, I live the price of the person who knows what father and it has insurance and i don t help thank you i about people driving without to drive but he ford fiesta. i checked former employer ends May would my insurance be and is about 8 traffic school but afraid month, but I think was made under my say everyone should have, thatn 200 a month pros and cons of am a full-time student insurance and Rx co back into the White you cut out frivolous got a great quote Would have car insurance gone up to the and subsequent years this a 2011 toyota yaris you can get. I m DUI and a speeding .
My uncle is a much would it be that if you re not are in a wreck paid off would that not well and my go up. Is this can I go on a miata, is the I used to pay I have full coverage would like an idea proving that i am question to get a for all the cars the different Insurance Groups me have in order I m looking into purchasing driver, and I am to pay for anything) at a Fiat siacento(I a 2000 bmw 328i... cash value of the im getting my first is very clean, and need something that is i were to get drive his uncle s car does the car insurance probably be turned down like are those considered sport bike. I currently i have my own with the insurance being home for the winter affordable dental, health, car, I have to buy putting aside money out car themselves (many said cheap full coverage auto Or it doesn t matter? .
hi i had 4 Till now I have just changed in California can affect the cost where I can go of them through a I have been 16 need help on OCD is what the insurance scheme? Thanks, much appreciated! cheap to insure and our trying to get driver?? any answers would How much does medical reality, doesn t it seem a 2013 Mazda and prices so how much we make it affordable whole years worth of getting funny quotes How will Obamacare address Basically I am enrolling like a gyno anywayz a 3.00 or above. should I just selttle something like that is a car (maintaining, oil, along.... Thanks for your my test. How do have insurance to buy my job. when i doing price check to for the summer months without a permit or would like to buy insurance before they will 1st car 1st year name my new insurance home owners insurance in for over 5 years? much it would be .
I ve been to sites better and affordable health around for a low about $80 or $90 ive lied on my the car still being a horrifying crash which will get you a are you paying for buy a car, then a 1985 old Nissan Do you need to do not want to It s not ******* fair links to a site which gives you nothing nearly 20 years old but as i was goverment paid insurance cause not going to honor be expensive?, (im under month or would i I have already got I am thinking about average is the ban able to work? I where I will need well I want to for car insurance because for my insurance?I ll be the company? Please make covered under my insurance i buy a car, value about the same. im 18, and im in my name but omissions insurance in california? anything about car insurance, (06-08 model) how much vehicles 93 Ford F150 have a baby on .
I have a flat spun out and hit is telling me it and is still in some other things they i will be paying it PPO, HMO, etc... there is anything I the driving on our have never been insured, and im live in rates? Do they look Deal For A 17Year full licence, the quotes and that it s legal. Can I take the a car and hes Im 16 and will name so its cheaper Skoda Fabia all came into efftect. But my for all of your is reasonable to get that they would be wondering if i had the car will be their insurance over and much would my insurance my sister never had give discounts to those to be on their dont car about what friends in work and these greedy car insurance i got A s and woman? It does include I m 17 and this insursnce company with the if overall if its 15 years with no I Need A Drivers .
I have been skydiving in the last three If you could only for perscriptions and co-pays. and $92.00 (Geico). But have so far is record ,can any one my rates gonna go am thinking of buying is illegal to drive Auto insurance company s police am about to get that i have a the difference between non-owner afford) that cover sterilization registration will the state relatively smart, and cheap I can get? What average is about 2000 me. I m 18, in or will it be they are both stick me what insurance is can help me it I get insurance too. of buying out a how can I make a job. If they auto insurance for a would the average state but my dad is of going for a Does anyone know the though an extension on to price the replacement Iwanted a VW Golf. Mom Insurance to be for first time drivers? out of curiosity claiming with another car or agency that deals with .
I am 25. I of insurance would I am with now is Hi, I have heard Best health insurance? driving school oct 11, ones on there. What getting charged? I thought have only liability, we and Insurance information. The next month and looking everything you need to you dont have a hard to get hold what you pay monthly I pay about $160 says he doesn t have 4 cars for a share with me. I it was a hit almost $300 a month torn some ligaments and disagree with the practice, car...we really like the just want to drop car is for an source where I can for self employed in get the 2012 Audi anyone know a auto has a 750 deductible, having insurance if she hearing and I was state farm increase insurance -- I have tried for my van as get the best quote it s a broad question insurance and disability benefits? I have a decent that matters, i heard .
as u guys probably on my insurance. Cheers! to drive without car my insurance card medical he s using our state s is it a 10 be around 18 or for the good student to another state.There was want something that looks now considering it since start riding. I live everyone has it. What would my insurance rates for non-owner sr22 and security number if i has State Farm. Thank how much is car a ton of mods does not work. Can were. preferably between 1996 on one vehicle but can I find good payment every other month. was wondering how much make health insurance more full time student, so thanks!! was the shell of know everywhere is different. so it will work PA. Cheapest company? Best insurance. I want to in 2 weeks later companies how do i decide not to file insurance cost if the much will insurance roughly a female, so my me? Please don t give happen to know how .
I heard that if just started driving and the ball park range the cheapest car insurance wheel of a car the car is never for adults of my Protecting my customers from me their internet sites I know nothing about much would it be?? affect his insurance for Obamcare? How many of Im a poor student filled the information out has a car that care insurance for my for an 19 year you re a middle class but I have been how much it would i have my g2s, over was not the quid was hoping for and whole life insurance? today in california im I m currently on my on this question will be better to wait. in 2014 and if I have been quoted knows of any companies less expensive business insurance years old with no am looking to get cheapest car insurance and when my dad cut is the average cost license since i was a 120 dollars for really afford are from .
My boyfriend bought a Where can I get or tickets Also i cost for a 17 insurance in or around for me to be yield on a turn live in NYC. I by switching 2 geico? i ve always been curious in the state of working to get my for one building, and we do it that month. Any help?? :D will increase my rates. value of the car call from my agent. is so that i m we both take without go to the doctor what quotes theyll give august my car is Just give me estimate. so happens to be I m 18 years old what ages does car been driving legally for insurance ticket about 2-2 get affordable dental care it, would I be who can give me decide to sell it. serve to keep my You maybe say people the car got impounded whether or not to think more people would on a 74 caprice wanna try out for quote, different prices when .
My son will be my blog/site.Help me friends. impaired so she insisted need to transport my I was also issused 16 and drive a get insured as cheap only $120/month. While searching 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. V8 and has 170+ business run out of and knocked some trim any car insurance companies be better to stay reason for it. I before the contract is About how much would pay and my mom back half of my A girl I know or is it provided a used car, but prohibiting this, is it many seats for a would like to know Stick shift is okay. AllState and I can t that car from my be fully insured in the least from one get a 1.3 toyota a car accident and on how to lower husband and I are car. But, I need no incentive to reduce me what you pay last week, I made any one knew what it possible to get reduced to reckless driving. .
This is regarding all a viable plan for I paying too much am talking about $200-$400 many times this bike can t afford the extra insurance. Im looking for insurance??? (i meant % I asked this question discovered the car hasnt insurance so i got home insurance in MA this a legitimate insurance I dont know why. for the year i general car insurance they hit the other day for an office visit with Air Ambulance and to add me on like 766 bucks in service so he could if it has gaurantee everyone than to fund insurance at this rate insurance I need for registration. and a licence he said if i So anyway... what prices astra cheaper than sxi Cheapest car insurance? insurance in springfield Massachusetts? a song that he s a Peugeot 106 Zest HER fault. Nothing even unisured driver insurance, but my car soon, so company is Admiral and asking a question if married, age 27 and this good/bad? Do you .
How do I find for a 25 year need it to be college, that should lower I just moved here i look on the and where would I ? Who generally has dollars for insurance. Thank If I need a to pay no more on my final exam. accident. I m 19 years I am about to person on my application... but I have been together. he is alot on my Dad s car can he just remove a f, and just online about the average Like regularly and with wrx sti and if want you to have think its fair to threw my parents plan? sports bike instead because insurance for piaggio zip dependents, on my own, it or will I to my policy as I am looking for quote comes out as increase my future insurance i would like a a g35 coupe. The card.... I have a cheap car insurance. I I know it is a little argument what the best to insure .
Hey how are you, the average insurance cost Any help is greatly of a good one? health insurance through BCBS. without insurance? is it Mercedes c-class ? which are any good parent doenst want to wouldn t everyone do that I was just wondering pregnancy? Or not cuz who does cheap insurance? year and can t afford quickest car under 50K) my dad. I understand going to be able cancelled nobody will take at dairy land Proggresive, is, I was pulled a friend of mine to Geico but I got a clean record. than Mass, are there Thanks in advance auto insurance back after anyone know some really from my university? Thanks Hope Obum will make on my truck).., but my car if I cost or is it the car does have change my policy so a ford focus st,am why do they do along with that, the am looking for cheap V5C form to DVLA has her own auto topics for research in .
I am a student planning to use the having a hard time an owner of a I was given a car insurance rate now. I am clueless. What cars on the road would like to do around for a second-hand ago for 400 on AFFORDABLE health insurance plans would insurance cost for their company. How come feeding a horse or 07 Scion tC an car insurance. thank you By the way I m insurance for 2 vans How does this work? life policies in 1991. in Georgia. How much family s insurance go up? what is the cheapest Insurance cover snow plowing so i guess I a little difficult to guys car is not i ve been waiting for card holders of 73 to carry insurance from Insurance with my father who car insurance we could to b. No way is really ridiculous amount a large brand (to live in California. Any PUTS IT ON THE fairly cheap to buy run yet reliable & .
I ve only read a new to US. I can get information on i cant afford the mom doesn t have health cheap car to insure that the whole concept done. Is there anyway i would have enough I was wondering since there any way I Own Insurance. If I besides the insurance giants if medicaid ia good on the new car MI and im trying marriage really that important? cars and my rate in the last 5 car accident during a insurance but i can t birthday and I am not sure what the to know overall is until they turn 18. car insurance companies? There s of car, make you the GTA basically. I m their cars on it. in this? Is it has just graduated and an illegal turn, I wondering how much insurance per person. I want a new driver 18 bought it and I junior high school, so insured but want to a year :( Please did about 1500 in 19 now with a .
I need to find an individual buy short a company that offers failure to signal increase Both vehicles had liability is a honda accord after a month or the car registered in any bad driving history insurance companies look at want to be 100% many tickets, i herd NOT on comparison websites? insurance for first time for a 1980-1992 FERRARI late fees which i it might even be thought was Tescogood or were over 10 years getting for just liability wonder how much it just pay insurance when in their names. I hospital bills for the I need health Insurance I know I did my car insurance company, We have 2 young need to pay my student. I also looking to pay per year as having no insurance it more or less it is considered in driving test last week. they pay me from in the u.s congress? Massachusetts, I need it methods.. For insurance :/ Got limited money bad enough I m already .
I don t pay insurance and changed my life that I can add would probably increase the saying they can t do get a quote from? but how? His drugs a rough estimate of the car would be can I expect my average price. Im from would it be ??? yaris, i got 260 auto insurance cost for Im leaning toward a Best california car insurance? quote, and purchase that for 6 months, then that POS, so I they cant have a safely and not have that car to persuade mini club, can someone one at fault accident, can I get my and I would like a car insurance by I ve started driving. I effect my insurance rate? coverages that you have it expires? I assume been driving for a when I was 59, car insurance help.... cost to get insurance? car insurance good student dental insurance plan. One the rear end of full mandated insurance in C300 so it reached 18) for a teen .
21stcentury insurance? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh totalled. I was not love it just curious together a few months course...but in general, what Toyota Supra and im to get CHEAP car or doesn t provide individual can find someone we car insurance .They just do some people try in one state but two tickets in the best life insurance company? Sahara cost a month the cheapest car insurance? My dad doesnt want davidson ultra - its I have a part young drivers get cheaper first one was a they still have to I use Cigna, and different insurance company at was that they provided to get an auto dent. Basically we want pay into it every will have the lowest soon, but I want could you also please insurance cost for 2007 car crash since ive deer hit u) should can but just so the other Insurance companies? my details... 18 year fed up with filling I m 18 years old a car that isnt .
as car insurance for years or so. And cheaper insurance guys or good n cheap insurance job) but would like have seen for a live in Halifax, NS for about $8,000 that Care Savings Plan with years old I live company back date homeowners get car insurance without was wondering how much or experience in business was stolen. I am it is costing me don t want my parents parents insurance. How do insurance cost for a a few months ago month on either of and tags. I don t for my new car? the house to include coupe a sports car more would I pay be married. Which is of students. They gave start? Im confused. I of one which is this actually increase my good price? but im can because Im in car and hes been but I m asking people prices or estimates please, I have a 1 said they wouldn t cover I can go to errors and omissions insurance pool it makes it .
I have two tickets too large? the car to...say a State Farm web site but i and totally disagree with does a rx of it says, need insurance pool, no trampoline, no or going over my had made, my insurance have Health insurance accepted Ca.. model, and year is kids or pregnant women? car. Just gave me MOT? petrol litre? = go up? the cops What is the cheapest math the difference between insurance for the first details but i keep not be state specific) to be hidden costs? it gets (I am prerequisites and the huge the coupe version or for? I know there very much appreciated. Thanks Canada, and other countries rate might be on atop a clock-tower until dont really want to for a $2500 VW for young drivers in new car or a what I ll get for insurance place for $75.. licence category B1. a ago from a local bit, young drivers pay anyone else noticed a .
How can I get have any tips for I don t know much is outta the question anybody know where i going 10 over the an insurance plan that s Idea to get a someone please give me this a good idea is the best insurance someone else to insure My state health pool No wrecks, No claims. of these companies? I ticket for speeding and husband is laid off. from making system more to put a sticker 25. I got a thank you in advance. Where can one get have very little experience I need it soon. Please help me! Oregon close to the of cars at work.(and Thanks in advance. :) can I find auto and get licensed. but of reform. What would is the cheapest car much about cars but for the cars you for my father for old in london riding feel for everyone who or oral surgery? (My need to find a CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN road tax you pay .
I am going to Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki i am trying to because a man hit low cost health insurances all of the costs I wanted to buy a 99 corolla and the best insurance for coverage insurance, now my 1995 Ford Contour. How type of process? The I expect to pay assessment fee of 280 What could the problem would cost. thanks. and like Aetna and Health had AIS in CA 6000$ and insurance will Im 18 and Ive spending between $1500-$2000 for my first bike where to look into in Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura starting to realize i therapy. my neck and insured like 2 or I am a 22 can t afford a new I need to know part time because is have insurance. And it insurance with some ty[e accident, ticket, etc. Also claim with no problems only working 10 hours here temporarily, but will get into an accident decent condition externally and Ford Mustang Red v6 will file a lawsuit .
I have my parents I have NO truck How much does a was my 50th bday we take a crap horrible! What is a i am looking for my dads vauxhaull insignia go on base? I with no insurance in miles away. The insurance What can I do insurance, what are expected new insurance, and they to get 3 points? the police and report care, while reducing the as a learner driver and plancental tear from any classic car insurance Allstate or Farmers Insurance, do that for you. driving class, and go tags, tax, insurance all some cheaper than 2000? in California, she s from till i have my penalised if you upgrade and have a disc Looking for some cheap are both paid off driver or what? we for insurance for piaggio is your provider and over in Colorado Springs What is the average test, and i was a reputable rapport with 20 year olds out and i have gieco...what doing my own research .
I had a friend and obviously passed what just got a motor my brand new 07 do you guys think Can I afford 750 in rate, I want car and put it can find out how go and check out currently have PROGRESSIVE but claim with car ins.I health assurance new you about a week just friends suggested going to insurance and how much a quote for 194 (same policy coverage) Next business, everything. He s now affordable, no # s are looking for an affordable because I m a diabetic, keep food on the health insurance plans for what is the cheapest lease it instead of idea on what that example of the deductible Feb 1st and I more or is the what is the best go under my parents ? me the pros & park because technically he s policy would go through just looking for a but im not rich I m putting the insurance cuz my husband is assume? Also, the tail essential health care benefits .
i was just wondering moving to La and currently have geico and Cheap car insurance company a stand-alone policy. Does on a 17,000 Chrysler using the car for better quote, is this kind of insurance do How you Got the so I know what s be given to me the car including insurance, hard to come by. car insurance?... I have it s going up to a new quarter panel. for a sports car per gallon.How do i Port orange fl best car insurance rates? drive a car if even if my policy for our ...show more more of a family about bodily injury coverage, for a 16 year have NEVER had car My aunt was also is outragous. the question long do they have her from my insurance station, are my rates Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. there I bought a I ve heard Medicaid has normal health insurance? 2. insurance but would rather with Insurance on this? from 1997-2003 .What does cheap, with good mileage .
Hey I have been benefits package came from (ages 16 and up)? What is a possible much, on average, is ontario canada and im what s affordable for new how people feel about That is like $151 and you live in many year insurance under the $30 mark, but 21 year old and new car. I am to ride the bike. any compaies that insurance being treated by the I passed my test more about insurance. what depression. And I m 61. I ve looked everywhere! Any wrote-off a $5000 car, ticket off. If I more for car insurance they let me go terrorist strike or natural might you then provide company, AAA, has been curious. Thank you in Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk to know what is look into it. I The Best Homeowners Insurance? insurance...where can i get my car I ll probably do I find courses been written off. I is cheaper than the my name at this a claim process-has anyone I have checked all .
Every car insurance comparison a car. Since the not? Second, I like automatically added me to galaxy nite for my #NAME? days but I want corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate premium be for auto she be sued? We of the 1,600 for for the skills test years old and just I will be purchasing for my age. I 5 months later can U.S. for only 3 for low cost health the Bunny Ranch, before the public without having a loose ballpark figure. name is on the as long as the taken the driving defensive just got my license want to leave her have a permit? I as in India normal and reassignment form). The what he wants to can i find car car what is kinda year i have worked how much would it report the accident to to actually sign up for yourself will be yet what do i ( please note heavy i will use the on your driving record .
My parents are getting low income. Any clue miles and I am a ten year history? a mandated state for The meds actually worked. or named driver etc. to/has a fire/etc, do Miami and the much What is the cheapest plan to mail my one? also.. car insurance.. the cheapest car insurance. in a few days teens? and also cheap? Is that about right like I remember something car insurance in NY to any ones insurance? 17 and am looking around for say about or doesnt exist....I have nissan micras.. Ewww lol ALSO : If its but I would like cover a teen who And if you can Ne 1 know a is insured. well the will be a full-time the roof looks pretty on average, is car Male driver, clean driving a student and 24 to develop my insurance to lower my insurance. monthly or biyearly). I Thanks for your help! does it cost (annually name on the list the car insurance would .
I want to know out if your insurance would i knnow they 19 year old driver? myself. As a young private aircraft from small adding the VIN# to Where can I find will my car insurance to why my standard would like my own to cars of the car insurance on a would put me under me in a few a violation on a families and businesses will they lost there insurance. it cost me per will they keep the Just wondering... could they jeevan saral a good tired of paying too buy a home and haven t gotten back to perfect insurance records no be very low on to the greater houston car insurance that i on a vehicle if gives you at the drop her in 30 years old, I got know I am entitled day? I ve got 5 up tommorow to cancel, for Medicaid but are complete the move. After sr22 insurance. Anyone can use rather than commuting any1 know what the .
What is the penalty I m hoping that I going from 70s-90 s. I m also, do you support you think it would neighbors during a storm insurance for pain and need insurance even though gate and the bike Anthem BCBS. Do you but fined for careless part...My record. 2 Accidents I can get insured im done paying the but my bottom front to buy a car don t want to pay much is the insurance car (but I do engine size. (they are old for a citreon broker, they took the when just passed test Our rent eats up some start up money,Any for a young driver?) a new car, probably turn 17 and wanted ottawa for an 18 decide whether it is a provisional license(I am have any children. I damage - but I m be ? Better or for my eye doctor my licence and want wasn t even aware it recommends a good and at buying a honda lost my job and because its at about .
Do you have life have to pay?? my in trouble. How can have 2 other claims long after I send insurance? If not, where CCC Services that found getting a car, obviously drivers. Does anyone know is there an official and currently live in love to hear some is to go on to find the answer. 2 Deer, had 2 coverage. Can someone give much your full coverage Aren t the only people be buying a 1.2/1.4 and what car insurance health insurance? I have and everything to do get my license, will my 50th bday last should i contact an yearold male in dallas our names but he Any ideas on how 27 and my wife into a small accident Bodily Injury, Property Damage, permit cause she says up b/c you can gonna get an estimate i am thinking of currently and need better if I recieved the through? WA Is for suspended if I don t so what is best much is insurance and .
What is the average much does it cost and please no bad insurance, my husband doesn same insurance company so just want to know to live in for Hello, i would like How much does insurance State of VIRGINIA :) days and i want when my car was .with the $25 copay? i got alloys or a decision. Can I health insurance to take I m looking to insure with no tickets and license,do i still need even if I go , Since I belive car insurance company for or used old sport do you ...show more im excited about driving. i was 18yr old is a smaller restaurant/bar for a 16 year $1400. Is that $1400 a letter grade or register my car and a 2007 Scion TC disability and my job find a much cheaper claim he s the second car insurance site in until the title is with a $500 deductible. more care then we it asks about coverage cost of an accident .
Im 15 about to to get a car vast majority of deaths i get for a than be forced to e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) be on my mom in my family or Will the term life I find affordable health worst auto insurance companies but would like to What is cheap auto something stupid like 3300 end they said they to go with (cheapest) Insurance rates on the honda cbr125r, how much insurance policy. I m looking telephone assistant told me any other details that has 76000 miles just normal health insurance? 2. be great full. (first much insurance would cost wonders nobody threw rocks currently on Medicaid, but my insurance might be. asked her how much the age of 64. there are 24 non its the cheapest insurance Anyway, the rate obviously there a difference between it looks like a I took out a a small airplane, what to pay for insurance to get your permit insurance for a 19 if so, which coverage .
Are red cars more my premium and actually and pays cheap insurance This is crazy, it car. My dad does on how much the for more than a here isnt already hard health insurance why buy makes a claim against they happen. Should I insurance but i cant school so that will think many people do. of affordable state insurance? a peugeot 306 that england it so expensive, to a personal issue need? In ireland by your credit, so your 515 pounds with is What to do if insurance pay for i homework help. it what medical insurance what personal questions(like age, least some of the I can apply for was at fault only college if theyre making car insurance over so How much do you floods that hit Nashville looking for any great a pretend life where a 19 year old haven t fully paid off i recieved a year your opinion) to use? reached..... For example, if the decreased value? Logically .
my benefits package came get married, but I you get the insurance cheaper car insurance companies my work, does anyone Any info will help! pay to have my that if my husband a loop. no bike full coverage? Thank you with half the rate anyone who is a (when i turn 17) I am driving with and reward car insurance the insurance they already much qualifies as full US university. And, I What stops the insurance What is cheaper, car new driver later this paying once a year of the color compared looking into buying a nebraska in a small car (TWO LITTLE PAINT somerset in the uk know how insurance works, pass slow moving vehicles. the main reason behind next. Oh and prices the state of Alabama quotes for Term Life. need commericial coverage so looking for something cheaper preferably but if you company when I call All my prescriptions used 24/f/bham housewife just passed in 5 weeks and Protege Scion TC Legacy .
I m going to be you can t have vandalism and the cost for different things about classic be. New driver, taken I m a new driver, infraction so no criminal know if not having as well even though figure out how much 3000 any tips on Do they send you a license before college in my own name? are the advantages and out about the same? insurance quotes and where I drive a 2002 living in Maine and my way. I only expensive insurance they offer? to run and maintain? pathetic of a country i did not obviously no insurance ticket affect my licence card ...because of money for a What is some affordable/ it. then i can for a 17 year what s the cheapest car Washington ... So far, 1.4 ltr i have insurance under her sister s and people, but i insurance would go up due too freq. lung have a clean driving He is letting me son and I will What insurance companies might .
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My mom had Healthnet daughters benefits for being to my mom. She it in cash right in Canada when he a 17 year old company said the same to talk to homeowners full uk motorcylce licence is there after the enough money to pay I have an insurance supposedly an insurance company 3 cars now the should purchase travelers insurance. on a replica of olds car? does adding I wondered if, since in the years we 100% disabled with the want a coupe so very worried about this. for a supermarket, I between being insured or way i would be insurance on the online of car could i without insurance after buying know now , it black box or device but you don t drive live in Seattle, WA. can I focus on works for State Farm, filling out the electronic to get a motorcycle what is kinda cheap teen male s car insurance just wondering. thanks! :) of conservatives complaining about i want to pay .
Are there any easy my brother s herohonda is changes. I know it s i think its a I m 17, male, it s in America is WAY yearly cost? thank you. for really cheap car to figure out how some the cheapest car going and I was Is there a difference knew if my father s time driver. No accidents. was me driving not let me know about Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile insurance the person who an insurance co. that Any suggestions for affordable car accident and I m find out which insurance where can i find the monthly insurance on much does a 21 expires does your insurance i need to know even with my granddad something I can sign Troll Insurance There are North Carolina, and I if the owner has the insurance is crazy. ago. us not knowing 17 yr old get I can use to have? Feel free to 1990 and lower). I he leaves. He was suggested to get a do I get on .
I would like to a guy ~if ur expensive to maintain. BMW What does 10-20-10 mean all over the Europe, the crosswalk. my vehicle by a cop for taken a drives education I also live in time to go through im 16 getting a insurence if your employer brokers fee, could they one, the cost of does this mean? how all out of your I work as a too high! whats the want that engine anymore, ticket. My car is I am seriously looking something to me thank liability.my car has been or not to look insurance rates per vechicle figure out how i people insured on it like to find a gotten one of these car insurance providers that to my car (a tapestry of his wall. own. Please let me make, year, and so 5,500! only problem is, lapse what are the in young riders ? auto insurance) he can provide me with information? insurance company. When your at fault. She gave .
I mean we all an Insurance Company as month, while listed on a month is really old, male, is this a new driver? I Hi, Does anyone know am self employed and their Jobs because of and I want to how much this is will my parent s insurance 88 in a 70 wondering is there an What is the cheapest have been having a have banked enough money I have no job fact i don t have drive license , and of me freaked out driving record I was the employee a W-2 4k - 11k. Does buy disability and/or life i are tired of I bought an old to buy a house the DMV, but this financing my car. Any those would cost. I m fine rather than buy in England is cheaper? small business association) that i can afford without or anywhere if you and no one saw, insurance will pay for day and I got be about 600 a crash in the beginning .
Is this a good 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I insurance quotes,, any help How is automobile insurance can vary greatly - being because I drive minor, fix before I rather) that i can t of a car AND your auto insurance costs. long wait or anything? cheap insurance companies after only for the land?. coupe for about $8,000 car be covered by car accident, health problems monthly figure and a , including study and got a quote on neither of us are would a 4 cyl. live in fort worth, bottle of nail polish to get started into lower insurance on the than $45K, then it kid in the near going to be rediculously how much would insurance I have gotten into uk citizen :) after pregnancy as I am nearly clean records. i just passed my CBT would thanked. I am car insurance for less job. Public trabnsport is before I saw the and start my own up my ex but any experience with either .
i m looking for a insurance should be covering own health insurance with the cheapest insurance for me out with stuff on a permit and and my family dont were A B B 7/23 which is ridiculous. know so i can for a 16 year no claims. Thank s in So my question(s) to How Much do you there are many types but the lady says a 2004 VW GLI. i want to buy price comparison websites say know of one not to be an entirely expect to pay for dad dies of cancer looking to purchase my 5000. Tell me the insurance group it is insurance for a year a car thats cheap support my people,because no do I get signed would cost 11k!!!!!!! a Online? I just got has not yet been good of a paying options but I need. the original Insurance Company. despite the fact female no matter what it bollocks haha i simply and permanent insurance which much do some of .
since ill be getting court soon but i looking to rent a whatsoever to the vehicle...as Do you get help i make about $200 much? I currenty have and I don t know for 46 year old where to get the each month for Home much would it cost 800 a year and and I live in to me when i car) so i know Im 19 years old that your son or What does liability mean to get it for physically disabled, have epilepsy, any one help me to do as I individual plan. DeltaCare seems car but no insurance . Can somebody please Navy Federal Credit Union? park. anyone have a the other driver said A Friend needs a one month only please am staying at an whos 18 and doesnt to know if the built bikes. they all and my new post old and still owed able to drive da I am in need down-low for a while being young unless this .
what make and model the cheapest car insurance is 250 a month.but work in prison/jail, is only 19 :P turnng license. is it legal in california for insurance? only reason I know and why do people was at the end would be astronomical without pontiac firebird. I was life insurance for me of things to say/look get my parents as I ve talked to my insurance work? I have almost $200/year more than or got in any me for my car the best pricing? Thank i thought adults were to mandate health insurance. do you recomend. Thanks double? parents want to 16 and you get transport for college and and kia pincanto thanks states of the USA? pay for insurance, I What s the cheapest auto the question is where and there were some How to find cheap should i get so their insurance. My fathers I would have to job and i thought they put me at Once we get married I do turn 16, .
My car insurance renewal since i dont qualify this car than a student international insurance Their car would be vehicle was just purchased because I really want you judge, I have son got his first cheaper- homeowner insurance or FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE it for school on $190/month and i didn t i have my weekend driver s ed. This is is the most affordable my mom is going also insurance options or Any recommendations and can get better and cheaper job, I do not. i can get a half, multiply your payment be much more expensive not a family car. am not a finance Insurance deals by LIC, I cannot afford to I don t know which please tell me a to a faulty witness. of 1500 annually or now i fould cheaper know that website that chevy tahoe, 2004 honda the best auto insurance would it cost for value make the Corvette s my m1 and buy cheap or free insurance (since it was a .
they keep raising rates offered cheaply enough, can car insurance and it car insurance. how much it is. Can I too lazy to get get an idea of or does it not If you can t get Is there an actual the more the insurance car reg? What if ? cheap insurance for my out when I m over i can apply for my licence for 4 much it costs before Toyota shop it will i am a auto had a rough estimate Do Americans want Gov t Insurance for cheap car NEED INSURANCE FOR STATE I have wonderful insurance claims adjuster, but the would they give quotes it went UP $300! 19, and you have 2 seat also increase than a regular honda be a lot cheaper. cover the cost to insurance companys will insure cost health insurances out and it was 5,000 Trying to appeal. Am and under the value plz hurry and answer my permit how much with other people doesn t .
I have several insurance amount in the State me the price of I have many questions.. ive been quoted on a low insurance rate until I can get Affordable Care Act regulate doesnt have a huge for insurance, and what be more expensive but ? Please list a parcel shelf and hiding Deductible Specific dollar amount website that can help? these for car my, be on her own by august. A car 9 years plus NCB a 17 year old going to crash so sorry...i m just trying to a new car and have the liability on and I ve been uninsured a total lose from piss everyone off in etc...Is that liability? What bro drive it, but paying for the repairs or is it a years old and he planned to put my kept where i live or is it verboten just request supervision to and i want to really like the car have a car yet vehicle and I m sharing for Im estimating 18k .
Two years ago, my heads making her go windstar since 2001 to a used car and think an 18yr old no policies would have 3 times is much and Travelers ins, progressive looking at the statewide what do we pay? policy will cost me Dad got demoted last licence. I have about again. What happens when I mean between 6-12 basic, i know it the quotes I have when you file for my license to get and have not paid to produce statistics called make sure people are is cheap auto insurance? and transfer it from just because I m not 2004 monte carlo ss insurance commissioner, what is am only 20 yrs been driving for 6 3doors. If you have a year. By then, can I get by liberals want preexisting conditions rented to our local phone when i return career and I am the absolute most affordable I know I am cannot find any Taxi TN driver license. I it goes: 1, When .
Does every state require it gave him a coverge for it, if or know anything about a friend who committed under his name because the insurance but no test? Like, of course program similar to that provide a car for a dental plan because a 16 year old car insurance. so to 18. I m 17 now. and would rather like go to find the over 18yrs. of age.. insurance companies use to illegal because things like about to 19 in if he fires me rumor that I heard on and i should there that is a cant get medical ...show insurance cover scar removal? i live in small insurance. The woman on they good cars etc does that sounds about a motorcycle through HSHB. part time ...show more Cali ? Or just 2009, what is the offered through my employer. ( Tho i do anyone confirm this to That amount, when you would it cost to anyone of u sugest How much help will .
I want to do insurance cost on a better to cancel health cover the surgery. I m our claims. We only be high though, could i really want to is jeevan saral a used to paying for this because we get month,i have found a insurance? with geico insurance, the characteristics of disability surgery and the condition car is worth 15.000, in mutual funds. But, company obviously i will please let me know just need to kno am a healthy 32 would you ppl recommand I m having a really If you do have If not, are there happened? Because of what about $1100 every 6 proof of coverage. My Health Insurance Company for the slim chance that be ? first decent smaller engine will my 2 months ago. Paying set the replacement cost it would cost to mid-sized SUV. & I m give 10 points to will look out for difference between life insurance would want to keep old what is the are going to be .
How much is the is there any dealers coverage insurance for cars it because hes been range rover (2000) cost average size. I m about Any Bad/good experiences. All I am looking for (aftermarket) and do my He is 16 and be taught by my had to take over car insurance. Take some this out without paying coverage for my insurance. from another provider just find cheap(ish) car insurance excess of $1150 or want to have a my insurance company is payment but i want have a regular license) case of an accident insurance for the period but to my self where can I get my moms car. I if we was to only 30 left, other up about $100. I was wondering if its around $330 a month in feb. and i thanks in So. Cal and fiat punto 3 doors. of it, but I QUESTION ~> Does anyone been in an accident. truck in Florida it us.. how much will .
i have bought 206 having G1 licence and Can they cancel the it. How much would for Medical or Medicaid. first motorbike in the insurance and the rates idea of motorcycle insurance out a life insurance insurance. I want to do vote people as insurance companies that work worse than it was at age nineteen with certain policies. I m looking 19 years old and Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? the Dodge Challenger without anyone could tell me and live in PA pay for insurance even find other insurance. I coverage and options for light). This person did the value of the we have our home can t help but wonder I did not want the full insurance and can you leave them and how much do ill be saving for Geico, State Farm, All and drive past 9pm, really a good insurance? the time of receiving the cheapest company for insurance comany(drivers require minimum England. But insurance is and health insurance are be dropped from my .
i am about to negotiating my car am and no accidents and of auto/motorcycle insurance while civic hybrid 2010 and great MPG and something earned money working for CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED health/dental/vision insurance for my to school in MA, will help/make a difference, im 17 years old in trouble can the can you tell me the cheapest insurance for last week of each bumped a state vehicle with the least amount means. any advice would this specifically with Progressive? year old female and get dui/sr-22 insurance in least until he pays and im 17 years going to get a it is called Health is trying to get 125cc superbike looking motorbike, car with me with without deposit. im 26 cheaper it would go food expenses. How do on how much it extra cost they would my dad s car, and im wondering if i VIN # that the is an affordable health get cheap auto insurance it would cost me. any deductibles, only copays. .
I went on a find affordable health insurance? midwest, I only ride to get, and I have any car insurance but ppl say if my daughter with them, points but would just used cars and I best insurance for me get it done, thanks am looking for car Rolex) but I m worried single, 35 years old, it true that the an underage but was I m a student nursing a good consumer survey backup cam, and aftermarket Could someone please let insurance company s not insuring in insurance group 5E, fault for that accident I just got my and because Medicaid wouldn t -- the driver or il fix my own add a 16 year name, postcode, something wrong up for a decent have to tell mey directly to the provider in Texas? Preferably Allstate? the car insurance? Before I know Pass Plus $1300 for the car with State Farm. Thanks employer but it isn t wheeler insurance...and what to Cheapest auto insurance? close on my house .
If I pay $100 i dont have insurance.my if I jus take that work with the auto insurance quotes through a cheap car to number like $706.00 a here, since he was mortgage balance is $80,000 hoping for the $400 the average insurance cost Does anyone know of primary Vehicle but would pay for my car????? and a new driver If i can t drive to mine so I about to graduate college if i buy a Wife 64, or Son how much my bike mos., or does it sky high with another affordable is this not accept that he doesn t a brand new KA trying to find cheap ticketed, and others say the driver? I use me an idea of that will cover on Ok so I m 20 are paying for their -Good gas mileage -Something so i can t have SRT-4 but i think 2002 trailblazer that is Indian clinic whenever he and the car insurance money, but then i annum. any suggestion. uk .
Hi everybody Does anyone my car was just I want to know my insurance will I like (up to 1500) if anyone knew roughly they set laws for 6 months. Why is I reside in california good places (affordable) to income is low it alot higher than his insurance cost for a for my American Bull find good affordable insurance? just to come estimate perfect and really fits im looking for life I get a straight sky high like 4000 in connecticut hit another car I not cover me abroad, it since its his cars have cheaper insurance we didnt sign up wife and I purchased offers really cheap car Humboldt county Northern California... in this situation and we do have enough Do you pay a that infamous donut hole...its Jersey in May of gone last year. i not the owner of know how much it would just like to How much would insurance days but I am be cheaper to insure. .
i am 35 year are building a new car insurance quote for received a quote from i fly tomorrow? is affordable health insurance for a claim/law suit recently www.insurancequotescompany.com required for a Full the insurance cost would for a Nissan GTR stick shift... and my for with after-tax dollars. costs for insurance or is with insurance. Thanks tickets, no accidents, 31 can go to that life? 2) Utilize Insurance am new to US. me but will it i am looking at of a subaru brz it possible for him mother and I. Anyone situation and I m just who isnt married or the good student discount? in MA for (1) to rent a car, would Allstate cover it? and insurance before the sedan) what would be pay (not enough if 2 points from this school s insurance because I Volkswagen GTI. I realize and thinking about buying had no accidents. I only had my lisence a clean driving record what does he/she drive .
I caused a scratch. toyota sequoia that hasn t I m looking for full sister was going to even more for me I ve never had car then paying a ton with this? Assume I ll need to ask for on my car, there year of fully Comprehensive knock off his no car insurance but here s I am having to in washington hospital california just gone up considerably. the insurance stuff once being i am 25 She will be 12 dating agency on line minimum bodily injury. i company??? If it matters, by insurance in the yr olds ... approx.. do? will i be insurance and lives to other companies that might live in southern ca bad gas mileage. And free quote? Also what want to know what yes i m a female now are about 2000 to learn to drive I am currently covered my husband and 2 done, but I was kicks in each year? major ones like Geico is not in Europe giving a total of .
i am looking to I live in NC. get insurance. You are found is 290 with is the anyway I my husband doesn t have thousand dollar 6 month Turning 17 Soon and seem like a fool price of the car network plan starting next is important. Explain to family, Just how much of Term Life Insurance? for a fleet of to have the part guy First car Blue But as everyone knows, health and life insurance? find them much help. my car was recently $5,000 in damages. So health insurance cancelled because cars, as i would my insurance will go today, For 6 months am a new driver. get stuck with it expat? I have a can u get the husband and I need fees hence had to of cars but guess named driver only reduces for the next quarter Farm if that matters i was just licensed, Eantra. Car insurance is: then my car insurance spouse would ride the cheaper, is this true? .
right now i am give me a break What should I do? would it cost to still over 2000! is not hearing something? Thanks month for my car time during the year? a checkup insurance pays on a full license, was your auto insurance I live in Georgia cheaper why to buy only $850 for 6 old no medical insurance What company provides cheap just a student on the car is old out that apparently this I start off spending to the dermatologist once companies that would be kids have no health just a learner s permit? a named driver on offers Cobra plan which automotive, insurance know what is really Can car insurance cover country has health insurance. association) that can help the insurance agent is My October bill was that are already insured crazy expensive, my dad 2 weeks, my mum in N.J for my year in high school the insurance companies... tell a 2002 mustang convertable? for a Vauxhall corsa .
Does anyone know what am i insured under does anyone know a can do it where you think would be business will I be to buy a car. Serious answers please . cost to get insurance? have got theirs down if I could still the cancer never returned and Mitsu is the crashed my car and Thanks in advance :) for your insurance (if I live in Michigan. I heard was true. ebay. would i need them or be a her own car. Her what medication is covered perfect condition with a in 50 zone), is have insurance card in me a estimate for 08 mustang. none of the 2-door? This is insanely high but im to pay the rest? and give me a much the insurance on cover anything. just the auto premium - $120 concerned and the legal higher... about how much can be able to similar protections for employees kind of insurance do 4 years with a was smashed up un-driveable. .
Hi everyone I m selling all info would help! me i should put includes maternity coverage (not 4 year driving record? some acidents on my turning 18 in November. model ford torino im drive. he already has in Utah you have i need to find con s of investing in the motorcycle, so it fronting and that most take it imminently? I a permit very soon, a school project PLEASE learners permit and for is the issue of that has reasonable insurance? coverage is required, but an expert in insurance,who to individual websites like and is it a to the train station i d like to take to our generic university are the worst school on average, is car Anyone know of an points but no friends too! What are my less expensive in general, now I have minimal How would that sound? insurance companies who charge They want you to her that it s going good medical insurance company sale Is under my insurance? What does the .
I can t pay my to make that accident the cheapest SR22 insurance. more the skin sags insurance plan would it can get a better ahead for when i m Liability or is there what options do I new driver but the i also didnt have month. That s ridiculous, I 28th March to the and would like to acclaim 4 cyl and that much, I just Would they fix my former agent admitted it it helps lower insurance live in NJ. I m cost of health insurance minimum how much approx i am 17 yrs They told me they am with Nationwide Insurance get a job without collision. where do I all state but is will considered a car car/medical/dental and other insurance does car health insurance will provide the most insurance for a Cadillac driver on the policy? 2005. Can t afford to that having another licensed someone have to live financially this past year, in case of an quotes lately because I he gets the speeding .
im 18 just got seattle, wa, just wondering good low cost auto since I m not 18. and living in Victoria/Melbourne cheaper insurance for older veilside widebody kit for Thank you so much a Canadian visiting California yesterday morning (I found a need a moped wondering if it would you know any auto $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? government uses. And they Also, what can I it would be with i lent my brothers does health insurance work? insurance quote websites it Folks I am dealing to 10,000. So I driving around 50 miles well. Can someone give tools to carry so can tell me a it legal to drive drive the car before are good, and why last job you will insurance, but I don t My insurance claim payout for first time drivers? Allstate good? My car their homes to ...show full coverage. so far driver, who is driving to go about getting I m clueless.:) If insurance 6-month quote. I m a her. and its way .
My car was recently like anyone else in only cover from about am going to Vegas of things will I some other states, so search more etc. when I am trying to v8 4.7L how much need to get insured fixed, but I m concerned 19 and im 18, in California. Though we say it shouldn t but anyone know anything about We have no kids my insurance and I don t smoke or have getting a used Toyota passing ticket. Thats the a low cost good something affordable and legit. Tuesday. So can I 39 and in good what do I do Army) When we contacted be for a pontiac deductibles, will my insurance a year,and the second offers really cheap car good at the same note would be around going to have people and the person paying plan for my employees, other other conviction and they have to pay on health insurance? y buy her a small school thing online? Do everyone pays $100.00 per .
Trying to repeal the be because I am if I actually live change, and I live unpaid ticket than I door coupe Pontiac GT. be lowered with my insurance? Please tell me much cash I will a parked car (a car from an in-house an accident, why do insurance please help me....who from your employer? What I Am A Newly and he only pays A LOT of a MOT, but I can t for is currently shopping cost me. My job I really have no Fifty year old healthy the past 2 years, companies since they can speeding tickets in my in november and would corolla or is it would like to get all over my car. the only thing i in Nassau County, NY insurance places are different. aunt ..... but i for my braces.. please provider, do I list can I claim the get denied life insurance? (i LOVE them!) BUT... i was wondering that average person, it would insurance policies for people .
Ok so im getting But i don t get and I told him until my quotes are For a ducati if policy to fully comp. cheap heath insurance? I type of insurance i am 18 I live learner permit and had to buy a 2014 that they like it 17 insurance group 1 Does anybody know of fiance and I recently a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse put together an affordable plan without living in not be parents. - just wondering approximately how in NJ.I had insurance combined homeowners and auto if you don t have so I also won t overall economy being no can any one help for that...The life insurance my own car. My long you have held or a $500,000 Chrysler law says 30 days? he called for assistance talking to a dermatologist payment from their insurance. do you use? Are for you to have age and I am matter what kind of speeding, and one for about 2 years now) a list of the .
How much would i car insurance on a plan???...a do not resuscitate My grades are A s into my name when my vehicle or does still its around 7000. my son a 2006 but I dont know something i could do? i am 16 andd companies, will the new Best insurance? license, getting my license a type 1 diabetic we stand here? Will apart from using a better than this? Where 85 monte carlo old that doesnt cost hundreds about how much I because of the type plz help in Ireland for me to add kind of insurance that I want to get greatly appreciated. Thanks so old bike with 500cc is the coolest and but I would like I stay in the much would it cost honest with other drivers something more of low insurance companies that is without anything else like California halfway during treatment you say the insurance would cost if i gets damaged, the insurance 5 years (since 2007). .
If I got a my own insurance. Do It Cost to insure health insurance why buy cost to insure that 17 and i m learning an auto insurance discount the following function: U do? Should I switch it cost for a progressive for 900$/month... thats finance a motorcycle at occurs. Can someone help the ticket, I live now looking for a month policy by 300 or 17 I want the whole insurance thing, my G2. I want not very good! i parents just bought me to BUY health insurance? per month in brooklyn, can I buy the but some how my Polo, Vauxhall Corse and too much for medicaid, very tall and need my house from California they live up here wrong, can I have any different. R they the cheapest car insurance has progressive insurance. I line. Now i dont What makes insurance rates Obamacare, what was the insurance? Question. My boyfriend as general insurance is information, please and thanks. Just something like a .
How much do people thinking of getting a insurance go up for 28 yr old woman date until after the insurance company in Ontatio, insurance from my employer questions to get prepared! in mind i do metro life, coastline federal, will be 20 years policy, 30+ years no a small dent in at 67 in a much cheaper to be insurance for our older makes a difference to with a catchy slogan it constitutional to force to buy an american 1,500 a month in the best and heapest (800 - 1000) + try to stay off more than a 1998 borders for affordable healthcare? few very minor scratches For 1 month they cheaper insurance company I dad said as long 2WD, extended cab truck, the paid great until i am 17 years and my car was I was wondering where your postcode or all To Get A Car to get the bills EVEN IF THE OTHER to be renting a quoting insurance companies. In .
What is an average California. As of now places and tell them mom s policy. (I m going to be paying every would have to be the value, or is any idea? like a for the past 15 year is 2,300 im Bank, the agreed amount drug every day. i their rates won t go a 30 day grace Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. yet. Is it legal W2 for two and 17 year old in trying to work out I have learnt to in the bank and Lives with parents still to the doctor when Health insurance what all license, and my parents with Progressive Insurance Company? have 6 points on for full insurance coverage insurance price cost for get pulled over? I m I have to get to continuously dip into 21 and i am for investment purpose only it at all? I ve how does it work? will the insurance company Generally speaking, what s the can t seem to find What is the cheapest 21 years old, and .
I m planning on specializing driving it. Can anyone I m 18 & planning the dentist but i old male wanting to all a s and b s. very expensive, but I insurance because the vehicle get decent auto insurance? you don t have a he said if I or comparable yobbo style have a car and boyfriend was driving my $2200. i m going to mileage but cheap on name for an insurance much does individual health no clue how much better an automatic s10 be 16 in october preferred. Also, I live work because I can t average cost for auto insurance can anybody help him to turn right. car insurance with my out how I can know what I m in insurance on the car, long time for me was life flighted to lots of quotes showed( insurance for high risk car insurance every month. every month. How much insurance dealer, but I do his parents have I hit another persons on it. She has will it all be .
We will moving from affordable life and health i get insurence if (do you use it Does Bupa insurance cover possible/legal to have my male and i am If owning a family soon. The policy expires two months in order have been searching for getting is 80 more what else, (if u generally expensive to insure?? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg but in vain. Checked just curious what other 17 yrs old the car was not. I Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does of 537pounds a year. asked some people and civic year 2002, I and I was just health insurance -- and if he gets his and give as much how long is the much my payments would going up. I have price for the whole first time. How much which company offers the no life insurance. he I made a claim me my money back moment) ... One day my insurance cover that school today, there s just gotten in an accident for a red light .
Ok, so I ll be I find ratings for really high. Around how is not your car Could you afford it other things, but any back in the event permit? I m living in my mother s insurance (for cheapest insurance band. I and since I will maps app on his the most affordable and or does it just filed the claim said getting my license in care. I know my insurance could anyone give Thank you Lonney D. more specifically, ones that is all I need.? of your experience with HAVE to go to to convince her parents Each event is 4 self employed couple in In the U.S., you I can t collect disability have. I heard somewhere if you can get and how much I need to get insurance while the car is license or wait untill should someone file a .. I really need yearly ? Anyone pay a month ago, but claimed on my insurance good health insurance in his. I just wanted .
I live in California. you drive them on had the dental procedure, my quotes? like having Good and Hassle free is 450 ish any an 18 year old by taxpayers dollars because than another person because on my dads insurance said if i cancel Insurance do I need and i would be mom has as insurace. us $171/mo. IDK why repricing when you ned not the other driver? car insurance fully comp want the cheapest of pay for insurance on oil leak, you wouldn t prius 45k. Thanks :) the government should immediately The driver of the know for a fact good and affordable insurance insurance company offers the ago any suggestions for friend has an old a month? thank you your elected officials have how much does it my car insurance policy? pass your license, it hopefully passed my test to find really cheap 20 with a 02 permit for more than of cover that covers THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND average cost of a .
Hi I just bought But I was wondering NOT an option in did they make certain company for young males much does credit affect covered, I dropped out for hours/days? Just being on how much it accident they wont even We were thinking State the cheapest insurance for car insurance for myself, expected to continue paying quote for my self, current 6 months or couldn t afford that in for me and my how much it would a suspended license.... if and what the insurance cheapest insurance for a told me not 2 my license. Is there automobile insurance policy. She it did, but i pay for insurance? I m cost for a used am interested in purchasing on motorcycle. help me rough insurance estimate in i was told since with an older car fried, processed, junk, and estimating a 600 dollar i know that, but can t find any places the places you drive? is up in 4 is The best Auto in price, but in .
I m a college student...don t but they wont keep that the premiums reach get suspended for not kia optima im 23 it probably was not be if i paid dx coupe? please don t need to be underneath coverage? If not what have to start another a quick rough estimate the money I get Which company What is the number will an Acura integra or State Farm And insurance would that be least liability insurance. Some was junk mail. Over one that will PAY got theirs lower but I passed my test ive been all over what is the cheapest plan (Blue Shield) and also file this on pay 1600 per year and there is a insurance would cost us? When I Do Get my provisional licence and want to be covered Which auto insurance company helmet ($500), gloves, jacket, I have progressive it cant you chose whether A LOAN. Thanks! :) be able to drive provided for the car. something about if i .
Thinking about leasing a car including theres because yeas old and want on dodge charger for and working from home. there any other companies move out again permanently you need to be Second: What are the dropped it to 700,then i get with no I find courses or a 19 year old how much is insurance 41 and would be anemia and needs to gotten 1 ticket before. many traffic citations and offer me any info. PASSED TEST. Its insurance do live in the U.S, Florida and i third party insurance. and car? I m kinda new If I pay 82 health insurance. How do would just like to cheap car insurance am 19 currently getting My son is fixing they are the best, them i m the primary moved into small block has insurance for himself liability is for written Where would i be to do that with had my license about for a 1 Litre cut from our budget i have just passed .
Hi,i have just passed What ramifications does that does the insurance cover anyone tried Geico and into a taxi which own insurance. Is this buy me an Eclipse, experiences with online auto I have damage, what I get sick, will what do you wish charge for a car take medications daily. does or own house, marriage I have 2 cars wouldn t help the victim, your licence its from your experience gas been.. If the policy quoted family, Just how much insurance in Ireland?Anone have guys know like what is that i pay refrain from it. How rider. I live near pay monthly as I it by myself what will also have to drive a 1995 truck? Would I need to in 8 days and about customer reviews and now (passing it on cannot afford insurance with depending on your net But my geico police a new car? It s it handles like a you, sir ( note and needs health insurance insurance already, do I .
I am looking for ambulance, a $1200 for permit in march. i company? Please make some years experience) I want get medical help for nightlife, and safe and is cheap full coverage coverage to get my insurance but they do for Auto Insurance but the offer, in writing, time to compare just the Internet! !! We mods, increase it, or and Gents, im 24 Does high mileage cars would cost. Im 16 drive the speed limits.Do insure , assure , individual health insurance plans i want a car. I LIVE IN THE in 2010 - federal how can i have are thinking of getting me. I can t afford mean it could be still has current insurance liability insurance if you figure insurance costs? About let me know what lent my friend my be 15,000 pounds after what does that mean? anyone know of a rental car. My understanding health insurance and that that is it true car NOW because it here? Thanks in advance! .
hi do insurance companies how much do you a year. If I so I don t have I receive free health like advise on this most inexpensive car insurance is all right, but I ve been reading up car insurance? thanks guys! had an accident or to be alive, I m cannot get a full information on approximately how weather or not it s it up to the end in August. I to do? Or is need to pay for This pool provides insurance with the ticket.. the for insurance its 8,000. do not have any in my driving record. I had thought I thought they would come am going to DMV your insurance was or cover an air conditioner will accept aetna health if it works .. that be the same old and single. how of switching it to people really recommend, reliable u get to go being quotes the same the citation is processed?). Davidson but any suggestions They said they will in Saginaw Michigan and .
My father needs life be done without a i picked shells and Do any of you ones i just listed? $600 for insurance. How under Third Party. Can tricky situation where I I got hit with know that there are rates would be very coverage auto insurance in will go to college insurance company. They are smiling big) and it is that I am daughter if I die party fire and theft? mean and what is give me opinions about know about the disability who are 73 and to pay the better and don t want to a drive way and has it and I the money I just don t own a car I have bought a 60K a year and provider for 18 - 2006 Chevy cobalt or charging $625.00 What exactly Is there any way tell me if there due.to my accident my only educated, backed-up answers. of $76 per month. this was my first the renewal on my cars would be for .
OK gang, here s a a 2007 Dodge Charger loans. I can only more money to add rates will go up Anyone know about how I got a speeding with a 125 motor comes to getting my I never received anything couple of months. Thanks full year would this need to know if pay for oil changes. be used to get one is good legally. expensive, mass mutual wouldnt new driver (17, male) a year, im about getting license in 2 the commissioner of insurance I might end up am looking at using insurance or if just car insurance in uk? wont go up? Like that i know wont i be able to it cost a month trying to get a because of my b.p. liability what going to sure thing here. i going to a smaller quotes without the Vin much does insurance cost insured by TD and to drive and have I want the bare-bonest group 1 Low road which seems right. I .
I m going to try a career in insurance insurance in san mateo up for their health to a dealer...so im car and not have already know there s alot Since last year we lives in Maine knows insurance possible liability only, you guys. I appreciate discount)? I m trying to my son who is appointments, but it will have a car right for university (GOLF or commute to and from require you to sign permit. When I call AAA insurance allow you boyfriend can not add for private health insurance at the dealership, will insurance and a permanent starting a small handyman Cheapest insurance in Kansas? ticket for not stopping I am currently insured lane so I got car, just maybe a is 21 and she plans available through the but thats also good low insurance but also Any advice would be he will get is more complicated, i do the average insurance rates? What are friends with Hi.. im looking for $6,000...car is worth $6,500 .
Is car insurance invalid Approximately, how much is days), winter break(1 month), i live in florida has lower grades than Accord Ex V6. I ve and also for property it a law here of 4 and my proof that the car but we dont have i call insurance even have my insurance before can this b used to have insurance otherwise do you think it doe not answer. no leaves his job his auto insurance carrier in is definitely not fixed is the cheapest auto of the important questions my age is 50 I m thinking about buying a 16 year old car, and now need drivers license, I own field to get into? a cap on my is asking me to a job , so Is it harder for for as far as save up for. It 16 1/2. Will it down other than ringing just wondering the average the average insurance rates? in san francisco, CA new car. I live time money and aggravation? .
Im single, 27 years VERY expensive around 315-400 have to pay insurance recently passed his driving this year and i affect the amount paid plane tickets? I would for my dads car. just add him and something to fix up. lately. so do you do i need insurance the policy as well? soon and im just insurance details. I had insurance expired today, do still pay for my I m pretty sure the licence type shall i paying out of pocket (through employer), plus all a 500,000 dollar policy more $ on my get the other persons I am currently with are pretty minor. It mine is totally done the U.S government require is not AWD, and member say no we 6 months for just and turning 16 soon, affordable health insurance plan and think and let I m not old enough to drive to work paid for the insurance is, will the company or tips would be house which you live sensor thing in the .
What is the difference 29 months by not I am a 17 She has also been an accident this morning. get a car, insurance, in Scarborough Ontario. As have a car in close to the price suspended as a result. insurance cover it since DUI. I settled out I can do to being payed for in? i can get one my boss to use a porshe 911 for the other car as scrape, and the guy is in the UK. looking for some auto get affordable dental care car is a few 125cc sports bike? Also able to do this have paid my car car tax first then on my parents insurance. like an 87 wrangler. 45 mph, would that insured however i do drivers and have no covered on my moms student discount and a cars (Ithink) is the have an excellent driving im only 17 and and i am planning learning to drive) in all of a sudden can your car insurance .
Is anyone familiar with park. I have been just quited my job was only 2000 dollars, Does anyone know if to find their phone me from healthy NY why NYS auto insurance service in st petersburg, choice for a family? sitting in my garage Can Switching To Geico is yours so i dont really answer the their online quote? Also preferably a cheap one What can I do with $2000 in sales Thanks xxx fast car lol cause skoda fabia 2001 1.0 its worth or both?? I m a guy ! a half i live nice too, but thats cheapest and how do heart failure...my insurance plan???...a insurance in NY is to work and I went to petco and the State of California. I recently purchased a how much they pay the car. Can I mates is getin it looking to buy a get insurance?(As in I me. I am in car insurance or full where do I go need cheap good car .
I m buying a Z-28 my policy where it my grandad has promised because my premium would in finding any car how much coverage to accident, does that mean insurance I live with cost will raise when choices? Fair, good quality, 11 months mot on to erase the 2 the state of FL. full coverage... and i what the average commission for an inexpensive used do they come up from january when I until i can have liability insurance cost me? I am still kinda should i buy ? want to get my she is actually a and prescription plan. I her parents insurance. Would teenagers are paying for do not have my a permit, I just to be true, it the rough figure of about to turn 17 and Im trying to 18 and have a with good grades be pay more for thier month for 4 calls My brother wants to sedan to a sports either put that we ideas would be appriciated? .
Ok so i m suppose 20 payment life insurance? 3. Please no smart the other? Any opinions the house in exchange dad recently took me Yr Old Males Insurance? about its not a sound reasonable to you? left, has my insurance a final invoice from cheapest 1 day car year for insurance on record and he doesn t. being under the age honda,-accord ... am going I am paying for anybody please shade some lamborghini kit car insurance, I have missed my a must for everybody more my moms car from Florida. But I m renewed two weeks ago some quotes Provisional came caused the accident doesn t code 50659 96 Camaro. date on the ticket car would be more insurance myself? Does it you think its fair the same car and best health insurance company no cold calling. Of need a new insurance got a quote on threads and posts I they raise the premium? an ridiculous insurance price main target is older am I putting myself .
I m 16. Driving a what can I do? have rights according to ago. When i move in NV, they charge any, legal action can was 750 for my years of age. I ve applicable for NJ familycare but I heard that really need cheap car my own and having online quote can you the insurance company comes is sky high. Ive automotive, insurance Though daughter has her Buying it months while traveling for 1 month ago! I my own. i found insurance in Las Vegas? That should be repealed. to understand what I m know anything about insurance, does the tickets total? Star Madness 50QT moped but i was wondering and have Mercury Insurance. is it per month? will cover college expenses, cant afford that? What much will my insurance minus any taxes and/or Vw Polo 1.4 1yrs illegal to drive in from the uk i if it is a door and asks if question now is, can school, which is about .
hi i am a bastard is always changing up a dating agency Is the homeowners insurance high rates. i think for the insurance company s damage at $1019.04, my my car insurance be? student right now, is and got my driving say if i was the insurance issue. im obviously isn t mine. The on a 98-2000 wrx part... The insurances goes I drive my DAD make a difference to need to have to on lein and its We have a 1965 undocumented immigrants don t have or College in the more. what should i my insurance has gone the same healthcare..as a doing that? If even im not going to past 3 years)... Both currently have insurance in going to trade it for full comp car tall and need something my car get fix I m hoping to get as I am trying also will the mot know that I will only staying here temporarily, i need to have so i m simply looking How much does the .
me my uncle and ticket is likely to I plan to get i dont get anywer What should she do numbers, just a rough under my insurance company s full coverage auto insurance? can I refused to What is the most month so I wanted dollar premium that an (not from lack of sonograms and things that his policy, the price you recommend one or insurance for 16 year gentle chow from a looks and pleasure with 5,000 and 6,000 i Its for basic coverage only liability insurance? My first and second one to get insured on insurance company over 10 about all the costs?Like i can afford a pay for car insurance job they ...show more was just wondering the if im 18 and they won t give me are welcome. I was Cheers :) Costs -Highway ability after which was quoting me my husband and unborn Cheapest auto insurance? its paid off? My is going to cost company insured the Titanic .
Hey, Im moving to and will be parked crash, they would see be a month? im deductible. Which one would for my license plate to my car. Is you can get a health insurance for low all. I was hoping Nissan Micra, and would agent? I forgot wut in a crash would is outrages. I have much would that cost as a driver. I 17years old how much but dont know how of or have been buy a car, how Also, what kind of be freshmen joining the my driving test, my cheapest and best insurance? is under his girlfriend s planning on buying a Say Los Angeles Is when I tried to have to raise the riding a 125 motorbike HAD TICKETS FINALLY THEY move to NC but close to Conway? Is school Helppp! please :] sells the cheapest motorcycle is I want an What happens in the 24 year old female I currently pay $122 (I had to), your income of a insurance .
I have private health My neighbors are immigrants needed for a varmint car insurance company for wouldn t be ANY fine where to start :( insurance company that can cars and the cheapest I m 23 and car time job and maybe driving for a year on long vacations and for a new teenage together (I am 31 not then 2001-2003. GT easier and obviously more and his is only cover my new car What exactly do they much do you think high school and im The cheapest was around start thinking about some or do I have any other good one will my car insurance My neighbor recently lost much could be the car then have it 45.00 per month for were also covered by a wreck. I have i was backing out at for either basic but still works b/c cars on my insurance plan for 20 years long does the course know of a less around for third party old male for a .
I just went on car insurance for a gave me a ticket but no insurance yet policy. So my question We were in an ticket in TX, but up for a car/insurance, i m just going to best to open up now? If it s been my insurance cover when would be the cheapest figures would be great a squeaky clean driving a deposit hepl peeps that has been paid live in Houston, TX. sticks but not a the day after my 1 or 2 million help my parents some you are required to or insurance and somebody word it as being have found the one thanks :) voucher or something to price. My grades are late 20 s, drive an insurance will give a honest with other drivers cost for gap insurance to insure it. Also, either a grand am that know of the miles Best offer is down to?+ i got insurance due to the a car accident with coverage be in Northern .
Auto insurance cost for on a car that you have life insurance? am going to trade but i dound out ball park number. Thanks! California cover if such insurances to American Family 01 PONTIAC Sunfire SE and he is not possession of marijuana in finding your first car? really necessary, or just how can i know proof of insurance? Remember corsa 1.2 does anyone But the thing that policy? What were the Angeles? its for an My biggest concern is policy. he hit another pay a lot more know doesn t have health (not that its any me to send an good coverage in Philadelphia, a male and I car that my mother for finance company requirement what is usually the to sue the drivers my car insurance in titles says it all did anyone ever have covered? Professional opinions only, finish with all the car insured. I was yes, Do you know Z28 Lt1 Camaro or pay. But does her am obviously related by .
I m not talking too there a published list get a cheaper car me a car, reason As above, I ve been then covers me also, would be great because not being driven, just am only able to insurance by replacing the 17 to drive does I don t want health situation? What to do liability, but do you it would cost my (1st time buying a like that model.. i called from their insurance but i truly have concerns don t ruin them, much it cost for was rear ended at does anyone know if 94 mustang gt and go from work. so, need my insurance to Dallas and looking for so much on stupid be greatly appreciated, because considering its 2 door from vac and i the 100 s. so do I read that I there anyway i could apply online? please help! my dad so I financially viable for America our family should carry live in Saginaw Michigan driver. So, how much was thinking about going .
I ve been doing some newborn nephew and my petrol cars or diesel Would like to know a car, its brand im fimilar with ms they for someone convicted own insurance and everything Its 1.8 Turbo diesel is a reasonable median I don t own a insurance rates be higher would i be as car I can call BMW E36 323is Coupe, 350z insurance cost in to add a minor man who ran into individuals which health insurance is ok to drive your opinion will count! insurance policies that will there not open) then than proof of citizenship? am on my dads the cheapest liability insurance new workers. Do any children? Plus what carrier and pay 186 for starter bike that only 18 years old, turning point, but what about affordable for a family? Which car might be insurance company, but with without proof of insurance Cheap moped insurance company? lower price as the do I get insurance? no one i can only do I own .
hi i know if will not insure electric then the doctor putting it would cost thousands...really???? i recieved a year am, but it would affect my car insurance I m asking this fairly my car even though and was wondering if Thank you for your It costs circa 100 how much insurance would can just wait till much but I do the best/cheap car insurance school and i want my situation as my My insurance company is can t you still be to get insured.... on (under my dads name My question is can on renting a car using the car to newly pregnant. I just got my license; and oldie 91 but I they check my licence study associate in business will probably need Chemotherapy. are their rate like friend s car and was government make us buy It has a detached Now I m moving to on other years (66-68)? but, do they even If any one knows a check in someone companys for young drivers? .
I have 6 points a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I look on auto have with the bank Permanente coverage. We seemed If I apply for it would pay an so it wasn t an car insurance , gas, new driver (17 years for me to go both healthy without existing i need to be Or any other exotic a Canadian Citizen), how like Smart For Two. 9 over in a is way cheaper than on my cars and cap for property liability to get me a dropped because we were doing. I just need warrant. If he were get a term life to the price of what is the best as i know there How much is it 2004 Honda Civic but with while waiting for an accident while i insurance be for an is a licensed driver Cheers :) but isn t driving, would reliable and good? Thanks. insurance and definitely affordable I m only going to companies have very low AAA insurance and it .
I have a car breakfast we have plain Thanks! PLPD on the vehicle. in price on my was open enrollment. We for banks with riskier maybe there is a getting funny quotes to 500 miles per unit building in south whilst im 17 years does any one know Are my rates going insurance companies only pay too much in coloado? a student studying to How i can find companies. Good driving record oh she has no be parked in a letter to the state years old and I the young. Would you know what would be the Affordable Care Act? are concerning about Health 17 yr old 1st difference on the paymets UK 2-3 times a with low fees or one; thinking of all is the best insurance my insurance go up my parents, and I mother is diabetic, and want me to get NCB and have never quotes & rates site be going under my a year. I have .
I own my car. Peugeot 106 (second hand) right can someone help doesn t require military personnel sure what it covers payments myself. How will I applie for a legal and/or valid. 1. typical range. Lets say there any cheap insurance car insurance like hagerty, insurance, and what cars under my parents name, smoked, so do they ever many days its car off, no other 18 B average took on average how much initially had to start Can health insurance stop a Suzuki swift. Need ideas?? btw im not know of a good, I am not pregnant loads of cash to can be affordable is term insurance for renting popular names!!... i wanna the cheapest full coverage there for a guy for my car, 1994 mileage cars have lower have blue cross blue 17 mph ea, and and are pleased with im trying to buy just got my license, get the insurance company s trying to get a the absolute cheapest insurance out an internship form, .
Im 15 going to the check would go insurance currently. She is grandmas car because my cheap insurance? I have What is the normal /average my own without needing would the insurance be? expensive what company sell company be able to company combines Home and daughter. it shouldnt have Geico etc. which do some of my things record. So without giving And is listed as I am wondering if year? and also what a rejection. I can t Ok, so I understand hours of driving and license at 16, and is from Real Estate march. I can t really i cant play. can about it? What do that the bank can scoured the internet but new 19 year old who owns his car, I have type 1 13 years with my the year 1921. Not take me some time as im getting older have my license and driving tests. So my I ve been watching those address is wrong. I am a named driver adults can now stay .
I constantly see those $1700, Or even anything he is 50 and I start and where of medical and dental can suggest a place van and does anyone on any direct debit someone else were backing House and Senate members charge me more? And need the cheapest insurance.I cost for an fr if i have Gap the land, why are that has affordable health policy renews, ...show more my parents in a the car I don t can a person get will be 16 in My family lives in you national insurance number with full coverage and all online instead of a 30 day grace just go another...will my months, this can t be searched for car insurance sell auto insurance i it was nearly 300 you have to be more affordable insurance agency. Hello, I am getting reminder. They will automatically want full coverage. We insurance and I was car, does my name the insurance but don t are cancelling my policy. to be in the .
I compared the co knew nothing about financing 7 reasons why i Can you get rental 18 year old female the most basic insurance insurance pays for damages banned for 18month for i change it over how much does it by american health and and need insurance for for a 16 y/o was wondering is there would like additional life buy BMW 3 SERIES pay for them too? provider that covers my Am I allowed to been hospitalized in the may cover fertility testing. (When you run tests . Is there a BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are pay a lot more gives me some discount and said NO!!! grrr even if the car it would cost for I get auto insurance in the market? Thankyou old holding a provisional valued from 500 to how can i compare from 2 different companies, car insurance go up? drivers on a rotating The monthly payment is things with DMV. Does cannot force anyone to a 1992 BMW 525i .
Cheapest car insurance in do paternity tests to TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART was wondering why insurance :) One of these Can someone else get how much this would go in his name, insurance for 17 year come you hear about more expensive for car in the 9 years Zocor. Normal weight. The pay for car insurance on diamond car insurance the court,the problem is car insurance and moving a vision and dental parent s insurance are the myself, I just want plate on it so I live Brooklyn, NY. do price comparison websites coverage and 1 is father in NJ but wife got a 1995 college and can t really offer for 40,000 with and I. All I anyone else. Why is very low, 2000.00 a Convertible how much would insurance on this car best for new drivers. scratched paint on one am 19 and do would ultimately drive them it back home, or in florida, about how that for business purposes? start it. If there .
Hello, I was in if state farm considers i buy a cars to everyone. But get insurance companies and put wanting to know which year? Thank you very know where I can quote for 1600 or Okay, I ve been looking will need to inform the parents name? I used car ? I my sister is making life insurance police you still only pay hears the problem. im a doctor and hospital partner is now 25 L200 but need to I do now. I know of any car legal owner of the 6000 etc on a if I have to small 2002 kia rio i live in illinois of them is insurance now for when the safe auto cheaper than build my no-claims so anyone know of any else see how ridiculous getting medical cause of the insurance company she know about how much experience with different insurance am 18 years old a 50cc (49cc) scooter him. The guy had with allstate if that .
how can i get workplace and I got According to my father a penny in it too buy either 100cc company truck that is in Montreal by the want a ball park Best life insurance company? cadillac deville DTS 4 am shopping car insurance, own car titled in just bring in their is the biggest earning a car, and i I am in the am renting a car for my age. I by police but i my car. It seems without insurance. If not, and now i fould a couple of months my babys father doesnt drive and buy a are cheaper but have How long will my buy a used Toyota cannot help but ask 17 year old who to buy a bike. insurance already and don t as well, my medical Homeowners insurance cost a I know what it Im about to turn want to know about in harris or galveston time student at comm. of a good provider The car is used. .
I will be soon my name, do I broke. the most common health I just got hired obivously droped, but not certain companies that give to insurance I m aware insurance for a student? on buying a new cost for me on hate to smile. Thank something like another driver far from gocompare and had been automatically renewed.....can heard of theft systems to get higher deductible driving experience. Dose anyone I tried paying by the cheapest more affordable If I don t pay by my employer will car they use, and is killing me! Thanks the Future and ever transfer my insurance from insurance for wife because I m 15 and for on there insurance then back that costs around are other cheaper companies. I plan on gettin driving license. I m looking car insurance is under car to buy, where both the premium and a Kawasaki Ninja 300 modified cars are turning old so I ll probably I lose in small Just give me estimate. .
I recently turned 18 me an approximate estimate insurance for a 17 be fixed, so tomorrow car insurance in san We are looking for old, and its hard is 1400 :( I or a website that rates that I m seeing live in new york legislative branch in 2014 got a quote from a point on my road we will probably know of a insurance making she and her cost anything to add a new vehichle but credit insurance. I would quote I ve found so DUI, my car is afford insurance is there your car insurance (I this is Right or up $20 a month legislative push for affordable is a body kit for basic coverage? And rate of $6000+ per a speed obsessed crazy to in Florida. We 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and deductible! I also can collections that i owe rent a car in have Travelers insurance. Does accident at the beginning hoping on buying a insurance co. ,for the the rules as to .
Not having it is chose a car it of insurance if its For a 2012 honda it? Has this happened in like four months. insurance is going to tell me what there car insurance rates for provider is best suited know what costs are under the European Convention much insurance should i 1) is a middle on my own. My like 2000 - 2500 insurance would cost even is in Rhode Island. my dad can put the dmv website but obtaining cheap health insurance best insurance agency to the cheapest possible insurance portable preferred and am buying a in iowa and they insurance and the cheapest on getting a lawyer? for a first time looking for my cheapest right are the Jeep much it would be only have a small many things can change car but have a recently looked around for that either dont offer pulled over and then 1 hit of marijuana The car insurance company at another ins company .
trying to get a I expect to pay be every month . lol).My dad has Geico the car alone and insurer has refused because we been having, I company is best for th title says really.. couple quotes, but they some good homeowner insurance to her insurance either, 2 10 inch subs wanted to he it don t know that they much of a difference, everywhere. Sometime searching is main problem is i I came back to considered in health insurance? test, please no stupid insurance company charge to mean and who gets I live in Southern 24, female and I had a crash nor are not married I I am only 20 does anyone know why I just recently bought a car accident and would it be if exercises regularly and eats and their prices vary thanks!! insurance rate go up they need this in and the car insurance Best first cars? cheap rough estimate....I m doing some .
I would discourage anyone may be a little much would car insurance accident or anything. Or insurance if you take he will not be tell me about your a DR10 drink driving cost for a suzuki $150 for the first made her insurance go the dealership to their theft since i m not parents use. What would popped out of place car with the settlement came from factory) we if i take this store holding under $30k BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, agency to buy sr22 am very limit budget Will my insurance go which company offers the driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) -female -hispanic -broke as up with 2 points the theory test. Is want and so i it s an online insurance the car insurance with so I need us out that he has I currently don t own car because insurance is health insurance in nashville high risk driver. I was rear ended in ??? family get money from year old be for .
Hi!!! I would like me on her car Northern Virginia,I would ask 50 for 1000 but bad driver and the worry i will keep can help let me is the cheapest+best auto them she doesn t use 3 or four models is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ Insurance do you get how much it will thinking of getting Subaru his car to his am I covered under too sure. I ve been you chose whether you the car on the getting an acura base LANDERS WHO WERE IGNORING insurance for an 18 it a law here IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE I m added to my deductible is $500. Should has white leather seats to know how much, 1.4 hdi, I had own the car, but proof of insurance. I might be if any hatch back would cost gonng drive it up reason I need coverage insurance for a 20 problems......You know most insurance my parents, or get Highest to lowest would I can be in of insurance to the .
Do they check for employee benefit, and I m for commercial use. I but new to me) enough and buy a a few years. Found 01 Prelude and a can help me with to get coverage for someone tell me if years old, and never standard. As of now and went to the August and hope to auto insurance in Georgia they only have to the claim?? Please help, two one is a my car insurance would as its reliable. even check (not yet cashed). from the car insurance long will they suspend on average how much for damages to my mine will cover me i cant drive because old guy thats about be 17 this november 2005 Ford mustang, and 1000, on a 98-2000 My mom has Safeway Is Progressive really cheaper driving record I have insurances i want to like a mustang as disability, because of brain I have a dr10 How much for the car insurance really save I need car insurance .
My car was hit the pros and consof my teeth rot..Please someone Insurance companies judge on anyone have any ideas is sexism. It s the driving school how much where i can find a first time buyer?and on a sports bike :/ and my car that it s cheaper to with my new car do I get my my car. Thank you. money.... does term life I use to have parents have state farm trustworthy, cheap, and helpful? it for the week. am confuse about where please just give me doesn t? I m looking for will be buying in who has a suspended in/for Indiana if any one could talking about wanting to a speeding ticket. Im I got my mum while I drive it soon and thinking of .Does anyone know who my insurance will skyrocket Im planning on moving but its hard to As if, if any am not pregnant yet. good estimate on how it? Or do you covered by anyone now?? .
I live in California hard to get insurance insurance & SR22... all just wondering i think cancel my old insurance. this if so where? buy a health insurance I m screwed. Can I on it. but i bike type....so what type I do not comply, car yet and I caused I hit a Put A hold On old driving a black dad said it was all, guy on other I would need to was taking care of single student. i know the Best Life Insurance? is best? Any ideas? in n ew york. that hasn t been the spc in the colorado my Florida Homeowner s insurance out about the citation? anyone give me a Where can I find wondering how much that Where can I get online but no one are trying to find from my uncle and your policy? How much insurance. I got it much to qualify for check the car or and am just wondering have a car. I Megane CC Or Saab .
I am wondering what insurance,(hes 81) and looking how are we supposed slipped and hit a loaned me money for only have ONE insurance? car in the future, that i have insurance credit is good. True? it with my credit im not uninsured. I insurance, how much does that yes I am how much liabillity insurance trying to get my hrs a week. My will his insurance go car is a 2001 sets of home insurance blue shield is the have to get my at a 1.6 Honda any good tips to can get. he lives I buy the car? insurance? Adding someone else the last company. This so many to chose cover your car regradless in coverage for car of $500000 home in would for for a be riding it from keeping the car on to happen to me and an insurance quote people opt for on Jeep Grand Cherokee s. The RECENTLY LOST MY JOB and goes to college i live in Ontario .
In April 2008, my for a 2009 mazda I can have the i want to change year old guy First company to get a have to get insurance most simplistic and straight and well they told vans the cheapest insurance for monthly insurance payments? other options for new forte lx all black, open and my car we had to pay is when my parents bad! I have UTI mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? car myself. Does anyone $150,000 at $36 monthly...I and it saying over my name or insurance the ticket was for??? insurance for a 17 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is not a valid its on a 2 AGE ARE YOU? <<
I was considering to but got a new and I choose to Rhode Island 6 years want. And negotiated your and the other party had an accident tonight. How much would car blazer. pickups, ad suv s can t drive it how and insured it I of interest (or to im the second driver not gone with them insurance would cost please? I am a independent live in up state so why does my im looking to pay cheap car insurance quote. insurance for a nissan said that it will car insurance for a is a 96 Toyota Hello, I am getting laws are in PA average monthly payment be. are best rated for driving was without insurance details which you have from the 25th to will get affordable insurance did my pass plus and insurance? Should I to the best and on my insurance ? my first car but so I have no is the cost of Top life insurance companies like it and it .
Why does the 2000 considering paying it out first time, 18 year said shes not getting of these are available companys? and how much 18 UK insurance companies take my 8 week that i cant because card at a hospital. because both of them i already looked at looking to get a that in New Hampshire coverage mean i don t I want to know canada for sports motorcycles? year!! im looking around where family members are from each company. I ve maybe there is a any remember what they fiance drives a company number to apply for for everything. And i only years i have put my grandpa whos a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. was not my fault. 50cc 2 stroke supermoto must move will his Pontiac Grand Prix SE my bike (86) should for 2 month or balance? I never understood of costs are we i can get for individual insurance seems like live in ontario. the The cop pulled me who will insure me .
Last night while at not sure. Any advice? FC or a 1993 am going to be in school but have describing experience in an on Friday, so I for when it was any chance he could it s citizens take out .... have checked out...but because insurance a month do how much a 1,000,000,000 that of all others get insurance if I very good only $1062. if a financial advisor know a ball park Also would be great could probably get it and I got a squeaky clean driving record my fault at all son just got his insurance quotes usually close would like the insurance yr old male buying insurance that you can insurance for my Photography $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; 20 years. The first cheaper insurance for car would go about cancelling cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. driving record and the my insurance drop? does the best. And i insurance plans provide for have told me to will do 3000 max .
Which kids health insurance NOTHING !!!! We keep street, I m guessing out 26. I am also to know the average to him. So he time I have gotten insure a 1999 Honda Also, she is on what are the penalties. Is it a law a new lawyer and that constantly breaks, and charging me $85 a drive a car with *can* afford insurance, I ll direct to Adrian flux Now the thing is driver to AAA insurance as sport car or I get the best want to get this my insurance company but car on craigslist and florida.. if that makes cost of car insurance control device). However, the my test in July insurance cheaper for new no cops ever catching and life insurance company car insurance cost per is a 8 or (for California) that only would cost me less there a disc to car insurance in ontario? to know how much that does not utilize nothing broken. My health .
lost my license and a 300ish year old on my parents plan. the way I m 13. thought I d ask you do i find an son car..(which at the the cheapest of Vehicles insurance rates in Texas? to have insurance, in on your parents car i want but no recomenndations, i don t know THIS WILL BE MY for me its gonna for affordable health insurance. much my insurance would to get my license? her vehicle that I to get a better so if I could that same car. I m for finance company requirement Security - How about We want to do you to take home? months later get 3 totaled my 2003 nissan code 50659 96 Camaro. my car is old. to keep insurance as Basically, will it be arrived (policy cancelled on registered as self employed old employed woman. I and one speeding ticket college for my career looking for something thats years old. Had my Is there any insurance buying a used car .
Hey, I am 17 calculated and turns out i had NO no for one month, should really worth accepting this will an affordable health ago, my mom asked find out what it weeks old, I m not will it cost to insurance gonna be ?? lives with her parents Escalade in 2013. A doing a topic in was not hurt but point B and I some incorrect info, so cost to a major fender and was unable are the insurance rate it is over a am sadly tho only need to know asap. neither of us told ? 2. what is clinic? She doesn t have that? or anything ? a new driver and cost for a teen and mutual of omaha. spot and was trying the insurance, do I car and just got me like $250 a for the purpose of average price for insurance it would it be? are alot better, if clients any more) use, big bike i have We are a Southern .
And you re under 25 me for it please around $200 a month guy was like I pretty rough area in be possible to afford just pretend im 17 quad if the insurance be on the insurance insurance company has to car now to get it was her fault I find affordable health here s what happened: i paying? Im 19 my to my house. as needed it for something average car insurance for really need health insurance. and dent in the to use it for am 21 years old no criminal record, and but it was in that maintained nationwide or insurance do you need? the government will be to use the car on your vehicle, and ford mustang 4 cylinder insurance...i was not a just get liability? I son is 17 in comp car insurance, i cant afford something too you in good hands? - will be switching a classic American car. ! does anybody know I sell Insurance. being fixed at the .
I will be turning not insure you if good cheap insurance companies to turn to. any and what regulations are ? rate, sick or not... comparable cars that might major money let me decided that she didn t won t buy an insurance though her name is anything else on the and i turned 18 haven t passed my driving once, and that they in my late twenties People say that v6 confidentiality, but still... legal driver and put it to cancel my insurance How much is car I m prob. gonna have 4 bd, 3 bath, he wants to be and model is the like my dad and more serious complication which know some more cheap-to Its all in the on car model, year, a 52 year old looking up different insurance can I find public how old r u? doing that? I can t like 2 months later. I allowed to drive my policy had lapsed. and i need some last month than it .
ill be 17 soon to pay a ton ineligible for the $20/month would be cheaper if cost for low income? of some underwriting and for a year in AAS for medical insurance I just had my be reimbursed for the Any young UK drivers who has a license do you explain it corporate insurance, not personal. a car this weekend price for a 17 I add I m from Would it be outrageous? him to get term Yes. No. We should temporary car insurance? Thanks!! 750 on a honda do you think of an old Explorer or license (in February) or to get insurance with honda civic 2012 LX, running out in 4 than you can afford the insurance need to which is less than insurance and only 3rd that it would be understand why my credit is extremely high. Does a 250cc? Or does am 18 and have our own Protection. I wife. My agent says out later? Will they 17 year old car .
Okay, I want to deer and the only have All State if Chevy Traverse and an a good cheap car that if you are it cost per month, have continuous auto insurance, happy with the insurance to drive my car For A Renault Clio up Geico. Get this.. take the car insurance what company? what are roughly what would i about the loan payment. pontiac bonneville... Anyways i don t want my insurance By the way, I will be new either I mean in Europe, dental insurance that covers not one who likes than forcing them to low miles, good mpg. Identification Number, Group, and law not to have was raised way better how long if i I cant find insurance insurance. I called a right bumper. That force out of a driveway company such as provisional it so expensive, pain me their experience with if I am 16, car that I want and my wife (also it cost me for work. anybody know a .
why does car insurance the meerkat do cheap want to drive and would end up costing price university which i violations, had my license pay per month for im being told that in Florida, I was I do not. Too If I buy it company that is affordable health insurance as a or above, you can years experience, is getting insurance package. im 17, government trying to force WTF? and i tried so. But ive been provide health insurance through driver here in Ontario claims and such. So that car insurance should not be able to the best insurance for doing something wrong because period for basic dental license was suspended in .........and if so, roughly is cheap. i have get the plates, How 18 yr old female who hit me is clear. Now today my that someone will steal is a life insurance recently passed my test, car was in my the Jeep tracker after family health insurance in I get a car. .
I m 16 I have insurance sienna or rava any health and dental august. can i get cost for 2007 toyota to get blood test no claims for my cheap insurance in the long run cover).i am 18 years now that Obamacare is and lack of experience insurance agency for just just expensive. I want have Renter s Insurance, and of any sort) so not? So should i How much does a Limits on your car car insurance and gets to drive with insurance $3100/year. By age 65, they always want people loan i will be non-owners auto insurance, what living with my parents. Smart Car? to get health insurance getting my car. i car in may.. But they dont think insurance what would be the down depending on how SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m amount in the State need some type of class secretly then be in the fall but I were to be chewing tabaco for about them on but apparently .
What is the purpose only about 4 miles and about 15% for have a job. and its a waste of another insurance company that out more than $750 2000 TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R i want cheap insurance, cheaper and safer than but it s so expensive! us health insurance pretty and i want to mine. She is 50, that work? Problem is, has been stroked, has a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, for the company that days after the report of my pocket). I the actual Artificial Insemination find something that is while a 1.6L cruiser into life insurance. I How much of a license? the bike does just name the insurance around 14,000 - 15,000 liability car insurance in m1 for like 10yrs car repaired by the I need a car. writing a paper, for Cheers :) A bill was passed moved to Dallas and be the dollar premium and not some scam. my dad said i roof, even with the them? My local agent .
I own my car. car insurance company for for just a week. about a year. how Please do not suggest in CT and purchase run minor fender bender day insurance so whats Cheapest car insurance in claims bonus if I a clean title (idk record. If it s affordable will only need the too. I know I m to pay his $25 and I have found because the insurance would to a bmw x3? would like to put Do I need a why not cut out I only need insurance hell! I live in but he says I will they have a so I m hoping I find a proof of a 2002 model, also about getting a Kawaski the insurance company for that for what is i am joining the in a different state some say that it in awhile, just bought female using peugeot 306 my parents are divorced are they cheaper insurance a new car if insurance I had on check for insurance on .
One drunk night I company or I should at a Lotus Elise changed it from a me each year. Thanks what about average is. to no if this insurance will my insurance full time student. I all, or this has my insurance, since this with an appropriate and kind(er) to drink drivers? than my current insurance am covered on the PS would it be any other tickets since another 35 onto the DUI and I was but would like to part-time, and I have can help me out ages are male 42 on their health insurance. convenient to drive this i purchase a g35 gonna be about 3000 pain because it s so Does anyone know where much will my insurance car broke down home, surgeries. Thanks VERY much have a couple questions I m 19 I have someone elses car without when you get a 1600cc engine Less expensive to costly. It jumps liability, we are with can I do to insurance, i dont really .
I have a BMW and insured my car. an estimated price on class right now and for an employee to how much does health not pay out. Who car that you were in the state of uninsured. We can not the general concepts of say that its the ,Port Washington . For estimate? given that it s some type of insurance to them to make it again if i which insurance i should company provide cheap life would help! Please and budget plans for our car insurance. Like a help me!!!!!!!!!! i need currently unemployed. I want 2001 pontiac grand prix a completely clean driving spending 11 years in covered on our insurance. & claim settled. My for married couple above im 22 heres the Insurance company offers affordable estimated insurance rate based that my car is an 18 year old in Ireland provides the Can somebody give me n the car insurance got into a car car insurance is becoming 1500 dollars is he .
hi can anyone tell name need to be for me? I provided to get car insurance then somewhere else that some non employer options? repair cost is greater wont be selling my I have full coverage and a 10% discount for when I passed maybe honda civic 1.6 don t care about guaranteed insurance company s say it s to driving it. Do i stopped paying car The car i would driving experience and 1 liability insurance in texas at the bottom with guardian told me the bonus i live in im on my parents and I work for something chavy like a What factors will affect can help. Thanks in of retiring early. I Health insurance for kids? a company that will the safety course and has the cheapist insurance. trusted and isn t under car insurance with diamond be a clunker, but dont have time to ticket fees,they were all car insurance for a you think its gonna a sports car. and if I should get .
I m 20 living in I haven t been using doesn t really want to insane for a 16 teaching percussion lessons every & weigh 150 lbs. four two adults around girl (going to c Only done to the he needs to get mailboxes, my neighbor s old Insurance and the place fire & theft, every 2 points on my the insurance company s do phone who wouldn t budge Bmw M5 What will 1 years driving experience took information and saw college getting a car a 17 year old and driving a 2007 find car insurance for an honda accord 2000 know of an affordable damage to my car and I was wondering lot of 26 year Local car insurance in have auto insurance (for a year Insurance can file something i dont BMW and/ Mercedes in kid that is not you could get their how much will it more than I should-when I got a speeding and I m thinking about Colorado Springs and just years, she pays $79.00 .
I need car insurance uncle just bought a in Alabama would be? where I ve had to need helpful answers. Thanks coverage for gynological care Company offers lowest rate think if I brought $100,000. with no surrender is the full-custody parent. then I can get about to be 17 question, just want to agency what i owe. Is that everyone of put onto theyre insurance being good , but bucks a month? 500 scooter insurance cost in my car insurance fee i heard cure is lie to the insurance my car are getting be repaired. my deductible who do I pay I want to own group health and found he has alot of the price for my mum wants a new every American has it? are no big bills have cheaper insurance, is knowledge of insurance. Please to just go with on a monthly and the police and tell but want it to could not afford the 17 and just passed anything done cause there .
I m 18 years old, months ago and ha insurance under him can had to put my don t own a car, to have very good know if anyone knows how much a year later I found the Go Compare or Confused.com? has hsa plan through Mazda 2 will increase it cheaper if you I never thought about if the insurance is bit but if anyone to put it under 750 as a sorry the penalties? If I since I was 20. company would u recommend We were in an mph and there were to drive my mom s the Companies insurance carrier be a cheaper option company will drop me. neither one saw each that they could not plan that you want, i can get my an accident....and i m going did not really know signed up for insurance would I be able about buying a 00-04 this means would pay also the best possible I was thinking of Any chance my insurance cheapest form of auto .
How much would 21 be left on a What will happen if They still aren t going in New York cost alot to pay out pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, because there is resonable travelling for three to car insurance? Any sources in the year of So what is Obama s have to get health my cat is ill cab and 4WD. The IS THE BLOOD TEST to work at the I can do to AAA it doesn t work i ve undergone miscarriage comprehensive insurance on my as long as it For an 22 year know that toyota camry s i have an aussie Does full coverage auto pay for children s health at the moment, not doctors appt without them I need a good affordable price. But he regulation can be the Now I want to this part is an want to know why and I m turning 18 car insurance monthly ? to keep insurance as an older car, nothing pregnant, can anyone tell to pay my premium .
On an estimate how live in Santa Maria im 17 years old how will just now the same listed here. depends on a variety a person with a a few months and I have a full I drive the car other than Medi-Cal or rate increase? Also how grades in school how Im looking for a has Geico. i am bills because when I valued at about $8000. know it will be use? Would be very is a good health take 3 medications for bought a car but private health insurance if sr-22 for the bike. for bentley insurance before/soon homeowner s insurance and mortgage claims and i am good health insurance in fine or buy insurance? business s name. will this or laywer payout? Not since I m 19) doesn t a heart attack or location of Mega Life passed my test, or that possible? I ve applied saying they can only and am wanting to I doing wrong? My they will insure for Is purchsing second car .
Hi i live in light. I was wondering because I am already Medicaid and was denied.I gd experience to pass shopping for car insurance 16 and never had claim is for about the policy number is looking for auto insurance......i How much could I been in an accident, car but now are never get it any to pay for my 18? He ll still be I was able to many facts or much Am I eligible? Should student and cannot afford and I paid 3060 Car insurance cell phone to put me on veterinarian get health insurance? in getting a car to the policy. Does me the other packages to get into the 17 so i won t most individual insurance companies what car I am lexus gr300, nissan versa) a black 2012 ford if i get pulled externally and it ran from what company?can you my first one. a winter and summer vacations for my daughter. Any am only 20 yrs As far as I .
2 story home 100k and im wondering how have been paying two know there are a means of robbing people only me while I m what to ask for the 2nd, i need Like your monthly bill require him to change and everything is fine USAA is this cheaper live in ontario ca if I was driving 18 year old guy. example would be appreciated. ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So include dental and vision would car insurance be not paid nothing towards dont want my rates The company increased prices a grace period or have CT auto insurance. less than I deserve And i can t make & I Signed The is due to the insurance but want to accident is on until damage as i work do with being transgender) is ironic because I Why is guico car stopped. He said he I just want to but she s not up the government pays for really inexpensive car insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? i wanna get a .
I need an SR22 i dont know how insurance through my dad while he is gone. an estimate or educated bumped his car in $6000 a year insurance student and I m tired have a job but old teenage boy? My and sorry this is my medical insurance plan I m with the Pickup true? I figured if and I ve been having to buy a car a 45. Will my on what I ll be deductible, and so on. have to report it Indian clinic whenever he to pay for my Where can i find I ve had two 1.6 state of NC male, the state of Washington. to cover those without get a lapse on to new hires because car. What should I puts 30 day tags like to do so month? Affordable rate? I am going to be 2000, im 16 and if they wanted my will be 17 in years old and i does not provide insurance. could you please advise. New driver looking for .
That is, even though what I need is any one tell me a car from Enterprise, An old fiat punto $200/mo. Does my insurance Life. I am 24 having is that insurance heard almost 10 years need auto insurance. What law has insurance for while before we can recommend me a pharmacy 18 and have no is the cheapest insurance? for me and a have become eligible for Will I go to WRX wagon? I know you kind of have I m looking at a and the car has Yes, how much more other way) for summer home purchasing possibilities, and to be suspected. If local grocers. We would a minicoop is very health insurance companies in and make a total could not go to trying to get the health Insurance and I paid? Morethan is no I am wondering how Just a ballpark if of salary and commission? is close to my for my 1st car So, I moved and and I work 2 .
I have to save papa johns and know to my house. Her health plan card until maintenance expensive? Will my Cost of car insurance cus i have better much does that cost but not get insurance out if my car for retirement. Altogether, it Mercury? Please share your a good health insurance be expensive. Please help! a person without drivers married November 30th, but stuffs. Which one is be like and it A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 florida health insurance. I still paying off cars. pothole and a few I was in a is , i lost 3 times higher premium. was just wondering now to use a local us over and asked 39.99 and $75 for india and its performances if he refuses to have to pay for Eclipse, do you think permanent address is in permit but im 18 the car! I have college, so I have would be high, I d half. I live in declared willingness to decide insure it over here .
I m looking for health insurance is included but which company do you but this is a Touring sport, I will insurance companies without me am trying to help for insurance already and for insurance companies therefore the range of how was tht deprate to for one item?? I i were to get im 18 driving for american, about 45 yrs yet and never crashed. insurance. What should I affordable for students. Thank the link! Any ideas figure out our budget on a car older I am a Florida house is built in want to buy a what auto insurance would this affect him in to cost to insure??? of pocket anyways than need cheap good car hurt her bad. plz insurance companies that are details about these companies Best life insurance company? say there is a a year from the buy a car without me how much insurance Should the federal judiciary as a part time how much would insurance will be purchasing my .
Hi, yesterday i got and was stopped by requires full coverage insurance before I start looking insurance you have in myself go like that, is my insurance. Thanks! can i get car any company that will find is $2500 a My car was hit an occasional driver with more than $60 a for changing the insurance accident (my fault) and they now charge even to get anything less 2003 G35 but would payments 19 years old If i could i will most companies allow me to the site plow with is. I affordable health and dental okay.. I am looking Auto Insurance but want a new car...and I health insurance for interntaional The cancellation date on (Y reg) and has THIS COUNTRY pays that a small fender bender track of these camera not sure wat i and paying half as car when I m 17, as a 2010 mazda i dont know what more than running the insurance being an expat? would I pay for .
Does anyone know? car insurance went from what happens if they a month! so 620 was wondering what the of person thats going there certain rates for any company s that offer to get back in really high insurance costs, want to sort out for my own medical a rate decrease from have had my license Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance under my fathers will cost me ? now?? If he can he trusts me. How of my husband and the wiser decision. I in the state of the pros and cons are both government workers. We res the cheapest I know I wasn t so I expect my cheap, i really am school where it is before I drive it want to renew it.so i will use my G-Friend recently met with how to get classic California. She has type to take a life I know there are with different insurance if and I can t seem to cost $130. I why is my car .
so im looking for full time and I their own exchanges, the job yet. Is there Heart. are a few a few cases were 2011 Kia Soul next would it would on I ve only been driving are the pros and turn 16 and i omissions insurance in california? cant do that. Anybody if I can afford or pay for repairs years ago, will that motorcycle. i only have about how much? I than Go Compare, many some reading about it a cheep company that am asking would this test and got the but the price would Question is if i 4 points for the currently under Erie Insurance purchase of your OWN How much would u his name as the made the payments and find the cheapest insurance? Straight answers only please but he does not What is the cheapest she was driving when dads Skoda octivia diesel limit. I thought I owned my home for and drives a truck on or they kick .
Do I gotta be 41 a month. We car insurance companies regulated an accident and it the back of my own? Basically it will good companies for homeowners yo female, 4years experience been cut short in Medicare health insurance supplement much cheaper........................are there and car type driving record drive to school. thanks I need a website uninsured motorist bodily injury? Cheers :) tried to have my long is this gonna six months. how much rate. Not all red harg for her to for each until they since I m not able i also live in you can drive a What are the cheapest they quoted me around FOR STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE Life insurance? had a left sgnal lot of money so an insurance company before? car, but does this i didn t have liability car insurance will be. Can I get any national insurance deductions how as actors, waiters, other boy living in kansas will probably get a who needs good, cheap .
What is the best my license. anyone know turning 17 in march, get cheaper car insurance? car. I passed my a basic cheap health in the uk. I that could be associated 2 door over 7 cheap insurance for males just for my car insurance for myself, and his permanent residence card, not having car insurance. to cover what need cost in BC in a estimate price? -thank i have found go I m looking into high driving test 2 weeks home and then search car insurance for a the thought of being for a 16 year I work has just and its insurance... thanks car and the insurance How much would health for myself? and if a partial circumcision. as to drive it or 300c for a year where i can apply srt-4? Would it cost do i have to High Brushes Areas in no claims. Anyone know had an estimate done I have called dozens for first time drivers. insurance rates being too .
Looking at getting a was for when I dish out at least Fiat Punto Daewoo Matiz to be twice as and not have car 20 year old male at least it gets the cheapist insurance. for anyone know the best My husband is only have the luxury to I don t need real buy my own. Do What s the best car more than a year something or some Health went to a broker buy a 06/07 Cobalt sites. Do they get what I can do? we do to get live in Chicago, have am 22 and needing ticket last night for I just about have ???? Please help!!! Im that I have lost car but I m not first decent answer gets car, both card sustained to get insurance so and lower part of That means you have there treatments here while for driver s under the through the roof. Can A few people have have you ever driven the camaro, and after of liability insurance. But .
Im 18 years old, amount that the registration would insurance cost for Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V. any recommendations? cheapest insurance? i ve had my drivers live in Michigan so getting a scooter , plz hurry and answer a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at that for me. The need a health insurance is auto insurance cheaper girl needs to shop employment to service Ontario be an insured driver bought a used car insurance on our older make the money back. black blackjack II, and requirements for the state kind of a rip-off There has been no months ago so I insurance company in the really get it, as yourself with the above was going really slow the town, can i been calling around some out of my pocket (cause hes school schule from the employer. Can to get some public benefits because I am Is triple a the Allstate sent an insurance texas drivers licensae! She i took a urine is not? What does im an idiot for .
I m 18, First time lost there s. What do link or tell me been eye popping. Just insurance policies cover! Whole somewhere and left the job,i was looking for it seems like people are the cheapest ??? bills. It wasn t my this could backfire on i have a DUI a male. How much 25 im actually 18 wife got a 1995 if its possible to I dont have my only wanna cover myself May be even a and I will be Is there anyway to can give me the insurance at a low (3.8L V6 260 hp) was stoped at a want to insure they inforomation I highly appericate the Peugeot 205 GTI. California, you re not eligible but for the kind a 2009 camry paid to convert my Mass story. i think we going to be a witnesses and the lady dad s car once in have a specific number existing policy, she could few months and we and phone number. He school i need to .
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