#im not disappearing completely but i Have been chilling on other blogs and on discord
scorchamp · 2 years
sits on the dash.  hi.
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dolcetters · 4 years
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it can vary! i’m definitely slower during your typical weekdays (work and all) but when i am home and present, it kind of depends on what’s going on with the dash and how many drafts i have. i do tend to fall on the faster side, so sometimes i’ll purposely let a draft “incubate” for a bit so my partners can have a day or two to breathe and stuff jflsgd. with my webcomic/self-set deadlines coming up, i’ll also slow down when that needs to be my primary focus. but i definitely try to communicate with you guys and letcha know what’s going on. 
i should also mention that my OOC reply rate can be HELLA slow, especially if something during the day has caused me to use up my social battery. if you’re sending me IMs or discord messages and i’m not responding while being active on the dash, this is likely the case. i’m not ignoring, i’m just not in the general mindset for chatter! 
shorter rps/one-liners are personally a little hard for me because sometimes the person i’m writing with doesn’t provide much for me to reply to and they just die off. i prefer mid to longer length replies, so long as--again--there’s something dol and i can react/respond to. 
my replies tend to be on the longer side but i don’t ever expect anyone to match that. i’m long-winded, storytelling & writing is my shit, so sometimes i get carried away. seriously, write what’s comfortable for you. my only ask is that i have something to go off of when i respond! and 9 times outta 10 i do. ;0
i don’t really post starter calls / starters anymore because that gets a bit overwhelming from time to time and i’ve had a lot of instances (here and on my other 2 blogs) where the blog who requested a starter became inactive and i just >xD ...ok.
i’ll still ‘like’ starter calls, myself, and will try to move them to the front of my priorities blog-wise so the person who wrote it for me doesn’t feel like they worked on it for nothing. i’ll also send starter asks and branch out from there. if YOU want to initiate something with ME, you can IM me, send an ask, tag me, whatever. i’ll respond when i can / when i see it! 
inbox is open for pretty much everyone (except genuine assholes) so whether we’re mutuals or not, feel free to use it! 
i do tend to delete asks that have been sitting in there for like... 4+ months. but this situation only really happens when life gets crazy and i disappear for a bit. whenever it is that i return, i prefer to do it with an empty inbox... it’s less stressful.
eh, i’m somehow both chill and also selective with who i follow / follow back?
as i said in my rules: i prefer to follow people with consistent tagging systems. i’m a little hesitant to follow multi-muses with either (A) a TON of muses or (B) muses who have no relation to each other/are from completely different fandoms or source material, as this is a little overwhelming for me. if you reblog/post a lot of visually explicit content i probably won’t follow you even if you do have a tagging system because i’m easily squicked out by that (you do you, it just ain’t my thing); same with g///ore related content. 
and now that i’m kind of almost 30, i don’t tend to follow / follow back blogs with underage muns. i will still write with these blogs, but i don’t want to make the mun uncomfortable in any way shape or form. even if you tell me you’re chill with it, i’ll probably just stick to my zone. but don’t be afraid to throw your muse at dol or whatever. i’m “private” but i wouldn’t call myself mutuals only. hence... chill but... selective. yeah.
i never know what to put here. i’m, like, so totally hyped for the destruction of humanity! ( my wishlist is much more mun-dependent... i have certain things i hope to be able to write with specific muns/their muses)
i really need to stop filling this out and get back to my comic work so please know that after being in this hecking fandom for over a decade and writing dol all this time thank y’all who’ve stuck around and those sweet sweet newbies who are getting to know dol and the devil’s nest, they’re my absolute favorite found family and i’m constantly seething over their lack of a peaceful ending.
you guys rock. thank you for putting up with my sudden bursts of FEELINGS™, my dumb sense of humor + art, and also dol’s terrible ... *gestures vaguely at him* ....
*dabs on you*
tagged by stolen from: @hinabae​  tagging: if you see this TAKE IT. you’ve been dabbed on. time for your VIBE CHECK.
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knxckleskissed-blog · 7 years
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BLOG MOVING   !     after almost two years of developing  /   playing melody on her own blog and meeting sooooo many amazing people  (  like honestly , it still surprise me how many individuals have came up to me and went like “DUDE!!!! THE PRINCESS IN THE WHEELCHAIR!!!!”  )    i have decided that moving melody to my multi muse   might be a better solution because it just gives me some space to like  ,  still pay attention to her even though i won’t always prioritise her   -  it’s not a bad thing !! it just means i can juggle lots of my muses in an easier flow and manner , whilst them having their own blog would just push me to neglect them at some point in favour of other muses which i dont really like doing :c  because  ———
melody is  . . .  really precious  ?  she’s perhaps my first female original muse  (  sorta  ,  when you think about it  )  and she’s so different from the kind of characters i would often play and ,  even if people disagree  ,  i do believe she poses a lot of potential to grow ???   yes  ,  she’s kind  ;  yes  ,  she’s shy  ;  yes  ,  she’s riddled with anxiety  ;  yes  ,  she might even be mary sue to some people lmao  ?   but that’s really fine  (  to each their own opinion or however the saying goes  ,  ‘cause  —  )   in my eyes  ,  she’s so much more  ????   she sees people as they are  ,  never expects anything more or anything less   -   even the villains  /  so-called bad guys  !   -   she’s stubborn too  ,  wide-eyed  ,  intelligent  ,  and  magical  :  she’s basically everything i wish i could be  ???   and being able to roleplay her and meeting soooooo many FANTASTIC people just   -   shakes me through my core  .  so these are the few most memorable people i’d like to give a shout - out  .
@steeledveins   ,    sam  .  i know we don’t really talk a lot lately because -  tbh , i’m not even gonna make excuses , i’m just shit at keeping up w/ communication and i’ve been jumping everywhere as a roleplayer but honestly ? roman and melody ? one of the   BEST    relationship i’ve ever had the fortunate of exploring  -  platonic or romantic  .  also you basically introduced me to hemlock grove and i’m ? ??  pretty much still in love with roman ??? honestly  ,  you’re straight-down hilarious  ;  so fucking nice to chill with  ,  and plotting with you has been amazing  .  i do apologise for not being able to continue staying in-contact though  ;  you can totally hit me in the head for that .
@beautycflight   ,   kylie  .  basically the sweet to my heart  .  we’re veterans in this fandom for ??? how long now ??? we’ve seen the ups and downs of it  ;  had our moments and disappeared for a bit too  .  we’re like  ,,, so old  .  but honestly growing up with you in this fandom is just ???? one of my best experience  ?? every time you grace my dashboard it’s like i caught a glimpse of that 2012 year where we’ve just began and i get so hype  ??? honestly you’re a  100/10  ,  absolutely gorgeous  .  stay beautiful  ,  okay  ?
@boykingofauradon   ,   trixie  .   also a veteran in this fandom like jfc wE WERE HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME YO  ,,, like ??? remember how we get other people to even ship chad with melody  ??? ALSO OH MY GOD THAT CINDERELLA - CHAD - MELODY THREAD THAT I’M STILL PRACTICALLY HEAVING ABOUT ????? i absolutely love that . and i love that i got to write all of that with you and just sit back down and have a good time in general . also our Arranged Marriage AU w/ ben and mel ? ugh .  the reason i thrive , tbh .  i’m really sad we aren’t that actively communicating now as rp partners , but yo - it still doesn’t erase the fact you were one of the reason i had such a blast w/ melody on her own blog and i just ??? love you lots okay .
@courageisms  ,   ever since we were active i know we didn’t really talk a lot  -  bUT IMMA SIT DOWN AND TELL YOU HOW PERF YOU ARE OKAY  ???? you are , i think , the first cinderella to have ever given me a chance at writing the AU wherein my muse fell in love with ella’s son  .  and i’m  ?? ?  completely overwhelmed ??? because ??? i really love ??? ALL of our interaction  ???  even the little things we talked about how ella babysat lil melody iM JUST SO ,,,,, shakes my fist .   i love them . and i owe a lot to you for giving me the opportunity to explore that ,  so thank you  .
AND OF COURSE   ,   there’s a lot of other people who i’m just stupidly in love with  :   @tobeblamed  (  your dean is hella and im always in love w/ you wtf )  ,   @parkool  (  do you know i practically still drool over jay and melody braiding each other’s hair  ?  )  @falseargent  (  i know we don’t talk anymore but !!!! just letting u know i hold every interactions we’ve ever had to my heart and i do hope that wherever u are you’re having TONS OF FUN FRIEND !!!  )  @warricrhearted  (  brodie u’re moved but if by chance u’re reading this can i just say how fucking awesome you are and like,,,, i love EVERY rps we ever did srsly ? ? ? cause i do )  @haledaughter  (  MY FIRST F/F SHIP ON THIS BLOG THAT I HOLD SO DEAR I HOPE WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU’RE OKAY DEAR ) @fratcrnal  (  ugh pls breanna u’re gonna kill me w/ rudiandmel okay dONT EVEN )   and IM SURE THERE’S A LOT MORE IM JUST FORGETTING ALL OF THEM BUT BASICALLY IF YOU’RE READING THIS I CHERISH YOU SO MUCH and thaaaaaaank youuuuu for giving melody a chance like, ever.  you don’t have to , but you did anyway  .
also special shout out to sam ( marcus / credence / cedric ) and mandy  ( natasha / bella ) -  idk if u’re ever gonne read this cause i aint tagging cause we’re probs gonna be yelling at discord or IM at other blogs so lmao bUT EVERY INTERACTION MELODY HAD W/ BOTH / ANY OF YOUR MUSES ARE PRECIOUS TOO AND IF YOU THINK I EVER FORGOT ABOUT THEM WELL I DIDN’T AND WILL NEVER FORGET
NOTE  :    finally  ,  i did say my blog is moving  .  but here’s the deal  :  if you’re not comfortable with multis , then it’s really fine  ???   i will hold none of you accountable for not following me  /  unfollowing me after this  .  but if by any chance you kinda wanna continue writing with melody some more  ,  YOU CAN TOTES FIND IT HERE  .  i will not put this blog as  “  knxckleskissed-archive ”  or any variation thereof for personal reason  -  a.k.a. if im gonna come back tbh lolololol  -  but feel free to treat it as so  .
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