#im not as active of a mcelroys fan as i used to be but i love taz and still listen to mbmbam once in a while
bittsandpieces · 2 months
Oh, I heard about that show! I didn't check it out personally but tbh I'm a little burnt-out on the whole Netflix shtick of adapting comics. No shade, of course! I've Also been watching a ton of Dimension 20 lately, so I get the fixation with dnd podcast-type content~♡
That's fair!! I don't pay attention to new shows very much but I saw some interview or something that made me want to check it out, and I ended up loving it (probably helps that I know nothing about the comics lol)
I'm a BIG dimension 20 fan, but I don't like waiting for new episodes so I'm waiting to binge the new season until there's more of it out!! I'm currently listening to the adventure zone versus dracula, which is such a delightful mix of silliness and amazing imagery... for people who like the goofier end of d&d live play (naddpod, join the party, dungeons and daddies, d20 starstruck odyssey/fantasy high/mentopolis) I highly recommend it!!
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gupdoo3 · 7 years
Tumblr media
“Is your wizard named… Are you naming your goddamn wizard ‘Taco’?”
I wanted something to draw while I listened to my copy of the new TMBG album, so I dug up an old palette challenge on my blog and asked @astroshad for a prompt, and they suggested Taako in “High Fashion”. I’m pretty proud with how this turned out! This is my first piece of TAZ fanart bc I’ve only barely started the show, but I’m pretty proud of my fandesign EDIT: uhhh so in retrospect giving him That Nose may have been a poor choice bc of how it looks like an antisemitic charicature; i thought I was being Clever and Subversive by having a canonically beautiful character have a big nose but in retrospect I should’ve just given him a nose that looks like something an actual human(oid) would have instead of Uhhh That.
[my art tag]
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jelloopy · 4 years
TAZ Grad Ep 27
The boys are in front of the Godscar chasm  (This is spooky right off the bat lets see where this goes)
FUCK Argo rolled a 1 and is being strongly affected by the chasm he grabs onto Fitz’ shoulder for balance (Maplekeen shippers come get yall juice.)
T h e m u s i c (I will lose my mind as soon as this album is out good lord)
Argo is seeing himself attacking his boys? (Holy shit where is this going?)
IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM THANK FUCKING GOD (This better not be one of those things like Duck had in Amnesty I’ll fight.)
Griffin being pissed that he rolled a nat 20 on perception in a fucking dream and declaring that he’s withholding that until a more opportune time.
Uh oh…. Where are Firbolg and Fitz?
awe they left him a note! It’s okay!
”That’s just dad’s inner monologue” that’s… awe come on “sorry my son came in here and said that bullshit” “awe Henry come on man” “being a bad son is genetic it seems” (Pure gold I love this family)
Sabor saying he was “somewhere else for a second” (does not give me the best vibes ngl…. Sabor’s p sus)
Justin’s new podcast law around Sabor and Firbolg. (Tbh I was a big fan of the slow arduous talking scenes but I will live I suppose…)
Sabor…………………… why are you so sus rn. Ur just tired. Stop being cryptic p l e a s e.
”I have been giving this much thought” “hell yes.”
”Would you like to party with the fairy’s?” “I need some sort of survival guarantee that I’ll make it through the evening” (This is an extremely viable request)
“Snippers don’t be like that…” “It’s okay I’m flattered!” (I need subtitles for Snippers p l e a s e)
“But this Lil guy is my familiar. He’s not the source of my magical powers, as far as I know… that would be a pretty late season twist.” “DAMNIT GRIFFIN YOU FIGURED IT OUT! All magic in Nua flows through snippers”
damnit they haven’t partied with Chaos
OH SHIT they don’t know about Fitzroy’s connection with Chaos
oop this is…. Oop. “if your source of magic is external you should not have been able to access it within the crypt.”
 “I also have a habit of delighting people” “HM!”
He lovingly refers to them as his “Boys”
“that wasn’t Argo that was your dad” “CLINT?! THE POWERFUL WIZARD!?” (Clint is truly a multidimensional and plane hopping wizard. We stan)
“we need a name for this multiverse that Clint Travels through” “How about the Clinterous” “TRAVIS. Honestly Travis! Are you fucking kidding me?!” (I………… why Travis… why)
Thank god they all use the restroom before they leave
Argo was literally stabbing in his sleep….?
Firbolg’s first pair of shorts! ‘N he enjoys them. V v happy with this
This means that Gray is actively in Argo’s mind, twisting what he hears! That’s dogshit he needs to stop (s t o p h u r t i n g a r g o 2 0 2 0)
Firbolg has yet to tell them about his dad’s passing and Fitz’ respects that. Argo on the other hand goes ahead and pries in on it.
(Fits their characters tbh)
“Are we just not going to class anymore?” “It’s all Virtual” (I had to stop and laugh for a good minute bc of the delivery by Justin. It got me)
Hero is in front of the Chasm… bb are you ok...
Fitz’ whistling to get Hero’s attention… (Fitz… he’s not a Dog anymore bud…)
Hero has been working up the courage to explore the Chasms! (Pls take him with you)
“you were a dog for a long time you think that you’d be used to people cleaning up your mess” it gets a smile out of hero AND Firby starts to dance! (I need all of the Firby cosplayers to make a TikTok with this and I need all artists to draw this stat. I need the dopamine p l e a s e)
“He does this any time he makes a slam dunk of a joke we just have to let him finish”
God I love when they back up for a min and do some good ol table talk
”I’m talking as a human being Justin Mcelroy father of two.”
“If you guys win a demon war? It’s at least an A-” “what would it take to get the A+?” “You could bring me a fruit basket” (The absolute Corruption… lmao)
Niceee Hero is gonna go work with Althea this is gonna be great.
Yes griffin giving that perception check NO CLINT WITH THAT FUCKING NAT 1 (Clint needs new dice that are blessed please)
Fitz sees Argo take out his blade and sees a look in his eyes. Firby sees it too. (aaaaaand I was right it was one of those “Duck” scenarios ….. damnit)
Firby uses thorn whip around Argo’s wrist and he doesn’t fight it. ( :(  )
Fitz insists that he goes into Argo’s mind to see what’s going on and Argo agrees but as Fitz gets near him he puts up a fight… (This is getting quite concerning)
FIRBOLG CASTS HOLD PERSON. HOLY SHIT. BRO. (I did not know he could do that… damn alright…)
Clint your VA is so good I adore you so much. (I just need to tell him that he is doing an amazing job. Pulling at my heartstrings constantly)
Maplekeen shippers come get your angst (I don’t ship it myself but I cannot imagine what the tags are gonna look like after this bc damn…)
Gray is in Argo’s mindscape. Mother FUCKER.
Fitz casts Thunderwave at Gray on-site and a Lil to cocky like Gray puts up a hand to block it but underestimates Fitz and goes flying about 10ft back (This is… mmmmm yes I’m very comfortable with the energy we’ve created in the studio today)
“Stop fucking cheating!” (YO HE CURSED REALLY WELL!!!!!! He’s learning!)
“Festo wouldn’t do anything to hurt me” *silence* (Sus)
The portal in the Chasm... ever-growing… Opalescent being with white eyes...
I’m very intrigued. I enjoy how Fitz is annoyed instead of angry most of the time. It really brings into perspective that this is kinda a useless war that doesn’t need to happen. That also the Warforged from the last episode was onto something with the question of “why six months?).
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sapphicdalliances · 7 years
ok immm sorry but im gonna have a taz discourse moment. bear w/ me.
ive been trying to like keep a lid on it but like i havent seen anyone point out that the mcelroys aren’t the right people to tell a story starring a POC where their racial identity becomes an important part of their character. like straight up im gonna say it? taako shouldn’t be brown – not in the sense that it’s wrong to draw taako brown, but that the mcelroys don’t have the right to make that artistic decision or canonically make him latino. taako’s the player character of a white dude and was developed with no racial identity in mind at all. making him brown at this point would be thoughtless lip service, not meaningful representation – and making him latino in particular would actually be horrifically racist. stop demanding tokenism from the mcelroys and acting like that’s something all POC fans want, it’s honestly embarrassing to see by now.
the nature of TAZ is that the creative team is and always will be four white guys. they’re a nerdy family doing a nerd activity and recording it as a free internet radio show. their team cannot be expanded to include more diverse creators; that’s just not how this story is set up, and that’s okay. there is more than one story in the world – that’s the point of diversity. progressive storytelling happens when many people tell their own stories, not when one person tells the stories of many people. that second one is shallow at best and downright appropriative at worst. stop demanding the mcelroys do that second one, and go support some more diverse creators.
this isn’t a pessimistic “how can you expect better from white dudes they’ll always fail us” spiel, but “you should not ask white dude creators to tick every representation box because even if they succeed it will be an inauthentic and meaningless achievement”. and that doesn’t mean white men should only make stories about white men, and i’m very glad that griffin has put in an effort to make a diverse cast of NPCs, but this demand to change one of the leads into a specific ethnicity and cultural background won’t work because it has not been considered from the start and it’s not something that justin is ready, willing, or able to do.
there’s been a lot of back-and-forth about how Criticism Is Good and you have to help the mcelroys Do Better but tbh? there is nothing wrong with the taz graphic novel designs. there’s literally nothing wrong with them because the point is that they are one single individual interpretation drawn by one person – a queer woman, no less – and are not the official designs, and don’t actually matter. like even if you want to argue that any green skin is antisemitic (which is a poorly-sourced, self-referential knot of yarn to begin with), taako’s skin is blue. merle being brown while also not being a perfect person is not tokenism or racist because there’s a diverse cast of NPCs, many of whom have dark skin. everything beyond that is up to personal preference.
not all criticisms are created equal. not every criticism is valid or useful in every situation. at some point, you have to accept that taz is not your story and you cannot demand a certain type of representation from the creators just to make yourself happy, and you can’t act like all POC fans feel the same because we certainly do not. like, if taz does something and you’re upset by it, that’s okay, and your emotions matter, but you need to realise that they are not the only emotions that matter, and also it’s not the creators’ job to fix your emotions for you.
i am a big advocate for critiquing media you enjoy and as a creator myself i do seek to learn more and better myself but part of that is also filtering out entitled white noise, like the racist asses trying to convince us that taako is “coded” as mexican and jewish just because his name sounds like taco and he likes money. so, like, whatever, good luck to mcelroys and carey on this front, but part of creating is accepting that you’ll never please everybody so hopefully they’re okay.
(“reblog this post to make taako brown” is just “sign this petition to make sterek canon” all over again and it’s still garbage, guys, after all these years it’s still bad.)
p.s. can everyone stop acting like the only two races are white and black. super would appreciate that thanks.
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chikkou · 7 years
yknow i think that villainous discourse was actually very indicative to who a person actually is bc this kid i used to follow was like 'lft is just a staff member!! dont hate the show if u hate one person!!' and like ...ok... but then they posted this rant abt how the mcelroy bros were 'accidentally racist but they are trying their best so dont get mad at them bc they dont experience the world the same!!' like. i dont think its petty unfollowing someone over the villainous thing anymore lmao
yeah honestly ive learned over the years that when it comes to ppl like that, theyll always find a way to justify the actions of their faves or defend something they like as morally sound regardless of whether or not it actually is. like i rly dont watch the mcelroy brothers so i dont have a lot of emotional investment in that situation, but i know when it came out that ltf (aka the devil incarnate) was working on villainous, i was really upset because she is a person who did a lot of terrible things to a lot of innocent people.
so for me, to hear someone say “dont boycott the show bc of ltf! its not the shows fault that gross ppl work on it! and if u dont want to watch it bc of her ur boring and stupid!” was like. wild as fuck because it said to me that they either didnt understand the full impact that her selfish and disgusting actions had on a lot of people, or, even worse, that they didnt care. 
and thats what it really boils down to. these people dont need to be defended, theyre grown and need to own up to their mistakes and learn from them, not make excuses and say “oh well i didnt know!” or “im a different person now!” as if that changes the impact that their actions have had. but the fans who defend their faves and their actions to high heaven, even the completely irredeemable ones, still want to lay claim to the self-righteousness that comes with being Morally Upright. so they make up some bullshit excuses, and find this way and that way to justify the actions of their faves, and call anyone who says otherwise An SJW. 
it really pisses me off tbqh. like… stop reaching and just admit that ur fave fucked up and accept the fact that u still actively engage in their content regardless of how bad whatever they did was. take stock in yourself and acknowledge your own faults.
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