#im new here is this some kind of secret code
that-otter-kid · 1 year
I was just looking through Tumblr and what even is this. This looks more like a compiler error than english I'm so confused
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hantheheart · 6 months
im having Lancelot thoughts so.
Headcanon list for my Purse chihuahua (yes hes stuck with that moniker now)
He's good at styling hair. Won't do shit to his own hair, but if he's left sitting idle for too long, the person nearest to him is going to wind up with a new hair style for the day. He learned from helping do his mom's hair when he was young and Jericho's here and there.
He actually collects knives. not just for using his magic with, but because he likes seeing what cool and wild designs people make. He'd like to try his hand at making one someday, he's got a couple of sketches of designs.
He's fairly good at drawing. It's very sketchy looking, but he only draws landscapes of the places he's been to.
His fox form's fur is actually pretty coarse. This is intentional on his part.
I need this boy to have some not so "cool mature and untouchable" vibes
His parents held on to all his old toys and things from before he and Jericho vanished and when he finally returned home, he buried himself in stuffed animals and toys he genuinely thought he'd never be able to see again.
He has a stuffed rabbit he used to carry with him as a kid that, after it got to worn out to be fixed, he turned into a little bag he keeps on his belt with things he considers precious to him.
He and Tristan made up a secret code so they could write each other letters no one else could understand and they still use it when they're older. They teach Percy and Gawain so it becomes "The Four Knights Secret Code". It mostly gets used for dumb stuff like planning to sneak out in the middle of the night with friends or late night snack runs
he does actually have pretty sharp canines even in human form so he will bite if necessary. He just doesn't cause he knows it makes him look feral.
He's more a cat guy, honestly. Dogs can be a bit too high strung for him and he's more cat like himself anyways. Man can, will, and has napped in weird places just because "the sun hit just right" and will make eye contact before knocking shit over just because. He thinks he's hilarious for this. Tristan and Anne do not.
Jericho used to tell him "little white lie" stories for stuff he'd ask that she either didn't have an actual answer for or didn't want to explain to him and he still believes some of them. This leads to many hilarious moments of Lance vehemently telling people something and the rest of the gang explaining the truth to him.
Donny can and has agreed with Lancelot only because its kind of funny to see everyone look at him like he's lost his shit for saying he also believes an old wives tale or a children's story too.
It's a personal goal of his to be able to beat Meliodas in a fight, not for any particular reason, but just because it feels like a good goal to have since Meliodas is technically the strongest person in Britannia.
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naviaknell777 · 1 year
Can i request " Female!reader!human x rise! Raphael " fic? Romantic, fluff, One-shot, humor, happy ending.
Plot: it happened after the movie within months, the brothers start getting more suspicious of raph's behavior since the kraang invasion; going on some " solo patrol ", volunteer to grap pizza, take out and take longer to come back, turning off his GPS so Donnie won't track him, when they call it takes forever for him to answer.
The brothers knew something was wrong but couldn't put their fingers on it; after the invasion surely raph the most would want to keep his brothers with him in lair and have family time, he sure does it but... He also doing something in secret, and they will find out what it is tonight!
Everyone say their good nights and " go to sleep " A.K.A giving raph the chance to go to pizza supreme knows where, and they follow him in secret until he stopped in the closed amusement park, it was closed due to the invasion destroying few things, raph wasn't alone, the 3 brothers saw a human female get closer to raph and hug him tightly before kissing him on his cheek, this give away to everyone that this girl - reader - is raph's new girlfriend, so they decided to tail them on their date to know if reader deserves raph or she will just harm him.
Through out the date the gang see how caring, gentle and kind reader is towards raph, which it helped them approve of their relationship ship. When they confront raph and reader they admit of begin a couple in secret for almost a whole year which it shock the group and ask MORE questions.
Thanks for your request! This is my first fanfic request and the first time I’m posting a fic online! Requests are open!
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“Spy Date”
Post-Movie!ROTTMNT!Raph x Fem!Reader
Code: [y/n] = your name, [f/c] = favorite color, [f/s] = favorite scent, [f/f] = favorite food
It started off small, so small his brothers barely noticed a thing. Raphael would grab pizza for the family alone, being gone a bit longer than he should have, but not enough to grab anyone’s attention. However, he started being gone for longer, or making up different excuses to leave alone, without his brothers or friend April.
“I’m, uh, gonna do a solo patrol! Super casual, you guys would find it boring, haha”
“I can grab the pizza for us! You guys relax here, I’ll be back in a jiffy!”
“Raph’s just gonna take a late night stroll!”
The brothers have noticed, talking about it when Raph would leave for whatever excuse he came up with that night. Leonardo, was especially curious.
“Come on guys, I’m dying to know what’s going on!” Leo said, one night Raph was taking longer than usual getting their pizza. Donatello thought for a moment, then pulled out his phone.
“Luckily for us, we can just track his location” Donnie started pressing buttons on his phone.
“Track him? Do you have a tracker on all of our phones?” Leo asked. Donnie eyed him for a moment, then nervously laughed it off.
“Pfft, of course not, Nardo…” Donnie sighed, looking back to his phone. He then tilted his head in stared at his phone in confusion.
“What’s up?” Leo asked, peeking on Donnie’s phone. There was a strange notification Donnie’s never seen before.
“Unable to locate? What the heck, Raph?” Donnie said “That’s a waste of my technology! How dare he shut off his phone like this!”
“Wow, he really shut off his phone?” Leo asked.
“Man, but im curious too!” Mikey shouted from the couch.
Soon, the three brothers heard heavy footsteps from outside the door, and Donnie shoved his phone back into his battle shell haphazardly. The door swung open with a loud creak.
“Raph’s back! I got the goods!” He shouted, holding the two boxes of pizza in one hand. He was breathing a bit heavily, perhaps he ran home, but regardless, the brothers noticed he was blushing. Leo and Donnie eyed each other for a moment than stared back at Raph.
“Did you run home, Raph buddy?” Leo asked. Raph looked surprised for a moment, but nervously laughed it off and walked over to the table.
“Yeah, just didn’t want the pizza to get cold! Now, lets eat!” Raph exclaimed. The brothers brushed it off, and soon Donnie, Leo, and Mikey came up with a plan to spy on Raph next time he went out.
A week later, the three curious brothers decided, tonight is the night they’ll tail Raph to see what he’s been up to.
“But he hasn’t left to be alone today, and it’s already so late… do you think he’ll go sometime tonight?” Mikey asked.
“I think he just might sneak out tonight, Angelo. He’s leaving alone practically every day now, he has to”
“So… what’s the game plan?” Leo asked. The three brothers thought for a moment. Raph walked into the room.
“Are you guys having a secret meeting without me?” Raph teased, faking a frown. “Is it about getting back at Splinter for eating all our pizza yesterday? Cause if so, I’m all ears! I waited a long time to get that pizza for us all!”
Leo immediately thought of a plan, “Actually” he faked a yawn “I’m gonna get some sleep, it’s been a long day. I’m sure Mikey and Donnie are tired too” he stood up and stared at his two other brothers for a moment.
“Ah yeah, i feel like i could pass out right now! Better go to bed before that happens!” Mikey said, skipping off to his room. Donnie looked up at Leo, still sitting on the floor.
“Huh? But I’m not tired” Donnie said, a bit confused. Raph stared at Leo suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. Leo grabbed Donnie’s arm and pulled him up, pushing him out of the room a bit.
“Oh but dear brother of mine, didn’t you just say you were exhausted and needed some sleep?” Leo stared at Donnie for a moment before the softshelled turtle’s eyes lit up for a moment. Donnie exaggerated a yawn.
“Ah yes, gotta get sleep to be able to function tomorrow to play around with my tech once more” Donnie walked out of the room.
“Yeah, welp, goodnight Raph!” Leo said to his brother, leaving Raph a bit confused in the room by himself. He shrugged his shoulders and walked to his room and locking the door.
“Alright…” Raph pulled out his phone and sent a text.
‘I’ll be there in an hour, sweet cakes! Gotta wait til my brothers fall asleep to sneak outta here’ Raph smiled as he sent the text, getting ready to go out. He got out a small [f/c] flower from his drawer, a bit flattened but still beautiful. His phone dinged, startling him a bit, as he read a text from [y/n].
‘Can’t wait! See you soon!’ Raph smiled, doing a happy little fancy dance before impatiently waiting. He got himself cleaned up, and after a bit has passed, he unlocked his door. He looked around, all of his brother’s doors were closed, Splinter asleep and snoring on the recliner. Raph smiled and grabbed the small flower in his hand, slowly walking out of the lair, carefully, quietly (even after he almost tripped and fell on Mikey’s skateboard), and walked out of the lair. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey popped their heads out of their bedroom doors and nodded at each other.
“We should wear disguises!” Mikey said, almost shouting loud enough to wake Splinter before his brothers shushed him.
“Michaelangelo, we don’t need disguises” Donnie responded.
“It’d be fun though!” Leo said, him and Mikey staring at Donnie with pleading eyes, arguing that it’d also help them blend in with the darkness better to sneak around. Donnie rolled his eyes and sighed, giving in. After the three quickly got dressed in ridiculous dark disguises (black sunglasses, trenchcoats, the works) they followed Raph’s lead.
“Where is he even going this late at night?” Leo asked.
“We’ll find out soon enough, Nardo” Donnie responded.
Raph looked around, slowing down his pace, hiding away in an alley for a bit before he noticed his girl walking to the worn and broken amusement park sign. Raph smiled and blushed, looking around and then rushed over to her, greeting her with a big smile.
At this moment, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo stared at the two from afar in an alley, watching the pair.
“Raph’s got a new human friend and he didn’t tell us?!” Mikey exclaimed, staring at the two with wide eyes.
“How did they even meet? You would think we’d be around him enough to catch them at some point…”Donnie commented.
“I feel like its been forever since I’ve seen you, [y/n]!” Raph said, wagging his spikes tail.
[Y/N] laughed, “Aww, you just saw me two days ago, sweetie!”
“Like I said, it’s been forever!” Raph then held out the flower he was holding out to [y/n], making her gasp lightly. “I also, uh, got you this, heh…”
She gently took the flower out of his hand, admiring it’s beauty, “Raphie, it’s beautiful! And it’s my favorite color too! Thank you!” She smiled, and tucked the flower into her hair. Raph smiled, blushing. [Y/N] blushed, getting on the tips of her toes to reach up and kiss his cheek gently.
“Raph’s got a girlfriend?” Mikey almost yelled, smiling. Leo and Donnie looked at each other in a bit of shock, then back at the couple.
“I’m honestly surprised he could manage a conversation with her considering how awkward he can be” Donnie commented, causing Leo to shove him a bit.
“Ohoho, I gotta know more about this” Leo said, smirking.
“Do you think she’s a good girlfriend?” Mikey asked his brothers, they all thought for a moment.
“Well she has to be… right? I don’t think Raph would tolerate someone who doesn’t respect him.” Leo said.
“However, he can be too nice for his own good… if anything he could be giving her the benefit of the doubt” Donnie said.
Mikey grew nervous, “We gotta make sure she’s good for him!”
“We can’t ruin their date though!” Leo said.
“Then let’s just keep watching, make sure she isn’t doing any funny business” Donnie said, the two other brothers nodding in agreement. They stared back at the couple, Leo pushing up his sunglasses comically.
“So… why’d you pick here for today’s date? It’s kind of wrecked from the invasion” [Y/N] said to Raph, looking up at him.
Raph smiled and grabbed her hand, “You’ll see” he smiled, taking her hand in his bigger one as they strolled into the abandoned and worn amusement park, admiring what once was, and what was left after the destruction of it all. The crushed stands, the pieces of rides broken apart, the moon that illuminated the wreckage in a hauntingly beautiful light. The couple strolled through the path that workers and volunteers managed to make between the wreckage during the say time in attempt to restore the park, though slowly, would be worth it when everything is back to normal. The couple talked about miscellaneous things, [Y/N]’s school, Raph’s life and his brothers, anything and everything they wanted.
“Okay Y/N! Close your eyes now!” Raph exclaimed, holding her hand a bit tighter.
“Ooh, a surprise? Lead the way!” Y/N said. Raphael slowly guided her forwards, looking back every now and then to make sure she wasn’t peeking. After a bit they stopped, and Raphael gently asked his love to open her eyes.
When Y/N opened her eyes, she gasped, smiling brightly. She walked closer to the candlelit picnic her turtle boyfriend set up for her, the outdoor picnic table’s red paint was chipped but it glowed nicely from the moonlight and the [f/s] candles. There was a cute picnic basket, something straight out of a romance movie. Two paper plates and utensils were also laid out nicely.
“Ah, Raphie! This is beautiful!” Y/N said, causing Raph to giggle lightly.
“Aw, anything for you, sweets!” Raph grabbed onto Y/N’s hand and walked with her over to the table he had spent a while setting up. She took a seat on the seat across from him, smiling, opening the picnic basket, taking out two tins of food and sweets.
“You can have whatever you wanna have! I bought a lot of different stuff that we both like, so you can have as much as ya want!” Raph said, blushing and smiling a bit. Y/N looked to Raph for a moment and then back at the tins of food.
“Oh, you know I love to eat! Thanks for the food, Raphie! You’re so sweet, really. You even got my favorite candle scent!”
Raphael looked surprised for a moment, “Ah, yeah, I totally knew that was your favorite scent!” He sighed “Heh, I’m glad you like the setup… outta 10?” He asked.
“10 outta 10 for me! Thank you, really” Y/N opened the tin and spread some [f/f] onto her plate.
“Raph did a really good job with his date today!” Leo commented as him and his brothers spy from afar, watching the duo talk as they eat a late dinner together.
“And Y/N seems good for him!” Mikey said, smiling a bit, playing with the long sleeves of his trench coat.
“Hmm, I’m still a bit skeptical” Donnie said, watching the couple intently from afar.
Throughout the dinner, Raphael and Y/N talked more as they ate. After the dinner, Y/N smiled at Raph, “I really enjoyed tonight, Raph” Y/N stood up, helping Raph clean up the mess. Together they walked towards a trash can and threw away the plates and utensils. They walked together for a little bit more, finally stopping at the entrance of the abandoned park again, the moon shining down on them. They looked at each other and held hands, smiling at each other lovingly.
“I really enjoyed our date today, Y/N! Did you enjoy yourself too?” He asked a bit nervously, he just wanted to make sure everything was perfect for his love.
“Oh, it totally was! Every time I spend with you is perfect for me” Y/N blushed a bit, looking up at Raph, who was blushing a bit as well.
“Oh, well, I’m glad!” He smiled. He took Y/N gently in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her. She hugged him back, being careful as to not hurt themselves on Raph’s spikey shell.
“Same time next week?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, but on Wednesday instead?” Raph countered.
“Perfect for me” Y/N said, sighing contently. She was the first to let go of the hug, looking into Raph’s dark green eyes that was glistening under the moonlight. He leaned in a bit closer to Y/N.
“They’re actually really cute together!” Leo commented.
“Hmm, yes, I suppose I agree with you brother” Donnie said, watching the couple intently and smiling a bit. Mikey smiled widely.
“Aww yeah! Get it bro!” Mikey shouted towards Raph, unintentionally ruining the end of his date. Raph almost jumped up in suprise, eyes widening as he looked around him and spotted his three other brothers huddled behind a trash can by an alleyway, staring back at him. Leo slapped Mikey’s shell.
“Mikey! You ruined their date bro!” Leo yelled. Donnie facepalmed, staring at his two louder brothers, then back at Raph and Y/N. Y/N looked a bit surprised as well, but smiled and waved a bit shyly at Raph’s brothers. Raphael took Y/N’s hand and walked towards his brothers.
“We’re you guys spying on me this whole time?!” Raph yelled, crossing his arms, giving a nasty look at his brothers.
“Uh, who are you speaking to? We’re just some simple tourists!” Leo said, trying to pretend he wasnt Raph’s brother, hidingrg deeper in his trench coat.
“I know it’s you guys, stop playing.” Raph said, staring at his three brothers. They all looked at him, then each other for a moment, yelling over each other on whose idea it was to spy on Raph’s date. “Okay, enough! Stop yelling!”
The three other brothers sighed, “okay, okay, we’re sorry” Leo sighed.
“Yeah, please forgive us!” Mikey said. Donnie simply nodded.
Raph sighed, “hmm, alright…”
“But, now that we’re all here…” Mikey started.
“Who is she?!” Mikey, Donnie, and Leo shouted together, pointing at Y/N. She stared at them blankly for a moment, then smiled.
“I’m Y/N!” She introduced herself “it’s nice to meet you!”
“Y/N, these are my brothers, Mikey, Leo, and Donnie” Raph introduced them, the brothers greeting themselves back to her.
“So… how long have you guys been together?” Leo asked after a bit of talking and the three brothers getting to know Y/N.
Raph and Y/N looked at each other for a moment before Y/N responded, “oh, it’ll be our one year anniversary next month! You didn’t tell them, Raph?” Raph looked at Y/N nervously. Raph’s three brothers either lit up or looked at the couple in shock.
“A year?!”
(Notes! Can anyone help me find the button to add the “under the cut” thing on mobile on phone? I can’t find it and I can’t find the answer anywhere 0w0)
All Rights Reserved ©️NaviaKnell777 2023
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rappaccini · 23 days
Alright alright alright im starting to try and get into the spidergwen comics after learning about her existence through spiderverse and have been rotating her (or at least a version of her that exists in my head) in my skull while she bounces around like the dvd screensaver as I try to work out all of what I’m supposed to read (why are comics like this?)
Anyways I found ur account today and have been reading through it and such (you have so much insight even if a lot of it isn’t super understandable rn) and you seem pretty qualified here. I was wondering if the transcoding of Gwen is a spiderverse invention or if there’s some in the comics as well perhaps.
Have a good day ^^
hello! thank you for reading, and if you need a reading list i can get you one.
but to answer your question.... i'm gonna say something controversial here so just run with me.
the short answer is: no. gwen-65 from the comics is not trans.
the spiderverse movies added that to her character (specifically, in atsv; itsv gwen isn't trans-coded at all), likely as a way to at best, acknowledge that spider-gwen is inherently queer... but without interfering with their overpowering need to ship her with a straight boy. or at worst, it's a way to sidestep gwen's sapphicness without getting called out for erasing her queerness. and it worked. people embraced the coding, insist comics gwen should be everything sv gwen is too, and they claim she was always that way (she's not).
the long answer is: here. it's 50+ pages long. i'm not exaggerating. but it's the fullest answer you'll get about what kind of queer gwen is... and it's not trans. i'll take the trans-specific sections of that meta and post them below the cut.
the mid-length answer is: no. there's plenty of evidence for a trans reading, but the coding is shaky at best, and it's basically canon that gwen-65 is cis.
gwen is indisputably queer-coded in the latour run... but the latour run keeps the coding vague enough that you can identify her as whatever kind of queer you want.
sure, gwen could be trans. but the things people point to as 'evidence' can also be read as proof that she's asexual, a lesbian, bi, pan, so on and so forth.
discovering a secret side of yourself during puberty and hiding it from your parent because you're afraid they'll hate or fear you, or have you locked up, if they know? insert any queer identity here.
gwen's coming-out speech to her father? is lifted nearly word for word from gwen's first issue. where it can apply to being any other kind of queer.
concealing who you really are from a straight boy who's attracted to you because you're afraid he'll reject you if he knows, and that being in a romantic relationship that's expected of you will inherently hurt you? again, insert any kind of queer.
having your boyfriend's parents reject you off a single look? yes, that could be very applicable to the trans dating experience. it's more likely that this is intended to reflect the interracial dating experience, since gwen is white and miles is black.
there isn't a point in gwen's solo where the pink, blue and white colors of the trans flag rain down around her. her covers do often use the pink/orange/white of the lesbian flag during the latour run, and moves more towards the blue/purple/pink of the bisexual flag in the mcguire run. if you want to play the color theory game, you'll lose. (... and even in itsv, gwen's also surrounded by pink/orange/white and blue/pink/purple. so just off the colors of her backgrounds in the movie, there isn't a consensus.)
george stacy calling peter's death gwen 'taking a son away from him' is new and unique to the movies. in the comics, peter's death (which she is directly responsible for) is essentially an act of police brutality on gwen's part. and the queer subtext is there, but it's that peter's an incel who gwen defended herself from after refusing to give in to comphet. that entire theme is Gone from the movies, likely to make sure gwen's more positive towards the idea of dating miles.
gwen leaves her dimension right after revealing herself to her dad, but it's not because she's too afraid to stay or thinks she can't go home (george immediately backs down when she reveals herself, never tries to arrest or shoot her, and instantly starts protecting her from the cops). it's because she wants to help the spider-army fight an interdimensional threat. the whole time she's away, she knows she's going back. no theming whatsoever about being a trans girl fleeing an unaccepting world. if anything, earth-65 is more accepting than the rest of the multiverse, which constantly insists to gwen that she must enter heteronormative relationships.
other things that may ring true for the trans experience also have other explanations:
gwen's fear of revealing her secret identity to her friends because she's worried they'll see her as a monster: is a universal teenage anxiety with many different interpretations. but in context... she literally killed their friend and is on the run because of that.
gwen's transience and constant secrecy: is because she's a fugitive. she's not running away from home because she's a trans girl fleeing persecution. she's constantly running because she is guilty of the crime she's being accused of. she did kill peter.
gwen learning she's a part of a subgroup of people who are subject to a disproportionate amount of violence and sexual assault, and objectified yet treated as inherently disposable to the point where their premature and often violent deaths are normalized-- and that these issues are considered unsolvable and acceptable by everyone around her: could read as a commentary on the treatment of trans women by society. it could also apply to queer women, and to women in general.
gwen's love of traditionally masculine nerdy culture and hobbies: is a tactical move to get a mostly-male audience (... who wouldn't be very open about reading about a more conventionally feminine girl) to relate to gwen as a person. they made her a tomboy.
gwen's grungy, androgynous wardrobe and lanky build: are a protective measure to keep gwen from being sexualized by her artists.
gwen's spider-suit has nothing to do with the trans flag, and wasn't originally, pink, white and blue: it was purple, white and blue. the blue was a reference to latour's hometown basketball team, the charlotte hornets. the pink was purple, but it kept being miscolored and now that the movies and animation stuck with pink (especially the spiderverse movies; remember how aggressively pink gwen's backstory sequence was?), it's gonna stay that way. if anything, the shift from purple to pink is some gender essentialist Pink Is The Girl Color So Give It To The Girl Hero bullshit.
gwen's fondness for hoodies: was a very misguided 2014-era commentary on how "wearing a hoodie doesn't make you a criminal." yes, it's referencing that. and it did not age well (especially since gwen is guilty of the crime she's being accused of) so we don't talk about it anymore. it's also a design loophole to make sure she's recognizably feminine, without having to show any hair or skin (because the hood stands in for long hair; more gender norm enforcement).
gwen's dependency on pills to access her powers: is part of a recurring theme in the latour run about substance abuse: gwen ditches and lies to her friends and family, vanishes for weeks and wakes up in bars and alleyways, is presumed dead by her loved ones many times, enters an abusive partnership with a much older man who plies her with drugs to keep her coming back to him, goes on the run with harry osborn (famously a drug addict in the main universe) as her dependency intensifies and he's near death due to his own... and her symbiote, which looks like black tar, is referred to as an addiction. could it be a metaphor for gwen transitioning? yes! is the more likely subtext that gwen's abusing drugs to cope with peter's death, especially given that her dependency on the pills and initial bond with gwenom are negative? yes. if you want to use the transition metaphor, go ahead. but be careful of what the negative framing then implies about the transition.
gwen using "we" pronouns in her gwenom form: is something all the venoms do. take it or leave it.
during the latour run, if you want to interpret gwen as trans, you can. there's plenty of fuel, and there's never a point where gwen says "i'm cis" out loud.
... until sitting in a tree. ironically, the crossover that got gwen in the spiderverse movies to begin with is the point where the possibility of gwen being trans ends, because it canonizes that earth-8 is a "possible future" of earth-65 (aka gwen-8 is a future version of gwen-65; same person, same consciousness, same body). and earth-8 is a world where gwen has biological children with miles. logically speaking, the only way that can happen is if gwen has a uterus (because you know miles is definitely cis).
is it hard canon that gwen gave birth to the kids? no. but look at the heteronormative hellscape that is earth-8 and the gwiles ship. gwen being the vessel for miles's biokids is an inherent part of the fantasy (because it's proof they had sex, it ties her to him forever, and it's that weird advance-my-bloodline shit straight people are into). the writers and fandom want gwen to have the hardware for that to be possible. they will never want the door closed to that possibility, so realistically gwen will never be transgender.
(... extremely funny to me that gwiles killed the possibility of trans gwen for a cishet nuclear family fantasy, then brought it back and pushed it hard a decade later to dodge straightwashing allegations, and both times it was to make sure miles could date her. pick a struggle.)
so. gwen is cis. and she'll almost certainly stay cis.
after the latour run, the mcguire run introduces the elements that atsv adopts: gwen feels unwanted, persecuted and alone in her world, is upset that she can't have a romance there, is driven out by being accused of a crime she didn't commit and starts aimlessly multiverse bouncing.
but given that it's pretty much canon that gwen's cis, the trans-coding you can squeeze out of gwen being run out of restaurants while she's on a date is paper thin. you can read gwen as trans, but she's definitely not being coded as such.
past the latour run, though gwen's sapphicness and avoidance of heteronormativity keep getting more and more obvious (the queer coding narrows down our options from the latour run's "who knows but she sure doesn't want to date or marry men" to the mcguire run's "gwen's not asexual and probably sapphic" to smash's "gwen's into women but in the closet about it"), the gender aspects completely fade away. gwen-65 is queer, but she's a cis woman.
... but. there is a canon transgender spider-gwen in the comics, that even appears in 2023, the year of atsv's release (... which definitely feels on purpose).
in shadow clones, we get a glimpse of dozens of alternate gwens across the multiverse (several of whom seem to be queer). including this guy to the lower right.
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who is the only male gwen variant shown.
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who has a trans flag and what looks like a trans symbol (⚧) pinned to his backpack. it's a canon transmasc spider-gwen.
he's very intentionally shown to not be our spider-gwen from earth-65... in the miniseries that comes out barely a few months after atsv. they're telling you 'we know a lot of the people who are reading this comic came from atsv and think gwen's trans. no, she isn't. but hey, there's one out there somewhere, if you squint!'
that's the most we'll ever realistically get of a canon trans spider-gwen in the comics. since marvel comics still won't let gwen-65 come out as bisexual, there's just no way they'll let her be trans at all. they're not gonna retcon a reveal that she was trans all along. they're not gonna have gwen go through a coming-out process that ends in her identifying as trans. it would be cool! but we have to be realistic, and realistically... it's not gonna happen.
gwen is and will be trans-coded in the spiderverse movies (...as long as a possible earth-8 ending doesn't blow a hole in that headcanon), but that won't spread to the comics, or likely anywhere else-- including future animation and live-action depictions.
in the long run, spiderverse gwen's most likely just a one-off whose lasting legacy on the character will be letting the general public know that spider-gwen is queer... while also delaying comics-gwen's confirmation as bisexual by muddying the water about what type of queer she is (which buys more time for gwiles to swoop in and stop her coming out from happening anytime soon... or at all).
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benetnvsch · 10 months
Hi I'm making a kunikidazai playlist, do you have any kunikidazai song recommendations?
Ps i love your kunikida and dazai dogies!
aaaah wait this is so fun ?? Huge to Me that ur coming to me for knkdz song recs ahh im flattered *stares at u with my big ol eyes*
unfortunately, I have like... No Taste in Songs and all the songs I like which I think 'fit them' are for very specific reasons that Probably Only exist to me but shhh- it'll try my best to share them in a way that makes sense and u can give them a listen if u want or just ignore them ahah :'')
Anyway - here's some songs that have made me think of kunikidazai when listening to but they get more and more obscure/inaccurate (might just be me taking an opportunity to talk about songs I like... whoops)!!
Adding a break cuz it's long ahah
1. Worst Case Scenario- The Hoosiers
This song to me is such a one to the other song, can be either knkd or dz addressing it to the other - both kind of criticizing each other's lives and how they behave but genuinely wishing the other to be better
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2. Icarus - Bastille
Similar to the last one, feels like it could easily be a one to the other song but where they're more just aggressively concerned for each other's lives (Dazai w/Kunikida and his ideals and Kunikida with Dazai and his suicidal tendencies and both of them with their self-sacrificing tendencies (knkd and the helicopter and dz in the elevator))
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3. Remains- Bastille/Rag n'Bone Man, Skunk Anansie
Another Bastille song,, this one is closer to an actual love song KDJFHKFJh but uhh,, it's a nice lil tune about always loving each other, even after death- even if not getting along always and that kind of just makes me think of knkdz (55 minutes knkdz specifically bc they do die (for a bit) together there)
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(Also poet by Bastille is the Kunikida song ever if ur interested in just knkd)
4. Stranger- Covey
had to sneak a covey song in somewhere ahah- feel like this one would be more of a Dazai POV one just Not Feeling good enough for Kunikida's partnership (work, platonic, romantic or otherwise) esp when his past was still kept secret from him
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5. New Face- James
This one's strange but here me out... It's Dazai's entrance Exam Kunikida POV coded to me- Been wanting to make an edit with this to the entrance exam stage play for forever
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extra lyric,, that is vaguely also kunisaki to me ehehe
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6. Cornflower Blue - Flower Face
This whole Song is SO Knkdz to me,, romance but in some strange morbid-is way with foreboding dark undertones and the constant threat of losing the other ahah
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7. Garamond - Arm's Length
Garamond feels like another realistic KNKDZ song where it's... Not The Best Relationship but they're trying and are both dedicated to each other but it's still somewhat destructive/self sacrificing so idk??
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8. Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins) - Father John Misty
This might be one of my favorite romantic songs of all time and so I just had to find a way to connect it to KNKDZ ahah- but? I like to view it as maybe?? them both trying to find a Normal relationship in another and just experiencing actual like,, healthy romance,, but this I feel?? would kinda be not accurate to canon and represent perhaps more of an idealized version of knkdz </3
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but yeah, these two lyrics specifically remind me of them,, the first one would be from kunikida's pov as has always made me think of his plan of waiting till a certain age to date/get married/etc. and the idea that falling in love with Dazai would change how he views that and the second would be from Dazai's pov when they actually get together
Anyway - you probably didn't ask for such a long response and I'm sorry for rambling I just really like music ahah kdhj-
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candy8448 · 3 months
Here are my notes on the dungeon if you want
Im in the process of trying to tyrn this dugeon into a DND campgain so things are simplified to make it playable in dnd but can be made more complicated if you want, also some things might be explained in dnd like terms
Sections: there are description of the town notes, puzzle idea notes, boss fight sequence notes and dnd playing notes that are not really needed in a fic context
If somebody uses this idea, please please please credit me
Clocktower campgain:
Each of the houses have a faint red light (street light kind of thing) that light up when it starts to get dark. Drcide when that is
Have a special currency that they can use to skip hours at some point once you've progressed to a certain point
Opening narration: "Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. You look up to see a clocktower looming over you, the numbers in roman numerals and the hands steadily ticking along. The clock pannel glows with a warm orange in the dark of the night. The clock reads midnight. At the top of the clocktower there is a purple orb, the light from both the clock and the orb lighting up the surrounding area just enough to see. Youre in the center of an abbandonned town, behind you a building. What do you do?"
Unlock: every 4 houses completed unlocks a new level/floor of the clocktower
Lvl1: double the noting space for every player
Lvl2: time speeds up
Lvl3: ability to use the currency to skip time
Lvl4: boss fight
The town is split into four quadrents/streets: The quarter past quadrent, The half past quadrent, The half to quadrent, The quarter to quadrent. There are signs outside of each with the name on it. This is to make it easier for the players to tell me where they want to go
There is a button in the room, on the other end of the town there is a matching one, maybe colour coded. The party has to split up and press it at the same time
One room has a code that applies for another. The party has to memories this code because if the numbers are written down, they fade away as if there was nothing there
A room has a lock. Its coloured but they have a few coloured keys. Depending in their perception, they get the right colour. If its bad, then they need to keep trying more keys and the hour might end before they unlock it
Have two or three locations where in one, only a specific skill that only one of the players have is needed, then have them both interchangable so that the person needed is always in the wrong space, and has to make their way over there. Maybe put something blocking their way, maybe something theyre weak to, that they need the ithers to clear out like a sort of escort mission
Two houses that unlock at the same hour, but at am and pm, their contents switch places to the other one
Pieces that form a riddle, so when they get all the pieces, they try to figure out an order and then solve it
One room has a puzzle specially designed to take too long for the hour, and every time they come back it resets. In the previous hour's house, there is a secret tubnel that can lead to it meaning they have an extra hour to figure it out, or the tunnel is in a shed so they have acces to it 24/7. Maybe that is also where one of the buttons is that needs to be pressed at the same time. The button is always easily visible (like through a too tiny window) but both cannot be accesed at the same hour. However, when they find the tunnel, they now have access to it meaning they are able to go to the ither house at its hour and then this one using the tunnel and press it at the same time. The key is actually a shovel (can be changed for fic reasons), but the whole town in concrete floor, so they go to the park to dig down and find the tunnel
Have a diary that has a riddle or a code hidden in words that ends up with maybe a number code or something, but its a red herring to waste time and make them miss a few hours
Boss fight:
Phase 1 in the clocktower, once they get the health down to zero, the monster screams, and rewinds time for just themselves, the party watches in horror as you see the clock hands winding backwards, accelerating. The boss has regained it's health and explodes the clocktower. Phase two is in the streets of the town, with all of the house doors locked and a force field around the park and sheds so you cant go in them
Dnd playablity stuff that you dont need for a fic:
Cover parts of the map with paper that they incover as they go along. Have post it notes or paper with blu tac that they can stick on the houses to label the time
Dont tell them how many rounds an hour lasts, they need to figure that out themselves
After two levels of the clocktower, narrate the ticking sound, then go faster, and say the amount of rounds for an hour is less now
The players can make notes if they want
To press the button at the same time, people on both sides need to roll a d20, if they roll within 5 of eachother, they are succesful, of not, maybe time runs out or something, idk
Depending on their intellegence or wisdom roll at the start, that is how much lined paper they have to note on. One piece of info on each line. Maybe after the first layer of the clocktower is unlocked, they all get another a4 or a5 sheet to write on (e.g. they roll a 1 and get 2 lines to write on, roll a 2 and get 4 lines and so on)
The players can roll perception checks to see how much health an enemy has. On the final boss, if they check, lower they cant tell, middle they see the health, high they can feel a sort of reserve of power underneathe. Have that like a gradient for whatever they roll
If you write this i would be the happiest being i the universe, but of course you dont have to, im even happy with just the fact that you are excited about the idea
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peachcitt · 2 years
hey Peach, certified book rec list enabler friend here, can you give us a list of those classic lit recs? 👀
so i know you asked specifically for classic lit for beginners and i think that is a fantastic idea for a book rec list but im going to give some disclaimers
these are simply classic lit books that i like
classic lit books that i like tend to be easier reads FOR ME, not necessarily for other people
my personal definition of "classic lit" is incredibly loose
under the cut is each book with an elaboration on what it's about/what to look out for/my thoughts on it which got a little long, so here's a snapshot of each of the books i included on this list:
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)
Lady Audley's Secret (Braddon)
Brave New World (Huxley)
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Dracula (Stoker)
Olive (Craik)
Herland (Gilman)
At Night All Blood is Black (Diop)
Fun Home (Bechdel)
so anyway here are my recs in no particular order
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
by far my favorite shakespeare play - it's truly funny and emotional when it needs to be, and snappy and bickeringly in love benedick and beatrice really steal the show here. reading it is fun, but since it's a play i'll say my favorite adaptation is the stage production with david tennant and catherine tate as benedick and beatrice. there's also a web series adaptation on youtube that is absolutely phenomenal
2. Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Bradden
by far my favorite book that i've ever had to read for a class !! this is a mystery novel from the mid-1800s, and it's GRIPPING. it follows a distinctly queer-coded lawyer whose best friend goes missing around the time that he meets the lawyer's new hot young step-aunt. i actually posted an alternate ending on ao3 a while ago (it was my final assignment for the class) (i got a good grade). the language in this book is relatively easy to follow, and there's a lot of interesting stuff happening with gender/women/sexuality in there. i cannot recommend this book enough
3. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
a fun dystopia from the 1920s! i think if you wanted to get English Major about it, this is a great companion read for 1984 because of how both of these books are dystopias that revolve around what freedom of speech/thought might mean, but they address that idea in complete opposite ways- compelling! while 1984 is all about repression through submission, brave new world is about repression through overt sexuality and substance abuse. i think 1984 is good, but brave new world is a better read; it's emotionally investing and impactful with the words it chooses to use. there's some race/gender/sexuality tension in there that i think is really interesting. reading it in high school changed my life a bit i think.
4. Peter Pan by James Barrie
i think we're all pretty familiar with the story of peter pan, but reading the original text is just a whole other beast. it's a short read, so it can be pretty casual to just pick up. it's a profoundly weird story and i think more people should know about that. a lot of race/gender/age stuff going on there
5. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
a given. a bit of a slower read at points, but i've always thoroughly enjoyed reading frankenstein. key things that i like: the russian doll format, how stupid victor frankenstein is, henry<3, the creature<3
6. Dracula by Bram Stoker
also a given. all the tumblrinas should know about this one. key things that i like: the polyamory vibes, quincey morris<3, jonathan harker<3, mina<3. also how bloody and graphic it is<3
7. Olive by Dinah Mulock Craik
this is a relatively little-known marriage plot novel from the later end of the 1800s and i gotta say. i was Into It the whole time. of course there's some weird stuff in there, but overall this is a book about a girl with a physical disability that gets to be in love and be loved with a happy ending (!!). that kind of thing was nearly unheard of back then, and so even though the language/treatment of all characters isn't perfect, it's really genuine in what it wants to say (which is that people with disabilities deserve love and happy endings). it's a pretty religiously dogmatic text, so be aware of that. the copy of olive that i have came with craik's short story The Half-Caste which is ! well it's a short read and it's a weird one!
8. Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
an early 1900s utopian novel! this one is particularly interesting because there's three (or four, can't remember) male main characters who end up stumbling upon a secret society comprised of only women that is essentially a utopia. how each man reacts to seeing women control, live, and thrive in their own society is really pointed. obviously a lot of gender/sexuality stuff happening in there. my only disclaimer for this one is that sometimes utopian novels can become a bit stagnant, but this one manages to avoid that for the most part because of the conflict the male characters bring in
9. At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop
this is a book that was published in 2018 but i actually didn't know that until i looked it up just now! what! it concerns a sengalese man named alfa who ends up fighting for the french during world war I. after the tragic death of his best friend, alfa begins a descent into madness due to his guilt and his rage. this is a short novel, but it's unbelievably heavy. there's a lot of graphic violence and hard emotions, but it's written so well. it also provides a picture of world war I from the perspective of the african men who were forced into the trenches that isn't normally depicted. it's truly thought-provoking and beautifully written.
10. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
yes, bechdel as in the bechdel test. fun home is bechdel's graphic novel memoir that was published in the early 2000s, and it details her youth in rural pennsylvania as well as her complicated relationship with her father as she navigated her sexuality as a butch lesbian. it is astoundingly poignant, and the format as a graphic novel means it's a welcoming, quick read (although when i read it i really did dwell on the amazing art panels, and it did make me sit and pause for a while because of how insanely good it is). this is a great snapshot of a particular kind of queer life in the 1960s-70s, and how bechdel depicts her father and her relationship with him is particularly compelling. be aware of themes of sexuality (of course), but also themes of abuse and pedophilia. everything is depicted with care in my opinion, but this one can also get a bit heavy.
and that's it! ive read a decent amount of classic lit, but these are the ones that i enjoyed the most/would be the most welcoming to people who don't normally pick up books like this.
happy reading!!<3
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dottie-writes-tmnt · 4 months
Settled In
This is part five of my story A New Kind of Familiar. Tags and other chapters can be found here!
No summary this time we ballin; Ruby gets his own room tho
Ruby woke up to quiet commotion going on around the couch he was sleeping on. Leo, Mikey, Casey Sr., and Donnie were all begging Red for something.
“Raph, cmon, please?”
“You’ve been saying ‘next year’ for the past 3 years!”
“Red, we should all go. It will be a bonding experience for all of us,” Casey said, oddly formal.
“I concur. Unless Ruby’s straight and/or homophobic, in which case it’ll be horrible.”
“Oh, shit. I forgot those exist. But Ruby’s literally Raph from another dimension. Isn’t he queer by default?”
“There’s always a possibility, Leon.”
“ Ouch,” Ruby snarked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “It was already offensive enough when ya said I was straight, but the jump to homophobic was just evil. You guys really need to work on not talkin’ about a guy when he’s in the room with ya, by the way.”
He watched with mild amusement as everyone in the room looked at him in either shock or guilt.
“Anyway, where are you guys tryin’ to convince Red to let ya go?”
In his sleepy haze, it took him awhile to process what he’d heard.
“A pr—“
“Wait a damn minute, Leo’s— you’re all— holy crap, this dimension is so backwards oh my god.”
“You don’t mean to tell me I’m straight in your dimension!?”
“It’s not the end of the world, Leon.”
“You’re not straight all of a sudden?!”
“I’ve known I was gay since I was 6!”
“That’s fuckin’ crazy.”
“Language,” Raph warned, just slightly louder, overlapping once again with the Leonardo ingrained in his mind.
“Ah, right, I haven’t asked any questions about your dimension yet! I have been trying to let you settle in first, but my curiosity is slowly getting the better of me. And what better time to do it than while ‘buying’ more pride things for all of our ever-growing collections?”
“That’s a Donatello way of saying ‘be prepared, bitch, I’m gonna interrogate the fuck outta you’, ain’t it?”
“Third strike, yer out,” Red growled playfully, grabbing Ruby by the top of his shell and lifting him until he dangled in the air.
The turtle swallowed his immediate panic, recalling Raph doing similar things to Leo, Mikey, and Donnie.
“Donnie, you can interrogate ‘im next week. Ruby, ya get air jail for 10 minutes.”
“Haha you got air jail,” Leo taunted, sticking his tongue out at him.
Mikey gasped beside them.
“Guys, we have to go! It’ll be Casey Jr.’s first one, since Raph didn’t let us go last year! Ruby, have you ever been to a pride parade?”
“I’ve been nocturnal for most of my life and spent the rest of it fearing humans for all I’m worth. So no.”
“That’s why your sleep schedule sucks,” the box turtle said like he’d cracked some magic code to the secret of life.
Raph finally sighed.
“Fine, we can go. We’re going shoppin’ today, we’ll go to a parade tomorrow, and we’ll watch old gay movies the next day, and maybe if y’all behave, Raph and Leo’ll make ya some extra clothes, mm?”
The others rejoiced, waking up Casey Jr., who shuffled into the living room and leaned against the doorway, rubbing his eyes to try to wake up. His hair was a mess and he looked like he was back asleep already. Raph set Ruby back on the couch.
“Wha’s hap’nin?” the boy slurred, humming happily when Raph scooped him up and nuzzled the side of his head.
“Mornin’, Casey.”
“I think he’s already asleep again,” Leo murmured.
“No, he’s not.”
The snapper set him down on the couch near Ruby and the teen immediately latched onto him, nuzzling his face into the turtle’s shoulder. He stiffened immediately, eyes going to the teen on him.
“You’re gonna be there awhile,” Donnie informed. 
“Sooo…we call April, Barry, maybe Dad and leave around ten-ish?”
“Yeah, we do need to update Dad’s collection, don’t we?”
That was the craziest shit he’d heard all night. Apparently, during summer, the family was nocturnal.
“Now y’all are just lying to me.”
“Splinter is a homophobic conservative. Anything else and you’re lying.”
“Sorry to break it to you, amigo, but Dad is very much a bisexual.”
“You’re lying. Casey drools in his sleep.”
“I know. We’ll get him in a bit.”
“Everybody’s eating before we leave,” Raph growled, glowering at Donnie. Suddenly, music started blaring from Leo’s phone.
“You already know you’re dealing with this shit all month,” the slider said simply as I Like Boys by Todrick Hall played. “Anyway, just lemme know when we’re leaving.”
Donnie rolled his eyes. “Leon, we depart in close to an hour.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll see you guys then!”
“He’s going to see Usagi,” Donnie said at the same time Red said “he’s goin’ visit Usagi.”
They both sighed, rolling their eyes.
“You’ll see. Anyway, have fun with Jr.”
“Wait a damn minute!”
“I’m gonna go work on cooking, so we can all actually eat something before we leave.”
“SHELLDON is in need of his routine scrubbing. And I need to continue working on his body.”
“SHELLDON is our nephew, only the best little AI in the world,” Mikey chirped. (What.)
“With villain tendencies,” chimed Cassandra, before getting up. “Yeah, I’m gonna get a workout in before we leave.”
“What am I supposed to do about Casey Jr.?”
“Someone’ll swing by to get him or his body clock will wake him up. Good luck. You also look like ya need more sleep,” Raph said, glancing Ruby’s way.
“I can’t fall back asleep once I wake up. Trust me, I’ve got all the sleep I’m gonna get.”
“Alright. I’m gonna watch some Lou Jitsu,” the snapper said simply, turning on the projector and sitting near the couch.
Ruby turned to watch the screen, Casey inhaling deeply, shifting in his sleep as he sighed before he tightened his hold on the turtle and huffed.
“Jr.’s a very clingy sleeper. He lost a lot of people.”
“This’s worse than Chompy,” he muttered, sighing as he rubbed the human’s back. It was a subconscious gesture, his mind drifting to the last time he’d taken a nap with his child.
“Turtle alien from the time we went to space.”
“Yeah. To stop murderous aliens from killing everyone ‘n destroying the planet. Ya know, the usual.”
“That…how old’re you, again?”
“Eh, I dunno anymore. With the whole Dimension X thing, and the whole time travel thing, none of us know how old we are. But I’m the second oldest. I could be anywhere from 15 to fuckin’, what, 17?”
“When did you guys go to space?”
“Well, that was the time travel thing. I think I was 15? We count Leo as being a year older than me, so uh… I think. Why?”
“No reason. Just, y’all were kids.”
“I know. What does that hafta do with anything?”
“Nothin’! It’s great you guys did so much for the world.”
“Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
The two settled to watch the man on the TV scream hot soup and take out enemies courageously.
Some time passed with Ruby watching blurry colors and hearing static instead of the actual movie, the weight on top of him the only thing that kept him from completely being lost. That happened to him a lot.
“—by? Ruby? Hey, Ruby?”
He clocked in enough to hear Red’s voice gain more concern as he still didn’t respond. He couldn’t force noise from his mouth, unsure why he was having such trouble. He grunted, shifting to try to get some life back into himself. Jr. woke immediately, sitting up.
“It’s time to go,” the box turtle continued, walking over. “Ruby?”
He really wished people would just shut the fuck up and leave him alone.
“Blink if you’re hearing what I’m saying.”
Blink once or blink twice? He didn’t think it mattered, simply blinking anyway.
“Okay. Casey, lay back down.”
The ravenette obeyed without question, one of the turtle’s rumored “Doctor Personas” close to surfacing from the looks of it.
The human drummed nonsense patterns on his shoulder, and Ruby counted each impact for fun. What did they all need, anyway? There had to be a reason they were trying to get a response from him.
“Because it’s time to go shopping like we planned earlier. Of course, we don’t have to if you’re not up for it. We all were going to eat before we leave, though?”
Had he said that out loud?
“Yeah, big guy, ya did. Think you can get up?”
Casey got up again easily, hopping over the back of the couch. The red banded turtle sat up, wishing distantly they’d quit looking at him like that.
“We’ll be in the kitchen.”
He simply nodded. Now he wondered how long he’d been out of it. He shrugged it off in favor of getting his ass up and going to the kitchen. He had shopping to do later.
Malls were a lot bigger than he remembered. Leo immediately ran off, screaming about getting a Harry Styles poster. Draxum simply followed everyone to Hot Topic, then going off to buy his own stuff. Ruby stood looking at everything until Casey Jr. mumbled something next to him.
“I’ve never been in one of these stores either. I think we can just get whatever.”
Raph was pondering squishmallows while Cassandra gazed at jackets. Mikey was with Raph and Donnie was looking at pins. The teen beside him nudged him further into the store.
“Just see what you find.”
After looking for a while, he did find a nice looking leather jacket that he could modify later. And a few nice looking pins. And if Red caught him staring at a few Hello Kitty plushies and picked them up for him, nobody had to know.
After Leo returned, he shoved a trans pin at everyone.
“Renewing my gender like I do every year,” he drawled, putting it on his sash and brandishing his Harry Styles poster.
Ruby rolled his eyes, and they all went back to the lair. Splinter hadn’t come along but nobody seemed to be even remotely phased. April had been asleep and they didn’t disturb her further. 
“We actually have a surprise for you, Ruby!”
He quirked a brow ridge.
“What if I hated surprises?”
“Well, it’s kinda too late now. Cover your eyes.”
He did so reluctantly, Red guiding him somewhere.
He uncovered his eyes and felt his jaw drop. A subway car, just like the other bedrooms, but the walls were a dark red, and the stool he’d helped Mikey paint was at a desk with sewing supplies.
There was a mattress he recognized pushed into a corner, a bookshelf with books he’d rescued from the scrap yard hanging nearby. There were little bird skulls all over the room, and suddenly everything made sense.
Donnie dragging him into his lab to ask him questions about what shows and movies he liked explained the Corpse Bride poster on the wall, Mikey asking what colors he thought went with which, Leo annoyingly taunting him about the most random things until he could get sewing tips, Red just being Red—
“Holy shit, what the fuck.”
They’d pulled this straight under his beak.
“Do you like it?”
“How did I not notice?”
“Because we’re just that good.”
“That just ain’t true.”
“You guys did a nice job.”
“Wooo! He likes it!”
Everyone around him rejoiced and Draxum set a hand on his shoulder.
“This is just how they incorporate others into the family. If you think they were bad before, it only gets worse. I would run while I could, child,” the yokai said, clearly joking.
Mikey’s affronted scoff signed the baron’s death wish.
Distantly, Raph wondered how his brothers were doing. Quietly, he wondered if they cared.
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spookfished · 1 year
media roundup june 2023
hey guys guess who just went "oh its the 4th of july. that means that its july" here im going to talk about things i read/watched/played last month! i didnt read as much but did finish a couple books that ive had checked out Forever. ok actually i read a lot woops
books/comics/written media:
fake dates and mooncakes by sher lee: fake dating (obv) premise between a cooking boy and a rich heir! book that made me realized im honestly just not that interested in ya romance anymore LMFAO. pretty sweet and a decent read, but landed more heavily on the expository end of uhh i guess diaspora fiction? than i really prefer. i think i picked this up bc the author got mega cancelled on tyk twitter lol??
bird by bird by anne lammott: book about how to write. i love to read about how people do stuff :3 some of the advice applies pretty universally to creative efforts i think.. made me want to write more too
john dies at the end by jason pargin: DNF. comic/horror about this loser guy who discovers stuff. sigh i tried so hard to like this book its supposed to be pretty 'mecore'...talked about this with alena a bunch but its like hm... i know the sort of casual offensiveness sort of goes in hand with being poor and white and in the midwest and i appreciate how its like that creates its own doomed narrative or whatever. but also i feel like the protagonist would call me slurs or something. also the lowgrade but pervasive orientalism is kinda offputting. probably fun for some other guy! i did enjoy the horror elements though
the goldfinch by donna tartt: literary coming of age about a boys relationship with a painting (the goldfinch). also he flops a lot and its sort of homoerotic i guess? a movie was made of it. so something to note is that ive had this book out on loan since literally december. neil kept on being like hey man just stop reading it LMFAO. thoughts cp'ed from discord:
why does the goldfinch feel like a 600 page leadup to the actual book which is 800 pages
idk at this point im kinda sick of pathetic lovelorn self obsessed semi literary men. like toku men are also sopping and pathetic but i think its more appealing when they are also kind and can be vulnerable. this guy is just annoying and kind of incel coded. like does a grand gesture to make up for the fact that he killed your dog while dogsitting
i actually did enjoy the parts post timeskip but i still think the first two thirds could have been cut or Greatly compressed or interspersed w the present or Something, yk? prose was nice though
the bodyguard by katherine center: romance novel about a woman bodyguard who lives for her job. fresh from a breakup, shes given a new undercover assignment with a handsome actor, recently withdrawn from society. will they be able to break each others' shells....? my mom recommended this to me LMFAO we kind of have different tastes in romance.. ive read a book by this author before i think her platonic scenes are very strong? i wish there had been a couple more of those. also i like how she always includes a life affirming section at the end about how important it is for us to open ourselves up to love etc etc cute but not especially memorable
kiss quotient by helen hoang: (reread) a shy, autistic econometrician decides that she needs to get better at sex, and so hires an escort. helen hoang is one of my faavorite romance authors i really enjoyed this reread although i kinda forgot that both leads say, think and do some pretty embarrassing things. but you know a little embarrassment is endearing and all that.. i still prefer her other book (the bride test) but this one is pretty good too. vivid characters 👍
sisters of dorley hall by alyson greaves: web fiction - a trans woman infiltrates a secret force-feminization program. ok im just cp'ing my thoughts from discord again but i enjoyed it a lot:
my thoughts are that the first like, third? is really really good. it like idk takes the very real trans fears of like discovery and passing and all that and fictionalizes them a bit. but like its still grounded and swag. sooo tense once The Reveal happens n things w steph are pretty normal it gets kinda meandering? which i dont really mind bc i love interpersonal drama even if i miss how tense and scary it was. but also theres only like two major plot threads going on rn and theyre both pretty slowburn. a timeskip would probably benefit tbh like the point rn is kinda like. the 7 year meteor? yeah sorry
like it used to be sort of psychological thriller? and now its sort of more character focus and also surprisingly fluffy.. im surprised that the author has said they have a complete outline bc it doesnt feel very focused atm? but also like i suppose things are snowballing a bit re: revealing the sisters to the outside world
an unauthorized fan treatise by lauren james: a fangirl trying to prove her rpf ship is real uncovers a greater conspiracy. to me if something is able to capture a specific age/vibe from the internet its automatically pretty good. however more and more people are learning how to do that so maybe i should change my standards... i was never involved in All That re: rpf or even fandoms of live action shows until kamen rider? but like i definitely knew people in hs that were sort of like this LMFAO so it felt very familiar. i appreciate the author trying to make that $$ but i dont know if it really needs an expansion/sequel.. the ending is better off with some ambiguity imo
impossible us by sarah lotz: literary romance? a man and a woman fall in love online, but encounter difficulties when they try to meet. ok im just pasting my thoughts here again (spoilers btw):
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ok that was a lot of stuff. onto movies/tv:
xo kitty: kitty goes to a school to connect with her online boyfriend, but all is not well. yall this was not good. i guess my standards shouldnt have been that high but to all the boys ive loved before was so cute!! (havent watched/read the others). but like.. the writing was bad and the main actress just wasnt very sympathetic or charming? characters waste time saying "i can explain" until time runs out for them to actually explain, additional (and nonsensical) romance plots are added for no reason, and the male lead isnt even that hot. sorry. also kitty deciding to move to korea to connect with her mom but not bothering to learn a speck of korean and insisting that everyone else speak to her in english really sucks honestly. not even my mom liked it so thats how you know its bad 👎
succession season 1: yesss succession. greg is my favorite cant wait to see him become evil. makes me stressed
shin kamen rider (hideaki anno): reboot of the first kamen rider by the guy who made evangelion. this guy kinda makes the same thing over and over but it looked sick as hell so i wasnt complaining. like stella obstinaterixatrix said, kinda more introspective or even insular to the point of kinda ignoring the usual kr theme of justice but it was still very fun :3 kinda want to watch the original now
ready player one (movie): my parents made me watch this movie. aggressively mediocre.
kamen rider revice and live and evil and demons: pretty fun if you have the disease that makes you think revice is good, but mostly made me miss revice. i think they should have gone more into the clone thing but i always think that so
kamen rider juuga vs kamen rider olteca: two-parter special for kr revice. i forgot what happened in this pretty much immediately after but karizaki was hot
roman holiday: a princess touring in rome escapes her duties for a day, and meets a dashing young reporter. classic romance!! i actually liked this so so much like it actually is very romantic and funny and like deserves the hype. didnt expect it to be in black and white even so audrey hepburn is really hot. (spoilers) more romances should have bittersweet endings though like it hit
kamen rider ryuki: a young man is inducted into a battle royale between those fighting for their deepest wishes, and decides to try and stop the rider battle once and for all. hey guys ryuki is so fucking good for those who have watched madoka magica a lot of it is very heavily based off of/inspired by ryuki! but ryuki does it better. pretty much The kamen rider has so much to say about justice and love and what it means to be a hero and sacrifice and *runs out of air and falls over* also it made me cry. if you ever try kamen rider try this one <3
EDIT OH i forgot about across the spiderverse 100/10 obviously groundbreaking in animation nice take on generational trauma and also like the nature of adaptation and being in a multimedia comics franchise and all that. really hope the sequel doesnt get crunched too bad. oh but copaganda not great 99/10
video games:
twisted wonderland: gacha game where random disney villains are bishie high schoolers instead. ill play chapter 3 sometime soon i swear. gameplay is terrible as with most gacha games but the characters are cute? i feel terrible guilt for being involved with a disney franchise. honestly pretty compelling character writing sometimes though sorry
apico: stardew-like about raising bees (in beta). sooooo cute and the devs obv care about bees a lot in real life. the gameplay loop + breeding systems are a little bit punishing right now though i really hope it gets adjusted. took over my life during finals (woops) and i got like half the bees and then burnt out. multiplayer is fun though!
legend of zelda tears of the kingdom: the next zelda game, now featuring building + vertical elements. yeah this took over my life for two months like it did for a bunch of other people i finished the main story a couple days ago! i might go back to do a couple more of the shrine puzzles, but other than that i think im done. LOVE the vertical elements and also all the little sidequests there are to do and how the world has changed since botw. dragons tears was really good and OMG PROVING GROUNDS. would be a 10/10 if zelda was the protag stop damseling her you guys cmon
paper mario origami king: newest paper mario game, which is a spinoff of the main series where theyre all paper (duh). im about halfway through this, i think? tried it out because of the dunkey video lol and also bc it was free at my library. very charming and inventive, has a really good soundtrack and really funny writing! i know the gameplay was controversial, but im enjoying it a lot (and theres a lot of room for error). might 100% it
it feels like this month i tried a lot of things that i didnt really like LMAO. also a lot of romance. im very happy about finally finishing the goldfinch! the only holdout on my libby is slaughterhouse 5 :P i did find some things that i really liked though! anyways this one feels a bit more scattered but if you got to the ending, congratulations! thanks for reading :3
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OCs art quiz / OCs quizzes
Thank you @nuclearstorms for tagging me! 😌 I sadly have no one to tag but if anyone wants to do it, please do and tag me in it!!!
ART QUIZZ (here)
1- Samiel:
you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
2- Diana:
you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
3- Theo:
everything you do is a work of art. you are beautiful without even trying, simply lounging around looks like you’re posing and waiting for someone to sketch you. you come off as light and easy but you are often misunderstood. people don’t tend to see you for who you really are, and focus too much on how effortlessly you appear to navigate the world. there's some kind of darkness behind your eyes that only some can see under all the layers of paint.
4- Lilly
you are a breath of fresh air. you are soft and free. you disappear as quickly as you appear, and everyone wishes you had stayed around longer than you did. your voice is what makes people fall in love. everything you say is in harmonies and codes, and only the most experienced listeners can fully understand you. your presence is always enjoyed but you aren’t always given the praise you deserve; people will let you stay in the background. all you want is for someone to really listen to you.
1- Matthias/Prissy
well hello, beautiful. ✦ how does it feel to have their eyes on you all the time? ✦ do you like to perform? do you like the way their hands reach for you as you turn in the spotlight? ✦ do you wish they would stop? ✦ they won’t. they can’t help it. ✦ is that the reaction you wanted? you want them to laugh, to cry, to moan, to yell at you maybe. ✦ you only exist in the lines spreading across the faces of others, right? ✦ if nobody thinks of you, you aren’t. so you make yourself headline news and they won’t look away ✦ attention won’t solidify you when the sun comes up and love won’t fill that hole inside. ✦ you might want to install an alarm system. just because they want you, doesn’t mean you have to give yourself.
2- Isa/Hazel
oh you are everything! ❍ indecisive, chamelonistic, flighty ❍ multitalented, innovative, extraordinary ❍ jack of all trades and master of all you touch ❍ containing multitudes ❍ you catch the light in different ways and all of them are you ❍ you get more selves than the rest of us, my darling. take this gift and use it well.
3- Jules
reserved (by choice), decisive, self-sure and self-contained, selective, resolved, close-minded, intuitive, deliberate ⍚ opaque - my secrets are not for you ⍚ scrying - i can see more than you know ⍚ sharp - i know where to cut
1- Alizée:
honestly im much kinder in all the other ones but you have... such bottom energy. I mean really. you've got the whole homosexual tragic romance thing going on. Its not bad! its just i feel like you invented tragic relationships. congrats on being good at literally everything though, its totally fair that you get music, poetry, culture, truth, prophesy etc etc etc. oh yeah and the epitome of beauty. leave something for the rest of us huh?
2- Abigail:
You honestly have the hardest energy to pin down. 'oh aphrodite is just some love/sex god' WRONG the spartans worshipped her as a war goddess. you can be found anywhere and nowhere, you are mysterious, you are etherial, many probably love you.
3- Nora/Maïa (funny enough, both of them are bisexual HHHHHHHHHHHHH)
i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
4- Caliah:
double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
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lasclmet · 2 years
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod 2016 not working
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Im looking for young maternity mod for thé Sims 4 on a Macintosh version 1.10.īut today there is a mod specifically for young pregnancyas if to state, individuals who. Mods allow players to add almost anything they desire to Thé Sims 4and this contains things that could end up being considered to be on the even more on the.ĭefault Inteen Sims 4 Teenager being pregnant and marriage and across all ages. Scar 2016 - 1 minutes - Published by CoolnickydI do the teenager from gaIlery but when thé babys born its dark like. Next kind in sims.áddbuff pregnancyinlabor to make your sims move into work. The new code is sims.add buff aficionado pregnancytrimester1 (choose your trimester). This mod I have always been set compatibility with newest edition of The Sims 4. Teenagers can also get married to YAadultselders and vicé versa. Into the video game with thé GTW EP ás your chiIdteen Sim, you have to total a number of.Ĭareers.promote Highschool, Raises a Teenagers Grade Overall performance.Įnter The Sims 4, which comes complete with a collection of being pregnant cheats to assist you obtain around this challenge. Inteen 4 Sims 4 sixth is v9 (Teen marriagepregnancy and adultteenYAelder.
The Sims 4 can make it much easier than actually: basically download the mod in issue, unzip the.įeb 2017 - 13 min - Uploaded by Cultivated ProductionsPLEASE READ ME In this video clip, I move through How to Use Install the Being pregnant Mega Mod.
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Hi, in Thé Sims 4 can Teens get pregnant Teen Intercourse MOD Pregnancy and Marriage.Įnter The Sims 4, which comes comprehensive with a place of pregnancy secrets and cheats to.Īugust 2016 - 20 min - Published by XureilaIn this movie I display you how to get your teen sims pregnant. Sep 2014 - 6 minutes - Uploaded by TheLamerGamerGo into your sport, click on menus, game choices, various other, click allow script mods, and apply.
Sims 4 Mods Teen Pregnancy Download The Mod.
Although the game isn't perfect, it does get close to it with these five additional mods. This is where the modding community steps in to provide players with quick fixes to not only to the game's performance but also to add in some realism and immersion. While there's some good and bad to be had in the upcoming addition to a growing collection of game packs, stuff packs, and expansions, the newest installment still fails to address some of the biggest weaknesses of the series. Updated on June 11th, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: With EA's next big expansion having been announced and soon to be released, Simmers have received Eco Lifestyle with mixed feelings. RELATED: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle Here are the best mods every Simmer needs for better gameplay. There are some incredible modders out there, who have not just made The Sims 4 better but also brought back crucial features from previous game. While patiently waiting for more news on a possible The Sims 5, however, the best way to spice up the current version of the game is to add some custom content and mods. After twenty years of successfully keeping the franchise alive, it's no wonder that recent rumors and news of EA potentially working on a brand new installment has excited every Simmer on the surface of the planet. The Sims 4 is a widely loved game for a good reason: it lets players live out their dream lives in a dream world.
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𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟
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concept board | soundtrack
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 -> youre the only person who knows eddie's big secret- well, you, your little brother dustin, and all of his friends.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 7.6k
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> eddie munson x henderson!reader, gender neutral!reader
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 -> werewolf au, starts angsty, gets fluffy, gets kinda smutty, gets angsty again, and the cycle repeats bc im unstoppable, lots of cursing, ex boyfriend!steve, secret relationship trope, weapons, lots of blood mentions, little bit of violence (?), unexplicit depictions of sex (id rate it like 17+), eddie being a little shit, henderson sibling dynamic for the win, robin and steve dicking around, let me know if i missed anything. i havent even read the full thing myself bc im scared
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 -> thank you all for being so patient with me while i pulled this out of my ass. love you guys for real <3 be sure to check out the concept board and playlist linked at the top too !! i think theyre cool and i have decent opinions
by the time you arrived, the group had already debriefed, and they looked at you with the same mixture of concern and confusion that ted and karen did when you knocked on their door.
the stairs creaked with every careful step you took. it was difficult to make a subtle entrance when you were possibly several hours late to a meeting that was, evidently, very urgent. the fear that pulsed through your body when your mother relayed a message to you from your brother, one that was A) not particularly kind and B) possibly dooming.
"you look like shit," dustin noted when he saw the smudges of dirt on your jeans, paired with the dried blood on your hands and the bits of twigs in your hair, "and way to be on time. does 'code red' mean nothing to you?"
"i dont carry a walkie with me everywhere, dustin," you narrowed your eyes at him, an action to which he responded with a middle finger, "i actually have a life."
"is that why you look like you slept in a cave?" dustin smiled proudly at his taunt, but he made a fair point. suddenly, you became extra aware of just how disheveled your hair was, and you tried to dust some of the mud from your pants.
if it were just dustin, youd have left him thinking that, yeah, you did sleep in a cave, but everyone was there: lucas, max, nancy, robin, and even steve, whom you hadnt really spoken to all that much since things went south between the two of you. in all fairness, he didn't look too pleased to be there, either, nor did he look like he was going to put up with your bullshit. his arms were permanently crossed as he loomed in the corner, leaning on the arm of the couch and as far from you as he could get.
"im sorry that im late, guys, really, but-"
"but nothing," steve interjected, "no offense, y/n, but we have bigger problems than your midnight scavenger hunt or whatever the hell you were doing."
"i dont think thats true, but okay," you breathed a laugh before realizing that everyone was staring you down, and not in a haha-y/n-is-making-a-joke way- they were burning holes in you. your laugh got caught in your throat, "wait, bigger how?"
nancy scooted her chair at the small table over to make room for you, and, as you stepped down off the stairs, the items on the table became clearer: a bear trap, a torch, a shotgun, and a new can of farah fawcett spray.
"the demogorgon is back," max sighed, not breaking eye contact with you, no matter how many times your eyes flickered from hers to the weapons on the table, "i heard it last night near my place, and mike and nancy said they heard it here, as well."
"it was loud," nancy piped up after you looked to her for confirmation, "scratching around, but it was different somehow."
"we think, maybe, one got left behind when joyce closed the gate and, i dont know, adapted to hawkins," robin lifted and dropped her palms onto the tabletop in confusion.
you were confused, too. you watched all the creatures from the upside down shrivel up and turn to dust as soon as the gate began to close, so it didnt make sense for one to somehow adapt. slowly, you began to put the pieces together, weaving flashes from the previous night together to realize what was actually going on. it frightened you to your core.
before you could open your mouth to speak, steve reached for the can of hairspray, shaking it vigorously back and forth, just how it says to in the directions printed on the back, "maybe the son of a bitch hibernated. now its hungry, and im not gonna wait around for it to eat."
talk erupted of plans to set up a trap in both locations, stakeouts, buying ammunition, getting gasoline for the fire trails- you tried to interject, but kept getting talked over.
"i say we go to max's tonight, since she heard it first," lucas added.
"yeah, this demogorgon is going down," dustin chimed in, handing lucas his trusty slingshot from the table, "for real this time."
"hold on, guys-"
"were gonna need bait," robin said, more like asked, cocking her head towards steve who replied with a series of small nods and a snap in her direction, "oh, yep! were gonna need a shit ton of raw meat."
"that wasnt a demogorgon," you finally croaked, loud enough to shut everyone up. it helped that you also moved from your place at the table and back to the stairs, blocking steve from his impromptu grocery run. the step gave you the height advantage over him, "that was something else, someone."
silence is hard to read. did they believe you? did they think you were messing with them? you liked to have fun, but not during a code red. that meant nothing to them. being late erased any form of reliability you had left, and everyone was too serious to give you the benefit of the doubt. especially steve.
"thats very funny, y/n," he gave you a fake smile, gentle eyes squinted and determined. you knew if you didnt move, hed move you, pick you up by your shoulders and slide right by you.
"im not joking, steve," you said, squaring , "i usually am, but not this time."
it was never easy keeping secrets, let alone secrets about secrets.
"what do you mean, 'someone?'" asked nancy, her brows furrowed, and rightfully so with all the nonsense you just spilled in front of her, in front of everyone.
"the sound you guys heard last night wasnt a demogorgon," you restated, taking a deep breath before finishing, "it was eddie."
voices in unison exclaimed, confused, "munson?"
it was important to note the way steves jaw tensed at the mere mention of his name. he had always been the jealous type, and its exactly why you broke up with him. sweet little steve turned into a major pain in your ass. maybe it was because he liked you, or maybe it was because he just hated everyone else. you liked him better as a friend anyhow.
and it was good, too, since you two had a common factor: dustin. your little brother was also one of his closest friends, in the least weird way. it was how you met steve, through dustin, but it was also how you met eddie.
steve breathed a laugh, almost a scoff, and turned his back to you, a reaction you would have never predicted. he threw his hands up in defeat, landing them on his hips, "alright."
your face contorted with confusion, "really?"
"no, y/n," steve turned back around to you, briefly startling you and, clearly, everyone else in the room. the air became a little thicker, like fog as you held your breath. he laughed again, "hell no."
"you honestly want me to believe that eddie 'the freak' munson is running around on all fours in the goddamn woods growling and shit like a demogorgon?" steve asked, nearly choking on a laugh in the middle of his sentence. his hands waved when he talked, motioning towards the window before they found themselves back on his waist.
every eye in the room was either widened as far as it could stretch or covered with a disappointed palm. they thought you were lying, your friends. you were never one to lie, ever. a fib here or there for comedic effect, maybe, but a bold faced lie was not on your list of tricks. all you could do was dig.
"more like a, uh," you gulped, "demo-dog."
"jesus christ," steve mumbled and rubbed his temples.
the room filled with sighs and similar muttered exclamations of irritation as it typically did when you suggested a theory. in all fairness, you werent always right on the money, but this was different. you didnt blame them for not believing you, though.
"y/n, im going to need you to be a little bit clearer," robin sat up straight in her chair, giving you her best comforting and patient smile, "about the dog part, i mean."
"yeah, a lot clearer," steve added, "because i dont think i like what im thinking."
you crossed your arms over your chest under all the scrutiny, "steve, i know it sounds crazy, but-"
"crazy?," steve laughed, running a hand through his hair, one of his more admirable habits, "no, crazy doesnt cut it. honestly, the image of him doing that for fun is not that outlandish, but if youre trying to tell me eddie munson is a werewolf, y/n, youre out of your mind."
it was a tense moment, then and there, with steve teetering even closer to hating your guts and everyone else terrified of possibly feeling the same. all you could do was shrug, uncrossing your arms, wiping your sweaty palms on your pants, and striping the dried mud with new moisture. you sighed,
"then i guess im out of my mind, harrington."
youd never been to the hideout before. social gatherings of any kind werent really your scene unless they had to be. in fact, the smell of the hideout alone was enough to keep you away, a thick fog of sweat, booze, and smoke. it crawled under the door as you pulled it open and stepped inside.
it was small, intimate, despite the weekend drinkers that packed in like sardines. there was quite a bigger crowd than the usual five that hung around on tuesdays, or so youd been told. the soft hum of conversations floated over of the sound of microphone feedback as you wove your way closer to the front of the room.
showing up was a last minute decision. your friday nights are best spent in your bed, alone, and in something much more comfortable than the clothes you were wearing. you pinched yourself every time you picked up an item of clothing and thought about whether or not eddie would like it, as if he didnt drool over you regardless. still, you dressed to impress, and it worked.
"holy shit," eddie deadpanned as he stepped off the shallow drop from the stage onto the main floor, his hair bouncing off his sweat soaked shoulders as he trotted to you, "look who finally decided to show. you missed, like, most of the set by the way."
"wait, actually," his eyes lit up as he raised a finger into the air in faux contemplation, dismissing the thoughts just as fast as they arrived, "you know what- i dont even care. just glad youre here."
that was a bit of an exaggeration- you were only twenty minutes late. when you made it to the front, eddie was lost in his own version of reality, fingers dancing on wires. thats how you knew he didnt notice the exact time you arrived. when he played, he ditched the old picture-everyone-in-their-underwear stagefright trick and opt for something a little bit stranger, as expected. he told you about it once, and you tried to forget. but, alas, something that absurd was permanently seared into your mind.
it made it kind of difficult to support him from the front row when you knew he was picturing you as a centaur.
"i didnt want you to mentally horse-ify my bottom half," you protested. eddie gasped, clutching his chest dramatically.
"ill have you know, y/n, i dont do that anymore," he said, "ive matured. grown, as a person."
he leaned a little closer to you, his stray curls tickling your skin at such proximity, sending goosebumps down your arms. "i've moved onto minotaurs."
you smacked his arm, and he stuck his tongue out at you before rustling the top of your hair with his hand. he quickly flipped his wrists towards you, flashing you two middle fingers as he backed toward the stage again. you shot him one of your own in return.
he was truly in his element up there, no denying it. his passion was so evident in the way he moved that you could hardly pull your eyes from him, no one could. it was entirely possible you were eyeing him a little more intently than the old drunk guys next to you. maybe just a little, though.
you waited outside after the show. it rained while you were inside, so there was hardly any relief when you exited one humid space to another. the parking lot was riddled with pothole puddles and oil slick rainbows under the street lamps. the clouds were thick in the sky, so much that it almost scared you. the moon was lost, the only indicator of her a shallow ring of white seeping through the slate of grey. you busied yourself kicking rocks in the parking space next to eddies van until the moment he was within view.
as he got closer, you could see his forehead was damp with sweat, his curls sticking to the sides of his face. with his guitar case draped over his shoulder, he waved his arm in your direction despite being only a couple feet from you.
"you guys were amazing," you beamed, closing the distance between the two of you and following him the rest of the way to the van.
"you think so?" eddie smirked. he opened the sliding door of the van and placed his guitar gently in the back, clearing the empty cups, papers, and ashes on the floor to make room.
you hummed in response, "mhm."
"well," he said in harmony with the clicking of the door back into place and grabbed you by your hips, gently backing you against the side of the vehicle, "you looked amazing. look... look amazing."
you could feel the mix of rain droplets and dew that remained on the side of the van through the back of your shirt, but the heat beneath eddies fingers distracted you from the chill that managed to cling to everything in the humid, post-rain air. your arms snaked up and around the back of his neck, your fingers threading into the mess of his hair. you struggled to maintain eye contact with him for several reasons, but mainly because his lips were so inviting. plump, dark pink, and a little swollen from being tucked between his teeth all evening.
his eyes never left yours, though, even when they abandoned his face entirely to scan the activity in the parking lot. he knew what you were doing, and he sighed, shaking the hair from his view before softly clearing his throat.
"y/n," he brought a hand to your cheek, his rings soothing against your flushed skin, "you know what im going to say."
this thumb dragged gently across your cheek, ghosting your lip.
"im just checking," you said, your voice higher in defense, "can never be too careful."
"you can and you are," he mimicked your defensive tone and brought his other hand from your waist to the other side of your face, now cupping your cheeks, "just once, i want to kiss you in semi-public, preferably in daylight but im not picky, without you thinking about steve. youre going to summon him."
"i just worry," you placed your hands over eddies wrists, "about you. about him. about everything, really."
his lips turned up, ever so slightly, at your sentiment, his eyes glossed over and shining like syrup in the orange hued lights. eddie took a step closer to you, pressing your body against his, and he craned his neck, hovering his lips above yours. he let your lips brush over his, smirking when he pulled back and brought you with him, chasing them.
"i love that you care about my wellbeing, y/n," eddie muttered, his breath a phantom on your tongue with how close he was to your mouth, "but i am going to kiss you, right here, right now... and i dont even care if harrington kicks my ass."
youd never imagined that you would be making out with eddie munson, pressed up against his shitty van, let alone writhing under his touch, enjoying it. he let his hands fall from your face, one of them resting on the side of your neck and the other providing him with some leverage against the metal siding of his van.
he told you once about how you make him weak in the knees, but you didnt realize how literal he was being until you grazed his bottom lip with your teeth and felt him tremble against you.
"you," eddie breathed, pressing a heavy and needy kiss to your lips, one you thought would bruise if it had been any longer, "you drive me fucking crazy."
hastily, he placed another kiss on your lips, nearly missing them. you couldnt help but smile into it, smile at how he was kissing you like youd melt away in his hands. maybe youd evaporate and turn into a cloud, or hed kiss you so hard youd seep into the side of his van and hed have no choice but to wash it more than once a year to keep you sparkling.
"how about you," you wrapped your arms around eddies neck, pulling yourself up to his ear and whispering, "drive us to your place."
letting eddie drive you anywhere under normal circumstances was a death wish in itself since he was notorious for basically breaking all traffic laws at least once a week, sometimes for fun. youd never seen him drive so fast. never before had you felt the need to use the little handle above the window, but your knuckles were white around both the handle and eddies hand as he turned too wide around curves and crossed solid lines and whipped it into his driveway with such an abrupt stop that the screech of his tires woke the neighbors dog.
"ah, shut up," he shouted over his shoulder and across the road, pushing the door open and stepping out of the way, "after you."
you stepped through his doorway for what felt like the hundredth time. youd only grown close to eddie within the last few months, and youd been romantic with him for even less. dustin was the one to introduce you after eddie had bugged him about you one too many times. youd noticed him before that, though, sneaking glances at you when youd pick dustin up from hellfire and hiding his blush under a strand of hair hed pull across his face.
the last thing you expected eddie munson to be was shy, but he was putty in your hands.
he was nothing like everyone made him out to be, including steve who had deemed him "the freak." steve wasnt a bad guy by any means. he rebounded onto you after things went south between him and nancy, and you knew it wouldnt last. it was possible that his only flaw was his jealousy. you couldnt talk to anyone without him feeling a little insecure. thats all he did, though, was feel insecure and make you miserable for it, and you didnt want eddie to face the consequences of your actions, no matter how out of character those consequences would be for steve harrington.
eddies uncles mug collection rattled against the wooden shelf when he pulled the door to behind him, rubbing his hands together mischievously as he scooted his feet towards you. an evil smile tugged at his lips when he moved swiftly past you, ignoring your outstretched arms and continuing his scoot to the fridge.
"check this out, babe," his voice was muffled from inside the appliance, buried under the rustling of items and the clinking of glass bottles, "actually, no. close your eyes first."
it could have been anything. youd have been lying if youd said you weren't mildly terrified of what he was pulling from his fridge. your arms fell limp at your sides, fists clenched to conceal the sweat that was glistening on your palms. with your eyes squeezed shut, you could only hear the door rattle as it fell closed closed.
anytime eddie had you close your eyes to build suspense, he would check to see if you were peeking, catching glimpses through your lashes.
"how many fingers am i holding up?" eddie asked after waving an open hand over your closed eyes, the air dusting over your cheeks.
"fuck you," eddie spat, "are you cheating right now?"
you laughed at how genuinely offended he was that you guessed it right. although, it was impossible to get wrong. "its always one, eddie. literally always."
if you knew that if you had opened your eyes, you would have seen him standing, mystery object tucked under his arm with all his weight on one leg and a grand gesture on display in front of your face: his middle finger.
"yeah, okay," he sighed in defeat, "just open your eyes, cheater."
this might have been the first time youd opened your eyes and been actually surprised. usually it was a freshly rolled blunt or something you left behind that you asked him to return to you-- things you expected. this time, it was different, and a smile found itself on every corner of your face.
eddie held a glass bottle by the cap with one hand, the other gesturing beneath it like a shelf, metal clad fingers wiggling in sync with his eyebrows. his smile was tucked between his teeth.
"picked it up just for you, sweetheart," he said before ceasing all animation, deadpanning when you didnt immediately say something, "it is your favorite, right? i didnt... make that up or something?"
"no, it is," you smiled, gently taking the bottle of soda from his hands and flashing him softened eyes, "thanks."
"i couldnt finish mine," eddie confessed, rocking on his heels as you twisted the metal cap away, letting an exaggerated shiver rack his shoulders.
"didnt like it?" you wiped your lips on the back of your hand.
"shits disgusting, y/n," he held back a fake gag, "tastes like fizzy piss."
you raised your eyebrows at him, "and youd know?"
"id know."
the liquid in the bottom half of your bottle sloshed around as you followed eddie down the hallway, watching the bounce of his hair dwindle to nothing when he reached the door. everything seemed to make noise over there, the floors squeaked, the lights buzzed. it didnt help that eddie mimicked every sound he heard, a high pitched voice ringing with the creak of his bedroom door as he pushed it open.
you werent sure that he even had a lightbuld in the ceiling light. his room was always dark, always still. the blinds in his window were broken, though, so the yellow glow from the street lamps bled through.
"oh, wow, munson," you smirked at him, picking up a pair of dirty underwear from the foot of his bed, "did you clean up for me?"
he was quick to snatch it from between your pinched fingers and stuff it in his closet, kicking the pile of laundry he scrambled to hide from you before you noticed it back into the small space.
"for sure, babe," he breathed a laugh, shrugging, "yeah, i cleaned... mopped and shit."
you raised your eyebrows, glancing down at his carpeted floors, "mhm."
eddies room was usually messy, but you could hardly tell unless you took careful notice of the clothes in the floor. his walls were cluttered with posters and random paper clippings, like a collage of his personality: movie tickets, parking tickets, and every test he got an F on, which, honestly, was most of them. honorable mentions include his guitar hanging from the mirror and a paper desk calendar duct taped to the wall beside his headboard, detailing the global holidays and farmers almanac harvesting and planting times.
"could you be anymore obvious, eds?" you breathed a laugh, tracing the scribbles on the calendar with the tip of your finger.
"what," eddie said rather quickly, like you startled him. he looked up from the floor where he was still trying to force clothes into the closet.
"phases of the moon," you smirked, feeling the ridges of the sketches before whispering, "real subtle."
eddie pulled the accordian style closet doors closed as you continued behind him, standing up and turning to face you with his hands strategically placed on his hips, "should i write a reminder for your grooming appointment next week? behavioral training?"
"honestly, y/n," he motioned towards himself, from his head to his toes, "do i look like i need either of those?"
you closed the gap between the two of you, stepping over the bits of laundry he missed in his last minute cleaning frenzy, and raked your fingers through the sides of his hair, smoothing out the curls that were sticking out. you whispered, "i dont think i should answer that."
"youre mean," eddies lips were turned downward in a slight pout before his gentle expression dissolved entirely, "wipe that shit-eating grin off your face."
your eyes held onto his, "why dont you?"
you pulled that confidence directly out of your ass. shaking hands became steadied by his shoulders as his lips melted onto yours. you would have never admitted how badly you wanted eddie munson, but here you were, settled on his lap, pulling his tshirt over his head and bursting at the seams to feel his lips on your skin. you smoothed your fingers over the black lines on his chest and arms, even one you discovered on his hip. he hissed through his teeth as you pressed your lips to the ink on his forearm, up his bicep, his shoulder, and trailed up his neck. lips parted, breath growing heavier.
his fingertips dug into your thighs on either side of him, pulling you closer to him. as if it were even possible, as if your chests werent adhered with sweat. he looked so beautiful like this, a mess. his hair was plastered to his forehead and his chest heaved, shining even in the dull overhead of his room. he seemed to glow when he would sweat, something that you strived to see every time you ended up like this. it was the only benefit of his room having zero air flow.
one thing about eddie munson: he was a biter. oral fixation for days. hed bite your neck, licking stripes over the red trails his teeth left, bite your wrists to taste the bitter sting of your perfume. hed bite your lips. that was your guilty pleasure with him, going so slow when youd kiss him that hed take control. he couldnt stand it.
you decided, this time, to try it on him instead. you wrapped the hair at the base of his neck around your fingers and tilted his head back, exposing his pretty neck.
"h-holy fucking shit," eddie managed to breathe out when he felt your teeth scrape down the side of his neck. his grip on you tightened, hips bucking up for any friction he could get, "please, do that again."
you dragged your tongue up the length of his neck, placing tiny kisses along his jaw and up to his lips, where he was eager to taste you, resisting the hold you had on his hair to chase your lips. you caved; you had to. eddie moaned softly into your mouth when he felt your teeth sting at his lip, soothing the area with your tongue.
what happened next was unexpected, but not the strangest thing that could have happened. especially given what youd witnessed the past couple of years. in fact, you should have been more concerned when you felt a sharp pain in your legs, like knives were pricking your flesh. you gasped against eddies mouth and pulled back, breaking a kiss that left a trail of bright red spit from his lips to yours. blood. your blood, and it was pooling in your gums, gushing from two minor gashes in your bottom lip.
you covered your mouth with your free hand, releasing eddies hair when you glanced down at how much blood had actually been drawn. no big deal, you thought, this is fine.
and it was. until you looked down even further and saw the curved, thick nails that adorned the tips of eddies fingers, the nails that were partially sunken into your flesh. having your lips bitten off was a risk you took every time you kissed eddie, but the sight of his claws in your thighs set you off just a teensy bit.
slowly, you raised your head, breath trembling to match your shaking hands, and met his gaze where he was staring at you with unadulterated horror. his usual dark eyes were glowing a dim amber, and they were glossed over with tears.
"i...," eddies voice was soft and wavering as he gulped, "im sorry."
"no way you did the devils tango with eddie," dustin deadpanned, his hands clasped over his mouth in disgust. similar reactions plagued the table of people surrounding you, with lucas pretending to retch behind him and mike plugging his ears with his fingers. they all sat and listened contently to a certain point. apparently, you were a pacer, so you moved over every available inch of the wheelers basement while you recounted the previous nights events.
everyone was more shocked by the fact that you were hooking up with eddie munson and less shocked that he was a fucking werewolf.
"im gonna be sick," max buried her head in the bend of her arm.
"when i said to tell us everything," robins hands were scrunched in her hair while her elbows rested on the table, "i didnt mean... everything."
you shrugged, "im thorough."
"thats a word for it," steve rolled his eyes, "what happened next?"
"of course youd want to know," dustin snickered, and steve smacked the bill of his hat. steve looked to you for clarity.
"i just mean," he ran a hand through his hair, "somehow eddie ended up in the woods and y/n looks like shit."
"wow thanks," you snarled your nose at him, but he was right. youd never tell him, though, "it gets a little blurry here."
you explained it to them, and it sounded even more absurd the second time around. eddie was just as freaked out about the whole thing as you, maybe even more.
"he cleaned me up," you said, "you know, gave me bandaids and shit for my legs. ive known about it for a while, but he said that his lycanthropy had been dormant way past the time it should have activated. he just assumed it skipped him, which made sense to me. you know, like, how diseases skip a generation, but this disease has no cure and it makes you, like, a dog."
"oh yeah, y/n," max laughed, throwing her hands in the air in defeat, "total sense."
"he thinks it only got activated because he was... excited," everyone gagged, covering their faces to sheild you from their obvious disgust, "can you guys be mature, please?"
"the adrenaline," nancy chimed in over top of the younger kids snickering, "it could have triggered his fight or flight or something."
lucas leaned into the huddle of boys, "more like fight or bite," and max smacked the back of his head.
"i think its the drugs," steve rested his weight on the stair railing beside of you, "dudes always stoned. or drunk. could have altered the way his brain received the triggers or whatever."
it wasnt a bad idea, and there werent exactly scientific studies on the adverse effects of substances on lycanthropy. steve harringtons shot in the dark was the best you had to go on.
"wait, so, where is eddie right now?" dustin asked, smacking lucas's arm after he said something else. you couldnt hear it, but it was probably stupid.
youd wondered the same thing as you were trekking through the flora and fauna of hawkins in the wee hours of the night. you knew all of eddies favorite spots, but none of them were necessarily great hiding spots. you werent even sure if thats what he was doing, hiding.
"i was hoping maybe you all could help me find out."
"did you check his place?" dustin immediately followed your proposition with the most obvious solution.
"did i check his place," you restated the question, blinking at dustin dumfoundedly. he threw his hands up, mumbling sarcastic apologies as you spat, "yeah, dustin, i checked his place."
actually, you wished it had been that simple. after the... incident, you were both shaken up. it was a risk you had known about, the werewolf thing, but you knew he wouldnt hurt you on purpose. mainly because he was too gentle. youd assumed that any increase in intensity would just make him an average amount of dangerous. did that make you naive? maybe.
eddies shaking hands smoothed the final bandaid over your thigh, lining it up next to the other four. his brows were drawn close in a combination of guilt and concentration, making sure you were alright and that the bandages would stick. you were sitting on his bathroom counter, back pressed against the barren drywall where a mirror once was.
you lowered your head, tilting it to meet his eyes. eddies gaze flickered to yours and back to your lap, a deep sigh forcing itself out of his lungs and through his nose. "hey," you whispered, raking your fingers up his forearms, "we're okay."
you knew as soon as he looked up that all he could see was the two gashes on your lip, barely scabbing and glistening, and the hickies bruising at the bottom of your neck beginning to look more and more like injuries than a mark of passion. he was afraid to touch you, but you needed him to feel that you were still there.
"can you say something, eddie," you pushed the hair from his face, gently, his eyes still fixed anywhere but on you, "anything?"
"please leave."
he mumbled the words, almost like he was hoping you wouldnt hear them, that youd ask him to repeat them and he could say something else. you squeezed from between his body and the counter and gave him one final glance before doing what he asked.
of course, you forgot in the midst of your grand exit that your car was still at the hideout. thanks, munson, for the ride.
"there was a half hour period last night where i was doing the walk of shame home. not my proudest moment," you shrugged that bit off, "but i went back for him..."
"and he was gone," nancy finished your sentence for you, nodding to herself and sorting out the details.
"we have to find him," dustin added, "at least before someone else does."
steve, taking initiative, took large strides towards the table full of demogorgon repellent. "lets go, then," he announced, grabbed the shotgun, and held it up to the light before everyone shouted in confusion, layered insults and exclamations dissolving the tense air.
"what the hell, steve?"
"hang on, harrington-"
"what, are you gonna shoot him?"
youd never seen steve look so taken aback, surprisingly. he was either one step ahead or ten steps behind. he looked at you, mouth agape, "is this guy not a giant, burly, flesh eating dog right now?"
"no, steve," you dragged, "have you never seen teen wolf?"
the previous evenings rain was still lingering in damp patches on the sidewalks and in the air, thick as smog as you walked down the sidewalk in a cluster. you had all piled in karens car and went to every place you figured eddie would go, starting with the hellfire room at the high school and, consequently, some minor breaking and entering. you dragged them to the hideout, reefer ricks, and even the factory his uncle worked at.
"i didnt think he would be in there, but theres no harm in checking," you sighed into the brisk atmosphere, a cloud forming on the cusp of your lips as you shoved your hands into your pockets. you just snooped around a little bit at the factory, afraid of getting into too much trouble. how would you look for eddie if you got arrested for trespassing?
dustin placed a hand on your shoulder as everyone made their way back into the car, "is there anywhere else hed have gone? somewhere unexpected?"
you hated to admit that youd never thought to check somewhere he wouldn't typically go. why would he go somewhere youd be able to find him if he was hiding?
you hoped he was hiding, at least, and not mounted on someones wall or laying in the road like a stray cat.
"not to be that guy again, but," steve poked his head out of the passenger side window, "munson has to be the biggest virgin ive ever seen. dudes probably never even seen skull rock."
nancy smacked his arm, and he mumbled a hurried, "im just sayin'!" but he was right. you werent even sure if eddie knew how to get there, but there were no downsides to checking. steve made sure to add that, if eddie were to be a giant, burly, flesh-eating dog, skull rock would be an all-you-can-eat buffet on a friday night.
steve graduated the year prior, which made him essentially ancient on the hip spots to hang out in hawkins. no one went to skull rock anymore, especially since a group of people got busted there a few months ago, so you didnt have to worry about eddie possibly eating a horny teenager or two. you didnt tell steve, though. you couldnt break the news to him like that. robin could, though.
"no one hooks up at that stupid rock anymore, dingus," she slapped the side of his head from the backseat as nancy pulled onto the main road. they bickered the entire drive to the edge of town, and dustin, lucas, and mike snickered in the back about steves virgin comment. but you tuned them all out, watching the trees bleed into one another through the fogged window as the pop songs from the radio crackled between shards of broken static.
the sun had set by the time nancy pulled onto the shoulder of the road, nothing suspicious about that. nothing suspicious about the bag of bear traps that steve slung over his shoulder, either. "can never be too safe," he said. there was especially nothing suspicious about the trail of raw meat chunks that lucas and mike dropped behind them as the seven of you navigated your way through the woods. in front of them was nancy and max monitoring police radio interference, in front of them was steve and robin with a compass, and in front of them was you, shoulder to shoulder with your little brother.
dustin flickered his flashlight on either side of the uneven pathway as the two of you walked. it was silent aside from the crunching of leaves and twigs against the soles of your shoes, thick silence that was only broken by dustin quietly murmuring to you. he said, "steve was jealous when i started hanging out with eddie, too."
"i feel like its a little bit different for me," you breathed a laugh.
"meh," he shrugged, and the shallow beam of light moved with him, "kind of, but not really. cant help it that we hendersons are harrington magnets."
"what are you saying about me, henderson?" steve questioned from behind the two of you, kicking a rock into your path.
both you and dustin answered, "nothing," and exchanged knowing grins. yours was small and sly, but dustins was full and bright.
moments like this with dustin were rare for you, and it ached a little to say that the only thing that brought the two of you together was steve. it helped having a mutual friend and, even more so, friend group. youd always felt a little distant from dustin, so any time he willingly hung out with you felt paper thin, like if you stepped too hard youd fall right back to where you started.
so you looked at every gap in the stones before you stepped along the beaten path. the chatter of the group bounced from tree to tree behind you, dissipating into a muffled mess under the sounds of everyones shoes crushing dried leaves. behind you, every sound ceased except for robins voice calling, "i think we need to go right!"
of course, steve chimed in to correct her, "no, robin, i told you we need to go left."
"which means we should go right!" she retorted, and bickering ensued. you rolled your eyes, turning on your heels to face everyone.
"left or right," you asked, planting your arms at your side in defeat, "cut the shit, guys. we have to find eddie."
"find me for what?"
dustin screamed, causing you to scream, overlapping the staggering shouts from steve, robin, and nancy who were climbing into each others arms and covering the frightened curses the kids were spewing, clutching their chests at the back of the line. the voice came from the greenery, from steve and robins right for the record, and was comfortingly familiar once you came down from the initial scare.
"holy shit, eddie," you sighed, scrambling over the fallen tree along the side of the path to get to him. your hands basically melted onto his shoulders when they touched his skin, his warmth as present as ever as you fell into him. you couldnt care about the leaves in your eyes or the sticks prodding your hair, "youre okay, yeah?"
"well, im in a bush," eddie laughed, his hand cupping the back of your head as he stepped out into the pathway with you still wrapped tightly around him, "but, uh, yeah... yeah, im okay."
when you finally looked at him, you could tell he was tired. there was a weight beneath his eyes, sunken and dark, and he had bruises along his arms and cuts on his fingers and dirt streaked everywhere you could see. he gave you a smile, anyway. "hi," he whispered, just to you, tracing the slope of your jaw with the backs of his calloused fingers. you returned his kind eyes, muttering, "hi," through your smile.
"uh, hi," steve greeted, waving his hand a mere three feet from the two of you, "remember us?"
"oh, harrington, hey," eddie straightened up. you could tell he was immediately intimidated, his demeanor hardening as he cleared his throat, "nice to see you."
you snicked to yourself remembering not 24 hours ago, when eddie said with utmost confidence that he "didnt care if harrington kicked his ass," now weak in the knees at the sight of steve carrying around a sack of dangerous items.
eddie took a step back, "is that a gun?"
steve looked over his shoulder and spun around, grabbing it from behind him, "oh, yeah. sorry, i was prepared to shoot you, man."
"what the hell," eddie clasped his hands over the top of his head, visibly at a loss for words, "dude, have you never seen teen wolf?"
under different circumstances, you would have loved to see steve and eddie laughing together, getting along, but not in the woods in the middle of the night after youd spent the entire day searching for him. he didnt seem too shaken up about anything, so you were confused as to why he was out here.
nancy spoke for you, "eddie, is there a reason youre creeping around out here?"
he pressed his lips into a line, rocking on his heels and smacking the sides of his legs as he began to speak, "well, wheeler, if youre so curious, i was looking for y/n. im gonna assume youve been filled in on everything up to this point, and hendersons very thorough, so im also gonna assume it was unnecessarily detailed and vivid," everyone hummed in agreement, "great- so, imagine me, but cleaner and a little more upset than i currently am, wandering the streets of hawkins, a little tipsy because apparently alcohol is the only thing that keeps me from fucking biting people. im walking, trying to find the henderson residence, but ive only been there once so its hard, and my senses are off the walls heightened. its insane how much i can smell- cant lie, that shit's kind of awesome-"
dustin interrupted him, "eddie, did you kill someone or not?"
"kill someone?" eddies mouth hung open at the question, his eyes glancing around to gauge everyones reaction to the question, which was a unanimous answer-the-kid-or-steves-gonna-shoot-you, "uh, no, dustin, i didnt kill someone. im not a monster."
"well, then, why are you hiding away in the woods like a serial killer on the run?" lucas leaned up against a tree with his chin raised high, "seems kind of suspicious to me."
eddie sighed, swallowing audibly before answering, his voice lowered, hushed, "i wasnt hiding from you."
as if on command, an eerily familiar growl filled the distant silence like static, gutteral, and close. eddie flinched, almost habitually jumping back into the shrub you found him in, but reaching for your hand instead. steve immediately handed the shotgun to his left, planting it in nancys grip.
she raised her eyebrows, drilling holes into the side of your head with her glare. "told you," she muttered, holding out a fist towards max, who quickly reciprocated the gesture. a celebratory fist-bump for being stuck in the woods with a werewolf and a demogorgon.
"does, uh," steve started, his voice hushed and his grip tightened around his trusty baseball bat that he had shoved in the bag. he motioned between you and eddie, specifically, and asked,
"does teen wolf say anything about fighting demogorgons?"
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 -> @clemkruckinnie @trappedinaboxhelp @rvven @dixontardis @mitzirre @munsaniac @knowledgefulbutterfly @husherstan
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luuxxart · 3 years
AH WELL,, YOU SEE,,,, i hadn't really intended on doing anything w it for a while but then i made some good doodles and i was like. ah i guess i'll just go ahead and do somethin with this lmaoooo
so info and doodles are under the cut and here's the mentioned post in case this gets buried in the eventual tag haha
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i kind of just started doodling the idea in december. i dont remember why lmao but,. it was a thing (Ren was originally going to be based on Sumire as well and utilize Prince Charming). and then i did these two drafts of a comic for the new year lmao (i might finish them later but for now here they are)
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so heres the basic gist of the au without going into spoilers (jic i want to actually write this in the future, and,,,, i do have a small piece of a beginning bit of prose)
five years after the events of Royal, shadows are on the rise again, and specifically, they are present outside of palaces, much like in Port Island. Okumura Foods is rebranded into Okumura Tech, and with help from the Kirijo Group, a new line of Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons which are not as advanced as ASWs like Aigis or Labrys so as to avoid any unecessary thinking on their part and so they can be mass produced.
(also yeah i know im missing an "S" there. im not taking chances. but in the fic futaba and akira will be calling them a**-bots. its too funny to pass up)
however, it becomes increasingly clear that they need a free thinking weapon to take care of some of the bigger shadows, so Okumura Tech goes through a few constructions, trying to recreate Aigis. nothing is really working. the personas they're trying to produce are overwhelming the Plumes of Dusk. in fact, a few end up being total disasters that have to be destroyed at all costs.
finally, they manage to recruit Mishima, who is just coming out of college with a doctorate degree in AI design (having switched from a degree in general coding, inspired by the advent of ASWs). instead of just using the Plumes of Dusk, Mishima introduces the idea of AI to aid the Plumes in persona construction. think the Cores from Portal, except they can't be separated from the ASW or the Plume of Dusk.
so Mishima, still worshipping the ground Joker walks on, constructs an ASW in Akira's image, codenamed Joker, who ends up rebelling against Okumura Tech (feeling that something nefarious is afoot). Joker renames himself Renegade (Ren for short) and just kind of adopts Amamiya for a reason i'll have to figure out as i write.
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Mishima's persona is half-AI based and half-awakening. Talos is an AI that he designed, but when he gets so stressed out that he awakens his persona, the AI sort of merges into his psyche. He's a Nav (just your regular old Otacon guy in the chair archetype) but he can do damage if need be. (also im bringing this meme back bc i love it)
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also, Ren's persona is. a secret. mostly because its a reference to a real AI/antivirus and that reference sort of would reveal the antagonist. i dont want to reveal that before i even write the story haha
the story itself is told between Akira and Ren's perspectives at vastly different times. Akira's starts when Mishima shows up at his door after a major disaster at Okumura Tech. hijinx and romance ensue. Ren's starts when he tracks down Akechi, hoping the former Detective Prince will help him figure out why the shadows resurfaced in the first place and if there's anything going on under the surface of Okumura Tech.
oh and this is very much detached from anything regarding the Uncle Adachi AU haha im still using Mishima's persona user design and persona from the Bunny AU tho. itd be a short fic. hopefully six chapters at most. probably more mature than Everyone's a Ki/ller??? remains to be seen.
and yes. haru and mitsuru would of course also be major characters.
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rosiehufflepuff · 3 years
𝓦𝓮𝓫 𝓸𝓯 𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
Summary : Draco emotions is getting the best of him , as you and Harry are paired for astronomy project , causing a big hit in your friendship not only that but also causing you to ask why he was jealous when you are only friends and how he is trying to control who you can have as friends and who you can’t have as you call out his toxic behaviour and Draco discovers his emotions .
Draco X Fem Reader
Warning : jealousy . Possessive Draco , Insecure Draco , Harry and Draco rivalry , Angst , and too much FLUFF
House : Hufflepuff
Year : fifth
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Link of the casual outfit : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMCrdnjLtSN-6Xjysfvffq4HzeX-rJk_/view?usp=drivesdk
Draco watched as his anger was getting too big that he felt that his body couldn’t contain it anymore , usually Draco could keep a straight face whatever any emotion he felt but at this moment he couldn’t , you were smiling at Potter being all friendly and such , leading his blood to boil , you were extremely friendly with the annoying Gryffindor!! Yes , he get it , Hufflepuff and all , being nice is the nature , that what made him attached to you in first place , but you were talking and being kind To HIS ENEMY ! You shouldn’t even be talking to him !! In first place !! You were his friend ! HIS !!! You should only talk to him not his enemies !!
“ hoho wow ... we are finally seeing emotions on malfoy face “ Theo couldn’t help but comment with a smug smirk as he earns a harsh scowl from the icy blonde boy “ shut it Nott or I swear the next thing that you will see is my shoes squishing your eyes “ “ he is right though Malfoy , your face is literally changing colours , expression , and literally your eyes are stuck on them ! “ Blaise commented more like stating fact ” that is true also !! , draco do you know what we are doing for this project ? ” pansy gave a questionable look to the pale boy, resulting in draco to run his hand in his hair as he breaths heavily , getting up from his chair “ since you all being Nosy Fucking Twats and it seems like you have plenty of time to blab why don’t you all continue on the project , yeah ? “ with that draco left with glare as he walked out of the library to cool off “ he got it so bad ......” Theo commented with a smirk “ yes completely ” earning an agreement from both Slytherins .
Draco went out , breathing deeply the fresh air , you were his friend and his hate for Harry was no secret for you and you were a Hufflepuff and that was no secret for Draco , he knows ‘ the moral code of the Hufflepuffs’ and how strong did you hold into them .
However what irritated and concerned Draco was you and Potter were friends. Before..... You and him even talked , he is fully aware of Potter ideas about slytherin and him....which leaded to a fear of losing you to him......
Does he trust your judgement? ...........of course he does , does he trust Potter ? Dear Salazar NO .... and that what worries him ... also the idea of you and Harry leaves a sour taste in his mouth , a strong one .
you were quite attractive and you had a decent personality And of course what will make the Gryffindor happier than making the slytherin ‘s life miserable!......... by taking you away from him and as much as he despised it, you and Potter are quite fitted for each other ......but no way in the name of Merlin ’s Bread he would give you to him!!
The slytherin prince now knew for sure that universe actually hated his guts cause just in this moment you and Potter walked out , you , smiling as harry is pointing out the stars while you are carrying a sketch book with your quil as you both admired the dark night sky .
Draco didn’t know what is the assignment was nor he cared about it in this moment , all he cared about was to hear what you and Potter talked about , as the way to do that was neither of you can see him . Causing him to blend with the darkness of the trees shadows
“ and you see here , two days from now we will see Jupiter's movement ! “ Harry explained excitingly causing you to smile “ yes i know !! However ........ I feel it would be hard to see from the astronomy tower as all fifth year students would be there for it ...... do you think we would able to glance it , write the essay and fill the star chart ......? “ you couldn’t help but voice your concerned leading Harry to think for a moment
“ Gryffindor tower !!” “ excuse me ........I meant ......say again..........? “ “ we can see it from the Gryffindor tower !!” “ wait really ??” “ yes , most of students won’t think of this “ “ well I’m sure Hermione did think of that “ you said while giggling a little , making Harry himself chuckle “ of course she would “ he said it , rolling his eyes jokingly as he continued “ we can of course go there .......if you have n-no problem I mean ........” “ of course ! Why would I have a problem in Helga ‘s name ? “ you said giving the chosen boy a big smile , making him grin himself “ excellent ! Meet me in front of the fat lady portrait !” ” you got yourself a deal potter ” you said seriously, resulting in him to chuckle ” beautiful deal I would say ” ” well that was smooth ” you said as you gave the boy in glasses a playful look ” really? I thought it was little sap ” yes kinda but still smooth ” ” ouch well I better go before I say more sappy stuff yeah? See ya tomorrow ” ” see ya!!” you both parted ways, not noticing the hidden boiling fire in the very dark.
Draco was furious and angry, he flirted with you AND YOU FLIRTED BACK !! HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE AND YOU ACCPET IT !! that is a project NOT A CHANCE FOR POTTER TO SNOG YOU !!!
He didn’t like what he saw , in fact, it resulted in leaving a huge fury to swallow his body , to him , it was you choosing Potter over him and it left a wound in the pale boy ‘s heart , like everyone else they would .... he didn’t know why it was hurting , .... it felt like you are leaving him behind .....and replacing him with what people always say, is better than him ........ Draco couldn’t control his emotions anymore resulting in him to run to the slytherin dungeon to be alone with his thoughts , he is not gonna give Potter what he always wanted .... which is a breakdown .
After two days passed , it was the weekend and Merlin , you didn’t wanna to wake up after a whole week the last day always seemed to be so hard but you needed to get up , no matter what , cause no one would Attend it for you .
An annoyed groan slips from your mouth as you jump out of the bed stretching and getting yourself into your yellow and black uniform , last day but one of the busiest , you have heavy school day not forgetting of course the meeting with Harry. However you were quite excited , you are gonna see the Jupiter movement clearly also you never saw the Gryffindor tower from inside so yes , maybe it will be a good day after all.
Walking out to your first class which was herbology a subject you completely adored , being with professor sprout cheerful personality and voice , some people fainting causing a giggle here and there , the whispers of the plants and finally , A current slytherin shared this class with you and being with him made the hardest things bearable , one of these is Snape class of course , with his help and quiet jokes he made you like it a little ,
Giggling at some old jokes Draco did through the classes you shared , you notice that you arrived to the green house .
You stood inside of the green house with Fanged Geranium sitting on the table showing her teeth in front Of you , as you hear the head of your house talking about the quality of it and how to deal with it , your eyes wondered to check on Draco .
You didn’t see him since you entered , you knew draco likes the green house , even though he would never admit it to the world , you saw the twinkle in his eyes when he is looking to the plants however he was no where in the sight ,
it is like the sky heard you or something and wanted to prove you wrong cause suddenly the door of green house opened quietly , revealing the white haired boy , walking as he bows to the older hufflepuff “oh good dear Helga ..... you are so late Mr.Malfoy !!!” “Im very knowledgeable about that Mrs sprout and I give you my apologies....” the older teacher couldn’t help but sigh “ fine , go take your plant next to Miss L/N .....please miss L/N ....update Mr. Malfoy about the topic ....For the rest , please work on your plants carefully ! I don’t wanna accidents !!! Not again !!!!! “
Even thought he looked perfectly put together , the slytherin ‘s face was looking yellowish , was he sick ? , thinking again - you never saw him yesterday at all ... was something going on ....? However you knew he didn’t like to be pressed for stuff so you just watch him as he took his place next to you ...
you give him the warmest comforting smile “ Draco good morning dear .......did you sleep well “ a nod , you get only a nod from the boy so you try to keep the conversation going “ well ... today we are assigned the plant of Fanged Geranium and we need - “ I actually know about it....... I read about it in a book before , you don’t need to waste your energy yeah? “ like that he cuts you off sharply and for some reason he seemed distance , you were weirded out by that kind of behavior but you thought maybe that is his morning attitude which eventually would disappear ...so you both continued to work in silence .
Soon the class ended , you hear Draco sigh as he walks away to his Slytherin friends , ignoring you completely which weirded you out , he never did that he would at least wave or something or make sure his hand brushed yours giving you a smirk ...his new behavior was weird ....you decided to let it to be , till it is lunch time for you both, -to give him a breath of time- , you will make sure to catch him and ask him about his act .
Moving from class to class to class you were half done with the day ......finally Merlin ..........you were getting tired from all these classes as now you have the chance to eat for first time in the day as you skipped the frost meal in exchange of sleeping more , cause Dear Helga....... you were almost dead tired from the whole week and you needed these extra hours .
As you were running from the class , ready for the feast that will be served to your groaning stomach , you got faced by the crowded halls .
Trying to make your way through , you pumped into the slytherin prince, however before you open your mouth , he looked to you in the eyes then just walked away without of course forgetting to pump his shoulder into yours .........saying you were surprised would be underestimating .....what was this all about ...why he is being like that ....you were best friends ......well .....he was your best friend at least.......you were confused and somehow getting an anxious feelings in you Body . That you forget that you froze in mid of hallway till someone told you to move ,resulting into you falling back to the reality , shoving all bad feelings into the back of your head , you start to move to the grand hall .
You sat in the grand hall , Eating your food .......well..........trying , you don’t know what happened but somehow the food didn’t taste as amazing as you imagined or maybe you just lost your appetite, either how, you just ate the food cause your body was in desperate need of energy recharge and the least you need is to faint and let Harry do the work , he was your close friend and that wasn’t fair to anyone in first place .
While eating you glanced The Malfoy Boy , Getting up after finishing his food and going outside , you jump on your feet as fast as you can walking in hurry to catch up to him , as soon as you did , you both were in the halls . “ draco “ you called , no answer “ draco , it is rude to not answer me ! Stop being a child and talk to me “ these words made the pale boy stop in his heels and turn to face you with cold gaze “ wanna talk ? Sure let s talk then ! ”
You took a deep breath to calm your soaring Anger ...someone needed to be the grown up now “ why are you behaving like that !!! What is this all about !!!” “Oh you recall fully what is this all about ....!” You were stunned......... what did you do you? “ what do you mean?” “ well you know what ....forget it !!” “ you know you are not communicating right now !!! I wanna comprehend what is it !” “ oh if I’m not communicating well then why don’t you go to Potter, I’m sure he will fulfill this for you better !”
So this what all of this about ......... with this foolish rivalry!!!...“ draco you totally realize that he is a friend !! Yes, you both are not in best terms but he is still my friend !!” “ yes, but witch !!! being in good terms with him doesn’t mean , being flirtatiousness and snogging him in the gryfindor tower !!! “ “ you were spying on me !!!!” You were sick....you are feeling sick from how the Slytherin boy felt so entitled to spy on you , and question you !!!who does he think Himself is! “ I wasn’t spying , you were the ones who were in public“ “ but you chose to hear it!You were spying !!!” ”Well even if I did !! I was protecting you !! I DONT TRUST HIM “ “ well right now It is you who I don’t trust !!! ....this is not protection THIS YOU TRYING TO CONTROL MY LIFE !! IN WHAT ENTITLEMENT DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN TO FEEL LIKE THAT IS YOUR RIGHT !! IM NOT SOMETHING TO BE OWNED !! I DESERVE RESPECT ! “ you quieted for a moment to take a breath from the pervious outburst before continuing “ And from this sorry .....but I don’t see that you have that for me and I don’t think I would like to be friends anymore “ Draco eyes widened at this for a second almost missing it out before his straight cold look came back “ fine as you wish “ with that he walked away , leaving you behind with tears dripping out of your eyes .
Draco rushed through the halls to reach his perfect room fast , he felt chocked by all crowds that started to fill the halls , he felt the tears already were about to come out and the last thing he needed was the whole school to witness Draco Malfoy crying about a girl that he doesn’t comprehend what he feel about her and hurt him , barely reaching the slytherin common room without breaking down . The slytherin boy shuttered the password out of his lips ,hurrying to his perfect bedroom ignoring the glances that he was getting from his house mates , locking the door as he finally let all his emotions out in the loneliness of his room not attending the rest of the day .
You were getting ready to meet Harry for astronomy project , trying to hold all the emotions inside, like you did for the rest of the day after the dilemma with Draco , you didn’t see him after and that was better for you , you didn’t know how will you react , you trusted him but he has no respect for you , he was acting like you are his doll not his equal .....he didn’t trust you , you felt so small and disrespected , you wanted to cry not cause of him no but cause you feel you trusted someone one who didn’t see you for who you are but saw your as object but you won’t let someone who thought like that stop your life , you looked at yourself noticing your outfit : a lacy off white blouse with lantern sleeves with Peter Pan collar . blue straight ankle length jeans and beige ankle boots ,
breathing a deep breath , you look put together and that is what you wanted , you didn't want anyone to notice your mood and the tears that slipped here and there , the last thing you need to hear ‘are you okay ‘ , cause you knew for sure these words will make you cry , and you don’t wanna to explain to Harry The Who stupidity of situation and causing more drama .
Rushing out of the warm dorm of the Hufflepuff common room to the halls as you walked fast to read the fat lady portrait praying to helga in her grave to not make you face to face with the slytherin boy , as you reach the painting you took a deep breath, Causing a look from the lady in painting , you felt for a second like you almost forgot to breath from how anxious you were till you feel a hand on your shoulder , causing you to turn , you see the brown haired boy with his famous smile as if it is contiguous you smiled without feeling “ did I make you wait for long?” “ oh no no no not at all !! I just came here ! “ “ so ummm shall we ?” You nod with a smile , the gryffindor muttered the password of the week , showing a grand hole as entrance, you both crawl inside of the Gryffindor room , taking the whole inside of you, the room was warm and cozy just missing some plants and It would be a copy of your own house room somehow that was calming .
The chosen boy was correct, not many people was there and of course Hermione was there with some Ravenclaw and Ron causing you to giggle a bit without feeling it , knowing what this was about Harry himself let an airy laugh “ yes yes you were correct ....now stop , she is giving us looks!! “ the boy whispered trying to hold his laughter , indeed the girl was giving you look like you both are crazy or something , as you both failed to hold your laughter , but it was quite humorous for some reason , some gryfindors were there with their groups but it was so few That you can count them on your fingers .
Both of you and Harry settled down close to the window , talking as you admired the stars, trying to fill the chart and waiting to see Jupiter movement “ god when the bloody hell will it show “ you couldn’t help but giggle as you hear Ron hearing him resulting to get a hit from Hermione “ he is right though Harry we have been waiting for long “ you said as you stretched your legs that almost were falling off from having them in same position for long “ “I think it will show soon ....” “ SHH it is happening !!” Hermione screamed on top of her lungs causing Ron to roll his eyes .
you watched......... memorised by the whole thing , it was marvellous thing ... all this beauty happening by nature ...nature amazed you with everything it provided and how beautifully it is done , you for sure won’t forget that ....
After long time of writing the essay , giggling at Ron foolishness , joking around , and helping each other in that pain in the arse assignment.... Yet it was somehow fun, painful work but fun .
later it was done ,Harry walked you to the painting and after huge back and forth, you convinced him that you would be fine going back to your room and nothing to be worried about.
you are now enjoying your walk to the hufflepuff common room , feeling the cold air and the soundlessness, cooling you, ......finally the weekend , done with the deadly assignment , sighing deeply , you realised you reached the entry , you play the rhythm to enter , ready to be welcomed by the talking plants and the warm room ,
This positivity get demolished by seeing a curtain blonde head youth sitting in front of the entry like a dog scolded by his owner , as soon as he sees you , he is quick on his feet , fixing his hair by running a hand in it
“ you are here .....y/n .....” “ ..........Malfoy ......” “ please don’t call me that ......” “ why it is your name , eh ? “ “y/n .........please......... don’t ........” you raise an eyebrow to him questionably , knowing your slient question, you see his face going from emotion to emotion to emotion as he tried to open his mouth to speak “I-I-I apologize for my foolishness and you are fully ........correct .....the way I behaved ...............childish was the way I acted ......I apologize again ......” draco sharp grey eyes was staring hard into your soul trying to read your face , try to see if you hated him or does he has any chance with your forgiveness .
You close your eyes breathing heavily for a second , you didn’t want to look into his eyes , you saw how swollen his bloody shot eyes were and he looked miserable however though some parts of you wanted to forgive the boy, you weren’t satisfied “draco .......the reason of your -“ “ I respect you ........way more than the words can tell .....and you totally deserve to know why this behavior..............it is not cause .....I don’t respect you no ..................it is cause some stupid silly emotions that let......me act like that -“ “ jealousy “
Gulping hard at the name of the emotion , Draco never felt jealous ever !! He is a Malfoy people felt jealous from him not the opposite what he wanted he got it , so this was a hard pill to swallow to him “ ...yes and had some fears.......... about potter.........and his thought about me ....resulting you .............to ........stop being with me ................. “ you held draco hands , finally realizing his feelings And for first time you see a rosiness tint on his cheeks , draco wasn’t very touching persona ....as he was so tense about it but he was used to it from you, later two years from knowing you nevertheless, he never flushed , he was accepting, awkwardly though , but no blushing , yet in his state you won’t point it out , it was already hard for him opening up and you appreciated and you wanna be comforting as you can as you try to calm his creeping anxiety . “ Draco I would never replace or leave cause someone opinion ever !! You mean so much to me !! I can’t imagine you out of my life ....you are very important and unreplaceable to me and thank you for apologising “ you say as you hug him , causing his body to go tense before warping his shaking arms around before squeezing you tightly as he bury his face in your shoulder , your run your hand in his soft messy hair as you hear him speak softly “ I discovered a new emotion also ....” “hmm ?” ..........Love..............”
I don't know if there is going to be part two!! But I hope you all like this
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ficklefigments · 3 years
okay ( possibly controversial ) opinions and random thoughts about civil war bc i can !! beware tony stark stans and actually just mcu stans in general possibly, bc ive been seeing stuff on my dash and i have ~thoughts~
- k, starting off with why no one READ the accords ?? maybe they did and we didn’t get to see a shot bc boring but pls marvel you could’ve flipped a five second shot to each character reading with a facial reaction. but also like individual stances pls, not just pick a side, lowkey not that realistic
- also we will be getting into agents of shield knowledge here, some people don’t consider it canon, i do, go pull your head out of feige’s asshole <3 ( lovingly, jokingky she said )
- in agents of shield, it required every person/being that had a genetic mutation that led to them being powered ( basically anyone who couldn’t take away their powers then get them back like peter parker getting bit by the spider, he can’t get un-bit ) to be registered with the government, tracked by the government, monitored, surveillance, the whole sha bang. some heroes, that’s not a problem for ex, the ones that wear a suit and can take it on and off. but the ones that have it in their blood and body ? they are forced into this. this is why i was kinda iffy with tony on this, not everyone is the same kind of superhero and what may apply to someone does naturally apply to another. like bro, you can stop, some ppl can’t.
- but also they were required to submit both their secret superhero identities and real identities for reg. it is incredibly dangerous for the world to know exactly who a powered individual is, there was an organization called the watchdogs in agents of shield that was hellbent on eliminating a breed of powered people called in humans and this information was leaked from the government, leading to the loss of many lives. like there were nationwide blackouts and purges to kill in humans with the information that was leaked, it obvi wasn’t safe.
- tony stark blackmails peter parker into fighting for him, a 15 year old kid, by threatening to reveal his new and somewhat unstable secret identity to aunt may. what the fuck. we all saw that right ?
- i’m uncomfortable with how wanda was the scapegoat for lagos, other people fueled this accident, it wasn’t just her. the news just kept going on and on ?? like i feel like ppl took advantage of the fact she’s powered and used that for anti propaganda
- stop. bashing. sharon. carter. yeah it’s a little weird she kissed the same guy as her aunt, but who fucking cares? steve knew peggy for a few yrs, she was supposed to move on, at this point, she doesn’t own him.
- tony only gets involved with “taking responsibility for our actions” when this american kid dies. he heard a sad story and he’s ready to just go 180 ?? sir. so many ppl died in nyc, why now, what did you do the.
- THE RAFT. the prison for super villains ? yeah let’s just stick half the avengers in there.
- tony exposed clint’s family to the government. y’know the secret family ? emphasis on secret !
-im not your #1 steve rogers stan or anything but yes my initial reaction was to be on team cap bc i consider myself to have somewhat of a moral code and like if u can help someone !! then !! help !! i was totally with him on this even tho i believe they need some kind of nick fury / phil coulson ( who’s honestly technically still alive and able to do the job ) to babysit them. i didn’t like how everyone was fine being told when they can and can’t help, they’re heroes because of their natural instinct to help ppl :((
-i want it addressed at some point how bucky felt about being the one who made howard kick the bucket. idk if they were close or anything but like ?? they both worked with steve on the same team and war kinda brings ppl together, so like how did he feel watching himself kill one of his friends from his life when everything was easier ? unwillingly severing another tie to bucky barnes and releasing the winter soldier
pls remember these r just my opinions !! you do not have to agree/disagree or even read these, i just needed to get a few thoughts out and this is what we have rn
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holyrcller · 3 years
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hello hello i’m excited to meet y’all! this is plum (s/h, 21+) bringing to u lim sorin, recently self-emancipated illegitimate daughter & aspiring a24 bildungsroman, with bonus pretty cinematography! she’s a previous muse with a new chara arc hehe so if you’ve seen her before... yes u have c: currently a business management consultant & occasionally moonlighting as a session bassist, sorin’s trying out this new thing called effort & its not as sexy as the movies made it sound :/
here are her links ( file & plots ) & a tldr under the cut! hit the heart if u wanna plot, or just hmu in ims! i also have discord if that’s better for u so feel free to ask for it c: see y’all around ♡
from the beginning: she was always kinda screwed, just a matter of when. for the longest time, she had no clue that she & her mum were her dad’s second family
absolutely the prettiest girl on the playground with an ego to match, a little entitled & expecting only good things for herself, because that was just how the world seemed to work for her
until her dad’s actual wife burst into their house when she was 14 & things went to shit, yknow
sorin ends up being bribed with a scholarship to a fancy private school to keep her mouth shut, with her dad thinking she’d be an easy to manipulate dumbass
she takes the deal, but unfortunately it’s never enough & sorin starts blackmailing her dad to make her life happy enough that she won’t feel the need to divulge his secret
so the story went that she’s self-made, single-mum family, scholar & entrepreneur etc
in reality, she got bored with those false achievements a year in, but she was too much of an overachiever who found a single cheat code for life & wasn’t willing to give it up...
at least until she started a band (retro rosy) that she thought was low stakes enough that it wouldn’t matter if she failed at it, so she didn’t get her dad to pull any strings
& proceeded to enjoy the whole “reaping the rewards of your efforts” thing a lot more than she expected. through some growing up into the mix, and you get:
one belated coming of age arc! sorin cuts herself off after she graduates from college & the band’s dissolution. she ends up starting from the bottom, though probably with a lil boost from her impressive resume mostly gotten from her blackmailing her dad
also she’s keeping up with her growing love for bass by occasionally moonlighting as a session bassist!
it’s not a totally clean slate, but that’s fine. it’ll be all her from this point on ♡
personality wise, she’s a mixed bag of growing pains. her image matters a lot to her, not in the sense that she wants to be known as nice, but as capable. #girlboss shit. taken too many shortcuts to be truly cutthroat & a little too bitter to be soft. a pretty straight talking, no bullshit kinda person, not very subtle about how she feels either. kind of demanding & sometimes behaves like she thinks she’s still the queen of the playground ( guess she peaked emotionally at age 5 lmao ) a perfectionist who isn’t used to failing, so she’ll invest too much of herself into the things she needs/wants to accomplish on her own & has too little for the rest of it. slowly getting more introspective about her life & a lil more mellow, less instinctively reactive. prone to bad ideas on a good day, weirdly lucky about them for ~unknown apartment reasons~... getting into the worker bee life & living for fridays, very determined to Make Something Of Herself but unsure if the consultancy life is where she wants to do it. she’s got a bunch of insecurities from her childhood that she kept buried under her false achievements, but now she’s trying very hard to like herself in the absence of them & making progress she can be properly proud of! also just really likes playing her lil bass so hit her up for a jam session
ok ramble over thank u for getting all the way to the end of this hehe & i’ll be hitting people up asap! ♡
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