#im nearsighted so i didnt see the difference in bottles
nutzworth · 3 months
i showered yesterday and washed my hair (it was really greasy) but when my hair dried it was THE SAME AMOUNT OF GREASY!!!!!!!!! and i was so confused. i was like is the 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner not working anymore (i dont like the 2 in 1 but its all we have right now). but actually its NOT all we have right now. we ran out of shampoo a long long time ago but we still have a bottle of conditioner in addition to the 2 in 1. and today this morning i looked at the bottles and MY MOTHER SWAPPED THEM AROUND?!??!?!??!?!??!! like the 2 in 1 is on the left side now when it was on the right side. SO I GUESS I JUST USED CONDITIONER ON MY HAIR! AND THATS IT! NO WONDER ITS SO GREASY!!!!!!!!!! im pissed off.
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its-a-hil · 2 years
okay ask game under the read more doing all of them bc why not i love talking about myself
1) comfort characters going specifically with the ones i dont kin - ringo from penguindrum, mu ye from half, ,,,, ,,, i think that might be it actually im too much of a kinnie for this uwu
2) lighter or matches matches even though im bad at them i just like scraping the thing against the thing with the fear that ill burn my fingers. dont really use them recently though since my family hasnt really lit candles in a long time
3) do i leave the window open at night god no how could i it's too cold out there give me my warm cozy carbon dioxide pls
4) which cryptid do i believe in kraken really anything related to the sea i feel like we have the ground fairly well mapped up but the sea is SO BIG
5) eye color i mean basic brown, but also ive been complimented on them by total strangers multiple times so i just dont fucking get it
6) why did i do that look that particular scene in tales of arise is just so bad i am losing my mind over it help i cant stop seeing it and imagining how much better it could be but they wanted to ship the children in a way that didnt make any fucking sense i just
7) hair ties or scrunchies both! a scrunchie is nice for if i dont want to put effort into it, but if im braiding or even just splitting my hair bilaterally hair ties just work better and feel cleaner (<- all of her scrunchies are different colors and it makes her feel off-balance to use two of them)
8) number of water bottles in my room just the one, stainless steel reusable camelback my beloved <3
9) hot coffee or cold coffee no. give me (filtered) tap water 99% of the time and chai if im in a social situation with my indian friends and that is IT
10) would i slaughter the rich i mean not really it wouldnt fix anything since capitalism isn't a group of people it's a pervasive system i would be down to de-rich the rich though that sounds way more humanizing for all involved parties
11) fav extracurricular activity toss-up between puzzle club and rock climbing cross country and theater are pretty fun too but you need to have a social group in place to really enjoy them (<- has learned this lesson multiple times and yet)
12) what kind of day is it a day where i lose my mind to tales of berseria endgame content apparently
13) last time i ate just now had dinner with parents, we had idli it was great i love idli
14) do i love the smell of earth after it rains not particularly but i do love charting a path on the sidewalk and jumping over puddles while the rain is coming down in droves and i have 4 minutes to get to class
15) am i a parent nah but i'd be happy to be one someday if im allowed to adopt and/or womb transplants and we havent abolished parenthood yet
16) can i drive yes and i dont want to expunge this knowledge from my brain pls #smash your local car
17) farsighted or nearsighted i think im very slightly farsighted but not enough to need glasses so idrc
18) hair products i use nothing special just like shampoo and conditioner i dont blowdry unless absolutely necessary though i just let it drip into my shirt that's more comfy
19) would i paint your nails at a sleepover oh fuck yeah girlie but you have to be ready for me to make mistakes bc i am clumsy as shit and my fine motor control is really lacking sometimes and honestly i would be too scared id fuck something up but i would still do it anyway bc you asked and i am Helpful™ as part of my sense of self which is Definitely healthy i promise you dont need to worry about a thing
20) do i say soda or pop soda this is a very boring question i cant even think of a good way to elaborate on it
21) something ive kept since childhood my yamaha keyboard that's probably older than me and doesnt have a full piano range or pedals but i love it nonetheless
22) what type of person am i ideologically against personality quizzes and boxes next question
23) how do i feel about chilly weather while im in a warm building: ugh it's so cold outside i hate this my skin is dry and the trees are dead it's so gross i need to build a coal power plant to end this while im outside: *exhales to see the puff of water vapor* *swishes my scarf* *smiles at the beauty and resilience of nature*
24) if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing depends how high the rooftop is if it's like more than a couple stories id just be looking out over the world and possibly peoplewatching if that's available if it's just like a house, i'd take in the air and just kinda vibe yknow?
25) perfume / body spray or lotion? i mean lotion my skin will constantly itch horribly if i dont put it own and i have the scars on my thighs to prove it
26) a scenario ive replayed multiple times i did this so often in so many ways throughout middle/high school that i just kinda got burnt out from it and now i really dont like thinking about it sorry before you ask no she was not okay
27) about how many hours of sleep do i get probably about 9 on average but i can function with any amount for a single day if i had enough the day before
28) do i wear a mask of course i do!! i cant when im coerced into certain social situations but i never initiate something like that and i always wear one at my job or on errands plus it's just nice to wear when it's cold out so your lungs dont freeze
29) how do i like my shower water hot like i need to feel a tiny bit of stinging or it just isnt hot enough
30) are there dishes in my room no a few candy bags but anything that touched actual food is in the trash
31) what type of music keeps me grounded changes constantly, pretty much the song ive been listening to recently for a while it was heir of grief (homestuck) but it's slowly moved around to random japanese music along with my general taste
32) do i have a favorite towel nah i just kinda use whatever will stay dry
33) the last adventure ive been on when i went to the japanese arcade and saw a ddr-like game with hatsune miku in it probably
34) is there a song i know every word to by heart sure - a few crane wives songs, but mostly it's japanese songs that i dont know what most of the words mean i just memorized the phonemes
35) whats my timezone eastern standard time in winter, eastern summer time in summer, bc EDT is a horrible acronym that no one ever uses and it's obvious from context
36) how many times have i changed my url none really but also i havent been using tumblr that long anyway if we count twitter i changed it twice - once bc i didnt like my old branding and again bc 'shill' is a bad word to have in your twitter @ when the nft bots are constantly looking for it
37) someone in my life i've known for 10+ years pretty much most of my elementary/middle school friend group we stayed in touch throughout high school and college
38) a soap bar that smells good soap bars are HORRIBLE and if i use them they dry out my skin and i die (see 25)
39) do i use lip balm no im lazy and usually drinking water is enough to keep them more or less moisturized
40) did i have snacks today girl yes and theyre all called chocolate
41) how do i take my coffee this is bullying. i am being cyberbullied right now.
42) an app i use frequently besides this one discord, firefox for android, bang dream girls band party, the obs camera app that lets me put hello kitty velvet crowe onstream and pat her head
43) my take on spicy foods they're good! i like them i also like nonspicy foods though it's kinda like with garlic im happy either way
44) if i had a free pass to kill anyone, who i mean who are you a cop but no one i wouldnt be able to kill someone either emotionally or practically i am too clumsy and also i refuse to do that unless someone i care about is immediately in danger and that's the only way i can think of to save them
45) can i remember what happened yesterday yeah i went to work, went rock climbing, came home and fucked around on my puter for a few hours
46) fav holiday film what is a holiday film *thinks* groundhog day and that's my final answer
47) last message i sent "oh sorry any time works for me really" <- setting up a time to go rock climbing with my sister
48) when did i first try an alcoholic beverage summer solstice 2021 (3 months before i turned 21) i had a bottle of angry orchard and it did not make the social interaction any easier to bear
49) can i skip rocks ive done it before but it's been a long time i know the basic mechanics though i could probably get it back in a couple attempts, though i dont think ive ever managed more than like 3 skips
50) can you tag me in random stuff sure but id prefer if you share it as a dm so i can actually like. discuss it with you please if any of my oomfies have read this far and see birdgirl art (or birdboy art im so starved) i NEED to see it
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