#im making my grandmother a shawl that like needs to get done in a month so i got in a groove and didnt look at my phone until it was 2
cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
it was a genuine accident but i watched naruto until like 2 am last night.....in my reliving middle school but only the parts i didnt block out era
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asks (14)
Anonymous said: My dad is going through cancer treatment, so for Christmas I'm going to pay off some of his medical bills.
Anon that’s absolutely, genuinely incredible 
Anonymous said: I'm writing 5 poems for each member of my family this year! I'm done with 19/25 so far and break starts tomorrow so I'll have them done in time. My favorite so far of the poems is actually the very first one I wrote but there's so other pretty good ones in there
:’) That’s so great
Anonymous said: I life together with two great friends of mine and I was searching for ages for a gift for one of them. And then - while being grocery shopping - I saw it: A light brown, floor-length cloak with detailed embroidery. In my price range. I was so happy and immediately bought it for her. It has her exact dramatic flair! I hope she loves it!
That’s such a COOL gift
Anonymous said: I got my sister Hamilton tickets and hid them in a notebook, so she thinks all I got her is a thin book but nope!! They’re really good seats for Hamilton!!
Anonymous said: Gift I'm super excited to give: My brother and his wife have gotten into a lot of cooking things we'd normally have bought (homemade pasta, ice cream, cheese, etc.). He's also really into root beer and it's been tradition for years for any of us to get him unusual kinds he hasn't tried yet when we see them. This year, I got him a really neat kit to make his own root beer. I'm really hoping he finds it as cool as I do. ^^
Oh man I bet that’s gonna go over really well!
Anonymous said: i found a set of shakespearean insult playing cards? and im gonna give them to my little sister because i think she'll have a great time using them on boys in her class who r mean to her
Her vengeance will be sweet and lyrical 
Anonymous said: My mother loves getting anything from us kids (i have 2 siblings) because it means we thought about her and made the effort. I have been working on this crochet shawl for about the last year and a half for her. Its beautiful, and goes from grey-blackish to hot pink and back. When i showed my grandmother the finished piece she was astounded! So when I give my mom the shawl i think she is gonna be SO HAPPY. I want her to cry, but in a good way (my mom cries so easily at happy stuff) . 😁😁😁
Anon you gonna make ME cry 
Anonymous said: I already GAVE this, but my job had secret Santa and I got my managers manager and she is actually moving states away :(. Anyways so I got her a bottle of wine, dog treats and a cat toy for her pets and I had my bro’s sis-in-law hand paint some wine glasses of roses (her fave) and packaged it all nicely and she really liked it!!
@babybatbrat said: this was last year, not this year, but if anyone still needs an idea they are welcome to steal it - i made each of my close friends a scrapbook that was the ABCs of [insert name], which included my favorite photos and memories of us and my favorite things about them. Best gift i've ever given!
Anonymous said: So my brother brought his PS3 to my house to let me borrow it and as soon as it got there it stopped working. For a good portion of this year I've been taking it to and from repair shops, but we finally gave up on it last month. All our saves are gone and sadly can't be saved. BUT, I did find a refurbished PS3 at a game store and I got that for him. So I can't wait for him to open it~
Whoohoo yeah return of the ps3
Anonymous said: i found this shirt on redbubble about annoying your older sister by being taller than her and I'm gonna give it to my little brother bc he never lets me live it down that I'm shorter and it's going to be super funny
Bruh I got one of them brothers too
@enviousrose13​ said: My favorite gift I’m giving is for my boyfriend! It’s two t-shirts from RedBubble. They’re references to Bloodborne and Danganronpa, two of his favorite games!
Oooooh I bet he’ll love them then
@the-moons-raes​ said: My sister's been wanting a jewelry bowl for a while now and so instead of buying one I'm making her one out of polymer clay and I'm so excited to see her face when she opens it on christmas eve!!
Hell yeah hell yeah
Anonymous said: Funny thing, I reblog writing reference stuff sometimes, and when I go to tag it, the first tag that comes up for the word "writing" is not "writing reference" or anything along those lines. The first tag consistently comes up as "I love your writing Amy",,, because,, I love your writing,,,, and for once Tumblr Actually knows what's up ~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆ hope ur having a nice day ❤️💞❤️
Anon I’m <33333333
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