#im making it every customers problem tomorrow
this-doesnt-endd · 1 year
Theyre showing back to the future at the theater tomorrow and i have to work
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fanficfanatic000 · 6 months
(A date?) E.M one
Nerd loser eddie x nerd loser fem reader
Trigger warning 18 + content no minors
Summary ( the fem reader works at a craft shop .seems and patches. Reader has more alt style. Reader is 21 and Eddie's 22. Eddie dropped out of high-school after almost dieing. The reader has zero friendsUntil a certain boy came into your work.)
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A usual day usually consists of older women asking for floral pattern fabric And the white thread until today It was afternoon when you heard the bell on the door ring as someone with clanking chains walked in "welcome to seems and patches anything ya looking looking for?"You had to greet every customer because The job made you. He walked up to the counter. His figure was tall and leaned back Slightly his ripped dark blue jeans slightly baggy and hanging over his dirty white sneakers. His black Metallica t shirt was slighty tight clinging to his chest under a Jean jacket and a Jean vest. His doe brown eyes looking at you with his small stubble on his chin and a grin. "Uh do you guys have any sew on patches?" He raised an eyebrow"Yep our patches would be in isle 8" you smile "yeah thank you..." his hand on the back of his neck and he gulped "um can you come with me... i kinda wanted a second opinion and...." he gets flustered from your stare "n-nevermind" you smile "no problem its a pretty slow day anyways" his face immediately brightened and the red from his face drained "thanks p-pretty girl" and that caught you of guard cause no one has said that. Your face turned pink "you okay?"He looked down at your name tag "y/n?"You awkwardly nodded yes "um yeah its just no one has ever said that..."He tilted his head "?thank you?" His nose slightly scrunched "no ive never r-really been called pretty" you look down and you walk towards the isle slowly "seriously?""Yep" you say popping the p "Well i think thats probably because you make them nervous so they could never get it out.." his words have you all red and filled with butterflies he runs infront of you and held his hand out "im eddie."You put your hand in his ringed hand "hi eddie" he smiles wide and his beautiful eyes sparkle then you made it to the patches. He grabs a Metallica patch and holds it to the Jean vest. "Where would this look good?" You grabbed the patch from him and put it on the left of his chest. The air heated from noticing how close he really was. "Here would look pretty good"You hear a shaky breath exhale from eddie "Yeah" his face a pink tint as he grabbed a patch with a little coffen on it "how about this one?" You put it under the spot of the other one. The sunsetting out side "um i gotta check out now my uncle wanted me to get pizza and he's probably so Starved" he laughs slightly. As he just gave you an explanation to leave a store. "Well eddie i hope you enjoy your new patches." You say scanning them he smiles "ya know im thinking ill need more tomorrow if a certain pretty girl will be here." He leaned foreword and winked playfully. And you handed him the patches and he stepped out the clear glass door and you watch as he fist pumped in the air then basically skipped away.
look for part two with hash tag
A date em
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brandycranby · 1 year
one thing about us is we will combine our interests! so i present to you: soft thoughts about you and jake jensen — animal crossing new horizons edition! 🤍
when he completes his museum, jake asks you to go over to his island for a virtual (but in-person) date night. he says you two can walk around and read all the facts on the signs together. you arrive at his island and he’s waiting for you in front of the museum. when jake’s character gives yours a flower in your favorite color, it’s hard to do anything but giggle into his shoulder as his arm around you pulls you even closer.
on the custom design app, you make a few designs for jake that are a copy of the t-shirts he owns in real life and he loves it so so much.
you don’t think there’s anyone else in the world who uses the nookphone camera app as much as jake. when you finally get your favorite villager on your island, he wants a picture of you 3 together. when you gift him clothing that matches the outfit your character has on, jake quickly puts it on his character so he can get a cute photo. when you’re giving him a tour of your remodeled island, he insists on taking a picture of you in front of your pretty garden of cross-pollinated flowers.
jake is a bit of a history nerd and this extends to art history. when redd visits your island, jake is always happy to help you choose the real artwork. he never has to look it up and it impresses you every single time.
with jake’s military background and line of work, he’s used to living and doing tasks by a schedule. he has a sleep schedule and doesn’t oversleep. lounging in bed is different; he has no problem with that, especially if it’s next to you. jake feels comfort from your presence under the warm sheets, even if you’re still asleep. very rarely does he go past a certain number of hours a night. so on sunday mornings when he’s awake and you keep drifting in and out of sleep, he grabs your switch to help you buy turnips from daisy mae while he cuddles you.
aghhhhhh tt!! 🥺🥺 I love and cherish all of these headcanons so much!!! 🫶🏻💕💕
yes yes going through the entire museum, sitting on the benches together while you're cuddling together irl. or would it be cuter if you were in separate rooms? hehe going into the bug section together and spending time in the pretty fountain room (also screaming and running away from the spider tree, it jumpscared me today 🥲)
his sd card will get so full aaaa but i love that. maybe he's like that irl too. at his niece's soccer games? at your first day of work or promotion or whatever? on a roadtrip? photos, photos, photos. ooo secretly artsy jake? mr art history? photography whiz?? im loves him
hehe tomorrow will be my first time meeting daisy mae (i'm excited - she's so cute) and i'm nervous 😖 jakey needs to take over the stalk market for me, im no good at these things. i see ur veteran jakey details, i love u for it!! hehe just bc he wakes up early doesn't mean he needs to leave me all cold in bed 😌
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soliyl · 1 year
im going to be closing my comms indefinitely
in the past year, ive drawn about five times (forgot to post them here lol, i will tomorrow). this isn’t super uncommon, ive been pretty bad about drawing consistently for awhile now. i think a big part of the problem is the fact that ive had comms open. i first opened them in 2016 (jfc) and ive steadily drawn less and less frequently since then.
even though literally no one ever commed me (besides a couple friends, and in 7 years... sheesh), just having them open put me in this mindset toward my art. it had to be “marketable.” it had to be good enough for someone to see and say “i want to spend money and get something similar.” i haven’t drawn something just to draw in a really long time. everything i make, it has to be to a certain standard. it has to be worth something.
it stopped being fun. i stopped drawing for fun.
im like, in desperate need of money, too. im in a really bad spot in my life and doing comms for some cash would be great. but when i think about it, i don’t even want to do comms. if someone genuinely tried to commission me rn i would not enjoy it, even if their request is fine. i hate the idea of forcing myself to monetize what used to be a hobby. i hate the idea of anxiously working on it and being unsure if im making it worth the customer’s dollar. i seriously just want to like art again. i want to sketch again, fuck’s sake. i literally don’t sketch anymore, i try to make a polished product right away every time.
the decline in art frequency became more steep when i started posting on twitter, too. posting on multiple platforms, desperately trying to get attention. spending hours and hours on each piece and only getting a few likes here and there. disappointed the algorithm didn’t favor me, disappointed in my art for not being good enough to catch the appreciation i craved.
im going to go back to using tumblr as an archive for my art. i’ll keep tossing it up on twitter, too, just because i participate in xiv art parties sometimes. but im done trying to market myself. i don’t want to claw my way past other people all screaming “look at me!” and also be saying “please look at me.” from now on im just going to draw when i feel like it. if it sucks, that’s fine, who cares? im not trying to sell myself anymore.
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gus-the-goldfish · 2 years
alright I know I have only posted one thing here and there is likely no one reading this but I need to let off some steam.
small explanation to the current situation. im the manager of my towns movie theater and let me tell you it ain't easy. too much work, too little pay. I have 6 employees, 3 of them full time and one of those three is retiring in a couple of months. everything sucks. you get it.
those past three days have been hell, like almost every other weekend too, but I gotta say that since we opened back up after lockdown, shit got even worse. so here are a few things I need to get out of my system before going back there tomorrow
stop complaining to me about prices. I know 4,20€ is way too much for water. I know that. but I can't change that
no, you will not get your money back because you didn't like the movie
you won't get a coupon either
no I won't give you free snacks or drinks because you "come here almost every week". I am here 10-12 hours a day and even I don't get free drinks
no you can't skip the lane because your movie starts in 2 minutes. how about getting here earlier on a saturday afternoon
the customer is always right is fucking bullshit. we don't work like that here. If you're wrong, I will tell you.
take your trash out with you. there are like thirty trashcans in the building. use them. please
stop destroying my seats. not cool
stop throwing your snacks and popcorn all over the place. why the hell would you complain about prices if you pay 10€ for popcorn just to throw it around
stop behaving like fucking animals
parents. If your child drops their snacks and are about to pick it back up, why the fuck would you tell them to stop because "they get paid to clean up"
yes I will throw your rude ass out if you make my employee cry. it's a fucking 18 year old girl trying to earn some money besides school. wtf is wrong with you
yes you have to leave the room if you need to go to the toilet. what kind of question ist that even and why do I have to answer this more than once
stop buying your three year olds coke. half of them vomit all over the place
same goes with slushy. I can't even count how many times I had to wipe up blue puke since I started that job
yes all settings on my projectors are correct. I check them multiple times a day. if the 3D movie you are watching isn't "3D enough" it's because the effects are shit
no it's not me deciding which FSK rating a movie has
and no I will net let you in a 18+ movie when you are 17.
not even when your birthday is tomorrow. if that's true, come back tomorrow
I don't care that you are there parent. if they aren't 18, they will not see that movie at my house
no I'm not a cunt for that, it's the law. get fucking used to it
stop calling asking for a movie you don't know the name of and just randomly telling me names of actors/actresses that might have a part in it. I don't know them. I don't know what movies they are in
stop complaining about having to wait 20 minutes to get to me just to still not know what you want to order. you are the exact problem you just complained about
dear men, if I ask you something like "where do you want to go?" and you answer "to see a movie" you are not funny. don't let the laughter of your friends trick you into thinking you are. you are not.
same goes for "everything that's free" after I ask you what else you want to order. fuck you. I hear that 20 times a day. I hate everyone of you who does that
last but not least a big FUCK YOU to everyone involved in destroying stuff in my house since fucking Creed started
that's not even close to everything thats happening but it shall be enough for now. I always knew that humans are terrible, but since I started that job I've lost what little hope I had left
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duncanforbesfilm · 5 months
Day two was the day we were shooting in the hardware store. We had moved the kit to Gus's flat after shooting the day before, as Gus lives just a block away from the hardware store. I parked the car nearby and held back tears at how much it costs to park in Morningside. I went to Gus's to make sure everyone knew what they were doing and too great Liam Hughes, the actor who was playing Gary. Once everyone knew what they were doing me and Saskia went down to the hardware store to meet the manager and discuss the day. They were very accomadating. They showed us a back room we could use to store kit and use as a kind of green room in between takes. The store was split into two rooms, both of which had a till in, and they said they could let us film in there as long as we periodically let customers in to grab what they needed. This had been decided before but I was glad to hear it again on the day as I had an irrational fear they were going to decide they needed that room fully operational. As everyone was moving down and getting set up, I caught up with Lev and David to go over the day. This is when Lev told me that they had a bit of neck pain from the day before. This became my immediate priority to fix, as it was incredibly crucial to me as a director that my cast (or crew for that matter) do not get hurt in anyway for the film. I spoke to Saskia and Lili about ways to fix it, and we concluded that there was just too much standing around the day before and that today anytime we werent certain we were going for a take we would get Lev out the suit. I insistently checked on Lev throughout the day to make sure they were ok, too the point they were getting annoyed at me always asking. Still, rather have a pestered actor than an injured actor. Regarding shooting, we were pretty on time throughout the day. I was worried at how much we were going to get interupted by customers and how this would disturb the flow, but in reality, it really wasnt a problem. There was a few times we would have to hold before a take to let a wee old lady come in with one of the clerks to buy some washing up pods (thats an example it wasnt the same lady every time that would be weird) but generally, the day flowed really well. At the end of the day, we were ahead a little bit and me and gus were able to look around and find some extra shots. We got this really cool one where the shot started on a mirror above the door and then we tilted down to Mr balloonhead man walking in and UGH it was so cool but when I did DIT later that night I realised India could be seen in the mirror of every take. God dammit India. The day wasnt without issues, as about half way through the day, our sound mixer decided to stop working. We had been given a MixPre10 as we wanted to double boom on the last day but unfortunately the one we were given was faulty. I believe it was an issue with the batteries, and it had to be plugged into a socket. This was fine for today, but wouldnt do for the next two days which were Exterior. After we wrapped, I said goodbye to our actors and had crew take the kit up to Gus's flat. Saskia, Gaby and I took the MixPre to the kit store at Craiglockhart to pick up a new one. They unfortunately could not give us another MixPre10, but they had an older sound mixer that would allow us to have two booms on the last day. After this we drove back to Gus's to pick up the kit and take it back to my flat, where we were going to be starting tomorrow. On a high of how well the day went, I did not notice the 'NO LOADING 1630-1830' sign and even though we finished loading at 1641, a sneaky parking attendant had managed to give me a 50quid fine!! (im still confused where they came from because we were constantly loading the car like im confused when they got it on my windshield without me seeing, kind of freaky). Not even a fine could ruin my mood* after how the day went though, and I took the kit home ready for tomorrow.
*it did infact ruin my mood when I had to pay the ticket later that week.
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harmcityherald · 1 year
so the dispensaries are making only mon tues and weds patient only days. I have paid 200 a pop to get my medical card every year and what do these new recreational fuckers have to get? nothing? so should i cut my card up i guess i dont need it no more. never was a patient in their eyes was i? fuckers. and monday I want to see the owners ugly face so I can tell him right to his fucking face. i been loyal to that particular dispensary for years now. at least we get 3 days just for patients but I bet we get whatever trash is left over. fuck maryland and fuck that dispensary. I will be telling them I will find a more compassionate atmosphere. they took enough of my money strung me along made me jump hoops every year to buy a bogus, worthless godamn license for 200 a pop. now they gonna cater to yo boy jimmy bob with his fucking fake ass muffler and his fucking friends. patients are now hereby forgotten. and I fucking dare you to tell me I have to continue updating this stupid, now rendered useless card. I will have to wait in long lines in a parking lot full of honda civics and acuras with dueling fucking bass canons just to get inside. just wait till tomorrow. I WILL BE THE FUCKING KAREN OF YOUR NIGHTMARES RIGHT IN YOUR GOTDAM BOGUS ASS LOBBY. WHERES THE OWNER I WANT TO SEE HIS UGLY FACE AND TELL HIM WHY YOU ARE LOSING THIS CUSTOMER. its ok with you though isnt it you got all the harm city riff raff lining up. you never cared about patients you just like everywhere only care for your bottom dollar. fuck you. fuck the bass cannon wannabes and every one of you fuckers pushing people with actual problems aside to cater to these little fuckers. do you have a bass canon in your car? WELL YOU ARE A FUCKER. fuck you double time you little fucking punk with your fake ass teardrop tattoo and your feeble attempt to make yourself cool talking black vernacular. you cant even get that right you fucking useless poser. get the fuck out of my dispensary and eat shit and die. you are the motherfucker who will probably rob me and shoot me for no reason other than to help inflate your infantile ego. just wait till tomorrow. they've always known me as a polite guy. stomach cancer guy who told jhh they should study edibles and stomach cancer and how I put on more pounds than they ever expected. legal weed made the difference for me. appetite and being able to eat my way back to health which 4 separate oncologists have said is unprecedented. yeah im that guy and from now on im behind the line with a 21 yr old with absolutely nothing wrong with him except his fucking shit ass attitude and his willful ignorance of anything real world related. one thing about this state is its disregard of people in need and its insatiable hunger for money. so after tomorrow I will be looking for a new dispensary. one that maybe cares more for patients rather than the fucking trash lined up around the building today.
and why should I even pay for this patient card when no one else has to. fucking criminal weed sellers. maybe I just back and buy mine off the fucking streets again.
can you tell I am spitting mad?
fuck this state. fuck all states. fuck the world I hope an asteroid blows us all to smithereens. that would certainly end my pain and your fucking ignorance.
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type-goblin · 1 year
Train Pains.
"What will you do when you get home?"
"I dont know, probably do some writing."
"wow, I didn't know you wrote. What's it for?"
"It's so I can get better at writing, so people can hire me, so I can do freelance writing."
"What did you write?"
"​I wrote an article about orcas."
"​killer whales."
"orcas. and I did a blog post."
"​See, that's cool. I dont do any cool stuff-"
"​No! I'm not cool, don't let me trick you into thinking I'm cool; I just started writing recently, I'm not good. The only reason I started is because I ran into a friend from school on the bus the other day, and he graduated and joined the union. I dropped out, he graduated, and will be making 60 dollars an hour, while I work at a coffee shop. Like, what am I doing."
"60 an hour, what the fuck"
"yeah, he showed me some other friends I haven't kept in touch with. One is in the union with him; the other joined the army and got a full leg tattoo."
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Steve and Alora entered the train and noticed the right side of the train didn't have seats,
"no chairs."
They stand against the wall, Steve leaning against it and grabbing a support pole. Alora facing him, holding that same pole.
"​I have tomorrow off."
"I know you've mentioned it."
"​I've just been working every day. This will be my first day off."
"​how many hours did you work last week?"
"​43 and 41 the week before."
"with how you've been working, you should have enough for your trip."
"​yeah, but my friends want to go to Greece and the UK."
"​you're going to be so otherworldly when
you get back."
"​Did I miss my stop!"
"​I dont think so."
"​I do that a lot. I'll be talking to someone and forget about everything going on around me and miss my stop."
"you didn't miss it."
"​Are you sure"
"​yes, im sure I ride this train all the time."
"​so, what are your plans for the day off tomorrow."
"​Im going to hang out with Albert after work tomorrow, yeah, so ill come back to work anyway, just for a second."
"​I hang out with people, Steve!"
"I know you do. You talk to everyone like it's no problem; you're a social butterfly." *Steve motions his hand, waving them in the air.
"I feel like everyone hates me."
"Like who? No one hates you."
"I know it doesn't make sense. But I still feel that way. I dont want to get into it
right now."
Alora leans in chit chat continues until
"​This is your stop. I dont want you to miss it."
"​ok, thanks"
A​lora shuffles a bit, turning left. Alora grabs her wrist, the one she's holding the pole with
"​h-hey uh hug"
S​teve holds his arms out, and they hug.
"​Sorry," Steve said, muttering words into her hair.
"​it's ok," Alora responds
s​he heads for the open train doors
"​have a good one."
S​teve had been telling customers to "have a good one" all day, out of habit, and she knew because she had been there.
N​o response.
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radikylie · 6 years
Pain compounds anxiety/stress. Anxiety/stress compounds pain. A vicious cycle.
#hi ya still in so much pain#two sets of xrays of my neck and jaw both are fine#still having sinus pressure that i thought was getting better but the cold weather and snow brought it back#i went to see a chiropractor who said i had several things out of alignment in my back most notably my c1 in my neck#my c1 shifted over slightly causing my right tmj to be jammed upwards and left side to drop down a bit#also my c1 might have been pressing on my eustachian tube not allowing my sinuses to drain properly but i have a ct scan of that the 18th#i have a bad case of tmd cant really speak for too long or really smile and i have to eat soft foods#most likely muscular and postural related so im going back to PT with a tmj specialist on the 21st which i wish was sooner#my whole body hurts especially my neck and shoulders jaw is stiff and sore my cheekbones and eyes hurt from sinus pressure#my back hurts and my legs are tight from not being able to exercise#i cry about this every fucking day but i cant even really cry bc when i did let myself it locked my whole face and jaw up again#its so isolating not really being able to speak so i cant go to therapy and will have to push back my appt again for tomorrow#i feel like im out of alignment again but im seeing the chiro tomorrow and stress and posture can throw you out of alignment#i really am miserable and i dont want to exist right now i feel like every day im just killing time to go to bed#and then when i wake up i dread to get up and find out how much pain ill be in for the day#its been a whole month like this and i cant see my my dentist until feb and im scared to do that bc i cant open my mouth v wide#and im afraid theyll try and make me a custom splint or something and i dont have dental insurance#and some splints dont work or make the problem worse bc im clencing and tensing my face at night most likely not grinding my teeth#and i was put on amitriptyline for the stress and anxiety but its only been a week and a half and wont feel effects until maybe 2 or 4 weeks#idk what to do anymore#personal#chronic pain#tmj disorder
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wabblebees · 2 years
#warning: long complaining rant abt my day incoming#now that saturday is officially over here where im at#can i just say fuck yesterday?? yeah. fuck yesterday#day started with finding that my betta died last night:( hed been sick as fuck for a while but id been trying rly hard to help and i rly#thought hed started getting better this week but. i guess not... to the person who msgd me & wished him well thank you very much<3<3<3#i really really appreciated it even tho i didnt know how to respond at the time#but. yeah. hhhh.#and bc of. all that:( i was an hour+ late to work this morning -- & as always im the only one scheduled to work up front for saturdays#so i felt so fucking bad for keeping my boss waiting up front instead of letting him go out to the fields like hed planned#and then we were busy as SHIT all day holy fuck. but i was very very lucky that the weather was ok & everyone who came today was super nice#and my ride to take me home was an hour+ late to pick me up -- so i stayed clocked in until they finally got there. & the coworker who was#supposed to be my shift relief didnt show up until 5 minuted before my ride did bc THEY were an hour+ late to work too#but i had so much shit i needed to do today after work and i just fucking COULDN'T bc being at work that long took all of my goddamn spoons#bc i was switching btween manual labor & so fucken MUCH human interaction & then back as soon as i had 30secs w/out someone talking to me#and again!! they were all so so nice!! if i wasnt already having a bad day im sure it wouldnt have taken NEARLY as many spoons. but i didnt#want to talk to anyone and i didnt want to do my usual cheery-chirpy shtick i automatically use bc of the adhd-masking+social anxiety shit#that always makes my coworker laugh bc apparently my customer service voice is just ''tour-guide barbie up an octave''#but like. yeah. that ate up every goddamn resource id managed to scrounge up after an already difficult week#which is. going to be a problem for tomorrow+next week!!! aaaaaaa!!!#i havent even made a DENT in the packing i have to finish before noon todayyy#im so so so excited for tmrw bc im FINALLY getting to see my partner after more than a month bUt im ALSO going to be spending the day with#their family and im so fucken nervous bc i love them and i already REALLY like their family but what if i fuck it up somehow. idek what to#WEAR bc its a party but when i asked their mom abt dresscode she just said ''come comfortable!🙂'' which one would THINK would make it EASY#but nOoOo bc EYE'VE never been COMFORTABLE at a social gathering in my LIFE#and then monday that ive gotta go drive back to my stupid SCHOOL bc ive got a 10-day JOB up there and im ALSO nervous about THAT#even tho ive done it twice before!! but this time IM gonna be the only student on the team thats ever done it and im 😬#hhhhhHHHH. and ive sat here shaking and typing this for 30 minutes instead of packing. still. bc im exhausted but havent done JACK SHIT#if im being fair to myself i will say i DID manage to take a shower and do laundry. which were both necessary steps! but also. the damn#fuck-ass dryer DIED HALFWAY THRU. bc fuck me ig. lmfao. life is a comedy of errors and im the damn player getting laughed off the stage#bee speaks
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Get it RIGHT
Pairing: Steven Grant × black Reader (marc and jake make an appearance too!)
Warnings: just lots of cussing
A/N: this is an idea I had about how reader would react to Donna being an asshole to Steven and calling him "Stevie" also i was a little buzzed while typing this up just now so there might be a few run on sentences but honestly who gives a shit lol
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"ok girl ill call you tomorrow i just pulled up to steven's job! bye love you!" you hung up with your best friend excited to show your man the new braids you got from your trusted stylist. every 3 months you switch it up and when you do hes always so amazed, sometimes he just stares in awe at how your hair could do so many things, styles, colors it was so cool to him.
After parking you pulled down the mirror to make sure ya makeup was still looking bomb as fuck, baby hairs still swooped to the gods and...ya titties looking damn good in the new shirt that was bought yesterday. thankfully steven didnt see the numerous bags in the back of the closet.
Every other day when your jobs had the same lunch break you and steven would have a lunch break date. Honestly it was the best part of each other's day.
Walking inside you walked straight to the gift shop, waving slightly at the security guard who did a double take at your appearance. "Nope still with steven grant buddy! sorry not sorry!" The man waved back but grumbled something behind the newspaper he was reading and covered his face with it.
Rounding the corner your smile faded slightly as she was standing in front of steven. His boss donna was pointing at him. Being a little ways away you couldnt hear the conversation but moving closer her words started becoming clear.
"i'm telling you all this shit is still unorganized and uncounted for! looks like you'll be on inventory again tonight i dont care if it takes you all night!" "Donna im doing my best but shipment has been coming-" she put a hand up.
"oh no the fuck she didnt shush my baby" you mumbled to yourself
Doing so made steven stop talking immediately and frown deeply.
"i dont care when shipment comes..you get it done! you're so bloody useless Stevie!" Hearing her degrading and calling him by the wrong name set you OFF. Before realizing it you stomped over to where they were, eyes seeing red, curses spewing under your breath. Out the corner of his eye he sees you coming, a first he was relieved then he saw the look on your face which let him know all hell was about to break loose.
"oooh shit ive never seen her that pissed before..." Marc from the reflection of the glass.
"That's the sexiest fucking thing ive ever seen LET HER HAVE IT MI AMOR RIP HER APART!" jake smiled
"oh dear" steven sighed heavily. Donna looked confused but that expression worn off when she noticed you coming over to where they were; it soon turned into fear. "i-uh ill be in my meeting-" you stopped in front of them with a big smile on your face "donna let me tell you this one time and one time only" Steven looked nervous as fuck " love its okay donna was just leaving for a meeting and my break is in 5 so lets just-" you cut him off by grabbing his shirt and planting the deepest, tongue fighting kiss then pushed him back slightly.
steven gained control of his balance, licked his lips and just nodded his head. "Donna let me tell you something..in the nicest way i can. his name is steven, steven grant. says it right there on his name tag and fucking birth certificate. Stop calling him Stevie, stephen, stanely anything with S.T in it that aint fuckin steVEN. That is MY man im tired of him coming home looking damn near doorknob dead because your overworking him .Sometimes he's to tired to even fuck me and that's a goddamn problem." Steven started to turn red but he wasn't embarrassed in the slight.
Donna stood there like a fish out of water; mouth just opening and closing dumbfounded. She looked around making sure customers couldn't hear what's going on but you honestly couldn't give a shit. "well..i mean sometimes he just needs to catch up-"
"Catch up bitch all my man does is catch up! but your lazy ass think just because your the manager ya can do whatever you want but let me get you straight on this donna. Let me find out you've insulted him, degraded or humiliate him in any possible way and bitch i will stuff you in pharaoh's tomb myself. do we have an understanding??" You glared at her with eyes that said dont fucking try me.
She nodded her head, fixed her shirt and cleared her throat "mhm i-i understand..i uh..i apologize steven please take an extra hour lunch on me" She nodded again, turned and quickly turned on her heels to her office.
"Oh my god LOVE!" he laughed "that was amazing i never knew you could get that vulgar or angry!" You just giggled sweetly. "i told you baby nobody can disrespect you in front of me..ever." He leaned over kissing you deeply. "ok ill go clock out then we can go to lunch!"
"Okay baby after we eat seeing as you have an extra hour how about you show me the back room?" steven looked at you confused, you've seen the backroom maybe twice now before. "oh okay but what for?" you smiled walking over to him, grabbed the back of his head and licked the side of his face slowly then bit his earlobe.
"So you can tell me a story while deep in this pussy love.." you whispered in his ear
"Oh my god please give me the body steven" marc whined
"AYE No give ME the body!!" jake countered
Steven shuddered at your naughty moves and ignored his alters, he suddenly didn't want to eat the lunch he brought in today but something else vegan friendly.
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blxkwxrl-blog · 3 years
i never thought of making smuts lmao but i kinda wanna, so i hope you'll like it.
yn - your name
yfn1 - your friend(1)'s name
yfn2 - your friend(2)'s name
ycn - your crush's name
ybn - your boyfriend's name
ycgn - your crush's girlfriend's name
summer is almost over, yet youre still not done with all this school work.
you sighed as you scroll past the photos your classmates posted from their vacation. its been long since you met your boyfriend too,
so you called him up, to plan a meet. he didnt pickup.
you saw your phone beeping from texts from your friend.
yfn1: hey yn, wanna go out tomorrow? a new club opened nearby.
you: sure! will it be just the two of us?
yfn1: no no. it will be me, you, yfn2 and ycn.
you felt your heart beating a bit faster.
you: ycgn wont come?
yfn1: no shes busy.
you: okay then.
but you couldnt stop your heart racing, just by the thought of his presence near you. the guilt of having a crush on someone else, whilst being in a relationship was eating you up. but luckily yoir boyfriend was pretty understanding, so he understood your problem and let you go to the club.
you knew it was wrong,
The next day;
you got in his car, as he took the shotgun. you couldn't help but stare at his veiny arm, and his hazel eyes. "so yn, are you done with school work?"
you were so distracted by him, that you ignored the question your friend asked.
"yn are you okay?"
you startled, and nodded as a response.
you all reached the club after an hour. the music was loud, your felt your whole body vibrating, as the music blasted at its full volume.
"hey yn, do you want a drink?" he asked, you nodded, and said "just order a beer for me, i dont want to get drunk."
he nodded, and ordered two beers for him and you. your guilt was haunting you, as your boyfriend's face came to your mind. 'i shouldnt, why do i like him? i shouldnt...why..why..no.'
you felt your stomachs forming knots. a sudden nauseous feeling took over your body, just from imagining your boyfriend's face. 'i shouldnt, and i wont.'
"yn are you okay?" ycn asked, he looked concerned. "hm" you said, as you gulped down the beer. the sweet taste of the beer filled your mouth, as you talked to ycn about yourself and other things you were curious about.
"ycn look, he looks like he got laid or something" you laughed as you saw a random guy passing by, who looked extremely proud and happy, judging from his facial expressions.
"how did you know he was drunk?" ycn asked smirking at you. "experience." you replied, taking a sip of your beer. "well what kind of experience?" ycn raised his eyebrows, as he smirked at you. "ummm blowjob probably. ybn and i didnt go that far yet"
you looked away as he smirked at you more,
"show me the kind of experience you have.", judging from his words and tone, you thought he was joking. so you laughed and played along. "sure, unzip and i'll show you my godly skills."
"oh yea? then get down the chair." you were a bit shook, but you didnt show that. "sure mister. open up first."
"hey yn and ycn!" you heard your other two friends calling you. you two talked to them, and ordered food.
you and ycn sat beside eachother. "feed me" ycn said. you laughed and took your spoon. he stopped you and said "no no, with your hand"
you were a bit shy, but anyways you fed him with your hands, but there was something strange. you felt him sucking your fingers slightly. you pulled your hand out, and blushed.
"my turn!" he fed you, but to your reflex, you bit his finger. "that hurts moron", he said hitting you playfully. you hit him back. he accidentally touched your thigh, you blushed a bit,
"that was by mistake. im sorry" he said
"its okay, dont worry about it" you smiled at him.
"hey guys do you know where the washroom is?", you asked.
"i do.", ycn replied. "shall i escort you milady?" he said.
you laughed and nodded.
"hey" ycn said,
"yeah?" you replied from the washroom.
"do you want me to come in?" he joked, you played and said.
to your surprise, he did actually come in.
"what are you doing ycn?" you asked. he pinned you against the wall, you could feel his alcholic breath, hitching against your neck, as he stared deep into your eyes. you felt him leaning in closer, 'this is wrong'. 'i shouldnt do it'. 'i cant hurt ybn, but it feels weirdly right'.
for a second you gave in yourself, after battling in your mind. "haha gotch ya!". ycn laughed, as he smiled in victory.
"god youre such an idiot." you said. "noo youuu." ycn snickered back at you, as he laughed at your flustered face.
you were glad he didnt do it, but deep down you wanted him to.
"what took you two so long?" your friends asked. you laughed and said "oh we were having a quickie."
ycn nodded and smirked at you.
"hey yn" ycn called you, "mhm?" you said as you feasted on the noodles on your plate. "how are your legs so smooth? what do you use?"
you almost spat out your food, you replied "eh i dont use anything, except my razor."
ycn nodded in response.
"hey dont waste the food" you said, as you saw few pieces of meet on the plate. "do you want it ycn?" you asked.
"yes" ycn replied, "but only if you feed it to me.......with your mouth."
you were kinda flustered. there was a sudden rush of excitement, to feel his lips, but the guilt held you back.
"no no" you said,
"then", he took a piece of meat in his mouth, and put it in your mouth. you blushed hard, as you felt his lips brushing against yours.
"do you wanna take pics?" he asked. you nodded.
he wrapped his hand around his shoulder, and pulled you in. you felt warm, you could hear his heart beating rhythmatically.
it was around 8pm now,
"hey, my mom will kill me if i dont go soon. wanna go together?" you asked.
he nodded and booked a cab for you two.
"hey, you know.." he said, and leaned in closer, and kissed your cheek lightly. "youre attractive, the most attractive person ive ever met."
he leaned in, and slipped in his tongue in your mouth. you savoured every inch of his mouth, as he slid his hand under your shirt, and squeezed your breast. "this feels right, but..."
"ma'am is this your stop?" the cab driver's words broke the heat in the air. you nodded, and opened the door for yourself.
"i'll miss you yn" he said, kissing your lips for ome last time, "i'll miss you too", you whispered, as you hugged him as hard as you could for one last time, before bidding him a final farewell.
you took a heavy breath, as you walked towards your house, the guilt of cheating and being in love with someone else, made you feel sick.
but at the same time,
it all felt so right.
The next morning;
you were having the worst migrane ever, you sighed as you snuck in some aspirins in your bedroom.
the memories from last night, made you feel light, as you gulped down the bitter aspirin.
you: hey! did you reach home safely?
ycn: yeah. you?
you: yeah. sorry for not asking sooner, i passed out.
ycn: its cool.
you: so you remember last night?
ycn: what about it?
you: what you told me?
ycn: ??
you: no nevermind, my bad, i mixed you with someone else.
ycn: hm, take care.
you: yeah, you too.
you felt your heart breaking,
you felt nauseous,
you were numb.
you fell in love,
you lived your dream.
but whats the price?
a bittersweet after-taste of the alcohol.
no memories from the night,
you two confessed.
A/N (author's note):
Hey guys! hope that you will like it. comment if you want a part 2 or a continuation,
or another imagine. i can do custom imagines too,
hope that you'll like it,
have a good day<3
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misscarolineshelby · 3 years
Part One: Spilled Beans
Pairing: Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader
Words: 1,345
Warning: None…This is only the beginning!
Original Poster: @queenshelby  ​
You were in your last year of your business degree at Oxford University and were certainly one of a kind.
You had obtained a student visa for the United Kingdom three years ago and shared a small apartment with two other students. You were 21 and at the top of your class and quite shy. Parties didn’t interest you and neither did community events organised by the different social clubs at university.
Clearly, you were smart but, according to your best friend Janine you were not, at all, adventurous. Or perhaps it was just that you hadn’t discovered your adventurous side as yet.
No one would ever notice you, sitting in the back of the lecture hall, keeping to yourself and studying hard to finish your degree which you started when you were just 16 years old.
While most of your friends didn’t have the need to work while studying, you did. Money was tight and, on the weekends, you were working at an art gallery as an office assistant while, during the week, you had just taken up another part time position at a coffee shop in London’s business district.
Making coffee bored you and your customer skills were limited due to being incredibly shy. It was a job nonetheless and you were grateful for the opportunity.
Every morning, at work, you saw the same people ordering the same coffees. You remembered their orders and you remembered the faces of the men who left tips and of those who didn’t.
It’s not that you had ever gotten a tip from anyone, dressed like this, in jeans and a black t-shirt, but your two female co-workers worked hard for their tips.
From black dresses to miniskirts, bleached hair and showing off their cleavages, they were quite popular with some of the young and old bankers, lawyers and business men in town, wearing their fancy suits and expensive ties.
None of this impressed you much and, while these women were looking for a sugar daddy or their perfect suitor, you simply wanted to be able to pay your rent.
Little did you know that your boring life was about to come to an end and your worries to pay rent and fears of eviction would no longer exist following the visit of one particular customer.
It was Monday morning at 7 o’clock that Katherine, one of the young and incredibly attractive waitresses at the café, pointed out the one man all of the women in town were going crazy for.
‘That’s him, the guy I told you about. Usually, his secretary Lizzie gets his coffee for him but, occasionally, he will come here himself’ Katherine explained.
‘Another man in a suit, of course’ you said, rolling your eyes and, whilst you thought that he was handsome, you didn’t think he was anything special.
‘He’s not just another man in a suit. According to Vogue, he’s one of the most eligible bachelors in the UK’ Katherine pointed out just before he walked into the door with his head glued to his phone.
You didn’t know what made him so special but you couldn’t help but watch him and listen to him talk while you were wiping down the tables behind where he was standing, waiting for his coffee. His voice was deep and intimidating and he was swearing much more than any other business man you had heard before.
You realised quickly that he was dealing with a problem and, when he finally got of the phone, his coffee was already ready and waiting for him.
‘Thank you, Katherine’ he said with his low voice as he took the cup of coffee from the counter and, just as he did and turned around, you accidently tumbled into him on your way to the storage room.
Katherine’s chin dropped as she watched the coffee spill across his expensive suit and onto your arms all at the same time.
‘Oh my god, I am so so sorry’ you said, cheeks blushing red while you entirely ignored the burning pain on your arms.
The man looked at you somewhat surprised before putting his half empty cup of coffee back onto the corner. Then he sighed.
‘You’ve burnt yourself. You should maybe get this looked at, eh’ the man said but his facial expression didn’t change.
‘I ruined your suit. I will pay to get it dry cleaned’ you said somewhat nervously but the man shook his head.
‘There is no need Love, it’s just fucking coffee, eh’ he said before picking up his phone again, taking yet another phone call while asking Katherine for a new cup of coffee.
As he was talking on the phone, you cleaned up the floor where the coffee had spilled and you couldn’t help but notice that he was watching you.
His blue eyes gazed up and down, observing your every move until, eventually, he swore and hung up on whomever he was talking to.
‘You know, I couldn’t help but overhear you talking about a tax issue which, I think, I might have a solution for. I just wrote an assignment addressing…’ you began to say somewhat ignorant before, suddenly, the man interrupted you.
‘Are you an accountant?’ he asked and you shook your head.
‘I am about to finish my business degree but have researched business structures quite a fair bit’ you said, moving your glasses around slightly which is something you did when you were nervous.
‘She’s in the top of her class at Oxford. A childhood genius of some sort who left high school at sixteen to come here to study’ Katherine explained humoured before handing the man his brand-new cup of coffee.
‘A clumsy genius, eh?’ the man smirked and, just as he did, he pulled out one of his business cards and handed it to you.
‘Make an appointment with my secretary Elizabeth. You start tomorrow as one of my business advisors’ the man then said, causing your chin to drop.
‘I what?’ you asked somewhat surprised as you took the card.
‘Sweetheart, I don’t think it’s safe for you to be working around hot beverages. You are much better suited to sit in a comfortable office, eh’ the man then said, causing you to laugh.
‘I haven’t even graduated yet sir’ you explained, unsure what this was all about.
‘I would hate to see you work for someone else, Love. Katherine says that you are a genius so I will take her word for it, eh. Despite, I am doing the city of London a favour by getting you away from the coffee machine’ the man then said before advising you that he would insist on punctuality.
‘Thank you’ you said and he simply nodded in return before leaving the shop and getting into his rather expensive car.
When he left, you looked at the business card that he gave you.
‘Thomas Shelby, Director & CEO, Shelby Company Limited’ it read and you couldn’t believe that you had just scored a position at one of the UK’s largest manufacturing, import and export companies.
Tag List:
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@peaky-cillian  @queenyshelby ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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fuck-customers · 3 years
First, im sorry my submits are so long... I feel like i never see them posted because everything looks scripted or fake, but really? I write books in my free time, so its prolly the way I format my scenarios, or im doing something against the rules and don't even know it, but yaknow, ~delete if not allowed~
I work at Northestern Coffe Chain and I just had my first? (Second??) "You're rude!" Incident. yaaaay.
I'm still kind of new, so I can't do a lot of things as easily as my other coworkers. One of those things is that I cannot ring up gift cards properly. Every time I try to ring it up along with someone's order, I end up having to void everything, rering their food, cash out, then start the gift card process. Its especially stupid when someone says they want a NEW gift card with their coffee and try to pay for said coffee with an OLD gift card. Every time, without fail!!, these transactions cost me minutes, costs the store angry customers, and costs me and my manager stress when she decides to further aggravate my anxiety by yelling at me to go faster than mach speed. But anyway, thats just for reference...
So the incident goes like this: a woman pulls up to my window and says she wants a 25$ gift card with her frozen coffee. I say "okay! It'll be about 5 bucks for the coffee." And she repeats herself about the card. I say "yes, I've heard you. I gotta charge the drink first. May I please have 4.89$?" And she gives me a look and says "and my 25 dollar gift card?" Ma'am, I've heard you the first five times. This isn't the first time I've had to repeat myself like this, so I squat past the plastic shield and look her in the eyes as I speak as clearly as I can, because I'm not sure if she's hearing me. I tell her, "Ma'am, I cannot do a gift card purchase with your order. I have to do them separately because its faster. I heard and understand you about your gift card, but I need to charge you for you drink first. Unless you wanted to use the gift card to purchase, then I'll do that first-" only to get interrupted by her. She says "so can you charge me for the drink and card then?" And then I sighed, it was purely involuntary. I look at my hands folded on my countertop and said calmly, "I have to charge your drink first. And then we'll swipe your card for the gift card. Thats how it needs to be done." At this point we've spent a whole three minutes on this. As I'm ringing out her card, she asks me for my name. I was already shaking out of fear of what would come next, but I had to tell myself that I know I did nothing wrong. She asked if my name was Tiff or Tiffany and I tell her that my name tag is fake (because it is. I LOOK like a Tiffany, but I'm NOT Tiffany.) A joke amongst my coworkers because I left my real tag at home by mistake (very true, btw). I write my real name on her receipt and tell her "This is how you spell it for when you do what you need to do." And she takes it, a confused look on her face and says "you were very rude!" And without missing a beat I say "im sorry, ma'am. I was in no way trying to put any disrespect towards you. I just needed to make sure my system didn't shut down on me. I wasn't trying to be rude whatsoever, thats why I gave you my reall name." And she still looks baffled at how calm im handling my "attitude problem". She just keeps saying I was rude over and over again. And then I walked away to grab her drink because my slow coworker forgot about it listening to me agree with this woman. As I walk, she calls to said coworker and nags about her frozen drink. She responds with "she's grabbing it right now" and closes the window on her face. Almsot immediately, my other coworker tells me that I can make gift card purchases on top of orders, and I had to explain every time I try I always do it wrong so I do it separately because its less of a hassle. To which, everyone completely understood! But when I explain to them why this woman was asking for my name, thats when they felt my frustration. Now that I had them telling me I did absolutely nothing wrong, it was easier to calm down and move on to the next customer.
About five minutes later, I asked around to make sure that I should write a report because usually at my old jobs they'd have me write a report just in case the customer actually makes it to corporate. Everyone said don't bother because I did nothing wrong... but I'm so scared this shit will get me suspended I have to vent here. I'm gonna write an official report in my notebook I keep in my work bag, just in case when I punch in tomorrow or anytime this week, my ass of a manager knows whats up. I'd be damned if she fires me for some "continuous attitude problem" its called social anxiety and auditory delay, im sorry you gotta say shit twice for me to hear it and im sorry I have a tone when I get scared, but I assure you there's no attitude that you speak of.
The weird part is that I still kind of like this job 🤔
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mha-princess · 3 years
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Don’t Let Me Be | Bakugou x Reader
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Genre:Angst | Tea Shop AU | stranger to lovers | Oneshot/Ongoing | eventual smut
Word Count: 1.2k+
Warnings: mentions of depression/sadness/sickness
Summary: as the seasons change you stand at the counter unmindful and aloof, but when a boy enters the shop you cease your boredom and take his order. But every second he draws. closer an overwhelming sadness fills the room. Interested by him to try your best to befriend him a figure why this boy is so sad.
A/N: just like my previous oneshots if you would like me to continue this story a comment, reblog, or a like is appreciated! ⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Song recommendation for this fic - Song Request by Lee Sora
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The faint scent of boiling herbs filled the small oak shop as the last reminants of winter faded away outside of its wooden walls. A slow somber ballad flowed from the small speaker at the back of the shop, filling the space with a indescribable melencholy. The transition from winter to spring was always a weird one? It was almost as if the weather dictated your mood.
Well whatever it was your shift was going by unspeakably slow. But to be fair it wasn’t all that bad, the tea shop provided a very calming setting to cope with the ever changing ordeals of life. The shop was never empty but it was never unbearably busy either. On occasion a couple would sit and have a cuppa but most of the time people ordered their teas to go.
The door of the old shop is pushed open with minimal force, the ringing of the bell shifting your attention to the direction of the sound. In lumbered a boy, his clothes baggy and oversized as if he were trying to fend off the dying cold, his hair colored a light blond creating a perfect contrast to his red irises, and the expression on his face unclear due to the the scarf wrapped firmly around his neck slightly covering his mouth.
“How may I help you today?” you question, grabbing ahold of a sticky note to take down the order.
The boy’s eyes gloss over the menu before he responds, his voice muffled by the scarf. “I’d like to have a chamomile tea.”
“Sorry,” you shake your head, “can you repeat that for me?”
He hesitates before pulling the scarf down. “Can I have a chamomile tea?”
“For here or to go?”
“Uh,” he glances around the shop before going back to looking off to the side, “here is fine.”
“Your total is five dollars and eight cents, you can sit wherever and I’ll bring you your tea when it’s ready. Can I get your name?”
“Katsuki,” He answered, handing you the exact amount of change before walking off to find a seat.
As you dip the tea bags into the steaming kettle, the once transparent water slowly turns a dark green. You then advert your attention from the tea to the boy who had just entered the shop.
He’s seated by a glass window, his shoulders slumped and his arms appeared to be wrapped in a cris cross form around his stomach as if the abundance of clothes weren’t keeping him warm enough. His eyes were glued to the outside scenery, which in your opinion wasn’t very pleasant.
The trees still weren’t fully resurrected from the harsh winter, a months worth of snow was just now succumbing to the rising (yet still low) temperatures, and the wind tumbled the streets litter up and down the cracked sidewalks. Why would that be captivating to anyone?
The kettle whistles indicating that the tea is done. With caution you pour the tea into a porcelain cup top it off with mint leaves and plate it on a saucer. Carefully you walk over to the table and set the tea infront of the unmindful boy.
“Order for Katsuki,” You state, pushing the saucer towards the boy but he still doesn’t notice your presence. Involuntarily you let your hands reach out to tap his shoulders. The male inhaled sharply as if you had just caused him physical pain. Startled by the noise he just made his eyes find yours to see if he had scared you any but he quickly looks away, unable to make eye contact.
“Sorry,” he mutters.
“No im sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just don’t think you heard me the first time, which is fine.” you smile softly, looking around the shop to see if there were and unsuspecting customers, “Would it be a problem if I sat with you? Buisness is kind of slow today.”
He shrugged before allowing himself to nod yes. Upon sitting down you were able to get a closer look at his features. His lips were chapped, molded into what seemed to be a frown and the underside of his eyes seemed to be a light shade of gray.
Your eyes follow his movements as he reaches out to grasp the handle of the tea cup. As his fingers slip from the cuff of his hoodie you notice that his hands appear to be covered in this scratches and welts. His fingertips were also lined with callous skin.
“Be careful, it’s hot.” You warn, watching the boys lip curl to blow the liquid. After taking a sip he sets the cup down and looks out the window once more. It’s was clear that if you wanted a conversation you’d have to try harder.
“So how’d you hear about this place? You look pretty young and people like us don’t come here often.” You smile turning your gaze towards the window. The boy swallows before answering your question.
“I use to live in the neighboring city. I moved here not too long ago but a lady used to tell me about it. She-,” the boy pauses, “ She always wanted to visit here.” His voice drawn to that of a mere mutter as he finishes his statement.
“Does she not live around here?” you question.
“Something like that,” The sullen look on his face growing even sadder as his arms go back to caressing his sides. You had clearly just unintentionally hit a nerve. You refrain from asking anymore questions, and just sit and watch the rain drops pitter across the window sill. The musical ballad filling the silence between you too.
“It’s raining again outside the window. These moments make me think of you. I can’t sleep. This silence and the melancholic sound of my heart fill the room. Making me go crazy. So I turn up my radio. Somewhere, I hear someone’s voice. And on the radio. That sad story is so much like my own.”
As the hour fades and closing time nears the boys eyes never move from the window. And the longer you looked at him the more you felt a solace form in your heart. An overwhelming sadness had you firmly seated, unable to leave. Maybe it was the clothes he wore that were clearly there for comfort or maybe it was the way his eyes told a sorrowful story.
In a last ditch attempt to get the boy to talk to you, you dish one more question. “Do you think you’ll come back sometime? Like it doesn’t have to be tomorrow or anything, I just think it’ll be nice for us to have some tea when I’m not on the clock then maybe we can go to a bakery or something, since your not familiar with this town? I could show you around.”
The boys sits firmly in the seat, his eyes still glued to the window. His expression never changing.
“You don’t have to answer right now.” you add, “It was just a suggestion.”
The boy turns and gives you nod he then reaches into his wallet to leaves you a tip, before rising to leave. He mumbles a quick thank you before exiting the shop.
“What could have someone that out of it?” You question grabbing the cup of green liquid. “He didn’t even drink much of his tea.”
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“That tea was damn disgusting.” Katsuki says caressing the matte photograph. The picture showcasing two people,there’s a older female, smiling her hand placed on a younger boys head whose looking at the camera in distain. The once matted photo slowly becoming glossy with the tears of its beholder.
“You old hag. We were suppose to go to that shop as a family.” he choked, the saltiness of tears entering his mouth.
“If you don’t get well soon, I’ll lose it,” he sobs clenching the photo between his fingers.
“I’ll lose it.”
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Masterlist | Request Rules | Request Box
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dalamjisung · 4 years
messing with my head ❀ im jaebeom
word count: 6515
genre: hospital!au, fluff
pairing: neurosurgeon!jaebeom x baker!reader
description: he always care for everyone, but no once cares for him. until you show up. 
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It’s a condition in which there is an over-accumulation of fluid in the brain… surgery for a shunt… potential brain damage… some complications can occur… if not, he’ll live a normal, happy life… timely surgery… fatal. 
The day your little brother was born was the happiest day of your life. Eight years ago, little Taehyung gave you a sense of purpose. You were now a big sister– you had someone to love and protect. You had someone to teach, and someone to learn from. As a daughter, you might not have been the best; you rebelled and partied for a while; insisted on bad decision; hung out with the wrong people. But that all changed once you turned 16, and Taehyung turned one. You still remember the moment that the change happened. It was his birthday, and he looked as tiny as ever in his little overalls and fuzzy socks. Just as you were about to blow out the candles for him, he giggles and points his chubby finger at you.
“Y/N!” He screeches, laughter following. “Y/N! Y/N!”
Your mother looks at you, eyes wide and tearful. “That’s right, Taehyung-ie, that’s your noona, Y/N.”
“Y/N!” He screams again and wiggles out of your father’s grasp, crawling to you. 
You pick him up, hugging your little brother close. Tears fall on his head and you let out a gurgled laugh, allowing your parents to hug their children. After that day– the day that Taehyung’s first word was you,– you promised to be better. For your parents, for Taehyung, for yourself. It was time for improvement. You started looking for part-time jobs, stopped hanging out with those bad people, and only attended parties every once in a while. You were lucky your grades never slipped, so you kept up with your studies easily. 
One day, after school, you were walking back home with a friend when you passed by a small, white bakery. No name, no advertisement, nothing but a small we sell delicious baked goods! on the window.
“You go ahead,” You tell your friend as you walk to the bakery. “I’m gonna check this out.”
“I’ll go with you,” Hyejin says, smiling. “Moral support and all.”
Out of all your friends, Hyejin is the only one you knew to be real– she was unforgivingly herself, and you admired that a lot. She’s always been by your side, supporting you and calling you out on your shit. Her friendship is one you’ll never give up on. 
You two walk in, arm in arm, and initially you see no one, but then you hear a pained grunting from behind the counter and you lean over, looking at an elderly woman trying to carry a box that was visibly too have for her. 
“Let me help you, ma’am,” You smile, walking around the counter and easily picking the box up. “Where shall I put this?”
“Ah, thank you so much,” She says smiling, and once you notice how her eyes almost disappear under such bright and wide smile, you feel something inside of you telling that you belong in that place. “I’m getting too old for this…”
“Not at all,” You joke. “I just eat a lot, so I’m freakishly strong.”
She laughs at that and you already feel oddly fond of that woman. 
“You remind me a lot of my grandson, young lady,” She says and start moving around, grabbing things; first a plate, then a cup. “Sit over there, sweetie, I’ll get you and your friend something to eat.”
“Oh, you don’t have to,” Hyejin says, smiling kindly. 
“Please, let me do at least that,” She says, and you two sit down, keeping an eye in case she needed any more help. She brings you two pieces of cake and iced tea, and you are sure you saw stars when you took the first bite, humming in appreciation. “Ah, I’m going to miss this– the look on your faces just made my day…”
“Are you leaving, ma’am?” You ask frowning in disappointment. You had just found out about this place…
“Unfortunately, I might have to close the bakery,” She sighs, looking down at her feet. “I’ve been running this place for almost forty years, with some help here and there, but now I’m old, and I can’t do the things as fast and efficiently as I used to.”
“Have you been working here by yourself, ma’am?” Hyejin frowns.
“My grandson used to help me when he was in high school,” She smiles proudly. “I had to practically kick him out of here so that he’d go to college… but ever since, it’s been just me.” “Let me work here.”
The request comes out fast and strong and you think that’s what makes the owner consider, looking you up and down.
“And why would a young, beautiful girl like you want to work with an old woman like me?” She laughs, dusting her hands in her dress. “You should be enjoying your youth, little girl.”
“Done that already,” You smile, following after her with your used plates and cups. “I want to help my parents. I want to be a good daughter. And I want to be happy while doing so. Let me work here… please.”
“What makes you think you’ll be happy here? Look around you, sweetheart; this place is run down. Customers barely come, anymore, and all I have left are my recipes and good memories. I can’t pay you much, and it’s a very time consuming job, I don’t thi–”
“I don’t care about the pay,” You smile, leaning over the counter. “Ma’am, this place is incredible. My mother’s been backing ever since I was born, so I know a thing or two. I see how happy she is when she’s baking and I see how happy you look in here… I’m sorry if I sound crazy, but please. Let me work here. I can come everyday after school, and even before if you need help prepping ingredients and–”
She raises her hand, silencing you in the process. She has a stern face, observing you. Your smile falters.
“I’m sorry,” You mumble, suddenly embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to press you or disrespect you.”
“Crazy,” She says, squinting. “Might just be what I need… can you start tomorrow?”
And that’s how it all begun. 
Seven years after that, you now manage Sweet Dreams alongside Ms. Im. At first, your parents were a little unsure about you working at the bakery, afraid that you’d not handle the weight of school and work very well, but you proved them wrong with each day that passed, improving not only your grades, but also helping out at the house. They refuse to let you help with expanses and told you to put all your paychecks in a saving account, so that you could go to college comfortably. You are now 23 and although you have plans for college one day, you just can’t seem to leave Ms. Im and the bakery behind. The amount of work you put into the place made it your home; you named it, painted it, fixed some of it. Ms. Im has been your mentor ever since you were sixteen and leaving her behind would be like leaving family– and you’d never leave your family. 
Especially not right now.
“How’s the little guy?” Ms. Im asks as you arrive, the sky outside still dark. You had to start prepping the ingredients and baked goods early in the morning, waking up before the sun and observing as it rises along with your cakes. 
“Sleeping a lot still,” You mumble, sounding as worried as you feel. “He complains about headaches all the time and he’s always sick… I’m really worried about him.”
“Are your parents working today?” Ms. Im asks just as you are about to put your apron on. 
“Yeah,” You sigh, suddenly getting a headache yourself. “He’s with grandpa right now, and we think that Advil has been helping, but we can’t keep pushing it much further… it’s been four days already.”
“Take that apron off,” Ms. Im demands and you do it without questioning. “We’re not opening the shop today.”
“What?” You shriek. “But Friday is one of our busiest days!”
“And one of the mellow days at the hospital,” She winks. “Let’s go, I’m driving you.”
“Ms. Im,” You follow her outside, shivering as you haven’t had the time to even put your jacket on. “I can take Taehyung myself, you don’t have to bother, really!”
“You walked into my shop seven years ago begging for a job,” Ms. Im says as she starts driving to your house. “Not only I gained a reliable worker, but I gained a daughter. Now stop complaining; Taehyung can’t see his sister freaking out like that.”
“Thank you,” You smile, wiping a few stray tears away. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem, dear,” She chuckles. “I promise it will be quick– if I’m not wrong, he’s still at the hospital doing an early shift.”
“Who?” You ask.
“My grandson.”
In seven years of working for Ms. Im, you are pretty sure you’ve heard about her grandson at least twice a day. She is incredibly proud of him; he went from a trouble maker to a very successful doctor, it’s all you remember. You are not sure what he does exactly, but you always noticed the tinge of sadness in her voice when she talked about him. In seven year, you heard about him everyday; but in seven years, you’ve never seen him at the shop. 
“Go get the kid,” Ms. Im says pulling up to your house. “I’ll wait here.”
You manage to not wake up you grandfather in the process, but you make sure to leave a note in the fridge telling him that you’re taking your brother to the hospital. 
“Where are we going?” Taehyung asks, groaning as you pick him up from his bed.
“Where going to the hospital, baby,” You say soothingly. “Remember how I went to see a nice doctor when I was in pain and then I felt good? I’m going to take you to see a nice doctor, too.”
“Okay,” Taehyung says and lays his head on your shoulder, drifting back to sleep. 
You text your parents from the car and you promise to keep them updated in case they have to go to the hospital too. Ms. Im parks the car and guides you through the maze that is the hospital, walking as if she owned the place. Some doctors stopped to say hello but she’d keep walking, marching with a purpose, almost. 
“Ms. Im,” You plead, looking around nervously. “We have to get in line, or maybe talk to a nurse, I don’t think we–“
“Ya!” She shouts, waving her small arms above her head and getting everyone’s attention. “Yugyeom!”
If you could hide, you would; but at the same time, you’d never been more thankful towards her, who’s done so much for you as it is. A tall doctor looks around, looking for the source of the ruckus, and he smiles widely when he sees her, jogging his way over. 
“Halmoni!” He shouts and hugs her tightly.
So this is him?, you think to yourself, holding Taehyung tightly against yourself. Is this the famous grandson?
“Y/N,” Ms. Im calls. “This is Yugyeom. Or Dr. Kim, as he is known around here. He is one of the best pediatricians in the city, so I am sure he can help. He’s friends with my boy.”
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” He smiles gently. “Who’s that little guy?”
“Oh!” As if you have just awaken from a trance, you bow to him as best as you can while holding your brother. “It’s nice to meet you too; I’m sorry for the sudden visit, Doctor, but–“
“Will the nice doctor help me?” Taehyung asks, looking at the tall man. 
“Yes, I will,” Yugyeom smiles. “What’s your name?”
“Taehyung,” He yawns, and then raises both his hands, putting down both his thumbs. “And I’m eight.”
“Ah, you’re a big guy already,” Dr. Kim says. “Follow me, please. We can talk better in my office.”
While Taehyung played with an alien stuffed doll, you explained the situation to Dr. Kim Yugyeom; your brother has been sleeping a lot these days, and complaining of headaches and dizziness. He’s been sick and crying and you are desperate. 
“Ah,” Dr. Kim’s face changes and he looks almost in pain. His brows are furrowed and he looks at Taehyung with worry. “Would you mind if I called a colleague here? I want a second opinion on something and he might have a better understanding of it than me…”
“Oh, yes, of course,” You mumble, hands fidgeting. 
Ms. Im stands by your side, and she puts a hand on top of yours, silently promising support. She’s been there for your first heartbreak; she’s been by your side through arguments, and fights, and birthdays, and celebrations. The fact that she is with you in that moment made things less hard; it made you believe that everything would be okay. 
“Excuse me,” Someone calls from the door. “Hello, I’m Dr. I–“
“Ya, Im Jaebeom, you ungrateful child!” Ms. Im shouts and you jump from your seat a little, surprised with the outburst. “Do I have to come all the way over here and bother your friends to finally see you?”
Ah, you think, holding a chuckle back. This is him. 
The man blinks, lost and confused, before smiling wide. That was the confirmation you needed– the way his eyes disappear under his wide smile was exactly the same as Ms. Im.
“Grandma!” He hugs her tight. “I’m sorry, halmoni, things have been crazy here in the hospital…”
“You could’ve called,” She pouts and hugs him back. “But we’ll talk about that another time. Dr. Kim called you here for another reason.”
“Is everything okay?” He asks, looking at his grandmother. “Are you eating properly? Do you have any joint pain? Backache?”
“I’m strong as a bull, child,” She laughs. “It’s Y/N that needs your help.”
You respectfully bow to him. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Im. I’m Y/N, and this is Taehyung.”
He looks at you and bows back. Dr. Im Jaebeom looks a little taken aback and you move uncomfortably under his gaze, bringing your brother closer. 
“So you are the crazy girl that my grandmother talks so much about,” He says, and there is a certain something in his voice that you just can’t seem to grasp– an edge that made you shiver. “What can I help you with?”
“It’s the boy,” Dr. Kim says in a soft voice. “He’s only eight and he’s been experiencing strong headaches. He sleeps a lot and is always dizzy and sick… all symptoms seem to add to hydrocephalus, but I wanted to consult with you before diagnosing him. Can you take a look?”
“Of course,” Dr. Im moves quickly and efficiently, crouching in front of Taehyung. “Hi there, buddy– would you mind if I touched your head really quick?”
The consultation goes by quick and you don’t understand any of it; they talk in medical terms and when they finally take the time to talk to you, your brother is already being admitted to the hospital. You numbly sign all the necessary paperwork and when you come back to your senses, you are standing outside of Taehyung’s room, and Dr. Im is moving his lips, but you can’t hear a thing.
“I’m sorry,” You sigh, frustrated. “Can you repeat that? I don’t know what happened, I just– I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
He frowns and you feel like hiding again. His gaze is burning on your skin and can only wonder how dumb he must think you are.
“Sure,” He clears hi throat. “Taehyung-ie has a condition called hydrocephalus, in which the over-accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull causes pressure on the brain. This is why he is having headaches and dizziness. When did this start?”
“Around four days ago,” You choke on your words. “Is it dangerous? Can you treat him?”
“All conditions have potential to be dangerous, but you did good in bringing him here as early as you could,” Dr. Im says, nodding to himself. “Unfortunately, this is not something that just goes away with time, nor something that can be medicated. The only solution is surgery.”
“Surgery?” You whimper, letting your shoulders fall in defeat. “What is the success rates of this surgery, Doctor?”
“The shunt surgery has a higher success rate for children,” He explain carefully. “But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have risks. Because we will insert a shunt inside of him to help with the circulation of the fluid accumulated in his head, things like shunt failure or infection can happen, but that’s why we’ll keep him in the hospital for an observation period.”
You nod, processing everything he’s telling you. 
“Alright,” You whisper. “Okay. What are the next steps?”
“You’ll have to go to the Financial office to talk about the expenses,” As he talked, you could only fixate your eyes on the embroidery of his coat. Im Jaebeom. “We’ll schedule the surgery for tomorrow. The sooner we do this, the better. We only need his mother to sign the consent form.”
He extends some papers and a pen towards you and you look back at him, suddenly at a loss of words. 
“I… uh, I-I’m not his mother,” You smile tightly. “I’m him older sister.”
“Oh, I apologize, I assumed that–“
“Haven’t I raised you right, Im Jaebeom?” Ms. Im asks, coming with two cups of coffee in hand, and you frown alongside her grandson. “Never assume… tsk, for a doctor he is really stupid, isn’t he, Y/N?”
You chuckle. “You must think we’re all idiots here if you intend on drinking that coffee, Ms. Im. You know it’s not good for you!”
She laughs. “This is for you two,” She gives one to Jaebeom and the other to you. “To keep up the energy.”
“When my parents arrive I’ll ask my mother to sign the papers,” You turn to the doctor, still too intimidated to look him in the eyes. “They should be here soon, so you can schedule the surgery for tomorrow.”
You don’t even see him leaving, allowing your body to fall on a waiting chair. You are not sure if you fell asleep or simply gave up, but when you open your eyes again, you are on the couch inside your brother’s room.
Taehyung was prepped for surgery and you couldn’t even look. You held his tiny hand, but your eyes were fixated on Dr. Im Jaebeom’s. He looked at you as intensely as you looked at him, and although you had a weird feeling that this man hated you, his piercing eyes on yours were the only thing holding you together. You couldn’t cry in front of Taehyung, and you couldn’t cry in front of Dr. Im. Simple as that. 
“We’ll take him now,” One of the nurses tell you and you nod, walking behind them and behind Ms. Im and her grandson. You feel alone at that moment, with your parents supporting each other, with the Im’s chatting together, and with your little man going into surgery. He’s the one that walks with you, and you feel as if you failed him. 
Dr. Im turns around and looks at you. “The surgery will last from about an hour to two hours. If it takes a bit longer, don’t worry, it just means that we’re doing our best to make everything right. I prefer to take my time and have a successful surgery than to rush things. A nurse will keep you updated so that you are aware of everything that’s happening in there.”
“Take care of him,” You say, voice strong, surprising everyone. “Or I will kill you.”
And for the first time, you’ve seen Im Jaebeom smile at you. You mother slaps your shoulder, but you ignore the sting, maintaining eye contact.
“We’ll do our best,” He says chuckling. “That is all I can promise you.”
“That’s all I need,” You say and nod at him. “Thank you, Doctor.”
You are not sure what happens in between, but Dr. Im comes out through the doors and in your head only thirty minutes passed; instantly you are washed with dread. You try to stand up but your legs give out and you’d be on the floor if not for his reflexes.
“My brother,” You breath out, frantically looking into his eyes as he tries to talk to you. “Taehyung-ie– is he okay? That was too fast, it was too quick– what happened? Dr. Im–“
“The surgery took two hours and he’s perfectly fine,” Dr. Im says, frowning deeply. Is he always frowning?, you wonder as he drags you to the nearest chair. “Taehyung is doing fine; he’s still asleep because of the anesthesia, but he’s under observation and he’s safe.”
“Thank you,” You whisper, starting to cry. You slouch your shoulders forward and burry your face on your hands. “Thank you so much, oh my god, thank you Dr. Im.”
“Y/N,” He calls, pulling your face up. He looks at your eyes, puts a hand on your forehead, and frowns even more. “Are you feeling okay? You look like you’ve been in and out of reality for the past two days… you feel warm.”
“I’m good,” You smile. “Just haven’t eaten in a while. I’ll do it as soon as I see my brother.”
“No, stay here for a second,” He says and leaves with long strides.
He’s okay, you think to yourself, trying to stop the tears. Taehyung is okay. Pull yourself together, Y/N.
“Drink this,” Dr. Im puts a cup on your hand and gives you an energy bar. “And eat this.”
“What about you?” 
His eyes widened. “I-I’ll eat something later…”
Is he embarrassed?
“You have to eat, too, Doctor, you look worn out,” You smile. “You care about everyone, but yourself, huh?”
“Yah,” He laughs, and you chuckle with him, suddenly feeling your energy coming back although you didn’t eat yet. “You sound just like my grandmother.”
“Well, she did mentor me for seven years,” You shrug your shoulders, with a fond look on your face. “Your grandmother means a lot to me…”
“The fact that you took care of her all these years means a lot to me,” He admits, looking slightly guilty. “After I left to go to medical school, I couldn’t come back and check on her as often as I wanted. Then one day she called me, and she told me about this crazy, beautiful girl, who begged her for a job in her run down bakery and… well, I worried for a while, because she did say the girl was crazy, but then she tells me how good this girl is, how kind, and I know I can stop worrying all the time. I know she’s not alone… I might have been jealous, sometimes, I’ll admit, but thank you, Y/N. For everything you’ve done for my halmoni.”
You are at a loss of words. For someone who looks so cold and collected to sound so emotional and true was a shock. 
“I am the one that should be thanking you,” You chuckle incredulously. “You saved my brother’s live.”
“But that’s my job,” He smiles, looking to the floor and then looking back at you. It is almost as if all the air in your lungs disappeared, and you suddenly don’t know how to breath. “Taking care of my grandmother is not your job.”
Before you can say something his phone beeps and he gets up.
“Taehyung is awake,” He smiles and did he always have those moles under his eyebrow? “Let’s go.”
You let him guide you through the halls and you wonder if anyone cares for this doctor that cares for everyone else but him. 
“You should go home,” Dr. Im says. It’s been two days since the surgery and you were the only one that hasn’t left the hospital yet. One of the nurses was kind enough to let you shower in their bathroom, but had to admit, just showering wasn’t doing much. You’ve been wearing the same clothes and even your parents went home to sleep, but you refused to leave once they got back to the hospital. 
“I don’t want to leave without him,” You mumble, caressing Taehyung’s hand as he sleeps. “I promised I wouldn’t.”
He nods. “Follow me, then,” And leaves.
You have to jog a bit to catch up to him, but soon enough you are in his office, and from behind his desk, he produces a duffle bag. Grabbing a few things, he gives them to you and tells you to go take a long, relaxing shower. Doing as he says, you take your time, asking a few nurses if it’s okay to take a shower since they are only starting their shifts and won’t need the shower for a while. You’ve become acquainted with a few of them and they all give you the okay. The sweatpants and t-shirt he gave you are obviously too large for you, but you like the way it looks anyways. Smiling at yourself, and at how stupid you must look, you stop by the vending machine to get a snack. You get two energy bars, knowing that Dr. Im will be with Taehyung when you get back. Said and done; Jaebeom is laughing at something that your brother is doing and you wonder if one day you’ll get to call him Jaebeom out loud. 
“Hello there,” You say lightly, blushing a little at the way Jaebeom looks at you in his clothes. “Thank you for the clothes, doctor.”
“No problem, Y/N,” He smiles, and you don’t fail to notice the redness in his cheeks. 
“I got you this,” You say giving him one of the energy bars, and putting the other in his pocket. “You need to eat to take care of other people.”
He laughs and one of his hands fly to push his hair back and grab at the back of his neck, a habit you notice he does whenever he’s embarrassed. “Thank you.”
“Eat it,” You squint at him playfully. “Right now.”
“I have to check on a patient,” He says taking a huge bite, finishing it almost in one go. “I’ll be back to check on you, okay?”
“Alright,” You smile, and you don’t call attention to the fact that he said he’d be checking on you. You like it. “See you later."
You don’t– see him later, that is. You are not sure what happens but Dr. Im doesn’t come around anymore; another day goes by and even Taehyung notices the change, asking for his doctor to the nurses. She all just say he’s busy taking care of other people, but there’s something off about them, too. One of them, Nurse Lee, asks you to follow her to the counter where you can sign the discharge papers so that you can finally take your brother home, and you hear a couple of other doctors talking.
“…yeah, they died,” A shiver runs through your spine with those words and you take a deep breath and focus on reading the papers in your hand. “Jaebeom did his best, but not everyone can be saved.”
“You know how he is though,” The other doctor sighs. “Is he alright?”
“No,” They shake their heads. “Definitely not.”
Signing everything, you tell the nurses you’ll be right back, and you run to the office you’ve gotten to know so well. During your brother’s recovery, Dr. Im has been you friend, you dare to say. You’ve silently eaten with him in his office as he did some work and you read a book; you’ve talked to him about his grandmother; you’ve taken snacks to his office late at night. It was your way to repay him, after everything he’s done for you and your family. You went from thinking he hated you, to understanding how hard his job is on him. And right now, it was exactly one of those moments, in which the harshness of his reality is laid upon him, and you can’t do anything but knock on his door and pray that he’ll open. 
His voice sounds harsh and used out. His eyes find yours instantly and they turn back into those scrutinizing eyes you first met.
“Hi,” You say, suddenly uncomfortable. “You didn’t come by yesterday and today and I–“
“I am too busy to attend just to you and your brother,” He snaps. “I have a whole lot of people needing me, too, you know?”
The coldness from his voice reminds you of the first time you met him, when you stood under his scrutinizing gaze. 
“Or do you think I have nothing better to do than to have to waste all of my time–“
“With me?” You interrupt him. “Just so you know, you didn’t have to spend your time with me, but I guess I should thank you, since you did, right?”
“You don’t have to worry anymore, doctor,” You sneer. “We leave tonight. Here, this is a small thank you gift for wasting time with me.”
You give him the plastic bag with all snacks from the vending machine– literally all of them. It wasn’t much, but it would last him a few shifts, at least. All you wanted was for him to get better too; you weren’t dumb, you could easily see the suffering in his eyes, even at that moment– specially at that moment,– but you couldn’t just let him walk all over you like that. You had to stand your ground, like you did ever since you met him. 
“Whatever happened,” You say through gritted teeth. “It’s not your fault. Nor mine. Remember that.”
You leave him and you go back to Taehyung. 
Fuck Dr. Im, you think, furiously wiping a tear. It seems as if all you do is cry, and you are tired of it. I have Taehyung, alive and well. That should be enough.
Your days are back to normal– you wake up, check on Taehyung, and go to work, where you’ll spend hours and hours until you don’t have to spend any more time in there but you do still, baking a fresh batch of a different good every night, before calling the delivery man to take it away. 
Today, you make chocolate scones, using Ms. Im’s recipe just how she taught you years ago.
“Still baking?” She asks. “Is something wrong?”
“Not at all,” You smile, and put a scone in a take away box. “Here, for the trip.”
“Thank you, dear,” She smiles. “These used to be Jaebeom’s favorite.”
You smile and wave her goodbye, promising to close the store and go home soon. You do whatever task you have to keep you busy– cleaning the tables, wiping the floor, washing the dishes, freezing the dough. Anything to keep you from thinking about him. But it’s impossible. You think about him even more now, having a face to the name. Im Jaebeom. Ms. Im still talks about him every day and there’s nothing you can say or do that would justify the reason you want her to stop. 
He saved my brother’s life, and in the process he saved mine, too. He is kind and selfless and honest, but he is also tired and confused and overwhelmed. I want to care for him like he cared for me. Is this love?
No, you couldn’t say that to her. Much less to him.
“Excuse me, are you still open? I heard you guys had chocolate scones and I just had to come get one.” 
You freeze, body already stiff from work now barely being able to move.
“We’re closed,” You mumble, not looking at him. “But I can get you some scones to go.”
“If I take them to go,” He asks and you can see his feet, clad in black sneakers and tapping nervously on the floor. “Will you come with me?”
“Is this a pick up line?” You scoff.
“No, I just want to have these with you,” He chuckles and you can’t help yourself, you look at him, craving to see his eyes disappear when he smiles. “A thank you for all the food you’ve been sending to the hospital every night…”
“I’m glad,” You smile tightly, taking the apron off and hanging it on the wall. You push the cardboard box towards him. “Here you go. Have a goodnight.”
His smile is gone in a second. “Y/N…”
“You were very clear, Jaebeom,” You say sternly. “I’ll call you Jaebeom now, since we’re not in the hospital– you were very clear, Jaebeom. You are wasting your time with me; patients are waiting for you, families, friends. I’m just the girl that works with your grandmother… You have nothing to worry about, I won’t tell her anything, but it’s best if we stop this here.”
“Stop?” He asks, eyes wide. “I don’t think it’s that easy, Y/N. I missed you– did you know that? Of course you didn’t, but I’m here telling you: I missed you, goddammit. I’m a doctor, and I’m always frustrated about something, and stressed, and tired, but for the week you spent there, I felt completely okay, because I knew that in the end of the day, I’d have a constant thing in my life; Taehyung-ie and you, waiting for me with snacks. Asking me about my day. Asking me if I’m okay. People don’t do that, in the hospital– they have their own problems, and every day is a different surprise, but it felt good to have a constant, even for a little while.”
You say nothing, taking your time to process everything he’s saying.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole,” He chuckle. “I had just lost a patient; there were complications with his condition before surgery but we couldn’t wait and I lost him… But you were right, it’s not my fault, and it’s not yours. You shouldn’t have to put up with my anger, but I really, really hope you chose to put up with me despite my anger. I won’t lie, this happens a lot– the angry part. It comes with the job, even though we try our hardest to hide, but I promise to try my best to never let it all out on you ever again… please forgive me.”
You sigh, walking to him. He was wearing casual clothes and he finally looked his age, the gray hoodie and blue jeans bringing out the youth in him.
“You haven’t been eating regularly, have you?” You frown, hands holding his face. Your thumb brushes his cheekbones and his eyes are shining with something unknown to you– want, maybe. “I send you freshly baked goods everyday and you still look like you’ve lost weight…”
“What are you doing to me?” He mumbles, nuzzling his face in your hand and pulling you closer by the waist, resting his forehead on yours. “You’re messing with my head, Y/N…”
“Nah,” You chuckle, kissing his nose. “That’s your job.”
“That is possibly the lamest joke someone ever made about my job,” He laughs, and ah! there it is– cute little slits. The reason you love that so much is that it makes you all warm inside to know you can make him smile so hard that his eyes disappear. “But I love it anyways.”
“Does that mean I can make more of those?” You ask animatedly, pulling away slightly. “Cause I have a bunch of neurosurgery jokes I can ma–“
He shuts you up with a kiss and you instantly know he ate your scones before coming over, tasting the sugar and the chocolate in his mouth. It lasts long, and you prefer it that way– you want to take your timing discovering everything about Jaebeom. From the way his mouth drags over yours, chapped lips kissing you softly, to the way his hands find their way to your hair, your jawline, your waist. He pulls you closer, hugging you to him, and just as he is pressing you against the counter, you feel a vibration coming from his pocket. 
“Please tell me that your phone,” You snort a little, trying to hold your laughter in.
“Hilarious,” He says, rolling his eyes but smiling nonetheless.
“Do you have to go back?”
He nods. “Yeah, one of the patients needs surgery sooner than we thought… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t ever apologize for saving lives,” You frown, pecking his lips. “Text me when you get home?”
“Absolutely,” He kisses you deeply. “I’ll see you soon.”
He sees you sooner than he thought he would. The next day, when he texts you his shift is over in thirty, you go over to the hospital, with croissants and tea. When he sees you waiting by the main entrance, he can’t help but laugh out loud.
“You said that having a constant was nice,” You shrug as he kisses your face allover. “I’ll be your constant from now on.”
“I’d love that,” He says. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” You smile. “I think.”
“You think?” He shrieks, pulling you to his car by the hand. 
“Yeah… can you take a look inside and find out for me?” You say tapping your head. 
He just looks at you, no emotion.
“If I ever get a song stuck in my mind,” You say, buckling up when Jaebeom starts the car. “Can you get it out for me?”
“Oh my god,” He lets his head fall on the wheel. “Is this what I signed up for?”
“Absolutely,” You giggle, and he turns to look at you. “Regret it yet?”
“No, but I’m sure you’ll get me there by the end of the night.”
“I told you,” He grabs your hand, laughing. “You mess with my head. Crazy girl… tsk, gonna me crazy too.”
“By the way,” You start. “How will we break it to your grandmother?”
“What do you mean,” Jaebeom laughs. “She knows. She’s known for about seven years, now.”
“What?” You shout, head turning to look at him. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know about you,” He shrugs. “But she’d talk about you a lot. Good things only– such a pretty girl, so kind, so nice. Ah, Jaebeom-ah, you remind me of Y/N… you two would get along so well. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you before even knowing you.”
“Oh my god,” You gasp. “Ms. Im is a love genius.”
“I had to take after someone, you know?” Jaebeom brags.
For the rest of the night, you two bicker, laughing and kissing in between, and even though you promised to be his constant, barely did he know he’d be yours. 
hello lovelies! I decided that I will now post a new part of the General Hospital series every weekend, so here it is Jaebeom’s story! He is my ult bias and I love him so much so i really hope you all enjoy it ❤️ please leave a comment and share it if you like the story! It really means the world for us writers when we get feedback :P Love you all and thank you for your endless support💕
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