#im like a sweat without the sweat because we suck at pvp
spearxwind · 2 years
i love sea of thieves a normal amount i keep watching funny momence compilations like my life depends on it i know twitch streamers names I wouldnt even care about I am absorbing the game/streamer lingo like a fucking sponge its so embarrassing
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sapphic-scylla · 4 years
At this point in Destiny’s timeline, it’s not the issues or the developers driving me away from the game, it’s the base community. I’ll tell you blatantly and honestly that I could play a game endlessly even if the game has glitches, issues, and stopgaps. I could play a game for months without getting bored even if it lacks content or difficulty. But I WILL put down a game if the community is helping destroy its playerbase. Im not going to tell people how to live their lives, but it’s getting harder and harder to pick up Destiny 2 purely because all I hear from players is toxic negativity and constant insult barraging aimed at the developers. We are in a quarantine. Regardless of the situation, it’s much more difficult for Bungie to be able to put out content in this state of living. They can’t be as on top of things due to the downsides of being in this situation and even with that in mind, they are doing THE BEST THEY CAN. All that aside, all I hear nowadays is how much the game sucks and the only people I play are those SAME people using or doing account recoveries, shoving people out of playlists due to their lack of interest or patience in improving at the game like the rest of us. I get hate mail regularly from people taking this game too seriously and playing at sweat level EVERY SINGLE GAME in the CLASSIC MIX playlist because heaven forbid they lose a game and I’m using a WISH ENDER AND A SUBMACHINE GUN. My signature loadout since Forsaken. It’s exhausting to deal with the community at this point because all I hear is trash talk about every aspect of the game. Even the streamers who I have watched on a regular basis since D2’s launch have become so Debbie Downer that it’s just mentally taxing to watch any of them at this point. I LOVE DESTINY 2. SO MUCH. I’ve always loved it and I still love it. Frankly, I have enjoyed every expansion thoroughly since Taken King. The only expansion that left me feeling mildly inconvenienced since then was Warmind and that was ONLY because there were only 4 weapons in the meta for PvP and it made out for an incredibly laney play style. I even enjoy this expansion and I genuinely cannot thank the @bungieteam enough for continually putting out updates to this game that I have sunk 7476 hours (not even kidding you) into playing for the last 3 years.
Destiny Community, get your fucking act together. Stop acting like you are owed something. If you don’t like the game, find a different game. I have literally hundreds of other recommendations for games you can switch to. Stop harassing the devs because YOUR wishes weren’t met. Stop bitching about a shotgun that you have to wait another 3 days to earn so you can immediately start bitching about it for the next 4 months. Stop asking for constant content in the middle of a quarantine where even a good portion of regular businesses have closed down. Let us enjoy a game for goddamn once. Stop ranting and raving at us who just play because it’s a great game and stop asking the rest of us to sympathize with your cause to try and align the game’s sandbox and content to suit your personal needs. Stop attacking the devs. Stop acting victimized. Stop acting privileged. Stop acting toxic. I will not be answering derogatory or argumentative comments on this post. This post is purely opinion/rant-based, but if the community doesn’t chill out, we are ALL gonna be paying for it in the future. Stop wearing out Bungie’s mental health. I love them all dearly and I want to see what other cool ideas they can come up with.
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