#im just writting a shitty mini essay about it
rotting-charm · 3 years
why do i feel people that despise "latinx" has never cared about gender neutral word-ings and specially are cishet people. latinx, todxs, tontx, lindx, etc..., are a thing. has always been along with the change to e to make it neutral. the x itself is not to be read, its to replace it as it comes in context usually.
you not liking it or not wanting to use it is another issue. which idc cuz youre you and i am me. i'll write as i please. and so you will. all i ask is for yall people to stop erasing it and pretending words with e dont exist. Specially if you dont use e - u - i as an alternative vocal.
is it unpronunciable? maybe, thats why you say latine, todes, tonte, linde, etc... if youre speaking. i personally avoid talking with one gendered letter (ex. todas las personas que trabajan - all the people that work, instead of all the workers (in spanish would be todOs lOs trabajadorEs (which is also fun! you know? in esp, it would be a=fem o=masc e=neutral. ""officially"" O is neutral as in todOs y todAs (everybody as every man and every woman), but there are ""actual""* words that has an E to make it 1.inclusive 2.neutral, in here people usually laugh at inclusive language saying that is ridiculous or doesnt exist))) or instead, and usually the three of them (preciosAs, preciosOs y preciosEs), which is my favourite, even if it takes time - idc. also, people who use other vocals exist, lets not pretend they dont. i use it too btw! just occasionally. (lindi, tiernu, tonti).
inclusive language is as long as 2010, as far as i know, maybe and probably even longer, normies are just now getting to know about it;-) and no, stop using disabled people and sign language or braille to make it the "actual" inclusive language, bitch stfu, even they got inclusive language or a way to avoid gendered language. thats even actually another reason to use the e, x usually doesnt catch up very well with reading programs.
*i say "actual" bc fuck rae, all my homies hate the rae
i actually have a list that i keep adding to ""official"" E words (yes, im making it a meme, but seriosuly, lets keep it as "official inclusive language words" or just official words that includ all vocals i guess (and others, lets not pretend that people who use U or I dont exist). its down there copypasted, its not full but some of them bc im lazy.
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