#im just treating my shipping yuki/tohru as surprising because i. literally only talk about yuki/kakeru here
festivalofthe12 ยท 4 months
Fun fact!!! Back in my ff.net days, I shipped Yuki/Tohru :D
ADMITTEDLY, this was mostly because I shipped Yuki with literally everybody hahahaha. My preferences have not changed a whole lot; my primary wish was to see my favourite character Important and to Get Things and to be Celebrated!!!
(So when he said 'I love you' to her in the manga I was super excited because I thought it'd looked like she was going to get with Kyou but haha TAKE THAT Yuki haters!!! But then it didn't go ahead which peeved me slightly hahaha.)
Though if we're talking Yuki ships, my wildest HAS to have been none other than Yuki/Kagura. No, I have no damn clue how I even came across that ship in the first place (because I don't think I was the one to think of it?), but not only did I like it, I finished a whole goddamn 50 Sentences fic challenge with them, which I should still have lying around in an old external hard drive somewhere!!! (I really wanna find it and all my other old stuff, ahhhh...)
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