#im just super tired so ill maybe do more tmrw
marsbotz · 5 months
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forgor how to draw furries again 💀
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bbgthoma · 2 years
omg that thoma brainrot is so adorable im melting 😭💓💓 GOD and him getting sad at not cuddling is so 😭
ive been having even MORE thoma brainrot during school (he lives in my head rent free)
ok like all the thoma fics are super fluffy and i love that! fluff is so cute and adorable <33 but like sometimes i just want hardcore ANGST man 💀💀 so uhm yeah have an angst thoma drabble?? brainrot?? man idk
its honestly so hard to come up with ways arguments would start with this man cus like.... he's way too sweet. i mean people like tartagalia and kaeya are easy to create fake arguments for bcs... well ykyk 💀 but theres something abt thoma that makes it SO HARD to create reasons for arguing cus like,,,, what is there to argue about with this man 😭
one of the ONLY things i can think of is how giving he is. i mean one of his voicelines is literally “only 10 mora left... still, 10 mora is better than no mora!" so uhmmm yeah wrote a little drabble here ya go 
also sorry if the writing is absolute dogshit i havent written in so long 💀 also thoma is probably SO ooc lmao its actually so hard to write arguments with this man.
you’ve barely seen your boyfriend all week. and of course, his reason was that he was helping tons of people and couldn’t make time for you. like always. of course you knew his job was hard, and you respected that. but you honestly just couldn’t take it anymore.
“i’m so so sorry [name], ill make it up to you i promise.” he said, hugging you tightly.
that’s what he always said. he did make it up to you everytime, but this has happened way too many times for you to just blindly accept his apology. 
“this happens like once a month, thoma!” you sigh, taking his arms off your back.
“i know and i’m so sorry, i promise i’ll try to make more time for you.” 
“there it is again! that same excuse. you said that last time. and the time before that. and the time before that. when are you ever going to keep that promise?”
“[name] i-” he started, but you cut him off.
“oh, and let me guess; you’re left with no mora. again.”
his guilty look said it all. 
you sigh, putting your head in your hands. you were just so tired of this. 
“[name] i… look. my job is tiring. and really do try my hardest to make time for you i just…” he trails off, not knowing what to say. 
“do you understand how worried i get? knowing that you’re out there, doing who knows what! barely any mora on you. i mean you once came home with a bruised eye for the love of god!” you raise your voice a little.
he just looked away from you. 
“look, and now you’re not even talking to me!”
“i’m sorry, okay!? i’m sorry that i somehow don’t make enough time for you even though almost every time besides those weeks, i’m putting you first! maybe you would be less worried if you weren’t so clingy all the time.” he finally snapped, shouting now. 
you could tell the moment he said it, he regretted it so much. his face morphed into shock at his own words. 
“save it.”, you say, walking towards the door. “wait, where are you going?” he asks desperately, grabbing onto your wrist. you quickly pull it away.“i just- i need some fresh air, alright? i think we both need to calm down here.” you say, opening the door and walking out. 
LMAO did i just leave you on an angst cliffhanger? yes. sorry not sorry <33 ok but dw ill make you a part two soon lmaoo. i just thought it was getting too long for the ask box. expect a fluffy ending either today or tmrw 😍😍

thoma angst could be possible bc he can be the insecure type and like he could reject your confession thinking he doesn’t deserve you.
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narahalara · 5 years
a mini update to myself about my life that ive been procrastinating on for a week now lol
instead of reading my article that i have a quiz on tmrw im gonna type this cause ive been meaning to type this but been delaying it idk why.I wanted to write this i think cause i havent really updated myself in awhile, and i think it be good to look back on and reflect for future me to read or skim through if I am still the same LOL. 
Ok so the last couple weeks, i actually got really stressed and sleep deprived and i was having a lot of high and low days. like some days ill be on fire and super productive and happy then other days i can barely get out of bed and was so tired. I was sleeping at like 2-3 am straight which is actually not normal for me cause yes i am a granny that sleeps usually around 11-12ish. Anyways, I was tired from studying for my exams, like i was pulling these all nighters, to the point where on wednesday last week, i burnt out literally. i had 2 midterms the next day (halloween) but i couldnt do it anymore so i just prayed that all the info i had studied would be retained and i slept at like 7 pm and did not wake up until 9 am the next morning so i felt like i temporarly died or hibernated for 14 hours lol but it helped me recuperate cause i was dead tired physically and mentally. Then I had my midterms, and thankfully they were “ok” they were still hard ofc but for the most part I dont think i failed so yeah. and then for halloween my roomies and i had dinner together and we drank and made desserts it was so cute and nice as like a treat for finishing those midterms. 
so after that i got a chance to settle down cause for the weekend i only had to study for my final midterm that was this monday, and thankfully the material is pretty straightforward. The test was multiple choice and it wasnt hard, but there were some questions on the student presentations and i skipped that day cause it was wednesday when i fell ill and couldnt go to class :( so hopefully i can get at least a B but thats ok.
In addition to this, i also had to skip my gym session on wednesday which at first i was a little sad about cause i have been pulling a really good streak since like late june lol, but i really pushed myself on friday and sunday (and even today which is tuesday lol). and but heres the kinda like woah idk how i feel about thing like half happy but half concerned. i dropped 8 pounds this month unintentionally. which i have some theories? i think its 1) i walk ALOT back n forth from my apt to campus 2) ive been pushing myself pretty hard at the gym 3) i eat a lot but its really healthy like example salmon and brown rice and a ton of veggies, but think there has been a deficit in calories on some days?? idk like i dont think im eating less but maybe i am?? 4) ive been FAMISHLY HUNGRY LIKE ALL THE TIME LIKE RN I AM HUNGRY EVEN THOUGH I ATE DINNER A COUPLE HOURS AGO, idk why im sooooo hungry even though i eat alot but im not ganing weight. 
Like my normal weight this year is 117-120 lbs. but now its like i wake up 110 lbs and by the end of the day im only like 112-113 lbs. like i havent seen those numbers since freshmen year of high school. and sometimes i wake up famished and fatigue, like a lil weak until i eat smth. idk, maybe i need to start eating snacks throughout the day. in all fairness i have been just eating like 2 meals a day but there like BIG. maybe i need to change it up. I have noticed i lost weight it my stomach which is nice, but i think i did lose weight in my legs which im sad about cause its really hard to grow my quads/hamstrings and glutes cause when i lose weight thats usually the area that will be targeted first which i do not like. so i guess i have unintentionally cutted this month lol so i might as well try bulking which is mean im gonna have to try to lift heavier (yikes im still trying to fix my unstable n uncoordinated ass lol) and eat a lot more than i already am even though i thought i was eating alot. ok for example this morning i ate an omellete that contained 3 eggs, mushrooms, tomato, spinach, brocolli, and a bunch of cheese with orange juice. then for lunch i had a blaze veggie pizza (since i dont eat meat) with a salad. then for dinner i ate baked salmon with mayo and a whole bunch of veggies WITH CHEESE and more juice, and i even had bang pre workout for my gym session today and a cup of coffee to keep me awake during my night chem lab AND I AM STILL HUNGRY RN MY STOMACH IS GROWLING AS I TYPE THIS LIKE WHAT. so yeah im just hoping i do not drop anymore like this is fine, once i start going below 110 thats like a danger zone and i probably should ask someone professional if this is normal haha. 
ok next im deciding if i should go home, but i think i will because 1) need to do laundry 2) running out of food 3) miss my sissies 4) might wanna see my 8th grade loml LOL 5) allow me to reset, cause i feel like today is officially the ned of first half of fall quarter, like from this point forward its officially a new start again in a way since the finals are not “cumulative” for the most part. like i am resetting. 
also as i said ive been having some highs and lows which has been kinda hard cause on the days im really happy i know that im gonna hit sadness again, and i do but then i get ok like its been really huge fluctuations lately, it can also possible be due to daylight saving but i dont think thats a huge factor cause this has been happening weeks before daylight saving (also my sleeping schedule is messed up lol) 
i think i’ve just been busy lately with trying to balance school, work, volunteering tasks (yes i finally worked the courage to do health related stuff LOL like im getting training in a few weeks but i was stressing cause it interferes with my night labs but shoutout to my hella chill ta who said i can go to his other section i just gotta notify the professor so praying that it works out) and i know i am still in that not really sure what i wanna do in life but this is like a good thing i feel its stepping out of my comfort zone), and self care like going to the gym eating healthy, trying to give myself rest and breaks, remind myself to socialize even though im so introverted i know i still need human contact etc. so yeee. 
ok last thing i dont wanna really write about but whatever its part of this. remember self when you said by one month you will be completely and utterly over him and you can move on with your life. well the first half happened, yeah your highly superficial stupid unrealistic emotions are gone but literally down 90% of my healing im talking like late october hes gotta hit me up again and you know me like i cant resist LOL i hate me whatever you know its fine its better i think im in a better place/my head is better screwed on and i know what i want which is nothing LOL like i still maintained my other side bois i didnt completely stop talking to them just to talk to this one kid like i did couple months ago and i feel like my mind is more occupied with other things lately (even if unfortunately some of those things give me stress) but yeahhhhhh but we were supposed to meet up but it isnt even happening honestly i think i might just keep moving and searching for another to just mess around with cause honestly i cannot wait forever so yeah.... future me forgive me in advance for being weak LOL 
ok i think thats all for the most part right now im feeling good, I know lifes not always so happy and productive, but i have to remind myself theres always gonna be good days, and with every bad day is a day closer to a better one. so you got this narah! OK NOW I NEED TO READ MY ARTICLE CAUSE I ACTUALLY DO HAVE A QUIZ ON IT TMRW AND I DONT GET IT end rant here 
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smireyac · 5 years
yea boi u already kno what it issssss 🍾🎆🎉🍾🎆🎉
hey so i started writing this at 8 o’ clock so i would be ahead of the game and actually have more than an hour to write but HEY its already 20 after midnight so who the eff care amiright ladies
WOOOOO 🍾🍾🎆 🎉 🎆 🍾 🎉 🎉 🍾 🍾 🍾 🎆🎆 🎆 🎉 🎆 🎉🍾 🎉 🍾🎆 🎉
so.................... its 2019.....................
i watched vox’s “2018 in 5 minutes” video and cried so thats how this year has been :^) a lot of lows......... we always think we leave the shittiest year behind then lo.............. the next year rears its ugly head and we never learn............ despite this, im gonna try to keep a positive outlook on the new year......... its literally just another day and i have to be in at work @ 9 tmrw but its what ever im already super fucking tired whats losing another hour of sleep anywahy?? its practically expected of me any way what with being a youth,,, ANYWAY i spent my time ringing in the new year watching spiderman homecoming so i think that wa sGREAt its also great  that im gonna get to see spiderverse AGAIN tmrw after work so SUCK ON THAT im ringing in the new year RIGHT!! its a very spidey new year and i wouldnt have it any other way heh.....
so its time.... to reflect...........
and actually reflect this time last year was weak sauce compared to the first year “im too unfocused right now happy new year or whatever” *scoffs* what r u too good for self reflecting now a days huhh
been doing a lot of self reflecting this year,,,,,, but today we will look back on how the previous years have gotten me to where i am today...
if 2016 was the year of change and 2017 was the year of getting used to things.............. 2018 felt like............ the year of getting TOO used to things, of not ENOUGH change............. like alright i scratched a few of the bigger things on my yearly “to do” list/resolutions, i. e. finally going back to school and getting a job at the library, but like.......... i definitly dont feel like i did enough........... my art game was SO WEAK and i feel like i wrote less than 10,000 words ALL YEAR (not counting my academic papers) i didnt really CREATE anything this i dont have ANYTHING significant to show for this year............and to get more negative i didnt even make any friends all year NONE FRIENDS im only *just* starting to get more friendly with people at the library thank GOD theyre nice and gave my shy ass a chance to open up but i still dont feel like ill make FRIEND friends theyre just work friends and u kno what thats making me so pissed bc its tricking my dumb ass into thinking i have a crush on someone at work aND that i want a *romantic* relationship with them!!! OUTRAGEOUS im so peeved.......................... i also still havent gotten behind a wheel but at this point im not sure if i will anytime soon bc im That Way..... grrrr im just mad thinking of all the things i didnt do so motherfucker i will make 2019 the year of DOING!!!! and i had so many resolutions last year i feel like the more i had the less i felt like i had to do them, like i was just saying all that to be like “oh wouldnt it be nice if any of these things happened lmao” so yeah 2019: the year of DOING... and since ive kinda sorta figured out that writing is my thang.... i think i wanna focus on doing that.. and anything that will help me do it
SO: #GOALS for 2K19
-WRITE AT LEAST 50.000 WORDS U COWARD, more than just “brainstorming” too bc thats like a cop out, write like stories or dialogue or scenes or scripts or WHATEVER just make it to 50,000 pls some people do that in like a month
-READ UR GOD DAMN BOOKS, u *cant* buy anymore if u dont read the ones u’ve already bought,,,, im willing to make an acception re: checking things out from the library................ but u rlly shouldnt IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO EASY TO WIN THE BET DUDE srsly..... maybe .... an hour b4 bed ? try to read ? at least try to read once a week dude....
-heres a curve ball WATCH MORE MOVIES !!! u say u love film well fuckin act like u do...... u only went to the movie theater 5 times all year and three of those were all in the last month to go see spiderverse, more than that HOW MANY movies are there on netflix that u see and go “oh i should watch that finally” or “people say thats rlly good bro” and u scroll right past to watch the same 3 fuckin movies i s2g
-oh yeah back to the writing thing, to reach that 50,000 goal u should write about what you read and watch, there u’ll prob meet the goal b4 summer if u do that bro but....u actually gotta do it....................
ok those r the 4 im REALLY gonna work on and try to keep track of in either of the journals sien got me :^) these next few i rlly want to happen but..... we’ll see
-make some friends pls.... pls be more friendly......... ENGAGE  people when u have the opportunity askQUESTIONS about them like if they have a dog or a hobbie jesus h christ
-go out..... on ur own..... do stuff............by urself if u have to... go to the movies by urself go to a park, walk around down town for the fuck of it idk DO STUFF
-finish something............ for once in ur miserable life...................................... finish the vlog or the scrapbook..... or the reading list or this set of goals PLEAsE ANYTHING
im not even gonna put draw/art blog related stuff on here bc........ its not what i want........ like i love drawing and i dont think im terrible at it, im at a good place with it but i dont wanna put my energy this year into drawing stuff for the sake of me being able to say “i did it” like...... last yr and the yr b4 i rlly RLLY wanted to get better at art to idk prove that i could?? but like i havent picked up my drawing tablet in months ... that makes me really sad but i dont really feel like picking it up either? ? i said i wanted to take a painting/color theory/ life drawing class maybe i will this yr and it’ll reinvigorate my love of drawing........ tbh spiderverse got me *this close* to being pumped about art and animation and like yeah i still am, i love the medium and its still a dream of mine to be apart of it but it feels like a pipe dream if i try to go thru the art angle........ so many people r better than me at that and its not really what i wanna do,,, i wanna CREATE STORIES and worlds and characters and like i used my art to help *me* develop those but... i dont wanna use my art to do it for someone else i guess............. the art of animation itself still facsinates me so they door isnt close yet but,,, i wanna focus on the other aspect of myself that im more and at the same time LESS confident about lmao WRITING like alright,,, i think im a good writer .... sorta ? like yeah people tell me i am and sometimes when i look back on things ive written im like “dAMN i wrote this ???” but like,,,, there are some things to writing that still. escape me... like poetry.... and a lot of other aspects to it that i cant describe write now bc it would take too long and im getting cold and tired SO YEAH hopefully this english class will help me, even tho its just writting for college essays, i need to start somewhere and if shes rlly as good of a professor as rate my professor says then ill learn smthg new
where was i
well the year wasnt ALL bad, like i said i got the job at the library i wanted and FINALLY got to go to school, stressful as that mightve been........ and i got to see my love, my darling, the light of my life rhys again for one glorious week,, hopefully ill be able to see more of my friends this year? either in miami or milwuakee idc which MAYBE BOTH lmao im not that rich but hey i can dream,,,
alright its 1:12am i think im ready to sign off,,,,,,,,, here’s to DOING in 2019
🥂 cheers
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performanceteams · 7 years
5 pm and its already real emo hours?
ya girl kat is back at it again
*deep sigh*
yep, it seems like i have existential crisisies every damn time before i have a huge assessment (which is all the damn time in this hell forsaken ib program)
i just i dont know like always i feel kinda empty, in fact i’ve kinda felt like this for awhile, not just a sorta sadness but also a kind of tiring emptiness
even when i laugh or smile or im having fun, theres still this kind of underlying sadness or worry at the back of my mind
theres a lot of reasons i feel this way, and i dont think i can pinpoint it on one particular thing or event, but i guess to sum it up i feel like im sort of regressing. I used to have these big dreams of being some lawyer and going to a super legit ivy league, and being successful and happy.
but because of this fuckign program i realised i cant do that, i guess yeah its good the difficulty helped me realise that life is hard eariler than later, but a part of me quite frankly would have prepared 2 more years of blissful ignorance. so like last year i decided no i cant do that i cant take the stress im not smart enough that jist blah blah so i guess i kinda haphazardly decided ummm ill do psychology?? its something im interested in and my friends always go to me when theyre down and im pretty good at cheering them up and i did well on the psych course i took 
but the thing is im so unsure o fgoing into this when all my friends are doing ““successful”“ majors like comscip or engineering or premed. and im not even sure of the major i want to do....
i know my parents say therye okay with it but like the truth is i know they arent. like my dad looked so dissapointede in me when i told him i didnt apply to any buisness schools
what im also scrae dof is doing psych at uni and having the whole being assesed thing make me hate it. nothing kills passion than having it associated with dissapointment and stress
my parents sort of instilled this idea in me that if something isnt useful dont do it. which is causing me a lot of grief and stress rn with the recent intersts and hobbies i have. there around 3 but ill just talk about one right now
languages, since like grade 6 ive been fascinated baout languages, i wanted to learn more and wanted to be those cool polygots. i didnt get that far you konw preteen attention span, i learned the cyrillic alphabet and really basic german in the brief period of time tho
in like grade 11 i spent time (and still am) spending time relearning how to read and write chinese, that wasnt a struggle because well i am chinese and its a DAMN useful language
but then grade 12 (aka me last  2+ weeks) i stumbled upon the langblr community and i remembered the interest and spark i used to have about languages, and i saw so many people and so many RELALY GOOD RESORUCES and i was like wow.
so i was like ugh whatever i guess il download duolingo just to check out the features ill probably ditch it anyway
well two weeks and 100 lingots later... guess i didnt ditch it.... but then like theres this nagging voice in my head thats telling me to stop wasting my time learning french, russian, spanish (and german kinda but i haveent startred that yet) these languages arent going to be useful for my future i should sjust stop im wasitng my time
im wasting my time just like i always do, i waste my time doing meaningless things i wont even be able to speak or read these languages that well ill forget eventually so why am i wasitng my time now?
this voice is just so damn loud and i wish i could tell it to shut up
i wish i could truly enjoy something that makes me happy wtihout thinking im wasting my time and im a loser i really ohenstly dont feel that im good at anything or have any geniune long lasting passion i feel like ill ditch the whole langauges and the other two hobbies soon i just feel like ill continue my cycle of mediocirty
another part of me just wonders if im seeing tthe past through rose coloured glasses, so i went back to read some of my old journals and stuff  and i think with the exception of some periods of time
i was geniunely happier then than i am now
but i also had some unhealthy ideas about myself, interests, and i was kind of unhealthily obsessive over some things, granted i still have some problems with that. but i think the main difference is now i’m aware
and to be frank, being aware im not entirely sure if thats a GOOD thing, in fact it kinda makes my not so good feelings feel worse since im aware.
what is geniune happiness? what is the difference between a hobby or interest that brings true joy or just unhealthy escapism? i dont know well i think i know what the answer might be but its still blury and vague
well from this i think one thing im not that bad is im alright at expressing myself and my emotions, im almost too in tune with myself, but the problem is yes i may be aware yes i may be able to articulate myself. but i dont do anything to change
so my circumstances and my feelings and the general state im always in, i guess its just my fault
i hope to look at this months or a year or maybe even years from now and say i didnt have anything to worry about and that things became better
but then again, maybe in the future ill be saying “wow yo u had it easy, i wish i could go back things are much worse now”
honestly i have way more to say but this already seems to o long so maybe another time i have an exam tmrw anyway
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