#im just bad at including them more because im still unfamiliar with p4
nie7027 · 2 years
Because I don't know if ill ever get to write this ai and I don't want this scene to be lost to be never read (especially because this occurs until a long way into the story) you get this brief scene of my all persona au:
"There will be a bathroom in your room where you can clean yourself if you so wish" Kirijo started saying to the man.
The man, Tatsuya, turned to her and if Goro thought Akiras face had been impossible to read those first months after they had met it was nothing compared to this.
Tatsuyas face was rigid like a stone as he nodded. It was as if after all these years the man's face had forgotten how to make the simplest of microexpressions.
"But before you go I need to ask, what can you tell us about this Philemon?", Kirijo asked, as always down to bussines.
"I punched him in the face. He trapped me in a post apocalyptic dimension crowded with shadows", the man said impassive. His voice, as his face, not showing a single trace of any kind inflexion despite the severity of his words.
The group exchanged glances between each other waiting for the man to elaborate. He seemed to think it wasn't necessary so he didn't.
After a long moment of waiting when it became obvious the man wasnt going to say anything else Kirijo spoke again
"Is... that so?" The CEO continued raising an eyebrow, trying to salvage what was clearly turning to be an unsalvageable situation. “Dont you have anything else to say?”
Tatsuyas stared back at her in what Goro guessed was his way of carefully thinking over through his next words.
"He's a little bitch", was all he added before leaving the room effectively leaving them all in stunned silence.
“Err...You must excuse him,” Aki- Maki (Godammit Goro get it through your thick head already) said apologetically, "Tatsuya-kun has never been good with words"
'No shit Sherlock', Goro thought to himself biting the insides oh his cheek to keep himself from voicing his thoughts.
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