#im just gigantic blood drives
cherubytes · 9 months
when human soldiers became obsolete and robots began using blood as fuel, would the war recruitment propaganda become centred around donating blood?
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viralarcadian · 10 months
i know that heavenly host is a murder school in another dimension so its layout doesn't necessarily have to make sense from a structural point of view. like, in blood covered/repeated fear it literally rearranges itself as you go thru the chapters and by the end the second floor of the main building has completely changed from how it was before, and also its a video game so the rooms that aren't important are implied, like facades
but dammit it bugs the hell out me something fierce
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like, look at all this unused space in the blood drive map. they could have put new classrooms there, or even had the first and second floors idk match a bit? the two wings of the second floor are either supported by gigantic interior spaces full of nothing or they're free floating,not to mention how the second floor has NOTHING in the middle it's all just wasted space
and look how tiny the third floor actually is, tucked all the way at the back of the school and holding nothing but a reference room and the washrooms
which doesnt really match up w the cg used for the exterior of the school in all the games, which implies the school is shaped like a box on all sides
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again, this is a hell dimension but it still bugs me and im gonna complain about it
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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marshaeb · 3 years
P.S: I'm Mated With The Cursed Alpha!
Chapter Four
Hey guy! Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Review, and Follow for more updates! My apologies in advance for all the grammatical errors. Book will be professionally edited when completed.
The screams of horror rose to the roof as a flock of rogues suddenly emerged onto the scene.
As the enormous black wolf came charging my way, everything around me ceased to exist. The only thing in my view was the vicious beast, rapidly heading towards me with his large, dangerously sharp teeth bearing at me.
My mind was screaming at me, telling me to run, but my legs remained fastened to the ground. Like a deer caught in headlights, I was too traumatized to move.
“Joel!” Someone screamed at me from the raging chaos.
Just when I had thought something terrible had happened to her, I quickly snapped to my senses.
That gowling scream I had bottled up inside me was unleashed within an instant. I screamed with fear and terror to the top of my lungs.
Sarah collides against me hard, pushing me out of the way from the oncoming monster just in time. The beast lost control, gliding and crashing its huge body against the bar.
“S-Sarah!” I called her name, choking up with fear as a streak of blood drained down her forehead. “SARAH!”
She blinked open her eyes, trying to regain her strength from the hard fall.
“Jo’! She pitched up suddenly, grasping her aching head. In and out she breathed harshly as I crunch down to help her up.
“S-Sarah! What’s happening?” I panicked.
“T-they’re... Rogues!” She grunted in pain. “I knew we shouldn’t have to come! We have to get out of here, Joel! NOW!”
I wrapped her arm around my shoulders, giving her support as we made our way through the crowd.
" T-the car keys...” Sarah grunted, holding her head as we made it safely to the car. “Do you have the car keys?
“Y-yes, I—
I paused mid-sentence, staring at my hand holding Sarah’s pouch, but her car keys were nowhere present.
“Oh my goodness!” I whimpered sharply, looking everywhere around my feet. “Where is it? Where the hell is it?”
“Oh no! Did you lose it?” She asked, resting faintly against the car door.
A loud, deep growl rippled from the tavern throughout the parking lot. Its sound was filled with terror.
I could feel my heart speeding up. My mouth starting to dry up as I breathe in the drafty air, re-tracing my steps to find the car keys... I could find it anywhere.
My mind was racing with fearful thoughts of the huge monster coming after me again. Those long, sharp, fangs tearing me apart, limb by limb. Those eyes...those terrorizing sinister gold eyes. I’ve never in my life seen a werewolf-like him ever. But why on earth did he charge after me?
I’ve spotted it. Shimmering in the grass just a foot away from me. I clenched my fist and took a deep breath and dashed as fast as my feet can take me, snatching up the car keys in my hand. When I turned around, my shoe slipped off my feet and fell hard on my injured arm.
I groaned and whimpered in agony, feeling the sore pain jotting through my body. “Oww!” I said through clenched teeth.
Slowly I turned over and lift my aching body off the ground, looking ahead of me.
There he was...standing at the entrance of the tavern, back in his human form with his eyes fixed on me. His nostrils flared open as his breath vaporized in the chilly air with every harsh huff he took.
My heart stopped as I watched his sharp jaw, clenched intensely. His stare alone could keep anyone in his hold. Though they were dark and terrorizing, there was something mysterious and surprisingly soft about them.
He took another stance and gradually lowered himself back on all fours.
I snapped out of his hold and ran for dear life, not caring if I was in agonizing pain. Getting far away from him was the only thing on my mind.
When I finally made it back to the car, Sarah was already sitting in the driver’s seat with all the car glasses broken through.
Claw marks were over her shoulder blade and arms. Her blouse was torn through, stained with blood.
“S-Sarah!” I gasped, opening her door. “What...what happened to you?”
“A rogue...attacked me—
I watched as she coughed weakly, groaning in pain.
“Rogues...their marks are infectious...” I said recalling the notes I’ve written in my nursing course about them. “We’ve got to get home fast before the infection spreads!”
Though being in pain as well, I couldn’t imagine what she was going through.
“Look Sarah, we have to get out of here!” I said looking around me.
I didn’t understand it...out of everyone here, why was he after me? Why?
Just thinking about it was driving me insane. Taunting me every second that goes by.
“Go over... I’ll drive!” I breathed sharply.
After she struggled to move her weak body over to the passenger side, I heard a tig snapped behind me.
A rush a fear came over me as I slowly looked over my shoulder.
There his massive, black wolf stood tall with its eyes fixed on the only thing in his path... Me.
Quickly, I leaped inside the car, panicking as I fought to stick the key into the ignition.
“Hurry Jo’!” Sarah cried, shaking in her seat. “It’s going to kill us!”
When I finally managed to get the key in the ignition, I start up the car and shift the gear into drive.
With my feet heavy on the gas pedal, I drifted out of the parking lot onto the main road.
Not looking back, I stared out at the empty highway ahead of us, zooming past the tall pine trees.
Making at least 80 miles per hour, trying to get us away as fast as I can, mentally, I felt as if we weren’t moving anywhere.
The cool wind gushed in my face, making my mouth even more dryer than it already was. I glanced at Sarah, hearing her breathe in and out heavily.
“Joel?” She panted, holding her hand gently over her pulsing wounds. “Are we there yet?”
“Don’t worry, I’m getting us there as fast as I can.
“H-how far... are we?” She asked.
“I’m going as fast as I can... I know it hurts. Just a few more minutes.” I choked trying to keep my composure when suddenly my mind went to mom.
I sighed aloud, biting my bottom lip anxiously. This would definitely make her look down at me. All I ever do is cause trouble. I couldn’t bear to see the scornful, disappointing look on her face. It’s one thing getting in harm’s way, but to see a friend suffer from what I’ve caused is devasting.
It’s always me bringing shame on the family’s name. What makes it even worse, I’m not even their biological daughter! The least I could do is be unproblematic, and grateful that I have a family who goes out of their way to care for my well being.
I couldn’t help the tears from falling, thinking about all the trouble I had caused.
“Sarah... I’m so sorry.” I cried, squeezing my hand tightly around the steering wheel. “I should listen to you and let us leave when we had the chance.”
She sighed deeply, closing and opening her eyes for a moment.
“It’s ok Joel... really!” She said.
“No, it’s not!” I shouted a bit too harshly than I suppose to. “I confess!”
“Confess?” She said confusedly.
“Yes!” I replied, trying to hold back more tears.
“The only reason I said we should still go to the stupid party was that I wanted to see Jackson...” I whimpered, feeling more guiltier as I confessed. “This whole week he’s been so busy. I-I was looking forward to at least seeing him out there.”
Still, in so much pain, I could tell she was upset and slightly irritated at my confession.
“Really Jo’?” She said. “A-all you had to do...was ask me if—
“I know, I know,” I shook my head, not wanting her to make a fuss out of all this.
“No, you don’t!” She insisted that I finish listening to what she’s trying to say. “When since have we started keeping things from each other, Jo’?”
“Sarah I—
“Let me finish!” She said in a more serious tone. “If you want to know something?... Fine! Yes, I was kinda hurt that you didn’t tell me about your first time... I thought that’s what best friends do. Tell each other everything!”
My cheeks were hurting by how hard I was trying to hold back my emotions. Sarah was right. From little kids, we promise that we would tell each other everything. Now here I am not only being a disappointment of a daughter, but I’m also a friend who went back on my promise.
“Sarah... I’m sorry!” I huffed, wiping away my salty tears with the back of my hand. “I-I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
She sighed softly, and like always with a forgiving heart, she accepted my apology.
“It’s ok, really...” She cleared her throat. “All that matters right now is getting away from those rogues and that gigantic wolf.“Why is it after us?” She asked, but I was just as clueless as she was...
Suddenly, it came to me. I finally started to put it all together.
“It’s after me,” I said.
“It’s after you?” She gasped. “Why?—How?”
“I should have seen this coming. Everything Mom was doing was to protect us from things like this.” I said.
“What do you mean?” She asked. “Do you think it’s because you’re the daughter of a well-known Alpha?”
“Yes!” I swallowed, looking through the forest trees as we sped by. “Ever since he laid eyes on me, he looked as he knew who I was. His stare was so intense.”
Sarah paused for a moment, puzzled and weary her countenance had become after hearing what I said. Then, her eyes suddenly widened.
“Joel...you don’t think, there’s a possibility—
“What?” I asked.
“Maybe he’s your m—
The car engine suddenly shut off. I floored and floored the gas pedal over and over, but the car refused to speed up.
Sarah began taking deep breaths.
“W-what...what happened?” She panicked.
Trembling with fear, I looked at the empty gas range and instantly my heart started ramming against my chest.
“No! No! Come on!” I cried, turning the key in the ignition repeatedly, but it only gave us a few hopeless cranked, refusing to turn on. “Damn! We’re on empty!” I said, taking shaky breaths.
We both began to panic, realizing we’re stuck on an empty road surrounded by a dark forest with a pack of rogues and a monstrous wolf on our trail.
“Jo’!” She blurted out with fear in her voice, “What are we going to do!!!
A loud howl came traveling through the spooky woods in the distance. They sounded even closer than we thought.
“Sarah, we have to run!” I cried.
“What!” She said in an unsure tone.
“Yes! It’s either we run now and make it on the pack’s territorial grounds in time or stay here trying to start up the car and get ambush.”
Without having second thoughts, we ran out of the car and shift into our wolf. I always envied Sarah’s wolf’s dark chocolate fur. Mines is just a plain, light, chalky brown color. I hated everything about it.
“Sarah!” I said through mind link when the sounds of growls and ruffled bushes caught us off guard behind us.
“Our border’s right ahead. Once we cross, they can’t harm us!”
We took off into the woods. We sprinted as fast as we can across the wet forest floor as the cool breeze swept our fur. The rogues were right on us.
Finally, we came in view of the pack’s borders only a few feet away. But though we were getting close, he was much bigger, faster, and even more determined to get what he wanted.
We shifted back into human form. Thin layers of sweat and splattered mud covered our bodies as we tried to catch our breath.
Tired and aching with pain, we stared at the wooden, six feet border.
“We have to climb over!” I said as Sarah faintly collapsed against it.
“I can’t, Jo’!” She groaned, holding her wounded shoulder.
“No! No! NO, Sarah!” I cried, helping her to her feet. “Climb up, hurry! They’re coming!” I squealed, watching as their shadowy figures came closer and closer!”
I clutched my arms around her legs and push her up with all the strength I had left. One of my stitches popped and I watched as blood started to drain down my arm. She finally reached the top and crossed over.
“Guards! Guards!” Sarah shouted aloud to the nearby guards. “Come on, Joel!” She panted, with on-hand reaching over for me and the other grasping her wound. “Hurry, grab my hand!”
As I hurry to climb, I slipped on an algae-covered log and fell back, landing hard on my bottom.
“JOEL!” She cried as the guards made their way over.
I crawled back over on territorial grounds just in time as the flock of rogues, all different colors and sizes, gathered me, growling viciously. Though they were so eager to attack, they couldn’t, because I was safe on my rightful territory.
I trembled in fear as they bear their sharp teeth at me. Sarah cried aloud, clutching her arms around me through the border.
“Don’t worry, Sarah!” I gasped, trying to calm her down. “They won’t harm me... I-I’m on our grounds.”
Slowly and carefully, I took my time and made my way up without slipping out of bounds. Suddenly his wolf leaped out of nowhere, raging in fury.
The rogues quickly moved out of his path as he shifted back into his human form and stalked my way.
His intense, blazing, green eyes were fastened on me as he strutted closer. They were like flaming darts, piercing through my soul. His muscles were swollen, covered with a thin coat of sweat, glazing in the moonlight with his long straight hair was plastered over his neck and shoulders.
Just like the others, I knew he won’t harm me now, knowing he would be trespassing onto territorial grounds, but boy was I wrong.
He made his way over, not giving a damn if he was on territorial grounds or not, and launch up after me. But I managed to land safely over in time before he could hold me captive.
“Joel!” Sarah cried, embracing my trembling body tightly.
I turned around and stared up at him as he took harsh, deep breaths. His clenched jaw was twitching uncontrollably. Frustration and defeat were smeared over his face as he stared silently down at me through hooded eyes. The tension was so thick between us, we could have cut it with a knife.
Still overly petrified, feeling my heart about to leave my chest, I was so lucky and relieved I got away on time.
I don’t know why I did it, but the smallest smirk gradually crept on my face as I took deep breaths to calm myself. That alone set him off. He widened his eyes and flared his nostril in rage. My little smirk faded away instantly as he growled deeply, bucking his taut chest against the border towards me.
As the guards came closer, that was when I made the wrongest mistake ever. One wrong move, I turned around and stumble back slightly. He reached his muscular arm through the log, locking his large hand firmly onto my puff of hair.
“Joel!” Sarah screeched.
My lips parted, but I couldn’t make a sound. I was too in shock that I had let my guard down so carelessly. His grip tightened and I whimpered, squeezing one eye close feeling the slight pain.
“LET HER GO!” Sarah shouted, clawing his hand, but he reached out his other arm and slapped her hand away.
“Step away, or I’ll snap your freaking neck!” He growled threateningly at her. “And you...” He said, pulling me closer to the border towards him.
I quivered hearing his deep, raspy Alpha voice for the first time. It was deeper and more boisterous than any male wolf I know.
He took a deep sniff of my scent and groan loudly, sending chills through my body. “I thought I saw a smirk a few seconds ago... Where is it now, little girly.” He said in a menacingly low voice.
When I didn’t answer, he tightened his grip on my hair and growled.
“That wasn’t a mistake you made letting your guard down...it was destined to happen!” He said slowly. “You can’t escape what was meant to be.”
“L-let me go!” I manage to muttered, grasping my much smaller hand over his grip. “P-plea-se...”
He let out an empty chuckle and coldly replied, “You can’t be talking to me.”
I whimpered, feeling the tears starting to build up in my eyes, streaming down my face.
“I’ve been waiting too long for this...” He said intensely. “Seven years... too long!”
Read Chapter Five (Click the link below)
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nukyster-blog · 4 years
Speechless chapter 1) Half a paycheck
Birmingham, Small Heath 1919,
It was a gloomy Monday morning, still too early for working men and women to head off to the factories. Besides a drunkard babbling to himself post passing-out, it was quiet.
A young lass hopped from sidewalk to the road, thankful for the large pompous city being at ease.
She became a resident of Small Heath a month ago, the city still frightened her. The constant chaos, The smoke, fire and heavy machinery. Although the war had ended and economy was flourishing, providing jobs and therefore warm meals and a roof over many fortunate heads, the thriving city seemed like a gigantic dark smoking monster ready to swallow her whole.
She despised Small Heath, every inch of it.
Skipping puddles as best she could, her pumps were worn down and anything but waterproof, she tried to find a street sign. After three weeks of residence, Small Heath was still a maze to her and she feared she would be running late on her first day of her new job.
Honestly, this possible job opportunity was the only thing that was keeping her going. A humble spark in the dark so to speak.
She passed a bakery and for a moment she dared to close her eyes and travel back to her hometown. To the paddocks, the cornfields, the sounds of crickets and the cleansing touch of morning dew. She would trade the stench-ridden cobblestoned roads back for the sandy streets. With just a handful of cars passing everyday simply because not a lot of men could afford to drive. Life had been hard and, disciplined, but kind. Waking up to feed the animals before heading to school. Sowing potato bags for winter, and, when money was tight, sewing clothes from potato bags. It didn’t matter, there was a unity in their humble society where no-one was left behind.
Until the war.
First young men volunteered, thrilled by the promise of adventure. But death swept most of them from their feet like the plague.
After them, some of the older man went to war. Some for glory, some for money, but most to avenge their lost sons. Blood was thicker than water and the fathers wanted to see the enemy’s blood.
Only a few men came back, what was left of them anyway.
A klaxon honked and the young lass swallowed away the bitterness of dejection.
Main Street. A sigh escaped her lips, according to the directions she was almost there.
Charlie Strong’s Yard was nothing like she’d expected it to be. She’d been in the market with her mother when an older woman had picked her out of the crowd. The woman had talked about horses. Her heart had skipped a beat when she mentioned the noble creatures. After a few failed attempts at applying for a job in various textile mills she’d been dreadfully worried she she would need to get a job at the factory where her uncle worked. The man came back day after day covered with grime and occasionally with small, second degree burns from when the hot, molten steel was cast into ingots.
She was afraid she’d have to scrub her freckles off to her face clean of all the coal dust.
‘Tell ‘im Polly sent you, dear’, the woman had said sternly, her lips pressed into a firm smile.
Hesitantly, she slowed down her steps as she walked along the docks. The lady had been kind to her, offering her a job at the stables, but during their short chat the woman made it clear with whole her bearing that she was not to be messed with. Her gaze had been clear and cold as she’d given her directions and the time.
Charlie Strong was, as Polly had predicted, smoking at the back of the yard leaning up against a chimney. His fingers scratched the tainted skin of his cheek as he watched the young lass approach.
“Yer the new stable lad?” He blurted out as surprised as he was amused.
Politely she took off her bucket hat and lowered it to her waist. It was a good way of hiding her twiddling fingers which she had the annoying habit of doing when she was nervous.
“I think I am,” she answered, wondering whether she should keep her hat down or put it back on, “Polly send me,” she added when the man in front of her laughed out loud. “Really, she did!” She pressed when Charlie’s laugh turned into choking coughs.
“Bet she did!” Charlie spat amused once he’d got his breath back. “Oh Tommy‘s going to love this!” With his right hand he gestured her to follow him. Muttering to himself he guided her through the yard to the far back.
The stables weren’t exactly as she’d pictured them, there weren’t even half as many boxes as her family had at their farm. But this wasn’t the time to be picky and so she quickly turned her disappointed gaze into a proper smile.
“Oy, Tommy!” Charlie spat, stomping out his cigarette on the ground. “I got ya your new stable lad. I bet Curly ain’t tipping this one.”
From the far side of the stable yard the outline of a slender build man appeared. Scrunching his sleeves up to his elbows, he laid down his pitchfork. Pushing his flat cap up rubbed his face. His icy light blue eyes sharply checked her out from head to toe and for a moment he seemed puzzled. Instead of focusing on her he turned his eyes to his uncle, shrugging his shoulders.
“Polly sends her regards. This is your new lad.. Or should I say lass?” Charlie added with a wink to her. “This is...wait a minute, what’s your name lass?”
Uncomfortable, she peeked from the older man back to the younger one and vice versa. “Maria, Maria Lehman.”
“Ah, Maria.” Charlie tapped her on the back, his humorous grin a contrast to hers. “This is Tommy Shelby.”
Two dark brows furrowed up from surprise. Then his jaw tightened and without giving Maria another look he shook his head. Rapidly he started to gesture with wild motions.
For her experienced eyes it was a piece of cake to understand what his signs mean: Why let a girl do men's work?!
Her hand clenched around her bucket hat as she huffed: “Because I will work twice as hard for half a paycheck, Mr Shelby.”
This took both men off guard. Tommy abruptly stopped gesturing and dropped his arms rapidly to his sides. Charlie whistled: “Polly works in mysterious ways, ya’ have ta give her that.”
Tommy’s jaws clenched and before anyone could say another word he raised his middle finger to his uncle, spun on his heels and marched back into the stables.
“Forgive my nephew's god awful manners, Miss Lehman, he ain’t been right in the head ever since he came back from France,” Charlie apologized matter-of-factly. “Well, I’ll be going back to my business. Good luck with ‘im.”
“I have to work with him!?” Maria stammered, so thankful her hands weren't in plain sight.
“Afraid so, he’s been in charge of the stables for the last few months. Don’t worry, he ain’t so bad. He’s always been fond of Curly, but since Curly fell ill, you’ll have ta do. Just don’t bother him too much and then you’ll get along fine!” Charlie added cheerful as he tapped her on the shoulder and headed off.
And so it became clear to Maria what the catch was in relation to her too-good-to-be -true new job.
Pulling on her hat, she straightened her back and walked into the stables. Although she didn’t think it was going to be a pleasant first day she doubted her new employer would harm her.
She knew that he knew she was there although his back was towards her, and he continued pitching hay to one side. His motions were shot through with aggravation, and although she was clueless as to what she’d done she knew it was because of her.
“Where should I start?” She asked, her fingers plucking at the embroidered waistband of her high waist skirt.
The pitchfork clang to the stone floor, his shoulders hitched and Tommy turned around staring at her intently. Casually he signed to her: How do you know sign language?
“My mum was born deaf. She was taught as a child and when I was old enough she taught me.” She answered, eying her new boss up and down. “But you’re not deaf, I can tell that.”
One eyebrow raised and he crossed his arms.
“You heard me come in here whilst you were facing the wall.” She explained. hiding the fact that she had quickly realized that his motions clearly hid frustration and unprocessed grief at the result of losing his voice.
A simple nod was her thanks. He pressed his fists together twice: work. Then his pointed at his pitchfork and then to a storage space in the back. She nodded briefly and quickly started her chores. The moment she turned around to get the tool she could feel his icy blue eyes burn into her back. This was going to be a long first day.
The entire morning he bossed her around, pointing out where to find the wheelbarrow, tools, saddles, dry food, and location of the well for fresh water. Other than when strictly necessary he hadn’t tried to communicate with her at all. If she asked a question, he would ignore her. Finally, when he’d ordered her to push the wheelbarrow full of horse manure to the dump, he went outside to smoke and didn’t return.
She didn’t mind his absence at all. For the first time that day she allowed herself to let her guard down and breath in the familiar smells that felt so much like home. Although she couldn’t recall taking care of horses with names like as Rockferry, Percy Piper, Monaghan boy, Bourbon.
After waiting for more then an hour she wondered whether Tommy would return at all. She relaxed a bit more and headed to feed the beasts. Nuzzling Bourdon’s nose she couldn’t help herself and snatched an apple from one of the barrels. She hadn’t brought lunch, frankly because there wasn’t any. Her Uncle’s household had expanded from four to eight after she, her mother and two younger sisters had moved in and money and food was tight. Very tight.
Given the circumstances it was very important for her to get a job rather than getting a good education. She didn’t mind thought. She’d never had the ambition of getting a high education. Honestly. she’d always dreamed of a modest sheltered town life. Filled with hard labour, structure and animals. She highly doubted such future still lay ahead.If only.
Sweeping the floors, she started to hum an old folk song she’d learned from her father during their evenings around the fireplace. As sweat started to form on her forehead she took off her hat and hung it on one of the nails sticking out from the girders. For a moment she paused in her labour and tried to untangle the ash blond strings of hair that had escaped from her ponytail. It had been a long time since she’d seen a decent hairdresser. Her aunt had offered to cut it for her, but she couldn’t bring herself to have a pair of kitchen scissors butcher her waist length locks. Her hair was her treasure. Ever since she was a young girl she’d played with it and braided it. Her hair was the one thing this city would not take away from her. Quickly she twisted it into a bun to keep it from falling in front of her eyes.
She tidied up a bit more, her gingham print cotton dress getting specks of sand and dirt on the hems. Humming she swept some rotting apples from under the barrels and then inspected her hands. Both were a warm shade of red from wrenching around the wooden handles of the various tools. Working class hands. She was used to it.
Better to pull an occasional splinter out then lose a finger in the factory she figured.
“My young man wears a frown, with his eyes all closed and his head bowed down”, she sang softly, watching the horses in their separate stalls, ”my young man never sleeps, the rain it falls upon his back.” Emptying a bag of hay into the feeding trough she hoped there would be more food on the table then just potatoes tonight. “The dust before his eyes is black, oft the times, oft the time my young man weeps-”
Tommy returned, startling her. With three nails pressed between his lips he marched passed her and got a hammer from the storage space. He didn’t acknowledge her until he was passed her half way and then he took two shillings out of his pocket and gave it to her.
Tomorrow at seven, he signed after handing her pay, wear trousers.
I’ve started this fanfiction about 2 years ago and recently made an Tumblr acount. So this was chapter 1 of Speechless. a fanfiction in which Tommy Shelby cannot speak. It’s an AU and has been my main focus for the last 2 years. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I might post more. If you can’t wait, here is a link to the rest of my fanfic so far:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17210222/chapters/40468802
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Percy Jackson AU told from Annabeth’s point of view—— The Musical
This is for the @demigodsecretsanta thing for the blog.... @guyshowdoimakeausername I hope you like it and Merry Christmas. 😊 also, I’m on mobile so I can’t do the read more function. Sorry!
Sometimes I wonder if it could have been different. Yeah, probably. Maybe I’d be dead, or running in the streets, or maybe still the most socially awkward nerd of the school. And then I wonder. How did I even get to this hellish heaven that I call home? I guess you could say it started with the musical.
Yeah, people call theater life changing, but this time it actually was. I was a weird nerd who most people didn’t know existed or if they did, it was only because of the incidents that always happened around me that I had nothing to do with. I definitely wasn’t your typical high school student. When I woke up in the morning, I scrunched my oddly curly blond hair in a ponytail and grabbed my backpack and left. I always made sure to carry an architecture book with me incase class got too boring and I needed something to do. Definitely not something you see everyday.
It all started when my architecture class told us we’d get extra credit if we helped with the spring musical. I didn't need the extra points. I had over a 101% in the class, but it was architecture class so I signed up before Christmas break for stage crew. The holidays were always an awkward time with my dad and stepmom. I know my dad loved me, but there was always an underlying tension between everyone, so I was happy to get out of the house for musical rehearsals.
The musical, which happened to be “The Little Mermaid” had a huge cast and elaborate sets to make and move so everyone had a lot of work to do. The musical had started off with a rocky beginning. The casting itself had caused so much drama that it had left half the cast in tears before the first rehearsal even stated. This was mostly due to the fact that new boy had gotten the male lead. This boy was already known around the school for breaking school records on the swim team. I knew him only because he’d answered every question wrong in biology class. Maybe he had dyslexia like me, but still that statistic wasn’t something to be proud of. Yeah, maybe you know who he is by now. He was Percy Jackson. Or Jackass as I called him sometimes when the swim team knocked me over spilling the contents of my backpack everywhere. His name just had that kind of ring to it.
So, anyway, despite the drama, everyone managed to work hard on their roles and the play was starting to take shape. I wasn’t really a drama person, but I was starting to enjoy making the props and the scenery. And you know, Percy Jackson wasn’t really too bad. He helped us with the props when he could and told jokes to settle everyone’s grumbling when the director added more rehearsals. So yeah, you get the idea. Life wasn’t too bad.
I turned to see Grover, Percy’s friend, hurrying over. Rehearsal had finished and I was one of the last to leave.
“Hey, Grover, what are you doing here?”
He laughed.
“Haven’t you noticed? I’ve been to every rehearsal. I’m your moral support.”
I hadn’t noticed, and I blushed pink in embarrassment.
“It’s fine. Hey have you seen Percy? Im supposed to go home with him.”
I looked around quickly, but Percy was nowhere to be found.
“do you want me to go look for him?” I asked reluctantly.
“If you don’t mind.”
“Yeah. It’s fine.”
I turned and headed back into the theater. It was pretty dark and everyone had already left. I was pretty sure no one was still there when I heard a muffled sigh and a sniff. I froze and then took a few hesitant steps forward until I reached the stage where a cluster of boxes was casting shadows in the grey darkness.
“Hello?” I asked softly.
The muffled sniffing paused, and a face came into view from behind the boxes. I jumped and then sighed.
“Oh, it’s you.”
I came closer. Percy was sitting dejectedly, his chin resting on his knees and his messy black hair was more disheveled than usual. Even in the darkness, I could see his eyes were red and puffy. Cautiously, I slid down the boxes and sat next to him.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course I am,” he said quickly, swiping at his eyes.
I gave him a look.
“What’s wrong?”
He let out a deep sigh and shook his head softly.
“It’s just family issues.”
I hesitated.
“Like you’re grounded or…?”
“No. Like I don’t want to go home and see my stepdad playing cards with his friends and ordering my mom around and she just...just taking it. We could leave. We could go, but no. We stay and he uses her and me, and we just have to sit and take it.”
My heart flipped. I could almost hear myself saying something very similar. He sighed.
“But, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”
I scooted closer.
“No, you’re not fine, but you’re not alone. I have a stepmom too and he's horrible. It’s like I'm different and foreign and don’t even belong in my own house. And this play was the only thing that got me through break so I didn’t have to stay with them and listen to them and feel so much hared and anger like I’m walking on a rubber band that’s about to snap.”
I gasped softly at my own words. I’d never spoken them out loud before and here I was pouring out my soul to a stranger. I hid my face.
“I’m sorry. I should go.”
“No. Please don’t. I’ve never met anyone who knows how I feel. They just say they understand, but they don’t know what it’s like.”
I smiled at him softly.
“Maybe there's more to you than I thought, seaweed brain.” I said quietly
He laughed.
“And you’re just a nerd, wise girl.”
I punched him playfully.
“Hey, Grover wanted me to come in and get you.”
He groaned.
“That means I have to go home then.”
“I know you can make it through just one more day. You can do it.”
He stood and helped me to my feet.
“Hey, do I look like I’ve been crying?”
It was hard to see much in the dark so I said no. He looked at me skeptically then shrugged and walked out of the theater with a bounce in his step like nothing in the world was wrong.
I didn’t see much of him the next few days. The musical was only a few weeks away from show time, and everyone was busy. It wasn’t until I opened the last of the boxed that I saw him again. I lifted the lid and a gigantic spider crawled out of the box. Well, maybe it wasn’t that big, but i was instantly paralyzed in its monstrous red eyes and I screamed. (quite naturally really) That was how Percy found me, scrambling on the table prop pointing hysterically at ta spider crawling across the floor. Percy laughed softly and quickly ground the spider beneath his shoe. He smiled up at me.
“I don't know you were afraid of spiders.”
I blushed red realizing that I must have looked like a frightened child screaming hysterically.
“I didn’t know you noticed people like me.”
It was a low blow, but what else was I supposed to say?
“Oh.” he said softly, “You were the girl they always picked on.”
“And you did too.”
He shook his head.
“I didn't know what they were doing and when I found out I didn’t want them to turn on me if I stopped them. I’m sorry.”
I tried to fume, but he was too sincere.
“It’s alright,” I said softly, “I’m just a nerd.”
“You’re not just a nerd, wise girl. Those buildings you drew in architecture class were amazing.”
“You saw them?”
“You can see?”
“Shut up.”
We grinned at each other for a moment before hurrying back to our duties.
After that, we saw each other a lot more often. Percy wasn’t someone I’d normally pay attention to, but there was something about him that drew me like a magnet. It wasn't long before I found myself smiling wistfully after him and staring at his brilliant green eyes. THe musical went on with many hysterics and mishaps but non where were extremely noticeable to the audience. Prom was in a few weeks, but of course I wasn’t going. That is until one spring day when Percy and I were walking home from school together.
“So, what color dress are you wearing to prom?”
It as a simple enough question, but it still hurt that I didn't have any friends to go with.
“Oh, well, I’m not going.”
“Really?” he looked crestfallen. Then he laughed as if at himself, “But would you like to go with me?”
I stopped dead.
“With you? To prom?”
“Yeah. Why not?”
“No reason. I just…”
I shrugged as if it was perfectly normal to get asked to prom, but my heart was soaring. Little did I know there was a very good reason why not to go to prom with Percy Jackson.
I picked out a green dress to wear and Percy’s mom insisted that she pay. I wish she hadn’t but I had to consent eventually. When his mom picked us up to drive us to prom, I couldn’t help but stare at him. I don’t like saying sappy things, but he was beautiful that night. Grover was going to meet us at the dance, and we began our long journey. We had almost arrived at the dance when the car door suddenly flew open and Grover, or at least I thought it was grover, flew inside.
“Mrs. Jackson, you have to go. Get them to Camp Half-blood now.”
His voice was panicked but I couldn’t help but keep blinking at his legs which had turned all hairy and were those hooves? I felt nauseous. Mrs. Jackson and Grover were arguing in the front seat and I caught the word“Minotaur.” I had no idea what was going on, but Mrs. Jackson tuned the car with a screech and took off heading straight out of the city. The events of that night are still a blur to me. It was raining that night, and I remember Grover giving Percy a pen telling him to uncap it if he was in need. And then, there it was. The minotaur. And Percy uncapped the pen. It grew into something else. Something beautiful and frightening, a sword like I’d only seen in books. Someone kept telling me to run and I ran, pulling off my heels as I went, my heart thundering in my ears. Something alive jumped in front of me. I screamed and drove the end of my high heeled shoe into its chest, and it disintegrated into powder. I stared at it, but only for a moment before I began to run again, and I ran until I felt arms around me and heard the buzz of startled voices. I heard my own voice saying.
“He’s still out there. You have to help him. Percy. Help Percy.”
I’m not really sure what happened after that until I work up in the infirmary next to Percy who as drooling in his sleep.
I guess that how I got here. To my home, Camp Half-blood. A place where I could be be me, a daughter of Athena, with the rest of my siblings. Percy recovered just fine and lives by himself in the Poseidon cabin. There's so much more I could say, but I don’t really have the time. You see, Percy’s gone missing and I have to find him because even though he brought me into this mess, I love him and I won't rest until my heart is whole again.
The end.
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indieks · 7 years
Not So Randomly | Part 1/5
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🌟 Pairing : Im Changkyun (I.M) x Reader
🌟 Genre : Fluff, Angst
🌟 Word count : 6.3k
🌟 Synopsis : Whenever you cross the path of Im Changkyun, that guy you hate and that hates you, it seems to be the worst day of your life. But, strangely enough, it also becomes the best and most accurate of moments you've ever had. So, the more you randomly end up stucked with each other, the more a question can arise : is it really chance that has something against you, or is it serendipity that drives you one towards the other?
Next Part
🌟 A/N : I know, summer is over, and we all have to go back to school or to work… that’s why I decided to post these series that start right during summer school break and continue at the uni! I’m still not sure in how many parts I’m going to divide it, I’ll see along the way and update it soon!
After my first post for BTS’ Suga, I also wanted to show that I will write for other groups and other wonderful people such as… I.M hehehehe 😏
Anyway, above all, thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it! ♥
Disclaimer : any gifs or images used, even edited, are not mine and belong to their rightful owners!
  Summer. One word that made the kids at school go crazy while waiting for the last bell to ring, the teenagers and young adults go to the gym to tone their bodies or look for a job to spare money for some wild travel, and the parents worried for their wallets because of their need to book something far away from home so that they'll forget their workaholic life. But for you, it was one word that oddly gave you chills in spite of the heat it brought on.
It hadn't always been like that, no ; that gloomy feeling you had came when you turned fifteen. The same year you blew that additional candle, your parents asked for your help at work during the sunny season instead of sending you on vacation. They were selling food products, your mom holding a grocery shop from Mondays to Fridays, before joining your father on the weekends who was vending them at the marketplaces in the capital and its whereabouts. And when July came, they closed the shop to go from market to market, morning after morning and night after night, with you accompanying them occasionally. But most of the time, as they worked hard without a real break, you used to enjoy your holidays by going to your friends' rents, or to your grandparents' little but cozy houses further from your home.
You used to love the different markets you went to. You used to love their various scents, their joyful sellers, and the cheap or luxurious stuff they were full of. You used to lose yourself in the alleys of those big places to taste everything, to admire each pearl incrusted in the jewelries, each drawing on kitchen supplies and decorations, each sewing on leather bags and fabrics, before going back to your parents at noon.
However, that was before your fifteenth summer, when you had to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning to set up the equipment and organize the presentation of the food, then shout the whole morning to catch the attention of clients, sometimes pack up things without messing up – which had happened to you numerous times because of nervousness –, and do it all over again at nighttime. Nevertheless, you still did the job without complaining, not denying how much effort it implied and how legit it was for your parents to ask for an additional pair of hands. But you couldn't say you were waiting for the end of the first half of the year to come with as much impatience as other students anymore.
This eighteenth summer should be different though. Your parents had decided to extend their commerce to Busan, and to take you with them. Even if the reason you were here in the first place wasn't the sea and sunbathing, but the gigantic covered market where you were going to sell products for the season, you were satisfied with the idea of being close to wild water, already dreaming of spending your afternoons on the beach before getting back to work, just to have the feeling of holidays you haven't really had for three years. But what made you even more excited, was that it was probably the last time you were ever going to follow this scheme, as next year college life and a whole new independence was waiting for you, without a doubt implying a new summer schedule with friends, far away from your parents and your responsibilities as a daughter.
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A sweet vacation house had waited for you during 9 long months, as well as the amount of work that now tired you just by thinking of it, but you felt at ease while you were unpacking in your bedroom facing the sea, the thud of waves inciting you to take a step back and focus on the goods of being here. But as the first week went by, your alarm almost making your ear-drums bleed every time it rang loudly in the early and still dark morning, your positive mind and attitude were now clearly missing.
And if you had thought that having your days completely out of sync with the rest of people and not being able to properly visit Busan was sufficient to ruin your mood, as your sleepy-self consumed its vacant afternoon in bed instead of outside on the sand like you had pictured or maybe making some friends, it was until you met Im Changkyun. Until the second week you had been there, when your parents sent you to help that old lady who needed more hands at her stand than them who were still handling their own with skill.
You were nervous on your first day behind a stand with a stranger, despite the granny was lovely and was doing everything to make you comfortable, but being in an unknown city, an unknown market and without the pillar that were your parents, made you feel uneasy even more. Your hands were trembling as you were placing the bins containing the ingredients she sold and used for cooking delicious fried meals, and her popularity wasn't helping ; there wasn't a time when you could take a rest, people coming and going like crazy even in the first hours of the opening.
It was almost the end of your service when he showed up, or more precisely, when you accidentally bumped into him and dumped some sauce from your tub on his white tank top. The shock made him drop the carton he was carrying, full of porcelain kitchenware, some of them escaping their prison to explode on the floor, making a loud sound that drawn the attention of all the customers around. You had been walking too fast, coming from the small van parked behind the market where the grandma had food supplies she had pressed you to bring as you were almost running out of it.
"Fffffuuuuuck", the boy suddenly said, his voice low and deep but without a doubt laced with anger.
You were ashamed and panicked, the broken pieces of white plates laughing at you as you started to pick them up, quiet sorrys slipping out of your mouth.
"Don't you watch where you go?" he asked you and you finally stood up to look at him straight in the eye.
You didn't have the chance to meet pretty boys since you had arrived in town, it was not like they would come to the market in the morning if it meant giving up their sleep time, nor at night as they probably preferred street or fast food to your parent's fresh vegetables and kimchi. Except for this boy, who was confronting you right now, but sadly in this kind of situation that was making your cheeks burn of embarrassment and your heart fighting with your ribcage. Indeed, he had really nice looks, with the bangs of his light brown hair falling on his brows and eyes, an oval face with sharp eyes that killed you the instant you dared to greet him a timid smile, a long nose that seemed to have been carved in stone, and small lips that could create a smirk which you'll soon crave to smack him for.
"I'm really really sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn't see you, how can I-"
"Save it, let's go to my mother, you owe her your excuses" he cut you, grabbing the box again and pushing you with his wide shoulder when he passed you, silently inviting – or more like ordering – you to follow him.
With hands even more shaking than a few moments ago, you took your box and went to the granny's stand to excuse yourself, her gentle smile and reassuring comments about the incident soothing you instantly, but when you turned around and saw him darting his eyes at you while waiting, your blood froze in your body as your footsteps guided you to him without asking. The more you walked, the more the path seemed familiar to you, and you gasped when he stopped in front of a woman you recognized immediately. She was the beautiful lady at the stand right next to your parents', selling products she was cooking live as well as… kitchenware she probably had painted on herself. Beautiful kitchenware you just broke. You felt a new amount of shame piling upon the heap that already had bubbled inside of you when you captured the curious gazes of your parents seeing you coming back to them before 1 pm.
"Hey mom, I'm sorry but that girl bumped into me earlier and broke some of your plates" the boy stated while presenting the box to the lady who stopped what she was doing to take it calmly.
"Y/N! What have you done?!" your mother exclaimed, feeling even sorrier than you as you were supposed to ensure them a good image at the market by helping the granny, not creating a mess on the eighth day of your fresh arrival.
"It's okay! I have plenty of those, it can happen! Changkyun-ah, I hope you weren't rude to her, were you?" the woman said while smiling at you, signaling you to come close to her and you just did, your head hung low. "You didn't hurt yourself? Are you ok?" she asked as she was examining your hands.
"I'm fine, thank you. I'm really sorry, can I do something-"
"It's nothing Y/N. I had plenty of accidents when I was your age, don't worry" she eased you, your hands still in her beautiful and delicate ones. "I saw how you work when you were helping your parents last week, you are really devoted so you must have been too concentrated and didn't see my son! Where did you tell me she was helping?"
"With Mrs. Ahn" your father answered and you straightened yourself to see her smile at you.
"Changkyun, I know how bored you are when you're with me so how about you help Mrs. Ahn too? I'm sure Y/N is overworked by herself, you could help instead of doing nothing at home."
"No no no that's okay really" you quickly interfered, feeling embarrassed as you heard his grunt of annoyance.
If you could avoid being a burden and making him angry at you for having ruined his summer in addition of his clothes, you were willing to work even harder to prove you didn't need his help.
"Mom, I have friends to meet and things to do, I'm on holidays! Why are you doing this to me seriously?" he protested and you finally looked over your shoulder to see him standing in a nonchalant pose, his hands deep in the pockets of his black jogging while the red stain of hot sauce on his top was drying and turning brown.
"I'm tired of you doing nothing, it's just for the mornings and sometimes at night, you'll have plenty of time to hang with your friends! I'm pretty sure there are heavy bins to carry or ingredients to cut and your hands will be of great help so stop nagging, you're 18 years-old now you should work a little!" she grumbled before smiling at you who were still frozen in your wish to disappear into the ground.
"At 18 years-old I… I should enjoy my life mom! Before working till I get old, you know? That's why I enjoy not doing anything for the time I have left!"
His dramatic tone almost made you chuckle but you couldn't allow yourself to, or else he would have murdered you the instant you'd been left alone without your parents to witness.
"Cut your nonsense son, or do you want me to tell your dad you're ok to work with him at the company till the end of holidays? And it's going to be a full-time job this time!"
Changkyun rolled his eyes back and sighed, finally giving up – not without mumbling a few bad words to himself in the process – and he gave you the exact look you feared he would have, the one that told you he would hate you for the rest of his life, the one that should have warned you that everything would only get worse after this first disastrous encounter.
  The next morning, you were still fighting with the tiredness in your eyes as the anxiety of meeting Changkyun again had kept you up all night. You were debating with your inner self about whether you should excuse yourself one last time, or remain silent and leave him alone, but you still hadn't come up with an answer when he arrived around 7 am, a grey hoodie on as well as a pair of destroyed jeans. He was really attractive, even with his morning face and small bags under his eyes, even when he shot you his deadly look, even when he messed up his hair by putting his hand in it in frustration.
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"Hello ma'am, I'm here to help, I'm the son of Mrs. Im" he said with his deep voice, even deeper as he woke up not too long ago.
He showed off his cocky demeanor as he didn't even greet you and made his way behind the big table you were occupied at preparing, placing nicely the cooked and marinated products.
"My mother and yours are sympathizing right now, but that doesn't mean we're going to be friends, or whatever", he suddenly said to your attention and you gave him a quick look to discover that his eyes weren't even bothering to acknowledge you. "They want me to spend some time with you, your mom said that you're bored the rest of the day and have no friends here, but let me be clear : I have other things to do than to carry a burden around during my free time, most of all a clumsy girl. You ruined my summer y'know that?"
His gaze from the day before should have warned you, but you still were slapped violently by the hands of shock when he spat these words with spitefulness. You did bump into him and create a regretful situation, but you did not grow his mom's idea into her head… Did you?
"I'm here to help the old lady so that my mother leaves me alone, I'm not here for you, don't make up any ideas, got it?" he added with a monotone voice and you looked up at him as he was finally landing his deep brown eyes on you, but without a glimpse of life in them.
"Don't worry, I don't need your help. Sorry if my mom has bothered you", you simply answered, quickly going back to what you were doing to hide the mix of anger and embarrassment that was burning your reddening cheeks.
You had hoped that he would not pay any attention to you, not that he would make you pay, but his saltiness and rudeness were more on point than what any human being could imagine : starting from his first day next to you, he didn't miss any chance to make his presence unbearable. He pointed every wrong move you made and grumbled every time he did, pretending to be an expert as he had accompanied his mother more than once to this marketplace ; he greeted cheerfully clients when he was serving them but never failed to play the poker face with you, while the old lady did not hear or see any of this electric situation, simply happy that two lovely teenagers had volunteered to help ; he let you do most of the work, playing stupid games on his phone or pretending to be unpacking and cutting the ingredients to cook but taking never-ending time in doing so. You weren't the type to hate on people but Changkyun had made himself odious, so much that even his looks couldn't save him anymore, as the only sight of him made you angry. Quickly, your guilt disappeared in limbo like your positive mind had done a week ago, as you came to wish you had dumped every single bit of the sauce right on his head.
Like that, your relationship – if you could name the poor exchanges you had a relationship – became him nagging you and you nagging him, your discussions restricted by the vocabulary of disrespect and sarcasm, even if you still played the role of good kids once you returned to your mothers, pretending to leave to spend some good time together at the beach although you parted ways after plotting the story you would both tell your parents to be credible. If you were being honest, you enjoyed being alone and his company wasn't necessary to make you happy. He was just your perfect excuse to escape being with your parents during all your free time and wander in Busan's streets or maybe finally feel the sand of the beach or the cold of sea waves like you had been craving to do.
However, only a week had gone by and it had seemed like an eternity. You were already exhausted by this tensed situation you were plunged into each morning you stepped into the market, and instead of taking a walk once you were done with work like you had planned to, you still pursued your routine of going to sleep. What pissed you even more was that above all, you found him beautiful although he was being the most experienced asshole in the world with you. You found him beautiful when he looked annoyed – which was most of the time –, you found him beautiful when his brows furrowed, you found him beautiful when his tone went under the one of a vault, and you found him beautiful in each one of his outfits that were supposed to be picked up carelessly but suited him nonetheless – even with the ridiculous apron you had to wear. 
You choked yourself mentally every time you landed your eyes on him with too much attention, printing the image of his handsome profile with his sharp nose in your brain, and with even more vigor when you felt thrilled at the sight of the smile he never greeted you but that was pretty as hell. Hell, yes, because that guy was the devil itself, never failing to throw away his fake angel looks when there was only the two of you to spit venom and burn you with his bashful words.
Still, you couldn't be thankful enough for the shell you've been living in since you were little, not letting others reach your emotions easily and hurt you the way Changkyun could have done to a more sensible person. You were also proud of your ability to ignore him and to fight back, your fiery conversations not lasting long or almost making you laugh when you triumphed at making him shut up or annoyed. As tiring as it was for your nerves, you could have dealt quietly with it like you always had, if chance hadn't decided to go in your way and add oil to the fire pit Changkyun and you were battling in. 
Indeed, by the third week of July, you finally found the courage to furrow the streets of the city and to enjoy the little time you had to yourself instead of dying in your bedroom. But a few hours after you had parted ways with Changkyun, hoping not to see each other until the next morning, you ended up meeting each other by pure coincidence.
The first time, you were walking on the promenade with the marine wind in your hair, listening to your music and overall floating in your bubble, when you saw him arriving in front of you, surrounded by five other guys who were laughing cheerfully. He stopped and so you did, rolling your eyes at the same time and you immediately turned on your heels to flee the crime scene that would have occurred if he had opened his mouth in front of his friends, without a doubt feeling full of confidence to bash you in their presence. Weirdly though, your heart skipped a bit at the sight of his wet and sandy hair fighting against the breeze and of his naked torso, broad and outlined, telling you he had just dipped into the sea minutes ago. However, the absence of eyes in the back of your head prevented you from seeing how he only stared at you without breathing, at your hair shining under the sun, at your bare legs revealed by your high waisted shorts that married perfectly your curves, at your determined gait taking you far away from him ; he lost himself at your sight so bad that one of his friends had to nudge his side for him to stop ogling you any longer.
The second time, you had decided to escape the sea after seeing him the day before, so you randomly took some lovely streets, entering some boutiques and offering yourself some new clothes, simply loving your me-time. Until you came across his figure in a park you had chosen to enter into, the blossoming trees and the sight of a kiosk seducing your eyes and heart. 
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Changkyun was sitting on a bench under a tree with the same friends you had quickly seen, eating some snacks as they were chatting and laughing, and this time your heart didn't miss a beat, no, it quickened its pace to the point you thought you would die. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with black jeans and sneakers, and a white cap was covering his greyish-brown hair parting in two on his forehead. Again, his face looked as tired as yours must have been with your early morning activities, but he still was gorgeous, even more because he wasn't wearing that jaded mask he had with you. You hesitated to turn around and go somewhere else as he didn't see you yet, but by the time you were reaching a decision, he was already looking at you and even walking in your direction, his traits again as hard as ever.
"Are you following me or what?" he said in a hushed voice.
"What? I'm not!" you exclaimed but the apparent blush of your cheeks and your elusive pupils made him believe the contrary.
"Then what are you doing here? Busan is big you know, how come we meet today as well? Last week I didn't see you at all!"
"What's wrong Changkyun?" asked one of his friends behind his back, standing on his feet and revealing his tall and imposing figure, but his cute face when his lips curved into a smile helped you staying calm.
"Nothing hyung, she's the girl I'm working with and I think she's followed me here" Changkyun answered with a clearer tone, and for the first time he addressed you a smile, but it was full of slyness.
"I didn't, I'm just visiting, I stayed at home last week that's why you didn't see me, now if you don't mind I'll go" you answered, your irritation apparent in your voice as you passed him and quickly greeted his friends with a small bow before storming to the kiosk to hide yourself forever.
Your body was clearly expressing the effect the boy had on you when you saw him under other circumstances than the marketplace : your hands were wet, your heart crazy, and your legs were going to abandon their functions if you didn't sit down in the following seconds. Why the hell am I feeling like that? He's handsome, yes, but he's just a bugger!
"Why didn't you invite her to hang out with us? She's cute" asked the most muscular of the group, once you were out of sight.
"I don't like her, she's annoying and childish, and I have to work because of her clumsy ass remember" Changkyun explained, sitting down angrily on the bench before taking off his cap as he also had started to feel sweat forming on his forehead since he had seen you.
   You swore Busan couldn't have felt any tinier, because you didn't understand how in the world you could randomly meet your summer enemy everywhere you went to in the city. Today was a Thursday, the sun was up in the sky and you had wished to at least soak your feet in the blue sea, and maybe enjoy a cocktail in a café-bar which had drawn your attention a few days ago, with its youngster-surfer vibe and its simple but appetizing menu. The barman also wasn't unpleasant, but you hushed your girly silliness as you entered around 4 pm, your hair wet after you finally had taken a sea bath and tried to get your pale skin to brown a little.
You hadn't gone further than the market surroundings for a week after the two times you had met Changkyun, too scared to tempt the chance that seemed to be coming after you, and because he hadn't forgot the next morning to tell you rudely not to follow him, to what you had answered he was too full of himself and that he should fuck off. However, with the beautiful weather on this Thursday, without a cloud to be seen, you couldn't hide yourself anymore and decided not to care about how Changkyun would react if you came across each other again.
You should have known better, that you weren't lucky enough to defy chance, fate, or whatever had chosen you to play with. You were sipping on your fruity cocktail silently, sitting on the terrace that had a nice view of the promenade full of trees and flowers and of the beach only a few meters away, when you saw him through your sunglasses. You almost whined of annoyance, on the verge of going crazy about how he seemed to be like a ghost haunting you since last week. Once again, his hair was wet and curling a little, with its silver glints revealed by the sun, while he had switched his lazy outfit from the morning with a pair of jeans shorts and a white top under a grey cardigan.
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He was with the same group of guys as the previous times, who were really loud and happy, and when he was about to make his way to the bar, Changkyun stopped in his tracks as he acknowledged your presence, his face falling into some unreadable expression, probably because he was as taken aback as you by the way you constantly met. To elude any suspicions, he quickly followed his mates who were cheerfully greeting the pretty barman – Kihyun if you had read his name well.
Obviously, a nice weather implied drinking outside with the seaside breeze, and you found yourself facing the table of the boys who finally noticed you, giving both Changkyun and you curious looks before one of them found a subject of conversation to distract themselves. During the first ten minutes, you felt his sharp eyes on you, with his chin a bit raised, giving him this bad boy aura he was always seeking in front of you and that made your heart weak despite all the hate you had for him. He suddenly got out of his vest, revealing his arms under the rolled sleeves of his T-Shirt, and then he placed the side of his face in the palm of his hand, his pupils never quitting your frame in the process. Again, cold sweat and chills : again, tachycardia ; again, numb legs.
Soon enough though, a bunch of girls passed by and greeted the band, staying up next to their table, and it finally grasped Changkyun's attention, freeing you from your unexplained sensations. You couldn't prevent your gaze to go back and forth between the sea and his group, hiding behind your sunglasses, to observe their affinities – maybe he has a girlfriend? Now that you came to think of it for the second time, even if you had been with one another for now almost three weeks, you knew nothing about each other. The first time was a few nights ago, when your father had asked you this question during dinner :
"So what about Changkyun? What kind of boy is he? How come you never talk about him! With all the time you spend together and the things you do, you must have a strong bond by now, don't you? It's true that we get pretty attached to our summer friends in no time!"
You had stayed quiet for a few seconds, building something to come up with as you had faced the truth : you didn't know a single thing about him, what he liked and what he didn't, his friends, his passions, his ambitions, and you surely didn't have his number nor any of his social networks' accounts. As you had looked through your memories quickly, all you could have pointed at was him listening to some rap music in his headphones early in the morning while you were installing, or him having a great appetite when it came to eat the meals the granny offered you, or him playing RPG games on his phone whenever he had the time, or him meeting these hyungs to hang out once you were done with your morning service, but that was all. In some way though, that was also enough to tell you you've been observing him with way too much attention, some attention he shouldn't get in the first place, and realizing it had tensed you. Changkyun and you were just enemies of circumstances, living up a lie in front of your parents that didn't take the time to look through it and never grabbed the chance to uncloak you just by asking you this exact question about each other's well-being or tastes.
"Hummm… I… We're not really talkative, you know, so… Yeah, he's nice to hang out with" you had mumbled before taking a long sip in your cup of water.
"He's such a charming boy" your mother had commented, and you had hidden your need to puke at how this adjective sounded awful in your ears. "I'm amazed at how everything goes well between you and for your last summer like this. I didn't think this would happen! He sure will be a good friend, that's beautiful sweetheart."
These outings are what never happened, mom, you had wanted to answer, but you had only looked down at your plate and wrongfully nodded in agreement, regretting to be lying to your parents since so long but too deep in it for you to get out. This whole comedy was a pure joke to you, something you didn't take too seriously to feel really guilty as the life or death of the boy mattered to you as much as one of a fly. At least, you convinced yourself so, somehow perfectly aware of the weird feelings you were getting because of him from time to time, when you really looked at him, or when, like at this exact moment, you met him by coincidence outside the market, discovering another Changkyun, a lively one, a smiling one, an apparently funny one as he made everyone at his table laugh with his derp faces or his comments you couldn't hear.
"Kkukkungiiiiiie, are you coming to the party next Friday?"
The voice of a girl shook you out of your thoughts, and you caught the annoyed eyes of Changkyun going straight in your direction, over the shoulder of the model-looking boy of the team who had his back facing you. You didn't hold back your quiet laugh to make him feel ridiculous. Kkukkungie? Seriously? The boy rolled his eyes, clearly pissed that you had heard that somehow cute but most of all silly nickname, and this time his angry look didn't stop you from smiling as you were making fun of him. Not too long after, the girls were gone, their laughs still tinting in your ear-drums like birds singing too happily, and that was when the pretty barman came to serve you the dessert you had ordered as your afternoon snack, a key lime pie. You suddenly felt shy when he engaged the conversation :
"Are you here alone for holidays?"
His voice was really calm and sweet, like the bright smile he gave you that almost closed his eyes in a cute way.
"Oh uh… No, I'm here to help my parents at the market" you answered, smiling back.
"Oh I see! I'm Kihyun by the way, you are?"
He offered you his hand and you shook it gently, before taking it back to your lap.
"So where are you from?" he asked again.
"Seoul! But I really love it here" you admitted, surprising yourself as you let the words roll through your tongue instead of cutting off the discussion.
Changkyun was observing you from behind, his brows furrowed as he saw one of his hyungs talking to you, but even more when the latter turned back and shouted :
"Ya guys! She's new here and all alone and you didn't even invite her at your table! What kind of gentlemen are you seriously, you're making me feel ashamed!"
Once again, you wanted to kill yourself for dragging people involuntarily into your situation and forcing them to hang out with you, first Changkyun at the old lady's stand, now all of his friends that were staring at you. You were shaking your head from left to right to express that everything was really fine but it was too late :
"Ohhhh but she's the girl Changkyun is working with! Sure, come and join us!" one of them exclaimed as if he hadn't seen you before when he clearly had, making it even more awkward.
However, when Kihyun nodded his head in their direction while smiling at you, you realized you had no other choice but to do as you were told, being polite and appreciative when all you wanted to do was to run away from this place and quickly. Remind me why did I go near the sea again?
"Hi, I'm Jooheon" said the one who had just invited you and when he smiled, two deep dimples appeared on his chubby cheeks, making him a ray of sun in an instant. His hair was chocolate brown and slicked back on his head, and he had even sharper eyes than Changkyun.
You sat down next to him where an empty spot seemed to have waited for you, and introduced yourself back, waiting for the others to do the same. On your left was sitting the model-boy, with his dark hair and his tall but slim frame, whose name you now knew was Hyungwon ; Shownu, the tall and massive boy who had interfered the last time, had short brown hair and tanned skin ; the one named Hoseok had his hair bleached and prominent muscles ; and finally, Minhyuk, who also had brown hair, smiled at you and seemed to be the most talkative and excited of the band as his introduction was the longest. Overall, they were guys with enjoyable looks and fashion styles, but to your great despair, not even one beat the handsomeness of Changkyun in your eyes. Quickly, Minhyuk made you talk and you did your best to forget the presence of your market partner, almost enjoying how the whole situation was annoying him as you saw his leg jump up and down since you sat at his table.
"Why didn't you introduce us to her earlier Changkyun-ah? She's really fun" Jooheon said as if he was outraged and you smiled in victory, defying the designated one who was, for the first time, avoiding your gaze as his eyes were drifting to the sea, his brows knotting and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
"I already told you hyung, she's not my friend so there's no reason for you to be" he hummed between gritted teeth, his head still turned away from you.
"You don't get to decide who we hang out with you brat!" protested Minhyuk before he slapped his shoulder. "Hey Y/N, why don't you come to my pool party next Friday?"
You weren't against having a little fun, and you didn't need to stay with them all night ; maybe you would meet some other really nice people and could avoid Changkyun. After all, you deserved at least one party for this summer, and maybe it was the only opportunity you'll ever have before going back to work and hiding yourself in Busan’s streets with the hopes of not getting surprised by Changkyun’s ghost-like appearances like you had another time today. The boy had finally turned his body towards you and was looking at you with daring eyes, but you couldn't care even less. He had been the one who had started to build your hateful relationship even if his anger had been legit at the beginning, but you were not going to give him some satisfaction by avoiding having some fun.
"Yeah, sure, thank you! I've been dying to go out!"
The boys whooped in satisfaction while the jaw of Changkyun dropped, showing he wasn't expecting your boldness, but anyway, he still had to deal with it.
    To be continued...
 A/N : I’ll try to update Part 2 in a few days! Thank you again for reading... Any comments good or bad are welcomed as usual!
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guidedbygunpla · 4 years
Gundam Sports Story Chapter 1
It is the year 0086 of the Universal Century. Nearly an entire century has passed since Earth began moving its burgeoning population into gigantic orbiting space colonies. A new home for mankind, where people are born and raised. And die. 5 years ago, the cluster of colonies furthest from the Earth, called Side 3, proclaimed itself the Duchy of Zeon and launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation. Initial fighting lasted over one month and saw both sides lose half their respective populations. People were horrified by the indescribable atrocities that had been committed in the name of independence. Eight months had passed since the rebellion began. They were at a stalemate. Then thanks to the brave men and women of the Earths Federation, Zeon was beaten back, their hold on the earth, and the colonies surrounding it, shrunk, and grew smaller every day. Until finally, the Archduke of Zeon, died in a surprise attack he was not aware of, leaving his own son Gihren Zabi in charge of the duchy. He too fell in battle. Within days after Gihrens death, an armistice was signed, and peace was established in the earths sphere. however. The weapons that won this war, the mobile suits, had proliferated far and wide, their powerful helium fusion engines were capable of great things, some retrofitted to power full factories, and ships that flew further and further out into the stars. However, as at the end of the last great war, when Britain and its allies had trained thousands of men to fly, there was suddenly a love of flying, now here in the universal century there too arose a love, a love of mobile suits. Thus sport leagues grew up near and far, as derelict mobile suits, and military surplus found their way onto the civilian market. Everything from racing, boxing, and even great feats of acrobatics soon found themselves being proformed by giant, metallic bodies.  One such league was the MSMMAA, the mobile suit mixed martial arts association. Every year, there is a great tournament where countries vie for glory, honor, and the right to claim that they can produce the best mobile suit pilots in the earths sphere.  This tournament is called the MSMMAA Earths Sphere Grand Prix.
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A great Scramjet flies high above the clouds, a Japanese flag and the Canon logo emblazoned on its side. Inside we see a woman, her hair cut short, reddish brown in color, wearing a red sport jacket, with a Canon logo on the right chest pocket. Beside her is another woman, older, reading off statistics. “so last weeks match only netted us 76 million viewers, we can do better than that, and the sponsors are counting on us to pump those numbers up, we don’t need to worry about repair costs, Canons contract with us promises they will cover repairs, planet side transport, and basic salaries, but we are relying on gatoraid and Yamaha to pay for any hotel fees, colonial transport, and any increase in the staffs bottom line.” “okay, so what do you suggest we do Milly? We tried feigning issues with the suit and stalling for time until later in the night when more colonial viewers are watching last year, and neither tactic worked….and before you suggest it, I wont do what the EU team did to Maya last year, having her come out in some skimpy form fitting normal suit. Just embarrassing.” The woman in the Canon jacket sighed, taking a sip from a blue bottle of gatoraid as she did so.
“well whats something that makes you unique, maybe we could capitalize on it in battle, your Newtype abilities maybe? I know we usually don’t try to showcase those too much because you say it can be quite draining in combat, but perhaps?” Milly said jotting down the idea on her yellow office pad
“well…..its not the worst idea, stage some real close calls, pull out at the last second….it will be really exhausting but we only have a handful of matches left of qualifying, and then 2 weeks off before the tournament actually begins, for me to recover…Im not a huge fan of it long term, but maybe something like that could secure more viewers before then…not bad Milly” “well, Cat, that’s why you pay me the big bucks” Milly said as she folded her note pad up and walked out of that room of the Scramjet, as she walked through the door, Cats husband Ryu was just walking in. Ryu was a nice man, a bit younger than Cat, she had just turned 30 a month ago in March, and Ryu was just about to turn 27. He was well kept, a bit portly thanks to the lavish life style his wife had brought him these last few years, and soft spoken. “I just got Ohm to bed, he never wants to settle down when we’re on these things” he said as he sat beside her, grabbing her drink and taking a swig of it. “I swear to you, they change the flavoring or something to that every time we fly, it tastes so gross up here” he said handing it back to her. Cat lauged “its bitter, its just because we’re so high up and travelling so fast, the blood in our tounge isn’t where it usually is….stuff tastes different” she said taking another drink
“I bet you taste the same” Ryu joked leaning in to kiss her the world rushed by behind them
The scramjet was travelling at 95,000 feet, at nearly mach 4. They were flying home to Tonosho, a town in Kagawa Japan. Cat, short for Catalyst had emigrated to earth just after the war. She was born on Side 4’s Moore Colony, and was working as an accountant there when Zeons forces attacked. She said she didn’t remember how she survived, just that during the commotion a federation saberfish fighter jet crash landed near her, and the pilot blew the hatch before falling out of it, she doesn’t remember why but she jumped inside and sealed the hatch. She says that day is when she realized her abilities weren’t just good luck and good intuition like she had always believed. She felt someone elses movements in her head, she saw someone turning the ship back on, and piloting it out of the colony. She let the sensation take over, and she escaped the colony unscaithed. The image of the giant pink monoeye of the zakus haunted her nightmares for months after that. after piloting the ship out of side 4, she was picked up in the thunderbolt debris field by the battleship Halifax, and after they looked her over and listened to what she said happened, she was shipped back to jaburo. They did scans of her brain, and put her through days and days of psychological evaluations. They told her she was going to be conscripted into a prototype Newtype Combat Corps that the federation was putting together, along side the famous Operation V Gun Fighters who had lead the federation vanguard in so many battles during the war. Luckily for her, the week before she was to be shipped out, jaburo was attacked, and she fled in the chaos. She eventually found herself in Coqueiral, and fell in with another group of deserters, one of which was Ryu, who had been working as a data analyst for the federation, when after the siege of jaburo he was to be conscripted as a soldier as well, said they were going to put him in a Ball, and throw him at the enemy if need be. He wasn’t ready for that, and he ran, like so many others from the underground bunker.
So how did they both get here, flying on a corporate scramjet, millionaires, in a mobile suit fighting league? Well it all started in Japan in the summer of 0082
  Chapter 1 – the summer of 82
Catalyst and Ryu were able to take advantage of the chaos on earth that followed zeons surrender at A baeu qu and bribed their way onto an international flight to japan out of Peru. Some of Ryus family still lived there, those who hadn’t immigrated to Side 7 back in the 70s. His Aunt and Uncle were able to find them a small apartment in Tokyo. They gave them a tiny bit of money to get a start, but they were still deserters from the federation military, and even though the federation government had largely allowed most of the surviving countries on earth to try to rebuild by themselves if they wanted to, there still were federation military bases all over, and though the Republic of Japans government had tried its best to keep the federation out, they were still present here and there. So finding jobs was proving very difficult. Soon however, as the heat of the Japanese summer made itself known, Catalyst and Ryu found themselves pregnant, and the idea of trying to raise a child on the run, with no money, and no future, proved too much for them to bare.                Catalyst decided that she would go to the Japanese government and see if there was any way they could help them. She figured the worst they would do is threaten contact the federation and have them deported, at which point they would just start the running and hiding process again. While there they asked why she deported, the Japanese weren’t big fans of the federation, and didn’t want to give them over if there was no reason too. Handing over a pregnant woman to the federation to be executed for desertion wouldn’t sit well with any moral person. She explained she didn’t want her newtype gifts to be taken advantage of, she didn’t want to kill, she didn’t believe the zeon were totally wrong, that though their actions were vile, their goal of spacenoid independence was valiant, and that the actions of the federation were no better, though the Federation had never launched a colony at Australia like Zeon did, they did destroy dozens of side 3 colonies during the early days of the war, and during the final weeks after A beau qu, ultimately driving the Duchy out of their home on Munzo, and to a colony out by Mars known as Axial.
               The man she spoke to, was a senator for the Tokyo arm of the  Social Democratic party, he had served in the 210th airborn division and fought in the battle of Newyork. He agreed with her that the actions he had seen during those days didn’t paint the federation or zeon in the best light, bombing their own people to prevent the zeon from capturing strategic targets, flooding the subways, to prevent their use as bomb shelters by the zeon, even though hundreds of thousands of people, of federation people were using them as bomb shelters when the flood waters came. He offered her an out. The Japanese government had recently signed onto the MSMMAA, and needed a pilot. The pilots who represent their countries bypass many federation laws, and cannot be persecuted by any government save their own. A rule put in place to prevent jailing a fighter to avoid the outcome of a match.  They didn’t have the financial resources of places like Brazil, the Greater European Union, China or the Kievan Federation, let alone sides that had been untouched by the war like side 1 or side 6. Japan needed a leg up, an ace up its sleeve, and a newtype with nothing left to lose seemed like just the ticket.  
               So she joined the Republic of Japans Mobile Suit Team. She signed on as the fighter for the Canon team, Canon, thanks to the backing of the government, were able to purchase a decent starter suit for her, a RGM-79GS GM Space Command Type. It had been used in the defense of side 6 during the tail end of the war and its right arm had been torn off by a Gelgoog. Canon was able to purchase replacement parts and have it shipped to japan for de-armament and modification per the MSMMAA regulations.  
               The MSMMAA had strict regulations for what could and could not compete in the tournaments, the suit had to be salvaged, or army surplus. Its VIN number must indicate it was produced before June 15th 0081 Earth Standard. The reactor in the suit, cannot exceed +200KW of the primary suits requirements for 1G standard operation thus an acguy is limited to a max of 2069kw and a 1st gen GM cannot exceed 1449kw. The primary suit is defined as a suit which makes up at least 30% of the parts of any one mobile suit, if a suit is made up of so much scrap that its parent suit cannot be determined it will be limited by the most common suit in its weight class.                All guns must be removed from the suit in such a way as to prevent them from ever functioning again, and beam weaponry must have their I field generator removed and capped.                Additionally, Minovski scrubbers must be put in place to prevent pollution of minovski particles on earth, the moon or any other body designated as a special combat location per MSMMAA guidelines.
The Gm commander arrived in Tokyo bay on july 15th of 0082 and Catalyst and Ryu were there to greet it, along with a team of 10 who in the coming months and years would become some of her best friends. There were her body guards Ballet and Fyo, former night club bouncers. Milly, Catalysts marketing liaison, Dyrik Masters, the head of mechanical engineering and fabrication, and his team of 5 Linos, Kai, Rita, Suzette and Sanchez, and lastly, Her coach Lt. Tenneth Jung, the federations Ace of Aces, who had left the force at the end of the war, and had decided to move into mobile suit combat training as it paid substantially better.  As soon as the GM was floated off its barge and onto the Samson mobile suit carrier, Dyrik and his team went to work looking over it. It turns out that who ever Canon hired out to replace the arm had done an awful job, and most of the joints were going to need replaced, and to fix any balancing issue with the other arm, they would have to replace the balancers on the other arm just to compensate, the legs were  in good shape, but the joints in them were in bad shape, hadn’t been oiled in at least a year, and the space use oils they had used hadn’t been switched out once coming earthside and were largely clogged with sand and salt, resulting on fairly heavy corrosion all around.
 Upon getting the suit back to their headquarters, a mobile suit hanger that Canon had purchased, they strung the suit up to see just what all was going to need to be done. Tenneth had her and Ryu follow him to the pilot lift. And lifted all three of them right up to the cockpit of the GM.
               “so tell me, Catalyst, do you have experience piloting mobile suits at all? From what I read of your record it seems like you’ve only flown saberfish and a few commercial planes here earthside.”                She nodded “it’s Cat by the way, only my parents and police call me catalyst” she leaned into the cockpit, a feeling of ice shot through her mind, as she felt hands moving around the cockpit, the pedals moving in tandem, the arms lifting and dropping, menus racing past.  “it shouldn’t matter too much, im a real quick learner, haven’t really ever had to read a manual or have someone show me how to do much of anything in life” she said as she lifted herself up over the railing to the pilot lift, and jumped into the cockpit, Ryu reaching out after her as she did so.                “ah yes, there was that in your notes too….very strong newtype abilities, rivalling that of the great Terra Stormrider the Gundam Ace and Char Aznable the red comet.” He said as he leaned across so that his upper body rested just above the main control panel “but newtype abilities can only get you so far, a lot of piloting these things is knowing what they can do, knowing when you can use the weight from one part to swing another ya know.” Cat nodded again as she flipped a few switches on the main control panel to turn the GM on, put into service mode so she could look over a few things while the mechanic team went about tearing into the GM’s guts and fixing the damage that the machine had sustained thus far in its life.                “I respect your point of view on Newtypes Mr. Jung, our abilities are hard to understand. The main abilities that I have been able to manifest are foreknowledge and a physical 6th sense, I can feel something is about to happen before it happens, and when I see something new, I can usually feel someone else moving through it, and learn how to operate it by following those sensations. I think you being here is how I can comprehend what all of this does. I probably should actually get a manual on how to operate all of this, probably isn’t going to be as easy as Book keeping.” She laughed as she slid her finger across the touch screen display on the main console, the GMs readout scrolled past, a lot of the sensors were reading null or error.                “well Cat, I’m sure we can find some old manual here for you, though I think this suit is going to end up pretty heavily tailored towards what you’re comfortable with before all said and done. This cockpit has to be modified if memory serves, padding and what not added…guess athletes need a bit more protection than some flyboy like yours truly.  Then, we needa figure out what sorta fighting style you’ll be wanting it to conform to, if youre wanting to fight with swords, axes, just the fists etc. MSMMAA doesn’t have ton of rules about what weapons can and cant be used as long as their temp doesn’t exceed 3000 degrees F, and aren’t beam or bullets….we’ll get you sorted out Cat, with your Newtype abilities, and my know how of these dang GM’s we’ll win you that championship belt.
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frozenseas · 7 years
Alright I’m doing it im gonna write a Monster AU fic.. HERE WE GO
It was a normal night in L.A. as Mark was walking back to his car from the grocery store with several bags filled with food as well as a few treats for Chica. He was supposed to shop earlier, right after he got done recording, but he was so exhausted he decided to take a five minute nap on the office couch. Which turned into a four hour nap with him waking up stiff and his back aching making him regret sleeping there in the first place.
As he approached his car he heard a noise from behind him making him jump and almost drop the bags on the ground. He turned around and saw no one else, only a few other cars scattered around the parking lot. Sighing he turned back towards his car unlocking it, hearing a loud thump he turned around again, “Is anyone there? Hello?” Mark called out, “Anybody?”
“I must be parinoid”, he whispered to himself, “One too many horror games this week.” He closed the rear door and opened the drivers side door hearing yet another thump he whipped around yelling “Alright who’s fucking with m-”, before Mark realized it a gigantic wolf almost as big as his car with thick black fur and menacing golden eyes tackled him. Mark attempted to defend himself, blocking his face as the wolf bit his shoulder making his arm drenched with blood in seconds.
He screamed out in pain as he tried to push the gigantic wolf off of him as it clawed through his shirt and into his torso, in a final attempt to escape he pulled his right leg up and kicked the wolf’s face as hard as he could. Dazed the wolf took a few steps backward shaking his head giving Mark just enough time to slip into his car close the door and start it. He panted as he reversed before driving full speed towards the wolf, it hopping out of the way just in time growling so loud it seemed to ring in his ears the entire drive to the hospital.
“Mark! Oh my god, are you alright?” Amy cried out seeing him laying on the hospital bed, his shoulder was bandaged thickly and yet she could still see a small amount of dried blood on it.
She practically sprinted next to him Ethan, Tyler, and Kathryn following shortly after.
“I’m okay Amy.” Mark smiled weakly before looking at her with the most serious face he could muster “But give it to me straight… How’s my face?”
Amy laughed brushing Mark’s black hair away from his eyes, “You’re face is fine Mark.”
Ethan grabbed the clipboard at the end of the bed and lightly touched Mark’s uninjured shoulder. “However Mark according to the doctor’s..” he paused, “I’m sorry… you’re dying.”
Kathryn promptly slapped Ethan on the shoulder as Mark chuckled.
“What attacked you anyway?” Tyler said pulling up a chair next to him.
“It was this” Mark said running his hand through his hair “Big dog or wolf or something I dunno.. but it was MASSIVE.”
Amy shifted uncomfortably as Mark continued to describe the creature giving a worried look at Kathryn, “It was like almost as big as the car, and it was completely black and- and it’s eyes! They were golden and almost seemed to glow er-,” he paused, “You guys believe me right? I know this sounds insane but.”
Ethan ran his fingers through his hair for the third time since they entered the room smiling at Mark, “Of course we believe ya Mark!”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we?”, Tyler agreed,“Well we should let you rest, and I’ll cancel the plans with Séan and Signe so you can relax.”
“What!? No!”, Mark yelled sitting up abruptly, “I’m fine, see?”
Kathryn eyed him “You sure that’s not the pain killers they’ve got you hopped up on?”
“No! I’ll be fine, I feel great! Just a bit sore is all see?” Mark said rolling his shoulder, “No painkillers, I must’ve been high on adrenaline or something ‘cause by the time I got to the hospital bloody arm and all it wasn’t hurting, even when they were stitching me up.”
Amy leaned over and planted a kiss on Mark’s forehead and smiled, “I’m glad you’re feeling okay, call me when they let you out.. tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow.” He replied smiling back.
After all of them filed back out into the hallway and made sure to be out of earshot of Mark and anyone else Amy spoke up, “Alright so that was /definitely/ a werewolf that bit Mark.. right?”
Tyler nodded in confirmation, “Sounds like it.”
“Fuck”, Amy said practically growling, “This is NOT how I wanted to introduce Mark into the world of the supernatural…”
Ethan raised his hand, “/I’ve/ been wanting to tell him for months.”
“I know! It’s just I was so worried about what he’d say and-” Amy said nervously scratching her arms as they were turning… blue?
Kathryn quickly slid Amy’s sleeves down to cover her arms, “It’s gonna be alright Amy calm down, look I’ll call Séan and let him know about our situation, he had to deal with a ton of werewolves back in Ireland. I’m sure he’ll know what to do.”
Amy looked back towards Mark’s room and sighed, “I hope so..”
Welp! That’s all I’ve got at the moment but if you want it I’m planinng on writing a (hopefully) longer chapter.
Hope you enjoyed!
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