#im interested in why yoy designed their hair like that
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oakskull · 2 years ago
YES YOU CAN DRAW THE DESIGNS SORRY im new to tumblr babies first tumblr 👉👈
! you can @ me (@oakskull ) in the replies or reblog the post and answer in main text or in the tags (most would opt for tags because thats where my question was, but that isnt a hard and fast rule)
sending an ask is also perfectly fine though :D
ill tag yoy in the sketches i did, with my deisgns for comparison bc our designs for their hair is eerily similar 😳
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scarthefangirl · 3 years ago
Hello! I would like a cabin matchup! I'm just going to tell yoy a little but of everything!
I have curly dirty blonde hair with sea green eyes and a gold ring around my pupil. I have some piercings. I also have some freckles.
My personality has always been complicated for me to explain, so I'm sorry if this part is awful lol. I've been described as a natural leader, im a strategic thinker, im extremely sassy and dramatic, im also extremely loyal and kind to my friends and family (I'm also incredibly protective of friends and family).
To be honest, im so caught up with online school and work right now, that i dont really have any hobbies. Im going to list some things that are known as hobbies that i really enjoy: drawing, listening to music, reading, watching tv, scrolling on social media, i also love to mess with sex traffickers that text me on whatsapp.
My style is a skater style (baggy jeans, sneakers, baggy shirts, etc.) even though I don't skateboard lol (I've tried but it makes me nervous).
I dislike know-it-alls, people who bully others and sleep peacefully at night, rude customers at work, when it doesn't rain enough, slow walkers/talkers/drivers, and more lol.
Here are some facts about me that may or may not help you sort me into a cabin:
- my family has one military member for every generation
- I love salty foods
- I've always had a fascination with the ocean, but I am scared of the ocean lol (idk how it works tbh)
- one time in kindergarten I told my teacher the apples were blue and then I got in trouble bc my teacher was always mean
- I love blue food
- I have multiple awards for theater acting from middle school
- I play violin and ukulele
- I have had six pets in my entire life
- my favorite colors are blue, green, and black
- I am a chaotic good (if you couldn't already tell)
- I used to stick bobby-pins in outlets when I was younger
- I always do stupid stuff lol (ex: When I was younger I rode my bike and crashed into trash cans on purpose and enjoyed it)
- I graduated high school 2 years early
Here is all of the careers I wanted to pursue and why I changed them (the average student changes their degree on average 7 times):
- CSI Agent: didn't want a lot of death in my life bc it would effect my mental health.
- Marine biologist: the thought of being miles underwater with many unknown (and possible scary creatures) is a nope for me
What I am currently wanting to do:
- become a model and fashion designer.
I hope this is enough lol, thank you so much for doing this!
Okay sorry this took so long, I did forget a little bit but also I wanted to put a lot of thought into it. I specifically avoided looking at your blog so I don't know what you actually are.
I couldn't decide between Poseidon and Apollo. You are very similar to Percy in personality, but I think I'd see you more in Apollo bc you like to juggle lots of talents and all your interests are very widespread, like Apollo. I might be slightly biased bc I am a child of Apollo but whatever lol. You have the chaotic energy of an Apollo kid.
I also think you could be a legacy of Nike, (idk if you know what a legacy is- hopefully you do lol) because you seem to have a drive to do your best. Even though you change you're mind about how you succeed, you seem to know exactly the details of why something isn't suited for you. And you know exactly what you like and dislike.
I hope you liked my answer??
Anyone else who want a cabin matchup just reach out!!
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sea-goddess-amphitrite · 8 years ago
So, while @aphhun didn’t explicitly tag me to do this, they did say if so inclined, and well, I thought, “heck why not” because I do feel so inclined to talk about my WIPs!
For the friends of mine who knew me before I was YoI trash, prepare to be amazed at the level I’ve risen to in this fandom, because this is what I do when I love something this much. I write for it.
Pairing: Viktuuri Type: Reverse Age AU Length: Multichapter
This literally is probably the one I’m most excited about. Like??? Pretty much the basis is similar to YoI except Viktor and Yuuri’s ages are reversed, so Viktor’s 23 and Yuuri’s 27 when the coaching thing happens. However! I did end up changing a lot of canon stuff to make it work right in this AU. I didn’t really mess with the season most of YoI takes place in, so everyone still skates to their songs, minus Yurio who got a brand new SP to replace On Love: Agape since there...really ended up not being a need for him to skate to it?? Its complicated, but its mostly because the song is really related to the Onsen on Ice competition which doesn’t take place in this AU. Also, random tidbits that I love to share:
1) Yuuko skated until she was 22-23 in the singles division before retiring. She and Yuuri skated together under the same coach during this time period. Since in canon Yuuko had the triplets at ~19, she took a year long break to raise them before coming back to the competitive circle for a few more years.
2) Yuuri’s signature jump in this AU ends up as the quad axel.
3) Yuuri has longish hair. It like, reaches down to his shoulder. This picture set I reblogged is almost spot-on to what I see in my head.
Stay Close to Me
Pairing: Viktuuri Type: Canon divergent Length: Multichapter
This one is kinda sketchy, because I’m wavering back and forth on adding more to the beginning so that is covers more of the months Viktor was in Hasetsu with Yuuri and his family&friends. As it is right now, it starts a little before the Cup of China, but I really can’t say anything since a lot of the story is contingent on a few things about that time in the anime! Random tidbits I can share though:
1) Writing a pining Viktor is fun. Also sad.
2) I’m dying over in a corner because of this one, but also living at the same time if that makes sense.
Demons In The Night
Pairing: Viktuuri Type: Demon Slayer AU Length: Series
This AU...is probably just going to be a collection of one-shots and maybe smaller multichapters tbh. I can never figure out an overlying plot for the whole thing but I love the AU itself, plus I already have Plans™ for it. The basic premise for the demon slayers group is that a lot of figure skaters and ballet dancers are demon slayers (there are probably other sports groups too, but these two were the only ones important to the story). Yuuri is a demon slayer, as are the rest of the Katsuki’s, Yuuko, and Minako (Minako was Yuuko, Mari, and Yuuri’s teacher). Viktor accidentally gets dragged into the whole thing, Yurio stumbles into it while in Hasetsu, there’s appearances of non-demon creatures, there’s demon/demon-like creatures from different cultures, it’s a lot of fun to juggle! Random tidbits for sharing:
1) Someone in this series dies. I won’t say who, when, or how, but someone ends up dead. Possibly multiple someones?
2) JJ’s fiancee Isabella is a former ballerina in this AU, and also a demon slayer. Originally she was tasked to see if JJ would make a good slayer, but for reasons she doesn’t disclose to anyone else, she declares he’s not suitable for the lifestyle. This is back when the first begin to date.
3) The infamous banquet night we all know and love is...very interesting in this AU tbh
The Stars in Your Eyes (working title)
Pairing: Viktuuri, with side pairings possible Type: Royalty AU Length: Multichapter
I love love love royalty AUs. I also have small well of knowledge about some royal etiquette, and I think this might be why I like royalty AUs so much. In this one Viktor is a prince and there’s a ball being held for Viktor to find someone to marry (which has been preceded the entire season by other ones that he’s attended as well with the same purpose) and this one is a bit different because Viktor’s mom sent out invitations to ally kingdoms as well for the children of their nobles (not just the royal family’s kids) to attend the ball as well. Cue an exciting night where Viktor meets a special someone, who promptly disappears after the ball. Viktor tries to find them, and when he does, he’s in for a bit of surprise (eventually followed by some heartbreak as well later on). Random info tidbits:
1) This AU is, in fact, originally the brain child of my friend @kylo-knight-ren and they’re a menace because they come up with too many AUs that I itch to write lmao
2) there’s a chance for some POV switching during a few parts of this fic between Viktor and Yuuri
Dance on the blades (working title)
Pairing: Viktuuri Type: Ice Dancers AU Length: Multichapter
I just, really want to write a ice dancer AU. The basis is that Viktor is a champion ice dancer who’s partner has just decided to retire, and Yuuri’s is on break due to an injury acquired during the beginning of the off season (non-skating related). They end up pairing up for the season, since neither of them want to take the season off just because their partners are gone. Also, there’s a sort of rivalry they have between them, an on-ice one because they’ve been competitors for a number of years at this point. Random tidbits time:
1) One of them ends up having to switch skating federations so they can skate together for the season.
2) The original concept of this AU was pair skating, but I just. I really like ice dancing.
3) Also their rivalry was a lot more serious. It might switch back to being a more serious one when I start drafting it more in depth.
4) Meet another brain child of @kylo-knight-ren.
Beneath Chandeliers and Silk (working title)
Pairing: Viktuuri Type: Dancers AU Length: Multichapter
I love dancing??? I took a social dance class during my second semester at uni and learned the basics of several different ballroom dances (foxtrot, waltz, tango, etc.) and I loved it a lot. This whole AU is just Viktor and Yuuri competing in ballroom dance competitions, using my own knowledge from that semester and my future self watching hours and hours of videos about different dance moves in each style. Random tidbits:
1) Yet another of @kylo-knight-ren’s brain children (can you see why i called them a menace earlier. look at all these good AU ideas).
2) There will be dresses, and I can’t believe my countless hours of looking at dress designs for the different ballroom dances that semester are actually going to be useful.
Unnamed Records Shop AU
Pairing: Viktuuri with side pairings as well Type: Records Shop AU Length: Oneshot series
I was thinking about a records shop AU a while back and drabbled down a few ideas for it, but kind of set it aside because I have more ideas than I can write because there’s only so much I can come up with. And, you know, then YoI staff had to go and release that collab and I got more ideas. Not enough for a big plot, but enough for a short series of cute one shots??? No info tidbits for this one though because there’s not a whole lot to share in the first place!
and that’s it! as you can tell, i have plenty of stuff to be working on, but since Heartbeats is my main focus right now I work on it like 90% of the time when I’m writing. Seriously. This post took two days for me to make because a) i procrastinated on writing it by writing Heartbeats stuff, and b) i procrastinated on more than one occasion for writing Heartbeats with researching for it. But I had fun talking about them because tbh if im talking about my writing 99.9% of the time I guarantee I’m talking about Heartbeats instead of my other writings.
But, uh, feel free to talk to me about them? Send an ask in and ask me questions about them, I’m happy to talk about any of these! :D
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can you do something really really fluffy? like first date au type?
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i was conflicted on posting this but im not going to write a fifth piece for this ask (sorry) so, im sorry it’s not that fluffy bc i liked the first date au, which then made think first meeting and i decided to kill two birds with one stone bc i love fantasy aus as well.
insp. by “In a Week” by Hoizer. fantasyAU/fluff/first meeting
tbh don’t ask why this is insp. by that song bc it doesn’treally relate, but the calm/ethereal feel to that song is what made me wannawrite this sooooo enjoy. unedited and all that stuff. i’m like 60% certain there is gonna be a part 2.
send us prompts | our yoi stuff
‘A forest nymph?’ Viktorthinks curiously, peering out from over the snow drift. Yurio was probablygoing to call him an idiot for drifting so close to the edge of their territoryagain and Yakov would yell and scream, but he was bored, and Yakov couldn’tkeep him couped up forever. He wanted adventure, surprise, to explore the greatunknown. Ice faerie prince or not, he didn’t care much for the tedious customshe’d been subjected to all his life. He watches the beautiful creature, hunchedover on himself in the cold, a wreath of delicately woven brambles sitting atopchocolate colored hair, and Viktor frowns.
‘I don’t know what he’s doinghere, but I don’t think he’s realized he’s wandered into Fae territory.’ Hiscuriosity is unbridled, and mirthfully he continues, ’Yakov will probablykill him when he finds out.’ Public executions were always fancy and overthe top, with lots of ice magic involved. At the very least, it would beentertaining. The nymph stumbles as the bitter winds pick up, before pausing toglance around. Viktor slips behind a frozen tree, eyes never leaving the figureas he starts to move his arms, a slow, fluid motion Viktor quickly realizes isa spell in the works, and his curiosity instantly switches to caution, bodystiffening and calling his magic to his fingertips in case he’s been noticed.But all that happens is a bright, shining light envelopes the nymph, and all ofhis caution is dropped as awe overtakes him. He’s drawn out from his hidingspot, watching as a shawl of woven sunlight wraps itself around the nymph’sshoulders, bright and blinding before dimming into a low, pleasant glow ofwarmth.
Viktor had never seen anything likeit before. Forest magic was common among forest nymphs, for obvious reasons,but sun magic? Ridiculously uncommon in a place so often shadowed bytrees, generally only found in the deserts or on the coasts. But the creaturewas so obviously a forest nymph, so how did he come across such magic?
The nymph continues forward deeperinto Fae territory, and Viktor decides he’s too curious to simply let thecreature get executed. He slinks around before dropping directly in front ofthe forest nymph, a bright smile on his face.
“Hello!” He saysexcitedly, and the nymph lets out a screech in surprise, stumbling back a fewsteps and falling onto his behind, clutching the wrap closer to his body as heshivers furiously. Internally, Viktor frowns at that; he forgets sometimes thatthe cold is actually dangerous to creatures that aren’t like him. Hecrouches, enthusiastically leaning in close to the nymph. “You’re a forestnymph, aren’t you?” He asks, tone bright, and all the creature can do isstare and nod. “Well, you should know you’ve passed into Faeterritory!” The nymph goes even paler at this, and Viktor continues.“The punishment for that is usually death, and I was tempted to let Yakovfind you and kill you at first, only because the executions are generallyinteresting, and I’m tired of being bored.” The nymph’s eyes widen, and hesits frozen in fear. Viktor doesn’t seem to notice, clapping his handstogether. “But! Instead I’ve decided you’re too interesting to kill!”He places a hand under the creature’s chin, forcing brilliant, beautifulchestnut eyes to meet Viktor’s icey blue ones, and for a moment, he’s takenback, pausing just to consider how exquisite the forest nymph is, a small roundface framed delicately by short, soft hair and the signature bramble wreathcurling around his head in masterful designs he hadn’t noticed from afar,detailed roses and flowers created by the curved bark. His eyes are wide andexpressive, and it sends a small thrill down Viktor’s spine to be close enoughto search them, see the way that they flicker in the soft glow of the shawlwrapped around his shoulders, throwing soft shadows onto his face andhighlighting his features.
Viktor’s pause goes unnoticed, andhis voice unconsciously lowers into something seductive. “You’re a curiousbeing. I saw you use your magic.” He drags a finger across the glowing shawlwith a smirk, reveling in the uncommon feeling of heat under his fingertips,the slight burning tingle. “I want to know more about it. Your magic. In fact,”he leans in closer, brushing a thumb across the nymph’s lips with a sharpsmile, voice dropping to a sultry whisper, “I want to know everything aboutyou.” His sly smile widens, and the nymph’s eye go impossibly wider, before hepromptly passes out, falling backwards into the snow drift. Viktor blinks for amoment, wondering if perhaps he took his game a little too far, before concernfloods him as the nymph’s shivers become more severe, and he notes the slightdiscoloration on his fingertips and lips. Viktor bites his lip, glancing aroundfor a moment before spotting a small alcove he could easily use his magic tocreate a small, igloo like structure out of the wind.
He turns back around, fitting hishands under the smaller creature’s legs and back, lifting him easily andcradling him gently, concern rising when Viktor realizes that the temperaturesof their skin almost match. He makes his way over to the tangle of trees,setting the nymph—Viktor really wished he could’ve gotten a name so he couldstop referring to him as “the nymph”—down and taking a deep breath, calling hismagic and moving his arms in soft motions, watching as the ice built up aroundthem. He keeps the structure small, since it needed to insulate heat for it tobe of any use, and after a few moments, the structure is complete, looking likea snow drift that no one would be any wiser as to what it was hiding. He turnsback and pulls the shawl off the nymphs shoulders, laying it across his bodyinstead where he had instinctively curled into a ball, before setting off tofind a bit of tinder and get a fire going.
Viktor knew how to build a fire outof pure curiosity, having asked a foreigner to teach him once, since it was sorarely used at his home. He’d thought of it as an incredible phenomenon, andhad become quite adept at starting them, much to the dismay of Yakov,considering they lived in an ice castle.
After ridding some small branchesof snow and ice with a simple flick of his wrist, magic reacting instantly, heused the brittle sticks and a bit of friction to create a flame, blowing on itto bring it to life, and watching it dance with the same wonder he always did, lettingthe warmth tingle across his icy skin as he holds his hand close enough to feelthe heat wafting off it.
Yakov had said it was strange, theway he had always been drawn to warmth, even as a small child. What most icefaeries avoid, not because it’s dangerous (unless there was an incredibleamount, of course) but because it generally made them uncomfortable, icefaeries being especially susceptible to things like heat exhaustion, he hadconstantly been curious about, thought it was so odd and strange that it existed,and that most creatures actually gave it off. He’d been more careful as he’dgrown, masking his curiosity so not to be frowned upon by his own society, butit was always there, lurking at the corners of his mind.
Seeing the nymph use sun magic,feeling the warm emanating from the stitched sunlight, had caused it to comeback with full force, and Viktor glanced at the unconscious figure, somethingodd pooling in his stomach as he watches and laughs lightly at the smallercreature wrinkling his nose in distaste and burrowing further under the shawl,another shiver wracking his body. Viktor stands, smiling lightly as he useshands warm from lingering by the fire to tuck the shawl closer to the nymph’sbody, trapping more of the warmth.
‘He’ssomething else…’ Viktor thinks idly, settling back down with a yawn,resting his head against the ice wall surrounding them. ‘How curious…’ Sleep takes him before he even realizes he’s tired,breath falling into an even pattern as he waits for the lovely creature to wake up.
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