#im imagining fatin googling emily dickinson the moment she gets home from school
deadpoetsam · 4 years
So I was reading Emily Dickinson's poetry (yes im a nerd, i know) and I just had this great idea:
Leah definitely is passionate about Emily Dickinson, so when Mrs. Wolfe discussed her in class, Leah was louder than normal and engaged in the discourse with fellow students the most. This caught the eye of Fatin, who usually spent her English lit lessons sleeping, because now there was this cute girl with the bluest eyes Fatin had ever seen in her life, who was so excited and interested in the topic. So Fatin stopped sleeping and scrolling through instagram, and actually listened and engrained the words in her memory.
Flashforward to after the island, Fatin is actually dating the girl with the bluest eyes she's ever seen. The unsinkable eight decide to watch a gay show together weekly, because why the hell not. After having already watched a few shows, they start watching Dickinson. After they finish the first episode, Fatin gives half a ted-talk about how well they modernized it, and how it's not historically accurate perse, but it's about this new portrayal of Emily Dickinson, that shows her wilder side, which is ignored throughout history. Needless to say, Leah and Nora stare at Fatin wide-eyed, and the rest is confused, because since when does Fatin Jadmani know things about poetry?
Leah asks her how the hell she knows all this, and Fatin just answers back with: "I paid attention in Mrs. Wolfe's class."
Which leads to even more confusion for Leah, because Fatin was always asleep or on her phone in the backrow. So she says: "But, she always screamed at you for being on your phone? I've never once heard you participate."
"Well, Leah, when it comes to feminism I am very interested" which Dot then calls her out on because 'on the plane you said you didn't get feminism', which leads to Fatin eventually saying, "Okay, okay, there was this really cute girl, with really blue eyes, who was very excited and passionate about it, and I may have paid attention when she was talking."
Leah's mouth hangs open and the rest bursts out laughing, "You paid attention, because of me?"
"Yes Leah, you. What other blue-eyed girl do you know, who yelled at Mrs. Wolfe for ignoring Emily's relationship with Sue?"
"You remember that?" Leah says, still suprised about Fatin actually remembering her from before the island.
"God, Leah, you make me sound like a sap. But yes, obviously I remember that."
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